CLEP history Chapter 2

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Roger Williams

A dissenter who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state and was banished in 1636, after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south

Glorious Revolution

A reference to the political events of 1688-1689, when James II abdicated his throne and was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband, Prince William of Orange.

Salem Witch Trials

1629 outbreak of witchcraft accusations in a Massachussetts Bay puritan village marked by an atmosphere of fear, hysteria and stress. Spectral evidence was used frequently.

in what year did new Netherlands become new england


Dominion of New England

1686 - The British government combined the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut into a single province headed by a royal governor (Andros). The Dominion ended in 1692, when the colonists revolted and drove out Governor Andros.

Molasses Act of 1733

A British law that established a tax on imports of molasses, sugar, and rum from non-British colonies. The law was loosely enforced and New England imported great quantities of West Indian sugar for manufacturing rum. Example of mercantilism

Anne Hutchinson

A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority.

William Penn

A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution.

John Winthrop

Puritan governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Speaker of "City upon a hill"

which of the following statements was true of Rhode Island, based on what you have learned?

Rhode Island attracted exiles and dissenters from different areas who were in search of greater religious freedom

When did the Mayflower set sail?

September 1620


Shareholders who agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor.

Triangular Trade

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies

Salutary Neglect

An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies

What is Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley.

why did England need colonies to succeed under mercantilism

England needed more raw materials without having to buy them with hard currency

Anthony Johnson

Slave in Northampton County, Virginia who bought his freedom and became a slaveholder himself

which best describes the task system

Slaves were assigned a task to complete and had free time when they were done.

Why was Massachusetts founded?

The colonists were facing religious persecution in England

New France did not have ______.

Tight regulation by the French government

why was the colony of Delaware founded

it was cultural and linguistically different from the rest of Penn so it was given its own assembly

which of the following is FALSE regarding immigration to America the later 17th and early 18th centuries

many French migrated there, fleeing the long conflict with the united kingdom

Describe the Southern Colonies

men outnumber women, plantation system limited commerce and discourages urbanization, school and church impractical

Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon

men who surveyed the line between the northern boundary of Maryland and the southern boundary of Pennsylvania. known as the Mason-Dixon line

which of the following factors prompted the drastic increase in americas colonial population from 1690-1754

migration of different European ethnic groups


nations competed for the most favorable balance of trade. the goal was to amass the most gold and silver

which of the following sequence of events is in chronological order currency act, salutary neglect, molasses act, navigation act

navigation act, molasses act, currency act, and salutary neglect

what black slave is known for poetry

phillis wheatley

Currency Act

prohibited colonies from issuing paper money, destabilized colonial economy

what was the cash crop of carolinas


which was NOT a role Pocahontas played in the Jamestown colony 1. she brought food to the starving colonists 2. she married John Rolfe 3. she acted as a diplomat for them 4. she may have saved John smiths life as a girl 5. she warned them of an impending attack.

she warned them of an impending attack by the spanish

why was Anne hutchinson banished from Mass?

she was using the churchs sermons to teach men, which was not seen as appropriate behavior for a woman

how did new Netherlands and New France make attempts to increase their populations

single Frenchmen were encouraged to marry Native American women while dutch immigration was encouraged by recruiting patroons

what was the main after effect of the molasses act


which was NOT a factor that led the south toward slavery 1. SC imported slaves from its official beginning 2. bacons rebellion turned opinions against indentured servants toward slavery 3. spanish FL outlawed slavery and sold all their workers inexpensively to GA 3. Rice plantations needed the skilled laborers that were only available in Africa

spanish Florida outlawed slavery and sold all their workers inexpensively to GA

which of the following changes would have most improved Jamestown chance for success

starting with colonists who possessed the skills needed for survival

which of the following was NOT accomplished by the creation of the Dominion of New England

the dominion of New England has the most impact in day to day affairs in New York since it was a symbol of colonial culture

How does the fate of Popham and Roanoke compare to that of Jamestown

the fate of pop ham and Roanoke are both abandoned colonies while Englands first permanent American colony was Jamestown.

What is the Mayflower Compact?

the first agreement for self-government to be created and enforced in America

House of Burgesses

the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619, representative colony set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legistlative acts.

which of the following best describes life in southern colonies

the main economic activity was cash crops which were taken care of and looked after by indentured servants or slaves

how did the original indentured servants of Plymouth escape their service to the London company?

the mayflower landed outside London company charter

Lawrence came to the new world with his family and quickly discovered how rewarding living the 'American dream' could be. after only a short time he began working for a local publisher printing news for his town. Lawrence lived in ______.

the middle colonies

how did the middle colonies differ from the others regarding the ancestry of it settlers

the middle colonies were diverse while the others were settled mainly by Englishmen

which of the follower descriptions in the document indicates the prevalence of English trade in North America

the name cape cod

how did the navigation acts impact the governance of the colonies

the navigation acts attempted to increase the influence of the monarchy there after it was restored in 1660

why did the British king approve James Oglethorpes charter to found the colony of GA

the new colony would be a buffer preventing Spanish attacks from FL

James and his family ventured to the New World in search of religious freedom, and upon their arrival they settled close to a water source in a small village. James and other members of his family found jobs working in the fish and ship building industry while the younger children attended public school. James most likely lived in ____.

the northern colonies

what was the significance of King Phillips war

the northern colonists defeated Wampanoag chief Metacomet known as king Phillip and ended Native American influence.

John Rolfe introduced sweet Spanish tobacco seeds to the Jamestown colony. what is the most important impact of these seeds to the survival of Jamestown?

the tobacco was shipped to London where it was sold for profit

how did the London company try to help save Jamestown?

they created the headlight system which allowed an investor to sponsor a worker to go to VA and in return would get 50 acres of land. known as indentured servants.

how did the early explorers affect the pilgrims who came after them

they spread smallpox through the coastal tribes

why did many of the puritans come to be in New England?

they were being persecuted as a result of the political change in England

what did new Netherlands have in common with jamestown

they were both funded by joint stock companies

why were they called pilgrims?

they were fleeing a religious persecution and because they believed they were led by god to start a new religious government

why did Cecil Calvary approve the Act of Religious Toleration in Maryland

to protect the rights of the minority catholics

why were slave codes passed?

to regulate slaves and slavery to benefit the whites

what was the cash crop of virigina


Duke of York (James II)

took New Netherlands and named it New York; became English king, who was disliked for his support of Catholicism

why would the pilgrims have referred to the Massachusetts area as the northern parts of Virginia

virginia was the only settled English colony in america

why are all signatories to the mayflower compact male

women lacked political authority and agency in the 1600s

slave life in the south

worked sun up to sun down, usually 6 days, had greater sense of community because there was so many of them.

Thomas Hooker

A Puritan minister who led about 100 settlers out of Massachusetts Bay in 1636 to Connecticut because he believed that the governor and other officials had too much power. He wanted to set up a colony in Connecticut with strict limits on government.

how did king James II approach to the colonies differ from King Charles II?

Charles II tried to assert domination through treaties and acts, while James II made much stronger structural changes to how the colonies were governed in order to reassert control

Phillis Wheatley

First African American female writer to be published in the United States. Her book Poems on Various Subjects was published in 1773, pioneered African-American literature. One of the most well- known poets in America during her day; first African American to get a volume of poetry published.

John Peter Zenger

Journalist who questioned the policies of the governor of New York in the 1700's. He was jailed; he sued, and this court case was the basis for our freedom of speech and press. He was found not guilty.

Navigation Acts

Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies. Colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England. These acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries.

what company gave pilgrims the permission to start the new colony?

London company

what colony did puritans create?

Massachusetts Bay Colony

which of the following show cause and effect: salutary Neglect- colonial prosperity mercantilism- skilled tradesmen international trade- the currency act navigation acts- cottage industries

Salutary Neglect- colonial prosperity

Why did Carolina split into two colonies of North and South Carolina?

South Carolina favored slavery while NC favored indentured servitude

why was the mayflower compact originally drawn up

The settlers knew they would perish if they did not stick together, so they agreed to a democratic form of government

what was James Oglethorpes goal for GA?

To settle a colony for debtors in prison. he wanted it to be a utopia of hard work and social economy so he outlawed slavery and large land holdings. within two decades restriction was lifted.

why did the European merchants and monarchs work so hard to find the northwest passage

because they wanted to find a way to Asia while completely avoiding Spanish territory

slave life in the north

cooks, maids, farm hands. better treatment and healthier but worked 7 days

what was the approximate modern day extent of New France at its height?

eastern Canada and the central us

which was NOT a motivation for French and English voyages to the Americas in the 16th century? 1. escaping religious persecution 2. catching up to the Spanish colonial empire 3. finding lost cities of gold 4. finding a northwest passage to Asia

escaping religious persecution

Mass Bay Colony was known as a theocracy which means

for the purpose of serving god and increasing his kingdom

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Sir Francis Drake? 1. he was the first man to sail around the world for England. 2. he financed a group of settlers to a small island called Roanoke 3. his bounty after going as far north as San Fran was twice the queens income for a year 4. he was a famous pirate also known as sea dog

he financed a group of settlers to a small island called Roanoke

Why was Peter Minuit an important personality for the expansion of Dutch settlements?

he founded both new Netherland and new Sweden

what was Edwin Sandys' legacy in VA

his headlight system created class divisions between the 'haves' and the 'have nots'

how were indentured servants different from slaves in the 1600s colonial society

indentured servants could leave after seven years while slaves could not

what was William penns legacy as the founder of Penn?

it became one of the most democratic societies in the world

why was the border between Penn and Maryland significant?

it came to represent the cultural divide between the north and the south

what can you infer bout the triangular trade

it enriched England regardless of its effect on other nations

why was the colony of NJ founded

it was part of New York given by the Duke of York to important colonists to gain favor with them

how was the Virginia company important to Jamestown?

it was the joint stock company that paid to settle jamestown

why is the mayflower compact such a vital document in the political history of the United States

its the first mention of governance, laws, and constitution

what impact did the neighboring Powhatan confederacy have on Jamestown?

the Powhatan occasionally provided protection and trade with the colonist

how was the Connecticut colony different from most New England colonies

the settlers didn't share the same religious views

which best describes the colonial economy

it was based on trade in agricultural products

why would the pilgrims call King James their 'dread' sovereign yet speak about him in respect?

'dread' had a different meaning in 1620 and was meant to convey respect

Edmond Andros

Governor of the Dominion of New England from 1686 until 1692, when the colonists rebelled and forced him to return to England

what was the Indian tribe of the NE?


how did the pilgrims avoid death while living in plymouth

a friendly Indian, who had knowledge of the English language, taught the pilgrims how to live off the land .

how was the fate of Giovanni da Verranzzano similar to that of John cabot?

both went exploring for the Northwest passage and failed to find it

Describe the Middle Colonies

came in families, had large farms and grew their own food. stable families society and healthy population. great innovations= rifle wagon log cabin

describe the northern colonies

commercial and industrial, immigrants came as families, all women were educated, close towns.

what was the goal in virigina in 1607?

get rich quick

Northwest Passage

goal of many to find a safe route to Asia by avoiding the southern most point of South America controlled by Spain.

why did the Glorious Revolution impact the colonies

it forces James II to flee the country and Mary and William to take the throne with a looser policy toward the colonies, causing the disposal of many royal governors

what is the significance of the first thanksgiving

it symbolized the friendship between the pilgrims and the Wampanoag, and allowed the pilgrims to show their gratitude for the Indians and their first successful harvest

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