Command manual

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The Metro Way (Mission Driven Values)

#1 Service delivery High Trust State Strong Communications Adaptable Individual Initiative Continues Improvement

Control objectives should be communicated in order of priority and follow the _____ prinicple

(SMART) Specific Measurable Action-Oriented: objective containing action-verb Realistic-attainable with present resources Time Sensitive-

Examples of incidents that may require division/groups .....

1. Advanced apartment and commercial fires 2. Large wildland urban interface fires 3. Large scale hazmat incidents

What happens to the crew when their officer is made a Division supervisor

1. Assist at ICP 2. attached to another crew for accountability! 3. use them to collect incident information

The 7 critical Fire Ground Factors

1. Building 2. Fire 3. Occupancy, 4. Life Hazard, 5. Arrangements, 6. Resources 7. Special circumstances

5 steps in descending order of controling hazards. Reliance on subordinate controls indicate that higher levels of control have failed to keep members safe

1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Controls 4. Administrative controls 5. Personal Protective Equipment

6 Steps to perform Risk Assessment

1. Evaluate the situation, tasks, and persons at risk 2. Select tactics to reduce risk 3. Assess the chosen Tactics and residual risk 4. Introduce additional controls to mitigate resid-risk 5. Re-assess tactics and effectiveness of control measure 6. Calculate the Risk

8 Command Philosophy Functions (GDP- DEEER)

1. Gain situational awareness - size up 2. Determine Incident Complexity 3. Perform Risk Assessment 4. Define Decision Points 5. Establish Management and Control Objectives 6. Ensure Appropriate Resources Are Requested to meet Objectives 7. Ensure appropriate resources are assigned appropriate tactics 8. Re-evaluate

Fill in the blank The Incident Support Team assembles and operates at the ICP, as quickly as possible and is made up of (5) five standard positions _______ ,______ , _______, _______, __________.

1. Incident Commander (IC)- Shift Commander 2. Operations section Chief (OSC)-1st BC in command 3. Safety Officer (SOF)_BC from following alarm 4. Support Officer (SUP)-Special Ops Chief 5. Public Information Officer (PIO)-- On duty PIO

What are the 5 Factors Identified by NIOSH that that are common in incidents with LODD

1. Lack or Risk Assessment (IC no 360, burn time clock, construction knowledge, no rescue profile/ survival probability of fires area ) 2. Lack of Communications (excessive and poor discipline, no strategy/priority announced) 3. Lack of Accountability ( self assign, lost span of control, lack of discipline to initiate tactical action) 4. Lack of Incident Command (poor size up, non organized FA, failure to redirect self assigned, unaware of changing conditions, loss of span of control) 5. Failure to Follow SROGs/SOPs (Self assigned, uncoordinated FA/vent, residential tactic on commer fires)

Incident Priorities

1. Life safety 2. incident stabilization, 3. property conservation 4. environmental protection 5. customer stabilization

2nd Engine INCIDENT COMMAND REPORT (7 steps) Page 47...CM

1. Unit who is establishing command 2. incident Name and location of CP 3. Confirmation of building/area description and obvious problem 4. Incident priority (life, incident stabilization/ property conservation/ environmental protection) 5. Strategy 6. Actions taken (as needed) 7. Initial objectives (rescue of victims, contain/extinguish fire to room of origin 8. Any immediate safety concerns or resource issues (as needed)

What are the 4 points of Proper Risk Refusal checklist

1. Violation of safe work practices 2. Environmental conditions make the work unsafe 3. Lack of qualifications or experience 4. Defective equipment is used

3 Rules of engagement

1. We Risk a lot for Savable lives. 2. We Risk our lives a little for Savable property 3. We Dont Risk our lives for already lost lives/buildings

Strategic complexities, that we must consider

1. political 2. social 3. economic 4. security 5. infrastructure, 6. information aspects (media)

_____ ______ _____ ______ ensure constant Incident Alignment with real time conditions, also support an offensive posture, through heightened situational awareness, tactical agility and decisive communications and directions.

10 Standard Fire Orders

IC should utilize timers or request a _____-_________ ________ _________ to maintain awareness of elapsed time, fire progression and assessment of the incident

10-minute incident clock

Fill in the blank cases where _____ or more companies are assigned to work together in the same operational area, the ___________ value of the officer may be greater than their tactical value in complex incidents, and the use of sthis officer as a _____ _______ shoub be considered.

3 or more Strategic (division/group supervisor) Division Supervisor

The accuracy of IAR is facilitated by obtaining a ____ of the incident as soon as possible


Define Risk

A Measure of the probability and severity of adverse effects that result from exposure to a hazard

what are the 7 Critical Fire Ground Factors

Building Fire Life hazard Occupancy Arrangement Resources Special circumstances

As the incident command structure is expanded, the ability to obtain more frequent and accurate ____ report allows the IC to confirm and evaluate conditions and ______ incident _______and tactics as necessary.

CAN incident objectives

Identify the consequence of the hazard

Catastrofic: death, multiple injuries severe operational inability. Major: LOC, Time of work due to injury, equipment loss Moderate: First aid injury and follow op, damage equipment. Minor: first aid on scene only, minor equipment damage

The _____ ______ incorporates 10 Standard Fire orders into the risk managements plan, as well as in the identification of Decision Points and Control Objectives

Command Philosophy

_______________Is the process of establishing and organizing effective incident assignments information gathering and tactical feedback


Two Out should be staffed by an engine with a _____ ______ to provide adequate supervision and situational awareness when deploying due to the occurrence of high risk situations.

Company Officer

__________ __________ are the specific goals that must be met to reach the management objectives.

Control objectives

Fire attack and rescue operations can be positively affected by appropriate and _________ ______ _________ when water is applied to the fire.

Coordinated vertical vent

Company officers must be ____________, yet __________ and __________, in order to effect appropriate tactical decisions, with the expectation that they will inform their leadership of necessary deviations from the initial plan, results and their respective support needs.

Decisive Disciplined Discerning

Levels of engagement can be Defined by D.R.A.W-D

Defend; Reinforce Advance Withdraw Delay

in a ______ strategy, operations are conducted at a safe distance from a structure (outside the collapse zone) and may focus on containing the fire instead of extinguishing it


As complexity increases, or expands the IC can assign Company/Chief officers to __________ as needed


Fill in the blank Our command __________places a high value on the ______ of civilians threatened by fire, and the importance of an _____ _____ to support ______ ______ operations for a Life Priority

Doctrine lives offensive attack fast search

_________ ___________ _______________ changing environments and circumstances, in which all members are expected to rapidly and effectively identify hazards, assess risks, and decide on appropriate action or control measures

Dynamic Risk Assessment

The _____ arriving CO is responsible for rapidly identifying the _______ of the incident, most importantly if any ______ are ________

FIRST Priorities Lives Threatened

When search is identified as the highest tactical priority, along with ______ _______ , a life priority with an offensive strategy should be clearly _____________ by the IC, with appropriate supporting tactics assigned

Fast water announced

In the commercial fire setting it is critical to recognize that often times is the _________ that present the most life risk.


The ______ company officer to establish _______ creates the foundation that sets the stage for operational success.

First command

Our Vision

Forged from a long line of tradition, we are Metro Fire- working together to serve our community with honor integrity and selfless devotion to duty

Define safety

Freedom from risk that is avoidable

Two-Out should be staffed as soon as possible and remain in place until "Incident is under control and the _____ is eliminated"


Define IST

Incident Support Team : assists the IC with managing assisting and cooperation agencies, SRFECC communications, political stakeholders and monitoring the safety of tactical operations.

Fill in the blank __________ also provides the resources and strategic support to develop an IAP, when it is recognized the incident will continue for an extended period of time.

Incident Support Team (IST)

The _____ ______ must make a determination that an offensive strategy can be conducted without exceeding a reasonable degree of risk to firefighters and must be prepared to ______ to defensive strategy if the risk evaluation _________ during the operation

Incident commander transition changes

Define; Harm

Injury or damage to the health, damage of property or environment

Core Values

Integrity, Professionalism, Teamwork, Service before self.

FAST SEARCH When the Command Philosophy identifies that we are in a _____ ______, we develop an IAP that prioritizes a fast attack and simultaneous _____ ____ .

Life Priority Fast search

The objective of the secondary attack line is to assist with _______, ________, and extinguishing the fire as needed or it can be utilized like a sunsequint hoseline.

Locating confining

Define LCES

Lookouts Communications Escape Routes Safety Zones

What addresses the risks to firefighter safety; political, social, fiscal, and environmental values?

Management objectives

Fill in the blank The IC must correctly _______ divisions and groups, and provide them with relevant ________ and _________ .

Name boundaries and Objectives

An ________ strategy normally includes operations that take the attack to the fire, aimed at extinguishing he fire and preventing extension


What is the most effective strategy to accomplish a quick search for savable lives?


All ___________ strategy IAPs should be supported by an uninterrupted, _________ ________, adequate and coordinated ventilation, lighting and utility control, accountability of resources and then _____ _____ and RIC as soon as resources become available and the _________ _________ has been addressed,

Offensive Water Supply Two Out Life Priority

Define PACE

Primary Alternate Contingency Emergency

Contingency Planning defined by P.A.C.E

Primary Alternative Contingency Emergency

However, as soon as resources are available to complete an effective ______ ________, the IC should assign "Two Out" in order to protect members from rapid fire progression and ensure their egress routes do not become compromised.

Primary Search

Incident Alignment For Structure Fires

Priority: Life, Incident stab, Environment/Property Strategy: Offensive, Defensive, Combination Tactics: Fire Attack, Ventilation, Rescue Tasks: pull hose, VEIS, Egress, throw Ladders (All Levels Must Be Aligned)

Define Risk Evaluation

Procedure based on the risk analysis to determine whether tolerable risk has been exceeded.

_______ water also provides a better opportunity to perform a _____ ______

Quick Quick search

Metro Fire has provided every Truck, Rescue, Hazmat, and ___ engine companies, with full RIC company inventory to ensure that multiple compliments are in the hand of members at fires


We require members assigned to ___ to be proactive and demonstrate initiative by using good judgement to soften the structure as the results of their size-up.


As soon as possible, the ___ officer should complete their own ___ focused ___ to formulate a RIC plan that addresses possible contingencies based on the specific building, collapse profile, and observed fire behavior.


Service Before Self

Recognizing and placing the needs of others before our own.

Define Residual Risk

Remaining risk after mitigation was implemented

Truck companies will put emphasis on 1. _____ _______ trapped by fire, 2. limiting ______ extension and 3. _________ contents, overhauling the fire area and searching for hidden fires.

Rescuing occupants horizontal salvaging

what is SRFECC

Sacramento Regional Fire Emergency Command Center

What are the Incident Command Post considerations

Safe location Good Comms with tactical resources Room to assemble consistent with forecasted progression Provides goo incident perspective and visibility

Truck Companies will simultaneously will initiate ________ operations and __________ as dictated by the incident and in ________ with the IAP.

Search Ventilation alignment

TCR (Transfer of command Report should include

Situation and actions taken Objectives and organization Coms plan Resource status (assigned, responding, on order and needed) Priorities Concerns and hazards Complexity

___________ is defined as, The general plan or directions selected to accomplish incident objectives.


_______ ________ are prioritized work assignments given to single resources, units, companies, strike teams, task forces, or divisions/groups to address one or more of an incidents control objectives

Tactical objectives

Define Risk management

The Process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling resources and activities in order to minimize detrimental effects to our organization and our members.

Command Culture

The collective values standards, practices, and beliefs that govern how Incident Command is established and implemented.

Define Risk identification

The process of recognizing and describing the risks that may prevent an organization from achieving its objectives.

Our Mission

To provide professional and compassionate protection, education and service to our community

Like "___ ____" _____ may not be immediately staffed when the incident priority is identified, however, as soon as resources become available, and/or when the incident priority transitions to an incident stabilization or property conservation priority, the IC should consider assigning RIC

Two Out RIC

Operating indepent from "____ _____", the _____focuses on enhancing the safety of members b rescuing injured, lost, or trapped firefighters when a "_________ " is declared

Two Out RIC Mayday

The International Association of FIre Chiefs (IAFC) classifies the occupancy status of buildings as Occupied, _________ evacuated, vacant or ___________, and describes the current use, condition, and inherent value.

Unoccupied Abandont


a Partnership of coordinated effort based on trust empowerment, support and communication


a personal commitment to exceed expectations of our profession in our attitude, ability and appearance

Ventilation performed in ________ of interior hoseline positioning or readiness can cause a rapid fire ________ and increased risk to occupants and firefighters

advance progression

If we vertically ventilate, we must be actively _____ ______ to the fire until complete ________ is verified

applying water extinguishment

The Primary objective for the first hosline is to be placed _________ _____ and those potentially threatened with the Second objective of __________

between fire extinquishment

The Greatest value of the 1st arriving officer provides a _____ and ____ ____ _____ _____ that accurately communicates the finding of the size-up

clear and concise Initial Arrival Report (IAR)

The foundation for effective __________ is established by the IAR usually provided by the first officer


A progressive fire attack will be supported by assigning ________ _________ objectives that are provided with supporting resources in a timely manner

effective tactical

Fill in the blank IC should create both geographic and _________ assignments based on how the incident area is laid out and likely progression.

functional division/groups

Control objectives

identify "The Box" Commonly as east/west/north/south Keep fire in room/unit/floor/or building of origin Triage, treat, transport all patients Ensure evacuations are completed downwind one mile

Two Out is __________ from RIC, however the company assigned to Two Out may ________ RIC if needed

independent Assist

Our doctrine provides that when the size-up identifies a LIFE Priority with high probability of trapped occupants requiring rescue, the greatest value our members can provide to victims and themselfs is to _____ ______ ______ to immediately stop the growth and spread of the fire.

initiate fire attack

Situational awareness cycle

life hazards, location and extent of fire, construction, water supply, weather wind, resources needed for objectives, location of resources under your command.

Define Discerning

mentally quick and observant; having insight

Fill in the blank To support the commitment to those threatened by fire the Command Philosophy provides the foundation for the ability to 1. assess the hazards presented by ________ ______ _______ 2. proactively and ________ reduce risk to an acceptable level, 3. maintain a _____ , effective, and _______ offensive posture whenever reasonable.

modern fire dynamics aggressively safe, efficient

Subsequent hoselines are positions based on ______ and _______ to protect the interior stairways, egress, exposure, fulfill ____ _____ requirements, or address areas of _______.

need and risk Two out extention

As part of he re-evaluation function, the Incident Commander should continuously validate completeness of the Command Philosophy Functions in _______ and repeat


When Life Priority is announced in a burning building, CCR title 8 Sections 5144(g)(4) states that "nothing is meant to ________ Firefighters from performing emergency rescue activities before an entire ream (______ ____) has assembled."

preclude Two-Out

FAST WATER If the stream can be _____ _______ with rapid results observed, this can provide significant positive impact and increase the probability of survivability of trapped occupants and also assist members searching opposite the hoseline and or employing _____ ___ ____ ____ tactics.

quickly applied VEIS

Define; Acceptable Risk

risk that is tolerable in a given situation based on current values of society and our organization

Define Hazard

source of harm

For Incidents moving beyond the initial attack phase, It is imperative that the IC ensures that the fire attack plan is _______


Define Risk analysis

systemic process of using available information to identify hazards and estimate the risk

Command principles

to effectively, efficiently and safely resolve incidents that threaten lives, property and environment

Metro Fire Command dictates that during the arrival of the first alarm resources, the Priority for companies is to quickly place _________ on the fire to allow for ____________ tactics in alignment with the Risk Management process

water lifesaving

Initial size-up must identify the _____, _______, ________

what, where, when


with honesty as our foundation we will strive to always do what is right.

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