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What is a comma?

While a period ends a sentence, a comma indicates a smaller break. Some writers think of a comma as a soft pause. -a punctuation mark that separates words, clauses, or ideas within a sentence

Comma between correlative conjunctions: -Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions that come in pairs (such as, "either/or", Neither/Nor", and Not only/but also) and connect words or phrases in a sentence to form a complete thought. Typically, commas are unnecessary with correlative conjunctions.

Incorrect- Either the blue shirt, or the red sweater will look good with your jeans. Correct- Either the blue shirt or the red sweater will look good with tour jeans. Incorrect- You can wear a pashmina not only for warmth, but also for fashion. Correct- You can wear a pashmina not only for warmth but also for fashion.

When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence it's often followed by a comma but it doesn't have to be, especially if it's short. As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. You can also use a comma with a shorter phrase when you want to emphasize it or add a pause for literary effect.

But, if there is a chance of misreading the sentence, use the comma. Incorrect: Before eating the family said grace. Correct: Before eating, the family said grace.

Don't use a comma in compound predicates unless there is a chance of misreading

Cleo spotted the man who entered the diner, and waved. In the sentence above, you need the comma to make clear that it was Cleo who waved, not the man.

Comma inside Quotation marks: -In American English, commas always go before closing quotation marks.

Correct- "Pass me that thesaurus," said Matthew. "If you knew what was good for you, you'd sit down and finish that essay right now," my roommate said. "We're going down to the soup kitchen to help serve dinner," her mother called.

Commas before too: -Using a comma before "too" is optional.

Correct- I like bananas too. I too like bananas. A comma simply adds emphasis. Correct- I like bananas, too. I, too, like bananas.

Comma before parenthesis: - Parentheses are used to give additional information to the reader- information that would disrupt flow of the sentence if written as a nonrestrictive clause. -Commas may be placed after the closing parenthesis but not before either the opening or the closing parenthesis .

Correct: After the opening the new cookie tin, Chester had a hard time replacing the lid. After opening the new cookie tin (and eating several of the cookies), Chester had a hard time replacing the lid. Incorrect: After opening the new cookie tin, (and eating several of the cookies), Chester had a hard time replacing the lid. After opening the new cookie tin (and eating several of the cookies,) Chester had a hard time replacing the lid.

Comma with such as: - The phrase "such as" requires commas it introduces a nonrestrictive clause.

Correct: Coniferous tree, such as pine and spruce, do not drop their needles in the winter. If, "such as" introduces a restrictive clause, omit the commas. Correct: Trees such as pine and spruce do not drop their needle in the winter.

Comma after introductory phrase: A comma normally follows participial phrases that introduce a sentence:

Correct: Grabbing her umbrella, Kate raced out of the house. Confused by her sister's sudden change in mood, Jill stayed quiet.

Comma with direct address: When addressing another person by name, set off the name with commas.

Correct: Mom, I can't fond my shoes! Cleo, there's someone on the phone for you. Hello, Chester.

Comma with As well as: - The phrase "as well as" usually doesn't require commas unless it's part of a nonrestrictive clause.

Correct: Please proofread for grammatical mistakes as well as spelling. Correct: Spelling mistakes, as well as grammatical errors, are distracting to readers.

Comma with Nonrestrictive clause: A nonrestrictive clause offers extra information about something you mentioned in a sentence, but the information isn't essential to identify the thing you're talking about. Nonrestrictive clauses are usually introduced by which or who and should be set off my commas.

Correct: Posey's café, which Chester recommended, is a fantastic restaurant. -The clause "which Chester recommended" is nonrestrictive because "Posey's café" is already specific. Identifying it as the restaurant recommended by chester doesn't narrow it down further. Correct- MY wife, whom I love dearly, is a brilliant physicist. The clause "whom I love dearly" is nonrestrictive because you could remove it and it would still be clear that you're talking about the same person "my wife" is already specific.

Comma between Coordinate Adjectives: -When multiple adjectives modify a noun to an equal degree, they are said to be coordinate & should be separated by commas. -One way to tell whether the adjectives are coordinate is to try switching the order of them. If the sentence still sounds natural, the adjectives are coordinate.

Correct: That man is a pompous, self righteous, annoying idiot. That man is a self righteous, annoy, pompous idiot. The sweet, scintillating aroma of cinnamon buns filled with the kitchen. The scintillating, sweet aroma of cinnamon buns filled the kitchen. If the adjectives are not coordinate, don't separate them with a comma. Incorrect: The adorable, little boy was eating ice cream. Correct: The adorable little boy was eating ice cream.

Commas between direct quote and attributive tag: -An attributive tag is a phrase like "he said" or "she claimed" that identifies the speaker of a quote or piece of dialogue . Attributive tags can come before, after, or even in the middle of a quote.

Correct: The professor remarked, "How attentive you have been today!" "Once you know the solution," Tiffany said, " the whole problem seems very simple." "You have ice cream on your nose," my friend snickered. "When you leave the house," my mother yelled, "don't slam the door!"

Comma with a question Tag: A question tag is a short phrase or even a single word that is added to the end of statement to turn it into a question. -Writers often use question tags to encourage reader to agree with them. -A question tag should be preceded by a comma

Correct: These willow trees are beautiful, aren't they? You didn't actually write a 600- page vampire romance novel, did you? I know, right?

Comma with Restrictive clauses: A restrictive clause adds necessary information about something you have mentioned in a sentence. Restrictive clauses are often introduced by THAT or WHO and should never be set of by commas

Incorrect- The café, that chester recommended, is a fantastic restaurant. Correct- The café that Chester recommended is a fantastic restaurant. The clause" that Chester recommended" is essential information in the sentence above. If you removed it, there would be no way to tell which restaurant you were talking about.

If a quotation before an attributive tag ends in a question mark or exclamation point, however, theres no need for a comma.

Incorrect: "You have a spider on your nose!", my friend yelled. Correct: "You have a spider on your nose!" my friend yelled. Incorrect: "Where did that spider come from?", I asked. Correct: "Where did that spider come from?" I asked.

Comma before but: -Use a comma before the word "but" it if is joining two independent clauses. If but is not joining two independent clauses, leave the comma out.

Incorrect: Cleo is a good singer but she's an even an even better dancer Correct: Cleo is a good singer, but she's an even better dancer. Incorrect: My teacher is touch, but fair. Correct: My teacher is tough but fair. Incorrect: Life is, but a dream. Correct: Life is but a dream.

Comma between two verbs in a compound predicate: You get a compound predicate when the subject of a sentence is doing more than one thing. In a compound predicate that contains two verbs, don't separate them with a comma.

Incorrect: Cleo will sing, and play the banjo. Correct: Cleo will sing and play the banjo. This mistake is most common when the predicate is made up of long verb phrase. Incorrect: I meant to buy tickets for Cleo's show, but ran out of time. Correct: I meant to but ticket for Cleo's show but ran out of time.

Comma b/w two nouns in a compound subject or object: Do not separate two nouns that appear together as a compound subject or compound object. When a subject or object is made up of two items and the second item is parenthetical, you can set off the second item with commas... one before it and one after. But you don't need a comma when you're simply listing two items

Incorrect: Cleo, and her band will be playing at Dockside Diner next Friday. Correct: Cleo and her band will be playing at Dockside Diner next Friday. Incorrect: Cleo will wear a sparkly red blazer, and high heels. Correct: Cleo will wear a sparkly red blazer and high heels.

Comma separating a verb and its object: Don't separate a transitive verb from its direct object with a comma

Incorrect: I'm glad I trained, Charlie not to beg for scraps. Correct: I'm glad I trained Charlie not to big for scarps. Incorrect: Mary said, she likes chocolate. Correct: Mary said she like chocolate.

Commas with lists: When you have a list that contains more than 2 elements, use commas to separate them.

Incorrect: Julie loves ice cream books and kittens. Correct- Julie loves ice cream, books, and kittens. (The comma before the and in a list of three or more items is optional. See below under serial comma for more information) Your list might be made up of nouns as in the example above, but it could also be made up of verbs, adjectives, or clauses. Imagen for a moment, that you have just finished doing 3 chores. The chores were: - Cleaning the house and garage -Raking the lawn -Taking out the garbage If you were to list these 3 chores in a sentence, you write: I cleaned the house and garage, raked the lawn, and took out the garbage. I cleaned the house and garage, raked the lawn and took out the garbage.

Comma before And: When you have a list that contains only two items, don't use a comma before the and

Incorrect: My dog Charlie is cute, and smart. Correct: My dog Charlies is cute and smart. Incorrect: Cleo's favorite activities are singing on stage, and relaxing in the sunshine. Correct: Cleo's favorite activities are singing on stage and relaxing in the sunshine. When correcting a comma splice, that is when joining 2 independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction.. "before" "And"

Comma with subjects and verbs: With a few exceptions, a comma should NOT separate a subject from its verb. Writers are often tempted to insert a comma between a subject & a verb this way because speakers sometimes pause at that point in a sentence

Incorrect: My friend Cleo, is a wonderful singer Correct: My friend Cleo is a wonderful singer

Comma between an article and noun: - Don't use a comma between an article and a noun.

Incorrect: The company manager accidentally scheduled the, weekly meeting for Saturday. A bouquet of flowers may be created using more than one type of flower. I'll have an, apple. Correct: The company managers accidentally scheduled the weekly meeting for Saturday. A bouquet of flowers may be created, using more than one type of flower. I'll have an apple.

Be especially careful with long or complex subjects:

Incorrect: The things that cause me joy; may also cause me pain. Correct: The things that cause me joy may also cause me pain Incorrect: Navigating through snow sleet wind, and darkness, is a miserable way to travel. Correct: Navigating through snow, sleet, wind, and darkness is a miserable way to travel.

Commas with interrupters or parenthetical elements: Interrupters are little thoughts that pop up in middle of a sentence to show emotion, tone, or emphasis. A parenthetical element is a phrase that adds extra information to the sentence but could be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Both interrupters & parenthetical elements should be set off with commas.

Incorrect: The weather I was happy to see was beginning to clear. Correct: The weather, I was happy to see, was beginning to clear. Incorrect: It was sadly the last day of camp. Correct: It was, sadly, the last day of camp

Comma within a comparison: Don't use a comma before "than" you you're making a comparison

Incorrect: This box is lighter, than that box. Correct: This box is lighter than that box. Incorrect: Hardcover books are more expensive, than paperback books. Correct: Hard cover books are more expensive than paperback books.

Comma Splices When you want to join two independent clauses, you need a conjunction or a semicolon. A comma alone isn't strong enough to join them. This kinda of mistake is called a comma splice.

Incorrect: We were out of milk, I went to the store. You can fix a comma splice by adding a conjunction or changing the comma to a semicolon. Correct: We were out of milk, so we I went to the store. Correct: We were out of milk; I went to the store. or, you can simply write the 2 independent clauses as separate sentences. Correct: We were out of milk. I went to the store.

Serial Comma (oxford comma): As mentioned above, when you are listing three or more items, commas should be separate each of the list. However, the final comma the one that comes before the and is optional. This comma is called the serial comma or the oxford comma.

Mary needs bread, milk, and butter at the grocery store. (with serial comma) Mary needs bread, milk and butter at the grocery store. (without serial comma) Whether or not you use the serial comma is a style choice. Many newspapers do not use it. Many trade books do use it. In your own writing you can decide for yourself whether to use it or not-- just be consistent.

Comma with an appositive: An appositive is a word or phrase that refers to the same thing as another noun in the same sentence. Often, the appositive provides additional information about the noun or helps to distinguish it in some way. If you could remove the appositive without changing the meaning of the sentence, it is said to be nonessential & should be set off with comas. If the appositive is necessary it is said to be essential and it should not be set of with commas

Nonessential appositives: Correct- My mother, Angela, is a wonderful cook. The painter one of the city's most promising young artists, began showing his work in galleries before he was sixteen. Chocolate, my favorite treat, always makes me feel better after a bad day. Essential appositives: Correct-Eagar Allan Poe's poem The Raven is a classic. Alec Baldwin's brother Stephen is the most underrated Baldwin. The detective Sherlock Holmes is one of literature's greatest sleuths.

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