Cognitive Psych Ch. 7

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A mechanism that creates the illusion of learning is the _______. Rereading causes material to become familiar so when you encounter it a second or third time, there is a tendency to think you know the material.

familiarity effect

Reading and rereading materials results in greater ______, that is, repetition causes the reading to become easier and easier.


A participant is simply asked to recall a stimuli. These stimulus could be words previously presented by the experimenter or events experienced earlier in the participant's life.

free recall

James Nairne (2010) proposes that we can understand how memory works by considering its:


Generating material yourself, rather than passively receiving it, enhances learning and retention. This is called the:

generation effect

A characteristic of retrograde amnesia called _____ in which the amnesia tends to be most severe for events that happened just before the injury and to become less severe for earlier events.

graded amnesia

Three specific situations in which retrieval is increased by matching conditions at retrieval to conditions at encoding:

encoding specificity, state-dependent learning, and transfer-appropriate processing

Bob watches his wedding video on his 10th wedding anniversary. He re-experiences many of the emotions from his wedding day and this experience is most closely tied to the ______.


According to levels of processing theory, deep processing results in better memory. However, studies have shown that shallow processing can result in better memory when the individual encodes _____ and is tested _____.

auditorially; auditorially

Bob and Bobby both study 2 hours for their biology exam. Bob studies just before bed and Bobby studies for 2 hours then watches a movie before going to bed. What would be most likely for their exam grades?

bob performs better because of reactivation

Free recall of the stimulus list "apple, desk, shoe, sofa, plum, chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants" will most likely yield which response pattern?

by chunking together similar words

Mantyla's "banana / yellow, bunches, edible" experiment demonstrates that, for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created:

by the person whose memory will be tested

We have used the term ____ to refer to the FORM in which information is presented.


Sleeping soon after studying can improve a process called _______ and which results in stronger memories.


The process that transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption.


The participant is presented with retrieval cues two aid in recall of the previously experienced stimuli.

cued recall

_______ processing involves close attention and elaborative rehearsal that focuses on an item's meaning and its relationship to something else.


__________ distinguishes between shallow processing and deep processing.

depth processing

A process that helps transfer the material you are reading into LTM is _____ - thinking about what you are reading and giving it meaning by relating it to other things that you know.


Type of rehearsal in which you remember the information by considering meaning or making connections to other information.

elaborative rehearsal

One of the main factors that determines whether you can retrieve information from LTM is the way that information was:


The process of acquiring information and transferring it to LTM.


We have used the term _____ to refer to the PROCESS used to get information into LTM.


Donald Morris and coworkers did an experiment that showed tat retrieval is better if the same cognitive tasks are involved during both:

encoding and retrieval

Matching the CONTEXT in which encoding and retrieval occur.

encoding specificity

According to ________, memory depends on the depth of processing that an item receives.

levels of processing theory

Enhanced firing of neurons after repeated stimulation.

long-term potentiation (LTP)

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories?

maintenance is less effective than elaborative

An example of rehearsal is holding a phone number in your memory by repeating it over and over. If you do this without any consideration of meaning or making connections with other information, you are engaging in:

maintenance rehearsal

Type of rehearsal that results in little or no encoding and therefore poor memory, so you don't remember the information when you want to recall it again later.

maintenance rehearsal

The basic idea behind levels of processing theory:

memory retrieval is affected by how items are encoded

One alternative to the standard model, called the ______, proposes a continuing role for the hippocampus, even for remote memories.

multiple trace model

Proposes that early in consolidation, the hippocampus communicates with cortical areas and remains in active communication with them.

multiple trace model of consolidation

Gordon Bower and coworkers presented material to be learned in an "__________," which organized a number of words according to categories.

organizational tree

The goal of ______ is to create a framework that helps relate some information to other information to make the material more meaningful and therefore strengthen encoding.

organizing material

Gordon Bower and David Winzenz used a procedure called ________, in which a list of word pairs is presented. Later, the first word of each pair is presented, and the participant's tase is to remember the word it was paired with.

paired-associate learning

Three different levels of processing: (1) _______ = shallow processing; (2) ________ = deeper processing; (3) ______ = deepest processing.

physical features; rhyming; fill in the blanks

Occurs when previously learned information interferes with learning new information.

proactive interference

Process that helps form direct connections between the various cortical areas.


The idea that when a memory is retrieved, it becomes fragile, like when it was originally formed, and that when it is in this fragile state, it needs to be consolidated again.


The ______ focuses on re-storage mechanisms that change an existing memory by insertion of new material.

reconsolidation hypothesis

Bringing information to consciousness by transferring it from LTM to working memory.


Many of our failures of memory are failures of:


A word or other stimulus that helps a person remember information stored in memory.

retrieval cue

Loss of memory for events that occurred before an injury and can extend back minutes, hours, or even years before.

retrograde amnesida

Effect in which memory is better if you are asked to relate a word to yourself.

self-reference effect

_______ processing involves little attention to meaning, as when a phone number is repeated over and over or attention is focused on a word's physical features such as whether it is printed in lower case or capital letters.


Another angle on taking breaks is provided by research that shows that memory performance is enhanced if ____ follows learning.


Shows that studying is better when broken Ito a number of short sessions, with breaks in between, than when it is concentrated in one long session, even if the total study time is the same.

spacing effect

Proposes that memory unfolds according to a particular sequence of steps in which the hippocampus is involved in encoding new memories, and makes connections with higher cortical areas.

standard model of consolidation

Matching the INTERNAL MOOD present during encoding and retrieval.

state-dependent learning

Nairne concluded that "__________" is a powerful tool for encoding items to memory.

survival processing

_______ consolidation, which takes place over minutes or hours, involves structural changes at synapses.


______ consolidation, which takes place over months or even years, involves the gradual reorganization of neural circuits within the brain.


_____ is actually a form of generation, because its requires active involvement with the material.


The enhanced performance due to retrieval practice is called the:

testing effect

Retrieval can be increased by matching the conditions at retrieval to:

the conditions that existed at encoding

Bob is able to learn cognitive psychology concepts better when he can connect them to examples from his own life. The enhanced memory is due to:

the self-reference effect

Matching the TASK involved in encoding and retrieval.

transfer-appropriate processing

Generating images in your head to connect words visually.

visual imagery

With the spacing effect, you usually lose bits of information in ____ intervals.


The results of research on the generation effect indicate that devising situations in which ________ is a powerful way to achieve strong encoding and good long-term retrieval.

you take an active role in creating material

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