Combo "FCE use of english key word transformation"

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"I'll start saving money every month, I promise," Hania said. (putting) Hania promised ___________ every month.

Hania promised to start putting money aside every month.

Going to parties was not something I did very often. (use) I ______________ to parties very often.

I did not use to go to parties very often.

was the first time

I had never downloaded so many files before. FIRST It __________________ I had ever downloaded so many files.

I had better

I ought to answer my e-mails now. BETTER _________________ answer my e-mails now.

I regret taking up smoking. wish I ..................................... up smoking.

I wish I had not taken up smoking.

There's no point

It's not worth buying a new laptop now. POINT _______________ buying a new laptop now.

not like Maria to be

Maria is not usually late. LIKE It is ___________________ late.

I advice people on how to throw a good party. (give) My job is ........................ people on how to throw a good party.

My job is to give advice to people on how to throw a good party.

Nobody knows why Donata quit her job. (made) Nobody knows ______________her job.

Nobody knows what made Donata quit her job.

in case the restaurant is

The restaurant may be expensive, so take plenty of money. CASE Take plenty of money _________________ expensive.

'Don't do that again, or you'll be in trouble!' said the teacher. (warned) The students .............. do that again.

The students were warned not to do that again.

The police are interviewing the suspects. interviewed The suspects ..................................... by the police.

The suspects are being interviewed by the police.

It's not worth inviting her to the party. she will never come POINT There ......... in inviting her to the party. She will never come.

There .is no point in inviting her to the party. She will never come.

We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint. SEEING We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.

We insisted on seeing the hotel manager to make our complaint.

Smoking in the library is forbidden. (allowed) You __________________________ in the library.

You are not allowed to smoke in the library.

I don't care what you do. CONCERNED As ........................................ you can do what you like.

As far as I am concerned you can do what you like.

'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her. suggested He .................................. for dinner at the weekend.

He suggested that she came over for dinner at the weekend.

had been on time

He was late because his plane was delayed. TIME If his plane ________________, he wouldn't have been late.

His boss won't tolerate lateness. put His boss won't .................................. lateness.

His boss won't put up with lateness.

did it take to

How long was your flight from Rome to Paris? TAKE How long ______________ fly from Rome to Paris?

I am so sorry I didn't pay you on time. (apologise) I ........................ you on time.

I apologise for not having paid you on time.

would have prepared

I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't prepare dinner. PREPARED If I'd known you were coming I _______________ dinner.

You might get thirsty, so I put a flask of tea in your bag. (case) I put a flask of tea in your bag ___________ thirsty.

I put a flask of tea in your bag in case you get thirsty.

wish I hadn't invited

I regret inviting Becky to the party. WISH I _________________ Becky to the party.

I was too tired to go to the party. THAT I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party.

I was so tired that I couldn't go to the party.

to put up with

I've had enough of your rudeness. PUT I refuse ______________ your rudeness any longer.

4. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. such It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.

It was such a nice meal in the restaurant.

I had never met Pia's husband before. FIRST It ................... I had ever met Pia's husband.

It was the first time I had ever met Pia's husband.

There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy. WASTE It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

It's a waste of time asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

Someone stole Jenny's bracelet as she was leaving for the airport. ( her) Jenny ........................ as she was leaving for the airport.

Jenny was robbed of her bracelet as she was leaving for the airport.

Despite having several broken bones, John was able to compete in the race. (though) John was able to compete in the race ............. several broken bones.

John was able to compete in the race even though he had several broken bones.

Magda saw Ela as she was going to work. (way) Magda saw Ela _______________ work.

Magda saw Ela on her way to work.

was fifty when she learned

My aunt didn't learn to ski until she was fifty. WHEN My aunt ________________ to ski.

has been learning Chinese for

My brother began to learn Chinese three years ago. LEARNING My brother _________________ three years.

My parents are both the same age. (as) My mother ................ my father.

My mother is the same age as my father.

made me tidy

My sister didn't let me borrow her i-Pod until I had tidied her room. MADE My sister _______________ her room before she let me borrow her i-Pod.

So that Susan would be fit for skiing, she went to the gym three times a week ORDER Susan went to the gym three times a week .............. fit for skiing.

Susan went to the gym three times a week in order to be fit for skiing.

There is no point in seeing that film. WORTH That film .............. seeing.

That film isn't worth seeing.

That's the garage where I left my car last week. repaired That's where I went ........................................ last week.

That's where I went .to have my car repaired last week.

there was no point

The book was so badly damaged that it wasn't worth keeping. POINT The book was so badly damaged that ________________ keeping it.

The boss wouldn't object to you going early today. OBJECTION The boss would not ........................................ you going early today.

The boss would not have any objection to you going early today.

The car had almost stopped when it hit the wall. (hardly) The car .............. when it hit the wall.

The car was hardly movingwhen it hit the wall.

nothing left in the

The fridge is completely empty. LEFT There's ________________ fridge.

Although the police chased them, the thieves didn't get caught. EVEN The thieves managed to get .................. the police chased them.

The thieves managed to get away even though the police chased them.

the two boys were sitting by themselves in the classroom. OWN The two boys were sitting ..... in the classroom.

The two boys were sitting on their own in the classroom.

The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a meeting. NOT The union claims its members will ....................................... the company agrees to a meeting.

The union claims its members will not return to work unless the company agrees to a meeting.

The lecture was cancelled because the professor was ill CALLED They .................. because the professor was ill.

They called off the lecture because the professor was ill.

The school I studied at last year was better than this one. good This school ................... my last one.

This school isn't as good as my last one.

Unfortunately this television has a mark on the screen THERE Unfortunately ............. the screen of this television set

Unfortunately there is a mark on the screen of this television set

Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. spite We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.

We had a good time in spite of the terrible weather.

That car was too expensive for us to buy. (not) We would have bought that car .............. so expensive.

We would have bought that car if it had not been so expensive.

You can't bring food into this room. supposed You ........................................ food into this room.

You .are not supposed to bring food into this room.

been downloading a file for

The computer started downloading a file an hour ago and it still hasn't finished. FOR The computer has ________________ over an hour.

The director decide to introduce interesting displyas for the children. (the) The director decided on ........................ interesting displyas for the children.

The director decided on the introduction of interesting displyas for the children.

Jo has not expected the film to be so good BETTER The film ............ had expected

The film was better than Jo had expected

The film will have started, so it's not worth going to the cinema now. POINT The film will have started, so ............... in going to the cinema now.

The film will have started, so there is no point in going to the cinema now.

haven't spoken French for

The last time I spoke French was ten years ago. FOR I ___________________ ten years.

I haven't been to Oxford for at least ten years. (went) The last time ............. at least ten years ago.

The last time I went to Oxford was at least ten years ago.

on his own

The man was sitting by himself on the park bench. OWN The man was sitting _____________ on the park bench.

1. Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed. DUE The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the night before.

The motorway is closed DUE to the fact that there was heavy snow the night before.

He was ordered to leave the field for arguing with the referee. sent The referee ....................................... for arguing.

The referee sent him off the field for arguing.

The rescue team managed to rescue all the victims of the crash. (in) The rescue team ........................ all the victims of the crash.

The rescue team succeeded in rescuing all the victims of the crash.

Being rude is inexcusable. excuse There is ............................. rude

There is no excuse for being rude

I can't believe this is the best hotel in the city! (hotels) There must be .............. one in the city.

There must be better hotels than this one in the city.

weren't as many accidents

There were more accidents in 2009 than in 2010. AS There _____________ in 2010 as in 2009.

Learning French is a waste of time because the language is not widely spoken. (point) There's .............. because the language is not widely spoken.

There's no point learning French because the language is not widely spoken.

too fast to

They couldn't understand the guide because he spoke so fast. TOO The guide spoke __________________ understand.

They decided to advertise their house on the internet. PUT They decided .......... their house on the internet

They decided to put an advertisement for their house on the internet

despite the heavy

They went for a walk although it was raining heavily. DESPITE They went for a walk ______________ rain.

never had such a

This is the fastest connection to the internet I have ever had! SUCH I have ________________ fast connection to the internet.

"Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony. BEEN Tony asked Jane ........................................ on holiday recently.

Tony asked Jane whether she had been on holiday recently.

It is difficult for Paul to decide what to do. MIND Paul finds it difficult ...... what to do.

making/to make up his mind

What time does your plane land tomorrow? WHEN Can you tell ...... tomorrow?

me when your plane lands

I am sure Maria finds reading interesting because she has lots of books. MUST Maria ...... reading because she has lots of books.

must be interested in

We booked seats but it was not necessary because there was plenty of room. BOOKED We ...... seats because there was plenty of room.

needn't/need not have booked

It was not a good idea for you to refuse the offer of that job. DOWN You should ...... the offer of that job.

not have turned down

The house was not very attractive in appearance when we first saw it. MUCH The house was ...... at when we first saw it.

not much to look

I don't earn anything like the amount I did before. NOWHERE I earn ...... as I did before.

nowhere near as much

I'm not going to tolerate this untidiness any longer. UP I have no intention ...... this untidiness any longer.

of putting up with

While we were going home yesterday we got caught in a thunderstorm. WAY We got caught in a thunderstorm while we were ...... yesterday.

on our way home

Buying those jeans was not a sensible thing for me to do yesterday. ONLY If ...... those jeans yesterday.

only I had not/hadn't bought

Governments should preserve all the world's languages. OUGHT All the world's languages ...... governments.

ought to be preserved by

I'd like you to connect me to the managing director's extension number. THROUGH Could you ...... the managing director's extension number?

put me through to

Bad weather makes me feel really unhappy in the winter. DOWN Bad weather ...... in the winter.

really gets me down

I don't think having luxuries in life is necessary. NEED I don't ...... having luxuries in life.

see the (any) need of (in)

I went to Italy with the intention of learning Italian. THAT I went to Italy ...... Italian.

so that I could learn

'What about going for a swim?' said John to me. SUGGESTED John ...... for a swim.

suggested (that) we go / going

What's the answer to sixteen minus eight? AWAY If you ...... sixteen, what's the answer?

take eight away/away eight from

The runners had a difficult time competing in the race. PART The runners who ...... the race, had a difficult time.

took part in

Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year. PART Three hundred students ...... the swimming competition last year.

took part in

The family always spent their holidays climbing in the mountains. USED The family's holidays ...... climbing in the mountains.

used to be spent

Fog delayed my flight to Moscow this morning. UP My flight to Moscow ...... this morning.

was held up by fog

The film is not as interesting as the novel was. MUCH The novel ...... than the film.

was much more interesting

The children were absolutely certain that the film would be fantastic. DOUBT There ...... minds of the children that the film would be fantastic.

was no doubt in the

One runner did not succeed in finishing the race. ABLE One runner ...... the race.

was not able to finish

This new dining table is bigger than the one we had before. NOT The dining table we had before ...... this new one.

was not as big as

Bad weather delayed the building project for several weeks. SET The building project ...... for several weeks by the bad weather.

was set back

The owner established the company in 2001. UP The company ...... the owner in 2001.

was set up by

I am not tall enough to reach the top of this cupboard. TALLER If I ...... reach the top of this cupboard.

were (was) taller, I could

While we were going home, we had an accident. WAY We ...... home when we had an accident.

were on our way

Could you speak English when you were younger? ABLE When you were younger, ...... speak English?

were you able to

To tell the truth, we need a swimming pool for this school. WHAT To tell the truth, ...... a swimming pool for this school.

what we need is

Was it Paul's idea to go to the cinema? CAME Was it Paul ...... the idea of going to the cinema?

who (that) came up with

Do you know whose this umbrella is, by any chance? BELONGS Do you know ...... , by any chance?

who this umbrella belongs to

There will be no more oil available in this area in 2030. RUN Oil supplies in this area ...... by the year 2031.

will (have) run out

The students will finish their English course at the end of June. HAVE The English course ...... the beginning of July.

will have finished by

It will be necessary to send this letter first class. HAVE This letter ...... class.

will have/need to be sent

Will your neighbours look after your dog when you go away? TAKE Do you know if your neighbours ...... your dog when you go away?

will take care of

The date for the Barcelona Conference is the 23rd of March. PLACE The Barcelona Conference ...... the 23rd of March.

will take place on (is taking place on)

I'd like Kevin to stop telling me what to do. WISH I ...... telling me what to do!

wish (that) Kevin would stop

It was a mistake not to apply for the job. WISH I ...... for the job.

wish I had/I'd applied

Could I borrow some change for the telephone? LEND Could ...... some change for the telephone?

you lend me

It is not my fault that the glass broke. BLAME You cannot ...... the glass.

blame me for breaking

Leaving school made me realise that my childhood was over. BROUGHT Leaving school ...... me that my childhood was over.

brought it home to

The problem we were faced with was a serious one. CAME The problem ...... was a serious one.

came up against

I needed a cup of coffee this morning but I didn't have time for one. DONE I ...... a cup of coffee this morning but I didn't have time for one.

could have done with

Maybe John has not remembered about tonight's party. COULD I suppose John ...... about tonight's party.

could have forgotten

We are friends although we have disagreements about some things. DESPITE We are friends ...... disagree about some things.

despite the fact that we

I hope you were not discouraged by Sandra from going to the concert. PUT I hope Sandra ...... going to the concert.

didn't/did not put you off

Physical exercise won't hurt you if you are careful. DO Physical exercise won't ...... if you are careful.

do you any harm

Looking back, I think I was right to study mathematics at university. REGRET Looking back, I ...... mathematics at university.

don't regret studying

We are earning less than we are spending, I'm afraid. EXPENDITURE Our ...... our income, I'm afraid.

expenditure is more (greater) than

I am starting to find watching television boring. FED I am beginning to get ...... television.

fed up with watching

Remember to return the videos you have rented. BACK Don't ...... the videos you have rented.

forget to take (bring) back

I was really bored by the film last night. FOUND I ...... last night.

found the film really boring

Sara cleaned every bit of her room before her cousin came to stay. TOP Sara cleaned her room ...... before her cousin came to stay.

from top to bottom

I never find time to tidy my desk. ROUND I don't ever ...... my desk.

get round to tidying

I think it's time the children went to bed now. HAD I think the children ...... to bed now.

had better go

Olivia did not concentrate so she made a lot of mistakes. WOULD If Olivia ...... made fewer mistakes.

had concentrated, she would have

Bob hadn't seen his uncle for several years. GONE After several years ...... , Bob saw his uncle again.

had gone by

Miss Jones first came to teach us a month ago. FOR Miss Jones ...... a month now.

has been teaching us/has been our teacher for

Has Mary altered her decision about moving to the countryside? MIND Do you know if Mary ...... about moving to the countryside?

has changed her mind

Being rich has no connection with being happy. NOTHING Being rich ...... being happy.

has nothing to do with

The tourist trade is much better now than it was last month. PICKED The tourist trade ...... noticeably since last month.

has picked up

I started learning English three years ago. BEEN I ...... three years.

have been learning English for

Susan has had no success with her plans to work abroad, unfortunately. THROUGH Susan's plans to work abroad ...... , unfortunately.

have fallen through

The tennis players' match is still going on. FINISHED The tennis players ...... yet.

have not/haven't finished their/the match

It's ages since my sister and I had an argument. OUT My sister and I ...... ages.

haven't/have not fallen out for

Tom, wouldn't it be a good idea to take the students swimming tomorrow? HOW Tom, ...... the students swimming tomorrow?

how about taking

'Do you want to go for a walk?' asked Bob. FELT Bob asked me ...... for a walk.

if I felt like going

Did anyone raise the subject of the school trip? BROUGHT Can you tell me ...... the subject of the school trip?

if anyone brought up

Do you happen to know the time of the next train to London? COULD I wonder ...... me the time of the next train to London.

if you could tell

We went for a walk although it was raining yesterday. SPITE We went for a walk ...... yesterday.

in spite of the rain

Help was urgently needed in the flooded area of the country. NEED They were ...... in the flooded area of the country.

in urgent need of help

They are moving our oral examination to an earlier date. FORWARD Our oral examination ...... to an earlier date.

is being brought (moved) forward

I'm sure it will be raining tomorrow. BOUND It ...... raining tomorrow.

is bound to be

Travelling by bus is cheaper than travelling by train. MORE Travelling by train ...... travelling by bus.

is more expensive than

No-one wants to buy this type of music any more. LONGER There ...... for this type of music.

is no longer any demand

How does a rock climber differ from a mountaineer? BETWEEN What ...... a rock climber and a mountaineer?

is the difference between

Do you know when the race is being held next year? PLACE When ...... next year?

is the race taking place

I have been to this restaurant three times now. TIME This ...... I have been to this restaurant now.

is the third time

My sister doesn't like computer games very much. KEEN My sister ...... computer games.

isn't/is not very keen on

Honestly, I don't mind where we go for our summer holidays. MATTER Honestly, ...... me where we go.

it doesn't/does not matter to

Did anyone notice anything unusual?' asked the police officer. IF The police officer wanted to ...... anything unusual.

know if anyone had noticed

I'm worried about that bruise on your hand. LOOK I don't ...... that bruise on your hand

like the look of

I can't wait to see the sights in London. FORWARD I am ...... the sights in London.

looking forward to seeing

The boats began to move slowly out of the harbour. WAY The boats slowly ...... out of the harbour.

made their way

Roberto arrived late this morning because his train was delayed. TIME If the train ................. Roberto would not have arrived late this morning.

If the train had been come on time Roberto would not have arrived late this morning.

Considering that Luke is so young, you must admit he's making excellent progress as a musician. ACCOUNT If you .............. young Luke is, you must admit he's making excellent progress as a musician.

If you take into account how young Luke is, you must admit he's making excellent progress as a musician.

'Do you know the way to the italian restaurant?' Julie asked Maria WHERE Julie asked Maria ................ the italian restaurant was

Julie asked Maria if she knew where the italian restaurant was

I regret not taking your advice. (followed) If only __________ your advice.

If only I had followed your advice.

Joanna likes swimming more than jogging.. (prefers) Joanna ________

Joanna prefers to swim rather than jogging

Has John caught a cold? DOWN Can you tell me if ...... with a cold?

John has gone/come down

John never takes any notices what his children say ATTENTION John ....... what his children say

John never pays any attention to what his children say

'Are you waiting to be served?' said the waitress to me. ASKED The waitress ...... waiting to be served.

asked me if I was

Our spending will have to be reduced next year. BACK We will have ...... our spending next year.

to cut back on

told Peter not to

"Don't open the door, Peter!" said Mr Bates. NOT Mr Bates _________________ open the door.

told Jane he would wash

"I'll wash the dishes after the match, Jane," he said. TOLD He ______________ the dishes after the match.

'I have an interview tomorrow, so I ought to leave soon,' Yannis said. BETTER 'I have an interview tomorrow, so I ............... soon,' Yannis said.

'I have an interview tomorrow, so I had better leave soon,' Yannis said.

Abdul's mother didn't let him play on the computer until he had done his homework. MADE Abdul's mother .................. his homework before he played on the computer.

Abdul's mother made him do his homework before he played on the computer.

being unable to speak English

Although he can't speak English himself, Sergio is very keen that his son should learn. UNABLE Despite ____________ himself, Sergio is very keen that his son should learn.

away even though

Although the police traced them, the robbers didn't get caught. EVEN The robbers managed to get _____________ the police traced them.

Angela frequently sang in pubs. (many) Angela ........................

Angela sang in bars many times

I want to go to university this year. INTERESTED I ........................................ to university this year.

I .am interested in going to university this year.

take into account

Considering that Lara is so young, you must admit she's an amazing singer! ACCOUNT If you _______________ how young Lara is, you must admit she's an amazing singer!

'Did you go to the tennis tournament on Saturday?' David asked me BEEN David wanted to know ............... the tennis tournament on Saturday

David wanted to know if I had been to the tennis tournament on Saturday

2. Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? GETTING Did you ........................................ in contact with the boss today?

Did you manage in succeed in getting in contact with the boss today?

6. Do you and your brother have the same looks? like Does ........................................ you?

Does your brother look like you?

Due to heavy rain the children weren't allow to go outside at lunchtime LET Due to heavy rain the teacher wouldn't ......... outside at lunchtime.

Due to heavy rain the teacher wouldn't let the children go outside at lunchtime.

I find driving on the left in England very strange. accustomed I ..................................... on the left in England.

I am not accustomed to driving on the left in England.

there's no chance of

I'm totally convinced you will pass the exam. CHANCE In my opinion _________________ you failing the exam.

The most I smoke in one night is 5 cigarettes. (than) I ........................ cigarettes in one night.

I can't smoke more than five cigarettes in one night.

In my opinion, these two kinds of music are completely different from each other. (comparison) In my opinion, there is ........ these two kinds of music.

In my opinion, there is no comparision between these two kinds of music.

The family went skiing a month ago MONTH It .... ... the family went skiing

It is a month since the family went skiing

It is much too cold to go to the lake today. (warm) It ___________________ to go to the lake today.

It is not warm enough to go to the lake today.

I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat. MUST It ............................... I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

It must have been Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

was cancelled because of

It was foggy so they cancelled the flight. BECAUSE The flight _________________ the fog.

if you hadn't

It's a good thing you e-mailed me or I wouldn't have known about it. YOU I wouldn't have known about it ___________ e-mailed me.

Melany admired the painting very much. (of) Melany was ........................ the painting.

Melany was full of admiration for the painting.

first time my grandparents had

My grandparents had never set foot in a fast food restaurant before. TIME It was the _______________ set foot in a fast food restaurant.

My grandfather is one of the last people alive who fought in the war. (very) Other than my grandfather there .......... who fought in the war.

Other than my grandfather there are very few people alive who fought in the war.

hasn't won a match since

Our volleyball team won its last match in May. SINCE Our volleyball team ________________ May.

If Patrick does not arrange some more lessen, He will never pass his driving test DOES Patrick will never pass his driving test ..... some more lessons.

Patrick will never pass his driving test if he does not arrange some more lessons.

isn't interested in

Politics doesn't interest Stan. INTERESTED Stan _______________ politics.

enjoyed the party apart from

Ron was the only one who didn't enjoy the party. APART Everybody __________________ Ron.

Her voice was so quiet that we could hardly hear her. (such) She ______________ that we could hardly hear her.

She had such a quiet voice that we could hardly hear her.

She had to finish her homework before she went out UNTIL She had to stay in ............. her homework

She had to stay in until she had finished her homework

Steve is interessed in learning how to design web sites LIKE Steve ....... how to design web sites

Steve would like to learn how to design web sites

Course fees must be paid in full before the course begins. (all) Students ................ before the course begins.

Students must pay all course fees before the course begins.

was Sue's first visit to

Sue had not been to Rome before. VISIT It ________________ Rome.

took me for

When I was at the beach today, someone thought I was a lifeguard. TOOK When I was at the beach today, someone ___________ a lifeguard.

You must do exactly what the manager tells you. (carry) You must ............... the instructions exactly.

You must carry out the instructions exactly.

You must do exactly what the teacher tell you CARRY You must ... instructions exactly

You must carry out the teacher's instructions exactly.

had better keep

You should keep your password in a safe place. HAD You ______________your password in a safe place.

I were you

You should look up the new words in a dictionary. WERE If _______________, I'd look up the new words in a dictionary.

My teacher suggested that I spent the summer in England. ADVISED My teacher ...... the summer in England.

advised me to spend

The children are always fascinated by nature programmes on TV. FIND The children ...... when they watch them on TV.

always find nature programmes fascinating

I am so exhausted that I won't be able to go out tonight. TOO I ...... go out tonight.

am too exhausted to

We are noticing a rise in the cost of living again. APPEARS The cost of living ...... again.

appears to be rising

'Did you eat the chocolates?' Maria said to Peter. ASKED Maria ...... eaten the chocolates.

asked Peter if he had

You should not think that the accident was your fault. BLAME It would be wrong ...... for the accident.

to blame yourself/yourselves

'Are you pleased that it's nearly half-term?' said the teacher to us. KNOW The teacher wanted ...... pleased that it was nearly half-term.

to know if we were

We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English. MOST We have ...... any opportunity to speak English.

to make the most of

Please behave as if you are in your own house during your stay. MAKE I'd like you all ...... home during your stay.

to make yourself at

Whatever you do, don't lift that heavy suitcase. UP I'd advise you not ...... that heavy suitcase.

to pick up

'Don't forget to phone tomorrow,' said my mother. TOLD My mother ...... to phone the next day.

told me not to forget/to remember

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