CIS 11 Midterm

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Input, processing, output, storage

All computers perform four primary functions (referred to as IPOS). What are these four functions?


An area where someone with a wireless computer can connect to the Internet is called a ____________.

Network interface card (NIC) or network adapter

An internal computer component containing a port that allows the computer to connect directly to a LAN via a network cable is _________________.

Internet protocol or IP

Every computer connected to a network is given a four-digit address (such as that uniquely identifies that computer. This address is called the computer's _____________________ address.


Dividing a physical hard drive into two separate logical drives so that a computer can have a separate operating system on each drive is called ______________.

Smart appliances

Household appliances that have computer technology built into them are called ___________.


Instead of being installed on your computer, ___________ software runs over the Internet from an Application Service Provider's Web server.


Instructions that tells the computer what to do is called ____________________.


One billion bytes is more commonly called a ____________.


One row in a database table is called a ___________.

Laser beams or Optical drives

Optical disks such as CDs and DVDs use ___________ to save and read data from plastic disks.


The rectangular area within a worksheet that contains a label, number, or formula is called a ____________.


The small slots on the front, back, or side of your computer that allow you to connect devices (such as a keyboard, mouse, or flash drive) to your computer are called ________________


The speed at which a CPU processes data is determined by how many times the CPU clock ticks per second. The term used to measure a CPU's clock speed is ____________.


The storage capacity of a typical one-sided, single-layer DVD is __________.


The term _________ refers to people working from home by connecting to their work computers via the Internet


The term _________________ refers to two or more computers that are connected together in order to share hardware, software, and/or data

Bandwidth or throughput

The term___________ refers to the speed at which data is transmitted across a network (there are two correct answers to this question)

Oracle, Access, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL

Two common database management systems are _____________.


Users often organize saved data by storing similar files (music, pictures, and homework) in separate logical storage areas called _____________.

Virtual memory

When a computer's RAM is full data is often swapped between RAM and a special location on the hard drive called __________________.


hard drives contain trillions of small magnetic particles that are aligned one way or another to represent 0s and 1s.


A grid that contains a collection of related records in a database is called a __________________.


A ____________ is a combination of eight bits, and is used to measure the storage capacity of a storage device


A ____________ is a request for information from a database based upon a specific criteria.

Database management

A ________________ system is a program used to create, maintain, and retrieve information from a database.


A binary coding standard that can be used to represent characters from languages around the world is called ___________________


A collection of computers, printers, and other devices connected together in order to share hardware, software, and communication is called a ___________________.

operating system

A collection of programs that manages a computer's activities and acts as a middle-man between application programs and the computer's hardware is called a(n) ________________.


A column in a table that provides a specific piece of information about a record is called a ____________.


A computer component that is either used to perform analog to digital signal conversion or to provide high-speed access to the Internet is called a ________________.


A database object that enables a user to view and/or edit data in a table one record at a time is called a ________________.

Wireless access point or wireless router

A network connectivity device that is used to connect wireless devices to a wired network is called a ______________.


A network connectivity device used to transmit data between LANs and across WANs using the fastest and most efficient path is called a ______________.


A network connectivity device within a LAN that transmits data sent to it directly (and only) to the computer to which the message was addressed is called a _________________.

local area network (LAN)

A network of computers located in a small geographic area, such as an office or building is called a ____________.

Wide area network (WAN).

A network of computers located over a very large geographic area, such as between states or countries is called a ________________.


A popular free, open-source operating system that is similar to UNIX is ________________.


A private web site that can only be viewed by people who work for the organization is called a ___________________.


A program that enables a computer to download and display web pages is called a _________________.

Spreadsheet program

A program that enables a user to enter data into an electronic grid and perform mathematical calculations on the data within the grid is called a ________________.

Mainframe computer

A server with more storage capacity than a traditional server used by large companies requiring high-volume transaction processing and storage is called a _______________.


A set of rules or standards that determine how computers communicate with each other is called a

Expansion Card

A small circuit board that is plugged into expansion slots in order to upgrade the capabilities of a desktop computer is called a(n __________


A storage technology that uses several smaller disks that work together to save data faster than a single drive and also provides automatic data backup is called a ___________ system.


A technology that enables a company to have files acting as virtual servers located on a single physical server is called _______________.


A very small area on a monitor (or image) that can display a color is called a ___________.

Bit or Binary Digit

Computers represent data using a series of 0s and 1s. Each 0 or 1 is called a _______________

Web servers

Computers that stores web pages and sends these web pages to other computers upon request are called ____________.

Smart Cards

Small plastic cards that can be used to store personal information or can be used to store digital cash are called _______.

Public domain software

Software that can be used, copied, and given to other people without legal restrictions is called _______________.


Solid state hard drives use a technology called__________ memory to store and read data.


The physical arrangement (or layout) of computers on a network is called the network __________.

World Wide Web

The billions of web pages around the world that can be accessed via the Internet is referred to as the ______________


The collection of thin wires that act as an electronic freeway to carry data from one component to another inside the computer is called the ____________.

central processing unit or CPU

The component on the computer that controls the computer's operations (referred to as the brain of the computer) is called the _________________.

ALU or arithmetic logic unit

The component within the CPU that performs mathematical calculations and logical processing is called the _______________.

Hot spot

The geographic area that a wireless computer can access the internet by connecting to a local wireless access point is called a_________________.


The main circuit board inside your computer to which all other computer devices are attached is called the __________________


The most common LAN wired protocol--used to connect networks using a bus or star topology is ______________.


The particles mentioned in question #1 are located on hundreds of circular areas called ___________ on the hard disk.

Cloud Storage

a storage device that can be accessed remotely through the internet.

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