Cog. Psych - Ch 9 & 10

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Which of the following does not affect our prototypes?

Our genetics or race

What experimental method helped us learned that memory was better for words with mental images?

Paired-associate learning

The prototype approach

-An average representation of the typical member of a category -Characteristic features that describe what members of that concepts are like -An average of category members encountered in the past

Three ways to accurately describe visual imagery.

-Visual imagery takes more effort to generate than perceptions -Visual imagery is less easy to manipulate than perceptions -Visual imagery is more fragile than perceptions

When a participant is asked to list examples of the category vegetables, it is most likely that?

A carrot would be named before eggplant.

In a lexical decision task, participants have to decide whether?

A presented stimulus is a word

Pylyshyn said we actually use ___ to represent visual imagery.

Abstract symbols (language)


All possible examples of a particular concept

Imagery neurons respond to?

An actual visual image as well as imagining that same image

Some people said the "boat" results were due to "distractions." To answer this, Kosslyn used ___ instead.

An island

Suppose that, as a participant in an imagery study, you are asked to memorize the four outside walls of a three-story rectangular house. Later, you are asked to report how many windows are on the front of the house. You will probably be fastest to answer this question if you create an image as though you were standing?

At the far side of the front yard, away from the house

Goldstein said there is a problem with the double dissociation research. This was because?

It seems to contradict the early research linking imagery and perception

According to Rosch, the ___ level of categories is the psychologically "privileged" level of category that reflects people's everyday experiences.


According to research, the method of categorization people actually use is?

Both the exemplar and the prototype approach

In explaining the paradox that imagery and perception exhibit a double dissociation, Behrmann and coworkers suggested that perception necessarily involves ___ processing and imagery starts as a ___ process.

Bottom-up; Top-down

If you have a concept of a college student, all of the examples of college students that you know of go into a?



Category member closely resembles category prototype -"Typical" Member


Category member does not closely resemble category prototype

When we recognize a converse shoe, we use this information to know things about it, we are using?

Conceptual Knowledge

One of the key properties of the ___ approach is that a specific concept is represented by activity that is distributed over many units in the network.


The process of back propagation is most closely associated with?

Connectionist Networks

The earliest approach to studying categorization was the?

Definitional Approach

The definition of approach to categorization didn't work because?

Definitions often do not include all members of a category

Finke and Pinker's results countered Pylyshyn's argument about tacit-knowledge because it?

Demonstrated that memory couldn't be involved in spatial representations

Definitional approach to categorization

Determine category membership based on whether the object meets the definition of the category -Does not work well -Not all members of every day categories have the same defining features

If someone says "I own a short-hair tabby cat" they would be using the ____ approach to categorization?


If you say that "a Labrador retriever is my idea of a typical dog," you would be using the _____ approach to categorization.


Priming occurs when presentation of one stimulus?

Facilitates the response to another stimulus that usually follows closely in time

The method of understanding categorization used after the definitional approach was the?

Family Resemblance Approach

Paivio (1963) proposed the conceptual peg hypothesis. His work suggests which of the following would be most difficult to remember?


Rosch (1975)

Hearing "green" primes a highly prototypical "green"

Why are categories useful?

Help to understand individual cases not previously encountered "Pointers to knowledge" Categories provide a wealth of general information about an item Allow us to identify the special characteristics of a particular item

High overlap vs Low overlap

High family resemblance vs. low family resemblance

The debate between Kosslyn and Pylyshyn is known as the?

Imagery Debate

Shepard and Meltzer's "image rotation" experiment was so influential and important to the study of cognition because it demonstrated?

Imagery and perception may share the same mechanisms.

The "imagery debate" is concerned with whether imagery?

Is based on spatial or language mechanisms

Conceptual knowledge

Knowledge that enables us to recognize objects and events and to make inferences about their properties

One way to help resolve the "imagery debate" is to?

Look at neurological evidence

Kosslyn used ___ to study imagery and perception.

Mental Scanning

Kosslyn's island experiment used the ___ procedure.

Mental Scanning

Pylyshyn argued the opposite of Kosslyn in regards to mental imagery. That is, Pylyshyn suggested that?

Mental imagery is propositional

The "island" experiment results supported Kosslyn's view that?

Mental imagery is spatial


Mental representation used for a variety of cognitive functions

When Ganis et al. studied brain activation for perception and imagery they found?

Much overlap at the front of the brain but less at the back of the brain

In addition to neuron recordings in brain imaging, we also use ___ to support hypotheses in cognitive psychology?

Neuropsychological evidence

Overall, we can say that ___ "won" the imagery debate

No one because it is still happening today

Low-prototypicality for category "bird"


Which of the following is not an affect of prototypicality?

People really high prototypicality items as less "good" examples

Perky's imagery study (1910) had participants describe images of objects that were dimly projected onto a screen. The significance of Perky's results was that?

People were influenced by the projected images when forming their mental images, even when they were unaware that the projected images were present

In attempt to resolve the problems with the different types of evidence, researchers argued that?

Perception uses both high and low areas while imagery uses only high areas

Spreading activation ___?

Primes associated concepts

"3x + 9 = 16" is a ___ representation?


The idea of family resemblance lead scientist to develop the idea of?


Typicality effect

Prototypical objects are processed preferentially -Highly prototypicality objects are named more rapidly -Prototypical category members are more affected by a priming stimulus

Strong positive relationship between ___ and ___

Prototypicality and Family Resemblance

An "imagery neuron" is one that?

Responds to both perceiving and imagining an object

High-prototypicality for category "bird"


The typicality effect is seen in the ___ ___ ___?

Sentence verification technique

In chapter 5 the instructor said to remember to researchers who study and mental chronometry. Who were they?

Shepard & Metzler

What is visual imagery?

Sing something without a visual stimulus present

An epiphenomenon is?

Something that accompanies another thing

Kosslyn asked: Is there a ___ relationship between imagery and perception?


Which of these did not support a direct connection between imagery and perception?

Studies of people who had double dissociations

Pylyshyn said that Kosslyn's results were due to?


Initially, researchers weren't sure if thoughts even existed without images. What was this called?

The imageless thought debate


The process by which things are placed into groups called categories

Early results of brain imaging related to imagery and perception found that?

The visual cortex is activated similarly for both

For the category "fruit," people give a higher typicality rating to "banana" than to "kiwi." Knowing that, we can also reason that?

The word "fruit" will lead to a larger priming effect for banana than for kiwi

Family resemblance

Things in a category resemble one another in a number of ways -Led to the prototype approach

With mental scanning, Kosslyn found that it?

Took longer to mentally move long distances than shorter distances

___ was used by Kosslyn to show a causal relationship between perception and imagery?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

An advantage of the exemplar approach over the prototype approach is that the exemplar approach provides a better explanation of the ___ effect.


Incorrect way to describe visual imagery

Visual imagery is easier to image (e.g., fMRI) than perceptions

The exemplar approach to categorization suggests that?

We have specific examples of category members

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