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The ____ relationship should be rare in any relational database design. Question options:1:1 1:M M:1 M:N


The ____ serve(s) as the intermediary between the user and the database. Question options:DBMS metadata end-user data programming language


Codd's Rule of ____ states:Application programs and ad hoc facilities are logically unaffected when changes are made to the table structures that preserve the original table values (changing order of columns or inserting columns). Question options:Nonsubversion Logical Data Independence Comprehensive Data Sublanguage Integrity Independence

Logical Data Independence

____ is a set of tools that work together to provide an advanced data analysis environment for retrieving, processing, and modeling data from the data warehouse. Question options:Online analytical processing Semistructured processing Enterprise processing XML processing

Online analytical processing

Which of the following is true of business rules? Question options:They allow the designer to set company policies with regard to data. They allow the designer to develop business processes. They can serve as a communication tool between the users and designers. They provide a framework for the company's self actualization.

They can serve as a communication tool between the users and designers.

A(n) ____ might be written by a programmer or it might be created through a DBMS utility program. Question options:query operating system database management system application program

application program

A(n) ____ is the equivalent of a field in a file system. Question options:attribute entity relationship constraint


Another name for a composite entity is a ____ entity. Question options:bridge linked directive referring


A ____ key can be described as a superkey without unnecessary attributes, that is, a minimal superkey. Question options:secondary candidate primary foreign


A(n) ____ model represents a global view of the database as viewed by the entire organization. external conceptual internal physical


The ERD represents the ____ database as viewed by the end user. Question options:condensed physical logical conceptual


A(n) ____ is a restriction placed on the data. Question options:attribute entity relationship constraint


____ are normally expressed in the form of rules. Question options:Attributes Entities Relationships Constraints


A(n) ____ enables a database administrator to define schema components. Question options:extensible markup language (XML) data definition language (DDL) unified modeling language (UML) query language

data definition language (DDL)

The phrase ____ refers to an organization of components that define and regulate the collection, storage, management and use of data within a database environment. Question options:database management system database management management system database system

database system

In the context of a database table, the statement "A ____ B" indicates that if you know the value of attribute A, you can look up the value of attribute B. Question options:contains is related to owns determines


The set of possible values for an attribute is a ____. Question options:domain range set key


A(n) ____ database is used by an organization and supports many users across many departments. Question options:desktop workgroup enterprise transactional


A CUSTOMER table's primary key is CUS_CODE. The CUSTOMER primary key column has no null entries, and all entries are unique. This is an example of ____ integrity. Question options:entity referential complete null


A noun in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model. Question options:entity attribute relationship constraint


The ____ model uses the term connectivity to label the relationship types. Question options:relational network object-oriented entity relationship

entity relationship

The ____ model was developed to allow designers to use a graphical tool to examine structures rather than describing them with text. hierarchical network object-oriented entity relationship

entity relationship

A foreign key must exist in both tables that have a relationship. Question options:TrueFalse


A manager and a programmer usually have the same view of the same data. Question options:TrueFalse


A query language is a procedural language. Question options:TrueFalse


A weak relationship exists if the primary key of the related entity contains at least one primary key component of the parent entity. Question options:TrueFalse


An ERM is dependent on the database type. Question options:TrueFalse


An operational database is sometimes referred to as an enterprise database. Question options:TrueFalse


Attributes are types of entities. Question options:TrueFalse


Attributes cannot share a domain. Question options:TrueFalse


Attributes have a domain that specifies the data type of the attribute. Question options:TrueFalse


Business rules apply to businesses and government groups, but not to other types of organizations such as religious groups or research laboratories. Question options:TrueFalse


Character data can contain any character or symbol intended for mathematical manipulation. Question options:TrueFalse


Data and information are essentially the same thing.


Database programming languages receive all application requests and translate them into the complex operations required to fulfill those requests. Question options:TrueFalse


Derived attributes are stored in a special database table. Question options:TrueFalse


End-user interfaces require the end user to manually generate SQL code. Question options:TrueFalse


In Chen notation, there is no way to represent cardinality. Question options:TrueFalse


In an ER diagram, primary keys are usually bolded. Question options:TrueFalse


Information implies familiarity, awareness, and understanding knowledge as it applies to an environment.


One advantage of a database system over previous data management approaches is that the database system is considerably less complex. Question options:TrueFalse


Referential and entity integrity are two names for the same thing. Question options:TrueFalse


The existence of a mandatory relationship indicates that the minimum cardinality is 0 or 1 for the mandatory entity. Question options:TrueFalse


The idea of determination is unique to the database environment. Question options:TrueFalse


The one-to-many (1:M) relationship is easily implemented in the relational model by putting the foreign key of the "1" side in the table of the "many" side as a primary key. Question options:TrueFalse


The order of the rows and columns is important to the DBMS. Question options:TrueFalse


The relational model is hardware-dependent and software-independent. Question options:TrueFalse


There is never a good reason to use null values in a database. Question options:TrueFalse


A ____ is a character or group of characters that has a specific meaning. Question options:database field record file


In the ____ model, each parent can have many children, but each child has only one parent. Question options:hierarchical network relational entity relationship


One of the limitations of the ____ model is that there is a lack of standards. Question options:hierarchical network relational entity relationship


____ is used to reveal the meaning of data. Question options:Raw facts Knowledge Formatting Information


A(n) ____ join only returns matched records from the tables that are being joined. Question options:outer inner direct union


____ yields only the rows that appear in both tables. Question options:INTERSECT UNION DIFFERENCE SELECT


The organization of the data within the folders in a manual file system was determined by ____. Question options:the date of creation its expected use the title of the documents in the folder the data processing specialist

its expected use

____ data can have only a true or false (yes or no) values. Question options:Logical Character Date Numeric


A(n) ____'s main function is to help you understand the complexities of the real-world environment. Question options:constraint entity model database


A(n) ____ join links tables by selecting only the rows with common values in their common attribute(s). Question options:equal unique foreign natural


No data entry at all is known as a(n) ____. Question options:nil null empty zero


Ideally, an entity identifier is composed of ____ attribute(s). Question options:zero one two six


____ logic, used extensively in mathematics, provides a framework in which an assertion (statement of fact) can be verified as either true or false. Question options:Predicate Database Relational Index


Since it is used to link the tables that originally were related in a M:N relationship, the composite entity structure includes—as foreign keys—at least the ____ keys of the tables that are to be linked. Question options:composite super primary unique


End-user data is ____. Question options:raw facts about the end-user raw facts of interest to the end-user data about data accurate, relevant and timely information

raw facts of interest to the end-user

Controlled ____ makes a relational database work. Question options:relations logic chaos redundancy


A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model. Question options:entity attribute relationship constraint


To be considered minimally relational, the DBMS must support the key relational operators ____, PROJECT, and JOIN. Question options:INTERSECT UNION DIFFERENCE SELECT


A desktop database is a ____ database. Question options:single-user multiuser workgroup distributed

single user

Which of the following is an example of structured data? Question options:A Web page An e-mail A memo A spreadsheet


A ____ is any key that uniquely identifies each row. Question options:superkey special selective candidate


In a database context, a(n) ____ indicates the use of different names to describe the same attribute. Question options:entity duplicate synonym homonym


The ____ is actually a system-created database whose tables store the user/designer-created database characteristics and contents. Question options:meta dictionary schema data dictionary system catalog

system catalog

A(n) ____ is perceived as a two-dimensional structure composed of rows and columns. Question options:table rowset attribute intersection


A(n) ____ database is designed to support a company's day-to-day operations. Question options:desktop workgroup enterprise transactional


A data dictionary contains metadata—data about data. Question options:TrueFalse


A data model is usually graphical. Question options:TrueFalse


A data warehouse can store data derived from many sources. Question options:TrueFalse


A left outer join on tables CUSTOMER and AGENT yields all of the rows in the CUSTOMER table, including those that do not have a matching value in the AGENT table. Question options:TrueFalse


A null is created when you press the Enter key or the Tab key to move to the next entry without making a prior entry of any kind. Question options:TrueFalse


A recursive relationship is one in which a relationship can exist between occurrences of the same entity set Question options:TrueFalse


All attributes are either simple or composite. Question options:TrueFalse


Connectivities and cardinalities are established by business rules. Question options:TrueFalse


DBMSs use indexes for many different purposes. Question options:TrueFalse


Each row in the relational table is known as an entity instance or entity occurrence in the ER model. Question options:TrueFalse


If the attribute (B) is functionally dependent on a composite key (A) but not on any subset of that composite key, the attribute (B) is fully functionally dependent on (A). Question options:TrueFalse


In an SQL-based relational database, rows in different tables are related based on common values in common attributes. Question options:TrueFalse


In both the Chen and Crow's Foot models, an entity is represented with a rectangle containing the entity's name. Question options:TrueFalse


In the Chen model, a multivalued attribute is connected to the owning entity with a double line. Question options:TrueFalse


Initially the files within a computer file system were similar to manual files. Question options:TrueFalse


Metadata present a more complete picture of the data in the database than the data itself. Question options:TrueFalse


Tables must have the same attribute characteristics (the columns and domains must be compatible) to be used in a UNION. Question options:TrueFalse


The DIVIDE operation uses one single-column table (e.g., column "a") as the divisor and one two-column table (e.g., columns "a" and "b") as the dividend. Question options:TrueFalse


The ER diagram represents the conceptual database as viewed by the end user. Question options:TrueFalse


The entity relationship model is limited to conceptual modeling, with no implementation component. Question options:TrueFalse


The practical significance of taking the logical view of a database is that it serves as a reminder of the simple file concept of data storage. Question options:TrueFalse


The same data might be simultaneously structured and unstructured depending on the intended processing. Question options:TrueFalse


Today, most relational database products can be classified as object/relational. Question options:TrueFalse


Within the database environment, a data model represents data structures with the purpose of supporting a specific problem domain. Question options:TrueFalse


____ combines all rows from two tables, excluding duplicate rows. Question options:INTERSECT UNION DIFFERENCE SELECT


____ data exist in a format that does not lend itself to processing that yields information. Question options:Structured Semistructured Unstructured Historical


A(n) ____ database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than 50) or a specific department within an organization. Question options:desktop workgroup enterprise transactional


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