Comp Apps unit 11

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11. The _______ defines every object and element on a web page. a. Document Object Model b. Browser c. Operating System d. None of the above


13. Use the _______ attribute on a <video> tag to display an image that represents the movie. a. poster b. player c. controls d. image


2. JavaScript can be described as: a. an object-based scripting language b. an easy form of Java c. a language created by Microsoft d. none of the above


21.Use _______ resolution when recording human speech in an audio file. a. 8-bit b. 16-bit c. 212-bit d. 2 million bit


22. In terms of copyright, Fair Use is determined to be a. The use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. b. The use of anything you find on the web c. Copying other's music and fairly distributing it to your friends d. None of the above


3. Select the true statement from those listed below. a. Java applets may be contained in files with the .class extension b. Java applets are not copyrighted c. Java applets must be saved in a different folder than web pages d. All of the statements above are true


6. The file extensions .wav, .mp3, and .ogg are used for: a. audio files b. video files c. Flash media files d. none of the above


9. When displaying a Java applet, the browser invokes the _______ to interpret the bytecode into the appropriate machine language. a. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) b. JavaScript interpreter c. Windows operating system d. Java Compiler


1. Java can be described as: a. a more sophisticated form of JavaScript b. an object-oriented programming language c. a language created by Netscape d. none of the above


10. Select the technology that was developed by a joint effort between Netscape and Sun Microsystems. a. Java b. JavaScript c. Flash d. Ajax


12. Select the tag below that is recommended by the W3C to add media to a web page. a. the <embed> tag b. the <object> tag c. the <applet> tag d. the <media> tag


15. The term Ajax stands for a. Asynchronous Java and ActionScript b. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML c. Asynchronous JavaScript and XHTML d. none of the above


16. The following two attributes are required when configuring an <object> tag to provide media on a web page which will be displayed in Internet Explorer; a. dynsrc and data b. codebase and classic c. dynsrc and classid d. data and codebase


17. Select recommended usability and accessibility practices: a. use video and sound whenever possible b. supply text descriptions of audio and video files that appear in your web pages c. never use audio and video files d. none of the above


20. The _________ element is a void element that specifies a media file and a MIME type. a. object b. source c. image d. iframe


24. The CSS3 _____________ property allows you to rotate, scale, skew, or move an element. a. display b. transform c. transition d. hover


27. Use the ________ element to associate JavaScript with a web page. a. object b. script c. embed d. canvas


28. When coding an audio element, the code placed before the closing audio tag is considered to be: a. invalid b. fallback content c. only available to browsers that support HTML5 d. none of the above


4. The file extensions .avi, .m4v, and .ogv are used for: a. audio files b. video files c. Flash media files d. none of the above


5. Animations in Flash format (.swf) can be created: a. only with Adobe Flash b. with a number of applications including Adobe Fireworks c. with Microsoft Expression Web d. none of the above


7. Select the void element that can configure a Flash .swf on a web page: a. <script> b. <embed> c. <object> d. <img>


18. Select the true statement from those listed below. a. There is no copyright on the Web b. It is OK to use files created by others if you give them credit. c. You should obtain permission before using files created by others. d. None of the statements above are true


19. When configured with object and param elements, the browser uses a _________ to play media such as audio and video files. a. stream b. projector c. plug-in d. none of the above


23. Use the _______ parameter associated with an <object> tag to control whether an audio file starts to play as soon as the web page loads. a. loop b. height c. autoplay d. None of the above


25. The CSS3 _____________ property provides for changes in property values to display in a smoother manner over a specified time. a. display b. transform c. transition d. hover


29. The _________ element is used with an object element to provide additional information. a. object b. source c. param d. iframe


30. Scenario: The Firefox browser is being used to display a web page with a video but no video controls display —only the poster image is shown. Read the following code snippet and select the reason for the incorrect display from the choices below. <video controls="controls" poster="sparky.jpg" width="160" height="150"> <source src="sparky.m4v" type="video/mv4"> <source src="sparky.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <a href="">Sparky the Dog</a> (.mov) </video> a. The controls attribute should be controls="yes" b. There are too many source elements. c. The file extension .ogg is incorrect. d. The MIME type values are incorrect.


31. Scenario: The Internet Explorer 8 browser is being used to display a web page with an audio player but the audio element displays nothing on the page. Read the following code snippet and select the reason for the incorrect display from the choices below. <audio controls="controls"> <source src="podcast.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <source src="podcast.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> a. The controls attribute should be controls="yes" b. There are too many source elements. c. There is no fallback content to display for browsers that do not support the audio element. d. The MIME type values are incorrect.


8. Use the _______ attribute on a <video> tag to display user controls for the video player. a. poster b. player c. controls d. image


14. Use the _______ attribute on the <object> tag to indicate the MIME type of the media file. a. data b. media c. mime d. type


26. The _______________ element configures dynamic graphics. a. object b. script c. embed d. canvas


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