Citizenship - Unit 1

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All citizens must have equal protection of the law. 1. What does it mean? 2. Why is this important?

1. Citizens are the same under the law and must be treated the same. 2. States were not protecting all citizens the same.

All persons Born or Naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States. 1. What does it mean? 2. Why is this important?

1. Defines who U.S. Citizens are. 2. People were being denied citizenship by states.

What are states cannot abridge (not give you) the privileges and immunity of US Citizens. 1. What does it mean? 2. Why is this important?

1. States cannot deny citizens their privileges and rights. 2. People were being denied their privileges and rights.

States cannot deprive citizens of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. 1. What does it mean? 2. Why is this important?

1. States must follow the law to take away the rights, freedoms, and possessions of citizens. 2. States were not applying laws equally among the citizens.

How do you participate in community service?

1. Volunteer to support a democratic institution (these are groups that help support democracy) in your community 2. Express concern about the welfare of the community.

What are things US citizens MUST do? What happens if they don't?

Actions that citizens MUST do are called: Civic duties These include: Obeying the law, paying taxes Citizens who do not perform these actions face legal consequences such as jail

What are things US citizens should volunteer to do? How do individuals demonstrate citizenship?

Actions that citizens SHOULD do are called: civic responsibilities These include: voting, volunteering Individuals demonstrate responsible citizenship by performing community service Example: tutoring a student, helping at a soup kitchen.

Since the 14th Amendment defined what a citizen was and then explained all the rights and protections citizens have, why is it important and necessary that the 14th Amendment defines what a citizen is before they explain all the rights and protections citizens receive?

It is important for the 14th amendment to define a citizen before they explain all the rights citizens get because people need to know what a citizen is before they get to know their rights

Which amendment defines who a citizen is? What is a citizen?

The 14th Amendment defines citizenship. A citizen is defined as a person born or naturalized in the US who has rights, responsibilities, and duties.

How do you become a US citizen?

The two ways of becoming a citizen in the United States is through: Birth in the US and its territories OR Naturalization process

How can you be a "good citizen"?

To be a good citizen you should have personal traits that include: Responsibility Courtesy You should participate in civic life (involve yourself in the government at all levels): Formulating questions (participate in democracy) Practicing thoughtful decision making

What is community service?

Volunteering to help to make the community a better place to work and live.

What is the effect of increased immigration and naturalization?

We have a very diverse society.

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