comm 210 midterm

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How is understanding others' frame of reference helpful in the message construction process?

allow you to adapt your message for high levels of clarity and persuasive impact.

Concepts(type of informative speeches)

include topic order

objects(types of informative speeches)

includes chronological, casual and topical order

what are the different levels of communication?

intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, mass-mediated


-Direction -Overview -Need -Excitement

Different methods of delivery?

-Impromptu -Extemporaneous -Manuscript -Memory

what are the principles of competent communication?(KSMJ)

-Knowledge -Skill -motivation -judgment

How do you build interest in your speech?

-Motivation -Factors of attention -Audience Participation

effective skills to improve our listening

-Preview/review -note-taking -observe nonverbal cues

How can we non-verbally display that we are listening(SOFTEN)

-Smile -open body -forward lean -touch -eye contact -nod

Define diff. types of CA

-Trait like -context based -audience based -situational

Tips for conclusion

-bring it back -reflect

How do you establish credibility?

-competence -trustworthiness -dynamism


-interest - need - topic -reliability -overview

how to build interest into your speech

-motivation -factors of attention -audience participation

"Frame of reference" can be defined as?

-the way one views the world -Ones beliefs, values and attitudes -ones structure for encoding and decoding messages

Tips for the introduction

-write it last -avoid errors -be succinct

How would one conduct each of the 3 types of audience analysis?(DPE)

-D(age, race and gender) -P(attitudes and belief) -E(audience, occasion and time of day)

what are 3 types of audience analysis?

-Demographic -Physiological -Environmental

specific purpose

"by end of this speech, my audience will be informed how to"

Reactions to CA types(BASIC)

-Behavioral-Basedn -Affect -Sensation -Imagery -Cognition -Stress

explain the fundamental principles of communication

-Communication is circular - speaker and listener decode and encode-Communication is based on our perception - individual's way of understanding-Communication is irreversible-All communication must build on previous interaction

Sara is doing a speech on the Popes new addition to the Catechism. She respects the diversity of her listeners, focuses on how she will make the speech relevant to the audience, and does not focus too much on potential mistakes she might make during the speech. Based on course content we would classify sara as?

Audience centered

Define communication Apprehension

Broad based fear associated with either real or anticipated communication w/ others

Events(types of informative speeches)

Chronological, spatial and topical

Ways to overcome CA

Cognitive Restructuring(copying statements like um), Systematic Desensitization(slow exposure like scared of heights) and Visualization(mental rehearsal script)

Knowledge, Skill, motivation and judgment are the main elements that comprise which of the following concepts?

Communication competence

What is competent communication?

Communication with others that is perceived to be both effective and appropriate in a given context

why do we outline speeches?

Gives you a skeletal outline of what your speech should look like


Hearing refers to the physiological process of detecting the frequencies, duration, and volume of sound waves.

According to the principles of informative speaking why should you make sure your speech relates to the audience?


Janet's introduction contained the following remarks: How may of you know someone who has tried to quit smoking, successfully or unsuccessfully. Have any of the smokers in this audience tried to quit? Well, if you have tried to quit multiple times. A few months ago I tried to quit, for the umpteenth time, bu this time I made it. I would like to tell you exactly how I made it." Which of the following statements is accurate about this introduction?

Janet has successfully combined the intro devices of questions to the audience, statistical info, and personal references

what are the elements of clarity? (name it, state it, prove it and conclude it)

Language- appropriate for the level of audience, don't use vocab just to impress, don't make allusions to unfamiliar things Appropriate support-Examples, comparisons, visual aids


Listening refers to the psychological process of attaching meaning to sound waves we detect.

Jim was asked to give a presentation about Dance marathon and Riley Children's Hospital. What is the general purpose for this speech?

None of the options

passive listening

Occurs when you don't exert effort in the listening process, but just let the messages "wash over" you.

selective listening

Occurs when you select out or choose to pay attention to some things while ignoring others.

Understand primacy and recency in relation to intros and conclusions

Primacy- the first thing that you say Recency- The last thing you say It is the most important thing the audience hears and remembers in your speech

explain primacy and recency- how does this impact your speech?

Primacy- the important and first thing in your speech. you may be able to persuade your audience to your position Recency- the last and most recent thing in your speech. people will remember it the clearest.

what are the benefits and limitations to the different types of analysis?

Psychological- people may react strongly.Demographic- provide useful info about audience Situation- large audience may mean more formal

Christopher said the following when he transitioned from his first main point into his second main point. "Now that we have lived through the terror of the Roman games, let us learn of the present plans to restore and renovate this ancient monument to its original glory". He has successfully employed which element of an effective transitions?


What are the principles of informative speaking and how do we incorporate them into speeches?

Simplicity- Simple material is easier to understand. Simplify through organization of your main points and subpoints. Clarity- To inform an audience effectively and efficiently, we must phrase our ideas clearly and select appropriate forms of support.

Bob wants to present on the new changes and additions to the student recreation center, focusing on all the different spaces available for use. Which pattern of organization would be most appropriate and most effective?


Which type of treatment for communication apprehension focuses on a slow exposure to the fear?

Systematic Desensitization

A communicator is only considered effective and appropriate when:

The audience perceives the speaker as being so

Environmental elements of delivery include....

Time Physical Environment Personal Appearance

What are the five patterns of organization and when should you use each pattern?

Topical order- arranging ideas into appropriate categories chronological order- ideas over time in order from when they happened or from when they began Spatial order- arranges ideas according to location or geography Casual order- examines the cause and effects of a phenomenon or problem Problem/solution order- explains the nature of a problem and the way to solve it

Vocal elements of delivery include...

Volume Articulation Pronunciation Rate and Speed Pitch Quality

who determines competent communication?


Based on mr. storrs discussion of delivery, if the audience must put forth more effort to listen to you than you are willing/trying to do in delivering your message what most aptly applies?

audience called for delivery and I gave them carry-out

Lizzie's specific purpose statement is "To inform the audience how censorship in the music industry violates our first amendment rights" In her into Lizzie states just before her reliability/ credibility statement "censorship of the music industry violates our first amendment rights." Her statement effectively functions as....

central idea/thesis

frame of reference

complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create meaning

internal previews

cue audience to listen for key elements w/in major points

Internal reviews

cues the audience that the main points were said and now being reviewed

Which type of audience analysis can lead to dangerous stereotyping if a speaker assumes that all members of a particular group are identical or if the speakers preconceptions about members of a group are incorrect or demeaning?

demographic analysis

competence(element of credibility)

errors, name pronunciation and choices

audience centered

relates their speech to audience

While in lecture, you are unable to concentrate on Mr. Storr's lesson because the person next to you is watching a YouTube video. What type of noise is this?


Communication is circular, ever changing, building on the past, and expanding. This statement best describes which model of communication ?

helical model

trustworthiness(element of credibility)

how creditable are you making yourself seem to the audience

self centered

relates to themselves

Behavioral-Basedn (type of reaction to CA)

knowledge and skill

thesis statement

many main points you are speaking about should be mentioned in this sentence

ex of passive talking?

music playing in background while you write your speech outline

Cognitive (type of reaction to CA)

negative ideas w/o pics

Imagery (type of reaction to CA)

negative mental pics

Stress (type of reaction to CA)

no audience support

understand they types of transitions and when you should use them.

nonverbal- body language verbal- words, phrases, sentences use them when changing points or topics

Bodily elements of delivery include....

posture, movement, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact

Betsy walked out of her english class and ran into a friend who asked her what happened in class today. For some reason, Betsy could only recall what her professor discussed at the end of class. This is probably due to the issue of ?


importance of conclusion

restate the main argument. It reminds the reader of the strengths of your main argument(s) and reiterates the most important evidence supporting those argument(s).

Based on principle of informative speaking we recognize complex speeches are not the most interesting and that speeches should contain 2-5 main points. This idea of speeches containing no more than 2-5 main points stems from which principle of informative speaking?


Dynamism is one element or way of adding credibility to your speech presentations. Dynamism best refers to:

voice and body passion

Affect (type of reaction to CA)

strong feelings and moods

Sensation (type of reaction to CA)

sweaty palm, puking and shaking

"we called for delivery and you gave us carryout" ?

talking to us not as us Hearing vs listening

Importance of introduction

they provide a first impression, establish credibility with your audience, and prepare the audience for the speech's content.

general purpose

to inform and persuade

how do you construct effective speaking notes?

use combo of words, phrases, sentences.


verbal statement used to orientate the audience in which way your speech is going

Dynamism (element of credibility)

voice and body passion

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