Combo with E-Commerce and 2 others

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Text color

Target Audience

The group of people a website from a home page


The language of the world wide web

EFT (Electric Funds Transfer)

The process of exchanging account information electronically over private communications networks

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Transaction broker - Processses online sales transactions - Transaction fee model


Used to hold text and/ or graphics so that they do not change sizes on other pages

Combination Menu

Using both graphics/images and text for websites

Unstructured Menus

Words are hot linked from a home page or other website pages

Page Layout

a detailed sketch of each page

Webbed Hierarchy

a web like structure with non traditional linking page


business online between two businesses


consumer browsing for information from multiple sites


entry into a website

VAN ( Value Added Network)

provides connections and ensures security for data


revenue minus all expenses


the actual layout of the website


the combination or language and atoms


the conduct of selling, buying, logistics, or other organization management activities via the web


the division of a company which hires employees and takes care of all employee-related matters


the exchange of products, services, or info between consumers like on

Text Menu

using any keyed text for links from a home page or other website pages

dragon naturally speaking

voice activated software


when one business transfers computer readable data into an agreed upon format

Ethernet Speed

10 Mybtes per second, the speed at which the data is transported

Animated GIF

A GIF based graphic file that moves

Home Page

A point of entry into a website


A technique for diminishing edges of a pixelated graphic

Value Added Network

An independent firm that offers connections and EDI transaction services

Recognize the (4) business models in other emerging areas of e-commerce

C2C business models - eBay


Characteristics such as age, sex, income, location, etc.

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Community provider - Provides and online community for networking and sharing info. - Advertising - Referrals - Subscriptions

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Competitive environment - Who are your competitors? How many, where, and profitable?

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Content provider - Info and entertainment co. that provide digital content over web. - Utilizes advertising/subscription/affiliate referral fee model


Describes how many pixels are displayed on your screen

Recognize the (4) business models in other emerging areas of e-commerce

E-commerce enablers - Providing infrastructure so e-commerce co. can grow (ex. Amazon providing server space, or the "Cloud")

Describe the (5) major B2B business models

E-procurement - Single firms create digital markets for sellers and buyers

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

E-tailer - Online version of traditional retailer. Usually online version of something that can be found in a "brick" facility

Describe the (5) major B2B business models

Exchange - Idepend. owned digital mktplce for direct inputs, usually for a vertical industry group

Describe the (5) major B2B business models

Industry consortium - Industry owned vertical digital market

Structured Menus

Links are easy to follow and in logical order

Recognize the (4) business models in other emerging areas of e-commerce

M-commerce business models - leveraging wireless tech for commerce

Snail Mail

Mail sent and received via postal service

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Management team - Should guide the co. growth and expansion.

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Market creator - Uses internet to create markets that bring buyers and sellers together (eBay)

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Market opportunity - Revenue potential within a company's marketspace

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Market strategy - A plan for how a co. will enter a market and attract customers

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Portal - Search tools, integrated package of content and services. - Combined subscription/advertising revenue/transaction fee

Describe the (5) major B2B business models

Private industrial network - Coordinates supply chains with a limited set of partners


Programs written in javascript and added to the website


Purchase of goods for resale

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Revenue model - How the company plans to make money from its operations

Describe the (7) major B2C business models

Services provider - offers online services


Short uniformly organized pieces of information that particularly lend themselves to help presentations


The basic overall color or design of your website

EDI ( Electric Data Interchange)

Transaction that occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in an open format.

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Value proposition - How a company's product or service fulfills the needs of its customers.


a box that is drawn on your storyboard to represent where a graphic would be


a business that provides access to the internet via modem

Site Map

a detailed structural outline of a website


a file format for images used with lots of color

Inline Graphic

a graphic that appears within a line of text


a graphical structure that flows from the most important or most general to the most specific

Balanced Hierarchy

a hierarchical tree that facilitates quick access to information and helps users understand how you have organized content

Linear Hierarchy

a hierarchy that is viewed sequentially in a line one right after the other


a negotiated exchange of valuable objects or services between two or more parties (a buyer and a seller); includes all activities that each of the parties undertake to complete the transaction

Flow Chart

a quick sketch of the site's navigational structure

Web Auction

a site which provides a forum for buyers and sellers to trade items

Form handler

a software program running on a web server that interprets the data sent by a web page


a web-based private network that hosts internet applications on a local area network


ability for all persons even with disabilities


all purchasing activities plus all the monitoring of elements

Shopping Cart

an electronic tool used by online consumers to purchase goods or services


another file format for pictures


background of your webpage

Alternate Browsers

browsers that validate websites for use by individuals with disabilities


displaying two or more web pages at the same time in the same browser window


establishes where the data travels

Site Assessment

evaluating the form and function of your website design


group status based on social groupings and economic status, in terms of e-commerce, these groups may or may not be limited by financial security


involves the concept that businesses and government agencies can use central web sites to exchange info

Fulfillment Company

offers services to other companies like transaction processing

accessibility wizards

option on most computers that allow a user's computer to be configured for visual, hearing,and physical needs


small graphics used to keep loading time down


the exchange of products like on ebay


the exchange of products over the internet


the navigation features of the website


the process of developing and diagramming a site's structure that best matches your user's needs


the website's web address


to go worldwide in slope and approximation; a consumer can access the internet form anywhere at anytime

Shallow Hierarchy

too many sections

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

transferring of information from one computer to another

Graphics Menu

using images as links from a home page or other web page

Deep Hierarchy

A hierarchy with too many menu-selections, becomes a navigational nightmare for the user

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Competitive advantage - What differentiates a business from its competitors.

Transaction Processing

Completing a transaction online

Describe the (5) major B2B business models

E-distributor - Supplies products directly to indiv. bus.

Input Controls

Form fields that are used to collect data entered by the user


Global Positioning System

Identify the (8) key components of e-commerce business models

Organizational development - Structure and having the right team in place to be competitive.

Recognize the (4) business models in other emerging areas of e-commerce

P2P business models - Cosumers can share files & services (challenge has been finding a revenue model that works)

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