Cole-World History CH. 18

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Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen 1789

1st step towards writing a constitution, the Assembly issued this. Was modeled after the Declaration of Independence. All men were "born and remain free an equal in rights." enjoyed natural rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." All male citizens were equal before the law.

Describe Article 6 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and why is it significant?

Article 6 states that all citizens are equal under the law and have the right to participate in government. This marked a significant change for most French citizens who were not previously treated equal under the law.

What central idea does the Declaration of the Rights of Man share with the American Declaration of Independence?

Both stated that all men are created equal.

Political Cartoon-The Old Regime

Cartoonist portrays the Third Estate as a man shaking off chains(representing taxes and restrictions) representing the First and Second Estate. Cartoonist wanted to show Third Estate rising up to demand change.

What factors led to the radical phase of the Revolution?

Continuing economic problems and hostile factions competing for power.

What was the social structure of the old regime in France?

FIRST ESTATE: clergy, SECOND ESTATE: nobles, THIRD ESTATE: the majority of the population and the lowest social class.

What economic troubles did France face in 1789, and how did they lead to further unrest?

France had a large national debt in 1789 and soaring food prices, forcing many people to go hungry. Further unrest developed when many people were forced to go hungry.

Explain the chief goal and outcome of the Congress of Vienna?

Goal: to create a lasting peace in Europe by establishing a balance of power and protecting the monarchy system; Outcome: a balance of power that lasted for the next 100 years but failed to anticipate new forces such as nationalism.

Why did Robespierre think the Terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution?

He believed terror was necessary to deal with the enemies of the revolution.

How did napoleon come to dominate most of Europe by 1812?

He defeated European powers by moving large armies rapidly taking risks, and being willing to suffer great losses. He annexed some lands and forced alliances on others. He put friends and family members on several European thrones.

What reforms did Napoleon introduce during his rise to power?

He enacted reforms to improve the economy established the public school system, and introduced the Napoleonic Code.

How did Napoleon impact Europe and the rest of the world?

He spread the ideas of nationalism across Europe and facilitated American expansion with the Louisiana Territory and abolished the Holy Roman Empire, which would help create a new Germany.

How did Napoleon rise to power so quickly in France?

He was ambitious, and his military successes helped him gain power.

What led to the storming of the Bastille, and therefore, the start of the french Revolution?

Inequalities between the Third Estate and the other two estates, as well as hunger and poverty, led the Third estate to attack the nobles and demand a new constitution. Fear that royal troops would occupy Paris, the Parisians stormed the Bastille in search of weapons.

What issues arose when Louis XVI called the Estates-General in 1789?

Issues about voting which led the Third Estate to proclaim itself the National Assembly and take the Tennis Court Oath.

How do you think French Nationalism affected the war between France and he powers of Europe?

It boosted morale and encouraged the French to keep fighting.

How did the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen reflect Enlightenment ideas?

It declared that all men were created equal and had natural rights, and that government existed to protect these rights.

What did the Constitution of 1791 do, and how did it reflect Enlightenment ideas?

It put the Catholic Church under state rule and created a Legislative Assembly whose members would be elected by tax-paying male citizens over 25. Ending church interferences and ensuring equality for male citizens reflected Enlightenment goals.

What were the provisions of the Constitution of 1791?

It set up a limited monarchy, created a new Legislative Assembly, replaced the old provinces with 83 departments, abolished provincial courts, and reformed laws.

According to Sieyes, why was the Third estate ready to revolt?

It wanted to gain political power and recognition.

Why did Sieyes say the Third estate was "nothing?"

Its members were paying high taxes and dealing with unjust restrictions, but did not have any representation in government,

Cahier de Doleances 1789

List of grievances that each Estate drew up in preparation for the summoning of the Estates-General in 1789

What changes occurred after the Reign of Terror came to an end?

Moderated created the Constitution of 1795, which set up the five-man Directory and a two-house legislature.

How did nationalism both help and hurt Napoleon?

Nationalism helped Napoleon in France where it boosted morale and encouraged the army and the people to support him. In other countries, Nationalism prompted people to oppose and fight against the rule of a foreign invader.

Why did the nobles and clergy demand that the king dismiss Necker and summons the Estates-General?

Necker wanted to tax them and they hoped the Estates-General would guarantee their privileges and help them gain more power from the king.

What was the social impact of the revolution?

People developed a national identity, titles were eliminated, state schools were established, and slavery in French colonies was abolished.

What 3 factors led to the start of the French Revolution?

Social inequalities, economic troubles, inspiring Enlightenment ideas.

How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution?

Supporters of the Enlightenment in Europe were pleased with the French Revolution, while European nobles and rulers denounced it.

What were the differences in social classes in pre-revolutionary France?

Taxes, money, land, and jobs available

What events occurred during the radical phase of the French Revolution?

The downfall of the monarchy and a time of violence called the Reign of Terror.

Describe what happened to France's constitutional monarchy because of the French Revolution?

The monarchy lost most of its power.

What changes occurred in France because of the French Revolution?

The monarchy was overthrown, the old social order was gone, and the state controlled the Church.

How did the National Assembly react to peasant uprisings?

The nobles of the National Assembly voted to give up privileges.

Describe the resistance Napoleon encountered as countries grew to resent him.

The resistance was fueled by renewed nationalism in places such as Germany and the Netherlands. Countries fought the French armies with tactics such as guerrilla warfare in Spain and the scorched-earth policy in Russia.

What occurred after radicals took control of the Assembly?

They called for a new legislative body, extended the right to vote to all male citizens, abolished the monarchy established a republic, and executed the king and queen.

What actions did delegates of the THIRD Estate take when the Estates-General met in 1789?

They declared themselves the National Assembly representing the people of France and took the Tennis Court Oath, swearing to meet until they created a new constitution.

Why did European rulers and nobles denounce the French Revolution?

They feared the ideas of revolution would spread to their countries and bring an end to their power and privileges.

Did the actions of Robespierre and the Committee promote the original ideals of the Revolution or go against them?

They went against the ideals of equality and liberty by unfairly imprisoning people and performing executions after hasty trials.

What were the goals of the Committee of Public Safety?

To deal with political threats from other countries in Europe and to deal with domestic enemies to the Revolution.

Why did the Convention create the committee of public safety?

To deal with threats to France both from internal rebellion and external war and to save the Revolution.

Summarize the goals and actions of the Jacobins.

To deal with threats to France.

How did the Reign of Terror cause the National Convention to be replaced by the Directory?

Weary of bloodshed and fearing for their own lives, members of the Convention executed Robespierre and other radicals and wrote a new constitution, which created the Directory.

What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille?

With their rage, Parisians demonstrated a new sense of empowerment.

What caused French peasants to revolt against nobles?

famine and fear of government assault.

What challenges threatened Napoleon's empire and what led to the disaster in Russia?

nationalism in individual European states, guerrilla warfare in Spain, Austria seeking revenge, and the devastating Russian winter.

What political and social reforms did the National Assembly institute in the first phase of the French Revolution?

revoked the nobles' privileges, issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man, placed the church under state control, and wrote a constitution that set up limited monarchy.

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