Cold War and 21st Century-SS-Mr.Spencer

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Cuban missile crisis

A Revolution in 1959 put a communist regimen Cuba, led by Fidel Castro. The Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow him felt. Then the Soviets put nuclear missiles on the island. John F Kennedy blockaded Cuba and demanded the missiles be removed for a week nuclear war threatened before the Soviets finally back down, removing the missiles

Berlin blockade

After World War II the Soviet controlled east Germany, including the capital of Berlin. France, Great Britain, and the US controlled west Germany. When the Western allies combined their German territory to formal west German government in 1948, the Soviets responded by shutting down all roads and railways in and out of Berlin they hope it's the start of the East Germans into submission

h-bomb and arms race

After the Soviets exploded the atomic bomb in 1949 both sides begin work on a more powerful hydrogen bomb. The arms race began as both sides poured money and resources into developing superior military strength to stay ahead of the other

How does an agricultural-based country related to low literacy scores

Children must work in the fields to support your families, leaving them without a strong education

OPEC(organization of petroleum exporting countries)

Countries, mostly located in the middle east, that set the price for a barrel of oil

How did the relationship between the US and Soviet union change in the decade following World War II

During World War II, the countries were allies but afterword the countries were enemies

The attempted mass extermination of a tribe, ethnic group, or religion


What word means the political, cultural, and exchange of ideas Among nations leading to global interdependence


Greek civil war

In 1946° came under communist pressure as rebels there try to overthrow the government. The US suspected the anti-government flights were receiving help from their communist neighbors in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. In response Truman sent $400 million in aid to help put down the threat. Similar events occurred in Turkey to

How is traditional war different then a terrorist action

In traditional war, military targets are here wow civilians are left alone, terrorist acts target civilians

Winston Churchill described the division of Europe between Western Democratic countries and Eastern Communist countries as a

Iron Curtain(a wall separating them)

Warsaw Pact

Is it eastern European answer to NATO, The Soviets in the Communist bloc nations joined together in a greed to military Cooperation in the event of an attack

during the Cold War era (1946-1991) the United States And the Soviet Union were reluctant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of

Is the potential for global nuclear war

How does deforestation affect society is in the environment

It has destroyed wildlife habitats around the world

If you lived in the country affected by the Marshall plan what would happen to your government

It would receive money from the United States

What was the significance of the fall of the Berlin wall

It's signal the end of communist domination of Eastern Europe

What was the significance of the fall of the Berlin wall in 1991

It's signal the end of communist domination of Eastern Europe


Leaders on both sides were sober by the Cuban missile crisis and agreed to a series of treaties to slow his arms race and ease Cold War tensions

what economic system does globalization Best Flourish

Mixed economy

What are two trade organizations


What environmental problems have resulted from the continuous economic growth

Oil spills, deforestation, and pollution lean to the distraction of O-Zone layer

WHO(world health organization)

Organization that seeks to eradicate diseases around the world


Political, cultural, and economic exchange of ideas

Molotov Plan

Right after the Marshall plan was announced, the Soviet unveiled their own plan. Named after Soviet foreign minister, it's an eight to nations with in the Soviet sphere of influence and set up trade agreements with Soviet satellite nations to stop any dependence upon US trade

Vietnam war

Similar to the Korean War, American troops try to keep South Vietnam from falling to the communist north. The fighting however lasted much longer and was tell me you're up in Korea. Once the Americans left the north Overran the south and reunited Vietnam as a communist country


Systematic destruction of a group of people

What is the name of the war fought between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II

The Cold War

Which country was most likely an original member of NATO

The United Kingdom

Berlin airlift

The Western democracies responded to the blockade by airlifting supplies To Berlin. The mission lasted almost a year until Stalin finally gave in and lifted the blockage

Which is a characteristic of a communist/command economy

The government controls all aspects of the economy

What best describes the idea of a global village

The interconnectedness of the globe, leading to economic and political culture diffusion

What is a negative effect of globalization

The loss of unique cultures due to the introduction of new technologies and worldwide company's

What was the purpose of the Berlin wall

To prevent citizens of communist East Berlin from escaping to democratic west Europe

What was the purpose of the Berlin wall

To prevent citizens of communist East Berlin from escaping to democratic western Europe

What was the main purpose of US foreign policy in the decade following world war two

To prevent communism from spreading to new countries

What was the main purpose of US foreign-policy in the decade following World War II

To prevent communism from spreading to new countries

Truman doctrine

Truman was the US president when the Cold War began. After the iron curtain speech, he announce the US would directly intervene against the Soviet aggression to help people protect themselves from communism, outlining a policy of containment of communism to prevent it spread beyond Eastern Europe

Marshall plan

Truman's secretary of state, George Marshall, devise a strategy in 1947 to keep vulnerable European nations from falling under communist influence. $17 billion over a period of four years was sent to war torn you're up to help nations after the war. Soviet bloc nations were unable to except money under the Marshall plan

Which country owns the most of the worlds economy

United States

Distrust amount the United States and the Soviet union mostly comes from

Vastly different political systems of democracy versus communism

The United Nations is

a world peace keeping organization made up of 193 countries

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

groups that aim to increase Trade among member nations

Korean war

in a police action never officially declared a war, the US send troops to help South Korea defend against North Korea, Or Soviet satellite. After two years the Communists were driven back. The original border at the 38th parallel remained as it was

How could globalization be a cause of terrorism, genocide, or war

tHe coming together of different ethnic/cultural groups could lead to conflict

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