Climate Change

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Evidences that global warming is increasing 1

A shift towards earlier seasons

Greenhouse Gase and its source 4

Burning biomass. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) - Aerosol sprays, Refrigerants.

Greenhouse Gase and its source 6

CFC-12 - Liquid coolants, Foams

Greenhouse Gase and its source 2

CH4 (Methane) - Fossil Fuel production, rice fields.

Greenhouse Gase and its source 1

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) - Burning of fossil fuels.

Negative outcomes of global warming- 6

Economic- The economic impacts of climate change may be catastrophic. The Stern report made clear the overall pattern of economic distress, and while the specific numbers may be contested, the costs of climate change were far in excess of the costs of preventing it.

Negative outcomes of global warming- 5

Environmental- contamination or exhaustion of fresh-water, extensive vegetation die-off due to droughts, changes in migration patterns of animals, and species loss.

Global Warming

Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse (or glasshouse) is good for growing things because it traps heat inside and stays hotter than the atmosphere around it.

Negative outcomes of global warming- 3

Melting Glaciers- The effects of glaciers melting are largely detrimental, millions of people depend on fresh water supplied each year by natural spring melt and regrowth cycles and those water supplies - drinking water, agriculture - may fail.

Greenhouse Gase and its source 3

N2O (Nitrous Oxide) - Fertilizers, Deforestation,

Negative outcomes of global warming- 2

Ocean Acidification-This process is caused by additional CO2 being absorbed in the water, and may have severe destabilising effects on the entire oceanic food-chain.

Ways to reduce CO2 production- 2

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint From Air Travel- Don't fly on private jets.

Ways to reduce CO2 production- 1

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint From Driving- Drive a low carbon vehicle.

Ways to reduce CO2 production- 4

Reduce Your Food Carbon Footprint From Food- Eat locally-produced and organic food.

Ways to reduce CO2 production- 3

Reduce Your Home Energy Carbon Footprint-Insulate and seal your home, Appliances, Lighting, thermostat, etc.

Negative outcomes of global warming- 4

Sea Level Rise- Many parts of the world are low-lying and will be severely affected by modest sea rises. There are no proposed benefits to sea-level rise.

Greenhouse Gase and its source 5

Sulfur Hexafluoride - Dielectric fluid.

Explanation of and the significance of the Kyoto Protocol-

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty, which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that global warming exists and man-made CO2 emissions have caused it. This is going to help the gases emissions so the climate change might not be as extreme.

Evidences that global warming is increasing 3

The tropical belt is widening

Evidences that global warming is increasing 2

There is an increasing trend in record hot days versus record cold temperatures with currently twice as many record hot days than record cold temperatures.

Relationship between CO2 levels and global temperature

There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas that helps maintain the world's temperature at a pleasant level suitable for human existence. The level of carbon dioxide is predicted to continue to rise in the absence of urgent and decisive action, causing temperatures to rise at an exponential rate.

Ways to reduce CO2 production- 5

Water usage- Lower the amount of energy used to pump, treat, and heat water by washing your car less often.

Negative outcomes of global warming- 1

Polar ice caps melting- the warming waters increase glacier and Greenland ice cap melt, as well as raising the temperature of Arctic tundra, which then releases methane, where it is trapped in ice-crystals called clathrates) Melting of the Antarctic ice shelves is predicted to add further to sea-level rise with no benefits accruing.

Example of Global warming Feedback Loop-

he melting of its permafrost is likely to lead to the release, over decades, of large quantities of methane. As much as 70,000 million tonnes of methane, an extremely effective greenhouse gas, might be released over the next few decades, creating an additional source of greenhouse gas emissions. Similar melting has been observed in eastern Siberia. Lawrence et al. (2008) suggest that a rapid melting of Arctic sea ice may start a feedback loop that rapidly melts Arctic permafrost, triggering further warming. An example of positive feedback is world population with a fixed percentage birth rate. Positive feedbacks will result in unlimited growth (until checked) and are sometimes referred to as vicious cycles

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