cis 10

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Application software can be distributed using one of the following methods:

Single user license—restricts the use of the software to one user at a time. Network user license—enables anyone on the network to install and use the software. Site license—enables any qualified users within the organization to install the software, regardless of whether the computer is on a network. Some employees might install the software on a home computer for working remotely. Application service provider license—specialty software paid for on a license basis or per-use basis or usage-based licensing.

There are three basic types of relationships:

(1) one-to-one, (2) one-to-many, and (3) many-to-many.

entities in the format of

(x, y)

Which of the following database systems use SQL (select all that are true).

1) Microsoft SQL Server 2) MySQL 3) PostgreSQL 4) Oracle database

Which of the following statements are correct about SQL (select all that are true)

1) SQL is the language of relational database management systems (RDBMS). 2) SQL is a language 3) SQL is considered "the" language for getting data out of a database and working with it.

If a process changes, which of these may also need changing depending on the desired benefit?

1)Barrier 2) tool 3) input


A 32-bit multitasking and multiuser operating system that originated at AT&T's Bell Laboratories and is now used on a wide variety of computers, from mainframes to PDAs

One-to-Many Relationship Most relational databases are constructed from one to-many relationships.

A one-to-many relationship (1:M) is between two entities in which an instance of one entity can be related to many instances of a related entity. For example, Mega-Video receives many ITEM(s) from one DISTRIBUTOR and each DISTRIBUTOR supplies many ORDER(s) as Figure C.6 illustrates. Similarly, a CUSTOMER can Page C.6have many ORDER(s), but an ORDER has only one CUSTOMER. These are both examples of a one-to-many relationship. The "M" next to the ORDER entity indicates that a CUSTOMER can place one or more ORDER(s). That notation is also used withITEM, as an ORDER can contain one or more ITEM(s).

Primary Key

A primary key makes it possible to uniquely identify every record in a table. The primary key is important to retrieve data accurately from the database.

Which of the following are true about algorithms.

Algorithm can be implemented inside a computer (using software) or outside a computer (such as using pen and paper). An Algorithm is a method for doing something. An Algorithm is a list of steps to follow (a well defined procedure or formula) in order to solve a problem.


An open source operating system that provides a rich environment for hight-end workstations and network servers. Open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modifications as users or other developers see fit.

Regulate the system by controlling every step at each you observe the output and them adjust the process are required

Feed Back Loop

Microsoft windows

Generic name for the various operating systems in the Microsoft Windows family, including Microsoft Windows CE, Microsoft windows, Microsoft Windows ME, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows XP

Many-to-Many Relationship

Identifying and removing many-to-many relationships will help to create an accurate and consistent database.

The Systems Thinking ideas of

Input → Process → Output are fundamental to designing, developing and maintaining computer systems.

An open system has ___________.

Input, output

The Relational Database Model

Numerous elements in a business environment need to store data, and those elements are related to one another in a variety of ways. In fact, a database must contain not only the data but also information about the relationships between those data.

Which of these characterize System Management?

Regulating the process.

Types of Attributes

Single-valued versus multi-valued. Single-valued attribute Multi-valued attribute Null-valued attribute

why it is referred to as a life cycle

The SDLC begins with a business need, proceeds to an assessment of the functions a system must have to satisfy the need, and ends when the benefits of the system no longer outweigh its maintenance costs.

Mac OS X

The operating system of Macintosh computers

SQL databases are often optimized to minimize redundancy. This means ________________.

The same piece of information is not repeated in in multiple places in a database.


The standard, single-user operating system of IBM and IBM-compatible computers, introduced in 1981. MS-Dos is a command line operating system that requires the user to enter commands, arguments, and syntax


There are cases where an attribute does not have an applicable value for an attribute. For these situations, the null-valued attribute is created.

Single-valued versus multi-valued.

When creating a relational database, the attributes in the data model must be single-valued.

Which of the following are common SQL commands?

Where >From Select

Designing a database properly is fundamental to establishing a solid foundation in which to base business decisions.

a data model, or the logical data structures that detail the relationships among data elements using graphics or pictures.

entity-relationship diagram (ERD)

a technique for documenting the entities and relationships in a database environment. Before describing the notation used for developing an ERD, it is important to understand what entities and attributes are.

a project

a temporary activity a company undertakes to create a unique product, service, or result.


allows more than one piece of software to be used at a time. Multitasking is used when creating a graph in Excel and simultaneously printing a word processing document. With multitasking, both pieces of application software are operating at the same time. There are different types of operating system software for personal environments and for organizational environments.


are defects in the code of an information system.

Intangible benefits

are difficult to quantify or measure

Tangible benefits

are easy to quantify and typically measured to determine the success¬ or failure of a project.

Fourth-generation languages (4GL)

are programming languages that look similar to human languages. For example, a typical 4GL command might state, "FIND ALL RECORDS WHERE NAME IS "SMITH"."

Business requirements

are the specific business requests the system must meet to be successful, so the analysis phase is critical because business requirements drive the entire systems development effort. A sample business requirement might state, "The CRM system must track all customer inquiries by product, region, and sales representative." The business requirement will state what the system must accomplish to be considered successful. If a system does not meet the business requirements, it will be deemed a failed project. For this reason, the organization must spend as much time, energy, and resources as necessary to gather accurate and detailed business requirements.

The DISTINCT command in SQL is used to ___________.

avoid returning duplicate data.

testing phase

brings all the project pieces together into a special testing environment to eliminate errors and bugs and verify that the system meets all the business requirements defined in the analysis phase.

Software engineers use ___________________________ which provide automated support for the development of the system.

computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools,

System software

controls how the various technology tools work together along with the application software. System software includes both operating system software and utility software.

Operating system software

controls the application software and manages how the hardware devices work together. When using Excel to create and print a graph, the operating system software controls the process, ensures that a printer is attached and has paper, and sends the graph to the printer along with instructions on how to print it.

The project scope

describes the business need (the ¬problem the project will solve) and the justification, requirements, and current boundaries for the project.

Test conditions

detail the steps the system must perform along with the expected result of each step

Site license—

enables any qualified users within the organization to install the software, regardless of whether the computer is on a network. Some employees might install the software on a home computer for working remotely.

Network user license—

enables anyone on the network to install and use the software.

The planning phase

establishes a high-level plan of the intended project and determines project goals. Planning is the first and most critical phase of any systems development effort, regardless of whether the effort is to develop a system that allows customers to order products online, determine the best logistical structure for warehouses around the world, or develop a strategic information alliance with another organization. Organizations must carefully plan the activities (and determine why they are necessary) to be successful.

The design phase

establishes descriptions of the desired features and operations of the system, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code, and other documentation. During the analysis phase, end users and MIS specialists work together to gather the detailed business requirements for the proposed project from a logical point of view. That is, during analysis, business requirements are documented without respect to technology or the technical infrastructure that will support the system. Moving into the design phase turns the project focus to the physical or technical point of view, defining the technical architecture that will support the system, including data models, screen designs, report layouts, and database models


expresses the specific number of instances in an entity. In the Chen model, the cardinality is indicated by placing numbers beside the entities in the format of (x, y). The first number in the cardinality represents the minimum value and the second number is for the maximum value. Mega-Video can store data about a CUSTOMER in its database before the CUSTOMER places an ORDER. An instance of the CUSTOMER entity does not have to be related to any instance of the ORDER entity, meaning there is an optional cardinality.

Object-oriented languages

group data and corresponding processes into objects.

One of the best ways to support users is to create a ___________or a group of people who respond to users' questions.

help desk

A data flow diagram (DFD)

illustrates the movement of information between external entities and the processes and data stores within the system

A field

is a characteristic of a table.

A record

is a collection of related data elements. The columns in the table definition represent the field, while a row is a record

Software engineering

is a disciplined approach for constructing information systems through the use of common methods, techniques, or tools.

The project plan

is a formal, approved document that manages and ¬controls the entire project.

change agent

is a person or event that is the catalyst for implementing major changes for a system to meet business changes.

A foreign key

is a primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between the two tables. The matching of foreign keys to primary keys represents data relationships in a relational database.

A scripting language

is a programming method that provides for interactive modules to a website.

Control objects for information and related technology¬ (COBIT)

is a set of best practices that helps an organization to maximize the benefits of an information system, while at the same time establishing appropriate controls to ensure minimum errors. During development, the team defines the programming language it will use to build the system.

A business rule

is a statement that defines an aspect of a business. It is intended to convey the behavior and rules of a business.


is a technique for generating ideas by encouraging participants to offer as many ideas as possible in a short period without any analysis until all the ideas have been exhausted. Many times, new business opportunities are found as the result of a brainstorming session.

A project manager

is an individual who is an expert in project planning and management, defines and develops the project plan, and tracks the plan to ensure the project is completed on time and on budget. The project manager is the person responsible for ¬executing the entire project and defining the project scope that links the project to the organization's overall business goals.

A legacy system

is an old ¬system that is fast approaching or beyond the end of its useful life within an organization.

Null-valued attribute

is assigned to an attribute when no other value applies or when a value is unknown. A person who does not have a mobile phone would have null stored for the value for the Mobile Phone Number attribute. Null can also be used in situations where the attribute value is unknown such as Hair Color. Every person has a hair color, but the information may be missing.

One-to-One Relationship A one-to-one relationship (1:1)

is between two entities in which an instance of one entity can be related to only one instance of a related entity.

A many-to-many relationship (M:N)

is between two entities in which an instance of one entity is related to many instances of another and one instance of the other can be related to many instances of the first entity. There is a many-to-many relationship between a Mega-Video ORDER and ITEM (refer back to Figure C.6). An ORDER can contain many ITEM(s) and each ITEM can be on many ORDER(s). The letter "N" next to ITEM in Figure C.6 indicates the many-to-many relationship between ORDER and ITEM.

A table

is composed of rows and columns that represent an entity.

user documentation

is created that highlights how to use the system and how to troubleshoot issues or problems.

Workshop training

is held in a classroom environment and led by an instructor.

The relationship among these variables

is such that if any one changes, at least one other is likely to be affected. For example, moving up a project's finish date could mean either increasing costs to hire more staff or decreasing the scope to eliminate features or functions. Increasing a project's scope to include additional customer requests could extend the project's time to completion or increase the project's cost—or both—to accommodate the changes. Project quality is affected by the project manager's ability to balance these competing demands. High-quality projects deliver the agreed upon product or service on time and on budget. Project management is the science of making intelligent trade-offs between time, cost, and scope. Benjamin Franklin's timeless advice—by failing to prepare, you prepare to fail—applies to many of today's software development projects.

Project management

is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.


is the measure of the tangible and intangible benefits of an information system.

The systems development life cycle (SDLC)

is the overall process for developing information systems, from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance. The SDLC is the foundation for all systems development methods, and hundreds of different activities are associated with each phase. These activities typically include determining budgets, gathering system requirements, and writing detailed user documentation.

Requirements management

is the process of managing changes to the business requirements throughout the project. Projects are typically dynamic in nature, and change should be expected and anticipated for successful project completion.


is the process of transferring information from a legacy system to a new ¬system.


is the users' actual signatures indicating they approve all of the business requirements.

Application software

is used for specific information processing needs, including payroll, customer relationship management, project management, training, and many others. Application software is used to solve specific problems or perform specific tasks. From an organizational perspective, payroll software, collaborative software such as videoconferencing (within groupware), and inventory management software are all examples of application software.

Preventive maintenance

makes system changes to reduce the chance of future system failure. During the maintenance phase, the system will generate reports to help users and MIS specialists ensure it is functioning correctly

Corrective maintenance

makes system changes to repair design flaws, coding errors, or implementation issues.

Single-valued attribute

means having only a single value of each attribute of an entity. A person's age is an example of a single-valued attribute because a person cannot have more than one age.

Multi-valued attribute

means having the potential to contain more than one value for an attribute. For example, an educational degree of a person is a multi-valued attribute because a person can have more than one degree. An entity in a relational database cannot have multi-valued attributes; those attributes must be handled by creating another entity to hold them. Therefore, in the example given previously, in designing the database there would be two entities, one called PERSON (or something similar) and one called DEGREE. If a multi-valued attribute has been identified, it typically is a clue that another entity is needed.

Software customization

modifies software to meet specific user or business requirements.

Software updates (software patch)

occur when the software vendor releases updates to software to fix problems or enhance features.

Software upgrade

occurs when the software vendor releases a new version of the software, making significant changes to the program.

The SDLC is comprised of seven distinct phases:

planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance

A requirements definition document

prioritizes all of the business requirements by order of importance to the company.

Utility Software Utility software

provides additional functionality to the operating system. Utility software includes antivirus software, screen savers, and anti-spam software.

Single user license—

restricts the use of the software to one user at a time.

Online training

runs over the Internet or on a CD or DVD, and employees complete the training on their own time at their own pace.

Application service provider license—

specialty software paid for on a license basis or per-use basis or usage-based licensing.

A relational database model

stores information in the form of logically related two-dimensional tables. Tables, or entities as they are formally referred to, will be discussed later. In developing the relational database model to design a database, an entity-relationship diagram is used.

Off-the-shelf application software

supports general business processes and does not require any specific software customization to meet the organization's needs.

The development phase

takes all the detailed design documents from the design phase and transforms them into the actual system. In this phase, the project transitions from preliminary designs to actual physical implementation. During development, the company purchases and implements the equipment necessary to support the architecture.

An attribute

the data elements associated with an entity. For example, consider Mega-Video, a physical and online retail store that sells movie DVDs. The company would need to store information on its customers (especially for online purchases) by creating an entity called CUSTOMER that contained many attributes such as Customer Number, First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, and Email

maintenance phase,

the final sequential phase of any systems development effort. organization performs changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet business goals. This phase continues for the life of the system because the system must change as the business evolves and its needs change, which means conducting constant monitoring, supporting the new system with frequent minor changes (for example, new reports or information capturing), and reviewing the system to be sure it is moving the organization toward its strategic goals.

analysis phase

the firm analyzes its end-user business requirements and refines project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system.

the implementation phase,

the organization places the system into production so users can begin to perform actual business operations with it. In this phase

displays the relationships among the three primary and interdependent variables in any project

time, cost, and scope

. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

tools are software suites that automate systems analysis, design, and development.


you monitor input variations and then adjust the process to compensate system management involves regulating the input and process for the desired output if process changed then tools barriers and regulating may also need to be changed depending upon the desired benefit

Developing projects within budget and on time is challenging, and with the help of solid project management skills, managers can avoid the primary reasons projects¬ fail, including:

• Unclear or missing business requirements. • Skipped SDLC phases. • Changing technology. • The cost of finding errors. • Balance of the triple constraints.

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