Combo Exams 1-4 + Last Lecture Cards

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2. DNA polymerase that has a proofreading function possesses __________ accuracy in synthesizing a new DNA strand during DNA replication than DNA polymerase that does not have proofreading function. a) 2-fold b) 5-fold c) 10-fold d) 100-fold


23. Proteins are made by a condensation reaction of amino acids. If a protein has 100 amino acids, how many variations in primary structure could it have? a) 20 x 100 b) 4 x 100 c) 20^100 d) 100^20


31. Carbohydrate (Sugar) molecules are used in cells in many ways. Which of following statement is false? a) Condensed sugar (polysaccharide) is a major form of storing energy for cells b) 6-carbone sugar (hexose) is a part of building blocks of a Nucleotide c) Sugar can be a structural support in cells d) Sugars used in DNA and RNA are different

6-carbone sugar (Hexose) is a part of building block of a Nucleotide

17. From the Delta G values provided in Q16, if cells can utilize all energy from conversion of glucose to CO2+H2O to create ATP (ADP + Pi --> ATP), how many ATP molecules can be made from one glucose molecule? a) 93 b) 100 c) 10 d) 930


21. You discover that the underlying cause of a disease is to lessen the expression of a protein due to a lower amount of mRNA caused by mutation. This change is most likely to be due to __________. a) a mutation within an exon b) a mutation within the regulatory DNA, such as a promotor of a gene c) a mutation within the introns d) a mutation within the poly-A tail

A mutation within the regulatory DNA, such as a promoter of a gene.

28. Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? a) Transcriptional factors usually interact with the specific DNA sequence through noncovalent bonding b) A transcriptional factor only binds to unique sequences. c) The bases in a DNA double helix is capable of forming noncovalent bonds to a protein still keeping hydrogen bonds between bases d) Eukaryotic transcriptional regulators can affect gene expression even if there is a large distance between them and the transcription initiation site

A transcriptional factor only binds to unique sequences.

When tRNA reaches the start codon _____, elongation of polypeptide will start


36. Which of the following statements about allostery is false? a) Binding of allosteric regulators affects the shape of a protein b) Allosteric regulation is always used for negative regulation of enzyme activity c) Modification of protein can be used as an allosteric regulation d) The allosteric regulator binding site of the enzyme can be located far away from the activity center of the enzyme

Allosteric regulation is always used for negative regulation of enzyme activity

3. As we discussed in class, linear genomes (eukaryotes) have problems replicating DNA completely. In theory, which of the following (enzyme) activities can solve this problem? a) DNA primase that can synthesize DNA primers for initiation of DNA replication b) DNA polymerase that can extend DNA strand from 5' end c) DNA polymerase that does not require initial RNA primer d) Any of the above

Any of the above

Groups of proteins called _____ aide in this process by binding to newly synthesized proteins.


The cellular activity of making biomolecules by a _____ reaction goes against that statement.


In contrast, Histone tails that are transcriptionally repressed are _____ and to perform this function a _____ enzyme will be located nearby.

Deacetylated, HDAC

25. Which of the following statements about human chromosomes is false? a) Each chromosome occupies discrete territories in the nucleus during interphase b) Chromosome isolated from cancer patients often show an abnormality in the number of chromosomes and in the shape of the chromosomes c) Condensation of chromatin to chomosomes is required for separation of the genome in mitosis d) Each chromosome has a distinctive DNA sequence at its telomere

Each chromosome has a distinctive DNA sequence at its telomeres

7. Which of the following statements about microscopic analysis is false? a) Electron microscope has lesser resolution than confocal microscope b) Antibody can be used to visualize specific molecules in cells by combining fluorescent microscope c) Confocal microscope can increase resolution of signal by limiting light path with Pinhole d) Fluorescent proteins can be used to visualize movement of proteins in cells

Electron microscope has lesser resolution than confocal microscope.

The second law of thermodynamics state that events of the universe will follow the direction of increasing _____, which means increasing disorder.


1. Which of the following statement of Eukaryotic cells is false? a) Eukaryotic cells have more complex membrane structures than Prokaryotes b) Genome of Eukaryotic cells is stored in nucleus during interphase c) Eukaryotic cells do not have membrane protein that forms B-barrel structure d) Nuclear of Eukaryotic cells has a high density so that can be separated from other cellular organelles by spinning cell extracts at low speed.

Eukaryotic cells do not have membrane protein that forms B-barrel structure

25. Which of the following mechanisms contributes the most in creating multi-functional domain proteins? a) Point mutation in an exon b) Point mutation in promotor region of genes c) Exon shuffling by Transposons activity d) None of the above

Exon shuffling by Transposons activity.

You found two enzymes that catalyze the same hydrolysis reaction in the same substrate. You analyzed their activities and obtained results shown in the graphs below. Based on these results, which enzyme (Enzyme #1 or Enzyme #2) will be more effective at hydrolyzing the substrate in the following cells? Explain your reasoning with couple of sentences. Cell B; Contains ~10 micro M of the substrates

For Cell B, both enzymes have similar catalytic rate at 10 micro M substrate concentration. Therefore, both enzymes might work equally in Cell B. (This is what I expected.. But most of you are more rigorous than me by looking into catalytic rate difference between two enzymes at 10 micro M. So, if you state "Enzyme #2 is better because it has slightly higher catalytic rate at given substrate concentration", you have full points.)

5. Which of the following statements about eukaryotic transcription regulators is true? a) All transcription regulators, which bind to specific DNA sequences, are specified to either repress gene expression or activate gene expression b) Transcription repressors bind to HAT either directly or indirectly c) General transcription factor contain TBP d) Binding sequence of transcription regulator is always located close (within ~200bps) to TATA box

General transcription factor contains TBP

18. Which of the following statements does not fit in the blank? The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result from the differential regulation of the __________. a) expression of transcription regulators b) Histone codes on chromosomes c) modifications of DNA by methylation d) genome sequence differences between cells

Genome sequence differences between cells

16. Delta G indicates the change in the standard free energy as a reactant is converted to product. Given what you know about these values, which reaction below is the most favorable? a) ATP --> ADP + Pi (-7.3 kcal/mole) b) glucose 1-phosphate --> glucose 6-phosphate (-1.7 kcal/mole) c) glucose + fructose --> sucrose (+5.5 kcal/mole) d) glucose --> CO2 + H2O (-686 kcal/mole)

Glucose --> CO2 + H2O (-686 kcal/mole)

To perform this function a _____ enzyme will be located nearby.


26. Which of the following statements fits in the blank? "DNA double helix __________. " a) contains uridine b) is formed by hydrophobic bond between dases c) has negative charge originated from phosphate backbone d) is made by two DNA strands that ran parallel

Has negative charge originated from phosphate backbone

To overcome this, the cell generates _____ which is released into the environment and increases disorder.


24. Which of the following statement about chromatin is false. a) Chromatin is a chain of nucleosomes that is composed of a Histone core and DNA b) Each nucleosome contains 8 Histone proteins and ~147 base pairs of DNA c) Histones in nucleosomes are composed of two molecules each; H1, H2A, H2B, and H3 d) A DNA fragment wrapped around a nucleosome is not easily accessible by a specific sequence DNA binding protein, such as a transcription factor

Histones in nucleosomes are composed of two molecules each; H1, H2A, H2B, and H3

40. Secondary structures of proteins, a helix and b sheets, are commonly observed in all proteins. What makes it possible for proteins to have these common structural elements? a) Hydrophobic interactions between side chains of non-polar amino acids b) Ionic bond between side chains of polar amino acid c) Van der Waals attraction of the atoms in side chains of amino acids d) Hydrogen bonds between nitrogen and oxygen on the backbone of amino acids

Hydrogen bonds between nitrogen and oxygen on the backbone of amino acids

20. Which following statement about chemical bonding is true? a) Strength of non-polar covalent bond is much lower in water than in vacuum b) Polar covalent bond can be formed between two atoms which has similar electronegativity c) Hydrophobic interaction is mediated by exclusion of hydrophobic molecules by water d) Strength of polar covalent bond is same as non-polar covalent bond in water

Hydrophobic interaction is mediated by exclusion of hydrophobic molecules by water

37. Which one of the following statement is not true? a) Post-translational modification of a protein can regulate interactions between this protein and it's binding partner b) Methylation of Lysine affects its electrical charge at its side chain c) Binding affinity of a motor protein to its track can be changed during its STP hydrolysis reaction d) The shape of GTP bound form of small GTPase proteins is distinct from the shape of GDP bound form

Methylation of Lysine affects its electrical charge at its side chain

The heterochromatin region of chromosomes is mediated by histone modifications. The current model to establish heterochromatin showed that enzymes initially recruited on the heterochromatin can extend the histone modifications to expand heterochromatin region. If cells need to stop the expansion of heterochromatin, what mechanism(s) can be used to stop expansion of heterochromatin at a specific position on chromosomes? Describe two possible mechanisms with a couple of sentences each. (3pts for each mechanism) (Mechanism 1)

Putting barrier sequence next to heterochromatin regain. This sequence can eliminate Histones next to heterochromatin region therefore no histone modifications that are required for heterochromatin can not be extended beyond that sequence. (Need to explain potential function of barrier sequence for full point.)

8. The inherited disease xeroderma pigmentosum causes serious problems with lesions on skin and often people with this disease develop skin cancer with repeated exposure to sunlight. Which of the following repair mechanisms is defected in the cells of the individuals who have this inherited disease? a) Repairing Thymine dimer created by UV irradiation b) Repairing Double strand break created by X-ray irradiation c) Repairing Chemical damage of base by base excision repair d) Proof reading mechanism during DNA replication

Repairing Thymine dimer created by UV irradiation

Cytoplasmic side of ER membrane


A protein can form its _____ by following their most energetically favorable conformation.

Tertiary structure

4. Which statement is false about protein structure? a) Primary structure of the protein can be determined by DNA sequence of the gene coding that protein b) Proline is usually located in unstructured regions (outside of secondary structured regions) of the proteins c) Tertiary structure of protein will not be affected whether proteins are in organic solvent or in water d) Disulfide bond can be used to link two proteins

Tertiary structure of protein will not be affected whether proteins are in organic solvent or in water

2. Mitochondria and chloroplast are considered as prokaryotic parasites of ancient eukaryotic cells. Which following statement does not support this notion? a) contain DNA b) composition of lipids forming their membrane structures is different from other membranes in the cell c) some of their membrane integrated protein form B-barrel structure d) They contain ribosomes that are similar to eukaryotes

They contain ribosomes that are similar to eukaryotes

12. Which of following statement fit in the blank? "An ionic bond between atoms, such as NaCl, is formed as a result of __________."? a) sharing of electrons b) loss of electrons from both atoms c) loss of a proton from one atom d) transfer of electrons from one atom to the other

Transfer of electrons from one atom to the other

29. Which of the following statement about viruses is true? a) DNA viruses cannot affect cell division in host cells b) Viral genomes can be made of RNA and DNA c) Only RNA viral genomes can be integrated into host genome d) DNA virus need to have a reverse transcriptase for replicating their genome in host cells

Viral genomes can be made of RNA and DNA

21. The gene information stored in DNA is the sequence of _____ in a DNA strand, which is copied by _____ to be translated into _____. a) bases, proteins, RNA b) amino acid, RNA, proteins c) bases, RNA, proteins d) sugar, RNA, lipids

bases, RNA, proteins

13. Which of following nucleotide will not be used by cells to make nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)? a) dUTP b) ATP c) CTP d) dTTP


26. Which of the following statements about retro-transposon is false? a) need to be transcribed first to move its position in the genome b) contains reverse transcripase gene c) initially inserted into genome by DNA virus infection d) contains transposes (recombination enzyme) gene

initially inserted into genome by DNA virus infection

At translational initiation stage, mRNA binds to the _____ and _____ subunit of Ribosome with aminoacyl-tRNA that carry _____ (amino acid).

initiation factor, small, methionine

12. Which of the following about bacterial transcription is false? a) RNA polymerase requires sigma factos for initiating transcription b) mRNA transcribed from one promoter always codes one gene (protein) c) Sigma factor recognizes promoter sites in the DNA d) Can be controlled by environmental factor, for example available at a sugar source

mRNA transcribed from one promoter always codes one gene (protein)

17. Which of the following statements is true? a) rRNAs and mRNAs are transcribed by different RNA polymerases b) RNA poly II is mostly located in the Nucleolus c) Non-protein coding RNA, except tRNA and rRNA, do not have any function in cells d) RNA poly II only makes mRNA's, which code proteins

rRNAs and mRNAs are transcribed by different RNA polymerases

24. Which of the following statements is true? a) A mutation is passed on to offspring only if it is present in the germ-line cells. b) A heritable mutation that causes a disease, such as the breast cancer gene, initially happened in somatic cells of the individual then was inherited by offspring c) A mutation that arises in a mother's somatic cell often causes a disease in her daughter d) In an evolutionary sense, a mutation in somatic cells plays an important role in our evolution

A mutation is passed on to offspring only if it is present in the germ-line cells.

1. Which combination of words fit into the blanks of the following sentence? "Glycolysis expends energy from _____ at its _____ step of reactions. In the end, the net number of activated carrier molecules produced in this process are _____ and _____. (number and type of molecules produced minus the number of those molecules used as input)? a) GTP, last 4 ATP, 2NADH b) ATP, initial, 4 ATP, 4NADH c) GTP, initial, 2 ATP, 2 NADH d) ATP, Initial, 2 ATP, 2 NADH

ATP, Initial, 2 ATP, 2 NADH

Gene expression of Eukaryotes can be controlled by Histone tail modification. At an actively transcribed gene, Histone tails are most likely _____.


32. Which of the following does not fit as the function of the Golgi apparatus? a) Distribute lipid unevenly to lumen side and cytoplasmic side b) Acquire new lipids from cytoplasm c) Modification of lipids by sugar d) Modification of membrane protein by sigar

Acquire new lipids from cytoplasm

10. Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that __________. a) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5' to 3' direction b) energy required for condensation of nucleotides is provided from incoming nucleotides c) unwinding DNA double helix is required for initiating reaction d) All of above

All of above

32. Which of following protein functions can be predicted from primary structure of proteins? a) Whether the protein can bind to cAMP or not b) Whether the proteins can form helix turn helix motif or not c) Whether the protein can bind to GTP or not d) All of the above

All of above

9. Which of the following transcriptional regulators discussed in class is controlled by allosteric regulation? a) Cholesterol receptor b) Repressor of lactose operon c) Activator of lactose operon d) All of the above

All of above

18. Which modifications on the side chain of Lysine is observed in cells? a) Acetylation b) Ubiquitination c) Methylation d) all of the above

All of the above

29. Eukaryotic chromosomes contain sequence elements that are required for the faithful transmission of genetic information from a mother cell to each daughter cell. Which of the following is known to be one of these required elements in eukaryotes? a) centromeres b) origins of replication c) telomeres d) all of the above

All of the above

38. We discussed several examples of allosteric regulation of protein function in class. Which of the following is an example of allosteric regulation? a) Inhibition of the enzyme by CTP b) Activation of the glucose digesting enzyme by ADP c) Motor proteins movement on track by ATP binding and hydrolysis d) All of the above

All of the above

38. Which of the following will be essential in intestinal epithelial cells to absorb glucose from the gut lumen and to release glucose to the inside of our body? a) position of Na+/Glucose symport on apical side of plasma membrane b) Na+/K+ pump to create NA+ gradient c) Glucose transporter positioned at the basal side of the plasma membrane d) All of the above

All of the above

39. Cells often make energetically unfavorable reactions by using different mechanisms. Which of the following is a good example of that? a) Using ATP hydrolysis to condense sugar to make a polysaccharide b) Combining two sequential reactions, as such energetically unfavorable reaction followed by favorable reactions c) Phosphorylation of proteins by a protein kinase d) All of the above

All of the above

30. Which of the following statement does not fit in the blank? " Chromatin-remodeling complexes (Nucleosome remodeling proteins) __________. a) are motor proteins that use DNA as a track b) can move core histones in chromatin to allow a specific DNA sequence to be more accessible for sequence specific DNA binding proteins c) use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move nucleosomes d) are capable of efficiently moving Histones that have no modification on their tails.

Are capable of efficiently moving Histones that have no modification on their tails.

You are investigating the expression of gene X. When you analyzed the expression level of gene X in three different cells (Cell A, B & C), you obtained following results. Amount of mRNA of gene X; Cell A and Cell B showed similar amounts, but Cell C was lower than the others. Amount of protein coded in gene X; Cell B and Cell C showed lower amounts than Cell A. Question 1); What difference among regulatory mechanisms discussed in class can make a difference between Cell A and Cell B for gene X expression? Explain two possible mechanisms.

Because both cells (Cell A & Cell B) have similar amount of mRNA of Gene X, their protein amount difference should not be originated at transcription stage or stability of mRNA. Rather, the difference should be originated at translation efficiency or protein stability. Two possible mechanisms will be; 1) Translational inhibition by microRNA. Cell B might have specific microRNA that inhibit translation of gene X. 2) protein X might be degraded rapidly in call B than in cell A. This might be due to specific Ubiquitin-dependent degradation mechanism. Cell B might have more active Ubiqutin modification of Protein X than cell A.

You are investigating the expression of gene X. When you analyzed the expression level of gene X in three different cells (Cell A, B & C), you obtained following results. Amount of mRNA of gene X; Cell A and Cell B showed similar amounts, but Cell C was lower than the others. Question 2); What difference among regulatory mechanisms discussed in class can make a difference between Cell A and Cell C for gene X expression? Explain two possible mechanisms.

Because both cells (Cell A & Cell C) have different amount of mRNA of Gene X, their protein amount difference should be originated at transcription stage or stability of mRNA. There are many possible mechanisms. For example; 1) Cell C does not have specific transcription factor for gene X. 2) Cell C have inhibitory epigenetic regulation on gene X. 3) Cell C have specific microRNA that degrades mRNA of gene X.

9. Which statement is not true about fluorescent microscope? a) requires two sets of filters which limit wavelength of light b) can be used to visualize specific proteins in specimen c) can be used for monitoring movement of cellular proteins d) can reach resolution beyond limitation of light microscope

Can reach resolution beyond limitation of light microscope

19. Which of the following mechanisms may not be used by cells to change patterns of gene expression? a) expression of transcriptional regulator that can increase its own expression b) changing Histone modification c) eliminating DNA methylation d) changing DNA sequence during DNA replication

Changing DNA sequence during DNA replication

27. Which of the following membrane lipids make membranes more stiff? a) phosphatidylcholine b) cholesterol c) phosphatidylserine d) phosphatidylethanolamine


35. Which one of the following statements is not true? a) Converting ATP to AMP releases less energy than converting ATP to ADP. b) In general, hydrolysis does not require energy because the reaction is energetically favorable c) Covalent bonds between carbons can be broken by increasing temperature in the presence of oxygen d) Activity of an enzyme using ATP to make it an energetically unfavorable reaction can be regulated by concentration of ATP

Converting ATP to AMP releases less energy than converting ATP to ADP.

7. Which of the following enzymes is not required at the replication forks during DNA replication? a) DNA polymerase b) Primase c) DNA helicase d) DNA topoisomerase

DNA topoisomerase

36. Which of the following statements is true? a) Gas, such as CO2 and O2, can diffuse across the cell membranes but not an artificial lipid bilayer b) Electrically charged molecules, such as ions, can diffuse through the artificial lipid bilayer. c) Direction of passive transport of molecules across membrane is not only controlled by osmosis d) Active transport always uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to move a molecule across plasma membrane against osmosis

Direction of passive transport of molecules across membrane is not only controlled by osmosis

20. Which of the following statements about iPS cells is false? a) iPS cells are created by adding 3 transcription regulators to a fibroblast b) iPS cells are created from mouse cells can differentiate into almost any mouse cell types c) iPS cells are similar to embryonic stem cell in terms of their potency to differentiate many different cell types d) During the de-differentiation process to become an iPS cell, the fibroblast will not change its gene expression profile

During the de-differentiation process to become an iPS cell, the fibroblast will not change its gene expression profile

15. Which of the following statements is not true? a) Enzymes will not change its conformation before and after catalysis b) Enzymes lower the activation energy for a specific reaction c) Enzymes cannot control direction or specificity of the reaction d) Enzymes can be regulated by allosteric mechanism

Enzymes cannot control direction or specificity of the reaction

3. Which of the following monomer building blocks is necessary to assemble membrane structure of eukaryotic cells? a) sugars b) fatty acids c) amino acids d) nucleotides

Fatty acids

You found two enzymes that catalyze the same hydrolysis reaction in the same substrate. You analyzed their activities and obtained results shown in the graphs below. Based on these results, which enzyme (Enzyme #1 or Enzyme #2) will be more effective at hydrolyzing the substrate in the following cells? Explain your reasoning with couple of sentences. Cell A; Contains ~2 micro M of the substrates

For Cell A, Enzyme #1 will work better. At 2 micro M, Enzyme #1 has ~10mol/sec catalytic rate that is clearly faster than that of Enzyme #2 (~5mol/sec).

5. Which of the noncovalent interactions below will contribute most to form core of globular proteins in water? a) ionic bond b) hydrogen bonds c) hydrophobic interactions d) Van der Waals attractions

Hydrophobic interactions



11. Related to epigenetic regulation like we discussed in class, which of the following statements is false? a) Methylation of DNA can serve as epigenetic information b) Epigenetic regulation is mainly mediated by specific proteins that recognize epigenetic information c) Combination of Histone modifications plays an important role in epigenetic information d) In each individual, germ-line cells and neurons have identical epigenetic information

In each individual, germ-line cells and neurons have identical epigenetic information

27. Which following statement is false? a) Chromosomes were thought to carry heritable information based on microscopic analysis of mitosis b) A full set of chromosomes in the organism is called karyotype c) Karyotype represents number and shape of chromosomes in each species d) Karyotype of closely related species are always similar

Karyotype of closely related species are always similar.

34. Which of following group of enzymes can catalyze energetically unfavorable reaction? a) Hydrolase b) Protease c) Ligase d) Phosphatase


22. Which following statement does not correctly describe the behavior of a lipid molecule in water? a) Phospholipids can form lipid bilayers b) Lipids form micelle where the hydrophillic side is facing toward the water side c) Triaglycerol will form lipid droplet d) Lipids can make a firm surface on water with their hydrophobic side facing towards water

Lipids can make a firm surface on water with their hydrophobic side facing toward water

23. Which following statements about the human genome is false? a) About 2~3% of DNA sequence among the entire genome is protein-coding exons. b) Mobile elements are categorized as unique sequences. c) About 50% of the genome is repeated sequence elements. d) Genes (intron plus exon) occupy about 22% of DNA sequence among entire genome

Mobile elements are categorized as unique sequences.

The heterochromatin region of chromosomes is mediated by histone modifications. The current model to establish heterochromatin showed that enzymes initially recruited on the heterochromatin can extend the histone modifications to expand heterochromatin region. If cells need to stop the expansion of heterochromatin, what mechanism(s) can be used to stop expansion of heterochromatin at a specific position on chromosomes? Describe two possible mechanisms with a couple of sentences each. (3pts for each mechanism) (Mechanism 2)

Modify histone tails located next to heterochromatin to compete for making required modification for heterochromatin formation. For example, acetylation of histone tail makes histone less tightly bound to DNA thus compete to tight binding of histone tail for heterochromatin formation.

33. Which of following statement about heterochromatin is false? a) Most likely contains heavily acetylated Histones. b) Most likely contains Histones H3 whose lysine 9 is methylated. c) Could be located near telomeres. d) Has specific binding proteins that bind to modified Histone tail

Most likely contains heavily acetylated Histones.

33. Which of the following structures about membrane proteins is the most appropriate to form a transporter protein on a eukaryotic plasma membrane? a) single transmembrane a-helix b) b-barrel c) multi-amphipathic transmembrane a-helices d) modification of membrane protein by sugar

Multi-amphipathic transmembrane a-helices

37. Action potential is created by the movement of ions across the plasma membrane through a channel. The ion channel for _____ is critical to create an action potential. a) Na+ b) K+ c) Ca 2+ d) Cl-


40. Which of the following transporter use energy from Na+ gradient for its transport reaction? a) Na+/K+ pump b) Na+/Glucose symport c) voltage gated Ca 2+ channel d) Opening Cl- channel in postsynaptic membrane can anatagonize induction of action potential by competing with the opening of a Na+ channel

Na+/Glucose symport

8. Which following statements about the genome is false? a) All of the cells in your body have the identical genomes b) The number of genes coded in the human genome is similar to the number of genes in a mouse's genome c) No amphibian or fish has a larger genome size than human d) Human genome size is larger than a mouse's genome

No amphibian or fish has a larger genome size than human

14. Which of the following statements about genetic model organism is false? a) Fission yeast mutants were used to study hoe mitosis is induced. b) The study about fruit-fly mutant calles "7less" revealed EGFR/Ras pathway c) Most genetic model organisms have established mutant strains available to any researcher d) No plant is established as genetic model organism

No plant is established as genetic model organism

6. Which of the following is false regarding the structure and function of telomeric sequences? a) Telomere repeat sequences allow T-loop structure to form b) Non-homologous end joining repair mechanism can fuse intact telomeres (telomeres with T-loop structure) c) If a cell expresses telomerase, that cell can extend telomeric DNA d) Loss of T-loop structure can be mediated by loss of TRF2 protein

Non-homologous end joining repair mechanism can fuse intact telomeres (telomeres with T-loop structure)

39. Which of the following statements is true? a) Synaptic vescicles containing Neurotransmitters will fuse to presynaptic membrane when Na+ concentration increased b) Presynaptic membrane has ligand-gated Ca2+ channels c) Transmitting signals at synapses between presynaptic membrane and post synaptic membrane is mediated by releasing ions from presynaptic membrane d) Opening Cl- channel in postsynaptic membrane can antagonize induction of action potential by competing with the opening of a Na+ channel

Opening Cl- channel in postsynaptic membrane can antagonize induction of action potential by competing with the opening of a Na+ channel

6. Which of the following element is the most abundant in weight in bacteria? a) hydrogen b) carbon c) oxygen d) nitrogen


11. Which covalent bond between following combination of atoms (elements) could be electrically polar covalent bond? a) Carbon-Carbon b) Hydrogen-Carbon c) Oxygen-Carbon d) Oxygen-Oxygen


A _____ is one of these proteins which was identified as a critical pathogen in Mad Cow disease, which is caused by a misfolded protein.


You found a mutation in the voltage-gated Na+ channel gene. Because of the mutation, the channel can not form its inactive (resting) conformation. With this mutation, what will you expect the action potential to be like for the signaling neuron? (4pt)

Resting conformation of the voltage-gated Na+ channel is required for transmitting action potential to one direction. If the channel can not make resting conformation, action potential cold transfer both direction, thus transmitting action potential along with neuronal axon will be compromised.

28. Phosphorylation of amino acids is used for many occasions in cells, as such signal transduction and regulation of enzyme activity. Which amino acids are known to be phosphorylated in eukaryotes? a) Histidine, Serine, and Tyrosine b) Arginine, Lysine, and Threonine c) Serine, Threonine, and Tyrosine d) Histidine, Threonine, and Tyrosine

Serine, Threonine, and Tyrosine

31. Which of the following statements about membrane proteins is false? a) Membrane anchor protein does not recover its signal quickly by FRAP analysis b) Modification of proteins by linear carbon chain can make the protein locate to the membrane c) Single amphipathic a-helix never makes a protein located on the membrane d) Theoretically, a 20 amino acids long helix is long enough to penetrate the lipid bilayer

Single amphipathic a-helix never makes a protein located on the membrane

22. Which of the following statements about small noncoding RNAs, such as micro RNA, is false? a) Some of the small noncoding RNAs can regulate translation efficiency of mRNA b) Some of the small noncoding RNAs can bring proteins to specific location where it has a nucleotide sequence matching them c) Small noncoding RNAs are made by RNA polymerase I d) Some of the small noncoding RNAs reduce stability of mRNA in cytoplasm

Small noncoding RNAs are made by RNA polymerase I.

15. Which of the following statements about splicing is false? a) Some of small non-coding RNAs in the nucleus are necessary to perform the spicing reactions b) Spliceosome attaches to DNAs to cut an intron c) Overall reaction of splicing does not require energy even though it contains a condensation reaction d) Alternative splicing contributes to increase variation of mRNA's from an initial transcript

Spliceosome attaches to DNAs to cut an intron

10. Which combination of words correctly fit in the blanks? "All living organism on earth use energy initially provided from __________, which is captured by __________? a) Sunlight, Mitochondria b) Carbon, chloroplst c) Sunlight, chloroplast d) Oxygen, Mitochondria

Sunlight, chloroplast

30. Membrane lipids are capable of many different types of movement. Which of these require energy to happen in biological membranes? a) rotation b) lateral movement c) switching between lipid layers d) flexing of hydrocarbon chains

Switching between lipid layers

19. Based on the relationship between reaction rates and substrate concentration for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction discussed in class, what does the Km value indicate with respect to enzyme-substrate interactions? a) the maximum rate of catalysis b) the enzyme-substrate binding affinity c) the number of enzyme active sites d) the equilibrium rate of catalysis

The enzyme-substrate binding affinity

14. Which of the following occurs after a eukaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at it's 3' end c) 7-methylguanosine is added at a 5' end of the mRNA d) Elimination of intron from initial transcript

The ribosome binds to the mRNA

4. Which of the following statements about DNA replication of a human chromosome is false? a) It is synthesized from multiple origins on the chromosomes b) It is synthesized from multiple origins by a mixture of continuous and discontinuous DNA synthesis c) The template DNA sequence is completely replicated d) Modification of both DNA and Histones on template will be maintained after DNA replication

The template DNA sequence is completely replicated

35. Glycoproteins continue to the carbohydrate layer on the surface of the cell. Which of the following is true about glycoproteins? a) The carbohydrate chain on glucoproteins can be made in cytoplasmic side of Golgi b) Their carbohydrate chains are observed in vesicles that transfer from ER to Golgi apparatus c) They are part of glycocalyx (carbohydrate layer of cell surface) d) They will repulse water molecule from the cell surface

They are part of glycocalyx (carbohydrate layer of cell surface)

13. Which of the following statements about nucleosomes is false? a) Position of core Histones with respect to transcription factor binding site of the DNA can influence efficiency of binding of the transcription factor b) When the Histone tail of nucleosomes is not modified, DNA is less tightly bound to Histone. c) Combination of Histone modifications (Histone code) at nucleosomes is key epigenetic information d) Hetero-chromatin binding proteins bind to Histone H3 methylated at Lysine 9

When the Histone tail of nucleosomes is not modified, DNA is less tightly bound to Histone.

16. Which of the following statements about tRNA is false? a) tRNA forms secondary structures based on base pairing b) Depending on anti-codon sequence on tRNA, each tRNA carries a specific amino acid c) Aminoacyl-tRNA has a high energy bond that make a condensation reaction for synthesizing protein on ribosome d) tRNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase II

tRNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase II

1. Even with proofreading activity of DNA polymerase and mismatch repair mechanism, there will be a mistake in DNA replication when human cells replicate their genome. How many mistakes are expected after DNA replication happens in the human genome? a) ~3 b) ~30 c) ~300 d) ~3000


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