COMD 4200 Quiz 5

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What are 4 basic remediation approaches for therapy?

1. Focused stimulation 2. Incidental teaching 3. Floortime 4. Family Centered

Intervention with infants is done with a _____________-__________.


_______________ ___________ involves decoding and fluency

Word recognition

What are the 4 approaches to help with treatment for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers?

1. Emphasize intervention in naturalistic contexts 2. Engage children in authentic, meaningful activities 3. Functionally link activities to daily routine. 4. Vary service models, small group/individual therapy.

Emergent Literacy Intervention Components of shared book-reading and story sense include what 6 components?

1. Engage in dialogic reading 2. Expose child to quality literature 3. Select predictably patterned stories 4. Direct attention to printed words as well as pictures 5. Encourage recounting of families experiences in daily life. 6. Encourage recounting of personal event narratives

6 Behavioral characteristics of Language Disorders include:

1. Inattention 2. Impulsivity 3. Hyperactivity 4. Attention deficit disorder 5. Perseveration 6. Echolalia

What are the 5 milestones within 3 to five years of age?

1. Major portion of linguistic system is acquired 2. Vocabulary growth is rapid 3. Average utterance length continues to increase 4. Acquisition of syntax begins 5. Morphological forms emerge and solidify

Essay Question: 5 Reasons SLPs play a critical and direct role in literacy development.

1. Oral language is the basis for the acquisition of reading and writing 2. There is a reciprocal relationship between oral and written language. 3. Children and adolescents with oral language deficits often have difficulty acquiring ability to read and write. 4. SLP's have knowledge of typical and atypical patterns of language development. 5. Literacy development requires interdisciplinary approach where SLP collaborates with other professionals, families, and students.

Alphabetic letter name and sound knowledge are what 3?

1. Plan program instruction in hierarchical order 2. Pay attention to the way letters are formed by mouth 3. Call attention to sounds each letter makes

What are the 7 broad range of early intervention services? According to ASHA early intervention guidelines.

1. Prevention 2. Screening, evaluation, and assessment 3. Implementation and monitoring 4. Consultation and education 5. Service coordination 6. Transition and planning 7. Advocacy

What are the 6 roles of the speech language pathologist in literacy?

1. Prevention 2. Identification 3. Assessment 4. Intervention 5. Collaboration/advocacy 6. Advancement of knowledge base

Essay Question: 5 SLPs Roles and responsibilities related to literacy according to ASHA

1. Prevention: Promote opportunities to participate in oral and written language experiences that facilitate literacy. 2. Identification: Provide screening/early detection of children with or at risk for reading and writing problems as a result of oral language difficulties. 3. Assessment: Evaluate reading and writing abilities in relation to oral language skills using descriptive measures. 4. Intervention: Implement evidence-based instruction for reading and writing problems regarding oral language and writing. 5. Other roles: Collaborate/advocate for effective language based literacy practices, promote family involvement in literacy activities.

Phonological awareness in emergent literacy intervention components include what 5 components?

1. Recite fingerplays 2. Sing songs and chants 3. Engage in alliteration and rhyming 4. Point out words that begin with the same sound 5. Generate words that begin with the same sound

What are the 5 classifications of language disorders?

1. Semantics: Word Meaning 2. Morphology:Structure of words 3. Syntax: Rules governing word order 4. Pragmatics: Use of social language 5. Phonology: Sounds that make up sound system

Relationship between oral language and literacy include what 3 different areas?

1. Speech-language pathologists 2. Reading 3. Writing

Essay Question: Shared book-reading and sense of story

1. engage in dialogic reading 2. expose child to quality literature (Dr. Seuss) 3. Select predictability patterned stories 4. Direct attention to printed words as well as pictures (joint attention) 5. encourage recounting of families experiences in daily life 6. encourage recounting of personal event narratives

Who should receive early intervention as an infant?

Any infant or child who is not developing within the expected time frame.

Intervention with infants is between ages _________ to ________

Birth to 3 years

_____________ __________ are when children begin to express communicative intentions through gesture and vocalization.

Communicative intentions

___________ is receptive language and ability to derive meaning from incoming auditory or visual messages.


_______________ refers to the meaning of words.


The main goal of _______________ ______________ is to help young children develop basic skills critical to successful speech, language, and learning.

Early Intervention

_____________ ____________ increases awareness of words in print and understanding of functions of literacy. Develops foundational knowledge about print through everyday experiences.

Emergent Literacy

_______________ _________ creates foundation for formal literacy instruction. Precursors to achievement in reading and writing.

Emergent Literacy

__________________ ____________ occurs birth through preschool years.

Emergent Literacy

___________-__________ trains parents and caregivers to foster language development in naturalistic contexts.

Family centered

___________________ focuses on building foundations of social, emotional, and intellectual capacities in child rather than targeted isolated behaviors.


___________ __________ concentrates exposure to target form in variety of contexts.

Focused stimulation

____________ ___________ encourages child to initiate communication by arranging environment to increase likelihood for verbal/nonverbal intervention target.

Incidental teaching

____________ ____________ / ____________ __________ understand a few familiar words by eight months.

Initial vocabulary/first lexicon

_________ _________ and _________ play sequences such as peek a boo.

Joint action and routine.

_______________ is adult and infant focused on same referent.

Joint/shared attention

___________ is the awareness of sounds in environment by turning toward/visually searching for source.


What are the 2 major goals of early intervention?

Localization Joint/Shared attention

_____________ _____________ is explicit knowledge of and ability to manipulate aspects of linguistic system independently of meaning conveyed from message.

Metalinguistic Awareness

_________ _______ is when an infant and caregiver look at each other during social interactions.

Mutual gaze

________________ ________ and ___________ _______ functional (play intended for intended purpose). Symbolic play (substitute objects or events).

Nonsymbolic play and symbolic play

___________________ _______________ is manipulation of sound structure through highly predictive of decoding and spelling, rhyming, blending, and segmenting abilities.

Phonological Awareness

_____________ is expressive language and combination of linguistic symbols to form meaningful messages.


The goal of emergent literacy intervention (birth - preschool years) is to...

Promote oral and print-knowledge skills associated with reading and writing skills.

____________ ____________ _______ play important role in acquisition of literacy by development of reading and writing skills.

Speech-Language Pathologists

____________ is increasing control over speech mechanism through quality and variety of vocalization.


____________ includes spelling and composition.


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