CJ333 Security Administration

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In a structured inspection of fencing vegetation growth would be considered an area for review.


In analyzing the impact of a program, the outcomes are what agency leaders look to in judging the program.


The process of making detailed, short-term decisions concerning what to do, who will do it, and how to do it, is known as _________________________.

Tactical Planning

Nonentry-level recruiting of skilled, technical, and management security personnel should use blind ads to appeal and attract specific talents.


Organizational Structure refers to organizing tasks and people to discharge the security function.


Security department performance is a function of effective personnel selection practices.


The Security Director's role as an executive with a broad profile means that he/she contributes to other areas of the company such as recruitment and training.


Discuss four possible topics for security training seminars.

1. Interrogation workshops, which are a half- to full-day session of principles and techniques of interrogation with role-playing and, ideally, video playback of role-playing. 2. Testifying seminars, which can include preparation of evidence, dress, demeanor on the witness stand, voice, where to look, "traps," stress, and attitude. 3. Report writing workshops, which cover principles to be followed in recording events. 4. Supervisory training that can range from two-hour topic sessions to three-day seminars. Topic sessions range from "How to Handle Disciplinary Problems" to "Management Styles."

Explain five (5) methods for dividing work.

1. Purpose: The most common. Work is divided according to its purpose, for example, loss prevention is dedicated to preventing losses, and a detection division is responsible to apprehend those who defeated the efforts of the prevention unit. 2. Process or method: The unit is organized according to the method of work; for example, alarm room operators, dispatchers, or investigators are all employed within the investigative unit. 3. Clientele: Work is divided according to the clientele served or worked with. Examples are background screening personnel, who deal only with prospective and new employees; store detectives, who concentrate on shoplifters; or general retail investigators, who become involved with dishonest employees, forgers, and other criminal offenders. 4. Time: Work is divided according to shift schedules. For example, units that work 8 hour shifts are organized into their own sections, while units working 12 hour shifts are organized within their own sections. 5. Geography: Work is divided according to geographical location. This can present managerial problems, and determining who security personnel report to must be defined. Does local security report to security management at headquarters, or to site management? In all cases, security should not report to non security personnel/management.

What are the five elements in the definition of a budget?

1. a plan stated in financial terms; 2. a realistic estimate of the resources required to implement a plan; 3. an allocation of resources to achieve planned objectives; 4. an instrument that records work programs in terms of appropriations needed to place them into effect; and 5. a management tool intended to ensure that work programs are carried out as planned.

A limited span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one person. It ranges from ____ at the highest level of an organization to ____ at the lowest level.

5, 12

What does "dimension of position" mean?

According to the text, dimension of the position as related to personnel means how many people the will be under the charge of a particular supervisor. The example in the text uses a Captain's position who directly supervises five Sergeants, and indirectly supervises twenty-eight security officers. In this model, the dimension of position for the Sergeants would include directly supervising five to six security officers. The dimensions of each position should then makeup the organizational structure within the department.

What does the horizontal plane of an organizational chart represent? What does the vertical plane represent?

According to the text, the horizontal plane of an organizational chart indicates the level or division of areas of responsibility; it defines what role and responsibilities that each manager/person is responsible for. The Vertical plane represents the level of authority or rank; this is where each managers rank is revealed.

Discuss three (3) advantages of using career personnel in the Security Department.

According to the text, three advantages of using career personnel in the security department are: 1. Companies with in-house or "proprietary" security programs tend to attract people seeking career positions and career opportunities. Competition for such openings allows selection of the most qualified individuals. The advantage to this is that the company will likely find employees who want to be there, which will likely produce better job performance. 2. Career personnel develop a loyalty to the department as well as to the company. They identify with the organization and see its welfare as synonymous with their own. This is advantageous because the employee will take "ownership" of their responsibilities, and a more personal passion for their work. 3. Career personnel tend to have greater knowledge of the company, its "ins and outs," and with such insight they function more efficiently and smoothly. The advantage for this is that, over time, career personnel will need less training on basic skills required, and have a more advanced working knowledge of the company.

Name three ways to "screen" or otherwise verify an applicant's background.

According to the text, verifying an applicant's background can be conducted by contacting former employers, checking criminal history, or court records, and financial background checks in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, among others. The position the applicant is applying for would dictate which methods are most appropriate. For example, a financial background check would be prudent if the position requires any handling of mail, money, financial databases, or even as a police, or corrections officer where the employee may be exposed to bribe offers. A criminal background check would be appropriate in probably any security position; and contacting previous employers would be appropriate if the applicant was terminated, or going to be working in a team environment.

Founded in 1955, ___________________ is the largest organization for security professionals, with more than 36,000 members worldwide.

American Society for Industrial Security

______________________ is a combination of on-the-job training and related instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation.


Besides newspaper advertising, what is another method of soliciting applicants for entry-level positions?

Besides newspaper advertisement another method of soliciting applicants for an entry level job is by submitting with the security administration or criminal justice department of a college.

Give an example of how the Security Director may be involved in other areas of the company beyond security.

Beyond security, the Security Director should be a highly visible company executive. Highly visible means that the Security Director is well known in and out of the company, and is seen frequently. Ideally, the Security Director should be an interesting and effective speaker who is sought after to make presentations. The Security Director should be part of the management team with a broad profile with interests to other areas of the business beyond the security function, and contributes to those interests.

A person with a high degree of communication with the systems external environment.

Boundary Spanner

_____________ personnel are full-time (40-hour work week) proprietary employees on a track leading to continual vertical movement.


An interactive process by which information is exchanged between sources and receivers for the purpose of conveying meaning.


Explain what is meant by constructive discipline and why it is a good idea to keep a file of employee infractions.

Constructive discipline should be positive, focusing on corrective action rather than on personalities; it focuses on the wrongful act, not the employee. Documenting infractions is necessary so it can be referenced in the event of repeated infractions.

An individual who is located in a communication structure so as to control the messages flowing through a communication channel.


Belittling employees, public criticism, favoritism, and denial of opportunities, are all considered


All of the following are considered "ideal" requirements for achieving a viable organizational structure, except:

Determine the salaries and fringe benefits

___________________ is administered by a supervisor when positive corrective measures designed to train or effect behavior change are not successful; or when employee action is a significant deviation from rule or procedure.


Theory X and Theory Y, which make assumptions about human nature and behavior, were formulated by

Douglas McGregor

Why does the organizational structure of one security department differ from the formal organization?

Each organizational structure reflects how the particular Security Director and management above him or her perceive departmental and company priorities. The structure is and must be fluid, to meet the ever-changing character of most private enterprise operations. The formal pattern may also be influenced by individual personnel.

In organizations, communications takes place in all of the following ways, except:

Employees complaining to their attorneys

Effective managers must resist input from line and supervisory personnel during security inspections.


General principles of organization suggest that responsibility can be given without delegating commensurate responsibly.


Ideally a lower level security employee should conduct the security inspection.


In on-the-job training, employees are moved from job to job. The jobs themselves are not changed, but employees are rotated.


Nonsecurity management should have line authority (direct supervision) over security.


Opportunities for vertical movement elsewhere in the organization should be opposed by security management.


The keys to effective on-the-job training are ensuring an unstructured experienced for the trainee and using field training officers who volunteer


Discuss the differences in the approach to recruiting for a non-entry-level position versus an entry-level position.

For an entry level position, a direct approach in advertising an existing vacancy is usually desirable. The recruiting approach for skilled, technical, and managerial personnel is different from that for entry-level positions because the "blind ad" technique is recommended. Entry-level security applicants may be solicited by announcing them to the security administration or criminal justice departments of local community colleges, whereas applicants for non- entry level positions may respond by submitting resumes or applications to blind ads that they feel they are qualified for.

Why is it important to identify departmental objectives with regard to achieving a viable organizational structure?

Identifying departmental objectives will allow for the arrangement of people with a common objective in a manner that groups related tasks, establishes areas of responsibility, and defines lines of communication and authority.

Hiring of security personnel is a step-by-step process with the following steps completed in this order:

Initial interview, Secondary interview, Background investigation

A ______________________ is a written statement that explains the duties, working conditions, and other aspects of a specified job.

Job Description

The favorableness or unfavorable ness with which employees view their work

Job Satisfaction

_______________________________ describe(s) the job demands on the employees who do (does) it (them) and the human skills that are required.

Job specifications

___________ is the one common subject in any budget discussion.


A persons drive to take an action because that person wants to do so.


Workers have two independent categories of needs that affect behavior differently. When people feel dissatisfied about their jobs, they are concerned about conditions in their working environment such as wages and administrative procedures. When workers are satisfied about their jobs, they are more concerned about the nature of the job itself. This best describes:

Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Budgets are focused on a specific time period called the ___________ Year.


All of the following refer to reasons why human relations problems in security administration are communication problems, except:

Newsletter Procedures

One who has the ability to informally influence other individuals' attitudes or behavior in a desired way with relative frequency.

Opinion Leader

The study of how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations is known as:

Organizational behavior

Explain what is meant by the term organizational productivity. Explain the relationship between hiring decisions in security administration and organizational productivity.

Organizational productivity refers to the people within the organization working toward the same goals of the company. Hiring new security employees is one of the most important functions and responsibilities of security management, and is critical to the productivity of the organization because the hiring process requires recruiting, finding, choosing and hiring the best candidate for the job.

What are the three basic things that management wants employees to know? How does the POP formula relate to these?

POP refers to policy, objective and procedure; "what management wants them to do, why management wants them to do it and how management wants it done". The "what management wants done" section deals with policy so that the employee knows what is expected out of him/her. The "why management wants it done refers to information by why they are doing what they are doing. And the last, "how management wants it done equals the training area to show how it needs to be done.

All of the following are basic qualification factors to be considered in selecting candidates for supervisory or management responsibility, except:

Performance on the oral interview; Educational achievement; Track record in job performance; Anticipated or expected performance in the higher level job; None of the Above - WRONG

_________________________ refers to behavior and attitude patterns exhibiting standards and character marked by pride in one's self and one's chosen career, respect for people served and commitment to the continued development of skill in the pursuit of excellence.


__________________ budgeting stresses the examination of budget requests based on analysis and consideration of the objectives.


Discuss the relationship between responsibility and authority. Give an example in which a manager has given a subordinate responsibility without commensurate authority.

Responsibility cannot be given without delegating commensurate authority, and there must be accountability for the use of that authority. Proper delegation requires giving responsibility with commensurate authority and then holding the employee fully accountable for the use of that authority. An example is where an individual is given the job of supervising a unit, and is told that the unit is his/her responsibility, and is told that they will be measured by how well they perform in that assignment. However, the new supervisor discovers they do not have the authority to select the members of the team that he/she is responsible for.

Name the seven interviewing rules.

Rule #1: Ask open-ended questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no; Rule #2: Probe the answers; Rule #3: Do not signal the answers you are looking for in your question; Rule #4: Ask motivator-type questions that allow the applicant to provide revealing answers; Rule #5: Ask the applicant what he or she likes to do most on the job; Rule #6: Do not waste precious time "selling" your company or department. By the time the applicant gets there, he or she is convinced of the desirability of the job; and Rule #7: At the conclusion of the interview, give the applicant a date that he or she can go by

How does a good job description fill the gap between an employee's performance and management's expectations?

See page 83

What should the contents of a security manual include?

See page 97

What is the difference between span of control and unity of command?

Span of control refers to the limit to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one person, while unity of command refers to an employee reporting chain. An employee should only be under the direct control of one and only one immediate superior.

Serving as an escort for the dignitaries who are guests of a firm are an example of _______________________ services [performed by the Security Department.

Special or Bodyguard/escort

All of the following represent possible cures or countermeasures for risk, except:


Explain the distinction between a Security Director and a Security Manager.

The Security Director provides leadership to the management of the security organization. Note that the director does not directly manage the department; he or she provides leadership for the manager and management team. Providing leadership means setting the right climate, pointing out directions, suggesting alternative solutions to problems, and encouraging and nurturing the growth of subordinates. In most cases, a director is ranked at the highest level of middle management and ordinarily reports to a member of senior management such as the company president or a vice president (VP), but the Security Director can be lower level senior management.

What are three (3) steps in achieving a viable organizational structure?

The first step in achieving a viable organizational structure is to identify the departmental objectives. The second step is to identify the various tasks and divide them into logical work units, and the third step is to identify the levels of leadership necessary to achieve the task.

Explain how personnel form the "third dimension" of organizational design.

The first two dimensions of organizational structure are responsibilities and lines of authority. Personnel form a third dimension because there is a tendency to build jobs and organizations around people, rather than identifying qualified talent and placing them in the jobs defined by a plan of organization. Many times the manager in charge of a department, for the most part, has no choice but to make the best possible use of existing, personnel; it is easier to change the organization than it is to change the individual.

Identify four types of security countermeasures and provide an example of each type.

The four types of countermeasures are: 1. Procedural controls: Procedures will tell how something is supposed to be done. A policy may require vehicles entering an area to be searched, but procedures will state specifics, such as the driver having to wait in a designated area during the inspection, or that dogs will be used during searches. 2. Hardware, which are physical security features such as fences, gates, locks, keys, and barricades. 3. Electronic systems, which are CCTV, access control panels, alarms, or key card access. 4. Personnel, which may include vehicle patrol personnel, or loss prevention staff.

According to Herzberg's Motivation Theory, what are the motivators that come from the work itself? Why do the job surroundings or hygiene factors not lead to work satisfaction?

The motivators that come from the work itself are responsibility, achievement, recognition, advancement, and growth. Hygiene factors, such as good pay, periodic increases, benefits, good supervision, and good working conditions, do not lead to job satisfaction because they are expected once they have been given.

What is meant by span of control?

The span of control is the functions, responsibilities and manpower an individual is responsible for in connection with their assigned position. These can change depending on a situation in certain circumstances, such as in the event of a tragedy such as a school shooting in which the administration may fall under the span of control of the mental health professionals with whom they may outrank under normal circumstances.

What are the two basic ways to train a new employee?

There are two basic strategies to training: on-the-job training (OJT) and formal classroom training.

The ability to prioritize work tasks effectively.

Time Management

A Security Director is expected to be a contemporary professional, i.e., one who keeps abreast of the security industry, such as technology and systems, current trends, and the general state of the art of security.


A security applicant's first contact with the company should be with the Human Resources (Personnel) Department.


Executive protection, bodyguard service, special investigations, and emergency services are all examples of special services provided by security.


In a progressive discipline program, which of the following represents the most logical sequence for administering discipline

Written warning; Suspension without pay; Termination

The mental and emotional attitudes a person has about the tasks he/she is expected to perform.


___________________ personnel refer to in-house part-time or external employees who perform duties on a contractual or service fee basis.

non-career personnel

All of the following are basic qualification factors to be considered in selecting candidates for supervisory or managerial responsibility, except:

outside hobbies

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