Comm 1040 Chapter 2
Scale questions
A form of close ended question, also called attitude scales, measure the respondents level of agreement or disagreement with specific issues. Good professor, strongly agree, agree, agree sort of, don't agree.
Fixed alternative questions
A form of close ended question. they contain a limited choice of answers such as yes, no, or for x years.
A method of spontaneously generating ideas through word association, topic mapping, or Internet browsing using search engines and directories.
A social community whose perspectives and style of communicating differ significantly from yours.
Open ended questions.
Also call unstructured questions, begin with a how, what, when, where or why, and they are particularly useful for probing beliefs and opinions.
Close ended questions
Also called structure questions, elicit a small range of specific answers. 2 kinds of close ended questions.
Hypothetical example
An example of something that may happen in the future but hasn't happened yet.
Political affiliation
As with religion, beware of certain people political values and beliefs.
Audience-centered perspective
Assuming an audience-centered perspective will help you prepare a presentation that your audience will want to hear
Attitudes are based on beliefs, the ways in which people perceive reality
Avoid gender stereotyping. Distinct from the fixed physical characteristics of biological sex, gender is our social and psychological sense of ourselves as males or females.
Religious orientation
Awareness of an audience's general religious orientation can be critical when your speech touches on a topic as potentially controversial as religion.
Both attitudes and beliefs are shaped by our values, our most enduring judgments abut what's good in life, as shaped by our culture and our unique experiences within it.
What do you do if listeners are negatively sipped toward the topic?
Focus on establishing a link between them and you and credibility. Don't directly challenge listeners' attitudes; instead begin with areas of agreement Discover why they have a negative bias in order to tactfully introduce the other side of the argument Offer solid evidence from sources they are likely to accept Give good reasons for developing a positive attitude toward the topic
Supporting Material
Good speeches content relevant, motivating, and audience-centered supporting material in the form of examples, stories, testimony, facts, and statistics.
How do you find topics for your speech?
Identify personal interests, consider current events and controversial issues, Survey grassroots issues: engage the community, Steer clear of overuse and trivial topics, Try brain storming to generate ideas, Utilize internet tools.
Thesis statement
Is the theme of the speech stated as a single declarative sentence.
Specific speech purpose
Lays out precisely what you want the audience to take away from your presentation.
deep web
Library portals often have access to this, and the large portion of it cannot be accessed by search engines because the information is licensed.
Listeners have a natural desire to identify with the speaker and to feel that he or she shares their perceptions, so establish a feeling go commonality, or identification
What do you do if listeners are a captive audience?
Motivate listeners to pay attention by stressing what is most relevant to them. Pay close attention to the length of your speech
Stories or narratives
One of the most powerful means of conveying a message and connecting with an audience. They help us make sense of an experience.
Cultural values
People in every culture posses cultural values related to their personal relationships, religion, occupation and so forth.
What do you do if the topic is new to listeners?
Start by showing why the topic is relevant to them. Relate the topic to familiar issues and ideas about which they already hold positive attitudes.
What do you do if listeners know relatively little about the topic?
Stick to the basics and include background information. Steer clear of jargon and define unclear terms Repeat important point, summarizing information often.
What do you do if listeners hold a positive attitude toward the topic?
Stimulate the audience to feel even more strongly by emphasizing the side of the argument with which they already agree. Tell stories with vivid language that reinforce listeners' attitudes.
Audience Analysis
The process of gathering and analyzing information about audience members' attributes and motivations with the explicit aim of prepairing your speech in ways that will be meaningful to them. This is the single most critical aspect to prepare for any speech.
The statistical characteristics of a population. 8 Demographics are considered when talking to an audience.
Group affiliations
The various groups to which audience members belong reflect their interests and values and so provide insight into what they care about. (social, civic work-related, religious)
Target audience
Those individuals within the broader audience whom you are most likely to influence in the direction you seek. you identify them by knowing your audience and where it falls on audience demographics.
Selecting a topic and purpose
Unless you can clearly identify what you want to say and why you want to say it, you won't be able to find a speech that works.
a count of the number of times something occurs.
a typical instance of something. There are three types of these.
What are the 8 demographics?
age, ethnic and cultural background, socioeconomic status, religious and political affiliations, gender, and group affiliations.
Voluntary audience
an audience that attends at their own will and is more positively predisposed to the speaker.
Captive audience
an audience that is required to hear the speaker, and may be less positively disposed to the occasion.
General speech purpose
answers the question "What is my objective in speaking on this topic to this audience on this occasion?"
Oral citation
credits the source of speech material that is derived from other people's ideas. For each source plan on briefly alerting the audience.
first hand findings, eyewitness accounts and people opinions
Expert testimony
includes findings, eyewitness accounts, or opinions from professionals trained to evaluate a given topic.
Socioeconomic status
includes income, occupation, and education. Knowing roughly where an audience falls in terms of these key variables can be critical in effectively targeting your message. (include Income, occupation, and education)
Be able to recognize information, propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation
information is data that is presented in an understandable context Propaganda is information presented in such a way to provoke a desired response Misinformation always refers to something that is not true Disinformation is the deliberate falsification of information
Generational identity
knowing what generation your audience is a part of makes it easier to relate your speech to events the audience knows.
Brief examples
offer a single illustration of a point.
Extended examples
offer multifaceted illustration of the idea, item, or event being described, thereby allowing the speaker to create a more detailed picture for the audience.
our general evaluations of people, ideas, objects, or events
Secondary sources
provide analysis to commentary about things not directly observed or created.
Primary sources
provide first hand accounts or direct evidence of events, objects, or people.
quantifies evidence that summarizes compares and predicts things.
represent documented occurrences, including actual events, dates, times, people, and places.
Special Occasion speech
serves the purpose of entertaining, celebrating, commemorating, inspiring, or setting a social agenda.
Persuasive speech
serves to affect some degree of change in the attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors of audience members.
Informative speech
serves to increase the audience's awareness and understanding of a topic by defining, describing, explaining, or demonstrating knowledge of the subject.
Lay testimony
testimonies by non experts such as eyewitnesses, can reveal compelling first hand information that may be unavailable to others.
the qualified portion of a whole.
Library portal
use this to access credible sources