CNA Practice Written Exam #2

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The charge nurse has asked you to take Mrs. Shumway's vital signs. You know you must first

- Wash your hands - Gather appropriate equipment - Identify the patient and introduce yourself

The nurse aide knows to wear which of the following to perform resident care?

- a name tag - comfortable, clean uniforms - non-skid shoes

Type 2 diabetes is

- common - often associated with obesity and sedentary - controllable

Which conditions promotes the growth of bacteria?

- dark - warm - moist

Many elderly residents lose their appetite due to

- depression - decrease in number of taste buds - social isolation

You are assigned to give Mr. Brown a partial bath. You know that this means to wash

- face - hands - underarms - back - perineum

A client who requires a high fiber diet should eat

- fruits - vegetables - whole grains

The circulatory system consists of the

- heart - arteries - veins - capillaries

Settings where a CNA can work include

- hospitals - home care - hospices

Signs and symptoms of shock may include

- low blood pressure - tachycardia - clammy, pale skin

Continuing education is

- necessary for recertification in many states - a proffessional standard - important for keeping abreast of new development

Signs of poor circulation are

- paleness - cold skin - edema

To help ensure adequate circulation to prevent skin breakdown, you could

- perform active or passive range-of-motion exercises - Give back massages - Change the patients position frequently

There are two kinds of restraints

- physical - chemical

Which of the following is associated with smoking?

- pneumonia - vitamin C deficiency - heart attacks

Mr. Jones is unconscious. What are some guidelines you need to remember when giving oral care?

- provide at least q 2 hours - explain the procedure to him - clean mouth, tongue, and gums

Before performing any procedure a nurse aide must

- wash hands - explain procedure - identify the patient

Water for the resident's bath should be

100 degrees F

What is the normal range of systolic blood pressure for adults?


For most residents, normal respiration ranges between

12 to 20 per minute

If a resident drinks four ounces of water with a meal, how many milliliters (ml) has he consumed?


Mr. Green's water pitcher holds 1000 cc, It is full when you came on shift. You refill it once during your shift. At the end of the shift it is half full. How much water has Mr. Green had to drink?

1500 cc

A nurse aide should give an unconscious client oral hygiene at LEAST every

2 hours

How many tips does a quad-cane base have?


To convert four ounces of juice to milliliters (ml), the nurse aide should multiply

4 x 30 ml

Mrs. Shumway has an order for I&O. You have picked up her breakfast and note she drank HALF of a 6oz. glass of juice, 4oz. of milk, and 8oz. of coffee, you document

450 cc (1 oz = 30 cc)

Your resident consumed a bowl of soup that was 180 cc of liquid. How many ounces was that?

6 oz (30 cc = 1 oz)

Three liquid ounces equals how many milliliters?


After you have had to complete several assignments that a co-worker didn't do, what is the best approach?

ask the co-worker if there is a reason

When getting dressed, a client always wants to wear her favorite outfit. What is a good solution?

ask the family to get several identical outfits

The best approach if you are not sure how to use a piece of equipment is to

ask the nurse for instructions

If the CNA is confused about instructions of a task that the nurse told the CNA to do, the CNA should

ask the nurse to clarify the instuctions

A patient appears more pale than usual. The nurse aide should

ask the patient how he feels and take his vital signs immediately

A patient rings for the bedpan while visitors are in the room. The nurse aide should

ask the visitors to step out of the room

Which of the following is an acceptable way for the CNA to cope with feelings of anger and frustration?

ask your supervisor for time to talk about your feelings

You are giving mouth care to an UNCONSCIOUS resident. You must be especially careful to prevent the resident from

aspirating any fluid

Breathing liquids or solids into the airway or lungs is called


When communicating with a non-verbal resident, the nurse aide should use all of the following EXCEPT

assuming the resident has no way of communicating and provide routine care

To be sure that a client's weight is measured accurately, the client should be weighed

at the same time of day

Wasting or a decrease in the size of a muscle is called


Mrs. Andrews has an indwelling urinary catheter. Which is INCORRECT?

attach the drainage bag to the bed rail

Mrs. Melvin is a demanding patient who is difficult to please. Which of the following would be appropriate for you to do when caring for Mrs. Melvin?

before leaving the room, ask Mrs. Melvin if you have done everything she needs

To lift an object using good body mechanics, the nurse aide SHOULD

bend knees and keep back straight

During dinner, a client who is HIV-positive accidentally breaks a glass and cuts himself. What is the proper procedure?

block off the area until it can be cleaned

Which of the following should be reported immediately: pulse of 90, respirations of 12, temperature of 99.4, or blood pressure of 90/40?

blood pressure of 90/40

A professional and safe working appearance would include

clean, wrinkle free uniform, short fingernails, off-the-shoulder hair

What is the main purpose of continuing education for the nurse aide?

client safety

How would a nursing aide identify a problem with a diabetic patient?

cold, clammy skin

The nurse aide is caring for a client who answers every question by nodding and saying "yes." How will the nurse aide respond to this behavior?

determine if the client is able to understand

Incident reports are written in order to

determine patterns and trends

The thinning of the fatty layer under the skin could cause the resident to

develop pressure sores

Why should heat NOT be applied to a diabetic resident's feet?

diabetics have decreased sensitivity to heat

The plan, which begins on the resident's admission and assists when the resident goes home, is called

discharge plan

Who orders a warm or cold application?


There is an order to give a female patient a shower, but she refuses. The nurse aide should

document in the chart that the patient refused to shower

Which of the following is a proper way to correct an error in charting

draw a single line through it

Which of the following is NOT a sleep aid?

drinking alcohol

When starting a job, when is HIPAA training mandatory?

during initial orientation

All are types of pathogens EXCEPT


Which statement is TRUE concerning sexuality in the elderly?

elderly people can be attracted to each other

The BEST razor to use when shaving a diabetic client is

electric razor

What is the best way of keeping a skilled nursing facility from having an unpleasant odor?

empty bedpans and change linens in a timely manner

How can the nurse aide BEST help a client who is not accepting a loss?

encourage the client to talk about the loss

You can assist clients with their spiritual needs by

encouraging them to talk about their beliefs

Residents with cognitive impairments often have difficulty sleeping. What can be helpful?

establish a bedtime schedule and make sure the resident goes to be within 15 minutes of that time

Various factors will change pulse rate. Increased pulse rates can be caused by


The nurse aide is going to take Mr. Heath's vital signs. What should the nurse aide do to get Mr. Heath to cooperate and reduce his anxiety?

explain the procedures to Mr. Heath

Nurse aides can provide a client with a sense of security by

explaining all routines and procedures

Mrs. Harvey complains of abdominal discomfort. Watery stool has been leaking from her rectum. This could be a sign of

fecal imaction

Misuse of a resident's money or property by family, friends, or staff, is known as

financial abuse

A client with Alzheimer's disease wanders from room to room moving the belongings of other clients to different locations. Alert and oriented clients are angry that their things have been moved. The nurse aide SHOULD

find the missing articles and return them

Mr. Joseph overhears the nurse aide speaking to the nurse about his roommate's diagnosis and demands to know more about the roommate's condition. The nurse aide should

firmly but politely explain she cannot discuss another resident's condition

Which of the following best helps reduce pressure on the bony prominences?

flotation mattress

When operating a manual bed, the nurse aide should remember to

fold cranks under bed

A sitting or semi-sitting position with the head of the bed elevated is called


The most comfortable position for a resident with a respiratory problem is


Mrs. Allen has a gastrostomy and the nurse just put Ensure through the feeding tube. The CNA needs to put her in which position for the next 1-2 hours?

fowler's postition

The Patient's Bill of Rights includes

freedom of choice

The female perineum should be cleansed

from front to back

A resident weighs over 300 pounds and needs to be repositioned in the bed. The nurse aide should

get another nurse aide to assist in re-positioning the resident

The nursing care plan states, "Transfer with mechanical lift." however, the client is very agitated. To transfer the client, the nurse aide SHOULD

get assistance to move the clent

Your best response to Mrs. Lee, who is showing signs of anxiety by repeatedly using the call signal, and then is sharp with you when you respond, is to

give Mrs. Lee some choices and control over her care

A client with dementia has developed a fear of taking a shower. What can a nurse aide do?

give a bed bath and try a shower on another day

When caring for a confused resident what should a nursing assistant do?

give simple directions

When getting ready to dress a client, the nurse aide SHOULD

give the client a choice of which outfit to wear

The nurse aide notices that a client's mail has been delivered to the client's room. The nurse aide SHOULD

give the client the unopened mail and offer help as needed

When wearing gloves, it is important to remember

gloves are worn when using disinfectants

Precautions for a patient in respiratory isolation include all EXCEPT


When caring for a patient with MRSA, the nurse aide should wear

gown and gloves

A patient who was given insulin in the morning is pale and sweaty and appears confused two hours later. It would be helpful to find out whether the patient

had breakfast

The most important way to prevent the spread of infection is

hand washing

Residents have the right to

have access to a telephone

While an unsteady resident is showering you should

have the client use a shower chair

The LAST sense a dying client will lose is


The last sensation that is lost when dying is


If a client is confused, the nurse aide should

help the client recognize familiar things and people

Paralysis on one side of the body is called


Blood-borne infections include


While taking a rectal temperature the nurse aide should insert the thermometer and

hold onto the thermometer until it can be removed

A type of service that long term care facilities can provide include

home care

A health care agency or program for patients who are dying is


A patient with a persistent blood pressure measurement above 140/90 has


A resident with an ileostomy evacuates feces through the


Mrs. Smith, your patient, reports to you that her hearing aid is missing. What do you do?

immediately report it to the nurse

When dry, hard stool fills the rectum and will not pass, it is called


When the nurse aide gives evening care to a client with a full set of dentures, proper procedure requires that the dentures be placed

in a denture cup with the clients name on it

Used disposable supplies and equipment should be discarded

in a designated receptacle

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place

in the lungs

A bedsore or decubitus ulcer is caused by

inadequate turning

Which of the following WILL NOT assist bowel elimination?

increasing dairy and sugar intake

Diabetes mellitus make a resident more prone to develop


A resident has just been admitted to the facility. The nurse aide should

introduce him to his roomate

A resident who is disoriented

is confused as to time and place

Active listening is important because

it prevents misunderstandings

In what position should the nurse aide place the unconscious person when giving oral care?


On what side should the patient lie for an enema?

left (sim's position)

The recommended position for giving an enema is

left sims

When a client has left-sided weakness, what part of a sweater is put on first?

left sleeve

When transferring a client, MOST of the client's weight should be supported by the nurse aide's


When lifting a heavy object, which muscle groups should be utilized

muscles of the legs

When transferring a client to a different unit, the MOST important information the nurse aide needs from the nurse is the

name and room number

You don't answer a call light because the patient is always hitting it accidentally. No responding is considered to be

neglect or abuse

Forgetting to raise the side rails as ordered causes a resident to fall and be injured. This could be called

neglect to keep the resident safe

The brain is part of the ________ system


What does afebrile mean?

no fever

What can the nurse aide give the resident who has an order for NPO?

no food or liquids

The normal aging process is BEST defined as the time when

normal body functions and senses decline

A nurse aide notices blood in a patient's IV tubing. The aide should

notify the IV nurse

A patient complains that her hand hurts where the IV is running. The nurse assistant notices that the hand is puffy. The best thing to do is

notify the IV nurse that the infusion appears to have infiltrated

You observe that a patient is bleeding from an IV site. You should

notify the RN immediately

A resident who has not been discharged insists she is going home. What should the nurse aide do?

notify the charge nurse immediately

If a resident refuses to eat a certain food because of a religious preference, the CNA should

notify the dietitian of the dietary restriction

A resident has refused to eat breakfast and lunch. The nurse aide should

notify the nurse

You hear another nurse aide tell a confused resident, "If you don't eat, I'll lock you in your room." You should

notify the nurse

You observe your co-worker verbally abusing a resident. What should you do?

notify the nurse

A patient who has been depressed and complaining of feeling hopeless suddenly appears happier one morning and says that everything is okay now. What should the nurse aide do?

notify the nurse and other staff members of the sudden change

A client with metastatic cancer has an Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) advance directive. If the client's heart rate begins to slow, what should you do?

notiify the nurse

The nurse aide should refuse to perform a task if the

nurse aide has not beed trained to do it

The most important way for the nurse aide to gather information about the safety and well being of the resident is


To prevent dehydration of the client, the nurse aide SHOULD

offer fluids frequently while the client is awake

A way to make sure a resident with dementia gets adequate nutrition is to

offer small meals and snacks that match their limited attention span

When helping a client who is recovering from a stroke to walk, the nurse aide should assist

on the client's weak side

A client is paralyzed on the right side. The nurse aide should place the signaling device

on the left side of the bed near the client's hand

To count a respiration, a respiration includes

one inhalation and one exhalation

A confused resident tells you there is a monster in the closet. The nurse aide should

open the closet and show the resident nothing is there

Elderly residents sometimes appear stooped over and like they have lost height. This is due to

osteoporosis in the spinal column

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a way to restrain a client?

pain management

What type of fire can be put out with water?


Mrs. Sparks is an 83-year-old female patient who suffers from the late effects of a CVA. she has {L} sided hemiplegia. This is

paralysis on the left side of the body

Which of the following is NOT true of dementia?

people with dementia act uncooperative in order to be spiteful

All behavior has meaning to the

person doing the behavior

Once a nurse aide's name is placed on the abuse registry for neglect they may

petition the state nursing board for reinstatement

A patient who is on suicide watch should be allowed to have

pictures of their family in an album

A client is to be assisted out of bed to sit in a wheelchair. Which action would make this procedure safe?

place the bed in the low position

For safety, when leaving a client alone in a room, the nurse aide SHOULD

place the signaling device within client's reach

When taking an oral temperature, it is important to

place thermometer under the tongue

Which does NOT prevent or reduce odors?

placing fresh flowers in the room

An example of negative body language is

placing hands on the hips

The client looks forward to playing Bingo each morning. The best action for the nurse aide is to

plan the client's schedule so client is bathed and dressed in time for bingo

The nurse aide is asked by a confused client what day it is. The nurse aide should

point tot he calendar and say the date

You have been assigned to administer a S.S.E. to Mr. Taylor. It has been several months since you have performed this procedure. To refresh your memory, you should refer to the

policy and procedure manual

The client offers a nurse aide a twenty dollar bill as a thank you for all that the nurse aide has done. The nurse aide SHOULD

politely refuse the money

Which of following actions by the nursing assistant can help meet a resident's social needs?

praise him for his accomplishments and for trying new things.

What is the term for a device used to take the place of a missing body part?


The purpose for padding side rails on the client's bed is to

protect the client from injury

When lifting, the nurse aide should have his feet separated in the standing position to

provide a wide base of support

The goal of the health care team is to

provide quality care

What is an important way to help the resident feel comfortable in a long-term facility?

provide space for personal possessions

An aide is pushing a resident down the hall with a wheelchair when a call light lights up. The aide should

push the patient to a safe place, apply the wheel locks, and answer the call light

Clean bed linen placed in a client's room but NOT used should be

put in the dirty linen container

The nurse aide is caring for a diabetic resident. The nurse aide finds the resident trying to scrape off a callous on the little toe. The nurse aide should FIRST

put socks on the resident to keep them from scraping

To prevent the spread of infection, how should the nurse aide handle the soiled linens removed from a client's bed?

put them in the dirty linen container

When you empathize with residents, you are

putting yourself in their place

Which is the most accurate way to measure a resident's temperature?


A client who is on a low cholesterol diet should not eat

red meat

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to

reduce exposure for health care workers

A family member asks the nurse aide what medication the client is receiving. The nurse aide should

refer the family member to the nurse

Which of the following is a right of residents in a nursing facility?

refusing treatment ordered by the doctor

The MOST important reason for using soap and water to clean a client's skin after elimination is to

remove feces and urine from the skin

If the nurse aide discovers fire in a client's room, the FIRST thing to do is

remove the client

A resident is NPO for tests. The nurse aid should

remove the water pitcher and glass from the room

You are caring for Mr. Brown who has a diagnosis of COPD. His SpO2 is 82%. He is currently receiving O2 via Nasal Cannula @ 2 liters/min. What do you do?

report it STAT to your nurse

Mr. Brown has an ankle brace. When you remove the brace, you notice a reddened area on the ankle bone. You should

report it to the nurse

The nurse aide reported bruises on Mr. Jenkins' arm last week. Today, during A.M. care, there were more bruises. The nurse aide should

report the abuse again or call the state's abuse hot-line

While making an empty bed, the nurse aide sees that the side rail is broken. The nurse aide SHOULD

report the broken side rail immediatly

The nurse aide gave a client the wrong diet. What will the nurse aide do after realizing this error?

report the error immediately to the nurse

You observe your charge nurse holding a resident's nose to get him to take his medications. You should

report the incident immediately to the DON

The nurse aide notices on the flow sheet that a resident has not had a bowel movement for five days. The nurse aide should

report this to the charge nurse

In the Nursing Care Plan you note it is written; "O2 per N/C @3L, Orthopnea pos. as needed". As a CNA you know this means

resident has oxygen with a nasal cannula on three liters, assist to sit in Fowlers

A nurse aide who is active in her church is assigned to care for a client who is not a member of any religious group. The nurse aide SHOULD

respect the client's beliefs and do not try to change them

When transferring a heavy resident from the bed to a wheelchair for the first time

review the care plan or check with the nurse

The nurse aide is going to help the client walk from the bed to a chair. What should the nurse aide put on the client's feet?

rubber-soled slippers or shoes

What basic need is most essential?

safety and security

Which vegetable is not allowed on a low sodium diet?


The nurse aide notices that the client's radio cord is draped across a chair in order to reach the nearest outlet. The FIRST thing the nurse aide should do is

see if any changes can be made so that the radio can be plugged in safely

What is rigor mortis?

stiffening and locking of the joints after death

The opening of the colostomy to the outside of the body is called the


You are instructed to strain Mr. Powers' urine. You know that straining the urine is done to find ______.


The end of the day can bring a common behavior for residents with dementia, called

sundown syndrome

The back-lying position is the

supine position

All body fluids are considered infectious EXCEPT


Headaches, nausea and pain would be called


In report the nurse aide is told that one of her patients has been ordered NPO after midnight. The aide should

take away the water pitcher at night

When taking a blood pressure, you should do all of the following EXCEPT

take the blood pressure in the arm with an IV

The nurse aide is responsible for all of the following fire prevention measures EXCEPT

taking cigarettes and matches away from all clients and visitors

The nurse aide is caring for a client who is agitated. The nurse aide SHOULD

talk in a slow, calm, reassuring manner

While Mr. Jones is visiting his wife, you notice that he is sneezing and blowing his nose. What is the best step?

teach him proper hand washing

A resident has difficulty remembering what day it is and where they are. How can you best help the resident?

tell the resident often what day it is and where the resident is

A diabetic resident asks the nurse aide to cut her toenails. The nurse aide should

tell the resident that the nurse aide cannot do this, but will report it to the charge nurse

Hospice specializes in the care of persons who are

terminally ill

Who is responsible for the entire nursing staff and the activities involved in providing safe care?

the DON

Who is in charge of delegating the work assignment?

the RN on duty

The RN assigns you a task that is in your job description. Which statement is FALSE?

the RN should delegate every non-RN task to you

Insulin, a hormone, regulates

the amount of sugar in the blood

What is the definition of Aphasia?

the inability to articulate words or speak

One of the major reasons the elderly person is incontinent of urine is

the muscle that keeps the urine in the bladder weakens

Who supervises the work of a nurse aide

the nurse

If the nurse aide is concerned about client care, who should the nurse aide speak to FIRST?

the nurse in charge

A nursing aide has four patients to assist. Who should she address first?

the patient who needs to be taken to the bathroom

Post-partum refers to

the period of time after a delivery of a baby

The nurse aide is assigned to a stroke patient with a diagnosis of aphasia. The nurse aide knows

the resident can not talk

Although a resident says "Fine" when asked how she feels, the nurse aide suspects the resident is in pain because

the resident is grimacing

A nurse assistant notices red marks on a resident's back and buttocks. The aide acts in the knowledge that

the skin can break down if nothing is done

After the end of the shift, some nurse aides go to a restaurant. Acceptable topics of conversation would include

the weather

A resident's daughter expresses concern because her father, who has Parkinson's disease, appears "stuck" at times and stands still, unable to walk. The nurse aide should tell the daughter that

this is a common sign of parkinson's disease

A Foley catheter is used

to drain urine from the bladder

What is the purpose of using the chain-of-command in a long-term care facility

to keep communication about a problem flowing smoothly

When cleaning dentures, why do you line the sink with paper towels?

to keep the dentures from breaking if they are dropped

Physical restraints are used MOST often

to prevent client injury

When documenting in a patient's record, which statement is FALSE?

to save time, chart a procedure before doing it

The equipment you need to gather to do unconscious oral care would include

toothette / mouth swab

A patient has a diagnosis of psoriasis. Her nurse aide should

treat her the same way as any other patient with a non-infectious disease

The preferred way to remove a bed pan from a client who is unable to lift their buttocks is to

turn the patient on their side while holding the pan

The electric shaver that the nurse aide is using to shave a client begins to spark and smoke. What should the nurse aide do FIRST?

unplug the shaver

To avoid pulling the catheter when turning a male client, the catheter tube must be taped to the client's

upper thigh

Which is INCORRECT when recording on a patient's chart?

use a pencil in case you make a mistake

When giving a back rub the nurse aide SHOULD

use continuous circular motions

What should the nurse aide do to communicate with a client that only speaks and understands a foreign language?

use picture boards and gestures

Hypothermia is a __________.

very low body temperature

If the resident is smoking and the nurse aide needs to take an oral temperature, what should the nurse aide do

wait 15 minutes to take the tempurature

While emptying the trash in a client's room, you get stuck by a needle that should have been placed in the sharps container. What is the first thing to do?

wash the site for several minutes

After cleaning a resident's dentures, you remove and discard your gloves. What is the next step?

wash your hands

As dementia progresses, incontinence can become an issue. How can the nurse aide assist?

watch for signs of discomfort so you can take the resident to the bathroom

While dressing a post CVA resident with one-sided weakness, which arm should be put through the sleeve first?

weak arm

When assisting a resident with a weak left side from a wheelchair, the nurse aide should support the client's

weak side

Strokes are seen in the elderly. Strokes are best described as

when the brain is deprived of oxygen

A resident is standing in the hallway holding a bag, and asks the nurse aide when the train is due. The aide should tell her

where she is, in a matter-of-fact tone of voice

When taking a client's radial pulse, the nurse aide's fingertips should be placed on the client's


To BEST communicate with a client who is totally deaf, the nurse aide should

write information for the client to read

Normal urine color is


The nurse aide reports directly to the

Licensed nurse

If a client says, "God is punishing me" or "Why me?" how should the nurse aide respond?

Listen and ask questions to learn more

NPO means

Nothing by mouth

Keeping information confidential about a client is

a legal responsability

A resident with dementia needs

a structured enviornment

The loss of the ability to express one's self is


Mr. Jackson is having a phone conversation with his son. You accidentally pick up the line and hear the conversation. You should

apologize and hang up imediately

While the nurse aide is giving care to Mr. T., he calls the nurse aide by the name of his son who died several years ago. The nurse aide's BEST response is to

ask Mr. T about his favorite memories of his son

After Mr. Johnson's bath, the nurse aide realizes she needs another towel to completely dry Mr. Johnson. The nurse aide should

ask a co-worker to bring a towel from the clean linen cart

A client needs to be repositioned but is heavy, and the nurse aide is not sure she can move the client alone. The nurse aide should

ask another nurse aide to help

You are assigned to care for a new resident. You do not know what to call her. You should introduce yourself then

ask her what name she would like to be called by

If a nurse aide finds a client who is sad and crying, the nurse aide should

ask the client if something is wrong

A confused and disoriented client is begging to go home. The nurse aide's BEST response to this client is

ask the client to talk about their home

While eating dinner a client starts to choke and turn blue. The nurse aide SHOULD

call for assistance and perform the heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts)

What is the FIRST thing a nurse aide should do when finding an unresponsive client?

call for help

Reality orientation should include

calling the resident by his name

Most of our calories should come from


Which of the following is a correct measurement of urinary output?


The earliest identifying sign for a developing pressure sore is a local _______.

change in color

A resident calls the nurses aide and says, "Someone spilled water onto my bed." The nurse aide observes a wet area on the pad, directly under the resident. The nurse aide should

change the linens and make a mental note to offer the bedpan more often

If your patient is in traction you should NOT

change the position of the weight

The nurse aide is caring for a client whose religious beliefs do not allow the client to eat certain foods. The nurse aide should report this information to the

charge nurse

The safest way to confirm a resident's identity is

check an ID bracelet or tag attached to the resident

When caring for a client who uses a protective device (restraint), the nurse aide SHOULD

check the clients body alignment

Before helping a client into a bath or shower, the nurse aide should FIRST

check the temperature

It is important that a client's dressings remain

clean and dry

At the start of a bed bath, Mrs. Smith takes washcloth to clean her perineal area and puts it back into the basin of water. The nurse aide should

clean the basin and replace the water

Right before dinner a client is incontinent of urine. The nurse aide SHOULD

clean the client and take to dinner as soon as possible

Which action would help prevent skin breakdown around a stoma if the resident has a colostomy?

clean the stoma with water and mild soap

The nurse aide sees a client spill water on the floor in the hall. Another client is walking down the hall. The nurse aide SHOULD

clean up the spill

Mrs. Shumway's nursing care plan lists CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) as her primary dx. (diagnosis). You would expect her ADL routine to include

daily am weight measurement

If a resident displays paranoid behavior, what is important for the nurse aide to know?

delusions are a normal part of the progression of the dementia process

Mrs. Patton's husband died several months ago. She continues to talk about him and expects him to come visit daily. She is experiencing


All of the following are clues to aggressive behavior EXCEPT

depressed mood

While at work, you receive a call from someone who says he is a client's nephew. He asks about his uncle's condition. However, he is not on the client's list of approved people who can have access to his condition. What should you say?

"Can I please have your contact information? I'll have someone get back to you."

After your elderly neighbor falls, he is admitted to your unit. Another neighbor asks you how he's doing. Your best response is

"I know this is awkward, since we both know him. But now he is a patient, I can't discuss him."

Which of the following statements might strongly support that a client is considering suicide?

"It would be better if I were dead."

A visitor enters the room while the nurse aide is changing the client. How SHOULD the nurse aide respond?

"would you please wait in the lobby?"

The nurse aide finds a resident sobbing. What is the best thing for the nurse aide to say?

"you seem sad. can you tell me about it?"

Which is the best way to talk to a resident with a vision impairment?

Announce your presence when entering the room

Which of the following measurements you obtained from Mrs. Shumway should be reported immediately to the charge nurse?

BP 190/114

Meal trays have arrived. Before serving each tray the nurse aide should

Check each armband, even on familiar patients

When caring for a resident with an indwelling Foley catheter it is important to

Check the bag and tubing frequently for adequate urinary flow

If your patient has bradycardia, what does that mean?

HR is below 60 bpm

The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts) is used for a client who has

a blocked airway

A resident's dentures should be stored in

a labeled cup with cold water

Which of the following stages of dying is usually the final stage?


ADL is an acronym for

activities of daily living

Mrs. Hernandez had a hip replacement and is admitted to the long term care facility for rehabilitation. Her condition is


A sitz bath is helpful

after rectal surgery

When washing your hands, apply the soap

after wetting your hands

You observed a coworker being physically abusive to a resident. You did not report the incident to the Nurse Supervisor. You can be charged with

aiding and abetting

When assisting a blind resident to walk it is important to

allow the resident to hold your arm

The medical term for hair loss is called


A restraint attached to a patient's body and to a stationary object is ________.

an active physical restraint

The type of bed used for a patient arriving by stretcher or wheelchair is called _________.

an open bed

Mrs. Lee is an alert, demanding resident who uses the call signal often. If you don't answer it immediately, she yells, "Help! Help! "When you answer the call signal, her requests are never urgent. She speaks sharply to you when you are in the room. Mrs. Lee is demonstrating

anxiety or fear

Besides hearing, what other function does the ear have?

balance and equilibrium

Drainage bags from urinary catheters should always

be kept below the level of the bladder

When caring for a client from another country, the nurse aide SHOULD

be sensitive to the client's cultural needs

The nurse aide is walking with a client confined to a wheelchair when the facility fire alarm system is activated. The client becomes excited from the noise. The nurse aide SHOULD

comfort the client while moving to a safe place

The primary reason for combative behavior in a resident is


When you are giving hair care you should particularly observe for the following

lice and knits

Intake and Output deals with


A resident complains that his children never visit. The aide should

listen quietly as he talks about his feelings

When communicating with the client's family, the nurse aide SHOULD

listen to concerns and offer support

A Hepatitis B vaccination protects the person receiving it against a disease that affects


A resident with Alzheimer's disease tells the nurse aide that she smells smoke. The nurse aide should

look around for a fire

In order to communicate clearly with a client who has hearing loss, the nurse aide should

look directly at the client when speaking

How should the nurse aide position the patient to apply elastic stockings?

lying down in bed

At supper, Mrs. Sparks needs feeding assist. Her diet is low Sodium, mechanical soft. Which food selection is appropriate?

mashed potatoes and hamburger patty

Which will NOT prevent pressure sores?

massaging and rubbing the skin vigorously

You notice that a patient has passed a black tarry stool. This is called


Proper use of a waist restraint requires that the nurse aide

monitor for skin irritation

When interacting with clients, the nurse aide should remember that

more than half of all communication is non-verbal

Which of the following is not true of blindness?

most legally blind or visually-impared people have no sight at all

A resident's call light

should be answered as quickly as possible

Which of the following is true regarding the use of side rails on a bed?

side rails should not be raised unless stated in the care plan

A good listening approach to use when communicating with residents is to

sit beside the resident

The definition of scope of practice is?

skills which the health care worker is legally able to perform

Constipation and indigestion can result from

slowed peristalsis

Communication with a resident who has late-stage dementia or Alzheimer's includes

speaking in one, or two, word sentances

Which of the following people provide treatment for persons who have difficulty talking due to disorders such as a stroke or physical defects?

speech therapist

Mrs. Branden is a resident at your LTC facility. She is diagnosed with depression. The best way for you to help Mrs. Branden is to

spend time with her, just listening or sitting quietly

Infection control practices that prevent the transmission of disease are called

standard precautions

If an alert and oriented client touches a nurse aide inappropriately, the nurse aide's BEST response is to

step back and ask the client not to do it again

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