CIS 100

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The manager for the eastern division sales force is upset because she needs this software to track current sales. However, the project has not started. What type of software development should you use? a. rapid application development c. accessible development b. quick software development d. verifiable development


Who installs and maintains operating system software? programmer c. cloud architect b. web developer d. database designer


You are very confident about the hub you are going to use in your new network — it is brand new and highly recommended by some colleagues that you trust. Which of the following network topologies is a good choice for you? a. star c. ring b. intranet d. bus


You need to hire someone to use data modeling techniques and tools to analyze and specify data usage. Who do you hire? a. database analyst c. web analytics expert b. forensics examiner d. data scientist


A quick scan of the data in the First Name field in the database yields the numbers 3 and 7 and an asterisk. What kind of check should you run on this field? a. completeness check c. consistency check b. alphabetic check d. check digit


You are looking for a technology that will replace the requirement for a line-of-sight transmission between devices like digital cameras, fax machines, and printers, and you also would like the data transfers between the devices to occur at a rate of up to 3 Mbps. Which of the following network standards is a good match for your needs? a. Wi-Fi c. Bluetooth b. RFID d. TCP/IP


You need to speak with the person responsible for creating the data dictionary. Who do you contact? a. database analyst c. database administrator b. data scientist d. web analytics expert


What is the life span of a memory card?

10 to 100 years with proper care

After more consideration, you have decided that what you want most is an interface that is less susceptible to interference. Which of the following is your best bet in this regard? a. SATA c. SCSI b. EIDE d. USB


One of the steps you have to take in order to install Windows on your Mac is to create a section of storage or memory reserved for a specific program or application. What is the term for this section? a. partition c. divider b. window d. keyspace



ADSL is a popular type of DSL. ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) is a type of DSL that supports faster transfer rates when receiving data (the downstream rate) than when sending data (the upstream rate). ADSL is ideal for Internet access because most users download more information from the Internet than they upload.

Aaron is a home user. Which of the following is closest to his likely level of need? a. 1-2 GB of storage c. 1-2 TB of storage b. 1-2 EB of storage d. 1-2 YB of storage


If you are charged with setting up a network for your team and there is one device whose reliability you are concerned about, which of the following network topologies is a bad idea for you? a. bus c. ring b. star d. intranet



DSL: DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) transmits on existing standard copper phone wiring. Some DSL installations include a dial tone, providing users with both voice and data communications. These DSL installations often require that filters be installed to reduce noise interference when voice communications share the same line. DSL is a popular digital line alternative for the small business or home user.

In addition to USB, what are the four types of interfaces for use in personal computers for connecting drives?

Four other types of interfaces for use in personal computers are EIDE, SCSI, SAS, and SATA.


SAS (serial-attached SCSI) is a type of SCSI that uses serial signals to transfer data, instructions, and information. Advantages of SAS over parallel SCSI include thinner, longer cables; reduced interference; lower cost; support for many more connected devices at once; and faster speeds. SAS interfaces support connections to hard disks, RAID, SSDs, optical disc drives, printers, scanners, digital cameras, and other devices.


SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) also uses parallel signals, but can support up to 8 or 15 peripheral devices. Supported devices include hard disks, RAID, SSDs, optical disc drives, tape drives, printers, scanners, network cards, and more.

Discuss the life span of an optical disc.

optical disc will last 5 years but could last up to 100 years.

The instructor tells you that this is a mailing database, and yet you can see at a glance that there are some records with no data in the city field. What kind of check should you run on this field? a. completeness check c. consistency check b. range check d. check digit


Types of Data Validation:Check Digit

A check digit is a number(s) or character(s) that is appended to or inserted in a primary key value. A check digit often confirms the accuracy of a primary key value. Bank account, credit card, and other identification numbers often include one or more check digits.

Types of Data Validation: Completeness Check

A completeness check verifies that a required field contains data. For example, some fields cannot be left blank; others require a minimum number of characters. One completeness check can ensure that data exists in a Last Name field. Another can ensure that a day, month, and year are included in a Birth Date field.

Types of Data Validation: Consistency Check

A consistency check tests the data in two or more associated fields to ensure that the relationship is logical and their data is in the correct format. For example, the value in a Date Admitted field cannot occur earlier in time than a value in a Birth Date field.

Discuss a dedicated line and different types of dedicated lines.

A dedicated line is a type of always-on physical connection that is established between two communications devices. Businesses often use dedicated lines to connect geographically distant offices. Dedicated lines can be either analog or digital. Digital lines increasingly are connecting home and business users to networks around the globe because they transmit data and information at faster rates than analog lines. Digital dedicated lines include cable television lines, DSL, ISDN lines, FTTP, T-carrier lines, and ATM.

Explain a multidimensional database, its applications, and its main advantage.

A multidimensional database stores data in dimensions. Whereas a relational database is a twodimensional table, a multidimensional database can store more than two dimensions of data. These multiple dimensions allow users to access and analyze any view of the database data. One application that uses multidimensional databases is a data warehouse. A data warehouse is a huge database that stores and manages the data required to analyze historical and current transactions. The database in a data warehouse often is distributed. The data in a distributed database exists in many separate locations throughout a network or the Internet. Although the data is accessible through a single server, the physical location of the server on which it is stored is transparent and often unknown, to the user.

Types of Data Validation:Range Check

A range check determines whether a number is within a specified range. Assume the lowest per credit hour fee at the school is $75.00 and the highest is $370.75. A range check for the Credit Hour Fee field ensures it is a value between $75.00 and $370.75.


ATM: ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is a service that carries voice, data, video, and media at very high speeds. Phone networks, the Internet, and other networks with large amounts of traffic use ATM. Some experts predict that ATM eventually will become the Internet standard for data transmission, replacing T3 lines.

Types of Data Validation: Alphabetic/Numeric Check

An alphabetic check ensures that users enter only alphabetic data into a field. A numeric check ensures that users enter only numeric data into a field. For example, data in a First Name field should contain only characters from the alphabet. Data in a Current Enrollment field should contain integers.

Once you have decided with the software development team the method you will use, you need to choose a type of programming language. What type of programming language will be best suited with your method? a. XML c. mySql b. object-oriented d. HTML


The company would like to make sure that the operating system used on its desktops is open source because it believes strongly in the philosophy of this kind of OS. Which of the following is an option for you in light of this recommendation? a. Mac OS X c. Windows 8 b. Linux d. UNIX


The company would like to make sure that the operating system used on its desktops is open source because it believes strongly in the philosophy of this kind of OS. Which of the following is an option for you in light of this recommendation? a. Windows 8 c. UNIX b. Mac OS X d. Chrome


You are in the market for a disk controller that will support a high number of peripheral devices. What disk controller will do the trick? a. EIDE c. SCSI b. SATA d. USB


You have been asked to select a desktop operating system that will work best for power users in terms of its flexibility and its capabilities. What is the best choice given these circumstances? a. Windows 8 c. UNIX b. Mac OS X d. Chrome



Cable: The cable television (CATV) network provides high-speed Internet connections, called cable Internet service. The CATV signal enters a building through a single line, usually a coaxial cable. This cable connects to a modem (discussed in the next section), which typically attaches to your computer via an Ethernet cable. Home and small business users often subscribe to cable Internet service.

Now that you know who installs software, you need to discuss the requirements of the software. Who do you contact? a. app developer c. web developer b. database designer d. systems analyst


Sayed is an enterprise user. Which of the following is the closest to the level of need for his business? a. 20-40 TB of storage c. 20-40 GB of storage b. 20-40 KB of storage d. 20-40 PB of storage


You are looking for a program that will allow you to install Windows on your Mac. Which of the following will accomplish this for you? a. Windows Me c. WinEmulation b. Microsoft Simulator d. Boot Camp


You are looking for a way to transmit signals through a door, and with a high transfer rate, because you have some video to transfer from a digital video camera. Which of the following protocols is the best bet for you? a. Wi-Fi c. Bluetooth b. IrDA d. UWB



FTTP: FTTP, which stands for Fiber to the Premises, uses fiber-optic cable to provide extremely highspeed Internet access to a user's physical permanent location. FTTH (Fiber to the Home) provides home users with Internet access via fiber-optic cable. • FTTB (Fiber to the Building) refers to small businesses that use fiber-optic cables to access the Internet. With FTTP service, an optical terminal at your location receives the signals and transfers them to a router connected to a computer. As the cost of installing fiber decreases, more homes and businesses are expected to choose FTTP.

List six different file and disk management tools and briefly describe their functions.

File Manager: Performs functions related to displaying files; organizing files in folders; and copying, renaming, deleting, moving, and sorting files Search: Attempts to locate a file on your computer or mobile device based on specified criteria Image Viewer: Displays, copies, and prints the contents of a graphics file Uninstaller: Removes a program or app, as well as any associated entries in the system files Disk Cleanup: Searches for and removes unnecessary files Disk Defragmenter: Reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer's hard disk so that the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs and apps run faster Screen Saver: Causes a display's screen to show a moving image or blank screen if no keyboard or mouse activity occurs for a specified time File Compression: Shrinks the size of a file(s) PC Maintenance: Identifies and fixes operating system problems, detects and repairs disk problems, and includes the capability of improving a computer's performance Backup and Restore: Copies selected files or the contents of an entire storage medium to another storage location


ISDN: Not as widely used today as in the past, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a set of standards for digital transmission of data over standard copper phone lines. With ISDN, the same phone line that could carry only one computer signal now can carry three or more signals at once through the same line, using a technique called multiplexing.

Define LAN, and discuss the most common types of LANs. Define which type of LAN is in use in the accompanying figure.

Networks usually are classified as a local area network, metropolitan area network, wide area network, or personal area network. The main difference among these classifications is their area of coverage. A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area, such as a home, school, office building (Figure 10-3), or closely positioned group of buildings. Each computer or device on the network, called a node, often shares resources, such as printers, large hard drives, and programs. Often, the nodes are connected via cables. A wireless LAN (WLAN) shown in the figure, is a LAN that uses no physical wires. Computers and devices that access a wireless LAN must have built-in wireless capability or the appropriate wireless network card, USB adapter, or other wireless device. A WLAN may communicate with a wired LAN for access to its resources, such as software, hardware, and the Internet.


SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) uses serial signals to transfer data, instructions, and information. The primary advantage of SATA interfaces is their cables are thinner, longer, more flexible, and less susceptible to interference than cables that use parallel signals. SATA interfaces support connections to hard disks, RAID, SSDs, and optical disc drives. External drives can use the eSATA (external SATA) interface, which is much faster than USB.

What is TCP/IP and how does it work? Define packet switching in the course of your response.

Short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, TCP/IP is a network protocol that defines how messages (data) are routed from one end of a network to the other, ensuring the data arrives correctly. TCP/IP describes rules for dividing messages into small pieces, called packets; providing addresses for each packet; checking for and detecting errors; sequencing packets; and regulating the flow of messages along the network. TCP/IP has been adopted as the network standard for Internet communications. Thus, all hosts on the Internet follow the rules defined in this standard. Internet communications also use other standards, such as the Ethernet standard, as data is routed to its destination. When a computer sends data over the Internet, the data is divided into packets. Each packet contains the data, as well as the recipient (destination), the origin (sender), and the sequence information used to reassemble the data at the destination. Each packet travels along the fastest individual available path to the recipient's computer or mobile device via routers. This technique of breaking a message into individual packets, sending the packets along the best route available, and then reassembling the data is called packet switching

Provide the steps in the start-up process (1-5)

Step 1: When you turn on the computer or mobile device, the power supply or battery sends an electrical current to circuitry in the computer or mobile device. Step 2: The charge of electricity causes the processor chip to reset itself and finds the firmware that contains start-up instructions. Step 3: The start-up process executes a series of tests to check the various components. These tests vary depending on the type of computer or devices and can include checking the buses, system clock, adapter cards, RAM chips, mouse, keyboard, and drives. It also includes making sure that any peripheral devices are connected properly and operating correctly. If any problems are identified, the computer or device may beep, display error messages, or cease operating — depending on the severity of the problem. Step 4: If the tests are successful, the kernel of the operating system and other frequently used instructions load from the computer or mobile device's internal storage media to its memory (RAM). The kernel is the core of an operating system that manages memory and devices, maintains the internal clock, runs programs, and assigns the resources, such as devices, programs, apps, data, and information. The kernel is memory resident, which means it remains in memory while the computer or mobile device is running. Other parts of the operating system are nonresident; that is, nonresident instructions remain on a storage medium until they are needed, at which time they transfer into memory (RAM). Step 5: The operating system in memory takes control of the computer or mobile device and loads system configuration information. The operating system may verify that the person attempting to use the computer or mobile device is a legitimate user. Finally, the user interface appears on the screen, and any start-up applications, such as antivirus software, run.


T-Carrier: A T-carrier line is any of several types of long-distance digital phone lines that carry multiple signals over a single communications line. Whereas a standard phone line carries only one signal, digital T-carrier lines use multiplexing so that multiple signals share the line. T-carrier lines provide very fast data transfer rates. Only medium to large companies usually can afford the investment in T-carrier lines because these lines are so expensive. The most popular T-carrier line is the T1 line. Businesses often use T1 lines to connect to the Internet. Home and small business users purchase fractional T1, in which they share a connection to the T1 line with other users. Fractional T1 is slower than a dedicated T1 line, but it also is less expensive. Users who do not have other high-speed Internet access in their areas can opt for fractional T1. With fractional T1 lines, the data transfer rates become slower as additional users are added. A T3 line is equal in speed to 28 T1 lines. T3 lines are quite expensive. Main users of T3 lines include large corporations, phone companies, and ISPs connecting to the Internet backbone. The Internet backbone itself also uses T3 lines.

Define IT Consultant and explain IT Consulting.

Technology professionals sometimes become IT consultants after gaining experience in one or more technology-related areas, such as software development, systems analysis and design, network configuration, developing mobile devices, using social media, or web development. An IT consultant, typically hired based on expertise, provides technology services to his or her clients. Large enterprises often hire teams of consultants to offer advice about technology-related concerns. IT consultants must possess strong technical skills in their specialized area and must be able to communicate effectively to clients.

Describe technology sales and salespeople including skills and job information.

Technology salespeople must possess a general understanding of technology and a specific knowledge of the product they are selling. Strong people skills are important, including a keen listening ability and superior verbal communications. Technology salespeople generally determine buyers' needs and direct buyers toward devices, computers, and apps that meet their needs. Some salespeople work directly for technology equipment manufacturers, mobile device manufacturers, or software manufacturers. Others work for resellers, including retailers that sell personal computer products. The technology salesperson in a retail store often is a suitable entry-level job for students working toward a certificate or degree in computer-related fields. Before consulting the opinion of a salesperson, be sure to independently research the product so that you can better determine whether answers to your questions are unbiased.

Discuss fiber-optic cable, including its advantages and disadvantages.

The core of a fiber-optic cable consists of dozens or hundreds of thin strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit signals. Each strand, called an optical fiber, is as thin as a human hair. Inside the fiberoptic cable, an insulating glass cladding and a protective coating surround each optical fiber. Fiber-optic cables have the following advantages over cables that use wire, such as twisted-pair and coaxial cables: • Capability of carrying significantly more signals than wire cables • Faster data transmission • Less susceptible to noise (interference) from other devices, such as a copy machine • Better security for signals during transmission because they are less susceptible to noise • Smaller size (much thinner and lighter weight) Disadvantages of fiber-optic cable are it costs more than twisted-pair or coaxial cable and can be difficult to install and modify. Despite these limitations, many phone companies replaced original analog phone lines with fiber-optic cables, enabling them to offer fiber Internet access to home and business users. Businesses also use fiber-optic cables in high-traffic networks or as the backbone in a network.

Discuss the four conversion strategies.

The final implementation activity is to change from the old system to the new system. This change can take place using one or more of the following conversion strategies: direct, parallel, phased, or pilot. • With direct conversion, the user stops using the old system and begins using the new system on a certain date. The advantage of this strategy is that it requires no transition costs and is a quick implementation technique. The disadvantage is that it is extremely risky and can disrupt operations seriously if the new system does not work correctly the first time. • Parallel conversion consists of running the old system alongside the new system for a specified time. Results from both systems are compared. The advantage of this strategy is that you can fix any problems in the new system before you terminate the old system. The disadvantage is that it is costly to operate two systems at the same time. • In a phased conversion, each location converts at a separate time. For example, an accounting system might convert its accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, and payroll sites in separate phases. Each site can use a direct or parallel conversion. Larger systems with multiple sites may use a phased conversion. • With a pilot conversion, only one location in the organization uses the new system — so that it can be tested. After the pilot site approves the new system, other sites convert using one of the other conversion strategies.

Define and discuss the software and apps field

The software and apps field consists of companies that develop, manufacture, and support a wide range of software and apps for computers, the web, and mobile devices. Some companies specialize in a particular type, such as productivity software or tools, or focus on a device type. Other companies — especially larger firms, such as Microsoft — produce and sell many types of software that work with both computers and mobile devices and may use Internet services to sync data among devices or provide collaborative features. Some employees develop desktop, web, and mobile apps, such as productivity software, games, simulations, and more; others develop operating systems and related tools.

Define and discuss the technology equipment field.

The technology equipment field consists of manufacturers and distributors of computers, mobile devices, and other hardware, such as magnetic and optical drives, monitors, printers, and communications and networking devices. In addition to the companies that make end-user equipment, thousands of companies manufacture components used inside a computer or mobile device, such as chips, motherboards, cables and connectors, and power supplies. Available careers in this field include positions with companies that design, manufacture, and produce computers and input, output, communications, mobile, and networking devices. Careers include designing and fabricating chips, testing internal components, assembling computers and devices, and packing finished products

Define technology service and repair field and discuss a typical job in this field.

The technology service and repair field provides preventive maintenance, component installation, and repair services to customers. Some technology service technicians possess general knowledge that enables them to work with a variety of devices from different manufacturers. Other technicians receive training and certifications directly from manufacturers to specialize in devices from that manufacturer. This work is best suited for those individuals who like to troubleshoot and solve problems and who have a strong background in electronics. Many technology equipment manufacturers include diagnostic software with their computers and devices that assists technicians in identifying problems. Today's technology also allows technicians to diagnose and repair software problems from a remote location; that is, the technician accesses the user's hard drive or smartphone from a different location.

Explain data validation.

Validation is the process of comparing data with a set of rules or values to determine if the data meets certain criteria. Many programs perform a validity check that analyzes data, either as you enter the data or after you enter it, to help ensure that it is valid. For instance, when an admissions department specialist adds or modifies data in a student record, the DBMS tests the entered data to verify it meets certain criteria. If the data fails a validity check, the computer either should not allow the invalid data to be entered, or it should display an error message that instructs the user to enter the data again. Validity checks, sometimes called validation rules, reduce data entry errors and thus enhance the data's integrity.

Discuss how the speed of storage devices and memory is defined.

When you turn on a computer or mobile device, it locates the operating system on its storage medium and loads the operating system into its memory (specifically, RAM). When you issue a command to run an application, such as a browser, the operating system locates the application on a storage medium and loads it into memory (RAM). When you are finished using the application, the operating system removes it from RAM, but the application remains on the storage medium. A storage medium is similar to a filing cabinet that holds file folders, and memory is similar to the top of your desk. When you want to work with a file, you remove it from the filing cabinet (storage medium) and place it on your desk (memory). When you are finished with the file, you remove it from your desk (memory) and return it to the filing cabinet (storage medium).

Discuss what hardware is needed for a wireless, Internet-connected home network.

• A modem, such as a cable or DSL modem, that connects to an ISP and establishes the Internet connection for the network • A router, which establishes the connection between the Internet and all computers and devices on the home network and also enables the devices to communicate with each other • A wireless access point, often included as part of the router, in order to connect wireless devices • Computers and devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, televisions, cable set-top boxes, or a VoIP phone, that you connect to the home network.

How do single tasking and multitasking operating systems differ?

• A single tasking operating system allows only one program or app to run at a time. For example, if you are using a browser and want to check email messages, you must exit the browser before you can run the email program. Operating systems on embedded computers and some mobile devices use a single tasking operating system. • Most operating systems today are multitasking. A multitasking operating system allows two or more programs or apps to reside in memory at the same time. Using the example just cited, if you are working with a multitasking operating system, you do not have to exit the browser to run the email program. Both programs can run concurrently.

List the four tests that systems analysts and users develop.

• A unit test verifies that each individual program or object works by itself. • A systems test verifies that all programs in an application work together properly. • An integration test verifies that an application works with other applications. • An acceptance test is performed by end users and checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data.

Guidelines for care of memory cards:

• Do not bend the card. • Avoid dropping the card. • Keep cards away from direct sunlight. • Do not expose cards to extreme temperatures. • Do not remove the card while data is transferring to or from it.


• EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) is an interface that uses parallel signals to transfer data, instructions, and information. EIDE interfaces provide connections for hard disks, RAID, SSDs, optical disc drives, and tape drives.

What features are unique to recent versions of the Android operating system?

• Google Play app store provides access to apps, songs, books, and movies. • Google Drive provides access to email, contacts, calendar, photos, files, and more. • Face recognition can unlock the device. • Share contacts and other information by touching two devices together (using NFC technology). • Speech output assists users with vision impairments.

List the features of the latest version of OS X

• Mail, calendars, contacts, and other items sync with iCloud, Apple's cloud server • Communicate and play games with users of mobile devices running Apple's mobile operating system • Mail, calendars, contacts, and other items sync with iCloud, Apple's cloud server • Communicate and play games with users of mobile devices running Apple's mobile operating system

List the jobs typically found in an IT department:

• Management — directs the planning, research, development, evaluation, and integration of technology. • Research and software development — analyzes, designs, develops, and implements new information technology and maintains and improves existing systems. • Technical support services — evaluates and integrates new technologies, administers the organization's data resources, and supports the centralized computer operating system and servers. • Operations — operates the centralized computer equipment and administers the network, including both data and voice communications. • Training/Support — teaches employees how to use components of the information system or answers specific user questions. • Information security services — develops and enforces policies that are designed to safeguard an organization's data and information from unauthorized users. • Marketing/Strategy — directs and implements Internet and social media marketing, and manages customer relationships.

Tips for proper care of optical discs:

• Never bend a disc; it may break. • Do not expose discs to extreme temperatures or humidity. The ideal temperature range for disc storage is 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. • Stacking discs, touching the underside of discs, or exposing them to any type of contaminant may scratch a disc. • Place an optical disc in its protective case, called a jewel case, when you are finished using it, and store it in an upright (vertical) position.

Discuss at least four strengths of the database approach.

• Reduced data redundancy: Most data items are stored in only one file, which greatly reduces duplicate data. For example, a school's database would record a student's name and address only once. When student data is entered or changed, one employee makes the change once. • Improved data integrity: When users modify data in the database, they make changes to one file instead of multiple files. Thus, the database approach increases the data's integrity by reducing the possibility of introducing inconsistencies. • Shared data: The data in a database environment belongs to and is shared, usually over a network, by the entire organization. This data is independent of, or separate from, the programs that access the data. Organizations that use databases typically have security settings to define who can access, add, modify, and delete the data in a database. • Easier access: The database approach allows nontechnical users to access and maintain data, providing they have the necessary privileges. Many computer users also can develop smaller databases themselves, without professional assistance. • Reduced development time: It often is easier and faster to develop programs that use the database approach. Many DBMSs include several tools to assist in developing programs, which further reduces the development time.

What are the features offered by Windows 8, in addition to its basic capabilities?

• Start screen interface with tiles • Includes the desktop interface • Support for input via touch, mouse, and keyboard • Email app, calendar app, and browser (Internet Explorer) included • Photos, files, and settings can sync with SkyDrive, Microsoft's cloud server • Enhanced security through an antivirus program, firewall, and automatic updates • Windows Store offers additional applications for purchase

What is a data type? List the data types commonly found in a database.

• Text: Letters, numeric characters, or special characters • Number (also called numeric values): Positive or negative numbers, and the number zero, with or without decimal points • AutoNumber: Unique number automatically assigned by the DBMS to each added record, which provides a value that identifies the record (such as a student ID) • Currency: Dollar and cent amounts or numbers containing decimal values • Date (also called date/time): Month, day, year, and sometimes time • Memo (also called long text): Lengthy text entries, which may or may not include separate paragraphs • Yes/No (also called Boolean): Only the values Yes or No (or True or False) • Hyperlink: Email address or web address that links to a webpage on the Internet or document on a network • Object (also called BLOB, for binary large object): Photo, audio, video, or a document created in other programs or apps, such as word processing or spreadsheet, stored as a sequence of bytes in the database • Attachment: Document or image that is attached to the field, which can be opened in the program that created the document or image (functions similarly to email attachments)

Explain the advantages of cloud storage.

• To access files on the Internet from any computer or device that has Internet access • To store large audio, video, and graphics files on the Internet instantaneously, instead of spending time downloading to a local hard disk or other media • To allow others to access their files on the Internet so that others can listen to an audio file, watch a video clip, or view a photo — instead of sending the file to them via an email message • To view time-critical data and images immediately while away from the main office or location; for example, doctors can view X-ray images from another hospital, home, or office, or while on vacation • To store off-site backups of data • To provide data center functions, relieving enterprises of this task

Why would you use an external hard drive (hard disk or SSD) instead of a second internal hard drive (hard disk or SSD)?

• Transport a large number of files. • Back up important files or an entire internal hard drive (most external hard drive models include backup software). • Easily store large audio and video files. • Secure your data; for example, at the end of a work session, you can relocate or lock up an external hard drive, leaving no data in a computer. • Add storage space to a mobile computer, such as a laptop or tablet. • Add storage space to a desktop without having to open the case or connect to a network.

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