COMM 2020 Final

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The notion that visual aids should apply the principle that the simplest explanation is the best explanation is known as

Occam's razor

________ is considered the worst academic crime possible.


In the middle of Ericka's speech in class a loud crash sounded from outside the building. This was followed by people yelling at each other. She noticed several audience members stare outside the window and not pay attention to her. Which of the following should Ericka do to regain her audience's attention?

acknowledge the noises for the audience and then continue her speech

One should always consider their appearance when speaking publicly because appearance _____

all of the above ( helps the speaker feel more confident leaves a first impression helps you gain the respect of your audience)

During class, Professor Smith calls Jordan to answer a question. The receiver(s) of Jordan answer is/are

all of the above (Professor Smith the service people working on the AC at the back of the classroom other students in the class)

Public speaking differs from conversation in which way(s)

all of the above (public speaking often involves more than just a few people public speaking has a more formal format public speaking uses more formal language)

Which of the following can be used in multimedia presentations?

all of the above (video, audio, pictures)

Bailey is preparing a speech on domestic violence on college campuses. To gain information, Bailey asks several university members, individually, their thoughts and opinions on the topic. Bailey is conducting.....

an informal survey

In her wedding toast to the bride, Janie, Alice says: "Are you superstitious? Well, 14 months ago today Janie caught the bouquet at my wedding." Alice was using a/an:


Olivia is preparing a speech for her design class on modern furniture and art. As she puts together her presentation she knows she wants a formal approach that puts an equal distribution of elements within images. This is the design principle of:

axial balance

A cultural anthropology student is putting together a speech about the states that have the highest to lowest per capita number of people moving to other states. He wants a visual aid to show the list, from highest to lowest. His best visual aid would be a/an:


All speeches require visual aids.


Animation should be used on all slides in PowerPoint.


Anytime a speaker uses Powerpoint as their visual aid in a presentation, animation should be used.


During an interview, you should only ask the questions you had planned for prior to entering the interview.


Epideictic speeches need a clear summary in the conclusion


Gorgias understood public speaking as one of the most important tools a person can posses to engage in public life.


Hearing is a psychological process that involves making sense of out sounds.


IF we were to give actual speeches in our class this semester, according to the text, we would most likely be giving a manuscript speech.


If people are engaged in passive listening, it can be concluded that they are not listening to comprehend.


Impromptu speeches allow for no preparation time. It is expected that these speeches will be not be logical nor organized.


Mispronouncing words while speaking publicly is natural and will not damage the speaker's credibility.


One can never have too much focus on delivery


PowerPoint is best used like giant note cards.


Public speaking is a talent, something you are born with.


Sexual orientation, economic status, and attitudes are demographic categories used in audience analysis


Speakers cannot use audience analysis data within their speech


The VALS Framework labels people believers if they believe they can change the world around them through their vast personal resources


The first thing the speaker does in a speech is announce the topic.


The speaking outline is the first outline you make


Travel spectacles take place when speakers reference trips they made in the past that are directly relevant to the speech which they are delivering.


When conducting research on your topic, stay focused only on research/data that supports your original idea.


When delivering a speech, if a speaker cites their sources on their outline and cites their sources on a visual aid, there is no need to cite their sources verbally while speaking.


Wikipedia is not useful at all in conducting research for a speech.


You should never change your delivery of your speech during your speech because of audience feedback


A confused look on the face of an audience member may serve as _____________ for the speaker.


In her speech about the dangers of sky diving, Mandy begins by saying, "Imagine yourself falling through the air one mile above Earth, and how it would feel for your parachute to fail." What part of the introduction is Mandy addressing?

getting the audience's attention

Bobby Joe got to class and when he tried to open his PowerPoint presentation his flash drive would not open. Bobby Joe felt despair and had to present his speech without any visual aids. His professor talked to him after class and said: "See Bobby Joe, as I told you, always ____

have a backup plan

The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but this freedom is restricted in speeches that

incite or include hate speech.

Justine needed to take a sexual harassment orientation seminar as part of the process for taking a new job at a local casino as a pit boss. She most likely will encounter what type of speech during the orientation program?


According to the VALS Framework, people who are often involved in activities that stimulate change, have high self-esteem, have plenty of personal resources and thus like the finer things in life are called:


Emily is listening to a speaker trying to persuade everyone to engage in recycling of plastic, paper, and aluminum. Emily not only agrees with the speaker, over the next few days changes her life and sees things differently. This is the last stage of the persuasive process and is:


Dave has signed up to be last in the speaking order because his twenty-first birthday was the day before and he just had to celebrate. He feels so tired and hung over that he doesn't even realize it's time for him to speak until the teacher calls his name ... twice. What is Dave experiencing?

internal noise

Curveball, stolen base, and balk are _____________ in the baseball world.


Manuscript speeches are more the norm in which type of speaking environment?

large rooms

Throwing you earbuds while exercising is an example of

listening for appreciation

When it comes to reasoning, the statement "All politicians are crooks" is a:

major premise

Rebecca's dad is an optometrist. She decides to present a speech on the human eye and how it works. She asks her dad if she can borrow a representative of the human eye that is actually larger than a real eye. This representative eye is a/an


Which of the following is measured by psychographics?


Ravi was delivering a speech to an audience of about 35 people, and had practiced his speech well in advance of his presentation. During the speech he noticed some people were nodding off in the back of the room. Which of the following would be the most effective way for Ravi to use the environment to regain the attention of those audience members who were falling asleep?

move around the audience while delivering the speech

A geography student is preparing a speech about a recent trip to India. He is using PowerPoint, some radio clips, and a short interview he taped with a shopkeeper in Mumbai. This type visual aid is considered a/an:

multimedia presentation

Which of the following fits an informative speech?

not a. alb,c are all informative statements maybe "Today I will explain to you how the heart works"

Which of the following is an effective way to arrange the points of your speech?

not do no state your strongest point not place strongest point in the conclusion not place the strongest point in the attention getter

When preparing a wedding toast the best man decided he was going to talk about adventures on camping trips they shared, some stories about the new couple, and speak about their future together. The best man's organizational pattern would be:

not narrative

Justina was asked by her boss to research which new products in the company's production line the company's workers felt were the most innovative and creative. Most likely she would use what kind of tool to gather this data?

not open-ended survey

Which of the following is a raised surface on which speakers place their materials so they can read them more easily to the audience?

not podium

Norman knew his class consisted of a bunch of people who belonged to health clubs by day, and loved to party at night clubs in the evening. His class consists of which group from the VALS Framework?

not survivors

Trina wants to find out the opinion of her classmates on college plans to eliminate two major courses of study. She passes out sheets of paper with the following directions: "In your own words, what are your thoughts on our college eliminating two majors?" Trina has provided a/an:

open-ended survey

Aristotle's Triangle consists of equal parts: ethos, logos and


Frank was about to begin his speech about the founding of Costa Rica and wanted to know how many people in his audience had traveled there. What should he do?

poll the audience

As Mateo finished his speech, he caught sight of his friends Nick and Leanna in the audience, smiling and giving him a thumbs up. This is an example of

positive listener support

The easiest thing you can do to gain confidence in your ability to publicly speak is ...


Two students are engaged in a debate over who is the greatest NBA player ever, Michael Jordan or Lebron James. This concerns a:

question of value

The process of inferring general conclusions and making general claims from specific cases is called:

reasoning by example

Marcia was set to deliver her college commencement address as the class's valedictorian. Which of the following represents a good strategy for identifying with her audience?

reference common experiences for all students

Nonverbal messages that help maintain the flow of communication, for example letting an audience know when they should clap, are known as...


____________ nonverbals clue the audience into when it may be ok to clap, cheer, or raise their hand for a question


According to Lloyd Bitzer, ______________ are moments that invite people to speak.

rhetorical situations

The first thing Yolanda says when she received her award for best actress in the school play was to talk about how important the role was for her. What did she do wrong?

she did not thank the person who presented the award

If my 11 year old son uses the word "bruh" around me one more time, I may scream. "Bruh" is an example of


The word "whack" takes on different meanings across various cultures and has changed over time. This is an example of ________


Greta was set to deliver her quarterly sales report to the twelve-person board of directors. In what type of location will she most likely be speaking?

small rooms

Arguably, the most important element of the speaking scene is the:


Joshua had created a good preparation outline and knew he needed to then create a:

speaking outline

Which of the following is a symbolic event in which the small pieces and details send a deeper message to the audience?


What must balance the right to free speech?

the responsibility to speak ethically

Jenna wrote her specific purpose statement and then knew the next step was to create the:

thesis statement

Early in his Columbus Day Address, Mayor Iannone described in vivid detail Christopher Columbus' voyage across the Atlantic. This exemplifies which similarity between epideictic and informative speaking?

they both inform an audience about something

Garth is a wealthy day-trader who pays close attention to current events, and often donates profits to charities that provide opportunities for education for disadvantaged children. According to the VALS Framework he would most likely be labeled a/n:


While listening to an instructor's lecture, we are engaging in listening ______

to comprehend

Epideictic speeches all seek to accomplish the following goals EXCEPT:

to move an audience to action

Typically, a/an _______ is the shortest form of epideictic address.


A speech about the logical division of a topic would use which organizational pattern?


Objects, charts, graphs, and overheads are considered:

traditional aids

Sally (sender) is speaking to Bill (receiver) in a face to face conversation. While Sally is speaking, Bill nods his head in agreement and leans in slightly. This process of constant communication is represented by the ___________ model of communication.


"According to a recent Gallop Poll in 2022, most politicians are viewed as untrustworthy," is a correct verbal attribution during a speech.


A dais is the entire platform from which speakers address their audience, and it includes a podium and a lectern in addition to seating for distinguished members of the audience.


Aristotle noted that reasoning can be either deductive or inductive, depending on whether it seeks to demonstrate a certainty or a probability.


Communication apprehension refers to anxiety in public speaking situations and interpersonal communication interactions.


During a public presentation, audience members can help to control hecklers.


Epideictic speech uses more emotional language than informative speaking


Exit polls are used to assess who people vote for and why they voted the way they did


Experiencers is a high resource group in the VALS Framework that is typically younger than other groups


If there is a preview statement in an epideictic speech it should be subtle.


It is not advised to have words "swimming" in a PowerPoint presentation or to have exploding fireworks


Public speaking is traced back to the Greek citizens who effectively made public policy speeches and successfully made cases for clients in court.


Referencing unique or relevant parts of the environment in which you are speaking is a good way to use the speaking environment to your advantage.


Speakers should use information gathered through audience analysis to help them devise ways to identify with their audience


To help deal with speech anxiety, speakers can directly confront it by presenting speeches.


When selecting and narrowing your speech topic, you should ask yourself the question, "What are my interests, talents, and experiences?"


Which of the following is an effective way to help identify with your audience?

using the word 'we'

Epideictic speeches should note the ________ the occasion.

value of

In order to reduce speaking apprehension, you should choose a topic that

you are familiar with or have a lot of interest in

The willingness to listen to different viewpoints and understand beliefs and values other than your own is known as


When in doubt about whether information is commonly known, a speaker should

Cite it

Plato's value of rhetoric was gained from his work with the Sophists


Speech anxiety is at its peak when the assignment/speech is assigned to you.


For a speech assignment, Tori finds several quotes on the Internet that are perfect for her speech topic. She copies the quotes, then cuts and pastes them into her speech. Is this ethical?

No, because she committed patchwriting plagiarism

People motivated by ideals, but who do not have lots of resources are labeled by the VALS Framework as:


Steve had a big presentation at work Friday morning, but unfortunately, Steve partied too hard Thursday evening and stayed out really late. Steve was exhausted before his presentation Friday. Steve is experiencing a(n) _______

biological distraction/regret

The method that has one person of a group beginning and ending the presentation is known as the ___________ approach.


Which of the following is NOT an effective way to use your knowledge about an audience to augment your ability to make a successful appeal to them, according to your textbook?

bring gifts the audience may appreciate based on their profile

Steven is having trouble finding words to convey his ideas and sends contradictory nonverbal symbols. Suzie is confused and is having difficulty in _________ Steven's verbal and nonverbal symbols back into a message.


Joann decides she wants to present an informative speech on the tv series "Game of Thrones." Now that JoAnn has her topic, her next step in the speech process is.....

develop a research question

Before from the northern part of the US and southern part of the US often use the word "toboggan" differently. This is an example of


Halfway through his speech to his public speaking class Nick realized his references to 1960s comedians did not help him connect with his audience. As a result, his speech lost its _________ and was less successful than it could have been with better audience analysis.


Which of the following is NOT measured by psychographics?


A TED Talk on suicide rates post COVID would be considered

evidentiary information

Royce and Jennifer are debating the issue of student fees for athletics. Jennifer makes some salient points, and pauses, and asks Royce for his opinion. Lloyd Bitzer would consider this decisive point to be:


"Momma always said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get,'" is an example of _________________

tangential information

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world," by Gandhi is used as a quote at the beginning of a speech on grass roots movements. This is an example of.....

tangential information

In an informative speech both speakers and audiences seek to:

teach and learn

Our knowledge that comes from our own experiences with the world around us is known as


The communication model that is "much like injecting someone with a drug" is known as...

the Shannon Weaver model

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