Colombian Slang

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Cachivaches is always said plural, never singular. It's possible, but just weird. No one says it that way. Slang meaning: Thingamabobs, thingamajigs, trinkets Tengo muchos cachivaches que necesito acomodar. — I have a lot of junk I need to organize.


I bet you can guess where this word derives from... parchando is the action of hanging out with el parche. Desparchado is another popular saying that means the opposite: bored, not doing anything. Estoy en casa desparchado, esperando al parche. — I'm home bored, doing nothing, waiting for the crew.

Un Bollo

Literal meaning: A bun (of bread), a special type of steamed roll Slag meaning: A turd I can't tell you why Colombians use this word to refer to a piece of turd, but they do, and it's only heard in their corner of the world. It could have to do with the appearance of the edible bollo dish ¡Pisé un bollo! — I stepped on a piece of poop!


Literal meaning: A ceramic, metal pan Slang meaning: Too bad! ¡Me olvidé el deber en la casa! Qué de malas—¡paila! — I forgot my homework at my house! What bad luck—oh well, too bad!

Un Chorro

Literal meaning: A drip Slang meaning: A swig (of alcohol) You can either take a "swig" of alcohol, or in some cases make reference to the "alcohol" itself. Regálame un chorro de ese guaro. — Give me a "swig" of that aguardiente. Or: Vámonos a comprar un chorro. — Let's go buy a little somethin' somethin' (referring to alcohol).

Un Catorce

Literal meaning: A fourteen. Slang meaning: A favor Hágame un catorce. — Do me a favor.


Literal meaning: A guava tree Slang meaning: To be hung over It's only used in Colombia, but other Latin countries might understand what it means within context: Tengo un guayabo que me mata. — I have a hangover that's killing me. Estoy enguayabada. — I'm hung over.


Literal meaning: A ranch Slang meaning: Home To Colombians a ranch is their house/home. It's also a farm. Me voy pa' el rancho. — I'm going home.

Un Tinto

Literal meaning: A tint, a taint, a dye (red) Slang meaning: A black coffee Spaniards say tinto when referring to a glass of red wine (vino tinto), but Colombians are referring to something completely different. Me gustaría un tinto, por favor. — I would like a black coffee, please.

Un(a) Berraco/Berraca

Literal meaning: A wild boar Slang meaning: A go-getter ¡Tu hermano es un berraco! Me cae bien. — Your brother is the best, I really like him.


Literal meaning: A wild boar (berraco). Slang meaning: Off the heezy! Cool! This is only used in Colombia, nowhere else.


Literal meaning: Ball Slang meaning: Idiot Although it's a feminine word, pelota is said to both males and females who are, well, "idiots." In Argentina they say pelotudo, which is essentially the same remark. Note that the udo in pelotudo is a made up addendum. Colombians have kept it simply as pelota. ¡Qué pelota que eres! — What an idiot you are!


Literal meaning: Batteries Slang meaning: Keep your eyes peeled! Same as estar moscas, estar pilas means to be sharp and alert. ¡Pilas! on its own means the same thing.


Literal meaning: Born bad Slang meaning: Bastard Parir means "to give birth." Mal means "bad" or "wrong." And malparido technically translates to, "given birth to the wrong way." I would say it's the equivalent to "bastard," so try not to say this word unless it's dire.


Literal meaning: Camel Slang meaning: Job Camello usually points out a job that requires loads of physical labor. Ese camello me cansa. — That job tires me.


Literal meaning: Chinese person Slang meaning: Child Chinos is Colombian way to say hijos (children or kids). Mis chinos siempre se comportan mal. — My kids are always misbehaving.


Literal meaning: Fire water Slang meaning: Aguardiente Argentina has wine, Peru and Chile have Pisco, Ecuador has canelazo, and well, Colombia's got aguardiente! Aguardiente is Colombia's national alcoholic drink, and different regions within the country have distilled their own versions: Aguardiente Antioqueño, Aguardiente Del Cauca and so on. That's not to say that other Latin countries haven't distilled their own fire water—they have, but Colombians truly know how to do it best (and I'm not just saying that!).


Literal meaning: Frog Slang meaning: A snitch, rat, gossip, busybody This is a person who can't keep a secret and may well end up throwing someone under the bus. Other Latino countries use this expression too, but it's very popular amongst paisas. Usted le dijo a mamá que salí anoche, ¡qué sapa! — You told mom I went out last night, you're such a snitch!

¡La Cagué!

Literal meaning: I pooped it Slang meaning: I screwed up Cagar translates as "to poop," but "to poop it," is to say you've "screwed it up" in the moment. If a Colombian is in the middle of fixing something and it breaks, they shout: ¡Juepucha, la cagué! — Darn, I screwed it up!

¡Es Una Nota!

Literal meaning: It's a note! Slang meaning: It's awesome!/real good! This expression can be used to describe a person or an instance. Ella es una nota bailando — She's awesome at dancing.


Literal meaning: Judicious (judgement). Slang meaning: Well-behaved A Colombian chino (child) is rarely juicioso/judiciosa. Por favor sean juiciosas. — Please behave.


Literal meaning: Monkey Slang meaning: Light-skinned, fair-haired Mono/Mona has different meanings depending on which Spanish-speaking country you're in. In Spain, it's a way to call someone pretty or cute. In Colombia, the word's used to describe a light-skinned, fair-haired person. Typically a blonde—whether pretty or not—can always be considered a mono or mona. You'll hear this a lot throughout Colombia.

Mi Llave/Llavería/Llavero

Literal meaning: My key/key chain Slang meaning: My (close) friend Colombians call their close friends llaves (keys). This slang/dialect is also heard in other Latin American countries, like Ecuador. A popular Colombian expression goes like this: ¡Lo saqué del llavero! — I unfriended him! (I took him off the key chain!)


Literal meaning: Piece Slang meaning: Bedroom Pasa a la pieza, por favor — Pass to the bedroom, please.


Literal meaning: Shell, casing, helmet (casco). Slang meaning: To hit, to smack, to give a whooping This is what Colombian parents say to their chinos when they misbehave. ¡Si no paras te voy a cascar! — If you don't cut it out, I'm going to give you a good whooping!


Literal meaning: Silver Slang meaning: Money Plata is similar to billete, and used exactly the same way. It's left as is and not pluralized. ¡Papi, necesito plata! — Daddy, I need money!


Literal meaning: Smear Slang meaning: To mess up, ruin When something goes wrong or messes up, Colombians use embarrar. This should be conjugated when used, according to the situation. ¡Yo lo embarré! — I messed it up! Ella embarró su chance con ese man. — She ruined her chance with that dude.

Mamar Gallo

Literal meaning: Suck a rooster Slang meaning: Loligagging, procrastinating ¡Deje de mamar gallo! — Stop loligagging!


Literal meaning: Sucked Slang meaning: Tired, exhausted, fed up Can be associated with cansón, but not quite. Unlike cansón, mamado defines the person who's tired. Think of being "sucked dry" of your energy (mental or physical) and you'll be able to remember mamado. Context is crucial, so be careful how you express this word outside of Colombia. Actually, keep it only in Colombia, because other Spanish speakers could get a little perverted on you. Hoy caminé toda la ciudad, y ahora estoy mamada. — Today I walked the entire city, and now I'm exhausted. ¡Ya me mamé, deje de ser tan cansón! — I'm fed up, stop being so annoying!

El Parche

Literal meaning: The patch. Slang meaning: The crew, the homies El parche is your group of friends. It's classic Colombian slang that's only heard there.

La Olla

Literal meaning: The pot Slang meaning: The slums This is the Colombian way to talk about the slums, ghetto, drug-ridden neighborhoods, etc.


Literal meaning: Tiresome (from cansado) Slang meaning: Annoying, pain in the butt Cansón derives from the word cansado/cansada, but Colombians use the adjective to illustrate the actual person who tires them. Esa niña es tan cansona — That girl is a pain.

¡Estar Moscas!

Literal meaning: To be flies, to be like flies Slang meaning: Be alert! This means to be quick and swift as a fly. Alert and on point.

Estar Prendido/Prendida

Literal meaning: To be lit Slang meaning: To be buzzed In English I think we can agree that, "to be lit," expresses a state of being tipsy. It has the same meaning in Colombia. Esa pola me prendió. — That beer got me buzzed. Be careful with this one, as it has a more sexual connotation outside Colombia.

Estar Tragado/Tragada

Literal meaning: To be swallowed (by someone) Slang meaning: To be head over heels/in love Ella me tragó — She's got me love stuck. Él está tragado — He's head over heels.


Literal meaning: To fall Slang meaning: To flirt Vaya, cáigale a esa chica. — Go hit on that chick.

Te Caigo

Literal meaning: To fall Slang meaning: To stop by, drop by Llámame mañana y te caigo. — Call me tomorrow and I'll stop by.

Dar Papaya

Literal meaning: To give papaya Slang meaning: To ask for it Papaya is a South American fruit, but in Colombia it's anything that holds value to you. Jewelry, an iPhone, an expensive watch, your wallet, can all be papaya. If you want to keep these from getting stolen or pick-pocketed on the street (normal in most major cities) act smart, hide them, and no des papaya. This idiom is a little hard to translate, but it closely means, "don't give them a reason to rob you." It also means, "don't let yourself get taken advantage of," or "put yourself in a dangerous situation." Simply, "don't ask for it."

Tener Buena Pinta

Literal meaning: To have a good paint. Slang meaning: To be good-looking, handsome Tener buena pinta is a popular Colombian phrase that's also said in other parts of Latin America. Exclusively said about males, it's a way for men to compliment other men, but women can say it too—about men of course. Sí, ese man tiene buena pinta. — Yeah, that guy's good looking.


Literal meaning: To open up Slang meaning: To leave, scatter, get out There are different ways to use this expression: Bueno pues, me abro. — Alright well, I'm leaving. ¡Abrasé! — Leave! (can be used in a mean context, as a demand or an exclamatory remark).


Literal meaning: To rooster Slang meaning: To woo It's usually said about a male that woos a female (just like in English). Due to the rooster reference, it's more strongly masculine.


Literal meaning: To square up Slang meaning: To schedule Colombians will say cuadremos when they want to organize, schedule a date, meet up with you, plan, coordinate, etc. Cuadremos algo para mañana. — Let's plan something for tomorrow.

Parar Bola

Literal meaning: To stand ball Slang meaning: To give attention to, listen This is another popular phrase that's heard around Latin America. ¡No le pares bola! — Ignore him! ¿Por qué no me paras bola? — Why aren't you listening to me?


Literal meaning: Touch Slang meaning: A concert, a band The verb tocar has two translations, "to touch" or "to play" (as in "play" an instrument). In the latter sense, tocar la guitarra means "play the guitar." El toque in Colombian Spanish is "the band" itself, but can also be referred to a concert or gig.


Literal meaning: Wednesday Slang meaning: Shoot! It's just a lighter way to say you know what! You don't know what? Think of a 6-letter Spanish word that begins with mier.

¡Qué Gonorrea!

Literal meaning: What Gonorrhea! Meaning: Various things, see below Something can be a Gonorrea, or someone can be a Gonorrea. And it can either be a negative or positive remark. It all depends on context and clues. When time is not on their side, Colombians like to shout ¡Qué Gonorrea! When a friend is acting silly and stupid, yet funny, they call them una Gonorrea. Even to just talk about a person: Mira a este Gonorrea. — Look at this dude.


Literal meaning: Wolf Slang meaning: Trashy, tacky In Colombian this word portrays a tacky, trashy, displeasing person. Mira a esa mujer, qué loba con ese traje — Look at that woman, so tacky with that outfit.


Literal meaning: a sheath (a covering, case, etc.) Slang meaning: Thing In Colombia (and many other parts of Latin America) this is used to describe anything. Even if you don't know what something is, it's still a vaina. I do want to point out that this form of expression is a bad habit, because constantly saying "thing" or "thingie" is called being lazy. There are some instances when saying vaina is excusable, for example, when you truly don't know what something is. But I do advise that if you honestly know what something is, try your best to describe it with all the Spanish words in your repertoire, because that's the only way you're going to truly learn! Don't be lazy! ¿Qué es esa vaina? — What is that thing? ¿Qué vaina es esa? — What heck is that? Ayer comí una vaina tan deliciosa, pero no sé qué era. — Yesterday I ate something so delicious, but I don't know what it was

Una Chuspa

Meaning: A plastic bag Chuspa is a Colombian's way of saying, bolsa (or funda) plástica. This term is also heard in other Spanish-speaking countries.

A La Orden

Meaning: At your service When you walk past a store, shop in a market, hail a cab or pay a clerk in Colombia, a la orden will be blurted at you either before or after your service. If it's a question: before your service. If it's exclamatory: after your service. Vendors will repeat this phrase to grab your attention, in hopes that you'll purchase something. A cab driver will post up to you, shouting it. It's just a way to say: "Can I help you?" "Are you being helped?" "Thanks for your business!" ...and so on!


Meaning: Beers Polas is only used in Colombia—and although it has no official meaning in Spanish, it does hold some history. La Pola was the nickname of Policarpa Salavarrieta Ríos, a heroine who helped Colombia gain independence from Spain. Back in the day, Bavaria Brewing in Colombia created a beer in her honor—La Pola. The beer doesn't exist anymore, but the name stuck. ¡Páseme unas polas, pues parce! — Well, hand me some beers, dude!


Meaning: Bro, dude, my man, girl Parcero/a is what you can call a friend or acquaintance in Colombia. Colombians like to say it to anyone they meet.


Meaning: Colombian Pesos Lucas is obviously a name, but in Colombia, one luca is one Colombian Peso. 20 lucas is 20 Colombian Pesos.


Meaning: Dollar bills, money Billete, "bill," is a common Spanish word. It can mean a ticket, like boleto, or bills, as in, "dollar dollar bill y'all." In Colombian Spanish, "money" is billete—period. They don't pluralize it. They leave it as is. No tengo billete. — I don't have money. ¿Cuántos billetes hay? — How many bills are there?

¿O Qué?

Meaning: Or what? The words o and qué are official Spanish words, but when put together in a short, quippy sentence they become a Colombian thing. ¿O qué? is kind of like saying "or what?" And Colombians will add the phrase to end of every question. ¿Estás bien o qué? — Are you okay, or what? ¿Comemos o qué? — Are we going to eat, or what?


Meaning: The party itself I know the word looks like zumba—and hey, that's a great way to remember it! Colombians love to dance (not zumba, but close—salsa), so when they say, "La rumba está buena!" that means, "the party's good." They're dancing and having a blast!

Los Tombos

Meaning: The police Only original to Colombia. Ya vienen los tombos. — The cops are coming


Meaning: To be drunk This word is solely Colombian jargon, and it means to be straight up "drunk." Está jincha. — She's drunk.


Meaning: To go dancing Changó is only said in Cali (Valle Del Cauca), a southern region in Colombia. The name comes from a famous salsa club in Cali called Changó. Every Colombian caleño's hobby is dancing salsa, so when they refer to Changó, they all know that it doesn't necessarily mean to go to the club itself, but to go dancing in general.


Meaning: To go out, to party There are two ways to spell this word: as shown above, or with an e instead of an i, rumbear. Rumbiar may be familiar to other Latino ears; without a doubt, it's natural and native to Colombian speak. ¡Vamos a rumbiar! — Let's go out!


Meaning: Various things, see below This is one of those made up words that has many meanings and a variety of uses. ¡Qué chimba! — That's cool or awesome. Algo más chimbo. — Something so "cheap," dull, useless. ¡La chimba, hermano! — No way, bro!

¿Quiubo, Parce?

Meaning: What's up, bro? Quiubo is a contraction of qué hubo (what's been going on?). Parce is a shortened version of parcero/a. Colombians will sometimes simply say "¿Quiubo?" when you want to say "what's up?" Note that parce can be directed to any person who's you age or to whom you don't need to express additional respect. It could be a friend of a friend you're meeting for the first time, or someone you'll never see again.


Slang meaning: A term of endearment Literal meaning: Fat It's a popular term of endearment for friends, family, girlfriends, boyfriends and any other loved ones in most parts of Latin America, not just Colombia. Some speakers might even add an is to the end of the word, turning it into gordis. This word is unisex. Ven aquí mi gordis. — Come here my little fatty. Llama a nuestra gorda. — Call our daughter.


Slang meaning: Bad B.O. Chucha is a funny one, with different meanings in other Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. In Spain it means absolutely nothing, and it's not considered an "official" Spanish word. In Ecuador chucha is a curse, so be careful when and how you say it. In Colombia it's just bad body odor. Huelo mala chucha — I smell bad B.O. Tienes chucha — You have B.O.


Slang meaning: Bootleg, knockoff, fake ¡Este DVD está chiviado, hombre! — This DVD is a fake, man!


Slang meaning: Dang! If you know your Spanish curses, then might know what this one's trying to convey. Like our versions of "freaking" and "heck," juepucha is like saying hijo de...(you know what—yup, another curse word). Jue is substituted for the word hijo and de, kind of blending their sounds together, and pucha is substituted for the curse itself. Don't ever, ever call anyone this, but if you stub your toe and no one's listening, feel free to shout it! ¡Ay yai yai, juepucha! — Ow, son of a gun!


Slang meaning: Darn! The same works for juemadre. It's like saying, "mother lover," instead of "bleep, bleep." Or more like, "son of a mother"—you get the picture, right?


Slang meaning: Deep sleep, passed out, knocked out There is no literal meaning for this one. If you take a light bulb, un foco, and punch its lights out, what do you get? Foquiado. That might be a nice way to remember it. Marta está foquiada, ¡sigue durmiendo! — Marta is passed out, she's still sleeping!


Slang meaning: Diarrhea Like bollo, churrias is familiar to Colombian ears only. Tengo churrias. — I have diarrhea.


Slang meaning: Dummy! Huevón evolves from the word "egg," huevo. And it's widely used amongst Latin Americans in the same fashion, though there are other variations. ¡Qué huevada! — Darn! ¡Me vale hueva! — I could care less! ¡No seas un huevón! — Don't be a dummy!


Slang meaning: Gross! I know it looks like guacamole, but it's not! Similar to fúchile, guácala is shouted when something is gross or unpleasant. Anything nasty that isn't a foul smell can be guácala, because in the case of a foul smell you'll use ¡fúchile!


Slang meaning: Ill, sick, bad taste This is one of those Colombian-only words Comí esa sopa, pero ahora me siento maluco — I ate that soup, but now I feel sick. Si sales con el pelo mojado te vas a sentir maluca. — If you go out with your hair wet you're going to feel sick.

Nombre De Dios

Slang meaning: Name of God Colombian children are taught to say this to their elders the minute they say "hello" or walk into a house, or whenever they leave and say "bye." If you don't, prepare to hear a stern statement that involves the word cascar! Hola mamá, nombre de Dios. — Hi mom, in the name of God. Chau, papi, nombre de Dios. — Bye daddy, in the name of the God.


Slang meaning: Silly, dumb, stupid A bobo/boba is a fool. It's quite popular throughout South America, but Colombians tend to use it a lot. No seas tan boba. — Don't be so silly.


Slang meaning: Stinky feet This word's only native to Colombia. Tengo pecueca — I have smelly feet. Tienes pecueca — You have stinky feet. Pecueca is pecueca and doesn't change whether it's plural, feminine, singular or masculine, it always stays the same!


Slang meaning: To be miffed Emberracarse is another variation of berraco (a word that was on this list, do you remember its meaning?). Colombians use it depict angry people. Ella se emberracó porque llegué muy tarde. — She was angry because I arrived too late.


Slang meaning: To kiss Colombian use only, and it means to smooch. Ese chico te quiere entucar — That boy wants to kiss you.


Slang meaning: To urinate Chichí might ring familiar to other Spanish speakers because it's a common slang term for saying "pee pee." Necesito hacer chichí. — I need to take a whiz. Vaya a hacer chichí. — Go make pee pee.


When you smell pecueca what do you say? Fúchile is used to denote smell, and bad smells only! It doesn't make sense to shout fúchile when looking at something physically gross. ¡Fúchile! — Ew!

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