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**Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

(Burger) Upheld FECA's limitations placed on campaign contributions but protected independent political expenditures as free speech.

Fletcher v. Peck (1810)

(Marshall) The decision stems from the Yazoo land cases, 1803, and upholds the sanctity of contracts.

Korematsu v. US (1944)

(Stone) internment Japanese-American in camps during WWII was constitutional

*Westside Community Schools v. Mergens (1990)

Ordered a school to permit students to meet on campus and discuss religion because it does not amount to a "state sponsorship of a religion"

982. San Francisco School Board Incident

1906 - Racist schools segregated Chinese, Korean and Japanese students because of anti-oriental sentiment in California.

979. "Colossus of the North"

1906 - Relations between U.S. and Canada including a reciprocal trade agreement. Tight relations made the U.S. and Canada a "Colossus."

985. Great White Fleet

1907-1909 - Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U.S. naval power. Also to pressure Japan into the "Gentlemen's Agreement."

986. Root-Takahira Agreement

1908 - Japan / U.S. agreement in which both nations agreed to respect each other's territories in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door policy in China.

1026. Scientific Management, Frederick W. Taylor

1911 - Increased industrial output by rationalizing and refining the production process.

1040. Rule of Reason: Standard Oil case, American Tobacco case

1911 - Supreme Court allowed restrictions on competition through the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

1067. Virgin Islands Purchased

1917 - U.S. bought them from Denmark and built a naval base to protect the Panama Canal and to prevent Germany's seizure of islands during WWI.

1075. Archangel Expedition

1917 - U.S. sent troops to the Soviet cities of Murmansk and Archangel to reinforce White Russians (non-Communists). The U.S. troops did not fight Communists, but instead defended the ports.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

1934 - Created to supervise stock exchanges and to punish fraud in sercurities trading.

Indian Reorganization Act

1934 - Restored tribal ownership of lands, recognized tribal constitutions and government, and provided loans for economic development.

Robert Dole

1996 Republican presidential nominee who was soundly defeated by Bill Clinton


A German submarine (from the German Unterseeboot).

holding company

A company that controls the stocks and securities of another company.

T.S. Elliot

"The Waste Land" poet, modernist

969. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

1850 - Treaty between U.S. and Great Britain agreeing that neither country would try to obtain exclusive rights to a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Abrogated by the U.S. in 1881.

concentration camp

A place of confinement for prisoners or others a government considers dangerous undesirable.

Tennessee Valley Authority

A public corporation headed by a 3-member board. The ___ built 20 dams, conducted demonstration projects for farmers, and engaged in reforestation to rehabilitate the area.

graduated income tax

A tax on income in which the taxation rates grow progressively higher for those with higher income.

graduated income tax

A tax on income in which the taxation rates grow progressively higher for those with higher income. "Congress enacted a graduated income tax. . . ."

promissory note

A written pledge to pay a certain person a specified sum of money at a certain time. "The . . . paper money [was] backed by commercial paper, such as promissory notes of business people."

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Advocated for women to enter the workforce and for the establishment of cooperative kitchens and child care centers

7 Historical themes

American and National Identity, Politics and Power, Work, Exchange, and Technology, Culture and Society, Migration and Settlement, Geography and the Environment, America in the World

Frank Lloyd Wright

American architect who pioneered the idea of a building that harmonized with its surroundings rather than the classical designs


American battleship sent on a "friendly" visit to Cuba that ended in disaster and war.


American battleship sent on a friendly visit to Cuba that ended in disaster and war

Josiah Strong

American clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger U.S. missionary effort overseas

Josiah Strong

American clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger U.S. missionary efforts overseas.

Walter Reed

American doctor who led the medical efforts to conquer yellow fever during U.S. occupation of Cuba.

Billy Sunday

American evangelist. He was known for his arresting "fire and brimstone" preaching style. Member of the YMCA

Committee of Public Information (CPI)

American government propaganda agency that aroused zeal for Wilson's ideals and whipped up hatred for the kaiser.

Frederick Jackson Turner

American historian who argued that the encounter with the ever-receding West had fundamentally shaped America


A former Spanish colony, which rebelled in 1895, after American tariffs on Sugar placed economic pressure on the citizens. The colony held large amounts of American investment and the rebellion was supported by Americans.


A fortified stronghold, often including earthworks or stoneworks, that guards against enemy attack.


A fortress occupying a commanding height. " . . . join hands with urban workers, and mount a successful attack on the northeastern citadels of power."


A fourth political party, led by a former railroad labor union leader, that garnered nearly a million votes in 1912

Socialist (Social Democratic)

A fourth political party, led by former labor union leader Eugene V. Debs, that garnered nearly a million votes in 1912


A general and unanimous action of approval or nomination by a large public body, without a vote.


A general pardon for offenses or crimes against a government. "The Republican Congress in 1872 passed a general amnesty act. . . ."

1056. Federal Trade Commission, Cease and Desist Orders

A government agency established in 1914 to prevent unfair business practices and help maintain a competitive economy.

yellow dog contract

A labor contract in which an employee must sign a document pledging not to join a union as a condition of holding the job. "[Employers] could compel them to sign 'ironclad oaths' or 'yellow dog contracts'. . . ."


A major difference between the World War I Selective Service Act and the Civil War draft was that in World War I a. women as well as men were drafted. b. there was no provision for conscientious objection as there had been during the Civil War. c. draftees were sent immediately into front line combat. d. draftees received the same training as professional soldiers. e. it was not possible to purchase an exemption or to hire a substitute as during the Civil War.

literacy test

A literacy examination that a person must pass before being allowed to vote.


A payment assessed to compensate for an injury or illegal action.


A payment assessed to compensate for an injury or illegal action. "Japan was forced to drop its demands for a cash indemnity. . . ."


A period in which economic or coal activities is suspended, often to achieve certain defined goals

Charles Lindbergh

Flew his airplane, the Spirit of St. Louis, across the Atlantic in the first transatlantic solo flight.

National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA)

Founded in 1933 to carry out the plans of the National Industry Recovery Act to fight depression. It established code authorities for each branch of industry or buisness. The code authorities set the lowest prices that could be charged, the lowest wages that could be paid, and the standards of quality that must be observed.


From Latin America politics: a small armed group, usually military officers, who seize power and rule as a collective dictatorship.

Long Drive

General term for the herding of cattle from the grassy plains to the railroad terminals of Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming


Generally poor areas where vanquished Indians were eventually confined under federal control

Dollar Diplomacy

Generally unsuccessful Taft foreign policy in which government attempted to encourage overseas business ventures

Dollar Diplomacy

Generally unsuccessful Taft foreign policy in which government attempted to encourage overseas business ventures.

1078. Triple Alliance; Central Powers

Germany, Austria and Hungary formed an alliance for protection from the Triple Entente.


An extensive, heavily populated area, containing several dense urban centers.

collective bargaining

Bargaining between an employer and his or her organized work force over hours, wages, and other conditions of employment.

Pullman strike

Bitter labor conflict in Chicago that brought federal intervention and the jailing of union leader Eugene V. Debs

Proposition 13

Califomia ballot initiative of 1978 that set the stage for the "tax revolt', that Reagan rode to victory in 1980

Proposition 13

California ballot initiative of 1978 that set the stage for the "tax revolt" that Reagan rode to victory in 1980

Allen Bakke

California medical school applicant whose case led a divided Supreme Court to uphold limited forms of affirmative action for minorities


Carribean nation where Wilson sent American marines in 1915

Muller v. Oregon

Case that held protective legislation on the grounds of women's supposed physical weakness.

Muller v. Oregon

Case that upheld protective legislation on the grounds of women's supposed physical weakness

William Rehnquist

Chief Justice ofthe United States who presided at the impeachment trial of President Clinton

19th Amendment

Constitutional provision endorsed by Wilson as a war measure whose ratification achieved a long-sought goal for American women.


Deliberate disobedience or challenge to proper authority. ". . . Taft dismissed Pinchot on the narrow grounds of insubordination. . . ."

Hay- Puncefote Treaty

Diplomatic agreement of 1901 that permitted United States to build and fortify a Central American canal alone, without British involvement.

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

Diplomatic agreement of 1901 that permitted the United States to build and fortify a Central American canal alone, without British involvement

Gentlemen's Agreement

Diplomatic understanding of 1907-1908 that ended a Japanese American crisis over treatment of Japanese immigrants to the U.S.

"Gentlemen's Agreement"

Diplomatic understanding of 1907-1908 that ended a Japanese-American crisis over treatment of Japanese immigrants to the U.S.

Gentlemen's Agreement

Diplomatic understanding of 1907-1908 that ended a Japanese-American crisis over treatment of Japanese immigrants to the U.S.

Hugh Johnson

Director of the NRA.

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

Disastrous industrial fire of 1911 that spurred workmen's compensation laws and some state regulation of wages and hours in New York

955. Walter Reed

Discovered that the mosquito transmitted yellow fever and developed a cure. Yellow fever was the leading cause of death of American troops in the Spanish-American War.

Promoter's profits

Dishonest device by which railroad promoters artificially inflated the price of their stocks and bonds


Disparaging term for someone who is not completely a "red," or Communist, but is alleged to be sympathetic to communism.


Disposed to fight or go to war.


Disposed to fight or go to war. "Incurably boyish and bellicose, Roosevelt ceaselessly preached the virile virtues. . . ."

1060. Panama tolls dispute

Dispute over canal toll charge between the U.S. and Panama.

John L. Lewis

Domineering boss of the mine workers' union who launched the CIO

Boss Tweed

Heavyweight New York political boss whose widespread fraud landed him in jail in 1871

Model T

Henry Ford's cheap, rugged, mass-produced automobile

Progress and Poverty

Henry George's best-selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a single tax on land

Berlin Wall

High barrier between East and West erected during the 1961 Berlin crisis

Dumbbell tenement

High-rise urban buildings that provided barracks-like housing for urban slum dwellers

Theodore Roosevelt

Imperialist advocate, aggressive assistant navy secretary, Rough Rider, vice president, and president

Theodore Roosevelt

Imperialist advocate, aggressive assistant navy secretary, Rough Rider.

Roscoe Conkling

Imperious New York senator and leader of the Stalwart faction of Republicans

980. Dominican Republic

In 1905, the U.S. imposed financial restrictions upon this Caribbean nation. Part of making sure Latin America traded with the U.S. and not Europe.

984. Gentlemen's Agreement

In 1907 Theodore Roosevelt arranged with Japan that Japan would voluntarily restrict the emmigration of its nationals to the U.S.


In addition to the natural forces of drought and wind, the Dust Bowl of the 1930s was also caused by a. Roosevelt's AAA farm policies. b. excessive use of dry farming and mechanization techniques on marginal land. c. the attempted shift from shift from wheat and cotton growing to fruit and vegetable farming. d. the drying up of underground aquifers used to irrigate the Great Plains.


In business, an agreement to divide a given market in order to avoid competition. "The earliest form of combination was the 'pool'. . . . "


In business, the arrangement of purchasing goods or services immediately but making the payment at a later date.


In economics, steps taken to reduce the purchasing power of a given unit of currency in relation to foreign currencies

pump priming

In economics, the spending or lending of a small amount of funds in order to stimulate a larger flow of economic activity.

supply side

In economics, the theory that investment incentives such as lowered federal spending and tax cuts will stimulate economic growth and increased employment

supply side

In economics, the theory that investment incentives such as lowered federal spending and tax cuts will stimulate economic growth and increased employment.


In finance, reducing the available supply of money, thus tending to raise interest rates and lower prices. "Coupled with the reduction of greenbacks, this policy was called 'contraction.' "


In geography, any of the imaginary lines of longitude running north and south on the globe. ". . . settlers . . . rashly pushed . . . beyond the 100th meridian. . . ."


In government, a special privilege or license granted to a company or group to perform a specific function.


In government, a special privilege or license granted to a company or group to perform a specific function. "Public-spirited city-dwellers also moved to halt the corrupt sale of franchises for streetcars. . . ."

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

The first major achievement of the Nixon-Kissinger détente with the Soviet Union, which led to restrictions on defensive missile systems


The first position on a beach secured by an invading force and used to land further troops and supplies.


The inability to expand or contract rapidly. "[The] most serious shortcoming [of the country's financial structure] was the inelasticity of the currency."


The process of originally non-American people assimilating to American character, manner, institutions, culture, and so on. "The Filipinos, who hated compulsory Americanization, preferred liberty."


The process whereby an individual initiates a business at some risk in order to expand it and thereby earn a profit.


The process whereby an individual initiates a business at some risk in order to expand it and thereby earn a profit. "Wilson's New Freedom, by contrast, favored small enterprise, entrepreneurship, and the free functioning of . . . markets."

Red Scare

The public panic of 1919-1920, spawned by fear of Bolshevik revolution, that resulted in the arrest and deportation of many political radicals.

leveraged buy-out

The purchase of one company by another using money borrowed on the expectation of selling a portion of assets after the acquisition

leveraged buy-out

The purchase of one company by another using money borrowed on the expectation of selling portion of assets after the acquisition.


The quota system established for immigration in the 1920s was based partly on the idea that a. many of the political refugees from war-torn Europe were likely radicals or communists. b. immigrants from northern and western Europe were superior to those from southern and eastern Europe. c. the era of European immigration would be replaced by immigration from Latin America. d. immigration should be based on family connections, education, and job skills, not ethnic group. e. the United States was becoming increasingly overpopulated.


The radical majority faction of the Russian Socialist party that seized power in the October 1917 revolution; they later took the name Communist. (Bolshevik is the Russian word for "majority"; their rivals for power were Mensheviks, or minority.)

exchange rates

The ratios at which the currencies of two or more countries are traded, which express their values relative to one another.

The Great Rapprochement

The reconciliation between the United States and Great Britain near the end of the 19th Century


The red scare of the early 1920s was initially set off by a. the Sacco-Vanzetti case. b. the rise of the radical Industrial Workers of the World. c. the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. d. an influx of radical immigrants. e. the revelation of American Communist infiltration of the federal government.


The refusal by an employer to allow employees to work unless they agree to his or her terms. "Employers could lock their doors against rebellious workers—a process called the 'lockout'. . . ."

Mesabi Range

The region of northern Minnesota that supplied most of the iron ore for tremendously profitable American steel industry

Bible Belt

The region of the American South, extending roughly from North Carolina west to Oklahoma and Texas, where Protestant Fundamentalism and belief in literal interpretation of the Bible have traditionally been strongest.

Social Gospel

The religious doctrines preached by those who believed that churches should directly address and work to reform economic and social problems

Gold Clause Act, 1935

It voided any clause in past or future contracts requiring payment in gold. It was enacted to help enforce 1933 legislation discontinuing the gold standard and outlawing circulation of gold coin.

Works Progress Administration

Large federal employment program, established in 1935 under Harry Hopkins that provided jobs in areas from road building to art

Works Progress Administration

Large federal employment program, established in 1935 under Harry Hopkins, that provided jobs in areas from road building to art

1013. Anthracite Coal Strike, 1902, George F. Baer

Large strike by coal miners. Baer led the miner's union at the time.

Henry J. Kaiser

Leading American industrialist and shipbuilder during World War II

John Dewey

Leading American philosopher and proponent of progressive education

Reinhold Niebuhr

Leading American theologian who advocated Christian realism and the use of force if necessary to maintain justice against Nazi or Stalinist evil

William Jennings Bryan

Leading Democratic Politician whose intervention narrowly tipped the Senate vote in favor of acquiring the Philippines in 1899.

Walter Rauschenbusch

Leading Protestant advocate of the "social gospel" who tried to make Christianity relevant to urban and industrial problems.

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies

Leading U.S. group advocating American support for Britain in the fight against Hitler

Jane Addams

Leading female progressive reformer whose advocacy of pacifism as well as social welfare set her at odds with more muscular and militant progressives

989. "Muckrakers"

Journalists who searched for and publicized real or alleged acts of corruption of public officials, businessmen, etc. Name coined by Teddy Roosevelt in 1906.

Jane Addams

Leading female progressive reformer whose advocacy of pacifism as well as social welfare set her at odds with more muscular and militant progressives.

America First Committee

Leading isolationist group advocating that America focus on continental defense and non-involvement with the European war

Ida Tarbell

Leading muckraker journalist whose articles documented the Standard Oil Company's abuse of power, "History of the Standard Oil Company"

Ida Tarbell

Leading muckraking journalist whose articles documented the Standard Oil Company's abuse of power.

Louis D. Brandeis

Leading progressive reformer and the first Jew named to the U. S. Supreme Court

Louis D. Brandeis

Leading progressive reformer and the first Jew named to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Jane Addams

Leading social reformer who lived with the poor in the slums and pioneered new forms of activism for women.

Scopes Trial

Legal battle over teaching evolution that pitted modern science against Fundamentalist religion

1033. City Manager Plan, Commission Plan

Legislation designed to break up political machines and replace traditional political management of cities with trained professional urban planners and managers.

peaceful coexistence

The principle or policy that communists and noncommunists—specifically, the United States and the Soviet Union—ought to live together without trying to dominate or destroy each other.


The process of assimilating American character, manner, ideals, culture, and so on.


The process of bringing or restoring wasteland to productive use.


The process of bringing or restoring wasteland to productive use. "Settlers repaid the cost of reclamation. . . ."


Mexican- American workers brought into the United States to provide an agricultural labor supply

Mark Twain

Midwestern-born writer and lecturer who created a new style of American literature based on social realism and humor.


Most progressives were a. poor farmers. b. urban workers. c. immigrants. d. wealthy people. e. urban middle-class people.

Cecil B. DeMille

Motion picture producer and director, he was famous for Biblical films and epic movies.

Birth Control Movement

Movement led by feminist Margaret Sanger that contributed to changing sexual behaviors, especially for women


Narrow and limited; isolated from cosmopolitan influences.

Charles Evans Hughes

Narrowly unsuccessful presidential candidate who tried to straddle both sides of the fence regarding American policy toward Germany

Charles Evans Hughes

Narrowly unsuccessful presidential candidate who tried to straddle both sides of the fence regarding American policy toward Germany.

Charles Dawes

Negotiator of a plan to reschedule German reparation payments and Calvin Coolidge's vice president after 1925

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Non-violent black leader whose advocacy of peaceful change came under attack from militants after 1965

1017. "Trustbuster"

Nicknamed for Teddy Roosevelt, this is a federal official who seeks to dissolve monopolistic trusts through vigorous enforcement of antitrust laws.


Nixon's policy of withdrawing American troops from Vietnam while providing aid for the South Vietnamese to fight the war

Spiro Agnew

Nixon's tough-talking conservative vice president, who was forced to resign in 1973 for taking bribes and kickbacks


Nixon-Ford-Kissinger policy of seeking relaxed tensions with the Soviet Union through trade and arms limitation


North Atlantic nation near whose waters U.S. destroyers came under Nazi submarine attack

John Dewey

One of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the founders of functional psychology.


One of the primary social effects of the new automobile age was a a. growing migration from cities to smaller towns and rural areas. b. strengthening of intergenerational ties among parents, children, and grandchildren. c. tightening of restrictions on women. d. closing of the gap between the working class and the wealthy. e. weakening of traditional family ties between parents and youth.


One of the two overwhelmingly dominant international powers after World War II—the United States and the Soviet Union.


One who believes in fundamental change in the political, economic, or social system. " . . .much of [this criticism] rose from . . . socialists and other radicals, many of whom were recent European immigrants."


One who belongs to an ostensibly independent political, economic, or social organization that is secretly controlled by the Communist party.

feminist (feminism)

One who promotes complete political, social, and economic equality of opportunity for women.


Ownership of the major means of production by the national or federal government.

Ohio Gang

Poker-playing cronies from Harding's native state who contributed to the morally loose atmosphere in his administration


Polish labor union crushed by the communist-imposed martial-law regime in 1983


Polish labor union crushed by the communist-imposed martial-law regime in 1983


Political activists and thinkers, mostly former liberals, who turned to a defense of traditional social and moral values and a strongly anticommunist foreign policy in the 1970s and 1980s


Political activists and thinkers, mostly former liberals, who turned to a defense of traditional social and moral values and a strongly anticommunist foreign policy in the 1970s and 1980s.

Ronald Reagan

Political darling of Republican conservatives who won landslide election victories in 1980 and 1984

Ronald Reagan

Political darling of Republican conservatives who won landslide election victories in 1980 and 1984

William Howard Taft

Politically inept inheritor of the Roosevelt legacy who ended up allied with the reactionary Republican Old Guard

William Howard Taft

Politically inept inheritor of the Roosevelt legacy who ended up allied with the reactionary Republican Old Guard.


Politically motivated murder of a public figure. " . . . he asked all those who had benefited politically by the assassination to contribute to his defense fund."

1068. Jones Act, 1916 (Philippine)

Promised Philippine independence. Given freedom in 1917, their economy grew as a satellite of the U.S. Filipino independence was not realized for 30 years.


Protestant believers who strongly resisted liberal Protestantism's attempts to adapt doctrines to Darwinian evolution and biblical criticism

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

Pushed by Congress in 1922, it raised tariff rates.

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Questionable extension of a traditional American policy; declared an American right to intervene in Latin American nations under certain circumstances

Roosevelt Corollary

Questionable extension of a traditional American policy; declared an American right to intervene in Latin American nations under certain circumstances.

"Black Power"

Racial slogan that signaled a growing challenge to King's non-violent civil rights movement by militant younger blacks

Tom Watson

Radical Populist leader whose early success turned sour and who then became a vicious racist

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Radical antiwar labor union whose members were prosecuted under the Espionage and Sedition Act.

Victoria Woodhull

Radical feminist propagandist whose eloquent attacks on conventional social morality shocked many Americans in the 1870s.

Carrie Nation

Radical, hatchet carrying temperance movement leader whose actions contributed to the support provided for the eighteenth amendment

Square Deal

Roosevelt's policy of having the federal government promote the public interest by dealing evenhandedly with both labor and business. Three C's: Control of Corporations, Consumer Protection, Conservation of Natural Resources.

court packing plan

Roosevelt's scheme for gaining Supreme Court approval of New Deal legislation

Banking Holiday

Roosevelt-declared closing of all U.S. financial institutions on March 6-10, 1933, in order to stop panic and prepare reforms.

961. Secretary of State John Hay, Open Door notes

September, 1899 - Hay sent imperialist nations a note asking them to offer assurance that they would respect the principle of equal trade opportunities, specifically in the China market.

Slobodan Milosevic

Serbian president who conducted vicious "ethnic cleansing" campaigns and was eventually forced from office

1058. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)

Served as Secretary of State under Wilson from 1913-1915, he resigned in protest of U.S. involvement in WW I.

998. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935), Women and Economics

She urged women to work outside the home to gain economic independence. Attacked the traditional role of homemaker for women.

Brown V. Board of Education

Supreme Court ruling that overturned the old Plessy v. Ferguon principle that black public facilities could be "separate but equal"

Adkins v. Children's Hospital

Supreme Court ruling that removed workplace protection and invalidated a minimum wage for women, and undermined the earlier Court decision in Muller v. Oregon

Lochner v. New York

Supreme court ruling that overturned a progressive law mandating a ten-hour workday.

ABC Powers

Term for the three Latin American nations whose mediation prevented war between the United States and Mexico in 1914

1082. Election of 1916: Hughes, Wilson, issues

The Democrats emphasized a program of domestic reform. Charles Evans Hughes left the Supreme Court to challenge Wilson, a democrat.

973. Panama Revolution

The Isthmus of Panama had been part of Columbia. U.S. tried to negotiate with Columbia to build the Panama Canal. Columbia refused, so U.S. encouraged Panama to revolt. Example of Big Stick diplomacy.


The doctrine of noninterference, especially by the government, in matters of economics or business (literally, "leave alone"). "[The new president was] a staunch apostle of the hands-off creed of laissez-faire. . . ."

black separatism

The doctrine that blacks in the United States ought to separate themselves from whites, either in separate institutions or in a separate political territory.

Massive Retaliation

The doctrine upon which Eisenhower and Dulles based American nuclear policy in the 1950s

Dust Bowl/ East Colorado to West Mississippi

The drought-stricken plains areas from which hundreds of thousands of "Okies" were driven during the Great Depression

Dust Bowl

The drought-stricken plains areas from which hundreds of thousands of "Okies" were driven during the Great Depression

Civilian Conservation Corps

The early New Deal agency that worked to solve the problems of unemployment and conservation by employing youth in reforestation and other socially beneficial tasks

Civilian Conservation Corps

The early New Deal agency that worked to solve the problems of unemployment and conservation by employing youth in reforestation and other beneficial tasks

1043. Manchurian Railroad Scheme

The U.S. planned to build a railroad to transport American products into China. It would have allowed the U.S. to corner the China market.


The Vietnamese New Year celebration, during which the communists launched a heavy offensive against the U.S. in 1968

Supply-Side Economics

The economic theory of "Reaganomics" that emphasized cutting taxes and government spending in order to stimulate investment, productivity, and economic growth by private enterprise

supply-side economics

The economic theory of"Reaganomics" that emphasized cutting taxes and government spending in order to stimulate investment, productivity, and economic growth by private enterprise

George Creel

head of the american propaganda agency that mobilized the public opinion for World War I

Herbert Hoover

head of the food administration who pioneered successful voluntary mobilization methods

Cultural Pluralism

Theory advocated by Bourne, Kallen, and others that immigrants should be able to retain elements of their traditions within a diverse America, rather than being forced to melt all differences.

1895-1896 Guiana-Venezuela Dispute

This was a dispute between Britain and Venezuela in which the two nations both claimed to hold land, which was valued for its gold. The United States, led by President Cleveland and Richard Olney, threatened war, invoking the Monroe doctrine, and eventually led England to accept arbitration.

1083. Unrestricted submarine warfare

This was the German practice of attacking any and all shipping to countries it was at war with. It annoyed neutral countries.

Henry Ford

mechanical genius and organizer of the mass-produced automobile industry

City Beautiful

Urban planning movement, begun in Paris and carried on in Chicago and other American cities, that emphasized harmony, order, and monumental public buildings

Fourteen Points

Wilson's idealistic statement of American war aims in January 1918 that inspired the Allies and demoralized their enemies.


Wilson's initial attitude toward the Mexican revolutionary government was to a. refuse recognition of General Huerta's regime but avoid American intervention. b. intervene with troops on behalf of threatened American business interests. c. provide military and economic assistance to the Huerta regime. d. mobilize other Latin American governments to oust Huerta. e. follow the lead of publisher William Randolph Hearst.

**Gregg v. Georgia (1976)

Established that the death penalty does not necessarily violate the Constitution

Al Qaeda

The international terrorist network headed by Osama bin Laden

James Cox

Defeated democratic presidential candidate in the election of 1920

Sitting Bull

Leader of the Sioux during wars of 1876-1877

Allen Ginsberg

"Beat" poet of the 1950s whose hostility to materialism and "establishment" values helped lay groundwork for 1960s "counterculture"

Democratic Leadership Council

"Centrist" Democratic organization that promoted Bill Clinton's candidacy as a "new" Democrat


"Dry," Protestant southern Democrats who rebelled against their party's "wet," Catholic presidential nominee in 1928 and voted for the Republican candidate

Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923)

(Taft) Declared unconstitutional a minimum wage law for women on the grounds that it denied women freedom of contract.

New York Times Co. v. US (1971)

(Burger) "Pentagon Papers" case decided Nixon's attempted "prior restraint" was unconstitutional interference with press freedom.

Roe v. Wade (1973)

(Burger) Certain state criminal abortion laws violate the Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment, which protects against state action the (implied) right to privacy in the Bill of Rights (9th amendment). Abortion cannot be banned in the 1st trimester (1st 3 months), states can regulate the 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester - abortion is illegal except to save the life of the mother

Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)

(Burger) Concerns aid to religious schools; Lemon test created to interpret the establishment clause of 1st amendment: federal aid must avoid "excessive entanglement" with religion, and must be used for non-religious school elements (buying math books, pencils, etc.)

U.S. v. Nixon (1974)

(Burger) Limited executive privilege. Nixon has to turn over personal tapes relating to Watergate case. The president's confidentiality was subordinate to due process of law and the administration of criminal justice.

Bakke v. Regents of the University of California (1978)

(Burger) Weak, ambiguous ruling by a split court. Held that colleges and universities may consider a person's race as one factor in admission policies

Insular Cases / Downes v. Bidwell (1901)

(Fuller) Confirmed the right of the federal government to place tariffs on good entering the U. S. From U. S. Territories on the grounds that "the Constitution does not follow the flag."

Lochner v. New York (1905)

(Fuller) Declared unconstitutional a New York act limiting the working hours of bakers due to a denial of the 14th Amendment rights.

U. S. v. E. C. Knight Co. (1895)

(Fuller) Due to a narrow interpretation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Court undermined the authority of the federal government to act against monopolies.

Muller v. Oregon (1908)

(Fuller) First case to use the "Brandeis brief"; recognized a 10-hour work day for women laundry workers on the grounds of health and community concerns.

Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Co. v. Minnesota (1890)

(Fuller) Found that Granger law regulations of railroads were violations of the 5th Amendment right to property.

Northern Securities Co. v. U. S. (1904)

(Fuller) Re-established the authority of the federal government to fight monopolies under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

(Fuller) Upheld racial discrimination: created SEPARATE BUT EQUAL doctrine that would be later overturned with Brown v. Board in 1954

Schechter v. U. S. (1935)

(Hughes) "the sick chicken case" Unanimously declared the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) unconstitutional on three grounds: that the act delegated legislative power to the executive; that there was a lack of constitutional authority for such legislation; and that it sought to regulate businesses that were wholly intrastate in character.

*Butler v. U.S. (1936)

(Hughes) Court declared the AAA unconstitutional; congress cannot regulate agriculture (only states can); government cannot tax one group for the benefit of another (tax on processors for farmers)

Worcester v. Georgia (1832)

(John Marsall) Established tribal autonomy within their boundaries. However, neither followed by Georgia nor enforced by President Jackson, who had no interest in enforcing the Court's decree. The Georgia Cherokees themselves were forcibly relocated in 1838, pursuant to a U.S. treaty, to present-day Oklahoma ("the Trail of Tears").

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

(Marshall ) Clarified the commerce clause and affirmed Congressional power over interstate commerce. Arose due to state attempt to control commerce of steamboats

Johnson v. McIntosh (1823)

(Marshall) Established that Indian tribes had rights to tribal lands that preceded all other American law; only the federal government could take land from the tribes.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)

(Marshall) New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The Court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U. S. Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts.

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)

(Marshall) The Court determined that it could not rule on the case, as the Cherokee tribe was a "denominated domestic dependent nation." The Court determined that since the tribe was not a state, they had no jurisdiction and therefore could not rule on the case.

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

(Marshall) The court established its role as the arbiter of the constitutionality of federal laws, which is known as JUDICIAL REVIEW

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

(Marshall) US Constitution is "the supreme law of the land." Began the process of expanding the implicit power of the federal gov. through the necessary and proper clause. "Power to tax is the power to destroy" States cannot tax the federal gov.

Congress of Industrial Organization

(Previously Committee for Industrial Organization) The new union group that organized large numbers of unskilled workers with the help of the Wagner Act and the National Labor Relations Board

Texas v. Johnson (1989)

(Rehnquist) Flag burning case. State statutes against flag desecration are unconstitutional limits on freedom of speech. Symbolic speech is protected by the Constitution.

**Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988)

(Rehnquist) Freedom of the press is different for students. Principals can censor school newspapers.

*Miller v. Johnson (1995)

(Rehnquist) States cannot draw congressional districts in which race is the primary consideration.

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000)

(Rehnquist) The Court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America could dismiss a troop leader after learning he was gay, holding that the right to freedom of association outweighed a New Jersey anti - discrimination statute.

Bush v. Gore (2000)

(Rehnquist) The court ruled that manual recounts of presidential ballots in the Nov. 2000 election could not proceed because inconsistent evaluation standards in different counties violated the equal protection clause. In effect, the ruling meant Bush would win the election. Super controversial

*Gitlow v. New York (1925)

(Taft) Supreme Court held that freedom of speech and of the press were among the "fundamental personal rights" protected by the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment from infringements by state (as well as federal) action. This case allowed the INCORPORATION of the Bill of Rights to state governments as well as the national government.

Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842)

(Taney) Federal law is superior to state law. Ruled that states did not have to uphold the Fugitive Slave Act

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

(Taney) Ruled that African Americans cannot be U.S. citizens and that Congress has no power to forbid slavery in U.S. territories. Led to the Civil War and considered the worst case in history

Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837)

(Taney) The interests of the community are more important than the interests of business; the supremacy of society's interest over private interest.

Wabash Case (Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois) (1886)

(Waite) Declared state-passed Granger laws that regulated interstate commerce unconstitutional. Severely limited the rights of states to control interstate commerce. It led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Civil Rights Cases of 1883

(Waite) The Court held that Congress lacked the constitutional authority under the 14th Amendment to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals and organizations. Legalized segregation with regard to private property and ruled Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional.

*New York Times v. Sullivan (1964)

(Warren) A state cannot, under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, award [libel] damages to a public official for defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves "actual malice" - that the statement was made with knowledge of its falsity or with reckless disregard of whether it was true or false.

Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

(Warren) Began exclusionary rule. Courts cannot use evidence attained by police illegally. Strong encouragement for police to follow the law so they don't ruin their case against criminals

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

(Warren) Connecticut statute forbidding use of contraceptives violates the right of marital privacy which is within the penumbra of specific guarantees of the Bill of Rights. Ruled that the Constitution did guarantee certain zones of privacy

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

(Warren) Criminal suspect's rights include being informed of rights to counsel and to remain silent. Declared that if accused persons have not been informed of their right to remain silent, then any statements they make may not be used as evidence against them

Baker v. Carr (1962)

(Warren) Established the principle of "one person, one vote" and made such patterns of representation illegal. The Court asserted that the federal courts had the right to tell states to reapportion their districts for more equal representation.

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

(Warren) Freedom of speech held to include students wearing black armbands at school to protest the Vietnam War. Schools would need to show evidence of the possibility of substantial disruption before students' free speech at school could be limited

Roth v. US (1957)

(Warren) Obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

(Warren) Overturned Plessy case. Racially segregated public facilities are unconstitutional.

Engle v. Vitale (1962)

(Warren) Prayer as classroom activities in public schools prohibited by First Amendment (which was made applicable to the states under the 14th A.)

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

(Warren) The state's refusal to appoint counsel for an indigent accused of non-capital felony violated due process clause. Held that defendants have the right to be represented by counsel in state trails and that lawyers must be provided to defendants who cannot afford to pay for them.

Schenck v. U. S. (1919)

(White) Unanimously upheld the Espionage Act of 1917 which declared that people who interfered with the war effort were subject to imprisonment; declared that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech was not absolute; free speech could be limited if its exercise presented a "clear and present danger."


(anarchism) Political belief that all organized, coercive government is wrong in principle, and that society should be organized solely on the basis of free cooperation. (Some anarchists practiced violence against the state, while others were nonviolent pacifists.) "Eight anarchists were rounded up, although nobody proved that they had anything to do directly with the bomb."


(socialism) Political belief in promoting social and economic equality through the ownership and control of the major means of production by the whole community (usually but not necessarily in the form of the state) rather than by individuals or corporations. "Some of it was envious, but much of it rose from the small and increasingly vocal group of socialists. . . ."


(v) To escort militarily, for purposes of protection (n) A person who does the verb


1. As president, Warren G. Harding proved to be a. thoughtful and ambitious but rather impractical. b. an able administrator and diplomat but a poor politician. c. politically competent and concerned for the welfare of ordinary people. d. weak-willed and tolerant of corruption among his friends.


10. The international economic crisis caused by unpaid war reparations and loans was partially resolved by a. private American bank loans to Germany. b. forgiving the loans and reparations. c. creation of a new international economic system by the League of Nations. d. the rise of Mussolini and Hitler.


10. Traditional American Protestant religion received a substantial blow from the a. psychological ideas of William James. b. theological ideas of the Fundamentalists. c. chemical theories of Charles Eliot. d. biological ideas of Charles Darwin. e. the sermons of Dwight Moody.


11. Al Smith's Roman Catholicism and opposition to prohibition hurt him especially a. in the South. b. among ethic voters. c. among African-Americans. d. among women voters.


11. Unlike Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois advocated a. economic opportunity for blacks. b. turning to wealthy white philanthropist for funds to support black causes. c. practical as well as theoretical education for blacks. d. that blacks remain in the South rather than move north. e. advanced education and complete political and social equality for blacks.


12. In the late nineteenth century, American colleges and universities benefited especially from a. federal and state land-grant assistance and the private philanthropy of wealthy donors. b. the growing involvement of the churches in higher education. c. the fact that a college degree was becoming a prerequisite for employment in industry. d. the growth of federal grants and loans to college students. e. the growing belief that classical learning and the liberal arts were essential to a well-rounded life.


12. The election of Hoover over Smith in 1928 seemed to represent a victory of a. northern industrial values over southern agrarianism. b. small business over the ideas of big government and big business. c. ethnic and cultural diversity over traditional Anglo-Saxon values. d. big business and efficiency over urban and Catholic values.


13. One important cause of the great stock-market crash of 1929 was a. over-expansion of production and credit beyond the ability to pay for them. b. a "tight" money policy that made it difficult to obtain loans. c. the lack of tariff protection for American markets from foreign competitors. d. excessive government regulation of business.


13. The widely popular American social reformers Henry George and Edward Bellamy advocated a. utopian reforms to end poverty and eliminate class conflict. b. an end to racial prejudice and segregation. c. the resettlement of the urban poor on free western homesteads. d. a transformation of the traditional family through communal living arrangements. e. detailed urban planning and low-cost housing as keys to ending inequality.


14. Authors like Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, and Jack London turned American literature toward a greater concern with a. close observation and contemplation of nature. b. postmodernism and deconstruction of traditional narratives. c. fantasy and romance. d. social realism and contemporary problems. e. history and religion.


14. The sky-high Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 had the economic effect of a. providing valuable protection for hard-pressed American manufacturers. b. lowering the value of American currency in international money markets. c. crippling international trade and deepening the depression. d. forcing foreign governments to negotiate fairer trade agreements.


15. Drawing on European models, American urban planners like Daniel Burnham believed that a. public buildings like libraries and museums should be subordinated to planned commercial development. b. suburban sprawl should be controlled through strict land use and zoning regulations. c. grand urban buildings and public spaces would stimulate progress and inspire civic virtue and loyalty in the city's residents. d. a dense concentration of urban skyscrapers and apartments was the best way to inspire civic pride and eliminate slums. e. the key to urban planning was a cheap, efficient mass transportation system.


15. The federal agency Hoover established to provide "pump-priming" loans to businesses was the a. Tennessee Valley Authority. b. Bonus Expeditionary Force. c. Reconstruction Finance Corporation. d. American Legion.

Progressive Party

1890 coalition of Midwest farm groups, socialists, and labor organizations, such as the American Federation of Labor. It attacked monopolies, and wanted other reforms, such as bimetallism, transportation regulation, the 8-hour work day, and income tax.

Federal Housing Authorities (FHA)

1934 - Created by Congress to insure long-term, low-interest mortgages for home construction and repair.

951. Rough Riders, San Juan Hill

1898 - Theodore Roosevelt formed the Rough Riders (volunteers) to fight in the Spanish- American War in Cuba. They charged up San Juan Hill during the battle of Santiago. It made Roosevelt popular.

1073. ABC Powers

1899 - Name given to Argentina, Brazil and Chile. They tried to maintain peace in South and Central America.

963. Boxer Rebellion

1900 - a secret Chinese society called the Boxers because their symbol was a fist revolted against foreigners in their midst and laid siege to foreign legislations in Beijing.

970. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

1901 - Great Britain recognized U.S. Sphere of Influence over the Panama canal zone provided the canal itself remained neutral. U.S. given full control over construction and management of the canal.

976. Venezuelan Crisis

1902 - England, Germany and Italy had blockaded Venezuelan ports because Latin American countries failed to make payments on debts owed to foreign banks. U.S. invoked the Monroe Doctrine and pressured the European powers to back off.

972. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

1903 - U.S. guaranteed the independence of the newly-created Republic of Panama.

975. Goethals and Gorgas

1906 - Army colonels who supervised the construction of the Panama Canal.

1021. Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA.

1019. Meat Inspection Act

1906 - Laid down binding rules for sanitary meat packing and government inspection of meat products crossing state lines.

1006. 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments

1913 - 16th Amendment authorized Congress to levy an income tax. 1913 - 17th Amendment gave the power to elect senators to the people. Senators had previously been appointed by the legislatures of their states. 1919 - 18th Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. 1920 - 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.

Henry Ford

1913 - Ford developed the mass-produced Model-T car, which sold at an affordable price. It pioneered the use of the assembly line. Also greatly increased his workers wages and instituted many modern concepts of regular work hours and job benefits. Sloan, an American industrialist, helped found project.

1057. Clayton Antitrust Act, labor's Magna Carta

1914 - Extended the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 to give it more power against trusts and big business. It outlawed practices that had a dangerous likelihood of creating a monopoly, even if no unlawful agreement was involved.

1074. Pancho Villa, General Pershing

1916 - Villa attacked Columbus, New Mexico and Pershing was directed to follow him into Mexico. Pershing met with resistance and eventually left without finding Pancho Villa.

1084. Zimmerman note

1917 - Germany sent this to Mexico instructing an ambassador to convince Mexico to go to war with the U.S. It was intercepted and caused the U.S. to mobilized against Germany, which had proven it was hostile.

1069. Jones Act, 1917 (Puerto Rico)

1917 - Puerto Ricans won U.S. citizenship and the right to elect their own upper house.

1066. Smith-Lever Act, Smith-Hughes Act

1917-Established the U.S.'s first Food Administration with the authority to fix food prices, license distributors, coordinate purchases, oversee exports, act against hoarding and profiteering, and encourage farmers to grow more crops.

New Woman, Flappers

1920's - Women started wearing short skirts and bobbed hair, and had more sexual freedom. They began to abandon traditional female roles and take jobs usually reserved for men.

Immigration Acts and Quota System

1921 - First legislation passed which restricted the number of immigrants. Quota was 357,800, which let in only 2% of the number of people of that nationality that were allowed in in 1890. 1924 - Limited the number of immigrants to 150,000 per year.

Scopes trial

1925 - Prosecution of Dayton, Tennessee school teacher for violation of the Butler Act, a Tennessee law forbidding public schools from teaching about evolution.

The Jazz Singer

1927 - The first movie with sound, this "talkie" was about the life of famous jazz singer, Al Jolson.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

1928 "Pact of Paris" or "Treaty for the Renunciation of War," it made war illegal as a tool of national policy, allowing only defensive war. The Treaty was generally believed to be useless.

Clark Memorandum

1928 - Under Secretary of State Reuben Clark, 286 pages were added to the Roosevelt Corollary of 1904

Teapot Dome

1929 - The Naval strategic oil reserve at Elk Hills was taken out of the Navy's control and placed in the hands of the Department of the Interior, which leased the land to oil companies. Several Cabinet members received huge payments as bribes. Due to the investigation, Daugherty, Denky, and Fall were forced to resign.

Bonus Army

1932 - Facing the financial crisis of the Depression, WW I veterans tried to pressure Congress to pay them their retirement bonuses early. Congress considered a bill authorizing immediate assurance of $2.4 billion, but it was not approved. Angry veterans marched on Washington, D.C., and Hoover called in the army to get the veterans out of there.

Hoover-Stimson Doctrine

1932 - Japan's seizure of Manchuria brought this pronouncement by Hoover's Secretary of State that the U.S. would not recognize any changes to China's territory, nor any impairment of China's sovereignty.

Norris-LaGuardia (Anti-Injunction) Act

1932 Liberal Republicans, Feorelo LaGuardia and George Norris cosponsored a law, which protected the rights of striking workers, by severely restricting the federal courts' power to issue injunctions against strikes and other union activities.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

1933 - Offered contracts to farmers to reduce their output of designated products. It paid farmers for processing taxes on these products, and made loans to farmers who stored crops on their farms. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Second AAA

1933 - The ___ offered contracts to farmers to reduce their output of designated products. It paid farmers for processing taxes on these products, and made loans to farmers who stored crops on their farms. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

1936 - The second ___ appropriated funds for soil conservation paymnets to farmers who would remove land from production.


2. One of the most difficult new problems generated by the rise of cities and the urban American life-style was a. dealing with horses and other animals in crowded urban settings. b. developing means of communication in densely populated city centers. c. disposing of large quantities of consumer-generated waste material. d. finding effective methods of high-rise construction for limited urban space. e. developing methods for accurately recording urban population growth and movement.


2. The general policy of the federal government toward industry in the early 1920s was a. a weakening of federal regulation and encouragement of trade associations. b. an emphasis on federal regulation rather than state and local controls. c. an emphasis on vigorous antirust enforcement rather than on regulation. d. a turn toward direct federal control of key industries like the railroads.

1034. William Howard Taft

27th President (1908-1912), he was the only man to serve as both President of the U.S. and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Overweight, he was the only president to get stuck in the White House bathtub. Roosevelt supported he in 1908, but later ran against him.


3. Two groups who suffered severe political setbacks in the immediate post-World War I environment were a. Protestants and Jews b. organized labor and blacks. c. small businesses and farmers. d. women and city dwellers.


3. Two new technological developments of the late nineteenth century that especially contributed to the spectacular growth of cities in America and elsewhere around the world were the a. telegraph and the railroad. b. steam drill and the internal combustion engine. c. phonograph and the motion picture. d. oil furnace and the air conditioner. e. electric trolley and the skyscraper.


4. Among the primary countries from which many of the New Immigrants came were a. Sweden and Great Britain. b. Germany and Ireland. c. Poland and Italy. d. China and Japan. e. Mexico and Cuba.


4. Two terms that describe the Harding and Coolidge administrations' approach toward foreign policy are a. internationalism and moralism. b. interventionism and militarism. c. isolationism and disarmament. d. balance of power and alliance-seeking.


5. Among the factors driving tens of millions of European peasants from their homeland to America and elsewhere in the late nineteenth century were the a. rapid rise of population and cheap American food imports. b. rise of European nation-states and the decline of the Catholic Church. c. rise of tyrannical communist and fascist regimes. d. major international wars among the European great powers. e. attempt to impose compulsory state education on tradition-minded parents.


5. The proposed ratio of "5-5-3" in the Washington Disarmament Conference of 1921-1922 referred to a. the allowable ratio of American, British, and Japanese troops in China. b. the number of votes Britain, France, and the United States would have in the League of nations. c. the allowable ratio of battleships and carriers among the United States, Britain, and Japan. d. the number of nations from Europe, the Americas, and Asia, respectively, that would have to ratify the treaties before they went into effect.


6. Besides providing direct services to immigrants, the reformers of Hull House worked to implement social reforms such as a. the secret ballot and direct election of senators. b. antisweatshop and child labor laws to protect women and child laborers. c. social security and unemployment compensation. d. conservation and federal aid to municipal governments. e. public ownership of municipal transportation systems.


6. The very high tariff rates of the 1920s had the economic effect of a. stimulating the formation of common markets among the major industrial nations. b. causing severe deflation in the United States and Europe. c. turning American trade away from Europe and toward Asia. d. causing the Europeans to erect their own tariff barriers and thus reduce international trade.


7. The central scandal of Teapot Dome involved members of Harding's Cabinet who a. sold spoiled foodstuffs to the army and navy. b. took bribes for leasing federal oil lands. c. violated prohibition by tolerating gangster liquor deals. d. stuffed ballot boxes and played dirty tricks on campaign opponents.


7. The one immigrant group that was totally banned from America after 1882, as a result of fierce nativist agitation, was the a. Irish. b. Greeks. c. Africans. d. Chinese. e. Jews.


8. The one major group that experienced hard economic times amidst the general prosperity of the 1920's was a. small-business people. b. farmers. c. bankers and stock brokers. d. the oil mining industries.


8. The religious groups that grew most dramatically because of the New Immigration were a. Methodists, Baptists, and Disciples of Christ. b. Christian Scientists, the Salvation Army, and Buddhists. c. Episcopalians, Unitarians, and Congregationalists. d. Jews, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox. e. Lutherans, Christian Reformed, and Assemblies of God.


9. Besides deep divisions within the Democratic party, the elections of 1924 revealed a. Coolidge's inability to attain Harding's level of popularity. b. the weakness of pro-farmer and pro-labor Progressive reform. c. the turn of the solid South from the Democrats to the Republicans. d. the rise of liberalism within the Democratic party.


9. The phrase "social Gospel" refers to the a. evangelical movement that urged people to turn to God as the solution to social problems and class conflict. b. theories that Protestant liberals developed to reconcile Darwinian theories with the biblical views of human origins and the special creation of species. c. new theories of Biblical interpretation that emphasized the social contexts of ancient religious texts. d. conflict between socialists and traditional religious believers. e. efforts of Christian reformers like Walter Rauschenbusch to apply their religious beliefs to new social problems.

The Boxer Rebellion

A Chinese rebellion against the influence of Western Powers, this group killed hundreds of foreigners before Western armies arrived to stomp them out.


A Mexican farm laborer temporarily brought into the United States.

Japanese Americans

A U.S. minority that was forced into concentration camps during World War II

Ho Chi Minh

A Vietnamese nationalist and communist whose defeat of the French led to calls for American military intervention in Vietnam


A Washington office complex that became a symbol of the widespread corruption of the Nixon administration

The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783

A book by Captain Alfred Mahan arguing that control over the oceans was the key to world domination, spurring growth of many nations' navies.

Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis

A book by the Reverend Josiah strong promoting the idea of Western, particularly American, superiority and calling for Americans to spread their religion and civilization to "backward" peoples.

secondary boycott

A boycott of goods, aimed not at the employer or company directly involved in a dispute but at those who do business with that company.


A combination of corporations, usually in the same industry, in which stockholders trade their stock to a central board in exchange for trust certificates. (By extension, the term came to be applied to any large, semi-monopolistic business.) "He perfected a device for controlling bothersome rivals—the 'trust.'"

1052. Pujo Committee

A committee formed to decide the fate of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War.


A conservative Protestant movement that rejects religious modernism in religion and culture, including biblical higher criticism, and adheres to a strict and literal interpretation of Christian doctrine and Scriptures.

installment plan

A credit system by which goods already acquired are paid for in a series of payments at specified intervals.

Anti-ballistic missile

A defensive missile designed to intercept and destroy an offensive missile in flight


A demonstration in which people occupy a facility for a sustained period to achieve political or economic goals.


A devastating night of Nazi attacks on Jewish businesses and synagogues that signaled a deepening of anti-Semitism and caused revulsion in the United States


A factory where employees are forced to work long hours under difficult conditions for meager wages.


A family of Protestant Christian churches that emphasize a "second baptism" of the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, faith healing, and intense emotionalism in worship.

promissory note

A written pledge to pay a certain person a specified sum of money at a certain time.

1000. Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr.

A famous justice of the Supreme Court during the early 1900s. Called the "Great Dissenter" because he spoke out against the inposition of national regulations and standards, and supported the states' rights to experiment with social legislation.

War Production Board

A federal agency that coordinated U.S. industry and successfully mobilized the economy to produce vast quantities of military supplies

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

A federal agency which insures bank deposits, created by the Glass-Strengall Banking Reform Act of 1933.

1008. Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

A fire in New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911 killed 146 people, mostly women. They died because the doors were locked and the windows were too high for them to get to the ground. Dramatized the poor working conditions and let to federal regulations to protect workers.


A fixed allowance of food or other scarce commodity.


A forcible tax or other imposition.


A forcible tax or other imposition. ". . . [the] income tax [began] with a modest levy on income over $3,000. . . ."

1028. Robert M. LaFollette (1855-1925)

A great debater and political leader who believed in libertarian reforms, he was a major leader of the Progressive movement from Wisconsin.

Robert M. LaFollette

A great debater and political leader who believed in libertarian reforms, he was a major leader of the Progressive movement from Wisconsin.


A hard core of isolationist senators who bitterly opposed any sort of league; also called the "Battalion of Death".


A heavily armored battleship with large batteries of twelve-inch guns.

Progressive Movement

A largely middle-class movement that aimed to use the power of government to correct the economic and social problems of industrialism


A largely middle-class movement that aimed to use the power of government to correct the economic and social problems of industrialism.

1062. Louis Brandeis (1856-1941), "Brandeis Brief"

A lawyer and jurist, he created the "Brandeis Brief," which succinctly outlines the facts of the case and cites legal precedents, in order to persuade the judge to make a certain ruling.

994. Frank Norris (1870-1902), The Octopus

A leader of the naturalism movement in literature, he believed that a novel should serve a moral purpose. Wrote The Octopus in 1901 about how railroads controlled the lives of a group of California farmers. A muckraker novel.

Bruce Barton

A leader of the new advertising industry, author of a pro-business interpretation of Jesus in The Man Nobody Knows

953. American Anti-Imperialist League

A league containing anti-imperialist groups; it was never strong due to differences on domestic issues. Isolationists.


A legal claim by a lender or another party on a borrower's property as a guarantee against repayment, and prohibiting any sale of the property. " . . . storekeepers extended credit to small farmers for food and supplies and in return took a lien on their harvest."


A metal-tubed weapon from which armor-piercing rockets are electronically fired.


A moderate and short-term economic downturn, less severe than a depression

993. Lincoln Steffens (1866-1936), The Shame of the Cities

A muckraker novel concerning the poor living conditions in the cities.

997. David Graham Phillips, The Treason of the Senate

A muckraker novel, it publicized corruption in the Senate after doing research on government leaders.

Upton Sinclair

A muckraking journalist, he wrote The Jungle, which aimed to expose poor working conditions in the Chicago meatpacking industry, but instead led to public outrage over sanitation conditions and the quality of food, leading to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906


A multi-dwelling building, often poor or overcrowded.


A nation that holds the territory of a former colony as the conditional agent of an international body under defined terms.


A person believed to speak with divine power or special gifts, sometimes including predicting the future (hence any specially talented or eloquent advocate of a cause). "Numerous fiery prophets leapt forward to trumpet the Populist cause."

Blue Blood

A person of supposedly "pure blood," presumed to be descended from nobility or aristocracy.

blue blood

A person of supposedly" pure blood," presumed to be descended directly from nobility or aristocracy. "Born into a wealthy and distinguished New York family, Roosevelt, a red-blooded blue blood. . . ."


A person or organization that works to benefit society through uncompensated gifts, services, or benefits; literally, a "lover of humanity."


A person or thing forcibly held in order to obtain certain goals or agreements.


A person or thing forcibly held in order to obtain certain goals or agreements. "Hereafter these distant islands were to be . . . a kind of indefensible hostage given to Japan."


A person who has been banished or driven from her or his country by the authorities.

loan shark

A person who lends money at an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest. "The [farmers] . . . cried out in despair against the loan sharks. . . ."


A person who obtains money illegally by fraud, bootlegging, gambling, or threats of violence.

conscientious objector

A person who refuses to participate in war on grounds of conscience or belief.


A person who turns from one religion or set of beliefs to another.


A political or social system in which individuals are subordinated to mass organization and direction. "He strenuously sought the middle road between unbridled individualism and paternalistic collectivism."


A political or social system in which individuals are subordinated to mass organization and direction. insubordination Deliberate disobedience or challenge to proper authority.


A political system of absolute control, in which all social, moral, and religious values and institutions are put in direct service of the state

Fascist (Fascism)

A political system or philosophy that advocates a mass-based party dictatorship, extreme nationalism, racism, and the glorification of war.


A politician who arouses fervor by appealing to the lowest emotions of a mass audience, such as fear, hatred, and greed.


A poor person, often one who lives on tax-supported charity.


A portion of a battle line that extends forward into enemy territory.


A portion of a deed, contract, or treaty that places conditions or restrictions on the general obligations.


A return of a portion of the amount paid for goods or services. "Other rail barons granted secret rebates. . . ."


A second inference or deduction from a main proposition that is assumed to be established or proven.


A secondary inference or deduction from a main proposition that is assumed to be established or proven. "[Roosevelt] therefore devised a devious policy of 'preventive intervention,' better known as the Roosevelt Corollary of the Monroe Doctrine."


A secret or illegal movement organized in a country to resist or overthrow the government.

red-light district

A section of a city where prostitution is officially or unofficially tolerated.

red-light district

A section of a city where prostitution is officially or unofficially tolerated. ". . . wide-open prostitution (vice-at-a-price) . . . flourished in red-light districts. . . ."


A separatist religious group that claims for itself exclusive knowledge of truth and a superior method of salvation over all other religious organizations.

Neutrality Acts (1935, 1937)

A series of laws enacted by Congress in the mid-1930s that attempted to prevent any American involvement in future overseas wars


A single, defined movement or attack by a military unit


A small territory surrounded by foreign or hostile territory.


A small territory surrounded by foreign or hostile territory. "Though often segregated in Spanish-speaking enclaves, they helped to create a unique borderland culture. . . ."


A small, elite class of authoritarian rulers


A small, elite class of authoritarian rulers.


A social prohibition or rule that results from strict tradition or convention.

fraternal organization

A society of men drawn together for social purposes and sometimes to pursue other common goals. ". . . the Grand Army of the Republic [was] a politically potent fraternal organization of several hundred thousand Union veterans of the Civil War."


A soviet scientific achievement that set off a wave of American concern about Soviet superiority in science and education.


A special tax, usually involving a raised percentage increase on an already existing tax.


A specific act of extreme cruelty.


A specific act of extreme cruelty. "Where atrocity stories did not exist, they were invented."

1048. Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism

A system win which government authority would be balanced and coordinate economic activity. Government would regulate business.


A temporary alliance of political factions or parties for some specific purpose. "The Republicans, now freed from the Union party coalition of war days, enthusiastically nominated Grant. . . ."


A theory or movement that advocates bringing all economic and political power into the hands of labor unions by means of strikes.

Federal Reserve Board

A twelve-member agency appointed by the president to oversee the banking system under a new federal law of 1913

nomadic (nomad)

A way of life characterized by frequent movement from place to place for economic sustenance. ". . . the Sioux transformed themselves from foot-traveling, crop-growing villagers to wide-ranging nomadic traders. . . ."

959. Protectorate

A weak country under the control and protection of a stronger country. Puerto Rico, Cuba, etc. were protectorates of the U.S.


A wealthy businessperson, especially one who openly displays power and position.

Analyzing Evidence: Content and Sourcing

A1 —Explain the relevance of the author's point of view, author's purpose, audience, format or medium, and/or historical context as well as the interaction among these features, to demonstrate understanding of the significance of a primary source. A2 —Evaluate the usefulness, reliability, and/ or limitations of a primary source in answering particular historical questions.

Samuel Gompers


Booker T. Washington

African-American professor who advocated for the teaching of technical/working skills to blacks, but did not uphold complete racial equality for them (moderate). Founded Tuskegee University.


After the Lusitania, Arabic, and Sussex sinkings, Wilson successfully pressured the German government to a. end the use of the submarine against British warships. b. end its attempt to blockade the British Isles. c. publish warnings to all Americans considering traveling on unarmed ships. d. cease from sinking neutral merchant and passenger ships without warning. e. permit Red Cross officials to travel on German submarines to monitor civilian deaths.

Federal Farm Board

Agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it offered farmers insurance against loss of crops due to drought, flood, or freeze. It did not guarantee profit or cover losses due to bad farming.

Nikita Khrushchev

Aggressive Soviet leader whose failed gamble of putting missiles in Cuba cost him his job

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Aggressive eastern railroad builder and consolidator who scorned the law as an obstacle to his enterprise

John D. Rockefeller

Aggressive energy-industry monopolist who used tough means to build a trust based on horizontal integration

Five-Power Naval Treaty

Agreement emerging from the Washington Disarmament Conference that reduced naval strength and established a 5:5:3 ratio of warships among the major naval powers

Winston Churchill

Allied leader who met with FDR to plan strategy at Casablanca and Teheran

Nuremberg Trials

Allied-organized judicial tribunal that convicted and executed top Nazi leaders for war crimes.

Lodge Reservations

Amendments to the proposed Treaty of Versailles, sponsored by Wilson's hated senatorial opponent, that attempted to guarantee America's sovereign rights in relation to the League of Nations.

1001. Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)

American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.

Douglas MacArthur

American military commander in Korea fired by President Harry Truman

George Washington Goethals

American military engineer who built the Panama Canal

Alfred Thayer Mahan

American naval officer who wrote influential books emphasizing sea power and advocating a big navy

Alfred Thayer Mahan

American naval officer who wrote influential books emphasizing sea power and advocation a big navy.

Mary Cassatt

American painter whose sensitive portrayals made her one of the prominent new impressionists.

999. John Dewey (1859-1952): the school and society, "progressive education", "learning by doing"

American philosopher and educator, he led the philosophical movement called Pragmatism. Influenced by evolution, he believed that only reason and knowledge could be used to solve problems. Wanted educational reforms.

Grover Cleveland

American president who refused to annex Hawaii on the grounds that the native ruler had been unjustly deposed.

John Hay

American secretary of state who attempted to preserve Chinese independence and protect American interests in China


American soldiers were especially needed in France in the spring of 1918 because a. the Allied invasion of Germany was stalling and in danger of failing. b. the Italian front was about to collapse and permit the Austro-Hungarians to join German forces in France. c. the British were in danger of starving due to German submarine warfare. d. the Russians had left the Allied war effort and were threatening to switch to the German side. e. a renewed German offensive was threatening to break through to Paris and force France to surrender.

990. Henry Demarest Lloyd (1847-1903), Wealth Against Commonwealth

American writer, he won fame for revealing illegal business practices in the U.S. in the late 1800's. Said many corporations put their interest above the good of the workers. Muckraker novel.

Dawes plan

American-sponsored arrangement for rescheduling German reparations payments that only temporarily eased the international debt tangle of the 1920s and opened the way to private American bank loans to Germany.

Marshall Plan

American-sponsored effort that provided substantial funds for the economic relief and recovery of Western Europe

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Americans convicted and executed for spying and passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union


Among the groups that formed part of the powerful "Roosevelt coalition" in the election of 1936 were a. African Americans, southerners, and Catholics. b. Republicans, New Englanders, and "Old immigrants." c. mid-westerners, small town residents, and Presbyterians. d. businessmen, prohibitionists, and Coughlinites.


Among the major changes vigorously pursued by many American women in the 1920s were a. expanded voting rights and political equality. b. economic equality and equal pay for equal work. c. social reform and family welfare. d. leadership in national business and politics. e. opportunities for adventure and sexual liberation.


Among the political reforms sought by the progressives were a. an end to political parties, political conventions, and the Supreme Court's right to judicial review of legislation. b. an Equal Rights Amendment, federal financing of election campaigns, and restrictions on negative campaigning. c. civil-service reform, racial integration, and free silver. d. initiative and referendum, direct election of senators, and women's suffrage. e. expanded immigration, literacy tests for voting, and federal loans for higher education.

Margaret Sanger

An American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. Popularized the term "birth control", opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established organizations that evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Secretary of the Treasury Mellon

An American financier, he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by President Harding in 1921 and served under Coolidge and Hoover. While he was in office, the government reduced the WW I debt by $9 billion and Congress cut income tax rates substantially. He is often called the greatest Secretary of the Treasury after Hamilton.

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

An Asian alliance, set up by Secretary Dulles on the model of NATO, to help support the anticommunist regime in South Vietnam

Sigmund Freud's Theories

An Austrian physician with new ideas on the human mind. One of the founders of the modern science of psychiatry, discovered the subconscious. Believed that the mind is divided into 3 parts: id - primitive impulse; ego - reason which regulates between the id and reality; and superego - morals.


An abundance of wealth.


Concerning the proper sphere in which authority may be exercised.

city manager

An administrator appointed by the city council or other elected body to manage affairs, supposedly in a nonpartisan or professional way.

city manager

An administrator appointed by the city council or other elected body to manage affairs, supposedly in a nonpartisan or professional way. "Other communities adopted the city-manager system. . . ."


An armed leader or ruler who maintains power by continually waging war, often against other similar rulers or local military leaders, without constitutional authority or legal legitimacy


An arrangement in which a neutral third party conclusively determines the mandatory outcome of a dispute between two parties. (In mediation the third party only serves as a go-between and proposes solutions that the disputing parties may or may not accept.) "A simmering argument between the United States and Canada . . . was resolved by arbitration in 1893."


An arrangement in which a neutral third party conclusively determines the outcome of a dispute between two parties.


An article or clause in a statute, treaty, or contract establishing a particular stipulation or condition affecting the whole document.


An article or clause in a statute, treaty, or contract establishing a particular stipulation or condition that qualifies or modifies the whole document. "This proviso proclaimed . . . that when the United States had overthrown Spanish misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom. . . ."


An associate or partner of a criminal who shares some degree of guilt.


An association of financiers organized to carry out projects requiring very large amounts of capital. "His prescribed remedy was to . . . ensure future harmony by placing officers of his own banking syndicate on their various boards of directors."

Alliance for Progress

An attempt to provide American aid for democratic reform in Latin America that met with much disappointment and frustration


An early event of World War I that led many Americans to sympathize with the Allies against Germany was a. German bribes and payoffs to American journalists. b. the Germans' involvement in overseas imperialism. c. Germany's invasion of neutral Belgium. d. the British refusal to use poison gas in warfare. e. Germany's aerial bombing of civilians in France.

free enterprise

An economic system that permits unrestricted entrepreneurial business activity; capitalism. "Dedicated to free enterprise . . . , they cherished a traditionally keen pride in progress."

991. Thorstien Velben, The Theory of the Leisure Class

An economist, he believed that society was always evolving, but not that the wealthiest members of society were the "fittest." Attacked the behavior of the wealthy. Muckraker novel.

1005. Direct Primary

An election where people directly elect their party's candidates for office. Candidates had previously been selected by party caucuses that were considered elitist and undemocratic. This made elected official more accountable to the people.

1022. Conservation Conference, 1908

An environmental conference to study the nation's natural resources and how to conserve them.

deflation (ary)

An increase in the value of money in relation to available goods, causing prices to fall. Inflation, a decrease in the value of money in relation to goods, causes prices to rise. "It had a noticeable deflationary effect—the amount of money per capita in circulation actually decreased. . . ."


An influential person in a large-scale enterprise.


An official statement of condemnation passed by a legislative body against one of its members or some other official of government. While severe, a censure itself stops short of penalties or expulsion, which is removal from office. "A newspaper exposé and congressional investigation led to formal censure of two congressmen. . . ."


An official who examines publications, mail, literature, and so forth in order to remove or prohibit the distribution of material deemed dangerous or offensive.


An official who examines publications, mail, literature, and so forth in order to remove or prohibit the distribution of material deemed dangerous or offensive. "Their censors sheared away war stories harmful to the Allies. . . ."


An organization for producing, marketing, or consuming goods in which the members share the benefits. ". . . they campaigned for . . . producers' cooperatives. . . ."

9 Historical thinking skills

Analyzing Evidence: Content and Sourcing, Interpretation, Comparison, Causation, Argumentation, Contextualization, Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time, Synthesis, Periodization


Anti-communist Nicaraguan rebels strongly backed by the Reagan administration


Anti-communist Nicaraguan rebels strongly backed by the Reagan administration

Boxer Rebellion

Anti-foreign Chinese revolt of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops, including Americans

Ngo Dinh Diem

Anticommunist leader who set up a pro-American government to block Ho Chi Minh's expected takeover of all Vietnam

Boxer Rebellion

Antiforeign Chinese revolt of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops, including Americans.

commercial paper

Any business document having monetary or exchangeable value.

commercial paper

Any business document having monetary or exchangeable value. "The . . . paper money [was] backed by commercial paper. . . ."

safety valve

Anything, such as the American frontier, that allegedly serves as a necessary outlet for built-up pressure, energy, and so on. "But the 'safety-valve' theory does have some validity."

Federal emergency Relief Administation (FERA)

Appropriated $500 million for aid to the poor to be distributed by state and local government.

952. Treaty of Paris

Approved by the Senate on February 6, 1898, it ended the Spanish-American War. The U.S. gained Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

957. Teller Amendment

April 1896 - U.S. declared Cuba free from Spain, but the Teller Amendment disclaimed any American intention to annex Cuba. 958. Platt Amendment A rider to the Army Appropriations Bill of 1901, it specified the conditions under which the U.S. could intervene in Cuba's internal affairs, and provided that Cuba could not make a treaty with another nation that might impair its independence. Its provisions where later incorporated into the Cuban Constitution.

Oil Embargo

Arab-sponsored restriction on energy exports after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war

977. Drago Doctrine

Argentine jurist, Luis Drago, proposed that European countries could not use force to collect debts owed by countries in the Americas. They could not blockade South American ports. Adopted as part of the Hague Convention in 1907.


As a result of his successful presidential campaign in 1908, William Howard Taft was widely expected to a. advance the issues of women's suffrage and prohibition of alcohol. b. forge a coalition with William Jennings Bryan and the Democrats. c. emphasize foreign policy instead of Roosevelt's domestic reforms. d. turn away from Theodore Roosevelt and toward the conservative wing of the Republican party. e. continue and extend Theodore Roosevelt's progressive policies.


As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay fines to the Allies to repay the costs of the war. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany.


Asian immigrant group that experienced discrimination on the West Coast

Mary Baker Eddy

Author and founder of a popular new religion based on principles of spiritual healing.

William Hope Harvey

Author of the popular pro-silver pamphlet Coin's Financial School

1011. Newlands Reclamation Act, 1902

Authorized the use of federal money to develop the west, it helped to protect national resources.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Autocratic ruler who symbolized ruthlessness and arrogance to many pro-Allied Americans.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Autocratic ruler who symbolized ruthlessness and arrogance to may pro-Allied Americans


B1 —Analyze a historian's argument, explain how the argument has been supported through the analysis of relevant historical evidence, and evaluate the argument's effectiveness. B2 —Analyze diverse historical interpretations.

H. L. Mencken

Baltimore writer who criticized the supposedly narrow and hypocritical values of American society

Billy Sunday

Baseball player and preacher, his baseball background helped him become the most popular evangelist minister of the time. Part of the Fundamentalist revival of the 1920's.

Harvey W. Wiley

Basically the best guy ever, he served as the chief chemist of what is now the Department of Agriculture, ran the "Poison Squad," wrote much of and championed the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

1076. "Sick Man of Europe," Ottoman Empire, Balkan Wars

Because the Ottoman Empire's internal authority had broken down, it was not able to keep order in Macedonia and Albania, and the Balkans were on the verge of war. After the second Balkan war, Bulgaria was forced to surrender much of the territory it won in the first Balkan war.

Richard Olney

Belligerent U.S. secretary of state who used the Monroe Doctrine to pressure Britain in the Venezuelan boundary crisis.


Besides attacking minorities like Catholics, blacks, and Jews, the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s opposed contemporary cultural changes, such as a. evolution and birth control. b. prohibition and higher education. c. automobiles and airplanes. d. patriotism and immigration restriction. e. novels and modern architecture.

The Feminine Mystique

Betty Friedan's 1963 book that launched a revolution against the suburban "cult of domesticity" that reigned in the 1950s

Yalta conference

Big Three wartime conference that later became the focus of charges that Roosevelt had "sold out" Eastern Europe to the Soviet communists

Tuskegee Institute

Black educational institution founded by Booker T. Washington to provide training in agriculture and crafts

Martin Luther King Jr.

Black minister whose 1955 Montgomery bus boycott made him the leader of the civil rights movement

Hellen Keller

Blind and deaf socialist chick (double whammy) Challenged feminine suffrage as lacking true change to social conditions

Nikita Khrushchev

Blustery Soviet leader who frequently challenged Eisenhower with both threats and diplomacy

Jim Fisk

Bold and unprincipled financier whose plot to corner the U.S. gold market nearly succeeded in 1869

Panic of 1907

Brief but sharp economic downturn of 1907, blamed by conservatives on the supposedly dangerous president

Roosevelt Panic of 1907

Brief but sharp economic downturn of 1907, blamed by conservatives on the supposedly dangerous president.

George F. Kennan

Brilliant U.S. specialist on the Soviet Union and originator of the theory that U.S. policy should be to contain the Soviet Union

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Brilliant feminist writer who advocated cooperative cooking and child-care arrangements to promote women's economic independence and equality.

Sandra Day O'Connor

Brilliant legal scholar appointed by Reagan as the first woman justice on the Supreme Court

Sandra Day O'Connor

Brilliant legal scholar appointed by Reagan as the first woman justice on the Supreme Court

Lyndon B. Johnson

Brilliant legislative operator whose domestic achievements in social welfare and civil rights fell under the shadow of his Vietnam disaster

1077. Triple Entente; Allies

Britain, France and Russia all had economic and territorial ambitions and they all disliked Germany, so they formed an alliance for protection.

John Maynard Keynes

British economist whose theories helped justify New Deal deficit spending


Broad movement in Protestantism in the U.S. which tried to preserve what it considered the basic ideas of Christianity against criticism by liberal theologies. It stressed the literal truths of the Bible and creation.

974. Panama Canal

Buit to make passage between Atlantic and Pacific oceans easier and faster.


C1 —Compare diverse perspectives represented in primary and secondary sources in order to draw conclusions about one or more historical events. C2 —Compare different historical individuals, events, developments, and/ or processes, analyzing both similarities and differences in order to draw historically valid conclusions. Comparisons can be made across different time periods, across different geographical locations, and between different historical events or developments within the same time period and/ or geographical location.


C3 —Situate historical events, developments, or processes within the broader regional, national, or global context in which they occurred in order to draw conclusions about their relative significance.


C4 —Make connections between a given historical issue and related developments in a different historical context, geographical area, period, or era, including the present. C5 —Make connections between different course themes and/or approaches to history (such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual) for a given historical issue. C6 —Use insights from a different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government, and politics, art history, anthropology) to better understand a given historical issue. (Note: For European and World History only) .

1037. Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy

Cabinet members who had fought over conservation efforts and how much effort and money should be put into conserving national resources. Pinchot, head of the Forestry Department, accused Ballinger, Secretary of the Interior, of abandoning federal conservation policy. Taft sided with Ballinger and fired Pinchot.

Robert S. McNamara

Cabinet officer who promoted "flexible response" but came to doubt the wisdom of the Vietnam War he had presided over


Caribbean nation where Clinton sent fwenty thousand American troops to restore ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power


Caribbean nation where Wilson sent American marines in 1915.

Virgin Islands

Caribbean territory purchased by the U. S. from Denmark in 1917

Virgin Islands

Caribbean territory purchased by the United States form Denmark in 1917.

1023. Panic of 1907

Caused by mistrust for and lowered confidence in bankers.

Harlem Renaissance

Center for black writers, musicians, and intellectuals.


Characterized by noble or high social standing. "An arrogant class of 'new rich' was now elbowing aside the patrician families. . . ."

Malcolm X

Charismatic Black Muslim leader who promoted separatism in the early 1960s

John. F. Kennedy

Charismatic president whose brief administration experienced domestic stalemate and foreign confrontations with communism

James G. Blaine

Charming but corrupt Half-Breed Republican senator and presidential nominee in 1884

Louis Sullivan

Chicago-based architect whose high-rise innovation allowed more people to crowd into limited urban space.

Chiang Kai-shek

Chinese Nationalist leader whose corrupt and ineffective government fell to communist rebels in 1949

Theodore Roosevelt

Chosen as the running mate to McKinley in 1900 and a former military hero, he gave countless stump speeches, and eventually became the President upon McKinley's death. He was a major proponent of his own "speak softly and carry a big stick" policy.

Grand Army of the Republic

Civil War Union veterans' organization that became a potent political bulwark of the Republican party in the late nineteenth century

White Water

Clinton Arkansas investment deal that spurred a federal special prosecutor and led to widespread investigations of his administration

Operation Desert Storm

Code name for the military operation of the "hundred hour war" that drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait

Operation Desert Storm

Code name for the military operation ofthe "hundred hour war" that drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait

Columbine High School

Colorado high school where a deadly shooting in 1999 stirred a national movement against guns and gun violence

Rough Riders

Colorful volunteer regiment of the Spanish-American War led by a militarily inexperienced but politically influential colonel

Rough Riders

Colorful volunteer regiment of the Spanish-American War led by a militarily inexperienced but politically influential colonel.

Horace Greeley

Colorful, eccentric newspaper editor who carried the Liberal Republican and Democratic banners against Grant in 1872

Leonard Wood

Commander in Spanish-American War who organized the efficient American military government of Cuba.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Commander of the Allied military assault against Hitler in North Africa and France

John J. Pershing

Commander of the American military expedition into Mexico in 1916-1917

John J. Pershing

Commander of the American military expedition into Mexico in 1916-1917.

Douglas MacArthur

Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific during World War II, who fulfilled his promise to return to the Philippines

Chester W. Nimitz

Commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Pacific and brilliant strategist of the island-hopping campaign

John J. Pershing

Commander of the overseas American Expeditionary Force in World War I

Douglas MacArthur

Commander of the troops who forcefully ousted the "army" of unemployed veterans from Washington in 1932

Electoral College

Constitutional institution for choosing presidents that came under severe criticism after the 2000 popular vote winner failed to win the office


Common or unanimous opinion. "How can this apparent paradox of political consensus and partisan fervor be explained?"


Compensation by a defeated nation for damage done to civilians and their property during a war.


Concerning a period of testing or trial, after which a decision is made based on performance. "The probationary period was later extended. . . ."


Concerning a religious parish or small district. (By extension, the term is used, often negatively, to refer to narrow or local perspectives as distinct from broad or cosmopolitan outlooks.)


Concerning political systems in which the government is constituted from the controlling party's members in the legislative assembly.


Concerning the heat released in nuclear fission; specifically, the use of that heat in hydrogen bombs.


Concerning the personal magnetism or appeal of a leader for his or her followers; literally, "gift of grace."

Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939)

Conflict between the rebel fascist forces of General Francisco Franco and the Loyalist government that severely tested U.S. neutrality legislation

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Congressional compromise serving special interest, it raised duties on agricultural and manufactured imports. It may have contributed to the spread of the international depression.

1039. Senator George Norris (1861-1944)

Congressman from Nebraska, he was a reformer Republican who helped lead the rules change of 1910 which ended the arbitrary power of the Speaker. Known as the father of the Tennessee Valley Authority, he was author of the 20th Amendment. Later, while in the Senate, he was an isolationist who tried to keep the U.S. out of WW I.

Barry M. Goldwater

Conservative Republican whose crushing defeat opened the way for the liberal Great Society programs

Phyllis Schlafly

Conservative activist who led a successful movement to stop ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

Contract With America

Conservative campaign platform that led to a sweeping Republican victory in the I994 mid-term elections

boll weevils

Conservative southem Democrats who supported Reagan's economic policies in Congress

Boll Weevils

Conservative southern Democrats who supported Reagan's economic policies in Congress


Contemptuous Latin American term for North Americans.


Contemptuous Latin American term for North Americans. "Challenging Carranza's authority while also punishing the gringos. . . ."

Lend-Lease Act

Controversial 1941 law that made America the arsenal of democracy by providing supposedly temporary military material assistance to Britain

Clarence Thomas

Controversial Supreme Court justice who narrowly won confirmation despite charges of sexual harassment

Unconditional Surrender

Controversial U.S.-British demand on Germany and Japan that substituted for a "second front"

Earl Warren

Controversial jurist who led the Supreme Court into previously off-limits social and racial issues brought about his downfall


Controversial law restricting civil liberties passed in the immediate aftermath of the September ll attacks

Treaty of Versailles

Controversial peace agreement that compromised many of Wilson's Fourteen Points but retained his League.

Henry George

Controversial reformer whose book Progress and Poverty advocated solving problems of economic inequality by a tax on land.

Leopold and Loeb case

Convicted of killing a young boy, Bobby Franks, in Chicago just to see if they could get away with it. Defended by Clarence Darrow, they got life imprisonment. Both geniuses, they had decided to commit the perfect murder. The first use of the insanity defense in court.

Crédit Mobilier

Corrupt construction company whose bribes and payoffs to congressmen and others created a major Grant administration scandal

Randolph Bourne

Cosmopolitan intellectual who advocated cultural pluralism and said America should be "not a nationality by a trans-nationality"

Winston Churchill

Courageous prime minister who led Britain's lonely resistance to Hitler

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989)

Court upheld a law from Missouri that prohibited public employees from performing abortions, unless the life of the mother was threatened. Some states tried to create similar laws.

Bureau of the Budget

Created in 1921, its primary task is to prepare the Annual Budget for presentation every January. It also controls the administration of the budget, improving it and encouraging government efficiency.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Created in 1932 to make loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads, it was intended to provide emergency funds to help businesses overcome the effects of the Depression.

Reconstruction Finance Corp

Created in 1932 to make loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads, it was intended to provide emergency funds to help businesses overcome the effects of the Depression. It was later used to finance wartime projects during WW II.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Created in April 1933. Within 4 months, 1300 camps were in operation and 300,000 men between ages 18 and 25 worked for the reconstruction of cities. More than 2.5 million men lived and/or worked in camps.

Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act

Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and it outlawed banks investing in the stock market.

Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, 1933

Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures the accounts of depositors of its member banks. It outlawed banks investing in the stock market.

Battle of Midway

Crucial naval battle of June 1942, in which U.S. Admiral Chester Nimitz blocked the Japanese attempt to conquer a strategic island near Hawaii

The Birth of a Nation

D. W. Griffith's epic film of 1915 about the Reconstruction era that prompted protests and boycotts by African Americans


D1 —Explain long and /or short-term causes and/or effects of an historical event, development, or process. D2 —Evaluate the relative significance of different causes and/or effects on historical events or processes, distinguishing between causation and correlation and showing an awareness of historical contingency.

Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time

D3 —Identify patterns of continuity and change over time and explain the significance of such patterns. D4 —Explain how patterns of continuity and change over time relate to larger historical processes or themes.


D5 —Explain ways historical events and processes can be organized into discrete, different, and definable historical periods. D6 —Evaluate whether a particular event or date could or could not be a turning point between different, definable historical periods, when considered in terms of particular historical evidence. D7 —Analyze different and/or competing models of periodization.

Anthracite Coal Strike

Dangerous labor conflict resolved by Rooseveltian negotiation and threats against business people

Anthracite Coal Strike

Dangerous labor conflict resolved by Rooseveltian negotiation and threats against business people.

1051. Daniel DeLeon, IWW, Wobblies, "Big Bull" Haywood

DeLeon denounced populists because they believed in free enterprise. Haywood was the leader of the Wobblies. The International Workers of the World (Wobblies) were a militant, radical union. They favored socialism and opposed free enterprise. They were disliked by big business and less radical unions.

1094. Eugene V. Debs imprisoned

Debs repeatedly ran for president as a socialist, he was imprisoned after he gave a speech protesting WWI in violation of the Sedition Act.

1080. British blockade

Declared a loose, ineffectual and hence illegal blockade, it defined a broad list of contraband which was not to be shipped to Germany by neutral countries.

William Jennings Bryan

Democratic party nominee who campaigned and lost on a platform opposing imperialism in the presidential election of 1900


Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress

956. Insular cases

Determined that inhabitants of U.S. territories had some, but not all, of the rights of U.S. citizens.

1042. Secretary of State Knox (1853-1920)

Developed dollar diplomacy with Taft, he encouraged and protected U.S. investment abroad.


Devotion to religious duty and practices.


Devotion to religious duty and practices. ". . . Wilson was reared in an atmosphere of fervent piety."

1070. Mexican Revolution, Diaz, Huerta, Carranza

Diaz was ruler of Mexico for 34 years, and caused much terror and bloodshed. Many people fled to the U.S. to plan a revolution. Huerta, in 1913, overthrew Diaz as dictator and had him murdered. Carranza was the leader of the forces against Huerta. The Mexican Revolution was an unstable situation that led to distrust between the U.S. and Mexico.

General Motors' sit-down strike

Dramatic CIO labor action in 1936 that forced the auto industry to recognize unions

Mother Jones

Dressmaker in Chicago until a fire destroyed her business. She then devoted her life to the cause of workers. Supported striking railroad workers in Pittsburg, and traveled around the country organizing coal miners and campaigning for improved working conditions. Helped pave the way for reform.

1079. Loans to the Allies

During WWII, loans were offered under the Lend-Lease Act, which became law March 11, 1914. The U.S. spent $54 billion.


During the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and the Republican Congress pursued the economic policy of a. encouraging stock and real estate speculation. b. permitting the federal debt to grow substantially in order to stimulate the economy. c. cutting taxes for the wealthy and shifting the tax burden to the middle class. d. promoting higher wages so that the lower income groups could purchase goods and keep the economy growing. e. favoring old industries, like textiles and steel, over new industries, like consumer appliance manufacturing.

free world

During the Cold War, the noncommunist democracies of the Western world, as opposed to communist states.


During the Vietnam War, someone who favored vigorous prosecution or escalation of the conflict.


During the Vietnam War, someone who opposed the war and favored de-escalation or withdrawal by the United States.

Wendell Willkie

Dynamic dark horse Republican presidential nominee who attacked FDR only on domestic policy


E1—Articulate a defensible claim about the past in the form of a clear and compelling thesis that evaluates the relative importance of multiple factors and recognizes disparate, diverse, or contradictory evidence or perspectives. E2 —Develop and support a historical argument, including in a written essay, through a close analysis of relevant and diverse historical evidence, framing the argument and evidence around the application of a specific historical thinking skill ( e.g., comparison, causation, patterns of continuity and change over time, or periodization ). E3 —Evaluate evidence to explain its relevance to a claim or thesis, providing clear and consistent links between the evidence and the argument. E4 —Relate diverse historical evidence in a cohesive way to illustrate contradiction, corroboration, qualification, and other types of historical relationships in developing an argument.

992. Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives

Early 1900's writer who exposed social and political evils in the U.S. Muckraker novel.

Lincoln Steffens

Early muckraker who exposed the political corruption in many American cities, "Shame of the Cities"

LIncoln Steffens

Early muckraker who exposed the political corruption in many American cities.

Lincoln Steffens

Early muckraker who exposed the political corruption in many American cities.

Mario Savio

Early student activist and leader of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California (at Berkeley)


East European nation whose September 1939 invasion by Hitler set off World War II in Europe

Thorstein Veblen

Eccentric economist who criticized the wealthy for conspicuous consumption and failure to serve real human need.

Thorstein Veblen

Eccentric economist who criticized the wealthy for conspicuous consumption and failure to serve real human needs

Keynesian economics (By John Maynard Keynes)

Economic theory of British economist who held that governments should run deliberate deficits to aid the economy in times of depression


Economically and industrially deficient.

1049. Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life

Editor who wrote The Promise of American Life about government authority being used to balance economic activity. This was the basis for Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism."

Hepburn Act

Effective railroad-regulation law of 1906 that greatly strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission

Hepburn Act

Effective railroad-regulation law of 1906 that greatly strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Anwar Sadat

Egyptian leader who signed the Camp David accords with Israel

Anwar Sadat

Egyptian president whose 1978 summit agreement, brokered by President Carter, brought hopes of peace with Israel

John Foster Dulles

Eisenhower's tough-talking secretary of state who wanted to "roll back" communism


Eleanor Roosevelt became an influential figure in the 1930s especially by advocating the cause of a. the impoverished and dispossessed. b. feminists and proponents of sexual liberation. c. farmers and ranchers. d. immigrant ethnic groups and Roman Catholics.

Green Berets

Elite anti-guerrilla military units expanded by Kennedy as part of his doctrine of "flexible response"

Bonus Army

Encampment of unemployed veterans who were driven out of Washington by General Douglas MacArthur's forces in 1932

Adlai E. Stevenson

Eloquent Democratic presidnetial candidate who was twice swamped by a popular Republican war hero

Mary E. Lease

Eloquent Kansas Populist who urged farmers to "raise less corn and more hell"

Terence V. Powderly

Eloquent leader of a secretive labor organization that made substantial gains in the 1880s before it suddenly collapsed

William Jennings Bryan

Eloquent young Congressman from Nebraska who became the most prominent advocate of free silver in the early 1890s

960. Aguinaldo, Philippine Insurrection

Emilio Aguinaldo (1869-1964) led a Filipino insurrection against the Spanish in 1896 and assisted the U.S. invasion. He served as leader of the provisional government but was removed by the U.S. because he wanted to make the Philippines independent before the U.S. felt it was ready for independence.

Theodore Roosevelt

Energetic progressive and vigorous nationalist who refused to wage another third-party campaign in 1916

Theodore Roosevelt

Energetic progressive and vigorous nationalist who refused to wage another third-party campaign in 1916.


Engaging in trivial or useless work; any enterprise characterized by such work.

J. P. Morgan

Enormously wealthy banker whose secret bailout of the federal government in 1895 aroused fierce public anger

Rachel Carson

Environmental writer whose book Silent Spring helped encourage laws like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act

Aldo Leopold

Environmentalist and author who worked in wilderness management for the U.S. forest service for many years and and advocated for responsible treatment of the land on an individual level.


Equivalence in monetary value under different conditions; specifically, in the United States, the price for farm products that would give them the same purchasing power as in the period 1909-1914.

Munn v. Illinois (1877)

Established that states may regulate privately owned businesses in the public's interest. Upheld Granger Laws that regulated railroads

Munich Conference (1938)

European diplomatic conference in 1938, where Britain and France yielded to Hitler's demands for Czechoslovakia

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Exciting vice-presidential candidate from New York in the losing Democratic campaign of 1920

Gertrude Stein

Experimental writer whose Paris salon became a gathering place American writers and artists in the 1920s

John Wesley Powell

Explorer and geologist who warned that traditional agriculture could not succeed west of the 100th meridian

This Side of Paradise

F. Scott Fitzgerald's influential first novel of 1920 that celebrated youth and helped set the tone for emerging jazz age of the decade

Henry A. Wallace

FDR's liberal vice president during most of World War II, dumped from the ticket in 1944

Brian Trust

FDR's reform-minded intellectual advisers, who conceived much of the New Deal legislation

brains trust

FDR's reform-minded intellectual advisors, who conceived much of the New Deal legislation

Good Neighbor Policy

FDR's repudiation of Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, stating his intention to work cooperatively with Latin American nations

Cordell Hull

FDR's secretary of state, who promoted reciprocal trade agreements, especially with Latin America

Adolf Hitler

Fanatical fascist leader of Germany whose aggressions forced the United States to abandon its neutrality

McNary-Haugen Bill

Farm proposal of the 1920s, passed by Congress but vetoed by the president, that provided for the federal government to buy farm surpluses and sell them abroad


Farming and related activities considered as commercial enterprises, especially large corporate agricultural ventures.

Francisco Franco

Fascist rebel against the Spanish Loyalist government

Comstock Law

Federal law promoted by a self-appointed morality crusader and used to prosecute moral and sexual dissidents

Dawes Severalty Act

Federal law that attempted to dissolve tribal landholding and establish Indians as individual farmers

Homestead Act of 1862

Federal law that offered generous land opportunities to poorer farmers but also provided the unscrupulous with opportunities for hoaxes and fraud

land grant

Federally owned acreage granted to the railroad companies in order to encourage the building of rail lines

Newt Gingrich

Fiery Republican Speaker of the House who led his party to great victory in 1994 but resigned after Republican losses in 1998

Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino leader of a guerrilla war against American rule from 1899 to 1901

Corazon Aquino

Filipino leader who ousted dictator Marcos with American backing in 1986 revolt

Corazon Aquino

Filipino leader who ousted dictator Marcos with American backing in 1986 revolt

Triangle Shirtwaist Company

Fire Disastrous industrial fire of 1911 that spurred workmen's compensation laws and some state regulation of wages and hours in New York

Gifford Pinchot

First Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, from 1905 to 1910, who implemented conservation methods, which involved responsible use of the resources on the land, without over-exploitation.

Grover Cleveland

First Democratic president since the Civil War; defender of laissez-faire economics and low tariffs

Louis Brandeis

First Jew to be appointed as a Supreme Court Justice

James Meredith

First black student admitted to the University of Mississippi, shot during a civil rights march in 1966

1012. Forest Reserve Act, 1891

First national forest conservation policy, authorized the president to set aside areas of land for national forests.

Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company

First of the great industrial trusts, organized through the principle of horizontal integration that ruthlessly incorporated or destroyed competitors in an energy industry.

Mary Church Terrell

First president of the National Association of Colored Women who advocated for women's suffrage as well as an anti-lynching campaign.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

First presidential spouse to be given major policy responsibilities and to win election to the United States Senate

Geraldine Ferraro

First woman to be nominated to a major party ticket as Democratic vice presidential candidate in 1984

Geraldine Ferraro

First woman to be nominated to a major party ticket as Democratic vice presidential candidate in 1984

Alice Paul

Leader of the pacifist National Women's Party who opposed U.S. involvement in World War I

Warren G. Harding

Folksy Ohio senator whose 1920 presidential victory ended the last hope for U.S. participation in the League of Nations


Forbidding by law the manufacture, sale, or consumption of liquor. (Temperance is the voluntary abstention from liquor consumption.)

depose(d); deposition

Forcibly remove from office or position.

Henry Ford, the Model T, Alfred P. Sloan

Ford developed the mass-produced Model-T car, which sold at an affordable price. It pioneered the use of the assembly line. Also greatly increased his workers wages and instituted many modern concepts of regular work hours and job benefits. Sloan, an American industrialist, helped found project.

Theodore Dreiser

Foremost American writer in the Naturalism movement, An American Tragedy, written in 1925, criticized repressive, hypocritical society. It tells about a weak young man trying unsuccessfully to rise out of poverty into upper class society who is executed for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend.

1029. Regulatory commissions

Formed to set safety standards and to enforce fair practices of business competition for the sake of the U.S. public.

Leland Stanford

Former California governor and organizer of the Central Pacific Railroad

James B. Weaver

Former Civil War general and Granger who ran as the Greenback Labor party candidate for president in 1880

James Earl Carter

Former Georgia governor whose presidency was plagued by economic difficulties and a crisis in Iran


Former Indian Territory where illegal sooners tried to get the jump on boomers when it was opened for settlement in 1889

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Former New York governor who roused the nation to action against the depression with his appeal to the "forgotten man"

Harry Hopkins

Former New York social worker who became an influential advisor to FDR and head of several New Deal agencies

Daniel Ellsberg

Former Pentagon official who "leaked" the Pentagon Papers

Harold Ickes

Former bull moose progressive who spent billions of dollars on public building projects while carefully guarding against waste.

William Jennings Bryan

Former presidential candidate who led the fight against evolution at the 1925 Scopes Trial

Florence Kelley

Former resident of Hull House; advocated for women and children Successfully lobbied for an anti-sweatshop law in Illinois, founded National Consumer's League

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Former scientific director of the Manhattan Project who joined Albert Einstein in opposing development of the hydrogen bomb

Booker T. Washington

Former slave who promoted industrial education and economic opportunity but not social equality for blacks.

Alexander Graham Bell

Former teacher of the deaf whose invention created an entire new industry

Richard M. Nixon

Former vice president who staged a remarkable political comeback to win presidential election in 1968

Henry A. Wallace

Former vice-president of the U. S. whose 1948 campaign as a pro-Soviet liberal split the Democratic Party

Roger Baldwin

Founded the Civil Liberties Bureau, which aimed to protect the rights of people who were accused under the Espionage and Sedition Acts

1030. Florence Kelley, consumerism

Founded the National Consumer's League, which wanted legislation to protect consumers from being cheated or harmed by big business.

Marcus Garvey

Founder of Universal Negro Improvement Association. Black leader who advocated "black nationalism," and financial independence for Blacks, he started the "Back to Africa" movement. He believed Blacks would not get justice in mostly white nations.

Bull Moose

Four-footed symbol of Roosevelt's Progressive third party in 1912


Freedom or exemption from some imposition. ". . . [the] militia massacred . . . four hundred Indians who apparently thought they had been promised immunity."

Good Neighbor Policy

Franklin Roosevelt described his foreign policy as that of a "good neighbor." The phrase came to be used to describe the U.S. attitude toward the countries of Latin America.


Franklin Roosevelt's presidential campaign in 1932 a. called for large-scale federal spending to reduce unemployment and restore prosperity. b. focused primarily on issues of international trade. c. promised to aid the common man by balancing the federal budget and ending deficits. d. emphasized that there was no way out of the depression in the near future.

Branch Davidian

Fundamentalist group whose compound in Waco, Texas, was assaulted by federal agents in 1993


General Pershing's expedition into Mexico was sent in direct response to the a. refusal of Huerta to abandon power. b. threat of German intervention in Mexico. c. arrest of American sailors in the Mexican port of Tampico. d. killing of American citizens in New Mexico by Pancho Villa. e. Mexican revolutionary persecution of the Catholic Church.


George Creel's Committee on Public Information typified the entire American war effort because it a. maintained respect for American ideals of free speech and dissent even as it promoted the war. b. effectively used statistics and scientific information to enable the government to mobilize for war. c. relied more on whipped-up patriotism and voluntary compliance than on formal laws or government coercion. d. brought all the resources of private business into support of the war effort. e. used the constant threat of government takeover to force business and labor to support the war.

John Ashcroft

George W. Bush's controversial attorney general who sharply restricted civil liberties and detained or deported immigrants suspected of terrorism

Richard Cheney

George W. Bush's vice president who vigorously promoted conservative domestic policies and the invasion of lraq

Albert Einstein

German-born physicist who helped persuade Roosevelt to develop the atomic bomb

Sussex Pledge

Germany's carefully conditional agreement in 1916 not to sink passenger and merchant vessels without warning

Emily Dickinson

Gifted but isolated New England poet, the bulk of whose works were not published until after her death.


Government by an absolute or tyrannical ruler.


Government by the wealthy. "Plutocracy . . . took its stand firmly on the Constitution."

Election of 1920: Democrats

Governor James Cox, with V.P. running mate, FDR. Lost

Ulysses S. Grant

Great military leader whose presidency foundered in corruption and political ineptitude

1047. Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom

He believed that monopolies had to be broken up and that the government must regulate business. He believed in competition, and called his economic plan "New Freedom."

American Mercury

H. L. Mencken's monthly magazine that led the literary attack on traditional moral values, the middle class, and Puritanism

Reform Party

H. Ross Perot's third party that in 1996 received less than halfthe votes Perot had garnered in 1992


H.L. Mencken's magazine, American Mercury, appealed to many young literary rebels by a. encouraging American writers to migrate abroad to Paris. b. promoting a program of progressive economic and social reform. c. its regular publication of sexually explicit writing and images. d. attacking the American middle class, patriotism, and Puritan do-gooders. e. its popular appeal to a great variety of Americans.

Home Owners' Local Corporation (HOLC)

Had authority to borrow money to refinance home mortgages and thus prevent forclosures. It lent over $3 billion to 1 million homeowners.


Harding wanted a return to "normalcy" - the way life was before WW I.

Albert B. Fall

Harding's interior secretary, convicted of taking bribes for leases on federal oil reserves

William James

Harvard philosopher and one of the leading anti-imperialists opposing U.S. acquisition of the Philippines

William James

Harvard philosopher and one of the leading anti-imperialists opposing U.S. acquisition of the Philippines.

William James

Harvard scholar who made original contributions to modern psychology and philosophy.

W.E.B. DuBois

Harvard-educated scholar and advocate of full black social and economic equality through the leadership of a "talented tenth".

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Hated leader of America's enemy in World War I

1003. Richard Ely (1854-1943)

He asserted that economic theory should reflect social conditions, and believed that the government should act to regulate the economy to prevent social injustice.

Sinclair Lewis

He gained international fame for his novels attacking the weakness in American society. The first American to win the Nobel Prize for literature, Main Street (1920) was a satire on the dullness and lack of culture in a typical American town. Babbit (1922) focuses on a typical small business person's futile attempts to break loose from the confinements in the life of an American citizen.

Harry Sinclair

He leased government land to the oil companies and was forced to resign due to the investigation. He was acquitted on the bribery charges.

Ernest Hemingway

He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 and the Pulitzer Prize in 1952. A Farewell to Arms was written in 1929 and told the story of a love affair between an American ambulance driver and a British nurse in Italy during WW I.

Senator George Norris

He served in Congress for 40 years and is often called the Father of the Tennessee Valley Authority, a series of dams and power plants designed to bring electricity to some of the poorest areas of the U.S., like Appalachia.

Bernard Baruch

Head of the war industries board, which intended to impose some order on U.S. war production

1061. Colonel House

He was openly pro-British and was sent to Europe by Wilson to mediate. He would tolerate no interference in matters of foreign policy.

A. Philip Randolph

Head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters whose threatened march on Washington opened job opportunities for blacks during World War II

Civil Works Admnistration (CWA)

Hired unemployed workers to do make-shift jobs like sweeping streets. Sent men ages 18-24 to camps to work on flood control, soil conservation, and forest projects under the War Department. A small monthly payment was made to the family of each member.

Civil Works Admnistration (CWA)

Hired unemployed workers to do make-shift jobs like sweeping streets. Sent men ages 18-24 to camps to work on flood control, soil conservation, and forest projects under the War Department. A small monthly payment was made to the family of each member. During the winter temporarily

safety-valve theory

Historian Frederick Jackson Turner's argument that the continual westward migration into unsettled territory has been the primary force shaping American character and American society

John P. Altgeld

Illinois governor who pardoned the Haymarket anarchists

Ku Klux Klan

Hooded defenders of Anglo-Saxon and Protestant values against immigrants, Catholics, and Jews

Henry Stimson

Hoover's secretary of state, who sought sanctions against Japan for its aggression in Manchuria

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Hoover-sponsored federal agency that provided loans to hard-pressed banks and businesses after 1932

Comstock Lode

Huge silver and gold deposit that brought wealth and statehood to Nevada

Emma Goldman

Iconic "Rebel woman" who developed an anarchist political philosophy in the early 20th century. She was eventually deported for her 'politically motivated murder.'


Intemational trade organization that prompted strong protests from anti-global trade forces in Seattle, Washington in 1999

Act Abu Ghraib

Iraqi prison where alleged American abuse of lraqi prisoners inflamed anti American sentiment in Iraq and beyond

Red Scare, Palmer raids

In 1919, the Communist Party was gaining strength in the U.S., and Americans feared Communism. In January, 1920, Palmer raids in 33 cities broke into meeting halls and homes without warrants. 4,000 "Communists" were jailed, some were deported.

Henry L. Mencken

In 1924, founded The American Mercury, which featured works by new writers and much of Mencken's criticism on American taste, culture, and language. He attacked the shallowness and conceit of the American middle class.


In American diplomacy, the traditional belief that the United States should refrain from involvement in overseas politics, alliances, or wars, and confine its national security interest to its own borders (sometimes along with the Caribbean and Central America). Internationalism or Wilsonianism is the contrasting belief that America's national security requires involvement and sometimes diplomatic or military alliances overseas.

regulatory commission

In American government, any of the agencies established to control a special sphere of business or other activity; members are usually appointed by the president and confirmed by Congress. "It heralded the arrival of a series of independent regulatory commissions in the next century. . . ."

Executive privilege

In American government, the claim that certain information known to the president or the executive branch of government should be unavailable to Congress or the courts because of the principle of separation of powers

pork barrel

In American politics, government appropriations for political purposes, especially projects designed to please a legislator's local constituency. "One [way to reduce the surplus] was to squander it on pensions and 'pork-barrel' bills. . . ."

checks and balances

In American politics, the interlocking system of divided and counter-weighted authority among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

Strikes: 1919, coal, steel, police

In September, 1919, Boston police went on strike, then 350,000 steel workers went on strike. This badly damaged the unions.


In international affairs, a period of relaxed agreement in areas of mutual interest.


In international affairs, a weaker or smaller country held to be under the guidance or protection of a major power; the arrangement is a weaker form of imperialism or colonialism. (A colony is a territory owned outright by a more powerful nation.)

collective security

In international affairs, reliance on a group of nations or an international organization as protection against aggressors, rather than on national self-defense alone.


In international affairs, the blocking of another nation's expansion through the application of military and political pressure short of war.

Sphere of Influence

In international affairs, the territory where a powerful state exercises the dominant control over weaker states or territories.

sphere of influence

In international affairs, the territory where a powerful state exercises the dominant control over weaker states or territories. ". . . they began to tear away valuable leaseholds and economic spheres of influence from the Manchu government."


In international diplomacy, referring to a policy or action undertaken by more than one nation

syndicated (syndication)

In journalism, featured writing or drawing that is sold by an organization for publication in several newspapers.


In politics, a procedure for removing an official from office through popular election or other means.


In politics, a procedure for removing an official from office through popular election or other means. "The 'recall' would enable the voters to remove faithless elected officials. . . ."


In politics, concerning a policy or action undertaken by only one nation.

left (left-wing)

In politics, groups or parties that traditionally advocate progress, social change, greater economic and social equality, and the welfare of the common worker. (The opposite is traditionally groups or parties that advocate adherence to tradition, established authorities, and an acceptance of some degree of economic and social hierarchy.)


In politics, isolating a nation by refusing to have economic or diplomatic dealings with it


In politics, one who believes in continuing social advancement, improvement, or reform.


In politics, one who believes in continuing social advancement, improvement, or reform. "The new crusaders, who called themselves 'progressives,' waged war on many evils. . ."


In politics, someone who pursues political goals in a belligerent way, often using paramilitary means.


In politics, the ability of a popular candidate at the top of a ticket to transfer some of his or her support to lesser candidates on the same ticket.


In politics, the act of dividing a weaker territory or government among several more powerful states.


In politics, the act of dividing a weaker territory or government among several more powerful states. "Those principles helped to spare China from possible partition in those troubled years. . . .

direct primary

In politics, the nomination of a party's candidates for office through a special election of that party's voters.

direct primary

In politics, the nomination of a party's candidates for office through a special election of that party's voters. "These ardent reformers pushed for direct primary elections. . . ."


In politics, the procedure whereby voters can, through petition, present proposed legislation directly to the electorate.


In politics, the procedure whereby voters can, through petition, present proposed legislation directly to the electorate. "They favored the 'initiative' so that voters could directly propose legislation. . . ."


In politics, the right of a people to shape its own national identity and form of government, without outside coercion or influence.


In politics, the right of a people to shape its own national identity and form of government, without outside coercion or influence. ". . . [the Confederacy] . . . partly inspired his ideal of self-determination for people of other countries."


In politics, to choose an individual to run for office without that person's prior solicitation of the nomination. (A military draft, or conscription, legally compels individuals into the armed services.)


In politics, to choose an individual to run for office without that person's prior solicitation of the nomination. (A military draft, or conscription, legally compels individuals into the armed services.) "Instead, they drafted Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes, a cold intellectual who had achieved a solid record as governor of New York."


In psychology, the forcing of instincts or ideas painful to the conscious mind into the unconscious, where they continue to exercise influence.

1071. Mexican Migration to the U.S.

In the 1800's, Mexicans began moving north to work in agriculture. In the 1920's, they moved into the cities. Men outnumbered women. They faced racial discrimination from Whites.

964. Extraterritoriality

In the 1920's, China wated an end to the exemption of foreigners accused of crimes from China's legal jurisdiction.

Harry S Truman

Inconspicuous former senator from Missouri who was suddenly catapulted to national and world leadership on April 12, 1945

Ghost Dance

Indian religious movement, originating out of the sacred Sun Dance that the federal government attempted to stamp out in 1890


Influential group of intellectuals led by Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz who provided key ideas for the "Reagan Revolution"


Influential group ofintellectuals led by lrving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz who provided key ideas for the "Reagan Revolution"

1004. Initiative, referendum, recall

Initiative: people have the right to propose a new law. Referendum: a law passed by the legislature can be reference to the people for approval/veto. Recall: the people can petition and vote to have an elected official removed from office. These all made elected officials more responsible and sensitive to the needs of the people, and part of the movement to make government more efficient and scientific.

Ernest Hemingway

Innovative writer whose novels reflected the disillusionment of many Americans with propaganda and patriotic idealism

Woodrow Wilson

Inspirational leader of the Western world in wartime who later stumbled as a peacemaker

Gerald Nye

Instigator of 1934 Senate hearings that castigated World War I munitions manufacturers as "merchants of death"

workers' (workmen's) compensation

Insurance, provided either by government or employers or both, providing benefits to employees suffering work-related injury or disability.

workers' (workmen's) compensation

Insurance, provided either by government or employers or both, providing benefits to employees suffering work-related injury or disability. " . . . by 1917 thirty states had put workers' compensation laws on the books. . . ."

Populists "People's party"

Insurgent political party that gained widespread support among farmers in the 1890s

William Graham Sumner

Intellectual defender of laissez-faire capitalism who argued that the wealthy owed nothing to the poor

Helsinki Accords

International agreement of 1975, signed by President Ford, that settled postwar European boundaries and attempted to guarantee human rights in Eastern Europe

London Conference (1933)

International economic conference on stabilizing currency that was sabotaged by FDR

Thomas Edison

Inventive genius of industrialization who worked on devices such as the electric light, the phonograph, and the motion picture


Iranian capital where Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met to plan D-Day in coordination with Russian strategy against Hitler in the East

Saddam Hussein

Iraqi dictator defeated by the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf War

Denis Kearney

Irish-born leader of the anti-Chinese movement in California

National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA)

It established code authorities for each branch of industry or business. The code authorities set the lowest prices that could be charged, the lowest wages that could be paid, and the standards of quality that must be observed.

1015. Hepburn Act, 1906

It imposed stricter control over railroads and expanded powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, including giving the ICC the power to set maximum rates.

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Italian American anarchists whose trial and execution aroused widespread protest

Sacco and Vanzetti case

Italian immigrants charged with murdering a guard and robbing a shoe factory in Braintree, Mass. The trial lasted from 1920-1927. Convicted on circumstantial evidence, many believed they had been framed for the crime because of their anarchist and pro-union activities.

Marcus Garvey

Jamaican-born leader who enhanced African American pride despite his failed migration plans

The Lusitania

Large British passenger liner whose sinking in 1915 prompted some Americans to call for war against Germany

981. Russo-Japanese War, Treaty of Portsmouth

Japan had attacked the Russian Pacific fleet over Russia's refusal to withdraw its troops from Mancharia after the Boxer Rebellion (1904-1905) War fought mainly in Korea. Japan victorious, the U.S. mediated the end of the war. Negotiating the treaty in the U.S. increased U.S. prestige. Roosevelt received a Nobel Peace Prize for the mediation.

Four Powers Treaty

Japan, Britain, and France agreed to respect each others possessions in the Pacific.


Japanese emperor who was allowed to stay on his throne, despite unconditional surrender policy


Jiang Jieshi's (Chiang Kai-shek's) pro-American forces, which lost the Chinese civil war to Mao Zedong's (Mao Tse-tung's) communists in 1949

Walter Mondale

Jimmy Carter's vice president who lost badly to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 election

Open Door

John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China

Open Door Policy

John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China.


Joined together by common borders. "Only Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona remained to be lifted into statehood from contiguous territory on the mainland of North America."

996. John Spargo, The Bitter Cry of the Children

Journalist and novelist, he wrote of the unfair treatment of children used as child labor. Stressed better education, better schools and teachers. A muckraker novel.

National Youth Association (NYA)

June 1935 - Established as part of the WPA to provide part-time jobs for high school and college students to enable them to stay in school and to help young adults not in school find jobs.

Hoover Moratorium

June 30, 1931 - Acting on President Hoover's advice, the Allies suspended Germany's reparation payments for one year.

Peace Corp

Kennedy administration program that sent youthful American volunteers to work in underdeveloped countries

971. Hay-Herran Treaty

Kept the purchase price of the canal strip in Panama the same but enlarged the area from 6 to 10 miles.

NSC Memorandum #68

Key U.S. government memorandum that militarized American foreign policy and indicated national faith in the economy's capacity to sustain large military expenditures


Key electoral state where a tiny majority for President Wilson tipped the balance against Republican Charles Evans Hughes in 1916


Key electoral state where a tiny majority for Wilson tipped the balance against Hughes in 1916


Large British passenger liner whose sinking in 1915 prompted some Americans to call for war against Germany

Great Society

LBJ's broad program of welfare legislation and social reform that swept through congress in 1965

1063. LaFollette Seaman's Act

LaFollette was a major leader of the Progressive movement from Wisconsin. He protested the cruel treatment that sailors received and led the fight for this act.

Samuel Gompers

Labor leader who hailed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act as the "Magna Carta of labor"

Samuel Gompers

Labor leader who hailed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act as the "Magna Carta of labor".

Telephone (switchboards)

Late-nineteenth-century invention that revolutionized communications and created a large new industry that relied heavily on female workers


Latin American nation where a 1959 communist revolution ousted a US backed dictator

Fidel Castro

Latin American revolutionary who became economically and militarily dependent on the Soviet Union

Hatch Act

Law of 1939 that prevented federal officials from engaging in campaign activities or using federal relief funds for political purposes

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Law, spurred by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s march from Selma to Montgomery, that guaranteed rights originally given blacks under the Fifteenth Amendment

Robert La Follette

Leader of a liberal third-party insurgency who attracted little support outside the farm belt

Charles A. Lindbergh

Leader of the America First organization and chief spokesman for U.S. isolationism


Leader of the Apaches of Arizona in their warfare with the whites

Mao Zedong

Leader of the Chinese Communists whose revolutionary army seized power in China in 1949

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino insurgents who aided Americans in defeating Spain and taking Manila.

Bill Haywood (Big Bill)

Leader of the IWW after Joseph Ettor was arrested.

Chief Joseph

Leader of the Nez Percé tribe who conducted a brilliant but unsuccessful military campaign in 1877

Eugene Debs

Leader of the Pullman Strike, who became a socialist while in prison then joined the socialist party

987. Lansing-Ishii Agreement, 1917

Lessened the tension in the feuds between the U.S. and Japan by recognizing Japan's sphere of influence in China in exchange for Japan's continued recognition of the Open Door policy in China.

Lansing-Ishii Agreement, 1917

Lessened the tension in the feuds between the U.S. and Japan by recognizing Japan's sphere of influence in China in exchange for Japan's continued recognition of the Open Door policy in China.

Edward Kennedy

Liberal Democratic senator whose opposition to Carter helped divide the Democrats in 1980

Edward Kennedy

Liberal Democratic senator whose opposition to Carter helped divide the Democrats in 1980

Ex parte Milligan (1866)

Limited the President's power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. Ruled that a civilian cannot be tried in military courts while civil courts are available.


Literally, a breaking of sacred images; hence, by extension, any action that assaults ideas or principles held in reverence or high regard.

Saddam Hussein

Long time lraqi dictator who was overthrown by invading American armies in 2003

George H. W. Bush

Long-time Republican political figure who defeated Dukakis for the presidency in 1988

George H.W. Bush

Long-time Republican political figure who defeated Dukakis for the presidency in 1988

Election of 1936

Lopsided but bitter campaign that saw disadvantaged economic groups line up in a kind of "class warfare" against those better off

Huey Long

Louisiana senator and popular mass agitator who promised to make "every man a king" at the expense of the wealthy

Pearl Harbor

Major American Pacific naval base devastated in a surprise attack in December 1941

International Business Machines (IBM)

Major international corporation that symbolized the early computer and "information age"

Nez Percé

Major northern Plains Indian nation that fought and eventually lost a bitter war against the U.S. Army, 1876-1877


Many of the prominent new writers of the 1920s were a. fascinated by their historical roots in old New England. b. disgusted with European domination of American culture. c. interested especially in nature and social reform. d. rooted in the traditions and values of the South. e. highly critical of traditional American Puritanism and small-town life.

"Bank Holiday"

March 11, 1933 - Roosevelt closed all banks and forbade the export of gold or redemption of currency in gold.

"Pancho" Villa

Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U. S. expedition into Mexico

Emergency Banking Relief Act, 1933

March 6, 1933 - FDR ordered a bank holiday. Many banks were failing because they had too little capital, made too many planning errors, and had poor management. The _____ provided for government inspection, which restored public confidence in the banks

United Negro Improvement Association

Marcus Garvey's self-help organization that proposed to the resettlement of blacks in Africa

Gilded Age

Mark Twain's sarcastic name for the post-Civil War era, which emphasized its atmosphere of greed and corruption

"Pancho" Villa

Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U.S. expedition into Mexico.

Calvin Coolidge

Massachusetts governor and Warren G. Harding's vice presidential running mate in the election of 1920

Helen Hunt Jackson

Massachusetts writer whose books aroused sympathy for the plight of the Native Americans

Rural Electrificaion Committee (REA)

May 1936 - Created to provide loans and WPA labor to electric cooperatives to build lines into rural areas not served by private companies.

1032. Tom Johnson, Sam (Golden Rule) Jones, Brand Witlock, Hazen Pingree

Mayors for social reform, they wanted a reform of values over more legislation.

General Huerta

Mexican revolutionary whose bloody regime Wilson refused to recognize and nearly ended up fighting

General Huerta

Mexican revolutionary whose bloody regime Wilson refused to recognize and nearly ended up fighting.

Bretton Woods Conference

Meeting of Western Allies during World War II that established the economic structures to promote recovery and enhance FDR's vision of an "open world"


Member of a small, elite military force trained to carry out difficult missions, often within territory controlled by the enemy

Zimmerman Note

Message that contained a German proposal to Mexico for an anti-American alliance.

Oliver H. Kelley

Minnesota farm leader whose Grange organization first mobilized American farmers and laid the groundwork for the Populists

Eugene J. McCarthy

Minnesota senator whose anti-war "Children's Crusade" helped force Johnson to alter his Vietnam policies

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Minnesota-born writer whose novels were especially popular with young people in the 1920s

John McCain

Moderate Republican senator who led the crusade for campaign finance reform but lost 2000 presidential nomination to George W. Bush

unsecured loans

Money loaned without identification of collateral (existing assets) to be forfeited in case the borrower defaults on the loan. "The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company had made unsecured loans to several companies that went under."

Ida Tarbell

Muckraker that wrote A History of the Standard Oil Company and exposed the horrible practices associated with the corporation.

mumbo jumbo

Mysterious and unintelligible words or behavior. "Kelley, a Mason, even found farmers receptive to his mumbo jumbo of passwords and secret rituals. . . ."

WEB DuBois



Name given to the makeshift shanty towns built in vacant lots during the Depression.


Nation to which the U.S. promised independence in the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934


Nation whose senate in 1902 refused to ratify a treaty permitting the United States to build a canal across its territory.


Nation whose senate, in 1902, refused to ratify a treaty permitting the United States to build a canal across its territory


Nation whose sudden fall to Hitler in 1940 pushed the United States closer to direct aid to Britain

1009. Anti-Saloon League

National organization set up in 1895 to work for prohibition. Later joined with the WCTU to publicize the effects of drinking.


National policy created by the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, which led to widespread lawbreaking and the rise of organized crime.

Queen Liliuokalani

Native Hawaiian ruler overthrown in a revolution lead by white planters and aided by U.S. troops.

Queen Liliuokalani

Native Hawaiian ruler overthrown in a revolution led by white planters and aided by U.S. troops


Nativist organization that attacked New Immigrants and Roman Catholicism in the 1880s and 1890s

George E. Dewey

Naval commander whose spectacular May Day victory in 1898 opened the doors to American imperialism in Asia

George E. Dewey

Naval commander whose spectacular May Day victory in 1898 opened the doors to American imperialism in Asia.

Teapot Dome

Naval oil reserve in Wyoming that gave its name to one of the major Harding administration scandals

1059. Arbitration Treaties

Negotiated by U.S. using arbitration, the mediation of a dispute, Taft promoted these agreements as an alternative to war in Latin America and Asia.

Securities and Exchange Commission

New Deal agency established to provide a public watchdog against deception and fraud in stock trading

Security and Exchange Commission

New Deal agency established to provide a public watchdog against deception and fraud in stock trading

Tennessee Valley Authority

New Deal agency that aroused string conservative criticism by producing low cost electrical power in competition with private utilities

Tennessee Valley Authority

New Deal agency that aroused strong conservative criticism by producing low-cost electrical power while providing full employment, soil conservation, and low cost housing to an entire region

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

New Deal farm agency that attempted to raise prices by paying farmers to reduce their production of crops and animals

Social Security Act

New Deal program that financed old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and other forms of income assistance

Social Security

New Deal program that financed old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and other forms on income assistance

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

New York City disaster that underscored urban workers' need for government protection.

Samuel Tilden

New York prosecutor of Boss Tweed who later lost in the disputed presidential election of 1876

Robert F. Kennedy

New York senator whose anti-war campaign for the presidency was ended by an assassin's bullet in June 1968


New York suburb where post war builders pioneered the techniques of mass home construction

Sit-ins and Freedom Rides (non-violent protest)

New civil rights technique developed in the 1960s to desegregate lunch counters and other public facilities in the South

United Nations

New international organization that experienced some early successes in diplomatic and cultural areas but failed in areas like atomic arms control

Federal Trade Commission

New presidentially appointed regulatory commission designed to prevent monopoly and guard against unethical trade practices

Federal Trade Commission

New presidentially appointed regulatory commission designed to prohibit unfair business competition, unethical advertising, and labeling practices


New underwater weapon that threatened neutral shipping and seemed to violate all traditional norms of international law

submarine (u-boat)

New underwater weapon that threatened neutral shipping and seemed to violate all traditional norms of international law

Southern Strategy

Nixon's plan to win reelection by curbing the Supreme Court's judicial activism and soft-pedaling civil rights

Grandfather Clause

Notorious clause in southern voting laws that exempted from literacy tests and poll taxes anyone whose ancestors had voted in 1860, thereby excluding blacks

1054. Underwood-Simmons Tariff

October 13, 1913 - Lowered tariffs on hundreds of items that could be produced more cheaply in the U.S. than abroad.


Officially granted certificates for benefits of a particular kind, redeemable by a designated agency or service provider.

1072. "Watchful Waiting"

Often said by President Monroe during the U.S.'s isolationism period, when the U.S. was trying to stay out of the affairs of other countries in order to avoid war.

Jacob S. Coxey

Ohio businessman who led his Commonweal Army to Washington, seeking relief and jobs for the unemployed

Marcus Alonzo Hanna

Ohio industrialist and organizer of McKinley's victory over Bryan in the election of 1896


One major impact of prohibition was a. a rise in criminal organizations that supplied illegal liquor. b. an improvement in family relations and the general moral tone of society. c. a turn from alcohol to other forms of substance abuse. d. the rise of voluntary self-help organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous. e. a heightened respect for law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels.


One of the few new consumer products of the 1920s that encouraged people to stay at home rather than pulling them away from home and family


Organization founded by W. E. B. Du Bois and others to advance black social and economic equality

American Liberty League

Organization of wealthy Republicans and conservative Democrats whose attacks on the New Deal cause Roosevelt to denounce them as "economic royalists" in the campaign of 1936

American Liberty League

Organization of wealthy Republicans and conservative Democrats whose attacks on the New Deal caused Roosevelt to denounce them as economic royalists in the campaign of 1936

Samuel Gompers

Organizer of a conservative craft-union group and advocate of more wages for skilled workers

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), John L. Lewis

Originally formed by leaders within the AFL who wanted to expand its principles to include workers in mass produciotn industries. In 1935, they created coalation of the 8 unions comprising the AFL and the United Mine Workers of America, led by John L. Lewis. After a split within the organization in 1938, the ___ was established as a separate entity.

1035. Department of Labor

Originally started in 1903 as the Department of Commerce and Labor, it was combined with the Bureau of Corporations in 1913 to create the Department of Labor

George C. Marshall

Originator of a massive program for economic relief and recovery of devastated Europe

965. Most Favored Nation Clause

Part of RTA Act in 1834, allowed a nation to make a special agreement with another nation and give them a preferential low tariff rate.


Particularly violent strikes erupted during and after World War I in a. the shipping and railroad industries. b. the steel industry. c. the textile and clothing manufacturing industries. d. factories employing women war workers. e. Chicago and East St. Louis.

Twenty-First Amendment

Passed February, 1933 to repeal the 18th Amendment (Prohibition). Congress legalized light beer. Took effect December, 1933. Based on recommendation of the Wickersham Commission that Prohibition had lead to a vast increase in crime.

1064. Federal Highways Act, 1916

Passed by Wilson, it provided federal money to build roads. It helped to provide competition to the railroads' monopoly on public transportation.

Lewis W. Hine

Photograph journalist who exposed child labor in factories and poor living conditions for immigrants

The New Deal

Phrase used to describe all of Franklin Roosevelt's policies and programs to combat the Great Depression

Berlin Wall

Physical symbol of the Cold War and divided Europe that came down in 1989

Berlin Wall

Physical symbol ofthe Cold War and divided Europe that came down in 1989

Benjamin Spock

Physician who provided advice on child rearing to baby-boomers' parents after World War II


Pittsburgh radio station that was one of the first radio stations to pioneer in commercial radio broadcasting in 1920. By 1922 there were 508 radio stations

Lochner v. New York

Supreme Court ruling that overturned a progressive law mandating a ten-hour workday

Dwight L. Moody

Popular evangelical preacher who brought the tradition of old-time revivalism to the industrial city.


Popular journalists who used publicity to expose corruption and attack abuses of power in business and government


Popular journalists who used publicity to expose corruption and attack abuses of power in business and government.

Star Wars

Popular name for Reagan's proposed space-based nuclear defense system, officially called the Strategic Defense Initiative

Star Wars

Popular name for Reagan's proposed space-based nuclear defense system, officially called the Strategic Defense Initiative

GI Bill

Popular name for the Serviceman's Readjustment Act, which provided education and economic assistance to former soldiers

Coin's Financial School

Popular pamphlet written by William Hope Harvey that portrayed pro-silver arguments triumphing over the traditional views of bankers and economics professors

Billy Graham

Popular religious evangelical who effectively used the new medium of television


Popular term for American soldiers during World War I

Hundred Days(Emergency) Congress

Popular term for the special session of Congress in early 1933 that rapidly passed vast quantities of Roosevelt-initiated legislation and handed the president sweeping power

Gold Bugs

Popular term for those who favored the status quo in metal money and opposed the pro-silver Bryanites in 1896

Tampico and Vera Cruz

Ports where clashes between Mexicans and American military forces nearly led to war in 1914

Tampico and Vera Cruz

Ports where clashes between Mexicans and American military forces nearly led to war in 1914.

Dawes Plan

Post-WW I depression in Germany left it unable to pay reparation and Germany defaulted on its payments in 1923. In 1924, U.S. Vice President formulated a plan to allow Germany to make its reparation payments in annual installments. This plan was renegotiated and modified in 1929 by U.S. financier Owen Young.

Standard Oil Company

Powerful corporation broken up by a Taft-initiated antitrust suit in 1911

Standard Oil Company

Powerful corporation broken up by a Taft-initiated antitrust suit in 1911.

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Powerful progressive women's organization that sought to "make the world homelike" by outlawing the saloon and the product it sold

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Powerful progressive women's organization that sought to "make the world homelike" by outlawing the saloon and the product it sold.

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Powerful women's reform organization led by Frances Willard

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Powerful women's reform organization led by Frances Willard.


Precious metal that soft-money advocates demanded be coined again to compensate for the Crime of '73

Al Gore

President Clinton's loyal vice president who won the most popular votes but lost the election of 2000


President Theodore Roosevelt ended the major Pennsylvania coal strike by a. asking Congress to pass a law improving miners' wages and working conditions. b. passing federal legislation legalizing unions. c. forcing the mine owners and workers to negotiate by threatening to seize the coal mines and operate them with federal troops. d. declaring a national state of emergency and ordering the miners back to work. e. mobilizing the public to write letters urging the two parties to settle their dispute.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

President of the National Woman Suffrage Association who earlier in her life composed the Declaration of Sentiments proposed at the Seneca Falls Convention.

Frances Willard

President of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Crucial in the passage of both the 18th and 19th amendments

William McKinley

President who initially opposed war with Spain but eventually supported U.S. acquisition of the Philippines

William McKinley

President who initially opposed war with Spain but eventually supported U.S. acquisition of the Philippines.

James Garfield

President whose assassination after only a few months in office spurred the passage of a civil-service law

Eleanor Roosevelt

Presidential wife who became an effective lobbyist for the poor during the New Deal

Russell Conwell

Pro-business clergyman whose "Acres of Diamonds" speeches criticized the poor

Gifford Pinchot

Pro-conservation federal official whose dismissal by Taft angered Roosevelt progressives

Gifford Pinchot

Pro-conservation federal official whose dismissal by Taft angered Roosevelt progressives.

Social Work

Profession established by Jane Addams and others that opened new opportunities for women while engaging urban problems


Progressive Republicans grew deeply disillusioned with Taft, especially over the issues of a. dollar diplomacy and military intervention in the Caribbean and Central America. b. labor union protections and women's rights. c. trust-busting, tariffs, and conservation. d. regulation of the banking and railroad industries. e. tax policy and international trade.


Progressive device that would enable voters to remove corrupt or ineffective officials from office


Progressive device that would enable voters to remove corrupt or ineffective officials from office.

Hiram Johnson

Progressive governor of California who broke the stranglehold of the Southern Pacific Railroad on the state's politics

Hiram Johnson

Progressive governor of California who broke the stronghold of the SOuthern Pacific Railroad on the state's politics.


Progressive intellectuals, like Horace Kallen and Randolph Bourne, differed from most Americans of the 1920s in believing that a. the continuing divisions of language and religion among the working class enabled employers to exploit workers and crush unions. b. southern and eastern European cultures were as sophisticated as those from northern and western Europe. c. racial and economic justice was more important that cultural issues. d. immigrants should be able to preserve elements of their culture and not be forced to conform to a single American model. e. the U.S. government should recognize more than one official language.

Seventeenth Amendment

Progressive measure that required U.S. senators to be elected directly by the people rather than by state legislatures

Seventeenth Amendment

Progressive measure that required U.S. senators to be elected directly by the people rather than by state legislatures.

Upton Sinclair

Progressive novelist who sought to aid industrial workers, but found his book, The Jungle, instead inspiring middle-class consumer protection

Upton Sinclair

Progressive novelist whose ought to aid industrial workers, but found his book, The Jungle, in stead inspiring middle-class consumer protection.


Progressive proposal to allow voters to bypass state legislatures and propose legislation themselves


Progressive proposal to allow voters to bypass state legislatures and propose legislation themselves.

1025. Mark Hanna (1839-1904)

Prominent Republican senator and businessman, he was Republican campaign manager.


Prominent among those who aroused the progressive movement by stirring the public's sense of concern were a. socialists, social gospelers, women, and muckraking journalists. b. union leaders, machine politicians, immigrants, and engineers. c. bankers, salesmen, congressmen, and scientists. d. athletes, entertainers, filmmakers, and musicians. e. farmers, miners, Latinos, and African Americans.

Jerry Falwell

Prominent evangelical minister, leader of the Moral Majority

Equal Rights Amendments

Proposed constitutional amendment promoting women's rights that fell short of ratification

Emergency Banking Relief Act

Provided for government inspection, which restored public confidence in the banks.

Esch-Cummins Transportation Act

Provided for the return of railroads to private control, widened powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Title IX

Provision of the 1972 Education Amendments that prohibited gender discrimination and opened sports and other arenas to women


Public lands designated for use by Indians. "The vanquished Indians were finally ghettoized on reservations. . . ."

James J. Hill

Public-spirited railroad builder who assisted farmers in the northern areas served by his rail lines

Shah of Iran

Repressive pro-Western ruler whose 1979 overthrow precipitated a crisis for the United States


Radio and the movies both had the cultural effect of a. increasing Americans' interest in history and literature. b. enabling the sophisticated culture of the wealthy elite to spread to the masses. c. encouraging producers of culture to adapt their products to a wide a variety of individual tastes. d. encouraging local creativity and ending cultural dependence on a few big cities. e. increasing standardized mass culture and weakening traditional forms of family and neighborhood culture.

Eugene V. Debs

Railway union leader who converted to socialism while serving jail time during the Pullman strike

Nine Powers Treaty

Reaffirmed the Open Door Policy in China.

Joseph R. McCarthy

Reckless and power-hungry demagogue who intimidated even President Eisenhower before his bubble burst

Richard Nixon

Red-hunter turned world-traveling diplomat who narrowly missed becoming president in 1960

red ink

Referring to a deficit in a financial account, with expenditures or debts larger than income or assets

red ink

Referring to a deficit in a financial account, with expenditures or debts larger than income or assets.

blank check

Referring to permission to use an unlimited amount of money or authority.

civil service

Referring to regular employment by government according to a standardized system of job descriptions, merit qualifications, pay, and promotion, as distinct from political appointees who receive positions based on affiliation and party loyalty. "Congress also moved to reduce high Civil War tariffs and to fumigate the Grant administration with mild civil service reform."

962. Spheres of influence

Region in which political and economic control is exerted by on European nation to the exclusion of all others. Spheres of influence appeared primarily in the East, and also in Africa.

1053. Federal Reserve Act

Regulated banking to help small banks stay in business. A move away from laissez-faire policies, it was passed by Wilson.

autocratic (autocracy)

Relating to authoritarian or repressive government or institutional practices.


Relating to the organization and movement of substantial quantities of people and material in connection with some defined objective


Relating to the organization and movement of substantial quantities of people and material in connection with some defined objective.

Samoan Islands

Remote Pacific site of a naval clash between the United States and Germany in 1889

Half Breeds

Republican party faction led by Senator James G. Blaine that paid lip service to government reform while still battling for patronage and spoils


Republican party faction led by Senator Roscoe Conkling that opposed all attempts at civil-service reform

Thomas E. Dewey

Republican presidential nominee in 1944 who failed in his effort to deny FDR a fourth term

Alfred M. Landon

Republican who carried only two states against "The Champ," in 1936

Election of 1920: Republicans

Republican, Warren G. Harding, with V.P. running mate Coolidge

966. Election of 1900: candidates, issues

Republican, William McKinley defeated Democrate, Williams Bryan. The issue was imperialism.

Immigration Act of 1924

Restrictive legislation of 1924 that reduced the number of newcomers to the U.S. and discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe


Roosevelt finally decided to break with the Republicans and form a third party because a. he had always regarded the Republican party as too conservative. b. he could no longer stand to be in the same party with Taft. c. Taft had used his control of the Republican party machine to deny Roosevelt the nomination. d. Roosevelt believed that he would have a better chance of winning the presidency as a third-party candidate. e. he believed he could win the support of Woodrow Wilson and other mainstream Democrats.


Roosevelt's first bold action of the Hundred Days was a. taking the nation off the gold standard. b. declaring a national bank holiday. c. legalizing labor strikes and job actions. d. doubling relief for the unemployed.

Court - Packing Plan

Roosevelt's highly criticized scheme for gaining Supreme Court approval of New Deal legislation

Square Deal

Roosevelt's policy of having the federal government promote the public interest by dealing evenhandedly with both labor and business

967. Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy

Roosevelt said, "walk softly and carry a big stick." In international affairs, ask first but bring along a big army to help convince them. Threaten to use force, act as international policemen. It was his foreign policy in Latin America.

1010. Square Deal

Roosevelt used this term to declare that he would use his powers as president to safeguard the rights of the workers.


Roosevelt was blamed by big business for the Panic of 1907 because a. his progressive boat-rocking tactics had allegedly unsettled industry and undermined business confidence. b. his policies of regulating and protecting industrial workers had caused a depression. c. his inability to establish a stable monetary policy led to a Wall Street crash. d. the public wanted him to run again for president in 1908. e. his administration had run up enormous federal deficits.

Quarantine Speech

Roosevelt's 1937 speech that proposed strong U.S. measures against overseas aggressors


Roosevelt's Agricultural Adjustment Administration met sharp criticism because a. it failed to raise farm prices. b. it actually contributed to soil erosion on the Great Plains. c. it raised prices by paying farmers to slaughter animals and not grow crops. d. it relied too much on private bank loans to aid farmers.


Roosevelt's National Recovery Administration (NRA) ended when a. Dr. Francis Townsend attacked it as unfair to the elderly. b. Congress refused to provide further funding for it. c. it came to be considered too expensive for the results achieved. d. the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.


Roosevelt's attempt to "pack" the supreme Court proved extremely costly because a. the court members he appointed still failed to support the New Deal. b. Congress began proceedings to impeach him. c. its failure ended much of the political momentum of the New Deal. d. many of his New Deal supporters turned to back Huey Long.

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Roosevelt's doctrine of "preventative intervention", which led to the United States' assumption of many Caribbean debts and a souring of relations between the United States and many Central and Southern American nations.

Cohens v. Virginia (1821)

Ruled that a state court's decision is subject to review by the U.S. Supreme Court

*Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)

Ruled that congressional districts within states should be as nearly equal as possible.


Ruling leftist party of Nicaragua fiercely opposed by the Reagan administration

Joseph Stalin

Russian dictator who first helped Hitler destroy Poland before becoming a victim of Nazi aggression in 1941

Philippe Bunau-Varilla

Scheming engineer who helped stage a revolution in Panama and then became the new country's instant foreign minister

Andrew Carnegie

Scottish immigrant who organized a vast new industry on the principle of vertical integration

John Muir

Scottish-American naturalist, author, and advocate of preservation of wilderness, who helped to establish the Sierra Club and Yosemite National Park.

Venustiano Carranza

Second revolutionary Mexican president, who took aid form the United States but strongly resisted American military intervention in his country.

Venustiano Carranza

Second revolutionary Mexican president, who took aid from the U. S. but strongly resisted American military intervention in his country.

Knights of Labor

Secret, ritualistic labor organization that enrolled many skilled and unskilled workers but collapsed suddenly after the Haymarket Square bombing

983. Elihu Root

Secretary of War under Roosevelt, he reorganized and monderized the U.S. Army. Later served as ambassador for the U.S. and won the 1912 Nobel Peace Prize.

Herbert Hoover

Secretary of commerce through much of the 1920's whose reputation for economic genius became a casualty of the Great Depression


Secretly storing up quantities of goods or money.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Senator Norris. A public corporation headed by a 3-member board. Built 20 dams, conducted demonstration projects for farmers, and engaged in reforestation to rehabilitate the area.

Foreign Relations Committee

Senatorial committee whose chairman used delaying tactics and hostile testimony to develop opposition to Wilson's treaty and League of Nations.

William Borah

Senatorial leader of the isolationist "irreconcilables" who absolutely opposed all American involvement in Europe

Hull House

Settlement house in the Chicago slums that became a model for women's involvement in urban social reform

Liberal Republicans

Short-lived third party of 1872 that attempted to curb Grant administration corruption


Shorthand name for the Southern and Western regions of the U.S. that experienced the highest rates of growth after World War II

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Shorthand phrase for compromise policy that emerged after Clinton's failed attempt to end ban on gays and lesbians in the military

Gibson Girl

Shorthand term for the image of the independent and athletic new woman created by a popular magazine illustrator of the late nineteenth century.

Five Powers Treaty

Signed as part of the Washington Naval Conference, U.S., Great Britain, Japan, France, and Italy set a ten year suspension of construction of large ships and set quotas for the number of ships each country could build.

1016. Mann-Elkins Act, 1910

Signed by Taft, it bolstered the regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and supported labor reforms. It gave the ICC the power to prosecute its own inquiries into violations of its regulations.


Site of 1943 Rosevelt-Churchhill conference in North Africa, at which the Big Two planned the invasion of Italy and further steps in the Pacific war

Sand Creek, Colorado

Site of Indian massacre by militia forces in 1864


Site of a naval base where Japan launched a devastating surprise attack on the United States

Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village (New York City)

Site of an off-duty police raid in 1969 that spurred gay and lesbian activism

Little Big Horn

Site of major U.S. Army defeat in the Sioux War of 1876-1877


Site of the dramatic American naval victory that led to U.S. acquisition of rich, Spanish-owned Pacific islands

Manila Bay

Site of the dramatic American naval victory that led to U.S. acquisition of rich, Spanish-owned Pacific islands.

Bay of Pigs

Site where anti-Castro guerrilla forces failed in their U.S-sponsored invasion

McKinley Tariff

Sky-high Republican tariff of 1890 that caused widespread anger among farmers in the Midwest and the South

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Sky-high tariff bill of 1930 that deepened the depression and caused international financial chaos


Small East European democracy betrayed into Hitler's hands at Munich


Small European nation in which an Austro-Hungarian heir was killed, leading to the outbreak of WWI


Small European nation in which an Austro-Hungarian heir was killed, leading to the outbreak of World War I.


Small European nation whose neutrality was violated by Germany in the early das of World War I.


Small European nation whose neutrality was violated by Germany in the early days of WWI


Small, traditional tribal territory ruled by a sheik, an hereditary Arab chieftain.

Eugine V. Debs

Socialist leader who won nearly a million votes as a presidential candidate while in federal prison for antiwar activities

1002. Edward Ross (1866-1951)

Sociologist who promoted "social psychology," the belief that social environment affected the behavior of individuals. He believed that practical solutions to current problems should be derived through the united efforts of church, state and science, and that the citizens should actively try to cure social ills rather than sit passively and wait for corrections.

Greenback Labor Party

Soft-money third party that polled over a million votes and elected fourteen congressmen in 1878 by advocating inflation


Someone considered incompetent to manage his or her own affairs and therefore placed under the legal guardianship of another person or group. ". . . there [they had] to eke out a sullen existence as wards of the government."


Someone under the patronage, protection, or tutelage of another person or group.


Someone who dissents, especially from an established or normative institution or position.


Someone who glorifies military values or institutions and extends them into the political and social spheres

Social Darwinists

Somewhat misleading term to describe the ideas of theorists like Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner, who claimed that vast wealth was the result of the natural superiority of those who achieved it.

George W. Bush

Son of a former president whose narrow election as president in 2000 did not prevent him from pursuing a strong conservative agenda in office


South American nation that nearly came to blows with the United States in 1892 over an incident involving the deaths of American sailors


South American nation that nearly came to blows with the United States in 1892 over an incident involving the deaths of American sailors.

George McGovern

South Dakota senator whose antiwar campaign was swamped by Nixon

Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Souther-born intellectual who pursued strong moral goals in poetics and the presidency.

Henry Grady

Southern newspaper editor who tirelessly promoted industrialization as the salvation of the economically backward South

Strom Thurmond

Southern segregationist who led Dixiecrat presidential campaign against Truman in 1948

Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Southern-born intellectual who pursued strong moral goals in politics and the presidency


Southwestern Indian tribe led by Geronimo that carried out some of the last fighting against white conquest

Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet leader whose summit meetings with Reagan achieved an arms-control breakthrough in 1987

"Butcher" Weyler

Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion

"Butcher" Weyler

Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion.

1038. Uncle Joe Cannon (1836-1926), Old Guard

Speaker of the House, he could make or break legislation form 1903 to 1910. He represented the Old Guard, which controlled Congress, and his arbitrary tactics led to the adoption of resolutions in 1910 limiting the power of the Speaker.

Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)

State Supreme Court decision. Declared that labor unions were lawful organizations and that the strike was a lawful weapon. First time any state had ruled unions legal. (National status - Wagner Act 1935)

Cross of Gold

Spectacular convention speech by a young pro-silver advocate that brought him the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896

1007. Charles Evans Hughes (1862-1948)

Started government regulation of public utilities. He was Secretary of State under Harding and later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was the Republican candidate in 1916, and lost to Wilson by less that 1% of the vote.


Strong political challenges to Roosevelt came from extremist critics like a. Father Coughlin & Huey Long. b. Frances Perkins & Harry Hopkins. c. Henry Ford and Mary McLeod Bethune. d. John Steinbeck and John L. Lewis.

Charles Evans Hughes

Strong-minded leader of Harding's cabinet and initiator of major naval agreements

Free Speech Movement

Student activist protest at the University of California that criticized corporate interests and impersonal university education

Students for a Democratic Society

Student organization that moved from non-violent protest to underground terrorism within a few years

Norman Schwartzkopf

Successful commander of American forces in the First Persian Gulf War


Supreme Court case of 1886 that prevented states from regulating railroads or other businesses engaging in interstate commerce

Insular Cases

Supreme Court cases of 1901 that determined that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights did not apply in colonial territories under the American flag

Insular Case

Supreme Court cases of 1901 that determined that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights did not apply in the colonial territories under the American flag.

Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court decision that declared women's right to choose abortion.

Earl Warren

Supreme Court justice whose "judicial activism" came under increasing attack by conservatives

Justice Roberts

Supreme Court justice whose "switch in time" to support New Deal legislation helped undercut FDR's Court-packing scheme

Schechter Case

Supreme Court ruling of 1935 that struck down a major New Deal industry-and-labor agency

Rosie the Riveter

Symbolic personification of female laborers who took factory jobs in order to sustain U.S. production during World War II


Syncopated style of music created by blacks that attained widespread national popularity in the 1920s

Civil Service

System of choosing federal employees on the basis of merit rather than patronage introduced by the Pendleton Act of 1883

1041. "Dollar Diplomacy"

Taft and Knox cam up with it to further foreign policy in the U.S. in 1909-1913 under the Roosevelt Corollary. It was meant to avoid military intervention by giving foreign countries monetary aid.

1024. Election of 1908

Taft, Republican, won over Byran, Democrat, because of his support of Roosevelt.

Henry Kissinger

Talented diplomatic negotiator and leading architect of détente with the Soviet Union during the Nixon and Ford administrations

1044. Roosevelt's Osawatomie, Kansas speech

Teddy Roosevelt's speech given in Kansas on his Square Deal and "Big Stick" foreign policy. Roosevelt said, "speak softly and carry a big stick."

Cuban Missile Crisis

Tense confrontation between Kennedy and Khrushchev that nearly led to nuclear war in October 1962

Third World

Term developed during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union (1946-1991) for the non-Western (first world) and noncommunist (second world) nations of the world, most of them formerly under colonial rule and still economically poor and dependent. "The net effect was to keep the South in a kind of 'Third World' servitude to the Northeast. . . ."


Term for "young urban professionals" of the 1980s who flaunted their wealth through conspicuous consumer spending


Term for "young urban professionals" ofthe 1980s who flaunted their wealth through conspicuous consumer spending


Term for making ruthless and unfair charges against opponents, such as those leveled by a red-hunting Wisconsin senator in the 1950s


Term for the British-French policy of attempting to prevent war by granting German demands

baby boom

Term for the dramatic rise in U.S. births that began immediately after World War II.

Philadelphia Plan

Term for the new group affirmative action policy promoted by the Nixon administration

America Fever

Term for the passion for migration to the New World that swept across Europe in the late nineteenth century

New Immigrants

Term for the post-1880 newcomers who came to America primarily from southern and eastern Europe

Jim Crow

Term for the racial segregation laws imposed in the 1890s

yellow press/journalism

Term for the sensationalistic and jingoistic pro-war journalism practiced by W.R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer

Yellow Journalism

Term for the sensationalistic and jingoistic prowar journalism practiced by W. R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer.

ABC Powers (Argentina, Brazil, Chile)

Term for the three Latin American nations whose mediation prevented war between the U. S. and Mexico in 1914.

New South

Term that southern promoters used to proclaim their belief in a technologically advanced, industrial South

New Deal

Term used by FDR in 1932 acceptance speech that came to describe his whole reform program

H. Ross Perot

Texas billionaire who won nearly twenty percent ofthe popular vote as third-party candidate in 1992

Magna Carta

The "Great Charter" of England, which feudal nobles of England forced King John I to sign in 1215. As the first written guarantee of certain traditional rights, such as trial by a jury of peers, against arbitrary royal power, it served as a model for later assertions of Anglo-Saxon liberties.

Magna Carta

The "Great Charter" of England, which feudal nobles of England forced King John I to sign in 1215. As the first written guarantee of certain traditional rights, such as trial by a jury of peers, against arbitrary royal power, it served as a model for later assertions of Anglo-Saxon liberties. "Union leader Samuel Gompers hailed the [Clayton] act as the Magna Carta of labor...."

Al Smith

The "Happy Warrior" who attracted votes in the cities but lost them in the south

Father Coughlin

The "microphone messiah" of Michigan whose mass radio appeals turned anti-New Deal and anti-Semitic


The "triple wall of privilege" that Wilson set out to reform consisted of a. farmers, shippers, and the military. b. the tariffs, the banks, and the trusts. c. Ivy League universities, private dining clubs, and segregated urban neighborhoods. d. congressional leaders, lobbyists, and lawyers. e. labor union officials, big city bosses, and wealthy southern landlords.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

The 1964 congressional action that became a "blank check" for the Vietnam War

Joseph Stalin

The Allied leader who constantly pressured the United States and Britain to open a second front against Hitler


The American philosophical theory, especially advanced by William James, that the test of the truth of an idea was its practical consequences

Suez Canal

The British-and-French-owned waterway whose nationalization by Egyptian Presidnet Nasser triggered a major Middle East crisis

Central Pacific

The California-based Railroad Company, headed by Leland Stanford, that employed Chinese laborers in building lines across the mountains

Puerto Rico

The Caribbean island conquered from Spain in 1898 that became an important American colony


The Chinese province invaded and overrun by the Japanese army in 1932

Battle of the Bulge

The December 1944 German offensive that marked Hitler's last chance to stop the Allied advance


The European Allied powers and Japan were able to undermine Wilson's goal of a nonimperialistic peace treaty partly because a. they regarded his proposed League of Nations as largely a useless symbol. b. American ethnic groups were working for imperialistic goals of their own. c. they knew he could not promise continuing American aid and involvement in European affairs. d. Germany's constant threat to resume fighting made them insistent on harshly punishing the war's loser. e. Republicans were forcing Wilson to change the League of Nations covenant to guarantee the Monroe Doctrine and other American interests.

Bruce Barton

The Man Nobody Knows, 1925 Advertising executive Barton called Jesus the "founder of modern business" because he picked men up from the bottom ranks and built a successful empire.

"The Blue Eagle"

The NRA ___was a symbol Hugh Johnson devised to generate enthusiasm for the NRA codes. Employers who accepted the provisions of NRA could display it in their windows. The symbol showed up everywhere, along with the NRA slogan "We Do Our Part."

Langston Hughes

The Poet Laureate of Harlem and the author of The Weary Blues

Kent State

The Ohio university where four students were killed during protests against the 1970 invasion of Cambodia


The Pacific Island nation annexed by America in 1898, after an American orchestrated uprising in 1893.

1046. Bull Moose Party

The Progressive Party, it was Roosevelt's party in the 1912 election. He ran as a Progressive against Republican Taft, beating him but losing to Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

Queen Liliuokalani

The Queen of Hawaii who insisted on Hawaiian control of the islands.


The Roosevelt landslide of 1932 included the shift into the Democratic camp of traditionally Republican a. New Englanders. b. African Americans c. labor unions d. southerners


The Roosevelt-backed Elkins Act and Hepburn Act were aimed at a. better protection for industrial workers. b. more effective regulation of the railroad industry. c. protection for consumers of beef and fresh produce. d. breaking up the Standard Oil and United States Steel monopolies. e. prohibiting nonfarm child labor for anyone under age fourteen.


The Social Security Act of 1935 provided for a. electricity and conservation for rural areas. b. pensions for older people, the blind, and other categories of citizens. c. assistance for low-income public housing and social services. d. unemployment and disability insurance for workers.


The Supreme Court case of Muller v. Oregon was seen as a victory for both progressivism and women's rights because it a. upheld the right of women to vote in state and local elections. b. upheld a law requiring that women receive "equal pay for equal work." c. upheld workplace safety regulations to prevent disasters like the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. d. opened almost all categories of the new industrial employment to women. e. upheld the constitutionality of state laws granting special protections to women in the workplace.

1018. Northern Securities Company case

The Supreme Court ordered this company to dissolve because it was a trust.

954. Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba

The U.S. acquired these territories from Spain through the Treaty of Paris (1898), which ended the Spanish-American War.


The Wilsonian doctrine that each people should have the right to freely choose its own political affiliation and national future, e.g., independence or incorporation into another nation.

Works Progress Administration (WPA), Harold Hopkins, Federal Arts Project

The ___ started in May 1935 and was headed by Harold Hopkins. It employed people for 30 hours a week (so it could hire all the unemployed). The Federal Arts Project had unemployed artists painting murals in public buildings; actors, musicians, and dancers performing in poor neighborhood; and writers compiling guide books and local histories.


The accumulation of sufficient armed forces and materiel to go to war.


The accumulation of sufficient armed forces and matériel to go to war. "An ardent champion of military and naval preparedness. . . ."

1020. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle

The author who wrote a book about the horrors of food productions in 1906, the bad quality of meat and the dangerous working conditions.


The basic contrast between the two progressive candidates, Roosevelt and Wilson, was that a. Roosevelt wanted genuine political and social reforms, while Wilson wanted only to end obvious corruption. b. Roosevelt wanted to promote free enterprise and competition, while Wilson wanted the federal government to regulate the economy and promote social welfare. c. Wilson saw advancing women's interests as central to the progressive agenda, while Roosevelt believed women were best served by supporting progressivism outside politics. d. Roosevelt wanted to focus on issues of jobs and economic growth, while Wilson pushed for social legislation to protect women, children, and city-dwellers. e. Roosevelt wanted the federal government to regulate the corporate economy and expand social welfare, while Wilson wanted to restore economic competition and social equality by breaking up large corporate trusts.


The belief in the fundamental moral and social unity of humankind, which are held to transcend particular local cultures or beliefs.

McNary-Haugen Bill

The bill was a plan to raise the prices of farm products. The government could buy and sell the commodities at world price and tariff. Surplus sold abroad. It was vetoes twice by Coolidge. It was the forerunner of the 1930's agricultural programs.

behavioral psychology

The branch of psychology that examines human action, often considering it more important than mental or inward states.


The capstone Fourteenth Point of Wilson's declaration of war aims called for a. the establishment of parliamentary democracies throughout Europe. b. guarantees of basic human rights for all people in the world. c. an international organization to guarantee collective security. d. freedom of travel without restrictions. e. a severe limitation on all nations' military forces and armaments as soon as the war ended.


The center of the African-American literary and cultural revival of the 1920s was a. Atlanta. b. New Orleans. c. Chicago. d. Harlem, in New York City. e. Paris.

National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA)

The chief measure to promote recovery was the _____. It set up the National Recovery Adminstration and set prices, wages, work hours, and production for each industry. Based on theory that regulation of the economy would allow industries to return to full production, thereby leading to full employment and a return of prosperity.

Black Tuesday

The climactic day of the October 1929 Wall Street stock-market crash


The coalition of powers - led by Britain, France, and Russia - that opposed Germany and its partners in World War I


The coalition of powers—led by Britain, France, and Russia—that opposed Germany and its partners in World War I

38th parallel

The dividing line between North and South Korea, across which the fighting between communists and the United Nations forces ebbed and flowed during the Korean War.


The common traditions and stories of a people. "These bowlegged Knights of the Saddle . . . became part of American folklore."

Compromise of 1877

The complex political agreement between Republicans and Democrats that resolved the bitterly disputed election of 1876

American Federation of Labor

The conservative labor group that successfully organized a minority of American workers but left others out


The doctrine of Karl Marx, advocated or follow by worldwide communists parties and by some democratic socialists


The controversy over the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park revealed a. a philosophical disagreement between wilderness preservationists and more moderate multiple-use conservationists. b. President Roosevelt's hostility toward creating any more national parks. c. a political conflict between the lumber industry and conservationists. d. a split between urban California's need for water and environmentalists' concerns to preserve free-flowing streams. e. a disagreement over whether or not the National Park system should permit commercial vendors inside the parks.


The district of a city where members of a religious or racial minority are forced to live, either by legal restriction or by informal social pressure. (Originally, enclosed Jewish districts in Europe.)


The economically deprived.


The essential issue in the Scopes trial was whether a. scientists ought to be allowed to investigate the biological origins of humanity. b. the teachings of Darwin could be reconciled with those of religion. c. Darwinian evolutionary science could be taught in the public schools. d. Fundamentalist Protestants could use public school facilities for their meetings. e. the teaching of Darwinism would inevitably lead to sex education in the schools.


The evangelical Christian belief in a spiritual renewal or rebirth, involving a personal experience of conversion and a commitment to moral transformation

Harlem Renaissance

The explosion of creative expression in a district of New York City that encouraged African American artists, writers, and musicians to celebrate their racial pride

Cold War

The extended post-World War II confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union that stopped just short of a shooting war.


The extensive palace complex in Moscow that houses the Soviet (Russian) government; hence, a shorthand term for the Soviet or Russian government

Fair Employment Practices Commission (FECP)

The federal agency established to guarantee opportunities for African-American employment in World War II industries

jury tampering

The felony of bribing, threatening, or otherwise interfering with the autonomous deliberations and decisions of a jury.


The feudal condition of being permanently bound to land owned by someone else. ". . . the farmers were about to sink into a status suggesting Old World serfdom."

William J. Clinton

The first "baby boomer" president who was the first Democrat elected to two full terms since Franklin Roosevelt

Gerald Ford

The first appointed vice president and first appointed president of the United States

Unites States Steel Corporation

The first billion-dollar American corporation, organized when J. P. Morgan bought out Andrew Carnegie

"Relief, Recovery, and Reform"

The first step in FDR's relief program was to establish the Civilian Conservation Corps in April, 1933. The chief measure designed to promote recovery was the National Industrial Recovery Act. The New Deal acts most often classified as reform measures were those designed to guarantee the rights of labor and limit the powers of businesses.

1055. Income tax

The first step toward building government revenues and redistributing wealth, a tax that was levied on annual income over a specific amount and with certain legally permitted deductions.


The immediate cause of American entry into World War I was a. German support for a possible Mexican invasion of the southwestern United States. b. Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare. c. the imminent danger of a French surrender to Germany. d. desire of the American munitions makers to gain larger profits. e. Wilson's recognition that German militarism threatened the ideals of American democracy.


The immediate postwar passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, granting American women the right to vote a. was the breakthrough that opened the door to worldwide women's suffrage. b. enabled women to consolidate the permanent economic gains they had made during the war. c. came in the face of continued opposition by President Wilson. d. reflected the general American belief that the war should really lead to an expansion of democracy. e. followed similar adoption of suffrage in many Western nations.

military occupation

The holding and control of a territory and its citizenry by the conquering forces of another nation.

1031. Home Rule for cities

The idea was that the people of a city should decide how the city is run.


The inability to expand or contract rapidly.

Election of 1920: issues

The issues were WW I, the post-war economy and the League of Nations.

World Court

The judicial arm of the League of Nations, supported by several presidents.

*Eschobedo v. Illinois (1964)

The justices ruled that an accused person has a right to have a lawyer present during questioning by police


The largely treeless great plains of southeastern Europe and western Asia

Iwojima and Okinawa

The last two heavily defended Japanese islands conquered by the United States in 1945, at a high cost in casualties

War Powers Act

The law, passed in reaction to the secret Cambodia bombing, that restricted presidential use of troops overseas without congressional authorization


The leftist revolutionary rulers of Nicaragua, strongly opposed by the Reagan administration


The leftist revolutionary rulers ofNicaragua, strongly opposed by the Reagan administration

Benito Mussolini

The lesser partner of the Rome-Berlin Axis who invaded Ethiopia and joined the war against France and Britain

Pullman palace cars

The luxurious railroad cars that enabled passengers to travel long distances in comfort and elegance


The major American military contribution to Germany's decision to give up fighting was a. American armies' victories in a dozen critical battles during 1918. b. the U.S. Navy's successful destruction of most German submarines. c. the prospect of endless supplies of future, fresh American troops to fight the war. d. General Pershing's brilliant strategy that final broke the stalemate of trench warfare. e. the effective use of new American military weapons like the tank and the airplane.


The major New Deal program that attempted to provide flood control, electric power, and economic development occurred in the valley of the a. Columbia River. b. Colorado River c. Hudson River d. Tennessee River

Robert M. La Follete

The most influential of the state-level progressive governors and a presidential aspirant in 1912

Robert M. La Follette

The most influential of the state-level progressive governors and a presidential aspirant in 1912.


The major result of the substantial wartime migration of blacks to northern cities was a. a growing acceptance of the idea of a strong black presence in the military. b. federal government efforts to block further black migration from southern farms. c. a growing agitation by blacks and northern liberals for racial integration. d. the incorporation of blacks into the major industrial unions. e. a series of vicious race riots in northern cities.


The major unit of military organization, usually consisting of about 3,000 to 10,000 soldiers, into which most modern armies are organized

bureaucracy (bureaucrat)

The management of government or business through departments and subdivisions manned by a system of officials (bureaucrats) following defined rules and processes. (The term is often, though not necessarily, disparaging.)

bureaucracy (bureaucrat)

The management of government or business through departments and subdivisions manned by a system of officials (bureaucrats) following defined rules and processes. (The term is often, though not necessarily, disparaging.) "These wedges into the federal bureaucracy, however small, gave female reformers a national stage. . . ."

exchange rate

The monetary ratio according to which one currency is convertible into another

Big Four

The nations that dominated the Paris Peace Conference - namely, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States.

Balance of payments

The net ratio, expressed as a positive or negative sum, of a nation's exports in relation to its imports

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The new anti-Soviet organization of Western nations, which ended the longtime American tradition of not joining permanent military alliances


The new labor organization that flourished under depression conditions and New Deal sponsorship was a. the Knights of Labor. b. the American Federation of Labor. c. the National Labor Relations Board. d. the Committee for Industrial Organization.


The new regulatory agency, created by the Wilson administration in 1914, that attacked unfair business competition, false and misleading advertising, and consumer fraud was the a. Federal Trade Commission. b. Interstate Commerce Commission. c. Federal Reserve System. d. Consumer Products Safety Commission. e. Antitrust Division of the Justice Department.

Congress of Industrial Organizations

The new union group that organized large numbers of unskilled workers with the help of the Wagner Act and the National Labor Relations Board


The official release of a person from punishment for a crime.

J. Pierpont Morgan

The only businessperson in America wealthy enough to buy out Andrew Carnegie and organize the United States Steel Corporation


The organization of a nation and its armed forces for war.

Union Pacific

The original transcontinental railroad, commissioned by Congress, which built its rail line west from Omaha


The other site of direct attack by terrorists on September I l, 2001, besides the twin towers of the World Trade Center


The outer boundary of a defined territory.

The Pact of Paris

The peace treaty that ended the Spanish American war.

Scorched-Earth Policy

The policy of burning and destroying all the property in a given area so as to deny it to an enemy.

scorched-earth policy

The policy of burning and destroying all the property in a given area so as to deny it to an enemy. "The desperate insurgents now sought to drive out their Spanish overlords by adopting a scorched-earth policy."


The policy of forcibly removing a population to a confined areas in order to deny support to enemy forces.


The policy of forcibly removing a population to confined areas in order to deny support to enemy forces. " He undertook to crush the rebellion by herding many civilians into barbed-wire reconcentration camps."

protectionism (protectionists)

The policy of promoting high tariff taxes on imported goods or services in order that domestic producers can sell at lower prices than foreign manufacturers or service providers.

welfare state

The political system, typical of modern industrial societies, in which government assume responsibility for the economic well-being of its citizens by providing social benefits.

welfare state

The political system, typical of modern industrial societies, in which government assumes responsibility for the economic well-being of its citizens by providing social benefits


The practice of making sweeping, unfounded charges against innocent people with consequent loss of reputation, job, and so on.

Attorney general

The presidentially appointed head of the Department of Justice and chief legal officer of the federal government


The primary achievement of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association was its a. promotion of black jazz and blues. b. positive impact on black racial pride. c. economic program of economic development in Harlem. d. successful transportation of numerous America blacks to Africa. e. formation of an organization designed to promote racial integration and equality.


The primary purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a. to restore unproductive farmland to productive use. b. to protect wildlife and the environment. c. to provide better-trained workers for industry. d. to provide jobs and experience for unemployed young people.

Monroe Doctrine

The principle of American foreign policy invoked by Secretary of State Olney to justify American intervention in the Venezuelan boundary dispute

Monroe Doctrine

The principle of American foreign policy invoked by Secretary of State Olney to justify American intervention in the Venezuelan boundary dispute.


The return of a portion of the money received in a sale or contract, often secretly or illegally, in exchange for favors. "The lifeblood of both parties was patronage—disbursing jobs by the bucketful in return for votes, kickbacks, and party service."


The ruling inner circle of a nation and its principal institutions.


The seizure of property by a public authority, often as a penalty.

population curve

The varying size and age structure of a given nation or other group, measured over time.


The small ruling executive body that controlled the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist party, and hence dictated the political policies of the Soviet, Chinese, and other Communist parties.


The smallest subdivision of a city, as it is organized for purposes of police administration, politics, voting, and so on.


The so-called "Indian New Deal" included an emphasis on a. local tribal self-government and recovery of Native American identity and culture. b. the distribution of tribal lands to individual Indian landowners. c. the migration of Native Americans from rural reservations to the cities. d. programs to encourage businesses like gambling casinos to locate on Indian lands.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The soldier who kept the nation at peace for most of his two terms and ended up warning America about the "military-industrial complex"

Hundred Days

The special session of Congress in early 1933 that passed vast quantities of Roosevelt-initiated legislation


The spectacular Allied invasion of France in June 1944, which opened the long-awaited "second front" against Hitler

deficit spending

The spending of public funds beyond the amount of income.

nuclear proliferation

The spreading of nuclear weapons to nations that have not previously had them.


The states where progressivism first gained great influence were a. Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. b. Wisconsin, Oregon, and California. c. Michigan, Kansas, and Nevada. d. New York, Florida, and Texas. e. Alabama, Maryland, and Utah.


The submission of a law, proposed or already in effect, to a direct vote of the electorate.


The submission of a law, proposed or already in effect, to a direct vote of the electorate. "Progressives also agitated for the 'referendum.' "

Bloody Shirt

The symbol of the Republican political tactic of attacking Democrats with reminders of the Civil War

agricultural extension

The system of providing services and advice to farmers through dispersed local agents.

agricultural extension

The system of providing services and advice to farmers through dispersed local agents. "Other laws benefited rural America by providing for . . . the establishment of agricultural extension work in the state colleges."


The systematic extermination or killing of an entire people.


The term Fordism was widely used to describe businessman Henry Ford's innovation of a. Ford's anti-Semitism and hostility to education. b. applying the internal combustion engine to a vehicle that the ordinary person could own. c. a system of time and motion studies designed to improve efficiency in manufacturing. d. assembly-line mass production of identical, relatively cheap manufactured goods. e. permitting customers to purchase automobiles on credit with little money down.


The theory that a plan or design should be derived from practical purpose.

conspicuous consumption

The theory, developed by economist Thorstein Veblen, that much spending by the affluent occurs primarily to display wealth and status to others rather than from enjoyment of the goods or services.

conspicuous consumption

The theory, developed by economist Thorstein Veblen, that much spending by the affluent occurs primarily to display wealth and status to others rather than from enjoyment of the goods or services. " . . . a savage attack on 'predatory wealth' and 'conspicuous consumption.' "


The threatened war between the United States and Mexico in 1914 was avoided by the mediation of the ABC powers, which consisted of a. Australia, Britain, and Canada. b. Antigua, Brazil, and Cuba. c. Angola, Belgium, and China. d. the Association of British Commonwealth nations. e. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.

Manhattan Project

The top-secret project to develop the atomic bomb

gross national product

The total value of a nation's annual output of goods and services.

Joseph Stalin

The tough leader whose violation of agreements in Eastern Europe and Germany helped launch the Cold War

foreign exchange

The transfer of credits or accounts between the citizens or financial institutions of different nations.


The two key laws aimed at enforcing loyalty and suppressing antiwar dissent were the a. War Mobilization Act and the National Defense Act. b. Selective Service Act and the Public Information Act. c. Eighteenth Amendment and the Anti-German Language Act. d. Espionage Act and the Sedition Act. e. War Industries Act and the Council of National Defense authorization law.


The two primary goals of the progressive movement, as a whole, were to a. restore business competition and stimulate entrepreneurship in new areas of the economy. b. protect farmers and create a more flexible monetary system. c. improve the quality of urban life and help immigrants adjust to American life. d. organize workers into class-conscious unions and develop consumer cooperatives. e. use the state to curb monopoly power and improve the lives of ordinary people.

The Insular Cases

These Supreme Court cases, beginning in 1901, decided that Puerto Ricans did not necessarily enjoy the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

Open Door notes

These notes from Secretary of State John Hay encouraged the ideal of fair competition in China amongst European powers.

1045. Taft-Roosevelt split

They split over idealogy. Roosevelt believed in breaking up "bad" trusts while allowing "good" trusts to continue. Taft opposed all trusts. Roosevelt wanted more involvement in foreign affairs, and Taft was an isolationist. Roosevelt ran against Taft in 1912.

George C. Wallace

Third party candidate whose conservative, hawkish 1968 campaign won 9 million votes and carried 5 states

Green Party

Third party led by environmentalist Ralph Nader that took votes from Democratic oresidential nominee Albert Gore in 2000 election

Populist/People's Party

Third political party that emerged in the 1890s to express rural grievances and mount major attacks on the Democrats and Republicans

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

This 1901 treaty between the United States and Britain gave the United States the ability to build a canal in Central America and the ability to control it, revoking parts of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850.

995. Ida Tarbell (1857-1944), History of the Standard Oil Company

This 1904 book exposed the monpolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company. Strengthened the movement for outlawing monopolies. A muckraker novel.

Colonel William C. Gorgas

This Colonel helped to cure yellow fever in the area, speeding the building process and advancing medical science.

William James

This Harvard Professor was one of the fathers of Pragmatism and an ardent anti-imperialist.

General "Butcher" Weyler

This Spanish General committed many atrocities in Cuba to put down the rebellion, such as the use of barbed-wire concentration camps for civilians, and his actions provided Yellow Journalism more material to write with, fueling American hostilities towards the Spanish.

The Platt Amendment

This amendment to the Cuban Constitution forced the Cuban government to not conclude treaties contrary to its independence, to concede the United States the ability to intervene with force to restore order when it saw fit, and to not become indebted beyond its means. Along with those provisions, Cuba also agreed to lease land to the United States, such as at Guantanamo.

USS Maine

This battleship was sent to Cuba in order to evacuate Americans, but mysteriously exploded on February 15, 1898 in Havana harbor leading to the Spanish American war, as Americans blamed the Spanish.

Panama Canal

This canal, begun in 1904 and finished in 1914 by Colonel George Washington Goethals, connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, spurring trade and allowing quicker naval transport.

Commodore George Dewey

This commander held control over the American Asiatic Squadron and led an assault on the Spanish Philippines from Hong Kong at outset of the Spanish American war, conquering Manila.

Water Cure

This cruel interrogation tactic was utilized by the United States during the Filipino Rebellion in order to gain information.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

This feminist, along with Roger Baldwin, founded the Civil Liberties Bureau to protect those accused under the Espionage and Sedition Acts. She also was an advocate for birth control

William Jennings Bryan

This former populist turned Democrat ran against McKinley in the Presidential Election of 1900 appealing against the Imperialistic instincts of the Republican party.

The Philippines

This group of islands was captured by the United States in the Spanish American war and was annexed after a $20 million dollar payment to Spain.

Emilio Aguinaldo

This leader of Filipino insurgents helped Commodore Dewey capture Manila and later helped to lead the Filipino insurrection against American Rule.

Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones

This leader of Toledo, Ohio was one of the first to introduce municipal reform, kindergartens, and night school to better serve the people.

John L. Lewis

This leader of the United Mine Workers of America led a successful strike in 1919. He later founded the Committee for Industrial Organizations that organized workers in the US and Canada into a cohesive group.

The Foraker Act

This legislation passed in 1900 gave Puerto Rico limited popular government and outlawed cockfighting. The Puerto Ricans were later granted US Citizenship in 1917, through separate legislation.

Teller Amendment

This proviso made the claim that once the United States had freed Cuba from Spain, it would allow Cuba independence.

Philipe Bunau-Varilla

This representative of the French Canal Company sold Panama to the United States and incited rebellion to acquire Panamanian independence.

1014. Elkins Act, 1903, rebates

This strengthened earlier federal legislation that outlawed preferential pricing through rebates. Rebates are returns of parts of the amount paid for goods or services, serving as a reduction or discount. This act also prohibited railroads from transporting goods they owned. As a dodge around previous legislation, railroads were buying goods and transporting them as if they were their own.

American and National Identity

This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.

Politics and Power

This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.

Work, Exchange, and Technology

This theme focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.

America in the World

This theme focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period, and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.

Geography and the Environment

This theme focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments on social and political developments in what would become the United States.

Culture and Society

This theme focuses on the roles that ideas, beliefs, social mores, and creative expression have played in shaping the United States, as well as how various identities, cultures, and values have been preserved or changed in different contexts of U.S. history.

Migration and Settlement

This theme focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.

"Rough Riders"

This volunteer regiment led by Colonel Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt worked as an effective fighting force in Cuba and is famous for some reason the book doesn't really go in to detail on their exploits, I mean there's a paragraph but just remember they exist.


Those who live outside society's laws, by vice or crime.

988. Democracy, efficiency, pragmatism

Three characteristics that the U.S. felt made them superior to other countries. Many U.S. cities in the 1900 to 1920 instituted modern "scientific" political systems, such as the use of professional city managers, to replace inefficient traditional machine politics. The U.S. tried to spread there ideas abroad.

Calvin Coolidge

Tight-lipped Vermonter who promoted frugality and pro-business policies during his presidency


To approve a plan or law quickly or routinely, without examination.


To gain exclusive control of a commodity in order to fix its price. "The crafty pair concocted a plot in 1869 to corner the gold market."


To launch from a submarine or airplane a self-propelled underwater explosive designed to detonate on impact.


To launch from a submarine or airplane a self-propelled underwater explosive designed to detonate on impact. ". . . the British passenger liner Lusitania was torpedoed and sank. . . ."

5-3-1 ration

Tonnage ratio of the construction of large ships, it meant that Britain could only have 1 ship for every 3 ships in Japan, and Japan could only have 3 ships for every 5 ships in the U.S. Britain, U.S. and Japan agreed to dismantle some existing vessels to meet the ratio.

Jacob Riis

Took some pictures of slums, wrote How the Other Half Lives. Exposed the terrible conditions of tenement houses and slums.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Toothless international agreement of 1928 that pledged nations to outlaw war

Erwin Rommel

Top German general in North Africa whose advance was finally halted at El Alamein by British General Montgomery

Hermann Goering

Top Nazi official who committed suicide after being convicted in war-crimes trials

Al Capone

Top gangster of the 1920s, eventually convicted of income-tax evasion

Pentagon Papers

Top-secret documents, published by The New York Times in 1971, that showed the blunders and deceptions that led the United States into the Vietnam War

James R. Hoffa

Tough Teamster-union boss whose corrupt actions helped lead to passage of the Landrum-Griffin Act

John L. Lewis

Tough head of the United Mine Workers, whose work stoppages precipitated antistrike laws


Traditional Japanese ritual suicide

Liberty Loans

Treasury Department bond-selling drives that raised about $21 billion to finance the American War Effort.


Troubled Caribbean island nation where a president's murder led Wilson to send in the marines and assume American control of the police and finances


Two groups that experienced the most direct attacks and suppression during the war were a. German Americans and socialists. b. communists and labor leaders. c. Mexican Americans and immigrants. d. African Americans and feminists. e. conscientious objectors and draft dodgers.

Alcatraz and Wounded Knee

Two historic sites seized by American Indian activists in 1970-1972 to draw public attention to Indian grievances


Two issues that President Roosevelt especially promoted as part of his progressive policies were a. agricultural exports and housing reform. b. stock market regulation and restrictions on false advertising. c. freer immigration and racial integration. d. consumer protection and conservation of nature. e. the advancement of science and federal support for the arts.

Ambassador Morrow

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico from 1927 to 1930, during the Mexican-American diplomatic crisis.

A. Mitchell Palmer

U.S. Attorney general who rounded up thousands of alleged Bolsheviks in the red scare of 1919-1920

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

U.S. House of Representatives committee that took the lead in investigating alleged pro-communist agents such as Alger Hiss

Chiang Kai-shek

U.S. ally who resisted Japanese advances in China during World War II

1086. War declared, April 1917

U.S. declared war on Germany due to the Zimmerman telegram and the attack on the Lusitania.

Reuben James

U.S. destroyer sunk by German submarines off the coast of Iceland in October 1941, with the loss of over a hundred men

Richard Olney

U.S. secretary of state whose belligerent notes to Britain during the Guiana boundary crisis nearly caused a war

978. Roosevelt Corollary

U.S. would act as international policemen. An addition to the Monroe Doctrine.

Atlantic Charter

U.S.-British agreement of August 1941 to promote democracy and establish a new international organization for peace


U.S.-owned Pacific archipelago seized by Japan in the early months of World War II

Frances Perkins

US Secretary of Labor; 1st woman appointed to US Cabinet.

Harry Daugherty

US attorney general and a member of Harding's corrupt "Ohio Gang" who was forced to resign in administration scandals


Unauthorized or voluntary groups that employ military organization, methods, and equipment outside the official military system of command and organization.

Public Works Administration

Under Secertary of the Interior Harold Ickes, the ___ distributed $3.3 billion to state and local governments for building schools, highways, hospitals, ect.


Under the League of Nations (1919-1939), a specific commission that authorized a trustee to administer a former colonial territory.


Under the Wilson administration, Congress exercised the authority granted by the newly enacted Sixteenth Amendment to pass a. prohibition of liquor. b. women's suffrage. c. voting rights for blacks. d. rules for the direct election of U.S. Senators. e. a progressive federal income tax.

Federal Arts Project

Unemployed artists painting murals in public buildings; actors, musicians, and dancers performing in poor neighborhood; and writers compiling guide books and local histories.

**Rostker v. Goldberg (1981)

Upheld the decision of Congress to exclude women from the military draft

"The Jungle"

Upton Sinclair's novel that inspired pro consumer federal laws regulation meat, food and drugs.

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair's novel that inspired pro-consumer federal laws regulating meat, food, and drugs

Hubert Humphrey

Vice president whose loyalty to LBJ's Vietnam policies sent him down to defeat in the 1968 presidential election

Anthony Comstock

Vigorous nineteenth-century crusader for sexual "purity" who used federal law to enforce his moral views.

William Randolph Hearst

Vigorous promoter of sensationalistic anti-Spanish propaganda and eager advocate of imperialistic war

William R. Hearst

Vigorous promoter of sensationalistic anti-Spanish propaganda and eager advocate of imperialistic war.

968. U.S.S. Oregon

Warship involved in Spanish-American blockade in Cuba in 1898. Went from Cuba to the Philippines by going around the Southern tip of South America. Showed that we need a better route between the Atlantic and the Pacific.


Watering land artificially, through canals, pipes, or other means. ". . . irrigation projects . . . caused the 'Great American Desert' to bloom. . . ."

War Industries Board

Weak federal agency designed to organize and coordinate U.S. industrial production for the war effort.

John Davis

Weak, compromise Democratic candidate in 1924

Warren G. Harding

Weak-willed president whose easygoing ways opened the door to widespread corruption in his administration

Osama bin Laden

Wealthy Saudi Arabian exile who formed a global terrorist network that assaulted the United States

Andrew Mellon

Wealthy industrialist and conservative secretary of the treasury in the 1920s

Henry Sinclair

Wealthy oilman who bribed cabinet officials in the Teapot Dome scandal

James Buchanan Duke

Wealthy southern industrialist whose development of mass-produced cigarettes led him to endow a university that later bore his name

Jimmy Carter

Well-meaning president who was swamped by the 1980 Reagan landslide but later won the Nobel Peace Prize

Jimmy Carter

Well-meaning president who was swamped by the 1980 Reagan landslide but later won the Nobel Peace Prize


Which of the following was not among the targets of muckraking journalistic exposés? a. Urban politics and government b. The oil, insurance, and railroad industries c. The U.S. Army and Navy d. Child labor and the white slave traffic in women e. Makers of patent medicines and other adulterated or dangerous drugs


While outlawing business monopolies, the Clayton Anti-Trust Act created exemptions from antitrust prosecution for a. industries essential to national defense. b. agricultural and labor organizations. c. the oil and steel industries. d. professional organizations of doctors and lawyers. e. colleges and universities.

John Dean

White House lawyer whose dramatic charges against Nixon were validated by the Watergate tapes

Charles A. Lindbergh

Wholesome, shy aviation pioneer who became a cultural hero of the 1920s for his pathbreaking flight

Blue Eagle

Widely displayed symbol of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), which attempted to reorganize and reform U.S. industry

blue eagle

Widely displayed symbol of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), which attempted to reorganize and reform U.S. industry


Wilson and his administration aroused the still-divided American people to fervent support of the war by a. seizing control of the means of communication and demanding national unity. b. declaring the German people to be immoral Huns and barbarians. c. proclaiming the conflict an ideological war to end all war and make the world safe for democracy. d. proclaiming the war a religious crusade to save Western, Christian civilization e. asserting that a victorious Germany might well attack or invade the United States.


Wilson blundered badly when leading the American peace delegation to Paris by a. failing to develop any set of clear diplomatic goals for the peace treaty. b. refusing to include any Republican senators in the American delegation. c. not consulting with his key allies, Britain and France, about their war aims. d. suggesting that he would abandon his idealistic Fourteen Points in order to appease the Allies. e. believing Senator Henry Cabot Lodge when he said he supported Wilson one hundred percent.


Wilson bore considerable responsibility for the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations because he a. linked the League too closely to European politics. b. ordered Democratic senators to defeat the pro-League treaty with the Lodge reservations. c. failed to take the case for the League to the American public. d. had agreed that America would pay most of the cost of the League. e. failed to effectively campaign for pro-League Governor James Cox in the 1920 election.


Wilson effectively reformed the banking and financial system by a. requiring that all banks be federally chartered and carry effective deposit insurance. b. taking the United States off the gold standard. c. establishing a publicly controlled Federal Reserve Board to issue currency and control credit. d. transferring authority to regulate banking and currency from the federal government to the states and the private sector. e. creating a system of currency exchanges so that people without bank accounts could cash checks and obtain credit.

1087. "Make the world safe for democracy"

Wilson gave this as a reason for U.S. involvement in WWI.

1065. Adamson Act, 1916

Wilson pushed passage of this act which mandated an eight hour workday and time and a half for overtime.


Wilson won the election of 1912 primarily because a. his policies were more popular with the public. b. Taft and Roosevelt split the former Republican vote. c. the Socialists took nearly a million votes from Roosevelt. d. he was able to win over many of the embittered Roosevelt Republicans to his cause. e. his charismatic personal appeal exceeded that of Roosevelt and Taft.

Solemn Referendum

Wilson's belief that the presidential election of 1920 should constitute a direct popular vote on the League of Nations.


Wilson's general progressive support for the less fortunate in American society was weakened by his actively hostile policies toward a. labor unions. b. blacks. c. farmers. d. women. e. immigrants.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Wilson's great senatorial antagonist who fought to keep America out of the League of Nations


Wilson's most effective slogan in the campaign of 1916 was a. "The full dinner pail." b. "Free and unlimited coinage of silver in the ratio of sixteen to one." c. "A war to make the world safe for democracy." d. "He kept us out of war." e. "I will not send your boys to fight in a foreign war."

New Freedom

Wilson's political philosophy of restoring democracy through trust-busting and economic competition


Wilson's primary weakness as a politician was his a. lack of skill in public speaking. b. inability to grasp the complexity of governmental issues. c. tendency to be inflexible and refuse to compromise. d. lack of overarching political ideals. e. background as a professor and college president.

League of Nations

Wilson's proposed international body that constituted the key provision of the Versailles Treaty.

1050. Election of 1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft, Debs, issues

Wilson, Democrat beat Roosevelt, Progressive (Bull Moose), Taft, Republican and Debs, Socialist. The issues were the economy and growing conflict in Europe.

Jones Act

Wilson-backed law that promised the Philippines eventual independence from the United States, but only when a stable and secure government was attained

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Wilsonian law that tried to curb business monopoly while permitting labor and agricultural organizations

Adamson Act

Wilsonian reform law that established an 8-hour day for railroad workers

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Wilsonian trust-busting law that prohibited interlocking directorates and other monopolistic business practices, while legalizing labor and agricultural organizations

Richard Nixon

Winner of an overwhelming electoral victory who was forced from office by the threat of impeachment

Rutherford B. Hayes

Winner of the contested 1876 election who presided over the end of Reconstruction and a sharp economic downturn

Robert Lafollette

Wisconsin governor who was one of the most well known progressive leaders of his time.

Joseph McCarthy

Wisconsin senator whose charges of communist infiltration of the U.S. government deepened the anti-red atmosphere of the early 1950s

1027. Wisconsin, "Laboratory of Democracy"

Wisconsin was called the "Laboratory of Democracy" because many of the reform ideas of the Progressive era came out of Wisconsin, specifically from Robert M. LaFollette.

Twentieth Amendment

Written by George Norris and also called the "Lame Duck Amendment," it changed the inauguration date from March 4 to January 20 for president and vice president, and to January 3 for senators and representatives. It also said Congress must assemble at least once a year.

1036. Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 1909

With the fear of foreign competition gone, it lowered rates to 38%. Democrats felt it did not go far enough and passed the Underwood Tariff in 1913 to further lower taxes.

Victoria Woodhull

Woman suffragist, first woman to run for president (1872)

Rose Schneiderman

Women's Trade Union League organizer who argued that only a strong working class movement could incite real change in the workplace

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Women's organization founded by reformer Frances Willard and others to oppose alcohol consumption


Women's units of the army and navy during World War II

Central Powers

World War I alliance headed by Germany and Austria-Hungary

American Legion

World War I veterans' group that vigorously promoted militant patriotism, political conservatism, and economic benefits for former servicemen

Betty Friedan

Writer whose 1963 book signaled the beginnings of more extensive feminist protest

John Steinbeck

Writer whose best-selling novel portrayed the suffering of dust bowl "Okies" in the Thirties

Abraham Lincoln brigade

Young American volunteers who went to fight for Loyalist Spain against Franco's Spanish fascist rebels.

Richard Nixon

Young California congressman whose investigation of Alger Hiss spurred fears of communist influence in America

Monica Lewinsky

Young White House intern whose sexual affair with President Clintorr led to his impeachment

John F. Kennedy

Youthful politician who combined television appeal with traditional big-city Democratic politics to squeak out a victory in 1960

8. The key tradeoff featured in the Compromise of 1877 was that a. Republicans got the presidency in exchange for the final removal of federal troops from the South. b. Democrats got the presidency in exchange for federal guarantees of black civil rights. c. Republicans got the presidency in exchange for Democratic control of the cabinet. d. Democrats got the presidency in exchange for increased immigration quotas from Ireland. e. Republicans got the presidency in exchange for permitting former Confederate officers to vote.

a. Republicans got the presidency in exchange for the final removal of federal troops from the South.

9. Which of the following was not among the changes that affected African Americans in the South after federal troops were withdrawn in the Compromise of 1877? a. The forced relocation of black farmers to the Kansas and Oklahoma dust bowl b. The imposition of literacy requirements and poll taxes to prevent black voting c. The development of the tenant farming and share-cropping systems d. The introduction of legal systems of racial segregation e. The rise of mob lynching as a means of suppressing blacks who challenged the racial system

a. The forced relocation of black farmers to the Kansas and Oklahoma dust bowl

14. In its first years, the Populist Party advocated, among other things a. free silver, a graduated income tax, and government ownership of the railroads, telegraph, and telephone. b. higher tariffs and federally sponsored unemployment insurance and pensions. c. tighter restriction on black economic, social, and political rights. d. a Homestead Act to permit farmers and unemployed workers to obtain free federal land in the West. e. greater support for land grant colleges to enhance scientific agriculture.

a. free silver, a graduated income tax, and government ownership of the railroads, telegraph, and telephone.

12. The federal government's use of the U.S. Army to crush the Pullman strike in Chicago aroused great anger from both organized labor and the Populists because a. it seemed to reflect an alliance of big business and government to destroy the organizing efforts of workers and farmers. b. it broke apart the growing alliance between urban workers and farmers. c. it undermined efforts to organize federal workers like those in the postal service. d. it turned their most effective leader, Eugene V. Debs, into a cautious conservative. e. many of the soldiers used to defeat the union were themselves from rural or working class backgrounds.

a. it seemed to reflect an alliance of big business and government to destroy the organizing efforts of workers and farmers.

2. The federal government's attempt to confine Indians to certain areas through formal treaties was largely ineffective because a. the nomadic Plains Indians largely rejected the idea of formal authority and defined territory. b. Congress refused to ratify treaties signed with the Indians. c. the treaties made no effective provisions for enforcement. d. the largest tribe, the Sioux, refused to sign any treaties with the whites. e. the Indians repeatedly broke out of the proposed reservations and resumed open warfare.

a. the nomadic Plains Indians largely rejected the idea of formal authority and defined territory.

13. William Jennings Bryan gained the Democratic nomination in 1896 because he strongly advocated a. unlimited coinage of silver in order to inflate the currency. b. higher tariffs in order to protect the American farmer. c. government ownership of the railroads and the telegraph system. d. a coalition between white and black farmers in the South and Midwest. e. enlisting President Cleveland and other conservative Democrats in the reform cause.

a. unlimited coinage of silver in order to inflate the currency.

3. President Grover Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii in 1893 because a. white planters had illegally overthrown Queen Liliuokalani against the wishes of most native Hawaiians. b. there was no precedent for the United States to acquire territory except by purchase. c. the Germans and the British threatened possible war. d. he knew the public disapproved and the Senate would not ratify a treaty of annexation. e. he knew that many Americans would object to the incorporation of a non-white territory into the United States.

a. white planters had illegally overthrown Queen Liliuokalani against the wishes of most native Hawaiians.

Norman Thomas

an American Presbyterian minister who achieved fame as a socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

11. Which of the following was not among the political goals advocated by the Populist party in the 1890s? a. Nationalizing the railroad, telegraph, and telephone b. Creation of a national system of unemployment insurance and old-age pensions c. A graduated income tax d. Free and unlimited coinage of silver money e. Federally-owned warehouses where farmers could store their grain until prices rose.

b. Creation of a national system of unemployment insurance and old-age pensions

8. Besides the Philippines, which two other colonial territories did the United States acquire in the Spanish-American War? a. Trinidad and Tobago b. Puerto Rico and Guam c. Cuba and the Dominican Republic d. Hawaii and American Samoa e. The Virgin Islands and the Panama Canal Zone

b. Puerto Rico and Guam

10. Which of the following was not among the arguments that anti-imperialists used to oppose American acquisition of the Philippines? a. The Philippines had a large population of a different culture, language, and racial composition. b. The Filipinos would never voluntarily convert to Protestantism if they were forced under American rule. c. Acquiring colonial territory would violate Americans' historic commitment to self-determination and anti-colonialism. d. Ruling over people without their consent was despotism and would undermine American democracy at home. e. Ruling the Philippines would be expensive, and the United States could never adequately defend them.

b. The Filipinos would never voluntarily convert to Protestantism if they were forced under American rule.

4. Which of the following was not among the factors that finally led to the defeat of the Plains Indians and their confinement to reservations? a. The federal government's willingness to deploy unrelenting military force b. The constant political infighting among the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Apache tribes c. The destruction of the buffalo upon which the Indian way of life depended d. The railroads' intrusive penetration of Indian lands e. The Indians' vulnerability to white people's diseases and liquor

b. The constant political infighting among the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Apache tribes

9. Which one of these factors did not make the trans-Mississippi West a unique part of the American frontier experience? a. The large-scale engagement and struggle between white Anglo and Hispanic cultures. b. The problem of applying new technologies in a hostile wilderness c. The scale and severity of environmental challenges in an arid environment d. The large role of the federal government in economic and social development e. The final military defeat of American Indians and their continuing substantial presence in the region.

b. The problem of applying new technologies in a hostile wilderness

12. The final result of the widespread anti-Chinese agitation in the West was a. a program to encourage Chinese students to enroll in American colleges and universities. b. a congressional law to prohibit any further Chinese immigration. c. the stripping of citizenship even from native-born Chinese Americans. d. legal segregation of all Chinese into Chinatown districts in San Francisco and elsewhere. e. the forced emigration of all but a handful of Chinese back to China.

b. a congressional law to prohibit any further Chinese immigration.

1. The military theorist Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan promoted American overseas expansion by a. developing a lurid yellow press that stimulated popular excitement. b. arguing that control of the seas through naval power was the key to world domination. c. provoking naval incidents with Germany and Britain in the Pacific. d. arguing that the Monroe Doctrine required American control of Latin American waters. e. pressing the United States to establish naval bases throughout the Pacific Ocean.

b. arguing that control of the seas through naval power was the key to world domination.

3. The railroad most significantly stimulated American industrialization by a. opening up the West to settlement. b. creating a single national market for raw materials and consumer goods. c. eliminating the inefficient canal system. d. inspiring greater federal investment in technical research and development. e. ending the agricultural domination of the American economy.

b. creating a single national market for raw materials and consumer goods.

14. McKinley defeated Bryan primarily because he was able to win the support of a. white southern farmers. b. eastern wage earners and city dwellers. c. urban and rural blacks. d. former Populists and Greenback Laborites. e. western ranchers and miners.

b. eastern wage earners and city dwellers.

14. Roosevelt overcame Colombia's refusal to approve a canal treaty by a. increasing the amount of money the United States was willing to pay for a canal zone. b. encouraging Panamanian rebels to revolt and declare independence from Colombia. c. threatening to build the canal on a route through Nicaragua. d. seeking mediation of the dispute by other Latin American nations. e. sending in U.S. marines to seize control of the canal route.

b. encouraging Panamanian rebels to revolt and declare independence from Colombia.

7. Emilio Aguinaldo was the a. leader of Cuban insurgents against Spanish rule. b. leader of Filipino insurgents against Spanish rule. c. commander of the Spanish navy in the Battle of Manila Bay. d. first native Hawaiian to become governor of the islands after the American takeover. e. scheming Panamanian engineer who helped Panama to declare independence from Colombia.

b. leader of Filipino insurgents against Spanish rule.

13. President James Garfield was assassinated by a(n) a. fanatically anti-Republican Confederate veteran. b. mentally unstable disappointed office seeker. c. anticapitalist immigrant anarchist. d. corrupt gangster under federal criminal indictment. e. bitter supporter of his defeated Democratic opponent, Winfield Scott Hancock.

b. mentally unstable disappointed office seeker.

10. The large trusts like Standard Oil and Swift and Armour justified their economic domination of their industries by claiming that a. they were fundamentally concerned with serving the public interest over private profit. b. only large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices. c. competition among many small firms was contrary to the law of economics. d. only large American corporations could compete with huge British and German international companies. e. price wars were necessary to make a profit.

b. only large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices.

3. The Credit Mobilier scandal involved a. the abuse of federal loans intended for urban development. b. railroad corporation fraud and the subsequent bribery of congressmen to cover it up. c. Secretary of War Belknap's fraudulent sale of contracts to supply Indian reservations. d. the attempt of insiders to gain control of New York's gold and stock markets. e. illegal gifts and loans to members of President Grant's White House staff.

b. railroad corporation fraud and the subsequent bribery of congressmen to cover it up.

2. A large share of the capital that financed the growth of American industry came from a. workers' pension funds and other pooled resources. b. the federal government. c. European investment in private American corporations. d. a system of revolving industrial development loans run by individual states. e. immigrants and investors fleeing political instability in Latin America.

b. the federal government.

4. Grant's greatest failing in the scandals that plagued his administration was his a. refusal to turn over evidence to congressional investigators. b. toleration of corruption and his loyalty to crooked friends. c. acceptance of behind-the-scenes payments for performing his duties as president. d. use of large amounts of dirty money in his political campaigns. e. inability to distinguish innocent members of his staff from the guilty.

b. toleration of corruption and his loyalty to crooked friends.

1. The new cities' glittering consumer economy was symbolized especially by the rise of- a. separate districts for retail merchants. b. fine restaurants and grocery stories. c. large, elegant department stores. d. large, carefully constructed urban parks. e. large arenas for sports and other forms of urban entertainment.


15. Theodore Roosevelt's slogan that stated his essential foreign policy principle was a. "Open covenants openly arrived at." b. "Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute." c. "Speak softly and carry a big stick." d. "Democracy and liberty in a New World Order." e. "American does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy."

c. "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

15. Which of the following was not a feature of the end of the third party system and its replacement by a fourth party system after the pivotal election of 1896? a. The weakening of strong, patronage-driven political party organizations b. The end of razor-thin elections and the beginning of an era of Republican domination c. The rise of third parties that threatened to replace either the Democrats or Republicans as a major party d. The decline of the money issue that had dominated American politics since the Civil War e. Gradual decline in voter participation in politics and elections

c. The rise of third parties that threatened to replace either the Democrats or Republicans as a major party

5. Even before the sinking of the Maine, the American public's indignation at Spain had been whipped into a frenzy by a. Spanish Catholics' persecution of the Protestant minority in Cuba. b. Spain's aggressive battleship-building program. c. William Randolph Hearst's sensational newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba. d. the Spanish government's brutal treatment of American sailors on leave in Havana. e. the mistreatment of white American women by Spanish businessmen.

c. William Randolph Hearst's sensational newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba.

14. For American workers, industrialization generally meant a. a steady, long-term decline in wages and the standard of living. b. an opportunity to create small businesses that would enable them eventually to achieve economic independence. c. a long-term rise in the standard of living but a loss of independence and control of work. d. a stronger sense of identification with their jobs and employers. e. the ability to join unions and achieve solidarity with their fellow workers.

c. a long-term rise in the standard of living but a loss of independence and control of work.

11. The most immediate consequence of American acquisition of the Philippines was a. the establishment of Manila as a crucial American defense post in East Asia. b. an agreement between Americans and Filipinos to move toward Philippine independence. c. an outbreak of vicious guerrilla warfare between the United States and Filipino rebels. d. threats by Japan to seize the Philippines from American control. e. a successful program to Americanize the Filipinos by bringing them U.S. culture and education.

c. an outbreak of vicious guerrilla warfare between the United States and Filipino rebels.

The federal government contributed to the building of the national rail network by a. importing substantial numbers of Chinese immigrants to build the railroads. b. providing free grants of federal land to the railroad companies. c. building and operating the first transcontinental rail lines. d. transporting the mail and other federal shipments over the rail lines. e. establishing clear national standards for railroad routes, track gauge, safety, and fair pricing.

c. building and operating the first transcontinental rail lines.

8. The safety valve theory of the frontier claims that a. Americans were able to divert the most violent elements of the population to the West. b. the conflict between farmers and ranchers was relieved by the Homestead Act. c. class and labor conflict in America was alleviated because eastern workers could always migrate to the West and become independent farmers. d. political movements such as the Populists provided relief for the most serious grievances of western farmers. e. the wide-open spaces of the West provided an arena where Americans' attachment to guns and violence could be pursued without threatening the social fabric.

c. class and labor conflict in America was alleviated because eastern workers could always migrate to the West and become independent farmers.

7. Financier J. P. Morgan exercised his tremendous economic power most effectively by a. promoting horizontal integration of the oil industry. b. lending money to the federal government. c. consolidating and controlling rival industries through interlocking directorates. d. serving as the middleman between American industrialists and foreign governments. e. steering bank loans and investments to the most promising new industries.

c. consolidating and controlling rival industries through interlocking directorates.

1. Financiers Jim Fisk and Jay Gould involved the Grant administration in a corrupt scheme to a. skim funds from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. b. sell watered railroad stock at artificially high prices. c. corner the gold market. d. bribe congressmen in exchange for federal land grants. e. provide federal subsidies for bankrupt Wall Street stockbrokers.

c. corner the gold market.

13. As president, Theodore Roosevelt gained political strength especially through a. his careful use of traditional diplomacy. b. his constant threats of military intervention around the world. c. his vigorous use of his personal popularity and presidential power to lead Congress and the public. d. his ability to quietly mobilize his cabinet to promote his policy objectives. e. creating a personal political organization separate from the Republican party.

c. his vigorous use of his personal popularity and presidential power to lead Congress and the public.

5. The railroads affected even the organization of time in the United States by a. introducing regularly scheduled departures and arrivals on railroad timetables. b. introducing daylight savings time during the summer. c. introducing four standard time zones across the country. d. turning travel that had once taken days into a matter of hours. e. establishing the practice of a fixed 10-hour work day for all employees.

c. introducing four standard time zones across the country.

7. The primary goal for which all factions in both political parties contended during the Gilded Age was a. racial justice. b. a sound financial and banking system. c. patronage. d. a more assertive American foreign policy. e. rapid expansion of the national railway system.

c. patronage.

12. In the Open Door notes, Secretary of State John Hay called on all the imperial powers to a. acknowledge American control of the Philippines as the gateway to China. b. limit their military forces and control the arms race in China and the Pacific. c. respect Chinese rights and uphold China's territorial integrity rather than breaking it up into colonies. d. grant the United States an equal share in any possible colonization of China. e. treat China fairly despite the attacks on foreigners during the Boxer Rebellion.

c. respect Chinese rights and uphold China's territorial integrity rather than breaking it up into colonies.

6. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt took full advantage of the outbreak of war between the United States and Spain over Cuba by a. pushing for the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. b. establishing American naval bases at Pearl Harbor, Guam, and Samoa in the Pacific. c. secretly ordering Admiral George Dewey to attack the Spanish in the distant Philippines. d. organizing an American naval squadron to trap the Spanish fleet in Havana harbor. e. ordering the American navy to blockade all shipments in and out of Cuba.

c. secretly ordering Admiral George Dewey to attack the Spanish in the distant Philippines.

2. Boss Tweed's widespread corruption was finally brought to a halt by a. federal prosecutors who uncovered the theft. b. outraged citizens who rebelled against the waste of public money. c. the journalistic exposés of the New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast. d. Tweed's political opponents in New York City. e. bank officials who disclosed Tweed's illegal financial maneuvers.

c. the journalistic exposés of the New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast.

7. The problem of sustaining agriculture in the arid West was solved most successfully through a. concentrating agriculture in the more fertile mountain valleys. b. the use of small-scale family farms rather than large bonanza farms. c. the use of irrigation from dammed western rivers. d. the turn to desert crops like olives and dates. e. revising the Homestead Act to give away free farms of 640 acres instead of the inadequate 160 acres.

c. the use of irrigation from dammed western rivers.

15. In contrast to the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor advocated a. uniting both skilled and unskilled workers into a single large union. b. concentrating on improving wages and hours and avoiding general social reform. c. working for black and female labor interests as well as those of white men. d. using secrecy and violence against employers. e. using politics and government rather than strikes to achieve labor's goals.

c. working for black and female labor interests as well as those of white men.

15. Grover Cleveland stirred a furious storm of protest when, in response to the extreme financial crisis of the 1890s, he a. lowered tariffs to permit an influx of cheaper foreign goods into the country. b. signed a bill introducing a federal income tax that cut into workers' wages. c. pushed the Federal Reserve Board into sharply raising interest rates. d. borrowed $65 million dollars from J.P. Morgan and other bankers in order to save the monetary gold standard. e. seized federal control of the railroad industry.

d. borrowed $65 million dollars from J.P. Morgan and other bankers in order to save the monetary gold standard.

6. Both the mining and cattle frontiers of the late nineteenth-century West saw a/an a. increase of ethnic and class conflict. b. loss of economic viability after an initial boom. c. turn from large-scale investment to the individual entrepreneur. d. brief flourishing of individual enterprise eventually followed by large corporate takeovers. e. influx of immigrant miners and cowboys from Europe.

d. brief flourishing of individual enterprise eventually followed by large corporate takeovers.

9. Andrew Carnegie's industrial system of vertical integration involved the a. construction of large, vertical steel factories in Pittsburgh and elsewhere. b. cooperation between manufacturers like Andrew Carnegie and financiers like J. P. Morgan. c. integration of diverse immigrant ethnic groups into the steel industry labor force. d. combination of all phases of the steel industry from mining to manufacturing into a single organization. e. allying of competitors to monopolize a given market.

d. combination of all phases of the steel industry from mining to manufacturing into a single organization.

11. The great railroad strike of 1877 revealed the a. growing strength of American labor unions. b. refusal of the U.S. federal government to intervene in private labor disputes. c. ability of American workers to cooperate across ethnic and racial lines. d. growing threat of class warfare in response to the economic depression of the mid-1870s. e. American economy's capacity to find alternatives to railroad transportation.

d. growing threat of class warfare in response to the economic depression of the mid-1870s.

4. The railroad barons aroused considerable public opposition by practices such as a. forcing Indians off their traditional hunting grounds. b. refusing to pay their employees decent wages. c. refusing to build railroad lines in less settled areas. d. stock watering, rate discrimination, and bribery of public officials. e. using federal land grants and other subsidies to finance their construction and operations.

d. stock watering, rate discrimination, and bribery of public officials.

6. The political system of the Gilded Age was generally characterized by a. split-ticket voting, low voter turnout, and single-issue special-interest groups. b. strong party loyalties, low voter turnout, and deep ideological differences. c. third-party movements, high voter turnout and strong disagreement on foreign-policy issues. d. strong party loyalties, high voter turnout, and few disagreements on national issues. e. weak party loyalties, high voter turnout, and focus on personalities rather than parties.

d. strong party loyalties, high voter turnout, and few disagreements on national issues.

4. Americans first became actively involved with the situation in Cuba because a. it was clear that Spanish control of Cuba violated the Monroe Doctrine. b. imperialists and business leaders were looking to acquire colonial territory for the United States. c. leading Cuban rebels began advocating that Cuban be incorporated into the United States. d. the Battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor. e. Americans sympathized with Cuban rebels in their fight for democratic freedom from Spanish imperial rule.

d. the Battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor.

6. Congress finally stepped in to pass the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate the railroad industry because a. labor unions and social reformers demanded a public voice in the railroad industry. b. railroad corporations themselves were demanding an end to corruption and cutthroat competition. c. President Grover Cleveland gave strong backing for the law. d. the Supreme Court had ruled in the Wabash case that the states had no power to regulate interstate commerce. e. the spectacular failure of several railroads threatened the survival of the industry.

d. the Supreme Court had ruled in the Wabash case that the states had no power to regulate interstate commerce.

12. Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" proclaimed his belief that a. wealth was God's reward for hard work, while poverty resulted from laziness and immorality. b. churches needed to take a stronger stand on the economic issues of the day. c. faith in capitalism and progress should take the place once reserved for religion. d. those who acquired great wealth were morally responsible to use it for the public good. e. Jesus' teachings had revealed the fundamental principles of successful business.

d. those who acquired great wealth were morally responsible to use it for the public good.

8. Two late-nineteenth-century technological inventions that especially drew women out of the home and into the workforce were the a. railroad and the telegraph. b. electric light and the phonograph. c. cash register and the stock ticker. d. typewriter and the telephone. e. mimeograph and the moving picture.

d. typewriter and the telephone.

5. Many religious reformers, federal boarding schools, and the Dawes Act were all focused on the goal of a. enabling Indians to achieve economic opportunity on the reservations. b. assisting Indians who chose to migrate from the remote reservations to towns and cities. c. helping Indians form an effective pan-Indian alliance beyond their tribal identity. d. undermining Indians' traditional culture and assimilating them into white American culture and society. e. weakening the Bureau of Indian Affairs' monopoly on Indian policy.

d. undermining Indians' traditional culture and assimilating them into white American culture and society.

9. Which of the following was not among the reasons that President McKinley and other pro-imperialists gave for acquiring the Philippines as an American territory? a. Other imperial nations like Germany or Japan would seize the Philippines if the United States left. b. McKinley believed that handing them back to Spain's cruel misrule would betray American ideals. c. Many believed that Manila could open rich trading opportunities in China. d. McKinley believed that God had told him to Christianize and civilize the Filipinos. e. The Filipinos had been mostly Catholic Christians for centuries and so would welcome American rule.

e. The Filipinos had been mostly Catholic Christians for centuries and so would welcome American rule.

2. Which of the following was not among the factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1890s? a. The desire to expand overseas agricultural and manufacturing exports b. The yellow press of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst c. Some Protestant leaders' belief that America should spread its religion and culture to backward people d. The ideologies of Anglo-Saxon superiority and social Darwinism e. The intervention of the German Kaiser in Latin America

e. The intervention of the German Kaiser in Latin America

5. The depression of the 1870s led to increasing demands for a. a new federally controlled Bank of the United States. b. federal programs to create jobs for the unemployed. c. restoration of sound money by backing all paper currency with gold. d. stronger regulation of the banking system. e. inflation of the money supply by issuing more paper or silver currency.

e. inflation of the money supply by issuing more paper or silver currency.

1. The Indians of the western plains offered strong resistance to white expansion through their effective use of a. artillery and infantry tactics. b. Canada and Mexico as safe havens from which to conduct warfare. c. nighttime and winter campaigning. d. eastern journalists and artists to publicize their cause. e. superb horsemanship and mobility.

e. superb horsemanship and mobility.

13. The attempt to create an industrialized New South in the late nineteenth century generally failed because a. most southerners cherished the aristocratic ideals of leisure and education and looked down on hard work and economic pursuits. b. Southerners were too still too bitter at the Union to engage in productive economic pursuits that might benefit the nation. c. continued political violence made the South an unattractive place for investment. d. there was little demand for southern products like textiles and cigarettes. e. the South was discriminated against and kept in constant debt as a supplier of raw materials to northern industry.

e. the South was discriminated against and kept in constant debt as a supplier of raw materials to northern industry.

10. The Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson upholding "separate but equal" public facilities in effect legalized a. southern blacks' loss of voting rights. b. the right of blacks to establish separate colleges admitting blacks only. c. the program of separate black and white economic development endorsed by Booker T. Washington. d. the rights to "equal protection of the law" guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. e. the system of unequal segregation between the races.

e. the system of unequal segregation between the races.

11. So-called Social Darwinists like Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner justified harsh competition and vast disparities in wealth by arguing that a. industrialists like Rockefeller and Carnegie foreshadowed the evolution of the human race. b. such developments were a natural consequence of the New World environment. c. large fortunes could be used to invest in research that would improve the human gene pool. d. Charles Darwin had uncovered the scientific basis of economics as well as biology. e. the wealthy who came out on top were simply displaying their natural superiority to others.

e. the wealthy who came out on top were simply displaying their natural superiority to others.

10. By the 1880s, most western farmers faced hard times because a. free land was no longer available under the Homestead Act. b. they were unable to increase grain production to keep up with demand. c. they were being strangled by excessive federal regulation of agriculture. d. they resisted the adoption of technologically improved farming techniques. e. they were forced to sell their grain at declining prices in volatile and depressed world markets.

e. they were forced to sell their grain at declining prices in volatile and depressed world markets.

3. The warfare that led up to the Battle of the Little Big Horn was set off by a. white intrusion into the previously reserved Indian territory of Oklahoma. b. Indian attacks on the transcontinental railroad construction crews. c. the Indians' defeat and killing of Captain William Fetterman's entire military unit in Montana. d. a conflict over the interpretation of the second Treaty of Fort Laramie. e. white intrusions into the Indians' sacred Black Hills after the discovery of gold there.

e. white intrusions into the Indians' sacred Black Hills after the discovery of gold there.


high-flying American spy lane, whose drowning in 1960 destroyed a summit and heightened Cold War tensions

Saddam Hussein

lraqi dictator defeated by the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf War

George Clemenceau

the "tiger" or France, who drive for security forced Wilson to compromise at Versailles

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