Civil War Review ESSAY QUESTIONS Crossingham

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Total War was used during the Civil War. What is that and why is it important?

Total war is a strategy in which militaries use any means necessary to win, including those considered morally or ethically wrong in the context of warfare. The goal is not only to decimate but to demoralize the enemy beyond recovery so that they are unable to continue fighting.The purpose is to destroy the other contender's resources so that they are unable to continue to wage war. This might include targeting major infrastructure and blocking access to water, internet, or imports (often through blockades).

What were some of the South's strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths- Defending their homeland Did not want to lose their property, country, freedom Good soldiers-excellent shooters Former officers in the U.S. Army Weaknesses Few factories to produce weapons Few railroads to move troops/supplies Few supplies Small population (9 million) More than 1/3 of the population was enslaved Poor navy

What were some of the North's strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths-Population of 22 million Many people to grow food work in factories Factories to make supplies for the Union army Railroads Strong navy Weaknesses: Had to conquer a large areaInvading unfamiliar land

How did the Civil War affect the America political system?

1. 13th Amendment: slavery banned 2. 14th: citizenship for all born in the U.S. 3. 15th: voting rights for all male citizens regardless of race 4. Women's rights gain momentum 5. 1862 Homestead Act passed 6. Censorship of battlefield photos 7. Reconstruction laws passed 8. Ku Klux Klan organized 9. Jim Crow laws passed 10. Federal law trumps states' rights

How did the Civil War affect the American economy?

By speeding economic change, it helped prepare the way for modern industrial society. decline of plantations and the rise of industrialization. Manufacturing industries were created and hand labor was being replaced by machines. Industries were being built in cities, creating a larger population density, as people wanted to move closer to businesses for work opportunities and access to higher living standards. The North was growing at a rapid rate, with both population and industries, and the South struggled severely, economically, after the war and developed at a much slower rate. The South was still very dependent on agriculture as their source of income and farmers took a big toll after the war, as a lot of their land was destroyed. Technology improved

What impact did political and military leadership have on the outcome of the war?

Confederate -Robert E. Lee General Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and is considered the most successful confederate general. Stonewall Jackson-General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson-fought brilliantly from First Bull Run to his death at the battle of Chancellorsville from friendly fire. J.E.B. Stuart- General J.E.B. Stuart- was a famous cavalry commander known for his reconnaissance. Nathan Bedford Forrest- Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest was an innovative cavalry commander, and was the only general on either side who began as a private. Union- Ulysses S. Grant-General Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army during the later years of the civil war, and with his victory at Appomattox Courthouse, effectively ended the civil war. George Mcclellan- General George McClellan led the Army Of the Potomac during the early years of the civil war. Nathaniel Banks-General Nathaniel Banks was a hapless leader of the Union Army, suffering one defeat after another. General William Tecumseh Sherman- fought in many battles and his best known for taking Atlanta followed by his brutal by effective "march to the sea."

How did specific events of the Civil War affect the outcome?

First Battle of Bull Run-First major battle of the war*North was confident they would win the battle with their superior weapons and the size of their army*The South had better trained military leaders and their soldiers were fighting for their homes so they fought with a lot of courage*The Confederacy won and proved they could fight*The North lost some of its confidence *With the Confederacy confident and the North doubting itself, the Civil War continued much longer than was expected given the North's many advantages. Gettysburg and Vicksburg-*Battles were fought on the same day*Two of the bloodiest battles in the Civil War*Vicksburg was the last major battle in the West that gave the Union control of the Mississippi River; South lost control of this major waterway*Gettysburg in Pennsylvania was a major loss for Lee and ended his chances of invading the North*With both the Mississippi River lost and the South turned back at Gettysburg, the South lost the will and the faith that it could win the Civil War Sherman's March to the Sea-General Sherman: Had a burn and destroy mentality and had a strategy to cut the South in half so it would not be able to move its armies in defense against attacks on two sides.*Atlanta: Sherman's devastating and destructive March to the Sea starts here.Sherman's army destroys everything in front of him. He left cities in ruins and hurt the money supply of the South. *This crippled the Southern army and made it difficult for the South to continue defending itself since it was now cut in half and had its money supply cut.

What role did geography play in the Civil War?

Lincoln and his military advisers developed a war strategy based on geography. Knowing their armies must invade, Union military advisers devised a plan to divide the South. Remember that the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River system already physically divided the South. Control of both would divide Southern armies and block supply routes. It would also require the outmanned Confederate army to fight on two fronts, stretching their limited manpower thin in certain places. Virtually all the battles of the war were fought on Confederate land. Therefore, the geography of the South was of vital importance to both sides. Why did most of the war unfold in the South? Remember that although the South fired the first shots of the war, southern strategy was not aggressive. To restore the Union, northern armies had to invade and defeat the Confederacy. The goal of the Confederacy, on the other hand, was to defend itself until the Union tired of fighting. The Confederacy need not invade the North because it sought no Union territory.

How did the political actions of President Lincoln affect the outcome of the war?

Lincoln's legacy of executive authority did not last beyond his death, and over the next forty years both Congress and the courts overshadowed the White House in power and influence. Still, the most lasting accomplishments attributed to Lincoln are the preservation of the Union, the vindication of democracy, and the death of slavery, all accomplished by the ways in which he handled the crisis that most certainly would have ended differently with a lesser man in office. His great achievement, historians tell us, was his ability to energize and mobilize the nation by appealing to its best ideals while acting "with malice towards none" in the pursuit of a more perfect, more just, and more enduring Union.

How did the Civil War affect American society?

Some long-term effects that occurred after the Civil War were the abolishment of slavery, the formation of blacks' rights, industrialization and new innovations. Since the plantations in the South were mostly worked by slaves, plantation owners had no reliable source of labor to continue working the fields. This eventually led to the decline of plantations and the rise of industrialization. Manufacturing industries were created and hand labor was being replaced by machines. Industries were being built in cities, creating a larger population density, as people wanted to move closer to businesses for work opportunities and access to higher living standards. The North was growing at a rapid rate, with both population and industries, and the South struggled severely, economically, after the war and developed at a much slower rate. The South was still very dependent on agriculture as their source of income and farmers took a big toll after the war, as a lot of their land was destroyed. The invention of railroads allowed goods to be transported at a much quicker rate, increasing profits and production. Technology improved. Shortly after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were passed in 1865, 1868, and 1870, stating that slavery was against the law (13th) and that African Americans could become citizens and attain citizenship (14th). It also reinforced that race did not determine a person's ability to vote (15th). This was a step closer to the Civil Rights Movement that had occurred from 1896-1954.

How did the Civil War come to an end?

The end of the civil war is April 9, 1865 when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at the McLean House in the village of Appomattox Court House. There were battles and skirmishes after this date, but this is generally considered the official end of the civil war.

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