Civics and Economics - Exam Review

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What phrase form the Preamble best illustrates the idea of Popular Sovereignty?

"Do or dain and establish this constitution"

What is the "power of the purse" and who holds that power?

"Power of the purse" is the influence that legislatures have over public policy because of their power to vote money for public purposes. The President hold the powers

How would you describe the responsibilities of citizenship?

"U.S. citizen means a person obligated to comply with U.S. laws." Therefore a U.S. citizen: Obeying Laws Paying Taxes Jury Duty Serve as a Witness Register for the Draft Voting volunteer

Explain each of the following principles of government:

1. Popular Sovereignty The People are the legitimate and final source of Government Authority 2. Limited Government Government may ONLY do what the people have directed it to do 3. Separation of Powers The division of government power among three equal branches Legislative- makes law, Executive- enforces law, Judicial- interprets law 4. Checks and Balances Each Branch limits the powers of the other two Branches Executive- veto law of Legislature... Appointment power of Judicial (appoints Federal Judges) Legislative- impeachment power of the Executive AND Judicial branches Judicial- Judicial Review of Executive AND Legislative branches (decides constitutionality of the actions of the Executive and Legislative branches) 5. Judicial Review The Court's Power to determine the constitutionality of governmental action 6. Federalism The division of government power between National and state governments

6. Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying— (A) final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made in the adjudication of cases; (B) those statements of policy and interpretations which have been adopted by the agency and are not published in the Federal Register; (C) administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public; excerpt from The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), (5 U.S.C. § 552), 1966 Source: Courtesy of the Legal Information Institute, Cornell University, New York According to the above excerpt, what is the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)? A Congress passed FOIA to give citizens access to information from the federal government. B A Supreme Court ruling established FOIA to allow states to communicate about internal procedures. C The president issued FOIA as an executive order to give federal agencies access to government manuals and documents. D The Central Intelligence Agency mandated FOIA as a means of carrying out its duty to observe, collect, and create information on citizens.

A Congress passed FOIA to give citizens access to information from the federal government

5. The government in the United Kingdom is divided into three branches—an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. The legislature, called Parliament, is divided into two houses—the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members of the House of Commons are elected, while members of the House of Lords are appointed. The executive consists of the Prime Minister, the leader of the majority party in Parliament, and other ministers. All ministers are a part of the Parliament; thus, all people in the executive branch are also in the legislative branch. In some cases, these officials may also serve in the judiciary. The highest judicial power in the United Kingdom is the Supreme Court, which can overturn decisions if they violate the constitutional tenets of the nation. Based on the description provided, what is the difference between the government of the United Kingdom and the government of the United States? A The government in the United Kingdom lacks separation of powers, which is a central aspect of government in the United States. B Both the United Kingdom and the United States have a strong executive leader who makes decisions independent of the legislature. C The government in the United States is a representational democracy, whereas the United Kingdom has a direct democracy. D Both the United Kingdom and the United States have bicameral legislatures in which both houses are popularly elected.

A The government in the United Kingdom lacks separation of powers, which is a central aspect of government in the United States

9 Which is a likely effect of increasing tariffs on imported cars? A The price consumers pay for imported cars will rise. B Unemployment rates will decrease. C Car production will decline. D More cars will be exported.

A The price consumers pay for imported cars will rise.

Describe what credit is and what is it like to buy on credit.

A contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at some later date. When a consumer purchases something using a credit card, they are buying on credit (receiving the item at that time, and paying back the credit card company month by month). Any time when an individual finances something with a loan (such as an automobile or a house), they are using credit in that situation as well.

What is the major difference between Juvenile Trials and Adult Trials?

A juvenile trial means that the individual is being tried with the penalites that would apply if the crime is committed by a juvenile. There are different penalties for juveniles and adults. Many times juveniles can be tried as adults, so in a 'juvenile trial' they are being tried as a juvenile and the lesser penalties would apply.

Define ordinance.

A law passed by a municipal government

What is a monarchy?

A monarchy is a form of government in which sovereignty is actually or nominally embodied in one or several individual(s) reigning until death or abdication.

Explain the purpose of cloture.

A motion or process in parliamentary procedure aimed at bringing debate to a quick end

What is the major difference between a need and a want?

A need is something that you need to survive such as food, shelter and clothing. A want is something that we want but we don't necessary need, things we wish to have

What is the filibuster and why is it used?

A prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures. It is used

Define the term executive order.

A rule order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law

How is the number of electoral votes for each state determined?

A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives and senators the state has in the United States

Define electorate

All of the people entitled to vote in a given election

What is competition?

An event or contest in which people compete

What is the political party?

An organization of people which seeks to achieve goals common to its members through the acquisition and exercise of political power

Describe the first national government that existed following the American Revolution.

Articles of Confederation served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States declared Independence from Great Britain. Establishes a weak government

7. The restriction on Johnson's political expression is content based, since the Texas statute is not aimed at protecting the physical integrity of the flag in all circumstances, but is designed to protect it from intentional and knowing abuse that causes serious offense to others. It is therefore subject to the most exacting scrutiny. The Government may not prohibit the verbal or nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable, even where our flag is involved. Nor may a State foster its own view of the flag by prohibiting expressive conduct relating to it, since the Government may not permit designated symbols to be used to communicate a limited set of messages. Texas v. Johnson, 1989 In the case of Texas v. Johnson, how did the U.S. Supreme Court protect the right of free speech? A by ruling that national emergencies and war may not justify the restriction of speech B by declaring that the government may not decide the intentions expressed by national emblems C by establishing that students and adults have the same rights to free speech D by affirming the right to trial by a jury of one′s peers, as defined by law

B by declaring that the government may not decide the intentions expressed by national emblems

4 The Congress shall have power . . . To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof . . . Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution No State shall . . . coin Money . . . Article I, Section 10, U.S. Constitution According to the above excerpts from the U.S. Constitution, the powers given to Congress but denied to the state governments are fundamental to which structure of government? A separation of powers B federalism C checks and balances D rule of law

B federalism

Where were the basic constitutional rights of the people first set out?

Bill of Rights

What is a budget and why do people make one?

Budget is a financial document used to project future income and expenses. The budgeting process may be carried out by individuals or by companies to estimate whether the person/company can continue to operate with its projected income and expenses.

How do third parties influence elections?

By diverting to himself votes which would otherwise have gone to one of the other two candidates, who as a result might have won the election.

Presidential Candidate Political Party Popular Vote Electoral Vote Percentage of Votes Cast Candidate X Republican 50,456,002 271 47.87% Candidate Y Democrat 50,999,897 267 48.38% Using the above chart, which candidate would become president of the United States and why? A The candidate who receives a majority of the votes from the House of Representatives would become president. B The candidate who receives 50% of the votes from state legislators would become president. C Candidate X would become president, because he received enough electoral votes. D Candidate Y would become president, because he received the most popular votes.

C Candidate X would become president, because he received enough electoral votes.

What is the difference a civil case and a criminal case?

Civil cases are usually private disputes between people or organizations. Criminal cases involve an action that is harmful to society

List 3 examples of delegated powers, 3 examples of reserved powers, and 3 examples of concurrent powers.

Concurrent powers- Ex: Power to tax, builds roads, and establish bankruptcy laws

What should the government do to the money supply in order to slow down a period of inflation?

Control of the interest rates is the chief way in which the Federal Reserve can slow down an overheating economy. The federal funds rate is the rate that banks charge each other for loans in order to maintain the reserve requirement.

3 Which would be the most effective argument Anti-Federalists might have used to justify their position during ratification debates? A Average citizens cannot be trusted to control the complicated aspects of government. B The state governments and the national government should share power equally. C The national government needs final say when conflict occurs between federal and state governments. D To protect individual liberties, limits must be placed on the power of the federal government.

D To protect individual liberties, limits must be placed on the power of the federal government.

What is the job of a jury?

Deciding whether a person is guilty or not guilty of the offense for which he/she has been charged. They must reach a verdict

The ideas that all people have certain natural rights, that the government gets its power from the people, and that the people have a right to change the government are included in which important document?

Declaration of Independence

Explain the difference between delegated powers, reserved powers, and concurrent powers.

Delegated powers are the powers that are given to the national government. Reserved powers are the powers given to the states. Concurrent powers are the powers are both federal and state governments.

Explain how Americans are diverse.

Every Native American tribe has their own history, culture, and art.

Identify each of the following regarding the State of the Union Address: a. Who gives it? b. Who hears it? c. What is its purpose?

Every year the president delivers a State of the Union Address to Congress. This speech sets forth the programs and policies that the president wants Congress to put into effect as laws.

Which branch of government holds the power of veto?

Executive Branch

In a capitalistic economic system, who influences what will be produced?

Firms and households

What does having a favorable balance of trade mean?

First let know what is the Balance of Trade (BOT). BOT shows the difference between export earnings and import expenditure. BOT is called 'favorable' when the amount realized from physical (or tangible or visible) exports is more than the amount spent on physical imports, otherwise called 'unfavorable.'

Why does he United States depend on international trade?

Foreign trade of the United States comprises the international imports and exports of the United States, one of the world's most significant economic markets. The country is among the top three global importers and exporters.

Identify the 6 purposes of government as stated in the idea of Popular Sovereignty?

Form a more perfect union Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare, Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

Identify 5 causes if the American Revolution.

French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Proclamation of 1763, Currency Act, and Stamp Act.

How would you describe the circular flow of economic activity?

Households sell resources to business and government and receive payment or income for the resources. Businesses sell goods and services to households and the government and receive payment called revenue. the government receives tax revenue from businesses and households and uses the tax money to provide government goods, services, and financial support for citizens with limited income.

What action could the deferral Reserve take if it wanted to increase the amount of money in circulation?

If the Fed wants to increase the money supply, it buys government bonds back from investors, putting more money in circulation.

How would an increase in the amount of money in circulation effect the price of goods and services.

In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services.

Why is the Magna Carta still important to us today?

It is the most important documents in history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial.

What is the advantage of a democracy?

It promotes equality. All members of a country or a state are equal in the eyes of law

What do the following terms mean? "Left-Wing" and "Right-Wing"

Left Wing: the liberal, socialist, or radical section of a political party or system. Right Wing: the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system.

What are the three branches of U.S. Government?

Legislative, Judicial, and Executive

Explain the job of each of the three branches.

Legislative- Makes laws Judicial- Interprets laws Executive- Carry out the laws

How do the lights of Naturalized citizen differ from the rights of a native-born citizen?

Lights of Naturalized citizen he has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States. In foreign countries he has a right to be treated as such, and will be so considered even in the country of his birth, at least for most purposes. Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

What is a docket?

List of laws on a courts schedule

What was the Magna Carta?

Magna Carta (Latin for "the Great Charter"), also called Magna Carta. A charter agreed by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.

Explain the Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland. Why is it significant?

McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the Bank of the United States, issued bank notes without complying with the Maryland law. Maryland sued McCulloch for failing to pay the taxes due under the Maryland statute and McCulloch contested the constitutionality of that act. The state court found for Maryland and McCulloch appealed. Ruled that in a conflict between national and state power, the national government is supreme.

What are the qualifications for voting in the United States?

Must be a U.S citizen, a legal resident of the state, and 18 years old on or before election day

The President has the responsibility of appoint several officials to important positions. From the list below identify which appointees need Senate approval and which do not: a. White House Staff c. Ambassadors b. Cabinet Members d. Supreme Court

Need Senate approval: b. Cabinet Members d. Supreme Court c. Ambassadors Don't need Senate approval: a. White House Staff

Has a third party ever won a Presidential Election?


List 5 duties we have as American citizens

Obeying laws Paying taxes Voting Attending School Defending the Nation

Define opportunity coast and give an example.

Opportunity cost refers to the value forgone in order to make one particular investment instead of another. For example, let's assume you have $15,000 that you could either invest in Company XYZ stock or put toward a graduate degree. You choose the stock. The opportunity cost in this situation is the increased lifetime earnings that may have resulted from getting the graduate degree -- that is, you choose to forgo the increase in earnings when you use the money to buy stock instead.

Define PAC.

Political Action Committee

Identify each of the 10 Amendments included in the Bill of rights.

Preamble First Amendment Second Amendment Third Amendment Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment Sixth Amendment Seventh Amendment Eighth Amendment Ninth Amendment Tenth Amendment

Identify each of the following examples of Checks and Balances:

President can veto legislation passed by Congress, but Congress can override that veto with a 2/3 vote; The president commands the army but Congress declares war and appropriates funds; The president appoints justices to the Supreme court

What usually happens to prices when there is competition?

Prices increases when there is competition.

What is the main purpose of a PAC.

Raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates.

Describe British rule over the colonies by the mid-1700s.

Relations between the American colonies and Great Britain began to break down during the mid-1700s. Friction mounted, and, on April 19, 1775, the American Revolution broke out between the Americans and the British. During the war on July 4, 1776, the colonists boldly declared their independence from their British rulers. In 1783, they defeated the British and established their claim to independence.

How would you describe the rights of the accused?

Rights of accused, in law, the rights and privileges of a person accused of a crime, guaranteeing him a fair trial.

Define Scarcity.

Short in supply; shortage

What typically happens if a want cannot be satisfied?

Some people become upset and angry

Explain the U.S. Constitution's formal amendment process.

Some refer to an amendment that results in a change or addition that becomes part of the written language of the Constitution itself as a "formal amendment," but there is no such term. Amendments that have been proposed by both Houses of Congress jointly, and have gone through the formal process of ratification by two-thirds of the states become amendments to the Constitution.

Describe the Presidential Election Process

Step 1.Candidates ANNOUNCE plans to run for office Step 2.Candidates CAMPAIGN against candidates IN THEIR OWN PARTY to win the primary election Step 3.PRIMARY ELECTIONS are held; Republicans vote for the Republican candidate; Democrats vote for the Democrat Step 4.Political PARTY CONVENTIONS-. Each party has their own week long convention to announce their candidates-Pres. and Vice Pres Step 5.CAMPAIGN, campaign, campaign--Candidates campaign against candidates of all political parties to win votes in the general election Step 6.The GENERAL ELECTION--the people vote for President-actually voting for the group of electors Step 7.The ELECTORAL COLLEGE casts its VOTE Step 8.The INAUGURATION--On January 20 the Pres. is sworn into office.

List 5 responsibilities we have as American citizens.

Support and defend the Constitution Stay informed of the issues affecting your community Participate in the democratic process Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others

How would you describe the duties of citizenship?

Support and defend the Constitution. Stay informed of the issues affecting your community. Participate in the democratic process. Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws. Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others. Participate in your local community. Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities. Serve on a jury when called upon. Defend the country if the need should arise.

What happens to the money that is deposited into banks?

Technically, you can access your money at any time when you deposit it into a bank account. Nevertheless, the entire banking business model is based around your bank using your money to make more money.

Identify the 7 Propaganda Techniques and give examples.

Testimonial- Using an expert or celebrity to sell or support Glittering Generalities- Words of praise for product or person; nice words Transfer- The act of relating something or someone we like or respect with a product. Symbols are constantly used Plain Folks- Using ordinary people or trying to sound ordinary to sell something or persuade you to vote or support an idea Bandwagon- An appeal to be part of the group Name Calling- Saying bad things about your competitor Card Stacking- The strategy of showing the product's best features, telling half-truths, and omitting or lying about it's potential problems

What determines the number of terms a President may serve?

The 22nd Amendment

How did the French and Indian War contribute to the development of the American Revolution?

The Americans sided with the British and defeated the French with some Indian tribes. However, the British began heavily taxing and regulating the American colonies after the War. The Americans were used to governing themselves. This began a spiral effect the British creating more laws and the Americans causing more rebellion that eventually led to the Revolution.

When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? Why was it added?

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution as the first ten amendments on December 15, 1791. The fact that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights to specifically protect Americans' hard-won rights sparked the most heated debates during the ratification process.

What determines the winner in a Presidential election?

The Electoral College

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?

The Federalist (later known as The Federalist Papers) is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution.

Explain what the impeachment procedures for the President.

The Impeachment Process In the House of Representatives The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted of a crime. Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment.

Briefly explain the diversity of the Northern Colonies and Southern Colonies.

The Northern colonies were largely Puritan Separatists and very religious. Although religious was practiced in the Southern Colonies, many people were pious and devoted to religion. Instead, they never focused on gaining wealth. The South was mostly entirely agricultural and a large part of the workforce was African slaves, which were introduced in 1619. Tobacco became the main export and the basis of the early Southern economy. In the Northern colonies, farming was carried out on a much smaller scale and usually provided for just the family.

Who serves as the head of the executive branch on state level?

The President

Define specialization.

The basis of global trade as few countries produce enough good to be completely self-sufficient

How does education and training influence the work force?

The education and training of a country's workers is a major factor in determining just how well the country's economy will do. The study of the economics of training and education involves an analysis of the economy as a whole, of employers and of workers. Two major concepts that influence the wage rate are training and education. In general, well-trained workers tend to be more productive and earn more money than workers with poorer training.

Who is responsible for carrying out monetary policy?

The federal reserve uses monetary policy to promote economic stability.

Who were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

The federalists were people who supported the strong national government established in the new constitution. The Anti-federalists were those who opposed a strong central government.

What happens on Super Tuesday?

The greatest number of states holds primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which each party's presidential candidates are officially nominated

What impact can scarce resources have?

The impact of scarce resources on administrative ethics is that the available resources has to be balanced despite the welfare of the clients or employees. [ The resources cannot be availed on the first come first served basis since they need proper balance. Resources are usually scarce due to taxes and income. ]

Define interdependence and give an example.

The mutual dependence between things. Ex: In biology, plants and animals

What is gross demestic product and when is its primary function?

The total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year. It's primary function is

What happens to the value of money during a period of inflation?

The value of money goes down. "During periods of inflation the value of money goes down because each dollar actually buys less."

Identify what each of the following amendments accomplished: Thirteenth Amendment: Fourteenth Amendment: Fifthteenth Amendment: Sixteenth Amendment: Eighteenth Amendment: Nineteenth Amendment: Twenty-First Amendment: Twenty-Second Amendment: Twenty-Fourth Amendment: Twenty-Sixth Amendment:

Thirteenth Amendment: Abolished slavery Fourteenth Amendment: Grants citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States"; it forbids any state to deny any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its laws." Fifthteenth Amendment: No denying Right to Vote--- Race, Color, Servitude Sixteenth Amendment: Congress can tax income directly Eighteenth Amendment: Prohibition of alcohol Nineteenth Amendment: Cannot be deprived the right to vote based on sex Twenty-First Amendment: Repeal of 18th Amendment Twenty-Second Amendment: Presidential Tenure; No President may serve more than 2 elected terms Twenty-Fourth Amendment: Prohibited the use of poll taxes to abridge voting rolls Twenty-Sixth Amendment: Cannot be denied the right to vote because of your age if your at least 18

2 The Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise of 1787, created a bicameral legislature in which representation in the House of Representatives was based proportionally on the number of people who lived in each state, while representation in the Senate was distributed equally among all states. How did this plan ease tensions and contribute to the constitutional democracy that the United States maintains today? A This plan was a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists since the House of Representatives would give more power to the individual states and the Senate would give more power to the federal government. B This plan was a compromise between small states and large states and ensured that the large states would not dictate all of the legislation in the nation, while still limiting the power of the smaller states. C This plan was a compromise between those who wanted Congress to rule with a prime minister and those who wanted a more powerful president because it gave a significant amount of power to both a Congress and a president. D This plan was a compromise between those who wanted to retain the structure of government created by the Articles of Confederation and those who wanted a completely new constitution since the Senate mirrored the former unicameral Congress.

This plan was a compromise between small states and large states and ensured that the large states would not dictate all of the legislation in the nation, while still limiting the power of the smaller states

1 In his book, The Spirit of Laws (1748), French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu wrote of a "tripartite system" of government in which the powers of government are separated and assigned to different bodies. How are Montesquieu's ideas applied in the U.S. Constitution? A three levels of government (local, state, and federal) B three levels of the judiciary (district, appellate, and supreme courts) C three civil protections (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) D three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial)

Three branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial)

What is the purpose of the political party?

To nominate candidates for public office and to get as many of them elected as possible

What are the 3 main types of economic systems and who makes the economic decisions in each?

Traditional Economy- Economic decisions are based on customs and traditions. Goods and services are also distributed according to custom Command Economy- Government officials decide what goods will be made and how and who can own these goods Market Economy- Dependent on the interaction of producers and consumers

What is one thing that all economic systems have in common?

Traditional System

How many terms may the President Serve?

Two terms

How does a person get to be on the ballot to run for President?

United States Citizenship At least 18 years of age (or older for certain offices) Satisfy residency requirement for specific office May not have been convicted of a felony in any court in the United States unless pardoned of the conviction.

What was the reason or the settlement of each of the following colonies: a. Virginia b. Massachusetts c. Pennsylvania d. Rhode Island e. Georgia f. New York g. Connecticut h. Maryland

Virginia- Trade and Land Massachusetts- Religious Freedom Pennsylvania- Religious Freedom Rhode Island- Religious Freedom Georgia- Safe place for Debtors New York- trade and land Connecticut- Trade and land Maryland- Religious Freedom

where was the first colonial legislature located, and what was it called?

Was located in Virginia and it is called the House of Burgesses

When demand decreases, price ___________ and supply ____________.

When demand decreases. price increases, supply decreases.

When demand increases, price __________ and supply ___________.

When demand increases, price increases, supply increases

When prices decrease, Supply _________ and demand ____________.

When prices decrease, Supply increase and demand would decrease.

When prices increase, supply _________ and demand ____________.

When prices increase, supply increase and demand increase.

When supply decreases, price ____________ and demand ___________.

When supply decreases, price increases and demand decreases

When supply increases, price ______________ and demand ______________.

When supply increases, price decrease and demand increase.

It is said that the Constitution is "full of compromise". Explain each of the following compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention:

a. Great Compromise- The agreement of the Virginia and New Jersey plans, by which Congress would have two houses, The Senate, and the House of Representatives b. 3/5 Compromise- A compromise between the northern states with the southern ones that decided that slaves were not citizens but each would count as 3/5 of a man for representation c. Slave Trade Compromise- Resolved the controversial issue of commerce relating to the slave trade that emerged at the constitutional convention, that was held between May 25, 1787 - September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia.

Explain each of the following Supreme Court Cases: a. Marbury v. Madison b. Miranda v. Arizona c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Brown v. Board of Education e. Gideon v. Wainwright f. Tinker v. Des Moines

a. Marbury v. Madison Established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review b. Miranda v. Arizona ruled that at the time of arrest suspects cannot be questioned until informed of their rights. c. Plessy v. Ferguson African Americans could be provided "separate but equal" public facilities; began school integration. d. Brown v. Board of Education Overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson e. Gideon v. Wainwright Declared that a person accused of a major crime had the right to legal counsel during a trial. f. Tinker v. Des Moines The court ruled that the students had the right to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. Today, some people believe that this case supports the constitutional right to dress how they want to: others believe it protects expression of beliefs, no clothes.

Define each of the following forms of jurisdiction: a. Original Jurisdiction b. Appellate Jurisdiction c. Concurrent Jurisdiction

a. Original Jurisdiction- Hear a case for the first time, Determine facts about a case b. Appellate Jurisdiction- Hear cases brought to them on appeal from lower courts. Review only the legal issues involved c. Concurrent Jurisdiction- Shared by different courts. Two or more courts from different systems have jurisdiction over a specific case

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