Comm 1500: Listening (Test 2)

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Critical listening doesn't necessarily mean what?

doesn't necessarily mean criticizing what we are hearing; rather, it means evaluating what we are hearing

What is the relational style?

emphasizes concern for other people's emotions and interests

What is the task-oriented style?

emphasizes concise, error-free presentations

What is the critical style?

emphasizes intellectual challenges.

What is the analytical style?

emphasizes withholding judgment while listening

What is supporting?

expressing your agreement with the speaker's opinion or point of view

It is possible to find people online where?

in support groups, who can listen actively and empathically to what you have to say even anonymously.

What is critical listening?

listening to evaluate/analyze a message

What is informational listening?

listening to learn

What is empathic listening?

listening to try and identify with the speaker by understanding and experiencing what he or she is thinking or feelings

What is pseudo-listening vs selective attention?

means pretending to pay attention to someone; means listening only to what we want to hear.

What is analyzing?

providing your own perspective on what the speaker has said, such as by explaining your opinion or describing your experience

What are the 4 listening styles?

relational, task-oriented, critical, analytical

What is stonewalling?

responding with silence and a lack of facial expression

What is paraphrasing?

restating the person's message in your own words, to show you understand

Effective empathic listeners need 2 skills:

1. Perspective taking: helps us understand a situation from another's point of view 2. Empathic concern: ability to identify how someone is feeling and to experience those feelings ourselves.

Listening is _____, not _____

Active; Automatic

Listening requires more than just what?


What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Hearing: is the perception of sound Listening: an active process of paying attention to a sound, assigning meaning to it, and responding to it

Becoming a better empathic listener:

Listen nonjudgementally (listen without interrupting; don't offer advice unless asked) Acknowledge feelings (use continuer statements; avoid terminator statements; don't use "I know how you feel" if you don't) Communicate support nonverbally (use good nonverbals instead of bad ones)

We spend much of our waking day doing what?


What is important?

Listening effectively

What is backchanneling?

Nodding your head, using facials, and making vocalizations

What is noise?

Noise is anything that distracts us from listening to what we wish to listen to Some noise is physical or psychological

Becoming a better informational listener:

1) separate what is and isn't said (paraphrase) 2) avoid confirmation bias (make sure to listen to all sides before concluding) 3) listen for substance more than for style (vividness effect; avoid only paying attention to the dramatic/flashy parts and pay attention to all)

What are the 6 stages of the hurier model?

1. Hearing: physically perceiving sound 2. Understanding: comprehending the words we heard 3. Remembering: storing ideas in memory 4. Interpreting: assigning meaning to what we have heard 5. Evaluating: judging the speaker's credibility and intention 6. Responding

What are the barriers to effective listening?

1. Noise 2. Pseudo-listening 3. Selective attention 4. Information overload 5. Glazing over 6. Rebuttal tendency 7. Closed mindedness 8. Competitive interrupting

What are the 7 types of listening responses in the responding stage?

1. Stonewalling 2. Back-channeling 3. Paraphrasing 4. Empathizing 5. Supporting 6. Analyzing 7. Advising

Becoming a better critical listener:

Be a skeptic. (Question claims to see if they are valid or not) Evaluate a speaker's credibility. (Check for biases, experience with expertise, or just expertise) Understand probability (a statement has to have >50% chance to be probable)

To be an effective listener online, take note of these suggestions:

Be attentive to what others are saying. Remember that words can be misinterpreted. Don't be a lurker.

What is closed mindedness?

Closed-mindedness is the tendency not to listening to anything with which you disagree. Many people are closed-minded only about certain issues, not about everything.

What is advising?

Communicating advice to the speaker about what he/she should think, feel, or do

What is competitive interrupting?

Competitive interrupting means using interruptions to take control of a conversation. Most interruptions are not competitive

What do you need to do while listening?

Construct meaning

What is empathizing?

Conveying to the speaker that you understand and that you share his or her feelings on the topic

What affects some dimensions of listening behavior?

Culture and sex

What are 2 dimensions that differ from culture and sex?

Expectations for directness. Nonverbal listening response

What is the HUREIR model?

Explains the stages of effective listening; the stages do not have to be enacted in order

People often engage in these types of listening:

Informational listening Critical listening Empathic listening

What are the other 2 less common types of listening?

Inspirational: listening in order to be inspired Appreciative: listening for pure enjoyment

What does listening effectively mean?

It involves listening with the conscious and explicit goal of understanding what the speaker is attempting to communicate

People have various what?

Listening styles

What are the misconceptions about listening?

Myth: Hearing is the same as listening Myth: Listening is natural and effortless Myth: All listeners hear the same message

Do all listeners receive the same message?

No, we are filtering our messages through our own unique experiences and biases

Effective can also occur where?


What is glazing over?

People speak more slowly than we can listen, so our minds can wander when we listen to others. Glazing over can cause us to miss important details, listen uncritically, and make it appear as though we are not listening.

We all have a what? But we use what? depending on different situations

Primary listening style; various listening styles

What is rebuttal tendency?

Rebuttal tendency means debating a speaker's point and formulating a reply while the person is still speaking. Rebuttal tendency requires mental energy that should be spent listening and can cause us to miss details

Information listening is a what process?

Relatively passive process

What is a lurker on an internet forum?

Someone who doesn't engage in the conversation and just looks at the messages of other people; it is a passive not active process

What is information overload?

We are exposed to multiple messages daily. It can be difficult to pay attention to particular messages when we have so many to process. Information overload is especially common online

When do we engage in critical listening?

We engage in critical listening when we pay attention to a commercial to see whether we want to buy a product

When do we engage in informational listening?

We engage in informational listening when taking notes in class, watching the news, or paying attention to driving directions.

What are listening styles?

They represent differences in people's goals for listening

Is listening challenging?

Yes, listening is a learned skill; listening can be learned or improved upon from experiences/mistakes, instruction, and through education and training

What is listening?

the active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message

Good listening skills are essential in where?

the workplace, families, and social relationships

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