Comp 1: Plagiarism

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Copying and pasting from the internet can be done without citing the source because information on the internet is common knowledge


It is okay to turn in an assignment that someone else wrote for you


A violation of academic integrity includes using paragraphs, sentences, or phrases that you've written in multiple class assignments without citing yourself or consulting your instructor


It is okay to turn in an assignment that you got from a friend


Using a few phrases from an article and mixing them in with your own words without citing the work is not plagiarism because you aren't quoting from the text directly


Plagiarism is the use of intellectual material produced by another without acknowledging its source


Plagiarism on any assignment is grounds for immediate failure of the course and may result in disciplinary action by the college


When quoting from a text you must acknowledge the author and indicate the page(s) where your are getting the quote


When summarizing information from a text you just acknowledge the author and indicate the page where you are getting the information


It's ok to turn in someone else's paper as your own if the other person goes to a different college or university


When drawing on a classmate or friends ideas or information about a film in your writing you do not need to cite them because they have not published their ideas


If you summarize information or an idea from another source you do not need to cite the source because you've put the information in your own words


Buying a paper off of the internet and turning it in as your own work is plagiarism


Citing a source incorrectly (mid- identifying a source, neglecting to give page numbers, or other errors) may indicate an act of plagiarism


You must use quotation marks when you quote another author's exact words


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