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consent is...

Words or overt acts indicating a freely given agreement to the sexual conduct at issue by a competent person

Airmen will strive to eliminate sexual assault by...

fostering a culture of dignity and mutual respect among Air Force members and provide environments free of sexual harassment and assault.

Victim-blaming attitudes also reinforce what the abuser has been saying all along...

that it is the victim's fault this is happening.

Leadership is

the art and science of motivating, influencing, and directing Airmen to understand and accomplish the Air Force mission

List the Levels of Air Force Leadership

the highest Strategic, mid level operational, then the lowest level tactical


•Establish what happened •Compare to what was supposed to happen •Determine what was right or wrong •Determine how the task should be done differently There is no dedicated stage/step to cement the solution

Personal Competencies - Embodies Airman Culture

•Ethical Leadership •Followership •Warrior Ethos •Develops Self

Characteristics of effective followers include....

•Exemplifies AF Core Values •Recognizes their Contribution to Mission •Committed to Organization's Goals •Has Enthusiasm Decision-Maker Effective Communicator Problem Solver Flexible Competent Courageous

When there is NOT consent...

•Expressing through words or conduct that there is no consent •Failing to express no consent because of the use of forces, threat of force, or placing another person in fear •Just because there is a current or previous intimate relationship •Just because of the way the person is dressed


•Translate Solution •Catch and Correct Oversights •Resolve Specifics

Air force Suicide Facts

-From 1998 - 2011, 2990 service members died by suicide while on active duty. •517 of those were Airmen -48 AD AF suicides in CY2013 -62 AD AF suicides in CY2014 -64 AD AF suicides in CY2015 -61 AD AF suicides in CY2016

The Air Force and Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP)

-Suicides increased in early 1990's - -AFSPP created in 1996

Primary age group included...

...20-24 year olds

Commanders are responsible for...

...Chaplain Service Programs

White males were the largest group to...

...commit suicide

The Air Force will remain officially...

...neutral regarding religious beliefs, neither officially endorsing nor disapproving any faith belief or absence of belief.

Commanders are expected to respect...

...the religious beliefs and practices of Air Force members in a manner that is consistent and fair to all

Paraphrase the appropriate referral agency for religious issues

1. Chain-of-Command 2. Chaplain Service 3. Equal opportunity office 4. Judge Advocate General 5. Inspector General

People/Team Competencies - Leading People

•Develops and Inspires Others •Takes Care of People •Fosters Diversity

Recall the definition of sexual assault

An intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent.


1.Analyze 2.Plan 3.Train 4.Execute 5.Critique

APTEC Process

1.Analyze 2.Plan 3.Train 4.Execute 5.Critique


1.Clarify the Problem 2.Break Down the Problem & ID Performance Gaps 3.Set Improvement Targets 4.Determine Root Causes 5.Develop Countermeasures 6.See Countermeasures Through 7.Confirm Results and Process 8.Standardize Successful Processes

Constructive stage

An attitude change takes place. Members are willing to change their ideas and team spirit starts to build. Behaviors and Motives Attitudes change to focus on group collaboration Progress toward goals made Open questioning and active listening Conflict is group problem rather than win-lose battles All members contribute Team spirit begins to build High creativity Goals Accomplish task at hand through group effort Leader's Action Encourage group collaboration Foster a healthy team spirit Solicit ideas to keep creativity high Guard against slipping back into Bid for Power Productivity High

Unfreezing restraining forces are...

Loss of staff overtime, Staff fearful of new technology, Cost, Disruption

Care for your Wingman (ACE)

Calmly control the situation. Do not use force; be safe while actively listening to show understanding and to produce relief. Remove all means of self-injury.

Bid for Power stage

Conflict rises as team members struggle for leadership. Behaviors and Motives Competition increases Struggle for leadership positions Conflicting views arise Cliques take on more importance Widest range of interaction Goals Decide how to operate Decide who's in control Leader's Action Continue to provide structure Reemphasize goals and milestones Reemphasize roles/responsibilities Encourage group collaboration Avoid creating internal competition Productivity Satisfactory

Leadership Actions is...

Decisive actions leaders use to influence and improve their units in order to accomplish their military mission

Describe the Air Force Core Values and their related virtues - Excellence in All We Do

Does not demand perfection, advance craft and increase knowledge, passion for improvement and innovation, stay in best physical/mental/moral shape. Virtues -Mission: Complex undertaking requiring a focus encompassed with operations, product, and resource excellence. -Discipline: Commitment to uphold the highest of personal and professional standards. -Teamwork: Recognizing the interdependency of every member's contributions towards the mission and strive for organizational excellence

Describe the Air Force Core Values and their related virtues - Integrity First

Doing the right thing whether or not someone is watching. Most important part of character. Virtues -Honesty: The only way we preserve the trust we hold so dear with each other and population we serve. -Courage: Willingness to take personal and professional risks, make decisions that may be unpopular, and to admit to our mistakes. -Accountability: Maintain transparency, seek honest feedback, take ownership of actions.

What are driving and restraining forces?

Driving forces make change attractive to people and restraining forces work to keep things as they are.

SAPR Vision is to...

Establish a national benchmark for recovery and eliminate sexual assault through empowered and engaged Airmen.

Personal Leadership is...

Face-to-face, interpersonal relations

What are the responsibilities of the change agent?

Follow the plan, pay attention, provide support, and when things aren't going right, to go back to the unfreezing stage.

Who said - "Leaders do not abruptly appear fully developed and ready to perform. A growth period must occur to allow young leaders time to mature into the responsibilities required of senior institutional leader and commanders."

General Norton A. Schwartz Former Chief master sergeant of the air force

Ask your Wingman (ACE)

Have the courage to ask the question, "Are you thinking of killing yourself?" while remaining calm.

You can withdraw consent at any point, and ...

It's important to clearly communicate to your partner that you are no longer comfortable with this activity and wish to stop.

Escort your Wingman (ACE)

Never leave your friend alone. Escort them to your chain of command, chaplain, mental health professional, or primary care provider, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Remember, only a commander can direct a military member to mental health.


Observe, Orient, Decide, Act

What's unique to APTEC's TRAIN?...

Other models don't have a dedicated step to train

Four areas of Kelly's model of behavior

Passive, Active, Dependent- Uncritical thinking, Independent- Critical Thinking

Five stages of team growth are...

Polite Why We're Here Bid For Power Constructive Esprit

Unfreezing driving forces are...

Pressure from leadership, Improved retrieval speed, Reduced space requirements, Impact on environment

Describe the Air Force Core Values and their related virtues - Service before Self

Professional duties take precedence over personal desires/servant mindset. Virtues -Duty: Consistently choose to make necessary sacrifice to accomplish mission, honor those who made ultimate. -Loyalty: Commitment to the success and preservation of something bigger than ourselves, demonstrated by helping each other act with honor. -Respect: Treating others with dignity and valuing them as individuals.

Identify resources available to victim for filing an restricted...

Restricted: No investigation and no leadership/command involvement, still access to healthcare, victim advocacy, and legal. Agencies that will keep restricted reports restricted (Confidential disclosure of the crime). Will allow for evidence to be collected without giving up confidentiality. 1. Sexual assault response coordinator (SARC) 2. Victim Advocate (VA) 3. Health care provider at military treatment facility Chaplains

Identify resources available to victim for filing an restricted...

Restricted: No investigation and no leadership/command involvement, still access to healthcare, victim advocacy, and legal. Agencies that will keep restricted reports restricted (Confidential disclosure of the crime). Will allow for evidence to be collected without giving up confidentiality. Suicidal/homicidal/child abuse/DV help (services provided - investigation). 1. Sexual assault response coordinator (SARC) 2. Victim Advocate (VA) 3. Health care provider at military treatment facility 4. Chaplains

Four types of Kelly's model of behavior

Sheep, Yes People, Alienated Followers, Effective Followers, Survivors

Polite Stage

Team members are getting acquainted, sharing values, and establishing basis for the team. Behaviors and Motives Size people up Cliques begin to form Conversation is polite Judgements take place Strong need for group approval Little or no group identity Goals Get acquainted Avoid Controversy Leader's Actions Introductions Help people get acquainted Encourage participation Allow some socialization Production Very low/none

Summarize the Air Force guidelines concerning religious accommodation

The Department of Defense places high value on the rights of members of the Military Services to observe the tenets of their respective religion or to observe no religion at all. If protects the civil liberties of its personnel and the public to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its military requirements.

Why We're Here stage

Team members want to know the team's goals and objectives. Behaviors and Motives Set goals and objectives Cliques build power Hidden agendas arise Decline in need for group approval Low group identity Goals Build structure Determine goals Leader's Action Provide structure to enable team to get down to business Agenda items Goals or milestones for task Outline specific responsibilities Encourage commitment to task Productivity Very low

What is a team?...

Teams are a bit more formal and have a specific purpose, member roles, and probably an identity.

DoDI 1300.17, Accommodation of Religious Practices Within the Military Services:

The Department of Defense places high value on the rights of members of the Military Services to observe the tenets of their respective religion or to observe no religion at all. It protects the civil liberties of its personnel and the public to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its military requirements.

SAPR Mission is the...

The day-to-day mission of the Air Force SAPR Office is to educate, advocate and collaborate to respond to and stop sexual assault and its harmful effects on the Air Force.

Discuss the importance of the Air Force Core Values to Airmen

The set of values guides the way Airmen live and perform. These values provide a foundation for leadership, decision-making, and success, no matter the level of an Airman's assignment, the difficulty of the task at hand, or the dangers presented by the mission.

Esprit stage

The team feels high morale and intense group loyalty. Behaviors and Motives Strong group identity High morale Intense loyalty All members approve of each other No cliques Closed membership—no new members welcome Constructive/productive actions Goals Accomplish task at hand through group effort Maintain group identity Enhance group reputation Leader's Action Encourage group collaboration Foster a healthy team spirit Productivity High

Explain how the virtues relate to the Air Force Core Values

The virtues are behaviors or characteristics that show you're living out the values.

What are some common forms of resistance?

Uncertainty, self-interest, different perceptions, and over-determination

What are the stages of Lewin's model?

Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze

Identify resources available to victim for filing an unrestricted...

Unrestricted: Command notification and support, healthcare, victim advocacy, and legal services. Can request an expedited transfer. Triggers an investigation. Can report to: 1. Chain of command 2. Security forces 3. AFOSI, SARC or Victim advocate 4. Health care personnel

Identify resources available to victim for filing an unrestricted...

Unrestricted: Command notification, healthcare, victim advocacy, and legal services. Triggers an investigation. Services provided + investigation. Can report to: 1. Chain of command 2. Security forces 3. AFOSI, SARC or Victim advocate 4. Health care personnel Any adult with base access can receive assistance with filing.

Recall the definition of sexual consent

Words or overt acts indicating a freely given agreement to the sexual conduct at issue by a competent person. 1. No consent exists when: Person says "no" through words or conduct, person does not express consent because or/threat of force, previous intimate relationship does not mean consent every time, and way person dresses does not mean consent.

The Profession of Arms requires...

a special level of trust, commitment and respect in order to execute its mission.

Victim-blaming attitudes marginalize the victim/survivor...

and make it harder to come forward and report the abuse.

Five Styles of Conflict Management

competing/ forcing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating

Sexual Assault is...

criminal conduct that violates the standards the United States of America expects of its men and women serving in the Air Force and is inconsistent with the Air Force core values

Abilities of a leader can be improved through

deliberate use of force development, built from education, training, and experience.

The SAPR program will provide...

education and training to all our military and civilian members throughout their Air Force careers, to prevent sexual assault, enhance response capability, establish victim support, encourage victims to come forward and hold perpetrators of this crime appropriately accountable.

EXECUTE is very much...

in the same realm as what we see in OODA Loop and PPSM

refreezing stage

integrates the change into the organization so that it becomes recognized as the status quo, by establishing habits.

Sexual assault occurs when...

intentional, sexual contact, happens without consent

It is not the victim's fault or responsibility to fix the situation...

it is the abuser's choice.

Alcohol use by the alleged offender and/or the victim/survivor is a...

known risk factor for sexual assault

If the survivor knows that you or society blames her or him for the abuse, s/he will...

not feel safe or comfortable coming forward.

Predominate marital status of those that committed suicide...

single never married and married

By engaging in victim-blaming attitudes...

society allows the abuser to perpetrate relationship abuse or sexual assault while avoiding accountability for his/her actions.

Victim blaming occurs when...

the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them.

What is a group?...

they are typically less formal normally do not have a specific purpose or type of identity.

Methods to Reduce & Manage Resistance to Change include...

•Education and Communication •Participation and Involvement •Facilitation and Support •Negotiation and Agreement •Coercion

ETP=> Eat Tasty Pie means....

•Empowerment •Teamwork •Purpose

Organizational Competencies - Enterprise Perspective

•Enterprise Structure and Relationships •Government Organization and Processes •Global, Regional, and Cultural Awareness •Strategic Communication

Consent should not simply be assumed by...

•Body language, appearance, or non-verbal communication; •Marriage, dating relationships or previous sexual activity; •Silence, passivity, lack of resistance, or immobility. Incapacitation: Alcohol consumption or use of other drugs can render a person incapable of giving consent.

People/Team Competencies - Fostering Collaborative Relationships

•Builds Teams and Coalitions •Negotiating

Empowerment means...

•Capabilities -Appropriate number -Right mix of team •Power -Functions as a cohesive unit -Confident in abilities, despite obstacles

Appropriate Referral Agencies

•Chain-of-Command •Chaplain Service •Equal Opportunity Office •Judge Advocate General •Inspector General

Purpose means...

•Clarity -Understands goals -Understands roles •Commitment -Believes work is important -Expends necessary energy to achieve objective

Organizational sources of conflict are...

•Communication factors •Structural factors (size and level of participation) •Line-staff distinctions •Rewards •Resource interdependence

Yes People are...

•Active/dependent, uncritical thinker •May take initiative but won't question anything •Will readily carry out almost any order -Dangerous if orders contradict standards -Example: Person who always says what he thinks leaders want to hear

Effective followers are...

•Active/independent, critical thinker •Takes initiative to improve •Thinks ahead •Works well with others •Reflects on goals of the organization • •Not hesitant to bring concerns to leader

Change - Participation and Involvement means to...

•Actively involve those affected in designing and implementing •May be time-consuming but should create buy-in and help them commit to new program

Air Force Doctrine

•Air Force's authoritative, but not directive, statement of principles and beliefs •Requires judgment in its application

Institutional Competencies are...

•Attributes Airmen must possess to operate successfully across the widest array of Air Force tasks and requirements •In other words, leadership abilities •Gives context of how Airmen should be developed as they progress along levels of increased responsibility

Organizational sources of conflict include...

•Communication factors •Structural factors (size and level of participation) •Line-staff distinctions •Rewards •Resource interdependence

sexual harassment

•Form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances • Requests for sexual favors • And other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when any of the following occur: •Explicitly or implicitly used as a condition of pay or career •Submission or rejection affects the environment •Such conduct interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Change - Facilitation and Support means to...

•Gradually introduce change •Provide additional training and continuous support on need for change

Elements of AF Leadership - Airmen

•Heart of the organization •Perform the mission •Leader must care for, support, and develop people

Personal behavior factors - Perceptions

•How the individuals view concepts like fairness and quality can cause issues when they have different definitions or expectations, especially if assuming everyone defines things like laziness or incompetence the same way they do.

Personal behavior factors Perceptions include...

•How the individuals view concepts like fairness and quality can cause issues when they have different definitions or expectations, especially if assuming everyone defines things like laziness or incompetence the same way they do.


•ID & Understand Mission/Problem •Gather & Use Data •Generate Solutions •Test and Evaluate Solutions Select the Best Solution


•Impartially advise commanders in regard to religious accommodation •Provide pastoral care to help commanders care for their people •Implement programs of religious support •Adhere to the tenets of their religious faith

Sexual Assault

•Intentional Sexual Contact •Use of Force, Physical Threat, or Abuse of Authority •When a Victim CANNOT or Does not give CONSENT •Rape, Sodomy (Oral or Anal) •Indecent Assault inappropriate sexual contact or fondling

People/Team Leadership is...

•Interpersonal and team relationships

Religious accommodation requests should be approved, except when precluded by...

•Military readiness, unit cohesion, standards, or discipline Adverse impact on readiness, cohesion, standards, or discipline

Four Overlapping & Interacting Processes

•Observe: Current Situation/ Facts/Known/Unknown •Orient: Understand your situation/Set goals •Decide: Select a course of action •Act: Put your plan into action

Change - Negotiation and Agreement means to...

•Offer incentives to encourage change •Use agreements to remind everyone of changes they agrees upon

Organizational Competencies - Employing Military Capabilities

•Operational and Strategic Art •Leverage Technology •Unit, Air Force, Joint, and Coalition •Non-adversarial Crisis Response

Sheep are...

•Passive/dependent, uncritical thinker •Simply complies with any order given •Lacks initiative •Wants to do what they're told and nothing more

Alienated Followers are...

•Passive/independent, critical thinker •Festering wounds in an organization •Criticizes, but never offers constructive support

Personal behavior factors - Values

•People typically don't like having their values questioned or criticized.

Personal behavior factors Values include...

•People typically don't like having their values questioned or criticized.

Teamwork means...

•Practices -Manages time & resources effectively -Develops work methods •Participation -Maximizes full involvement of members -Interacts effectively •Interdependence: if one person can do everything, why is there a need for a team?

Change - Education and Communication means to...

•Provide need for change and expected results •Open communication throughout process reduces uncertainty

Organizational Competencies - Managing Organizations and Resources

•Resource Stewardship •Change Management •Continuous Improvement

Sexual assault affects parents, friends, partners, children, spouses and fellow Airmen of the survivor...and...

•Significant others may experience similar reactions and feelings as survivors •Negative responses can be a determinant of how damaging the sexual assault ends up being to the victim •Pressure from family members on the victim to remain silent or lie about an assault can be damaging •Air Force units also feel the effects of sexual assault

Survivors are...

•Small amount of each type of follower •Rarely committed to work/group goals •Does just enough to get by •Mediocre performers clogging the arteries of an organization •Example: "ROAD"

Personal Competencies - Communicating

•Speaking and Writing •Active Listening

Organizational Leadership is...

•Structure, resources, vision

Personal behavior factors - Personality

•Tension is likely to escalate if the parties involved have uncomplimentary personalities. Someone with low self-esteem and a highly authoritarian person may have difficulty working together.

Personal behavior factors Personality include...

•Tension is likely to escalate if the parties involved have uncomplimentary personalities. Someone with low self-esteem and a highly authoritarian person may have difficulty working together.

•Any Airman can be (and is expected to be) a leader... but...and...

•The vast majority of Air Force leaders are not commanders •Members simultaneously serve as both leaders and followers at every level of the Air Force

Leadership at every level must ensure the following...

•Their words and actions cannot reasonably be construed to be officially endorsing nor disapproving any faith, belief, or absence of belief •Superiors need to be sensitive to the potential that personal expression may appear to be official •Subject to the above mentioned sensitivities, superiors enjoy the same free exercise rights as all other AirmenCh


•Used to determine: •If change is needed •What is needed to affect change •Results of the analysis will guide the entire change process •Forces that influence change: •Driving Forces - push in a particular direction to produce change •Restraining Forces - act to restrain or decrease the driving forces and inhibit change

Change - Coercion means to...

•Using force (authority) to enact change •Requires constant oversight to ensure change remains in effect •Mandating change is quick and efficient

Organizational Competencies - Strategic Thinking

•Vision •Decision-Making •Adaptability

Additional factors to consider include...

•Who am I dealing with? •What are the stakes? •What is the situation?

Elements of AF Leadership - Mission

•Why we are here! •Primary Task or objective to be accomplished •Motivate, influence, and direct people to carry out the mission

Air Force Doctrine applies to

•all Airmen •Regular •Reserve •Guard •Civilians

Effective leadership transforms human potential into...

•effective performance in the present and prepares capable leaders for the future.

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