COM 359 Final Study Set

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Social media marketing goals

1. Brand Awareness, 2. Enhance Public Relations, 3. Build Community of Advocates, 4. Research & Development, 5. Driving Sales & Leads

Email subject line tips

1. urgency 2. curiosity 3. offers 4. personalization 5. timeliness & relevance 6. name recognition 7. cool stories 8. short & sweet 9. use a familiar send name 10. segment your lists 11. do not make false promises 12. time it right 13. do not tell them what's inside 14. conscience language 15. start with action-oriented verbs 16. make people feel special 17. create a sense of importance 18. use numbers 19. pose a compelling question 20. don't use all caps or exclamation points 21. use engaging preview text 22. A/B subject line

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets. High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the enterprise, while low-level KPIs may focus on processes or employees in departments such as sales, marketing or a call center.

Key elements of a landing page: call to action

A call to action can either be a part of a lead gen form or a standalone button on a click-through page. The call to action is an element critical to conversions and for this reason where you place it and how you design it are essential considerations. The call to action should be compelling, exciting, and persuasive. Use contrasting colours and make it stand out. You may locate it directly under an image or underneath the testimonial section.


A goal without a measurable outcome is like a sports competition without a scoreboard or scorekeeper. Numbers are an essential part of business. Put concrete numbers in your goals to know if you're on track. A goal white board posted in your office can help as a daily reminder to keep yourself and your employee focused on the targeted results you want to attain.

Google Micro Moments

A term first coined by Google, which expresses 4 'game changing moments that really matter'. They are: 1. I Want to Know: when someone is researching but not necessarily purchasing 2. I Want to Go: looking at a local business/nearby store 3. I Want to Do: wants help completing tasks 4. I Want to Buy: ready to make a purchase For Google and other organizations, these 4 moments are key in the shopping journey. Understanding them and anticipating them, will result in better mobile conversions (up to 29% more) and overall more brand engagement (being 'more relevant' for your customer).


Achievable business goals are based on the current conditions and realities of the business climate. You may desire to have your best year in business or increase revenue by 50%, but if a recession is looming and three new competitors opened in your market, then your goals aren't relevant to the realities of the market.


Act is short for Interact. It's a separate stage since encouraging interactions on websites and in social media to generate leads is a big challenge for online marketers. It's about persuading site visitors or prospects take the next step, the next Action on their journey when they initially reach your site or social network presence. For many types of businesses, especially, Business-to-Business, this means generating leads, but it may mean finding out more about a company or its products, searching to find a product or reading a blog post. You should define these actions as top-level goals of the funnel in analytics.

Reminder programs

Automatic reminders

Time Based

Business goals and objectives just don't get done when there's no time frame tied to the goal-setting process. Whether your business goal is to increase revenue by 20% or find 5 new clients, choose a time-frame to accomplish your goal.

Research & Development

By constantly engaging with customers, your company can stay up to date on the problems they're facing and develop solutions. Just as importantly, follow your competitors on social media to see how they engage their customers, if they're facing any complaints, and if they're rolling out any promotions or new products. Analytics to Track: Keep Track of Competition Increase Engagement Insights into Customer Problems Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Engage 10 customers a month on various social media channels about problems for three months.

Content creation & curation

Content Creation is the process of creating your own content from scratch and marketing it to your followers or subscribers. Content Curation is the process of gathering existing information like blogs, social media posts or, ebooks relevant to a particular topic and sharing it with your brand's followers.

AI trend

Content creation and curation Chatbots Predictive marketing Image recognition

Dynamic content

Dynamic content in the context of HTML and the World Wide Web refers to website content that constantly or regularly changes based on user interactions, timing and other parameters that determine what content is delivered to the user.

Types of videos

Educational videos Product videos (explainer video) FAQ video Customer testimonials Lead generation teasers Culture videos/behind the scenes videos

Social videos

Effective social videos are short! The most successful - viral videos with over 1 million views - typically last between 30 seconds and 1 minute. This doesn't leave a lot of room for in-depth subjects, but it is just enough space to quickly tell a single story! Or to focus in on one big highlight, be it entertaining, informative, or affecting. While short and viral typically go hand-in-hand, not every social video does (or even can) go viral. In fact, only 1.2% of videos on Facebook get over 1 million views. There's simply no way to guarantee or predict that a piece will go viral. Social video is aimed at both groups. The hope is that as your current audience engages with content, interested users from their networks will be drawn into the fold. This means crafting content that your core audience looks to your organization for, as well as content that taps into their other interests. You also need to pay attention to the habits of your audiences. When are they online? What types of content to they respond to the most? Make sure your subjects are aligned with what your viewers most enjoy. And make sure your metadata - like titles, descriptions, and tags - are robust and descriptive, driving up your video SEO so your content is showing in the searches of new viewers. A central focus on driving engagement is the defining characteristic of social video. Every social video aims to drive social actions such as shares, comments and likes. Those acts of engagement are what bring your content organically into the feeds of potential new followers and new audiences.

FAQ videos

FAQ videos are presentations of frequent questions that your web visitors ask, or should be asking. Depending on the level of sophistication and detail involved in understanding your product or service, this may be 10-20 questions; sometimes more, sometimes less; but they are essential to understanding what you're offering.FAQ videos are presentations of frequent questions that your web visitors ask, or should be asking. Depending on the level of sophistication and detail involved in understanding your product or service, this may be 10-20 questions; sometimes more, sometimes less; but they are essential to understanding what you're offering.


Far too often, small businesses can set goals beyond reach. No one has ever built a billion dollar business overnight. Venture capitalists and angel investors discard countless business plans of companies with outlandish goals. Dream big and aim for the stars but keep one foot firmly based in reality. Check with your industry association to get a handle on realistic growth in your industry to set SMART goals.


Great goals are well-defined and focused. "Obtain two new billion dollar corporate clients in the Boston property insurance market" is more meaningful to mobilize your team than "Get more business." Ryan Blair, The Goals Guy eloquently states,"Focus creates a powerful force: goal power. The moment you focus on a goal, your goal becomes a magnet, pulling you and your resources toward it. The more focused your energies, the more power you generate."


Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

Key elements of a landing page: subheadline

If your main headline grabs the attention of the visitor on your landing page, then the persuasive sub-headline should convince them to stay. Usually, the persuasive subheadline is located directly underneath the main headline and it goes into slightly more detail and depth.

Image recognition

Image recognition, in the context of machine vision, is the ability of software to identify objects, places, people, writing and actions in images. Computers can use machine vision technologies in combination with a camera and artificial intelligence software to achieve image recognition. Image recognition is used to perform a large number of machine-based visual tasks, such as labeling the content of images with meta-tags, performing image content search and guiding autonomous robots, self-driving cars and accident avoidance systems.

The concept and examples of AR

In Augmented Reality, the computer uses sensors and algorithms to determine the position and orientation of a camera. AR technology then renders the 3D graphics as they would appear from the viewpoint of the camera, superimposing the computer-generated images over a user's view of the real world.

Content creation

It Generates Leads- If you are creating content such as an ebook, whitepaper or webcast as bait for your landing page then it needs to be original. The Content Belongs To You- If you are working in a strictly regulated industry like finance, then you need to be careful because there's a fine line between curation and copying. Even sharing a link from another organization can leave you open to a fine if you don't cite the source properly. Additionally if the information contained in the link is incorrect you may be held liable! It Drives Traffic- Google loves original content especially if it's useful and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. In an ideal world, a fresh blog post would be written each day to keep your site ranking highly. It's On Brand- If you write the content then it's going to be reflective of your brand and brand voice. 45% of a brand's image can be attributed to what it says and how it says it. Become A Thought Leader- By creating your own content, images, infographics and posts you are becoming a thought leader that others want to follow. This makes your brand aspirational and highly desirable to customers. Iconic thought leaders like Richard Branson (Virgin) Steve Jobs (Apple) or Elon Musk (Tesla) set a high bar through years of consistent effort. It isn't easy to become a thought leader but it certainly starts with your own content and ideas.

Top social media marketing trends 2018

Live videos Influencers (macro/micro) Chatbots Social media paid ads

The concept and examples of MR

Mixed reality is an overlay of synthetic content on the real world that is anchored to and interacts with the real world—picture surgeons overlaying virtual ultrasound images on their patient while performing an operation, for example. The key characteristic of MR is that the synthetic content and the real-world content are able to react to each other in real time.

Key elements of RWD: navigation

Navigation is key for your websites users to be able to find their way around your website. Navigation within responsive design is unique though because although you need to provide the same navigation options across multiple viewports you have a changing canvas size upon which to do so.

Build Community of Advocates

Now, social media provides an entirely new platform where brand loyalty can be shared with thousands of people in real time. For instance, as the amount of photos of food increases on social media, restaurants are offering promotions and discounts for those that post pictures of their food on social media. That provides the restaurant with exposure and the customer feels connected. Analytics to Track: Follows Mentions Likes Retweets Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Achieve 10 mentions a week on Twitter within three months.

RFM Metrics

RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis is a marketing technique used to determine quantitatively which customers are the best ones by examining how recently a customer has purchased (recency), how often they purchase (frequency), and how much the customer spends (monetary). Using RFM analysis, customers are assigned a ranking number of 1,2,3,4, or 5 (with 5 being highest) for each RFM parameter. The three scores together are referred to as an RFM "cell" . The database is sorted to determine which customers were "the best customers" in the past, with a cell ranking of "555" being ideal.

Enhance Public Relations

Responding quickly and solving problems allows you to stay ahead of large-scale complaints and create brand loyalty. Analytics to Track: Improve Relationships Mentions Ratings Reviews Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Gain 10 5-Star Reviews on Google in three months.

Culture videos/behind the scenes videos

Some prefer to have the videos feel more like employment promotions, where they are encouraging people to apply and straight up telling them why by including things like insurance and dental information or vacation policy. Others use the company culture video as a way to broadcast what the company does as a whole; mentioning features and benefits for customers. Many use voice-overs and even more use testimonials from employees and CEOs The perfect company culture video will vary, depending on many things. Things like the industry, company values, industry values, and budget. Pouring boatloads of cash into a company culture video may be a great idea for one company, and for others, filming a quick, 30 second video on an iPhone is perfectly acceptable.

Marketing automation

Technology that manages marketing processes and multifunctional campaigns, across multiple channels, automatically businesses can target customers with automated messages across email, web, social, and text. Messages are sent automatically, according to sets of instructions called workflows. Workflows may be defined by templates, custom-built from scratch, or modified mid-campaign to achieve better results. automate online marketing campaigns and sales activities to both increase revenue and maximize efficiency. When automation is used effectively to handle repetitive tasks, employees are free to tackle higher-order problems, and human error is reduced.

Alt attribute (tags)

The required alt attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).

Email marketing frequency

The research from the DMA highlights that 17% of companies are still sending 4-5 emails a month to their contacts, 8% 6-8 times and 8% more than 8 times a month. On the other hand, frequency can be too low and companies still need to be careful, as too little contact is not good for brand awareness. In 2015 25% of respondents were sending just one email per month to each contact.

Types of landing pages

There are 3 main categories of landing page: Standalone Landing Pages: These include; Click Through, Lead Capture (Lead Gen or Squeeze Page), Infomercial and Viral landing pages. Microsites: A small multi-page website (or sitelet) usually created as a supplement to the main website. Internal Website Landing Pages: Homepages and product detail pages.

Brand Awareness

This means posting content regularly that answers the questions your customers are asking. That content includes links to blog posts, infographics, statistics, and relevant articles. Analytics to Track: Increase Engagement Followers Likes Retweets Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Gain 1,000 Twitter followers by the end of the month.

What makes RWD: image

To make our images responsive, we now have to take three things into consideration: The device's dimensions The image's dimensions The device's screen resolution

The concept and examples of VR

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power. In Virtual Reality, the computer uses similar sensors and math. However, rather than locating a real camera within a physical environment, the position of the user's eyes are located within the simulated environment. If the user's head turns, the graphics react accordingly. Rather than compositing virtual objects and a real scene, VR technology creates a convincing, interactive world for the user.


Web-brutalism is no different from brutalism in the sense that it not only embodies a counter-reaction - in this case, to standardized visual design - but also manifests itself through a sense of roughness, exposed structures and visible thought processes. Web-brutalism is moving from something edgy and almost punk, to something very mainstream and commercially v What brands are taking from web-brutalism - and truly, we should all be learning something here - is that User-centered design doesn't need to be monopolized by the same colors, same buttons, same photography and even same copy you see in pretty much every single website or product.

Marketing automation examples

Welcome programs reminder programs winback programs transactional programs retargeting programs

Benefits of marketing automation

helps with lead generation, nurturing, and scoring, as well as with measuring overall ROI on campaigns. The time- and cost-saving effects of automation increase as an organization grows in size and complexity. Good marketing automation systems are designed to scale alongside your business.

Title attribute

specifies extra information about an element. The information is most often shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element.


Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of Web pages. They can be used to define text styles, table sizes, and other aspects of Web pages that previously could only be defined in a page's HTML. CSS helps Web developers create a uniform look across several pages of a Web site. Instead of defining the style of each table and each block of text within a page's HTML, commonly used styles need to be defined only once in a CSS document. Once the style is defined in cascading style sheet, it can be used by any page that references the CSS file. Plus, CSS makes it easy to change styles across several pages at once.

DUMB business objective

Dream-Driven Uplifitng Method-Friendly Behavior-Driven

Live videos

Live streaming refers to online streaming media simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real time to the viewer. ... Live stream services encompass a wide variety of topics, from social media to video games.


This is conversion to sale. It involves getting your audience to take that vital next step which turns them into paying customers whether the payment is taken through online ecommerce transactions or offline channels.

Best time and days to send email

Tuesday through Thursday morning, between 8 and 10 am. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday had the most email opens. Tuesday was the best day, with 20% more opens than average. 10:00 a.m.

Retargeting programs

What makes Retargeting so great is that it offers you the opportunity to customize your trigger in order to match your website's visual identity, improving your brand awareness and increasing trust. The design is not standard and the templates, texts, offers and buttons of your messages can be easily personalized. One of the things that a personalized remarketing software does for you is helping you form bonds with your visitors, strengthening customer loyalty and brand awareness. Retargeting helps you reconnect with around 84% of your targeted audience.

Drip campaign

a method used in direct marketing to acquire customers through lead nurture programs. It involves sending marketing information to prospects repeatedly over longer periods of time in order to nurture prospects or leads through the marketing funnel Drip campaigns are often executed through email marketing, where pre-written content is automatically sent at predetermined times in order to engage these contacts. Sending this information multiple times to the same prospects will expose them to your brand multiple times, which will increase their familiarity with your brand and allow you to reengage with them to get them back into the marketing and sales funnel. Their repetitive exposure could lead them to eventually purchase your product. Social media and email campaigns are useful channels for drip campaigns for the potential use of a larger user base.

Marketing automation process

a set of tools designed to streamline and simplify some of the most time-consuming responsibilities of the modern marketing and sales roles. From automating the lead qualification process to creating a hub for digital campaign creation, automation is all about simplifying a business world that is growing far too complex, much too quickly. lets you implement a digital marketing strategy without having to manually press "send" on each and every email, message, campaign, or post you create. Good automation tools help you identify your audience, design the right content, and automatically trigger actions based on schedules and customer behavior. Once your campaign rolls out, you can focus on other tasks, then analyze and tweak your marketing plan as results start coming in. An automated marketing strategy can save time and resources, driving revenue and ROI while you focus on growing your business. You collect customer data through many interactions: emails, website visits, app usage, on social media, and so on. This data helps create a 360-degree view of each customer. From there, marketing automation does all the work: streamling segmentation and targeting processes to determine the right audiences, quickly and at scale. Tailoring messaging to each customer automatically based on their profile. Creating relevant and personalized messaging across email, mobile, social, web experiences, and beyond with a few simple clicks. Delivering personalized experiences for your customers, whether you have 100 or 100 million, efficiently and effectively.

Predictive marketing

the practice of extracting information from existing customer datasets to determine a pattern and predict future outcomes and trends Data is compiled on current customers, algorithms adjusted in real-time, and leads are scored for a propensity to drive business results. As well, advertising and audience sources can be measured to develop campaigns with predictive responses.

Email marketing types

1) The Welcome Email Series 2) The Standard Promotional Campaign 3) The Seasonal Campaign 4) The Triggered Email Series 5) The Post-Purchase Drip 6) The Connect-Via-Social Campaign 7) The Newsletter 8) The Cart Abandonment Campaign 9) The re-engagement campaign

RWD Trends

1. Brutalism 2. Large screen design 3. Responsive components 4. Device specific microinteractions 5. Split screen design 6. Reactive animations 7. card based interfaces 8. Dynamic search 9. Location & context awareness

Key metrics of video marketing

1. View count: tells you the raw number of how many times your video has been viewed (reach) 2. Play rate: the percentage of page visitors who actually clicked play and began watching your video 3. Engagement: hows you how much of your video they watched, and is expressed as a percentage. Average engagement, also a percentage, tells you how much of your video all viewers watched on average 4. Social sharing: shows how much people are sharing your video content, usually measured by numbers of shares across social channels - although it might not appear to mean much by itself, social sharing leads to more views for your video which generally leads to more sharing. It's also a good measure of how appealing your video is to your target audience (and others), and how willing they are to spread the word about it. This all leads to greater awareness of your business or brand as well as an opportunity to tap into a larger portion of your target audience. 5. Click-through rate: the percentage of viewers that click on whatever CTA you include in your video content. Your CTR will give you an indication of how successful your video is at encouraging viewers to take action. 6. Conversion rate: the number of leads or customers that you have gained thanks to a piece of video content. Depending on the conversion opportunities on your site, they might have filled in a form, subscribed, made a purchase, or otherwise converted. This number can also be expressed as a percentage of all viewers that convert 7. Feedback: this isn't a number but rather the qualitative data you can gain by tracking how viewers react to and comment on your video content.


A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). An ECM facilitates collaboration in the workplace by integrating document management, digital asset management and records retention functionalities, and providing end users with role-based access to the organization's digital assets. A WCM facilitates collaborative authoring for websites. ECM software often includes a WCM publishing functionality, but ECM webpages typically remain behind the organization's firewall. Features can vary amongst the various CMS offerings, but the core functions are often considered to be indexing, search and retrieval, format management, revision control and publishing. Intuitive indexing, search and retrieval features index all data for easy access through search functions and allow users to search by attributes such as publication dates, keywords or author. Format management facilitates turn scanned paper documents and legacy electronic documents into HTML or PDF documents. Revision features allow content to be updated and edited after initial publication. Revision control also tracks any changes made to files by individuals. Publishing functionality allows individuals to use a template or a set of templates approved by the organization, as well as wizards and other tools to create or modify content. Features can vary amongst the various CMS offerings, but the core functions are often considered to be indexing, search and retrieval, format management, revision control and publishing.


An artificial intelligence (AI) program that simulates interactive human conversation by using key pre-calculated user phrases and auditory or text-based signals. Chatbots are frequently used for basic customer service and marketing systems that frequent social networking hubs and instant messaging (IM) clients. They are also often included in operating systems as intelligent virtual assistants

Influencer marketing and consumer trust

An influencer is someone: With 10,000+ followers Brands engage with to help promote their products/services/messages Who shares information about products they love Who is an expert in their field Brands must find ways to identify the influencers that overlap with their audience, and carve out spend to locate, collaborate, and measure the impact of the content they create together. Across the globe, "authenticity" is the main reason those surveyed choose to trust influencers online. Additionally, personalization is critical, with 66% of respondents citing a need for an influencer's content to be relevant to their unique interests. For women, 44% of respondents noted that seeing the product/service in use as a reason to trust an influencer's post, while males are more likely to cite "expertise" with 41% ranking that as most relevant.

Winback programs

Begin with defining inactive user. It might be the one who: - doesn't respond to the emails, - doesn't visit, - doesn't purchase. Don't treat all these equally. If somebody visits your website but doesn't buy, it means that different type of campaign is necessary. Choose the right tool To perform reactivation campaign, you will need Marketing Automation software. It will provide more advanced analytics of customer behavior, deliver dynamic email feature (the most effective tool for win back campaign) and the whole process will be automated, saving your team a lot of time. Why did your customers stopped to respond? Ask them about reasons for broken contact. You can prepare a dynamic "We miss you" email, including not only offer, bonus and expression of your concern (more on that below), but also a short survey - one or two questions. Prepare a gift: a discount, free shipping, bonus. - "We haven't see you around in a while", - "Come back" (e.g. "Come Back for 25% Off") - "Welcome back" - "Hello again!" - "Where have you been?" - "We want you back". Use recipient's name.

Card based interfaces

Cards can contain a variety of information such as a photo, link about a subject or text and they serve as the point of entry for more in depth information. They are an incredibly useful and convenient way of conveying content made up of a number of different elements. Their main appeal is the way information can be organized, the simplicity they bring to users and the responsiveness they create. Cards are a great tool for communicating quick stories. They have the ability to divide content into streamlined sections that can be expanded to access additional information. This method of organization requires less screen space and enhances how users access meaningful information.

Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are one of the most powerful trust signals you can use on your website and in your marketing campaigns, including landing pages, product and pricing pages, and even your AdWords ads. Persuasive testimonials from satisfied customers can sway even the most hesitant prospect, making them a potent weapon in your marketing arsenal.

Welcome programs

Having a welcome series automation allows you to set a standard for the user experience. This means that every time a new visitor goes to your website and subscribes, you know exactly what they receive and when. This sets a clear standard and will help you identify issues when optimizing your marketing efforts. If you see your open rates are low, you can work on adjusting the send time or Subject line and From name of your automation. If you see low engagement rate, you can work on adjusting the content of the email and CTAs. Sending welcome emails manually opens up a huge issue when trying to identify where to optimize since each email is sent at a different time from the moment your subscriber signs up and may even include different text.

What makes RWD: Fluid grid

In web design, fluid will be our design or layout and shear stress will be the screen size or user device. Regardless of what the device or screen size is, components in fluid designs are going to flow and adapt to the user environment. In adaptive grids, we define pixel-based dimensions. Hence we will have to adjust the widths and heights manually in certain device viewports. Since fluid grids flow naturally within the dimensions of its parent container, limited adjustments will be needed for various screen sizes and devices. Mobile devices are getting smaller in size and people prefer using them in their personal work. On the other hand, desktop monitors are getting wider with higher resolutions. So we just cannot plan for smaller devices in responsive design. The advantage of fluid grid is that we can adjust the max-width and it will still work on larger screens due to the percentage based calculations.

Content curation

It Builds Relationships - One of my favorite quotes on content curation comes from industry expert Heidi Cohen who says that "Like sharing a bottle of fine wine with friends, content curation enhances your relationships." She's completely right as content curation breaks the ice, makes the introduction and can build solid online relationships with industry influencers. To Save Time- If you're a busy content manager with five social media channels to populate, a blog to write, a brochure to work on and perhaps a few press releases each day then curation really is a saving grace. To Present A Wide Knowledge- Your brand can't be the expert on everything in its niche but with content curation it can seem like it is. Be careful to select content from reputable sources such as Forbes, Reuters and Bloomberg if you work in a field like finance. Interestingly it may end up being your brand that inadvertently takes the credit because many social users who share a headline, image and link don't actually open the link to read the content or see the original source.

Influencers (macro/micro)

Macro influencers are often approached first hand by a brand - a business will ask them to feature their product or service on their social media profiles, with a contextual caption mentioning the brand. By using macro influencers, a brand is positioned in front of millions of people. Micro influencers are 'normal' people, so to speak. Most of the time they have less than 10,000 followers. A micro influencer will often 'apply' to become an influencer. Platforms such as Tribe and Takumi are communities of individuals who pride themselves on aesthetic social media accounts. These kinds of people usually have a good eye for photography.

What makes RWD:CSS3 Media Queries

Media queries are useful when you want to modify your site or app depending on a device's general type (such as print vs. screen) or specific characteristics and parameters (such as screen resolution or browser viewport width). Media queries are used for the following: To conditionally apply styles with the CSS @media and @import at-rules. To target specific media for the <link>, <source>, and other HTML elements. To test and monitor media states using the Window.matchMedia() and MediaQueryList.addListener() JavaScript methods.

Key elements of a landing page: method of contact

Online chat, social links, email, a contact form, a phone number, and a physical address (with map) are all ways users can engage with an organization via a landing page. Multiple options allow users to choose what's most convenient for them right then, whether they're at work on laptops, commuting with their phones, or at home with their tablets. When prioritizing, onsite messaging via a "contact us" form or page is preferable to a mail-to email link.

RACE Model

Reach > Act > Convert > Engage


Reach involves building awareness of a brand, its products, and services on other websites and in offline media in order to build traffic by driving visits to different web presences like your main site, microsites or social media pages. It involves maximizing reach over time to create multiple interactions using different paid, owned and earned media touchpoints.

Driving Sales & Leads

Social media provides the perfect opportunity to interact with potential customers, both on a personal level and an organizational level, to gauge their pain points, and to understand their basic corporate culture. This knowledge allows for a warm call when you first engage, as opposed to a cold call. Aspects to Track: Increase Web Traffic Click Through Rate Call To Actions Landing Pages Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Average 5% Click Through Rate on Tweets by end of year.

Usage and demographics of social media platforms

Some 78% of 18- to 24-year-olds use Snapchat, and a sizeable majority of these users (71%) visit the platform multiple times per day. Similarly, 71% of Americans in this age group now use Instagram and close to half (45%) are Twitter users. Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) now report that they are Facebook users, and roughly three-quarters of those users access Facebook on a daily basis. With the exception of those 65 and older, a majority of Americans across a wide range of demographic groups now use Facebook. The video-sharing site YouTube - which contains many social elements, even if it is not a traditional social media platform - is now used by nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults and 94% of 18- to 24-year-olds The most notable exception is Instagram: 35% of U.S. adults now say they use this platform, an increase of seven percentage points from the 28% who said they did in 2016. Some 88% of 18- to 29-year-olds indicate that they use any form of social media. That share falls to 78% among those ages 30 to 49, to 64% among those ages 50 to 64 and to 37% among Americans 65 and older. Americans ages 18 to 24 are substantially more likely to use platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter even when compared with those in their mid- to late-20s. These differences are especially notable when it comes to Snapchat: 78% of 18- to 24-year-olds are Snapchat users, but that share falls to 54% among those ages 25 to 29.

SMART Campaign goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Time Based

Digital marketing measurement model (process)

Step 1 is to force us to identify the business objectives upfront and set the broadest parameters for the work we are doing. Sr. Executives play a key role in this step. Step 2 is to identify crisp goals for each business objective. Executives lead the discussion, you'll play a contributing role. Step 3 is to write down the key performance indicators. You'll lead the work in this step, in partnership with a "data person" if you have one. Step 4 is to set the parameters for success upfront by identifying targets for each KPI. Organization leaders play a key role here, with input from Marketing and Finance. Step 5 is to identify the segments of people/behavior/outcomes that we'll analyze to understand why we succeed or failed. A complete, and competent, Digital Marketing & Measurement Model will focus on three key areas of your marketing, and in each answer the cluster of questions provided: 1. Acquisition: How are you anticipating acquiring traffic for your website / YT video / whatever else you are creating? Did you cover all three components of successful acquisition: Earned, Owned, Paid media? How would you prioritize each? Where are you spending most of your efforts? 2. Behavior: What is the behavior you are expecting when people arrive? What pages should they see? What videos should they watch? Should they visit repeatedly? Are there certain actions they should take? What is unique about your effort that ties to an optimal experience for a customer? 3. Outcomes: What outcomes signify value delivered to the business bottom-line? A download? A phone call to your call center? A qualified online lead? Signing up for email promotions? People buying your product/services? A 95% task completion rate? A 10 point lift in brand perception?

Voice and visual search on social media

The next generation of visual search turns a smartphone camera into a visual discovery tool. It can use an image as a search query, which allows consumers to search for styles and objects that they would otherwise struggle to define. The most popular visual search technologies are Google Lens and Pinterest Lens, but Amazon, Bing and a growing list of major retailers are all investing heavily in this area. Visual search is also a building block for augmented reality and virtual reality interactions. Voice search has had much more publicity than its visual counterpart, fronted by glitzy demonstrations from the likes of Apple, Google and Amazon. In the "age of assistance," it seems voice will be the preferred mode of access to AI-driven devices.

Product videos (explainer video)

These are short videos that explain your product or service quickly and succinctly. Hence the name. They're ideal for introducing your target audience to your offering and showing them how working with you will make their lives easier. They sit at the top of the marketing funnel but can be used across a range of locations (your site, social media, paid campaigns) to generate awareness, encourage engagement and increase conversions.

Email segmentation and targeting

These are the six targeting options. 1. Customer profile characteristics (demographics): For B2C e-retailers this will include age, sex and geography. For B2B companies, this will include size of company and the industry sector or application they operate in 2. Customer value - current and future: A useful way of thinking about customer value is these three groups, originally identified by Peppers and Rogers of 1 Most-valuable customers (MVCs), Most-growable customers (MGCs) and Below Zero Customers (BZCs). When considering loyalty-based segmentation, it's useful to compare current against future value, and it's best to visualise this within a matrix. 3. Customer lifecycle groups: based on recency of purchase, frequency of purchase and value (Logged-on, Cautionary, Developing, Established, Dedicated, Logged-off - the aim here is to winback) 4. Customer behaviour in response and purchase (observed and predicted): build up a detailed response and purchase history 5. Customer multi-channel behaviour (channel preference): delivering the perfect message for each customer. Just one aspect of this is determining which customers prefer email and then up-weighting email activity more for them, while reducing frequency and using more traditional communications for those who prefer these. These days we will also need to consider social media response - Channel preference will be indicated by RFM and response analysis since customers with a preference for online channels will be more responsive and will make more purchases online. Customers can also be asked direct through surveys 6. Customer personas including psychographics: characterise segment types in the context of the targeting options mentioned above such as stage in lifecycle, demographics and style preferences


This is long-term engagement that is, developing a long-term relationship with first-time buyers to build customer loyalty as repeat purchases using communications on your site, social presence, email and direct interactions to boost customer lifetime value. It can be measured by repeat actions such as repeat sale and sharing content through social media. We also need to measure the percentage of active customers (or email subscribers) and customer satisfaction and recommendation using other systems.

Key elements of a landing page: pictures

This is the visual representation of your offer and has the role in helping visitors to better understand what your offer is or what it looks like. Showing context of use rather than telling has a maximum effect. Get your visitors to place themselves in a scenario and empathise how they are using it. In order to achieve this, you can use photos or videos. If you chose to use pictures, they should be large, high-quality and relevant to your service or product. Especially when you are selling a physical product it is critical to include on your landing page an image of the product. When you are selling a service, the image should demonstrate the utility of your service and grab the attention of your visitors.

Transactional programs

Transactional emails (messages sent in response to triggers.) are responsive messages such as confirmations or alerts activated by customer actions or other similar triggers such as social activities. These emails are still utilized for marketing but in an indirect and responsive manner; just as email marketing systems are sold as standalone products, transactional email tools are also offered as best of breed tools.

Triggered email

Triggered emails, also known as behavioral emails or transactional emails, are those sent automatically based on pre-defined events or conditions met by an individual through certain behaviors, actions, or other signals. The primary distinction between triggered emails and general promotional emails is that triggered emails are automatically delivered to an individual on a one-to-one basis, while promotional emails are manually sent on a one-to-many basis (where many people are sent the same email at the same time). both timely and relevant, providing the recipient with actual value and usefulness Some common use cases for triggered emails include: Product View Abandonment - If a customer browses a particular item on a mobile app but ultimately doesn't purchase it, a triggered email highlighting the viewed product (and other recommended items) would re-engage them after exiting the mobile app. Cart Abandonment - Shopping cart abandonment is a serious issue for many eCommerce businesses where a customer adds items to their shopping cart but leaves without completing a purchase. You can trigger a cart abandonment email to try and recover them to complete their checkout process. Order Confirmation - Order confirmation emails are sent after a customer's purchase order is confirmed and finalized. Set the email trigger upon purchase completion and deliver order information, relevant shipping details, and more. With triggered emails, businesses can engage their customers with the right message at the right time to provide a great customer experience.

UX vs. UI

UX Design refers to the term User Experience Design, while UI Design stands for User Interface Design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their professional relationship, the roles themselves are quite different, referring to very different parts of the process and the design discipline. Where UX Design is a more analytical and technical field, UI Design is closer to what we refer to as graphic design, though the responsibilities are somewhat more complex. User experience design (UXD or UED) is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product. UX Design encompasses any and all interactions between a potential or active customer and a company. User Interface Design is responsible for the transference of a brand's strengths and visual assets to a product's interface as to best enhance the user's experience. User Interface Design is a process of visually guiding the user through a product's interface via interactive elements and across all sizes/platforms. User Interface Design is a digital field, which includes responsibility for cooperation and work with developers or code.

Key elements of a landing page: proposition/benefits

You need to define a point of differentiation with a unique selling proposition. Explain to your landing page's visitors what about your service or product sets it apart from your competition. This should be communicated on your landing page in a succinct way. Describe the specific benefit for your customers, break down your offering to its most basic level. A good unique selling proposition allows customers to understand why they should care and sets clear expectations for them. The benefits of your offer follow on directly from the unique selling proposition and provide a more detailed description. You have to provide more detail to the offer and answer any questions your customers may have, especially the question about what your service or product can do for them. Include a benefit summary bullet points for clarity and also a detailed benefit and feature descriptions that extend your bullet point list. The features describe what your product or service does, the benefits describe the problem you are solving.

Google My Business

Your Business Profile appears right when people are searching for your business or businesses like yours on Google Search and Maps. Google My Business makes it easy to create and update your Business Profile—so you can stand out, and bring customers in. Need to adjust your hours for the holidays? Or add a new phone number? Make changes in a few easy steps with Google My Business, and your Business Profile will update across Search and Maps. Reviews are now a two-way conversation between you and your customers—be the first to know when you get a new review on your local Business Profile so you can respond right away.

A/B Split Testing

Your first A/B test Install Code Design Variations Set Goals Start the Test! A/B testing case studies The Complete Guide to A/B Testing A/B Testing - The Complete Guide What is A/B Testing? A/B testing (sometimes called split testing) is comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. You compare two web pages by showing the two variants (let's call them A and B) to similar visitors at the same time. The one that gives a better conversion rate, wins! allows you to make more out of your existing traffic. While the cost of acquiring paid traffic can be huge, the cost of increasing your conversions is minimal. To compare, a Small Business Plan of Visual Website Optimizer starts at $49. That's the cost of 5 to 10 Google Adwords clicks. The Return On Investment of A/B testing can be massive, as even small changes on a landing page or website can result in significant increases in leads generated, sales and revenue.

Key elements of a landing page: headline

it is essential that it describes very clearly what a user will get from the page. The message should be strong enough to grab the interest of the visitor and to keep them on your page. Your killer headline should promote understanding, attention, and interest. It needs to accomplish: - grabbing the visitor's attention - informing the visitor what your product or service is all about. - it should be short, preferably only ten words and never more than twenty

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