College terms

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Junior/Community College

A Junior/Community College is a two-year institution of higher education. Course offerings generally include a transfer curriculum with credits transferable toward a bachelor's degree at a four-year college and an occupational or technical curriculum with courses of study designed to prepare students for employment in two years.

Dean's List

A category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. At Greenville Technical College, all students who earn a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in 100-level courses and above, and who achieve a minimum GPA of 3.4 (with no grade lower than a "C"), will be placed on the Dean's List. All part-time students who earn a minimum of 6-11 semester credit hours in 100-level courses and above, and who achieve a minimum GPA of 3.4 (with no grade lower than a "C"), will also be placed on the Dean's List.

President's List

A category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. At Greenville Technical College, all students who earn within a semester a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in 100-level courses and above, and who achieve a grade point average of 4.0, will be placed on the President's List


A curriculum is a program of courses approved for a particular degree or certificate. To earn a degree or certificate in a specific program, you must complete the curriculum for that program

Degree Plan

A degree plan, curriculum or program plan, is a list of courses and requirements needed for a degree or certificate. Use it to plan your schedule and get approval for financial aid. You can get a copy in the course catalog or in an advising office.


A department is the basic organizational unit in a higher education institution, and is responsible for the academic functions in a field of study. It may also be used in the broader sense to indicate an administrative or service unit of an institution.


A division could be several different things: an administrative unit of an institution, usually consisting of more than one department; a unit of an institution based on the year-level of students (i.e., lower and upper division); or a branch of the institution, instructional or not (i.e., the Division of Student Affairs).

EFC (Expected Family Contribution)

A formula established by the U. S. Congress calculates the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or what the family can contribute to education. Greenville Technical College determines the student's financial aid eligibility based on the results of this formula. The formula takes into account the family's income, assets, number of family members, and number in the household attending college at least half-time. The EFC is based on income from the prior year of enrollment. For example, for the 2009-10 academic year, the students (and parents, if required) 2008 income is considered when calculating the contribution.

Full-Time Enrollment/Part-Time Enrollment

A full-time student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours in a semester (full-time status for a summer term is 12 credit hours). A part-time student is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours in a semester.


A hold is placed on a student's academic record when an outstanding obligation, monetary or material, occurs. The Hold is released when the obligation has been satisfactorily met. Any person who has a Hold placed on their record will not be allowed to register, receive transcripts, or receive any other services from the college until the Hold is released.

Hybrid classes

A hybrid course is one that combines online learning (accessible from the Web) and face-to-face instruction. The schedule and structure (which include online assignments and discussion forums as well as required labs) can significantly vary from one class to another. These are typically determined by the instructor based upon learning goals, course objectives, content, and available resources. Generally, a course which offers at least 25% face-to-face time combined with at most 75% online components or up to a maximum of 75% face-to-face time and at least 25% online components is a hybrid course.


A major is a student's chosen field of study. It usually requires the successful completion of a specified number of credit hours. A minor is designated as a specific number of credit hours in a secondary field of study.


A monetary award given to a student to help pay college expenses. Grants are usually not repaid by the student.


A status awarded by a professional body with an interest in maintaining standards for its members. For example, Greenville Technical College is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Greenville Technical College also accepts transfer credits from institutions accredited by a regional accrediting body.

Current Student

A student currently enrolled this semester at Greenville Technical College


A student who does not want to receive credit in a course may, with approval of the instructor, audit the course as a "visitor." A student who audits a course cannot ask or petition the college at a later date to obtain college credit for the audited course. No financial aid or VA benefits can be awarded for an audited course.

Re-admit Student

A student who has attended Greenville Technical College in the past, but has not been enrolled for the past three consecutive semesters or more.

New Student

A student who has never been a student at Greenville Technical College befor

Academic Notice

A student whose semester grade point average (GPA) falls below the minimum described in Academic Progress will be placed on academic notice and will be restricted to 12 semester credits at the next registration. A notice flag will be noted on the student's grade report.

Academic Progress

All colleges require students to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) to remain in school.

Course Numbers

All courses are identified by numbers usually containing 3 digits, for example Freshman English might be 101. The first digit indicates the class year in which the subject is usually taken. A course number beginning with a "0" indicates that it does not carry credit hours applicable to a degree.


College bookstores generally stock all the books and other materials required in all the courses offered at the institution as well as providing basic sundries and clothing items.


College catalogs provide all types of information parents and students need to know about a school. It lists, for example: the institution's history and philosophy, policies and procedures, its accreditation status, courses of study, degrees and certificates offered, physical facilities, admission and enrollment procedures, financial aid, student life activities, etc.

Schedule of Classes

Colleges prepare a Class Schedule for each semester during the previous semester. With the help of academic advisors and/or faculty members, students make up their own individual class schedules for each semester they are enrolled. Courses are designated in the Class Schedule by course department, course number, time, and days the course meets.

Continuing Education

Continuing education is education intended for adult learners, especially those beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. However, it is not normally considered to include basic instruction such as literacy or GED preparation. Instead, as the term suggests, it is assumed that the student already has an education and is simply continuing it. Included within continuing education are non-degree career training, workforce training, and formal personal enrichment courses (both on-campus and online). Continuing education at Greenville Technical College is offered through Economic Development and Corporate Training

CO-OP Education

Cooperative Education enhances the student's learning experience by integrating classroom lessons with "real- world" employment. The college and business community cooperate to provide the student work experience in jobs related to his/her major. This employment is arranged around class hours, is normally part-time and may continue each semester the student is enrolled at Greenville Technical College

Financial Need

Cost of Attendance (COA) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial need

Loan Counseling

Counseling session provides information about how to manage your student loans, both during and after college. This session is required for all first-time borrowers at Greenville Technical College and must be completed before loans are certified with the lender


Counselors assist with career exploration, personal development, academic challenges and short-term personal counseling. They can also refer you to community agencies.

Co-requisite Courses

Courses that are taken during the same semester. Most co-requisites are recommended; however, some may be required.


Credit courses of choice which may be taken for credit toward a degree or certificate in any curriculum. They may be chosen from a wide variety of courses.

Degree Audit/Program Evaluation

Degree Audit compares a student's academic progress to the requirements of any desired academic program.


Degrees are rewards for the successful completion of a prescribed program of study. There are three basic types of degrees Associate - obtainable at a two year community or junior college; Baccalaureate or Bachelor's - offered by four-year colleges and universities; and Graduate - obtained after the bachelor's degree; i.e., Masters or Doctorate.

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses are pre-college level courses which help students improve skills and prepare for college-level courses. Based on your placement test scores, these courses may be required in order to be eligible to take college-level courses required for your program of study.

Midterm Exams (Midterms)

During the middle of each semester, instructors may give mid-term exams that test students on the material covered during the first half of the semester. Some classes have only two tests, a mid-term and a final.


Orientation is a valuable resource that provides a variety of information that will help you navigate through college policies and procedures. All new or re-admit students are required to participate in an online student orientation prior to enrolling in classes.

SAP Appeal

Students who fail to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress as defined in the college catalog and student handbook have the option of submitting an appeal. The financial aid office is able to consider appeals based on illness, separation/divorce, or work-related issues.

Do Not Purge

The "Do Not Purge" is a payment plan with a single payoff date. It is called the "Do Not Purge" plan because it protects your schedule from the purge. You can break the balance due up into any kind of payments you want, as long as you get it paid-in-full before the due date. The plan strongly encourages you to apply for aid. It is a good idea to start immediately making partial payments, so that you do not have to come up with a lump-sum by the payoff date. You will be charged late fees and interest if you go past due


The "purge" is the date that registered students with any balance due will be deleted from all classes. Three things can protect you from the purge. A completed financial aid file A Do Not Purge payment plan Full payment of all charges

Associate Degree

The Associate Degree is granted upon completion of a program of at least two, but less than four years of full-time equivalent college work. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are conferred upon students who successfully complete programs designed for transfer to a senior college. The Associate Degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours, including general education courses along with courses within a specific program of study, with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (a "C" average).

Career Degree (AAS)

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS), or career degree, gives you technical skills for entry-level employment in the workforce. Although the AAS is not considered a transfer degree, agreements may be in place with other institutions that allow smooth transfer of credits.

Associate in Applied Science (AAS)

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS), or career degree, gives you technical skills for entry-level employment in the workforce. It is not designed for transfer. Although the AAS is not considered a transfer degree, agreements may be in place with other institutions that allow smooth transfer of credits.

Business Office

The Business Office is responsible for all financial transactions of the college.


The Greenville Technical College Honors Program is designed to enhance the college experience for bright, highly motivated students. Small, challenging classes encourage give and take between student and instructor, enhance opportunities for independent research, and allow the student to pursue individual goals.

Non-Credit Courses

These are classes or courses that do not meet the requirements for a certificate or a degree at a given institution. Non-credit courses may serve one of several purposes: to explore new fields of study, increase proficiency in a particular profession, develop potential or enrich life experiences through cultural and/or recreational studies.

Extra-Curricular Activities

These are non-classroom activities that can contribute to a well-rounded education. They can include such activities as athletics, clubs, student government, recreational and social organizations, and events

Final Exams (Finals)

These exams are usually given during the last week of classes each semester. The type of final administered in a course is left to the discretion of the instructor. Final exams are given on specified dates, which may be different than the regular class time, and are usually listed in each semester's class schedule.


These letters are acronyms for the American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Both tests are designed to measure a student's level of knowledge in basic areas such as math, science, English, and social studies. Colleges may require the results of either the ACT or SAT before granting admission

Registration Verification

This a process which checks to ensure the student made a satisfactory grade in pre-requisite courses before the term begins. Students who did not successfully complete the pre-requisite course will be removed from the upcoming course registration. This process is run at the beginning of every full and half semester.


This is the procedure by which students choose classes each semester. It also includes the assessment and collection of fees.


This is the procedure by which students choose classes each semester. It also includes the assessment and collection of fees.

Bachelor's Degree

This is the undergraduate degree offered by four-year colleges and universities. The Bachelor of Arts degree requires that a portion of the student's studies be dedicated to the arts -literature, language, music, etc. The Bachelor of Science degree requires that a portion of the studies be in the sciences - chemistry, biology, math, etc. The minimum credit hour requirement for a bachelor's degree is 120 hours.

Jump Start

former name (now called Early College) of program of college classes you can take while you're still in high school. Getting a jump start on college means you can lighten your load in college or even graduate early.

Master Promissory Note

he legal, binding document that must be signed by the student borrower prior to loan funds being disbursed to Greenville Technical College. The promissory note states the terms and conditions of the loan, including repayment schedule, interest rate, deferment policies, and cancellation provisions.

Academic Suspension

if a student on academic probation fails to earn the minimum semester GPA for the credit hours earned at the next semester enrollment, she/he will be suspended from the college and will not be allowed to enroll for one full semester. During this period of suspension, students will be encouraged to remedy the causes of their lack of progress.


When you drop a course, there is no record on your transcript and there is no charge for the course. You can drop a course without penalty before the end of the add/drop period. An official drop does not appear on a transcript, does not count as an attempt on a class, and grants a 100% refund of tuition. The Enrollment Fee is only refundable prior to the start of the class.


Your academic advisor will help you choose the correct courses, review the course requirements in the program you have chosen to pursue, and help you with any academic problems you may encounter. At some institutions, faculty as part of their job duties conduct academic advisement. Other institutions may designate specific staff as academic counselors. Advisors help select classes, plan course schedules and answer questions about course credits.


the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions

Prerequisite Courses

this is a condition or requirement that must be met before enrolling in a course. To satisfy a prerequisite, you must receive a "C" or better in the course to advance to the next class.


when when you drop a class with no charge before the add or drop period. ACT and SAT are test required

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student's grade point average is the equivalent of his or her average for curriculum course work. Each letter grade has an equivalent point value: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2, D = 1 and F = 0. A student may determine the grade points for each course by multiplying the number of points a grade is worth times the number of credits the course carries. Thus, a "B" grade, worth three points, in a three-credit course is worth nine grade points; an "A" grade in the same three-credit course is worth 12 grade points. The grade point average is found by adding the total grade point values for all courses and dividing by the total number of credits attempted during the same period of time.

Cost of Attendance

A total amount of attending the college including tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous personal items, loan fees, study abroad costs, dependent care expenses, disability-related expenses and cooperative education program costs.

Credit Hour

A unit of measure that represents an hour of instruction that can be applied to the total number of hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate or other formal award. Courses taken in college are usually measured in terms of credit hours. To earn one credit hour, a student must attend a class for one classroom hour (usually 55 minutes) per week for the whole semester (usually 15 weeks). Classes are offered in 1 - 4 credit hour increments and sometimes larger amounts.

Administrative Withdrawal

A withdrawal action that is processed if 1) a student registers for a course but fails to attend; 2) a student who attends at least once during add/drop period, but fails to attend after add/drop period; or 3) a student has been recorded absent for more than 20 percent of the course contact hours. Refer to the college attendance policies, for additional information regarding administrative withdrawals.

Official Transcript

According to the guidelines set by the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and endorsed by the Southern Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (SACRAO), "An official college transcript is one that you (the receiving institution) have received directly from the issuing college or university. It must bear the college seal, current date and an appropriate signature. Transcripts received that do not meet these requirements should not be considered official and should be routinely rejected for any permanent use."


Admissions and Registration Center

International Student

An applicant who is requesting a student visa (F-1) or transferring from another college under a student visa.


An instructor may assign an incomplete (a grade of "I") to a student. It will be assigned only when a student has not completed a major assignment or examination. Course requirements must be completed within a mutually agreed upon timeframe by instructor and student by a specified time or the "I" grade will be automatically changed to an "F".


Blackboard is a Web-based set of Course Tools designed to deliver online learning.

Bridge Programs

Bridge Programs offer students an additional path for transferring to certain four-year colleges or universities. Bridge programs feature a seamless transition as a sophomore after spending your freshman year at Greenville Technical College, successfully completing 30 transferrable credit hours and meeting GPA requirements in your desired major at your Bridge institution.

Early College/College in High School

Early College classes are college classes you can take while you're still in high school. Formerly called "jump start," this program allows high school students to lighten the load in college or even graduate early.


Fees are additional charges not included in the tuition. Fees may be charged to cover the cost of materials and equipment needed in certain courses, and they may be assessed for student events, programs, and publications.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is made available from grants, scholarships, loans, South Carolina lottery tuition assistance and part-time employment from federal, state, institutional, and private sources. Awards from these programs may be combined in an "award package" to meet the cost of education. Financial need, available funds, student classification, academic performance, and sometimes the timeliness of the application determine the types and amounts of aid awarded.


Greenville Technical College will refund tuition paid by students who officially drop their courses by specified dates. The schedule of dates, the percentage of tuition eligible to be refunded, and other pertinent policies regarding refunds can be found in Student Services offices at all campuses. The college reserves the right to modify its tuition refund policies as necessary.

GTC4me -

Greenville Technical College's password-accessed information portal, which allows our community of students and employees to share, collaborate and interact with one another.

Humanities Courses

Humanities courses are classes that cover subjects such as literature, philosophy, language, and the fine arts. Most undergraduate degrees require a certain number of humanities credit hours.

Academic Alert

If a student on academic notice fails to earn the minimum semester GPA for the credit hours earned at the end of the next semester of enrollment, she/he will be placed on academic alert. Students on academic alert may only register for their next semester with a GTC counselor or advisor who will assist the student in identifying and implementing appropriate interventions. The student will be allowed to register for only nine semester hours. Students should note that their status as a full-time student is jeopardized while on academic notice; therefore, their financial aid and insurance eligibility will be affected.

Lecture vs. Laboratory vs. Discussion Classes

In lecture classes, students attend class on a regular basis and the instructor lectures on class material. Laboratory classes require students to perform certain functions in controlled situations that help them test and understand what is being taught in the lecture. Discussion classes offer students the opportunity to talk about material being taught, ask questions, and discuss material with their classmates.

Online Classes

Online classes meet via computer, through an online learning management system, like Blackboard. Online students log in to attend class. There they access course lectures, receive assignments, and correspond with classmates and instructors.

Experiential Learning

Knowledge and skills gained from life experience for which credit may be awarded under certain circumstances.


Loans are borrowed money that must be repaid.

Kingwood college

Lone Star College in the Kingwood section of Houston, Texas.


Lottery Tuition Assistance (LTA) is available for eligible full-time students (12 or more credit hours) and eligible part-time students.

Letter Grades/Grade Point Averages (GPA)

Most colleges use both letter grades and GPA's in determining students' grades. Grades at most colleges are figured using the following method: A's are worth 4 points, B's are worth 3 points, C's are worth 2 points, D's are worth 1 point, F's are worth 0 points. To figure a GPA, simply multiply the number of hours a course is worth by the number of points for the letter grade, then add up the totals for each course and divide by the number of credit hours. The result is the grade point average.


People who have graduated from the college. At Greenville Technical College, that means everyone with a degree, certificate and/or diploma or who has completed 24 or more curriculum credit hours and is not a current student.


Permanent separation of the college and student.

Placement Testing

Placement tests ensure that you get started in the right classes for your academic background and your program. Taking a class for which you are not prepared could prevent you from successfully moving forward in your college career. If your test scores indicate that you need additional preparation before you enter classes that count toward your program, you may need to take one or more developmental courses.

Priority Dates

Priority Dates are the dates by which you need to have your file completed in order to get financial aid before the fee-payment deadline.

Private/Public Institutions

Private and public institutions differ primarily in terms of their source of financial support. Public institutions receive funding from the state or other governmental entities and are administered by public boards. Private institutions rely on income from private donations, from religious or other organizations, and student tuition.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

SAP is required by all programs except South Carolina Lottery Tuition Assistance to ensure that students who are receiving federal and state aid are making measurable progress toward completion of a degree, diploma or certificate program within a reasonable time frame. Performance is measured in the following areas: completion rate, GPA and length of eligibility.


The faculty is composed of all persons who teach classes for the college

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

The federal application that must be completed to receive all federal aid and South Carolina Lottery. The forms may be completed online at

Award Letter

The notification of financial aid award. The award letter lists the types and amounts of financial aid the student is eligible for. To finalize the award package, the student must sign and return the award letter to the Financial Aid office.


The process by which a prospective student submits the required forms and credentials to his/her chosen institution. Application criteria may include one or more of the following: previous academic records, test scores, interviews, recommendations, and other information provided by the applicant. Depending on the application requirements of a particular college, the student can gain acceptance to the institution if the decision to accept the application is positive. Admission is the status granted to an applicant who meets the prescribed entrance requirements of the college. (It must be noted that there is a wide variation nationwide in the Application/Acceptance/Admission policies of higher education institutions. Check the college catalog for specific requirements of the schools you are considering.)


The registrar of an institution is responsible for the maintenance of all academic records and may include such duties as: maintenance of class enrollments, providing statistical information on student enrollment, student eligibility for academic honors, administering probation and retention policies, and verification of the completion of degree requirements for graduation.


The registration period is the time when students can register for classes to be offered during the upcoming semester.

Degree Requirements

Those requirements prescribed by institutions for completion of a program of study are generally termed degree requirements. Requirements may include a minimum number of hours, required GPA, prerequisite and elective courses within the specified major and/or minor areas of study.

Diploma program

an organized series of credit courses, consisting of 41-52 credit hours, which may include a few general education courses but mainly concentrates courses in a particular field of study.

Certificate program

an organized series of credit courses, consisting of 8-40 credit hours, which concentrates study in a particular field, though some certificates also include one or more general education courses.

Flagged Account

see Hold

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