CODEHS Module 2
Which of the following pixels has a color value of #ff0000 (expressed in hexadecimal) (White Pixel) (Blue Pixel) (Green Pixel) (Red Pixel)
(Red Pixel)
What is the value of 1310 in binary?
How many different digits are used in the Hexadecimal number system?
How many different values can be represented using 4 bits?
What is the number base of the binary number system?
What is the highest value of 8 bits in decimal?
255 - The highest value is 1111 1111 which is 255 in decimal.
How many possible values can be created with only 2 bits?
In the binary value 1002, what is the place value of the 1?
4s place
How many bits are used to encode a character according to the ASCII encoding scheme?
8 bits (ex: 0100 0001 encodes 'A')
What is a pixel?
A single tiny dot, or square, of color in a digital image.
What does encode mean?
Attach meaning to simple sequences of digits
How can you quickly tell if a binary number is odd or even?
Odd binary numbers always end in '1' and even binary numbers always end in '0'.
what are the three color channels that make up a pixel according to the RGB color scheme
Red, Green, Blue
What is the range of values (expressed in decimal) that each color channel can have?
Red, Green, and Blue
What is data abstraction?
The process of simplifying complicated data into manageable chunks
Which of the following are examples of encoding information? Representing fast food meals as numbers on the menu. For example a number 1 represents a hamburger. Assigning a numeric value to every area of a region, for example zip codes in the United States Assigning a number to every character of the alphabet so we can represent sentences as series of simple digits. All of the above
all of the above