Comparative Genocide Midterm

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What is cultural genocide?

It involves forbidding the use of local language, destroying schools, and destroying monuments or museum archives

What is biological genocide?

It involves preventing and limiting reproduction within groups

What is physical genocide?

It involves reducing food and rations according to nationality or group, limiting medicine, and mass killings

What is religious genocide?

It involves the persecution of clergy in a group

What was the significance of European colonialism and imperialism?

It led to the worst crimes of genocide

What does the Old Testament suggest about mass slaughters?

It suggests mass slaughters of groups of people

What did the settlers do to the Herero people?

Loaned them money at high interest rates

Who were many of the first settlers in European colonies?


What were some civilizations that committed acts of genocide?

Neo-Assyrians, Greek city-state of Athens, Romans, and more

According to Raphael Lemkin, is genocide immediate?

No, genocide is not immediate. It is gradually motivated with the ultimate aim of annihilation

What are the 8 aspects of genocide according to Raphael Lemkin?

Political genocide, cultural genocide, economic genocide, biological genocide, physical genocide, religious genocide, moral genocide

Which groups are protected under the UNGC?

Racial, national, ethnic, and religious groups

How does Raphael Lemkin's definition of genocide differ from the UNGC definition?

Raphael Lemkin's definition includes many cultural or social reforms of genocide that the UNGC definition does not

What were the factors that fused Europe's interest in exploration to the Americas?

Religious fever and a desire for wealth

What did the Germans do with the grazing land in Southwest Africa?

Seized it for colonists

What was the main occupation of the Herero and Nama people?

Semi-nomadic cattle herders

What did some refer to the events in Europe as?

Some referred to the Holocaust as "germanization" or "denationalization"

When did the Germans claim the area of Southwest Africa?


How many articles relating to genocide were adopted by the UNGC?

19 articles

When was Raphael Lemkin alive?


When did the Herero revolt against more land seizures?


How long did the process of seizing land and cattle last?

20 years

What is the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)?

An initiative by the UN to promote sustainable and socially responsible business practices

How does Cox define a protected group?

Anything stable, permanent, and recognized

Who did the Turks target?


What changed in Europe leading up to the 15th century?

The Black Death, Renaissance, and religion

Who was King Leopold II associated with in relation to colonialism?

The Congo

Why were no Turks punished for killing millions?

The crime was not recognized as genocide

What did the Germans begin to seize from the Herero and Nama people?


What are the phases of genocide?

Destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group, destruction of habits, culture, and ways of life, imposition on the oppressed group building on ruins, colonizing the oppressed group's space and belongings

How would you describe the territory of Southwest Africa?

Dry and arid

What are the components of colonialism?

Economic, political, and territorial

What later became the focus of European colonial motivations?

Exploiting natural resources

Which groups are not protected under the UNGC?

Gender, sexual orientation, mentality, physically handicapped, and political groups

What term did Raphael Lemkin coin?


Which country had military rule in Southwest Africa from 1884-1915?


What did Rafael Lemkin campaign for?

He campaigned to have genocide recognized and codified as an international crime

What did Rachel Lemkin disagree with regarding the events in Europe?

He disagreed with the term 'germanization' or 'denationalization'

Why did Raphael Lemkin flee Poland?

He fled after the nazi invasion in 1939

What events did Raphael Lemkin study in Turkey?

He studied events of the Armenian war where armies were targeting civilians instead of soldiers

What did Raphael Lemkin try to identify?

He tried to make the world recognize mass murder as genocide.

What did Raphael Lemkin determine about the events in Turkey?

He was determined they committed a 'crime without a name'

What did Raphael Lemon write in 1944?

He wrote about the Axis Role in occupied Europe

Who were the original inhabitants of Southwest Africa?

Herero and Nama people

What is cactus reus?

The guilty act or action

What is mens rea?

The guilty mind or intent

What is the legal definition of genocide?

The original definition adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948

What is colonialism?

The policy or practice of acquiring full political and economic control over a country

What is imperialism?

The process in which a state with superior strength and technology imposes its will over other people and territories

What happened to the indigenous people as a result of German colonization?

They became dependent on settlers

What happened to most of Raphael lemon's family and friends?

They were killed

What was the initial intent of European colonialism?

To civilize through religion

What is the purpose of excluding definitions in this context?

To focus of the concepts and historical context rather than specific definitions

What were the main goals of Europeans in foreign lands?

To inhabit, control, and exploit

What was the connection between imperialism and exploitation?


What was the period of German colonization in Southwest Africa called?

Wilhelmina period

What does 'genius' mean in greek?

'Genos' means 'race' or 'tribe' in Greek

What do articles one and two of the UNGC address?

Intention and action, both of which are required to constitute genocide

What is social genocide?

It involves changing laws, weakening spiritual resources, destroying social networks, and intelligence

What is moral Genocide?

It involves destroying a person's sense of self

What is political genocide?

It involves destroying local institutions of self-government

What is economic genocide?

It involves destroying ways of making a living

When did imperialism begin?

In the 15th century with Spain

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