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product of fusion. A diploid cell formed by the fusion of two gametes during sexual reproduction.


An informal name for a member of the phylum Lycophyta, which includes club mosses, spike mosses, and quillworts.


A leaf with a highly branched vascular system, characteristic of the vast majority of vascular plants.


A spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a female gametophyte.


Special cell division, associated with sexual life cycle Daughter cells have one-half the chromosome number of the parent cell. A type of cellular reproduction in which the number of chromosomes are reduced by half through the separation of homologous chromosomes, producing two haploid cells. Meiosis returns chromosome number to (n)


fusion of two dissimilar gametes, still physically similar, sizes different. compatible gametes are of different sizes (flagellets)


one individual self reproduces; offspring genetically identical to parent. Process of reproduction involving a single parent that results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent

Asexual production


Female sexual protective plant structure. The female gametangia is called the archegonia and produces the large gamete, the egg.

cells that fuse (or potential) in sexual reproduction to form a zygote- have single set of chromosomes: the reproductive cells which are the vehicles for transmitting genes from one generation to the next. GAMETES ARE HAPLOID (n) Have a single set of chromosomes.. A sex cell; in plants and animals, and egg or sperm. In sexual reproduction, the union of gametes results in the formation of a zygote. The chromosome number of a gamete is designated.


• Alternation between haploid and diploid phases • Chromosome number changes from n -> 2n at syngamy (fertilization) • Chromosome number changes from 2n -> n at meiosis • Gametes are always haploid • Zygotes are always diploid

General features of all sexual organisms

both zygote and the products of meiosis develop into multicellular phases.


The mature organisms is a multicellular haploid organism and the only diploid phases are the zygote . Zygote undergoes meiosis directly. haplontic life cycle:MEIOSIS produces SPORES a SPORE germinates,grows, divides; does not fuse.

Haplontic life cycle

HAPLONTIC: Zygote undergoes meiosis. DIPLONTIC: Meiosis produces gametes.

Haplontic vs diplontic

A condition in which male and female gametes are morphologically indistinguishable.


The series of changes in the life of an organism, including reproduction.

Life Cycles

sexual reproduction in which one of the gametes (the egg) is large and nonmotile and the other gamete (the sperm) is smaller and motile


The process of union of two gametes to form a zygote. The fusion of gametes resulting in the formation of a zygote, which develops into a new organism. (fertilization) : fusion of gametes; fertilization‚ union of egg and sperm‚ to restore the 2n condition (syn = with‚ together; -gamy = marriage‚ reproduction). Sexual fusion produces a cell with TWO COPIES OF EACH CHROMOSOME. Sexual fusion produces a cell with TWO COPIES OF EACH CHROMOSOME.


Reproduction in organisms that produce offspring by combining sex cells or gametes (such as ovum and sperm) from both parents. This produces offspring that have combinations of traits from their parents. exchange of genetic material increase in biodiversity a. Genetic mixing b. Two individual involved c. Offspring NOT identical to either parent All sexually reproducing organisms have HAPLOID and DIPLOID phases that alternate.

Sexual production

○ In most green algae, the zygote undergoes meiosis, and the adult is haploid. Ulva has an alternation of generations like land plants, but the sporophyte and gametophyte generations are similar in appearance; the gametes look alike.

The life cycle varies among the green algae.

ZYGOTE UNDERGOES MITOSES TO FORM MULTICELLULAR DIPLOID. Meiosis produces gametes (the only haploid stage)

Typical animal life cycle:

A life cycle in which there is both a multicellular diploid form, the sporophyte, and a multicellular haploid form, the gametophyte; characteristic of plants and some algae.

alternation of generations

A multicellular gametophyte, which is haploid with n chromosomes, alternates with a multicellular sporophyte, which is diploid with 2n chromosomes, made up of n pairs. A mature sporophyte produces spores by meiosis, a process which reduces the number of chromosomes to half, from 2n to n. Because meiosis is a key step in the alternation of generations, it is likely that meiosis has a fundamental adaptive function.

alternation of generations

A flowering plant, which forms seeds inside a protective chamber called an ovary.


In plants, the male gametangium, a moist chamber in which gametes develop.


In plants, the male gametangium, a moist chamber in which gametes develop. The gametophyte produces multicellular sex organs (gametangia). Female gametangia are called archegonia; male gametangia, antheridia.


Embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and buds of shoots. The dividing cells of an apical meristem enable the plant to grow in length.

apical meristem

In plants, the female gametangium, a moist chamber in which gametes develop.

archegonium (plural, archegonia)

Asexual = requires only one parent, and offspring are an exact copy (clone), Sexual = requires 2 parents (egg and sperm join and form zygote)

asexual vs sexual

An informal name for a moss, liverwort, or hornwort; a nonvascular plant that lives on land but lacks some of the terrestrial adaptations of vascular plants.


(1) In many prokaryotes, a dense and well-defined layer of polysaccharide or protein that surrounds the cell wall and is sticky, protecting the cell and enabling it to adhere to substrates or other cells. (2) The sporangium of a bryophyte (moss, liverwort, or hornwort).


(1) A waxy covering on the surface and leaves that prevents desiccation in terrestrial plants. (2) The exoskeleton of an arthropod, consisting of layers of protein and chitin that are variously modified for different functions. (3) A tough coat that covers the body of a nematode.


A reproductive organ that houses and protects the gametes of a plant.


Multicellular plant structure in which gametes are formed. Female gametangia are called archegonia, and male gametangia are called antheridia.

gametangium (plural, gametangia)

The mature gamete-producing structure of a moss gametophyte.


A small, herbaceous, nonvascular plant that is a member of the phylum Hepatophyta.


Life cycle begins with haploid sperm and egg which fuses to make a diploid zygote and then a diploid adult. In this diplontic life cycle, the diploid body is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the haploid cells exist only as single-celled gametes.

define: diplontic

Alternate name for land plants that refers to their shared derived trait of multicellular, dependent embryos.


(1) The portion of a bryophyte sporophyte that gather sugars, amino acids, water, and minerals from the parent gametophyte via transfer cells. (2) One of the three main parts of a mollusc; a muscular structure usually used for movement.


In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular haploid form that produces haploid gametes by mitosis. The haploid gametes unite and develop into sporophytes.


In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular haploid form that produces haploid gametes by mitosis. The hapoloid gametes unite and develop into sporophytes.


A group of organisms that share the same level of organizational complexity or share a key adaptation.


A vascular plant that bears naked seeds--seeds not enclosed in protective chambers.



haploid or diploid: sporophyte


haploid or diploid: gametophyte


haploid or diploid: sperm


haploid or diploid: spore


haploid or diploid: zygote

Referring to a plant species that has two kinds of spores: microspores, which develop into male gametophytes, and megaspores, which develop into female gametophytes.


Referring to a plant species that has a single kind of spore, which typically develops into a bisexual gametophyte.


A small, herbaceous, nonvascular plant that is a member of the phylum Anthocerophyta.


D) haploid spore

in plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis a) haploid sporophytes b) haploid gametes c) diploid gamete d) haploid spores e) diploid spores

Bangiomorpha pubescens (red algae) showed evidence of sexual reproduction. Bangiomorpha pubescens :An extinct red alga known from 1.2 billion year old fossils (Arctic Canada). Oldest eukaryote that can be taxonomically placed. Oldest known multicellular eukaryote. Different sized spore/gametes provides first evidence of sexual reproduction

in the Proterozoic era

The main photosynthetic organ of vascular plants.


A hard material embedded in the cellulose matrix of vascular plant cell walls that provides structural support in terrestrial species.


In lycophytes, a small lead with a single unbranched vein.


A spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a male gametophyte.


Normal cell division Growth, repair; asexual reproduction Daughter cells have same number and kind of chromosomes as parent. A process of asexual reproduction in which the cell divides in two producing a replica, with an equal number of chromosomes in each resulting diploid cell.


A small, herbaceous, nonvascular plant that is a member of the phylum Bryophyta.


fucus: a genus of brown algae found in the intertidal zones example of oogamy

name example of which sexual reproduction

Fucus male conceptacle

name that part:


name that structure

haplontic life cycle :In protists & fungi; only diploid stage is zygote, which produces haploid spores via meiosis which divide mytotically, some of which differeniate into gametes example : Spirogyra and Chara

name the life cycle and give an example,

codium: genus of marine green algae (chlorophyta) example of anisogamy

name: this is an example of which sexual reproduction

Ulva: a green alga in the division Chlorophyta example of ISOGAMY: Alternation of ISOMORPHIC GENERATIONS:

name: this is an example of which sexual reproduction life cycle:

A mass of green, branched, one-cell-thick filaments produced by germinating moss spores.

protonema (plural, protonemata)

An informal name for a member of the phylum Pterophyta, which includes ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns and their relatives.


Plant tissue consisting of cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body.

vascular tissue

A unicellular female sex organ that contains one or several eggs


Extensive deposits of partially decayed organic material often formed primarily from the wetland moss Sphagnum.


A ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures on the upper part of a moss capsule (sporangium), often specialized for grradual spore discharge.


Vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic nutrients throughout the plant.


An alignment of cytoskeletal elements and Golgi-derived vesicles that forms across the midline of a dividing plant cell.


A plant cell that enhances the transfer of nutrients from parent to embryo.

placental transfer cell

A long, tubular single cell or filament of cells that anchors bryophytes to the ground. Unlike roots, rhizoids are not composed of tissues, lack specialized conducting cells, and do not play a primary role in water and mineral absorption.


An organ in vascular plants that anchors the plant and enables it to absorb water and minerals from the soil.


An adaptation of some terrestrial plants consisting of an embryo packaged along with a store of food within a protective coat.


An informal name for a plant that has vascular tissue but lacks seeds. Seedless vascular plants form a paraphyletic group that includes the phyla Lycophyta (club mosses and their relatives) and Pterophyta (ferns and their relatives).

seedless vascular plant

The elongated stalk of a bryophyte sporophyte.

seta (plural, setae)

A cluster of sporangia on a fern sporophyll. Sori may be arranged in various patterns, such as parallel lines or dots, which are useful in fern identification.

sorus (plural, sori)

chara: green algae: Sexually reproductive individuals should show two kinds of gametangia: top part • female oogonia with a single large egg wrapped in helical protective filaments. Oogonia have sterile cells surrounding egg, reminiscent of the archegonia of land plants. bottom ball • spherical male antheridia (yellow-brownish), which produce many biflagellate sperm, Antheridia on special filaments surrounded by spherical cluster of sterile cells (globule) Haplontic life cycles:

species: genus: pictured parts: life cycle:

spirogyra: is a genus of filamentous green algae: the round structure is a zygote: halpontic life cycle

species: genus: pictured parts: life cycle:

A multicellular organ in fungi and plants in which meiosis occurs and haploid cells develop.

sporangium (plural, sporangia)

A plant with vascular tissue. Vascular plants include all living plant species except liverworts, mosses, and hornworts.

vascular plant

(1) In the life cycle of a plant or algae undergoing alternation of generations, a haploid cell produced in the sporophyte by meiosis. A spore can divide by mitosis to develop into a multicellular haploid individual, the gametophyte, without fusing with another cell. (2) In fungi, a haploid cell, produced either sexually or asexually, that produces a mycelium after germination.


A diploid cell, also known as a spore mother cell, that undergoes meiosis and generates haploid spores.


A modified leaf that bears sporangia and hence is specialized for reproduction.


In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular diploid form that results from the union of gametes. The sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis that develop into gametophytes.


A durable polymer that covers exposed zygotes of charophyte algae and forms the walls of plant spores, preventing them from drying out. Most resistant biopolymer known. Withstands chemical/microbial degradation, UV...Also present in zygospore of Spirogyra, another charophyte


A microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in the epidermis of leaves and stems that allows gas exchange between the environment and the interior of the plant.

stoma (plural, stomata)

The technical term for a cluster of sporophylls known commonly as a cone, found in most gymnosperms and some seedless vascular plants.

strobilus (plural, strobili)

A long, tapered water-conducting cell found in the xylem of nearly all vascular plants. Functioning tracheids are no longer living.


Haplontic life cycles:

which life cycle


which life cycle is this an example of?

diplontic: A type of life cycle in which gametes are the only haploid cells and mitosis occurs only in diploid cells *Meiosis produces gametes.

which life cycle?

Diplontic life cycle: fucus. and oogamous

which type of life cycle?

Vascular plant tissue consisting mainly of tubular dead cells that conduct most of the water and minerals upward from the roots to the rest of the plant.


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