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15. A nursing assistant has to touch residents in order to do her job. Which of the following is an example of appropriate touch?

Holding the resident's leg as she bathes it

62. A resident has had a total hip replacement, and the nursing assistant is helping to position the resident. Which of the following is a guideline that the NA should follow?

The NA should help the resident dress, starting with the affected/weaker side first.

66. When a resident who has Alzheimer's disease begins to perseverate, which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should respond each time, using the same words.

7. A resident has bite marks and scratches that continue to appear and that she cannot explain. This could be a sign of

Physical abuse

72. Which of the following statements is true of range of motion (ROM) exercises?

A goal of range of motion exercises is to help prevent contractures.

5. Which of the following would be recorded in a nursing assistant's record in her state's nursing assistant registry?

An investigation showed that abuse occurred while she worked with residents.

46. Which of the following temperature readings should be reported to the nurse because it is outside of the normal range?

An oral temperature of 100.1 F

54. When a nursing assistant notices that there is no urine in a catheter drainage bag, she should

Check the tubing for kinks

82. Which of the following is a normal age-related change for the body?


51. How can a nursing assistant help prevent constipation?

The nursing assistant should give the resident plenty of time for elimination.

25. A resident has a severe form of cerebral palsy. Which of the following is a guideline for the nursing assistant to follow when providing care for this resident?

The nursing assistant should help the resident to move slowly, and allow more time for adjusting her body position.

34. A resident who has multiple sclerosis is prone to fall. Which of the following is one way that a nursing assistant can help prevent the resident from falling?

The nursing assistant should leave the resident's bed in its lowest position when finished with care.

33. A resident is restrained due to doctor's orders. Which of the following is true about a resident who is restrained?

The resident is at a higher risk of developing pressure ulcers.

49. A nursing assistant notices that FF is written on a resident's chart. What does this mean about the resident?

The resident is at risk of becoming dehydrated and needs to be encouraged to drink more fluids.

28. Which of the following infection prevention measures is the best way for a nursing assistant to prevent the spread of disease?

Wash hands regularly

27. Which of the following is an example of a nursing assistant using personal protective equipment (PPE) properly?

Donning gloves before handling a urinal

30. For which of the following procedures should gloves always be worn?

Emptying the resident's urinary drainage bag

9. A nursing assistant learns that a coworker has offered to provide special care for a resident in exchange for payment. This is an example of

Financial abuse

48. A resident has been gaining one to two pounds of weight per day. The nursing assistant observes that the resident seems fatigued and that her urine output has decreased. This could be a sign of

Fluid overload

2. It is a nursing assistant's first day at her new job and she wants to make a positive first impression. Which of the following is an example of proper grooming?

Keep your hair neatly tied back and away from your face

73. A resident is recovering from a period of immobility and is performing range of motion (ROM) exercises on her own. Which of the following acronyms best describes this type of range of motion exercise?

AROM (active range of motion)

65. A resident who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease puts a slipper on one foot and a regular shoe on the other. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The NA should gently ask the resident if she realizes that her shoes do not match and offer to help her find a matching pair.

19. A resident's husband died recently. She has stopped participating in game night or going to the dining room for meals. She is eating very little and seems sad. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The NA should give the resident opportunities to talk about her feelings if she wants to.

41. Which of the following is the best way for a nursing assistant to help move a resident up in bed?

The nursing assistant should ask the resident to bend her knees and to push with her hands and feet.

43. While providing perineal care for a resident during a bed bath, the nursing assistant should

Use a clean area of the washcloth for each stroke.

17. When a nursing assistant answers the phone at the long-term care facility, which of the following is the best example of proper telephone etiquette?

"Good morning, this is Lynnell Brooks, nursing assistant at Lakeside Village. How may I help you?"

42. When giving a back rub to a resident, the nursing assistant should

Avoid massaging areas of the skin that are pale or red

79. A resident who is in the final stages of AIDS is receiving hospice care. Which of the following could a nursing assistant expect to see as death approaches?

Cheyne-Stokes breathing

39. A resident is going out with other residents to see a movie. The nursing assistant is making his bed. Which type of bed should the NA make?

Closed bed

69. A resident has diabetes. Which of the following sets of symptoms should the nursing assistant expect to be associated with this condition?

Excessive thirst, excessive hunger, excessive urination

3. A nursing assistant is given the task of measuring vital signs each day for a large number of residents, while her coworker is assigned the task of weighing all the residents each day. Which of the following methods of nursing care is this?

Functional Nursing

58. A male resident is experiencing normal changes in his reproductive system due to aging. Which of the following conditions meets this definition?

He has an enlarged prostate gland.

1. A resident who is confined to bed requires special care. Which of the following is a task performed by a nursing assistant?

Helping with the use of a bedpan

10. A nursing assistant who works periodically when full-time staff members are on vacation helps care for residents who have Alzheimer's disease. On different occasions she noticed that a resident's bed smells of urine and that her hair is dirty and matted. This could be a sign of


55. Urinary incontinence puts resident at an increased risk for

Pressure ulcers

77. A resident who is in the advanced stages of ovarian cancer is expected to die within the week. Which of the following should the resident's care focus on?

Providing for comfort and pain relief

8. A nursing assistant notices that a resident seems depressed. While giving her a bed bath, the resident confides that another nursing assistant told her how "gross" the stump looks. This is an example of

Psychological abuse

16. A nursing assistant is documenting a resident's care for the first time. Which of the following is an example of accurate documentation?

Recording the resident's blood pressure in black ink

22. Which of the following is a good guideline for the nursing assistant to follow when communicating with a resident who has a hearing impairment?

The nursing assistant should stand or sit so that the resident can see the nursing assistant's face, and make sure there is proper lighting in the room.

37. A new resident needs to be weighed once he is admitted. Which of the following should the nursing assistant do when obtaining a resident's weight?

The nursing assistant should start with the scale balanced at zero.

44. A nursing assistant is providing oral care to an unconscious resident. Which of the following is a guideline for the nursing assistant to follow during this procedure?

The nursing assistant should turn the resident's head to the side.

23. Which of the following is a good guideline for the nursing assistant to follow when helping a visually-impaired resident?

The nursing assistant should use the face of an imaginary clock to explain the position of objects.

24. A new resident recently fell and broke his hip, which is what prompted his move into the long-term care facility. He has become very dependent on others for the first time in his life. Even though the facility is comfortable, provides good medical care, and serves food he enjoys, he is depressed. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the needs could the resident be struggling with?

Need for self-esteem

71. A resident who has cancer suffers from bouts of pain. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

Notify the nurse

59. A female is experiencing normal changes in her reproductive system due to aging. Which of the following conditions meets this definition?

She has brittle bones resulting from lowered estrogen and progesterone levels.

36. A resident suddenly starts slurring her words. What could this indicate about her condition?

She is having a stroke.

21. If a resident tries to hit a nursing assistant, the nursing assistant should

Step back and call the nurse

70. A nursing assistant is providing foot care to a resident who has diabetes. Which of the following is a good guideline for the NA to follow?

The NA should always dry feet thoroughly, especially between toes.

50. A nursing assistant is helping a resident eat. Which of the following is a good guideline for the NA to follow?

The NA should ask the resident which foods she would like to eat first and honor her choices.

26. A nursing assistant is in the middle of her shift and is behind schedule. She is worried that she will not finish all of the assigned tasks, which include measuring each resident's vital signs, by the end of her shift. Which of the following is the best choice that she can make in this situation?

The NA should notify the nurse and explain her concerns.

31. It is bedtime, and a nursing assistant has just finished helping a resident with oral care. It is now time to work with the resident's roommate. There are no additional sets of gloves in the room. Which of the following is the best course of action for the nursing assistant to take?

The NA should notify the nurse that no additional gloves can be found before doing anything else.

35. Which of the following is a proper guideline for the nursing assistant to follow when there is a fire?

The NA should use wet towels to block doorways to prevent smoke from entering a room.

40. Which of the following best describes the way a gait (transfer) belt is used when helping a resident walk?

The belt is worn around the resident's waist so that the NA has a way to hold onto him.

11. A resident's sister gives her favorite nursing assistant a thank you note with a gift card inside it. She tells the nursing assistant that this is a small way of letting him know how much she appreciates his work. The NA does not want to offend the family, and it happens to be a gift card to his favorite restaurant, so he decides to keep it. Which of following best describes how the nursing assistant should have responded?

The nursing assistant should have thanked the sister for thinking of him, but politely refused the gift.

4. While getting supplies from the supply closet, a nursing assistant (NA) sees another nursing assistant handle a resident roughly during a transfer. Which of the following actions is the nursing assistant legally required to take?

The nursing assistant should report the abuse immediately to the nurse.

29. After washing her hands, how should a nursing assistant turn off the faucet at the sink?

Use a clean paper towel to turn the water off

52. A resident has reported rectal pain, burning, and itching. This could be a sign of


57. A resident experiences urinary incontinence only when he coughs, laughs, or sneezes. Which type of incontinence does he have?

Stress incontinence

45. Which of the following is the best site for measuring body temperature for an unconscious resident?


61. A resident suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Which of the following can the nursing assistant expect as a result of this?

The NA can expect that the resident will be anxious about not being able to breathe.

20. A resident refuses to eat his food. Which of the following would be the best response by the NA?

The NA should report this refusal to the nurse immediately.

67. How can Parkinson's disease affect a person's ability to walk?

The disease causes tremors and a shuffling gait.

81. A nursing assistant is receiving her first employee evaluation from her supervisor. The supervisor covers many of the NA's strengths, but also mentions that the NA needs to improve her communication skills. What would be the nursing assistant's best response?

The nursing assistant should ask her supervisor for tips for better communication.

14. A new nursing assistant on the unit is trying to visit with a resident from Nigeria who does not speak any English. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant in order to communicate with the resident?

The nursing assistant should ask if there is an interpreter who can help.

64. A nursing assistant is trying to help a resident with Alzheimer's disease get dressed. The resident continually tries to expose his genitals to the NA. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

Try to distract the resident

13. A nursing assistant is assigned to help a resident who is recovering from a total hip replacement and needs help with deep breathing exercises. The resident is very uncommunicative. Which of the following questions would be most helpful in encouraging the resident to communicate?

"Did you have a good breakfast?"

74. A resident in rehabilitation is learning how to use a cane for the first time. Which of the following would be the best guideline for a nursing assistant to follow when helping this resident?

The NA should have the resident hold the cane on the resident's stronger side.

60. Which of the following is a guideline that a nursing assistant should follow in order to prevent pressure ulcers?

The nursing assistant should avoid rubbing skin against linen or other surfaces during transfers.

18. During dinner a resident throws her plate at a nursing assistant. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should call for the nurse and stand by to help as needed.

38. Which of the following statements is true of admitting new residents to a long-term care facility?

The nursing assistant should expect that residents will be experiencing many losses and emotions due to the change.

80. A new nursing assistant is working his first day at his new job. He has been asked to insert a resident's feeding tube. Which of the following would be his best response?

The nursing assistant should explain that it is beyond his scope of practice and is not listed in his job description.

75. A resident in subacute care is lying in bed and suddenly becomes short of breath. Which of the following is the best response by the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should notify the nurse immediately.

63. A resident who has Alzheimer's disease frequently carries a stuffed toy kitten around with her and cares for it. She believes that it is her real pet cat. One day the resident is crying because she has lost her cat and fears it was hit by a car. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should provide comfort to the resident and help her look for her cat.

68. Which of the following is a proper guideline to follow when caring for hearing aids?

The nursing assistant should remove the hearing aid before the resident bathes or showers.

12. A nursing assistant enters a resident's room to give her a scheduled bath. The resident appears to have been crying and says she does not want a bath. Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should respect resident's refusal and report it to the nurse.

78. A resident has been given a diagnosis of terminal cancer and a prognosis of one month to live. The resident tells a nursing assistant that the testing laboratory made a mistake and he needs to have his results re-tested. Which of the following would be the best response from the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant should understand that denial is a normal part of the grief process.

56. Which of the following statements is true of a resident who is completing a bladder retraining program?

The nursing assistant will need to be positive when there are episodes of urinary incontinence.

53. A nursing assistant is caring for a resident who has a urinary catheter. Which of the following best describes a task that the NA is responsible for?

The nursing assistant will need to empty the drainage bag.

76. In which of the following ways will a nursing assistant be expected to assist a comatose resident with tube feedings?

The nursing assistant will observe the tube site for signs of infection.

47. The nursing assistant notices that a resident coughs and clears his throat frequently during meals. This could be a sign of

The resident is experiencing dysphagia

6. A resident has not been informed about how much a medical procedure will cost and what her options are. Which of the following Residents' Rights is being violated?

The right to be fully informed about rights and services

32. One room houses both a healthy resident and a resident who has pneumonia. Which of the following is an infection prevention example for Link 3 (portal of exit) in the chain of infection?

The sick resident should cover his nose and mouth when sneezing.

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