CIT 105 Intro to Technology

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Once ____, you can run an application so that you can interact with it.


USB flash drives are not convenient for mobil users.

Digital Camera

is a device that allows you to take photos and store the photographed images digitally


is a duplicate of content on a storage medium that you can use in case the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed.


Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base

Operating System

A system software

word processing system

A system that allows you to create reports, flyers, newsletters, and more.

False; Mouse

A touchpad is a point to device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortable.


A typical laptop has a keyboard in the base and the screen in the lid with the lip attatching to the base with hinges.

Text message

A____ is a short note, typically fewer than 300 characters, sent to or from a smartphone or other mobile device.


Installing software is the process of setting up software to work with the computer, printer, and other hardware.

Cloud Storage

Instead of storing data, instructions, and information locally on a hard disk or other media, you can opt for...


Is a personal computer designed to be in a stationary location, where all of its components fit on or under a desk or table.


A computer is a electric device that connects the datta and processes it according to specified rules but that cannot produce information.

Personal Computer

A computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself and is intended to be used by one person at a time.

Chat room

A real-time typed conversation among two or more people on a computer or mobile device connected to the internet.


A scanner is a light weight input device tha converts print, text, and images into a form the comuter can process.


An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions to a computer or mobil device.


Application software consists of programs its on to make users more producive and/or assist them with personal tasks

False; Hardware

Computers contain many electrical and mechanical components known as software.


Digital literacy and basic knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the internet, and related technology.


Electronic comonents in computers process data using instructions which are the steps that tell the computer how to perform a partcular task.

Wireless Internet Access Points

Enables users with computers and mobile devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly.

Slide-out keybord

Smart phones may have touch screens and/or a mini keyboard or a...

Software Developer

Someone who develops programs and apps or writes the instructions that direct computer or mobile device to process data into information


Technology, while useful, cannot help you more efficiently and effectivly access and search or information.


The types of services offered by cloud storage providers vary.


When you buy a computer, the box, the manufactures website, or the order summary will list the compters _____


You can interact with the program application through its user interface.


a solid-state drive is a storage divice that typically uses flash memory to store data instructions and information.

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