Common Ions in the Human Body and Their Physiologic Significance (Chapter 2)

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Ion thats physiologic significance is in buffering of pH in blood

Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)

Ion thats physiologic significance is the conversion of CO2 gas to HCO3, which is transported in the blood

Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)

Ion thats physiologic significance is as a second messenger in hormonal stimulation of cells

Calcium ion (Ca2+)

Ion thats physiologic significance is in blood clotting

Calcium ion (Ca2+)

Ion thats physiologic significance is in exocytosis (including release of neurotransmitter)

Calcium ion (Ca2+)

Ion thats physiologic significance is in muscle contraction

Calcium ion (Ca2+)

Ion thats physiologic significance is in the hardness of bones and teeth

Calcium ion (Ca2+)

Ion that is a component of stomach acid (HCl)

Chloride ion (Cl-)

Ion thats physiologic significance is in chloride shift in erythrocytes

Chloride ion (Cl-)

Ion thats physiologic significance is to alter nerve cells responsiveness to stimulation

Chloride ion (Cl-)

Ion in the body thats concentration determines pH of blood and other fluids of the body

Hydrogen ion (H+)

Ion in the body that is required for ATP production

Magnesium ion (Mg2+)

Ion that is a component of nucleotides, including ATP and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)

Phosphate ion (PO4)3-

Ion that is a component of phospholipids (membranes)

Phosphate ion (PO4)3-

Ion thats physiologic significance is hardening of bone and teeth as Ca3(PO4)2

Phosphate ion (PO4)3-

Ion thats physiologic significance is to be a intracellular buffer

Phosphate ion (PO4)3-

Most common intracellular anion

Phosphate ion (PO4)3-

Ion that functions in pH balance

Potassium ion (K+)

Ion that plays a role in glycogen storage in the liver and muscle

Potassium ion (K+)

Most common intracellular cation

Potassium ion (K+)

Common cations (positively charged) in the body

Sodium (Na+), Potassium ion (K+), Calcium ion (Ca2+), Magnesium ion (Mg2+), Hydrogen (H+)

Ion involved in cotransport of other substances across a plasma membrane

Sodium ion (Na+)

Most common extracellular cation

Sodium ion (Na+)

What is the most important cation in osmotic movement of water?

Sodium ion (Na+)

What common cations in the body participate in conducting electrical signals in nerves and muscle?

Sodium ion (Na+), potassium ion (K+)

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