Civil war and reconstruction test bank

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The 10% plan required that...

10% of states voters take loyalty oath to the union

Which constitutional amendment proved to be more effective than the emancipation proclamation


Which amendment guaranteed the equal protection of the laws to American citizens


Which constitutional amendment stated that the right to vote cannot be denied because of race


What are these would have been most likely to have carpet baggers during the reconstruction era

A New York businessman who relocated to Mississippi

What did the United States treasury create when the legal tender act was passed in 1862

A common national currency

Presidential reconstruction following the American Civil War can be Best described as...

A desire to build a country quickly and without ill feelings

Which of these would have been most likely to have been a Scallywag during the reconstruction era

A native Georgian who supported the Republican Party

Which is the best contemporary definition of Scallywag

A white southerners who supported reconstruction

The radical Republicans rejected the 10th% plan because they believed that

African Americans should be granted full citizenship

How did African Americans support the war effort?

After the Militia Act, African Americans fought for the Union.

"Bleeding Kansas" demonstrated that popular sovereignty was...

An unworkable solution for the territories of Kansas and Nebraska

Where did Lee finally surrendered to Grant

Appomattox Court House

Which of the following events directly caused the outbreak of the Civil War

Attack on Fort Sumter

What battle is considered to be the turning point in the Civil War

Battle of Gettysburg

What reason did Stevens give in his statement for granting voting rights to African-Americans?

Black voters would help Republicans to maintain control of the Congress and presidency

In which area on the map represented the region where sharecropping was the dominant form of agricultural production in the late 800s


What provisions to the compromise of 1850 include?

California would be omitted as a free slave state

What was the final northern destination for most people escaping slavery on the underground railroad?


Robert E Lee did not accept command of the union troops because he

Cannot fight against Virginia

How did literacy rates in the south benefit carpet baggers

Carpet baggers with just a basic education had many career opportunities

Vicksburg is located on which river?


Which sequence of events correctly identifies a rise intentions, bringing the nation closer towards armed conflict?

Compromise of 1850s -> dread Scott decision

What contradiction does the Civil War historian find in the secession of the southern states

Confederates demanded the freedom to enslave others.

What action did Congress take to support southern African Americans

Congress overturned Johnson's vetoes on major Reconstruction legislation.

The main purpose of general Sherman's "march of the sea" in 1864 was to...

Destroy the south strategic and economic Capacity to fight

Which phrase completes the diagram below

Discriminated against African Americans

John Brown's intention in reading the arsenal at Harpers Ferry was the arm...

Enslaved people and begin an insurrection against slaveholders

In American history, the term "Reconstruction" refers to...

Federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves

How did hayes election affectively and the reconstruction?

Federal intervention and it in the south

How did Hayes' election effectively end Reconstruction?

Federal intervention ended in the South

What was an important effect of sharecropping system and debt Peonage

Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters

Which Civil War battle was significant in the union army was able to hold Robert E Lee's invasion of the north


The crisis over the Missouri compromise expose the ...

Growing sectionalism over the issues of slavery

In the system of shared-tendency, farmworkers...

Had more control over their crops and supplies than was true sharecropping

What conductor on the underground railroad was known as "black moses"?

Harriet Tubman

Which of these best describes the compromise of 1877

Hayes becomes President and Reconstruction ends.

Why did Lincoln referred to the right of each state to control its own affairs in his inaugural address?

He condemn slavery in affirmed lady of African-Americans natural rights

How did Lincoln approach the issue of slavery in his speeches?

He condemned slavery and affirmed the idea of African Americans' natural rights.

Which of the following is the reason the Supreme Court gave their ruling against dred Scott when he claimed he was a freed slave?

He had no right to a trial because he wasn't a citizen

Which of the following contributed to Lincoln's decision to address the issue of slavery in the south

He was worried about anti-slavery sentiment in Europe

General william T Sherman's march to the sea was important to the union war effort because

Important railroad tracks were destroyed severing supply lines for confederate forces

How did the Civil War affect industries in the north?

Industries became more mechanized

What happened to the south Economy during the Civil War

It deteriorated

The error of radical reconstruction can be seen as a failure because...

It did not adequately protect former slaves from having the rights violated

Which of these was a task of the Freedmans bureau?

It established schools for newly freed slaves

What affect did Lincoln's ability to unify the bitterly divided north have on the outcome of the Civil War

It helped the union win

Identify the main reason many radical Republicans were upset over Lincolns 10% plan

It made readmission to the union too easy

How did the Missouri compromise deal with the issue of slavery

It prohibited slavery in most of the former Louisiana Territory except for Missouri.

Who was the president of the confederate states of America?

Jefferson Davis

Which of the following was a key problem with the sharecropping system

Landowners could lie about expenses to keep sharecroppers in debt

How did the Civil War end?

Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.

A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the radical Republicans was that...

Lincoln felt that the reconstruction was primarily the pardoning of individuals, a presidential power

The cotton gin change agriculture in the south by...

Making caught in the dominant

Which of the following drew a line north of which any new states would be free states and south of which any new states would be slave states?

Making cotton the dominant crop

The Republican Party became strong in the south, in part because...

Millions of southern African-American men's became voters

What impact did the Civil War have on South African's Americans population?

Mini immigrated to north and west

This expert expresses the view of post- Civil War. Held by..

Moderate reconstructionists

What is one to be entered the help the north to achieve victory in the Civil War

More technical resources

After the Battle of Gettysburg, the south...

Never again fight on union soil

How did the north population differ from the South population

North population was larger

The actions of the republican party after the Civil War were more favorable to...

Northern Industral interests

What profession grew substantially with women's participation during the Civil War


The cartoon below by Thomas Nast was published in 1874 what was the main message of this cartoon

Opponents of the reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freedmen

Black codes and Jim Crowe laws were similar in that they both...

Oppress blacks and called for segregation

Which practices were introduced in southern states after reconstruction to circumvent this amendment?

Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens

Early in his presidency, Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goals president was to...

Preserve the union

What was the positive long-term impact of the radical reconstruction on the south

Public education systems were established for students of all races

What practice did this ruling uphold

Racial segregation in public places

Which two groups most helped the Friedman during the reconstruction?

Radical Republicans and carpet baggers

Following the Civil War, the radical Republicans in Congress...

Regarded the southern states as conquered territory

During the 1870s, supreme court decisions...

Restricted the scope of the 14th amendment

What did Republicans gain from the compromise of 1877

Rutherford B. Hayes became president

Which of the following was not a main cause of the Civil War


Abraham Lincoln's biggest objective in the Civil War was to...

Save the union

What term describes a white southerner who supports northern reconstruction policies after the Civil War?


During the reconstruction of many Southerners use this Thiago Tori for other southerners who supported radical Republicans and reconstruction


Which view was held by most Southerners of the secession crisis of 1860-1861?

Since the Union was created by the states, they could leave it at any time.

Which best describes the social and political philosophy of the Underground Railroad "conductor"Harriet Tubman?

Slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War

Southerners feared that Northerners intended to abolish slavery

Harriet Beecher Stowe's "uncle Tom's cabin" infuriated the south because it...

Spread anti-slavery sentiment in the north

Which of these is a method that Republicans used to maintain control of Congress during reconstruction

Taking the right to vote and hold office from former Confederate leaders

Which of the following actions completes the diagram below

Ten southerner states are divided into five military districts are governed by the former union generals

Why was the plan for reconstruction of the south needed?

The Constitution provided no guidance on secession or readmission of states.

By the end of the 1860s, northerns support for the reconstruction had faded because...

The Cost of military operations in the south worried many people

What is one geographic advantage of the south had over the north

The South was fighting in its own territory

Which idea was a part of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?

The Southern states had never really left the Union

Which of these strategies was not used by the south to counter the Norths advantages and resources shown in the graph

The Southwood fight a defensive war on it's own terrain

Why was Vicksburg a strategic location for a Union victory?

The Union could control the Mississippi River from Vicksburg

Union general Winfield Scott's plan to defeat the confederacy included a naval blockade of southern ports, gaining naval control of the Mississippi river, and invading the rebellious northern states. By what name was general Scott strategy known

The anaconda plan

Which of these following events directly caused the outbreak of the Civil War

The attack of fort Sumter

What was an immediate effect of the changes described below, which were implemented by congressional reconstruction?

The balance of power in the southern state governments shifted

Why was the Civil War first battle of the first battle of the bull run so shocking

The battle was more brutal than people expected

The term "bleeding Kansas" can be attributed to...

The competition of opposing political groups

What offers the best reasoning behind William Tecumseh Sherman strategy of using "total war" to defeat the south?

The destruction in Georgia would be so complete that it would break the confederacy will to continue fighting

Which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven southern states in 1861

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president

What were the major consequences of the Civil War

The end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government

Which of these was a direct consequence of the Civil War

The extension of voting rights to African-American men

President Andrew Johnson's leniency with the former Confederate officials in his veto of legislation designed to provide civil rights and financial aid to former slaves angered...

The radical Republicans

Which reconstruction plan called for harsh punishment for their former rebellion states and emphasized civil and voting rights for freedman following the Civil War

The radical republicans plan

The most likely event occurring due to the 1960 presidential election of Lincoln was...

The secession of the South Carolina from the union

The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v Ferguson basically legalized

The segregation of people crying to race

By the end of the Civil War,

The south economy had been destroyed

How did the Civil War affect states rights

The supremacy of the federal government over the states was firmly established.

What does Leon say about the town of Kinston

The town has been severly damaged by Union troops

To what did Abraham Lincoln refer when he said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand"?

The union could not continue with both free and slave states

What was a significant impact or the emancipation proclamation?

The war became a mortal contest over slavery

Why did South Carolina succeed from the union?

They believed that Lincoln was hostile to slavery

What impact did radical Republicans in Congress have on reconstruction

They encouraged the freedmen to exercise their new political rights

Some abolitionists criticize Lincolns emancipation proclamation because...

They knew it did not specifically free all in slaved people

What was Lincoln's view on African Americans?

They were entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Succeeding states believe that they had to leave the union in order to

To protect the property in their way of life

Why did the union impose enable block on the south during the Civil War?

To strangle the shipment of supplies to the confederacy

What was the main objective of the plan described in general Scott's letter?

To suffocate the south by controlling the Mississippi river in the southern ports

Why was the proclamation issued as in military decree

To warn that union forces would actively seek to free those who were enslaved

Which of the following terms describes general grant strategy for crushing the confederacy after the battle of Gettysburg?

Total war

This man excepted General Lee surrender at Appomattox courthouse, Virginia in 1865

Ulysses S Grant

During the reconstruction, groups such as the Ku Klux Klan...

Used violence to prevent freed people from voting

What did Johnson require states to do to regain membership in the Union?

Voters had to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, and state constitutions had to ban slavery

What did Lincoln want before he announced the Emancipation Proclamation?

a major Union military victory

The "Redeemers" in the late-19th century South would have been MOST likely to support

a return to Democratic rule and an end to Reconstruction.

In the years immediately following the Civil War the south

became a stronghold of the Republican Party.

Emancipation Proclamation

decreed freedom for all enslaved people in the states at war with the Union

What risk did a soldier face if he survived being wounded in a Civil War battle?

dying from disease

Why was abolitionist John Brown executed?

for his attempt to seize the arsenal at Harpers Ferry

During his presidency, Ulysses S. Grant

gave high-level advisory posts to untrustworthy friends and acquaintances.

This cartoon shows that President Ulysses S. Grant

had his ability to lead marred by scandal.

The agrarian South was at a disadvantage against the

industrialized North

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction called for

reconciling with the South rather than punishing it

Which side had a more difficult time rebuilding after the Civil War


Which statement regarding the era of reconstruction is false?

state laws and customs upheld the constitutional amendments

The Kansas Nebraska act concerned what issue?

the expansion of slavery into new territories

What did the enforcement act of 1870 make a illegal?

the use of force or coercion to prevent citizens from voting

Abolitionists believed that slavery

was morally wrong and wanted to end it

The Dred Scott decision stated that slaves..

were the property of their owners

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