Complete Module-Najib

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- Chordee,

Congenital downward bowing of the penis caused by fibrous bands

deep vein thrombosis

Bariatric patients undergoing surgery and in the immediate postoperative period should have sequential compression devices applied to the lower extremities to prevent:


Donor corneas must be screened for HIV, HBV, and CJD prior to transplant.

CO2 laser hand piece

Ebonized or other specially coated instruments should be used when which surgical device is being used in a narrow space?

- Calibrations

Markings on syringes and containers that allow for precise measurement

suprapubic vesicourethral suspension

Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz (MMK) is a traditional version of which general type of procedure?

enzymatic digestion

Natural absorbable sutures are broken down in the body by:


Which of the following techniques uses a laser to treat retinal tears or proliferative diabetic retinopathy?


Which of the following terms best describes the process of keeping thorough, accurate, and legal records of a patient's medical care?

foreign bodies left in patient

Which of the following torts would be classified as unintentional?


Which procedure is performed for removal of impacted wisdom teeth?


Tissue transplanted from another person or cadaver


Title used that establishes a minimum knowledge base for a given health care profession


Type of drape designed to encase and cover the hair of the head


Type of procedure performed to improve appearance rather than to strictly treat a pathological condition


Type of shock resulting from gram-negative bacteria leading to UTI, peritonitis, or URI

2 inches above the elbows

Up to what area of the arms does a surgical technologist scrub?

sub-arachnoid space

area where cerebrospinal fluid circulates

laparoscopic insufflation

What is a Veress needle used for?

external fixation

What is a common surgical approach for Colles' fracture?

carbolic acid

What is another name for the intermediate-level disinfectant compound phenol?


What is another name for the ovarian suspensory ligament?


What is the name of the device used to manually assess blood pressure?


What is the name of the system attached to all anesthesia machines to remove waste anesthesia gases?

Reduce possibility of retained foreign objects.

What is the purpose of a radiofrequency tracking system in the operating room?


What is the purpose of the medial and lateral menisci of the knee?


What is the term that describes the side of teeth closest to the cheek?


Which of the following is NOT a region of the pancreas?


Which of the following is a weighted vaginal speculum?

cerebral angiogram

diagnostic procedure performed for suspected aneurysm


diagnostic study of a herniated disc causing spinal compression


diagnostic study provides the most detailed information for surgical planning in AAA repair?


horseshoe or pin fixation device for neuro

spinous process

vertebra projects most posteriorly and is the convex areas of the spine?

arterial bifurcations

most intracranial aneurysms occur?

medulla oblongata

lowest part of the brain stem


measuring device used to assess intraventricular pressure?

*herniated nucleus pulposus

*All of the following are examples of congenital anomalies EXCEPT:


*Herniated nucleus pulposus is a congenital disorder that must be treated surgically in the neonate to prevent quadriplegia.


*Knowledge of the peripheral vascular system is required of the first assistant, but not of the surgical technologist.


*The ARC/STSA administers the national certification examination for surgical technologists and owns the CST® and CSFA® credentials.

- Weider,

, Angled retractor used for tongue and cheek retraction; shape is similar to a Harrington retractor

- Oval window,

, The membranous opening in the wall of the cochlea that receives vibrations from the stapes in the middle ear

cleft lip repair

"Cupid's bow" is reconstructed in which of the following procedures?


A deep vein thrombosis can be diagnosed by which diagnostic study?

- Lukens tube,

A device attached to suction that uses gravity to capture specimens such as washings for laboratory analysis

Ventricular tachycardia

A heart rate that exceeds 100 beats per minute


A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a document signed by employees regarding their possible exposure to dangerous materials in the perioperative environment.


A procedure sometimes performed in the ICU, ER, or PACU is a(n):


A surgeon's choice of suture to be used is based on the surgeon's training, the condition of the patient, the type of wound, and the conditions surrounding the surgical intervention.


A terminally ill patient whose advance directive is to refuse any life-saving efforts by health care workers is choosing which type of euthanasia?


A trephine is used in which ophthalmologic procedure?


According to the AST position statement on teamwork, which type of environment contributes most to a safe and efficient surgical experience with positive patient outcomes?

the patient

According to the Joint Commission's definition regarding consent to surgical intervention, which party has "autonomy"?


All of the following national agencies have regulations or protocols for health care workers who may be exposed to infectious diseases in their work environment EXCEPT:

C battery ® C battery ® wire ® flashlight bulb

All of the following represent a complete AC electrical circuit EXCEPT:


All of the following structures are found within the mediastinum EXCEPT:

MRI scan

All of the following studies expose the patient to ionizing radiation EXCEPT:


Alternating current (AC) is dependent upon the free flow of which subatomic particles?

Iatrogenic Injury

An injury resulting from the activity of health care professionals

rectus abdominus

An intestinal stoma is created at a point below the costal margin, above the belt line, and at the lateral edge of which muscle?


An operating room where a surgical procedure is in progress would be considered what type of area?


An otorhinolaryngologist is more commonly known as which type of specialist?

- Urinalysis,

Analysis of voided sample by either catheterization or clean catch

stick tie

Another name for a suture ligature is a:

- Billroth I,

Antrectomy: removal of distal stomach and pylorus with anastomosis to duodenum; preferred approach for treatment of ulcer or neoplasm

facial sinuses

Antrostomy rasps would be used in procedures involving which anatomical structure(s)?

- Matter

Anything that has mass and occupies space

rheumatic fever

Aortic valve stenosis and aortic regurgitation are often as a result of :


Approximately 80% of which special patient population presents to surgery with one or more comorbid conditions?


Approximately how many lobules comprise the average prostate gland?


Approximately how many muscles and their tendons control movement of the wrist, hand, and fingers?


Approximation is bringing two sides of a wound together closely with sutures, wound zippers, or special adhesives so that the wound can heal from side to side.

- Neutral zone

Area designated for placement of sharps to prevent intraoperative injury to sterile team members


Area of an operating room suite adjacent to an OR, which may contain a scrub sink or immediate-use steam sterilizer

microfibrillar collagen

Avitene is the brand name for which type of chemical hemostatic agent?


Avitene®, Gelfoam®, and Surgicel® are examples of mechanical methods of hemostasis.

serious post-op complications of open acromioplasty

Axillary nerve injury or detachment of the deltoid from the acromion are:

bowel anastomosis

End-to-end, end-to-side, side-to-side, and Roux-en-Y are techniques for:

Myocardial hypertrophy

Enlargement of the heart muscle in morbidly obese patient, which may lead to congestive heart failure

Anesthesia cart,

Equipment used by CRNA or MD for induction, maintenance, monitoring, and reversal of a patient undergoing surgery -


Errors in chart documentation should be erased to prevent confusion by subsequent caregivers.

are impregnated with an antibacterial coating

Ethicon sutures may be available with a designation of "plus" for some sutures, which means they:


B-cells and T-cells are types of:

- Spores,

Bacterial species that can survive in environmental extremes and whose genetic material is enclosed within a protein capsule until conditions are favorable for reproduction


Baron, Frazier, House, and Rosen are names of which type of instrument?


Basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils are types of white blood cells.

immunosuppressed status

Because of the types of drugs used to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ, the recipient patient is considered to have which of the following?

Temporary sizers are placed and filled with saline, and the table is raised to sitting position to evaluate appearance.

Before closure in augmentation mammoplasty, what is done to verify correct size?

integrity of package

Before opening any sterilely packaged item, what is MOST important to verify about the package?

Package integrity being intact and not violated

Before opening any supplies for delivery to the sterile field, what must be verified?

- In-growth mesh,

Biological material for tissue repair; made from porcine submucosa; leaves a collagen matrix

- Aponeurosis,

Broad sheet of fibrous tissue or expanded tendon that holds muscles together or connects muscle to bone

suction the mouth and nares of the neonate

Bulb syringes are used in obstetrical delivery procedures to:


By what action does a "cigarette" drain remove fluid from a wound?

metric system

By what name is the International System of Units more commonly known?

Third intention

By which intention would a purulent wound treated by debridement and placement of medicated packing, then sutured after resolution of the infection heal?


Cephalopelvic disproportion is a component of which of the following indications for a cesarean section delivery?

Ventricular fibrillation,

Chaotic and disorganized stimulation of the ventricle, making it unable to effectively pump blood

cleft lip and palate

Cheiloplasty and palatoplasty are corrective procedures for which of the following?

transverse abdominal incisions

Cherney, Maylard, and Pfannenstiel are examples of gynecologic:

- Dentin,

Chief substance of teeth that is covered by enamel on the crown; harder than bone

common bile duct

Cholangiography is the diagnostic study that images which anatomical structure?

benign neoplasms

Chondroma, giant cell, and osteoma are:

mitral valve

Commissurotomy is a surgical separation of the flaps of the:

Glasgow Coma Scale

Component of the Revised Trauma Score that assesses a patient's level of responsiveness to pain or other stimuli

- Hardware

Components of a computer: CPU, monitor, and memory storage

- Hypertrophy,

Condition of being enlarged due to chronic inflammation; may cause obstruction


Conditions such as severe arthritis, contractures, and tremors are categorized under which type of challenge?

- Hypospadias,

Congenital condition in which the urethral opening is located on the ventral surface of the penis

- Choanal atresia,

Congenital defect that results in a bony or membranous occlusion of the passageway between the nose and the pharynx


Dental drills are always used to cut bone so that teeth can be extracted whole


Dental procedures require thorough cavity prepping due to possibility of surgical site infections.

- Contrast,

Difference of optical density in a radiograph that results from a difference in radiolucency or penetrability

- Dysphagia,

Difficulty swallowing or feeling of food sticking in the esophagus


Dilation of the submucosal and subcutaneous venous plexus that lines the anal canal is called:


Diminished cardiac and urinary output, hypotension, and tachycardia are signs of:


Double gloving should be done as a routine in orthopedic cases due to exposure to various sharp instruments and potentially jagged bones.

using a stethoscope for manual blood pressure

During which type of assessment would Korotkoff's sounds be heard?


EEG leads may be placed directly on the surface of the brain during craniotomy.

-Vasa vasorum

Tiny vessels that nourish the cells of arterial walls

Cottonoid patties

countable surgical sponges used in neurosurgical procedures


dural fold that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum


To convert weight in pounds to kilograms for a near estimate in an emergency, divide the pounds in half and then subtract the first digit of the answer from the answer itself to get the conversion total. For example, 160/2 = 80, 80 - 8 = 72.

Bags are placed around the hands and taped in place.

To preserve evidence in a criminal case, what might be done to the patient's hands if the patient does not require surgery?

elective sterilization

Tubal ligation is performed for:

- Torsion,

Twisting of the spermatic cord, resulting in pain, ischemia, and eventual necrosis; failure of immediate correction may require orchiectomy

- Depilatory

Type of cream used as a hair removal method that does not cause microabrasions

- Aperture,

Type of drape with a rounded fenestration and adhesive backing; used when procedure involves the globe of the eye

-Montgomery straps

Type of dressing used for frequent dressing changes and wound assessment; prevents excoriation from tape application and removal

- Prokaryotes,

Type of organisms whose organelles are not membrane bound; divide by binary fission; includes bacteria

A patient must undergo a therapeutic surgical procedure.

Under what circumstances would many hospitals rescind (invalidate) a "Do Not Resuscitate/Do Not Intubate" order?

pectoralis major

Under which muscle is the pocket for breast implant often created for greatest support?

- Diopter,

Unit of measurement of the optical power of a magnifying lens


Use of an angioscope larger than the diameter of the vessel being scoped will most likely result in which of the following?

- Vitrector,

Variable-rate, reciprocating, and cutting-tip hand piece attached to suction

stress incontinence

Vesicourethral suspension and pubovaginal slings are performed to mainly treat moderate to severe:


Vessel loops are available in all of the following colors EXCEPT:


Video-assisted thoracic surgery procedures use carbon dioxide for distention.


Vomiting from preoperative narcotics can predispose patients with diabetes to fluid and electrolyte imbalances resulting in:

sinus cavities

Walters, Caldwell, lateral, and submental radiographic views are used to establish diagnosis for which anatomical area?

self-retaining retractors

Weitlaner, O'Conner-O'Sullivan, and Balfour are examples of :

polymethyl methacrylate

What is the chemical name of the powder and liquid mixture used as bone cement for placement of prostheses?


What is the clinical term for the lesions that appear on the skin of a patient experiencing an allergic reaction?

benign prostatic hypertrophy

What is the common diagnosis of a patient undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate?

Neonate's pulse is twice as fast as an adult's.

What is the comparison between a neonate's and an adult's normal pulse rate?


What is the condition of the lens that is treated by cataract extraction?


What is the general term for incurable diseases of the heart for which the only treatment would be heart transplantation?

It reduces the pressure of the gravid uterus on the vena cava.

What is the main purpose of putting a bolster sheet or roll under the right hip of a patient just prior to C-section?


What is the medical term for a bony prominence projecting from a bone, as in a bunion?


What is the medical term for coughing up blood?


What is the medical term for excision of the urinary bladder?


What is the medical term for spongy bone?


What is the minimum number of suction systems or units required in an operating room?


What is the name of a bivalve speculum frequently found in a vaginal procedure tray?


What is the name of a nonpathological small sac that contains synovial fluid?


What is the name of a raised, hypertrophic scar due to excessive collagen formation in some darker-skinned individuals?


What is the name of the basic structure composed of renal corpuscles and tubules and numbers over a million?

da Vinci

What is the name of the complex robotic operating system created and marketed by Intuitive Surgical®?

deep vein thrombosis

What is the name of the condition that involves plaque or clots escaping from the femoral or iliac veins?


What is the name of the condition that manifests by deep aching pain in the lower extremity during rest periods?


What is the name of the connective tissue that forms the umbilical ligament and is used for traction in radical cystectomy?


What is the name of the fibrous and serous capsule that covers the liver?


What is the specimen in an AAA procedure?


What is the term for the normal resident microbial populations found on human skin?


What is the term for the object in an electrical circuit (e.g., surgical light or ESU) that receives and can modify the amount of power from the source?


What is the term for the opening in a surgical drape that is placed over the operative site?


Every instrument or catheter placed into the urethra should be lubricated to minimize mucosal injury or irritation.

Protrusion of the viscera through all the tissue layers

Evisceration of an abdominal wound is:


What type of professional would have DO or DPM after his or her name?

maintains absolute quiet

What would be the scrubbed surgical technologist's role in the general anesthesia induction phase?

dorsal, superior and inferior

Where are the parathyroid glands located in relation to the thyroid?


Which measurement method is used to determine end tidal volume of expired carbon dioxide?

ER physician

Which medical specialist is probably BEST suited to perform disaster triage?


Which medical term means moving a body part away from the midline?


Which medication may be injected into the uterus for hemostasis, before closure of the uterus in a cesarean section?

lactated Ringer's

Which medium is frequently used in arthroscopies where the ESU may be used for hemostasis?


Which member of the U.S. government makes a federal disaster declaration and mobilizes FEMA?


Which member of the surgical team gives permission for the patient to be positioned or transferred?


Which member of the surgical team is ultimately responsible for obtaining a written, informed surgical consent from a patient?

visceral pleura

Which membrane covers the surface of the lungs?

monitored (MAC)

Which method of anesthesia is preferred for rhytidectomy procedures?


Fentanyl citrate is the generic name for which of the following analgesics?


Which nonsuture needle is used for insufflation of carbon dioxide into the abdomen for laparoscopy?


Which of the following is NOT a form of individual professional credentialing that protects the public from unqualified health care providers?


Which of the following is NOT a form of polycystic kidney disease?


Which of the following is NOT a method of achieving hemostasis?

placenta previa

Which of the following is NOT a potential risk from administration of general anesthesia to a pregnant patient?


Which of the following is NOT a source of power for surgical powered instruments?


Which of the following is NOT a type of ESU tip?


Which of the following is NOT a type of liposuction?


Which of the following is synthetic, monofilament, nonabsorbable, and the most inert synthetic suture used frequently in cardiovascular and ophthalmology procedures?

saphenous vein

Which of the following is the BEST choice for distal bypass graft in the lower extremity?


Which of the following is the MOST common permanent colostomy?

Le Fort I

Which of the following is the MOST common type of midfacial fracture and is also known as a transmaxillary fracture?

temporalis fascia

Which of the following is the MOST commonly used autograft in otologic procedures?

strict surgical conscience

Which of the following is the MOST important factor in a surgical technologist's role in preventing surgical site infections?


Which of the following is the hard, dense bone that surrounds the marrow cavity?

back table

Which of the following is the large piece of OR furniture onto which most sterile supplies are opened and organized for use during a case?


Which of the following is the largest supporting ligament in the female pelvis that has anterior and posterior leaves?


Which of the following is the longest bone in the upper extremity?


Which of the following is the main underlying pathogenic cause of coronary atherosclerosis and clinical manifestations?

motor vehicle accidents

Which of the following is the major cause of serious trauma suffered by pediatric patients?


Which of the following is the name of locking or nonlocking needle holders frequently used in ophthalmology?


Which of the following is the term for "crossed eyes"?


Which of the following is the term for the inability to retract the foreskin of the penis?


Which of the following is the type of dating system that denotes the number of the calendar day in 1 through 365/366?

Mayfield brace

Which of the following is the type of head fixation device that attaches to the operating table used frequently for craniotomy procedures?

res ipsa loquitur

Which of the following legal doctrines would MOST likely apply in the case of a wrong site surgery or retained foreign body?


Which of the following legal terms is BEST described as "professional misconduct that results in harm to another"?

Patient Self-Determination Act

Which of the following legislative rulings requires medical facilities to inform patients of their rights to choose the types and extent of medical care available and their legal right to advance directives?


Which of the following letters represents the incisional configuration MOST commonly used for scar revision procedures?

silastic sheeting

Which of the following may be used as permanent support on top of the orbital floor following fixation of fracture?


Which of the following means a partial separation or dislocation of a joint without any break in the skin?


Which of the following membership organizations would the circulating RN in the operating room likely join as a member?

lead hand

Which of the following might be used for stabilization in a Dupuytren's contracture release if an assistant is unavailable?


Which of the following modes or settings of the electrosurgical unit (ESU) would NOT require use of a patient return electrode (ground pad)?

wire cutters

Which of the following must accompany the patient to the PACU who has undergone maxillomandibular fixation?


Which of the following names represents an eye speculum that resembles an uncoiled metal paper clip?


Which of the following needs of the surgical patient is related to the identification and understanding of an individual's place in the universe and may include his or her views on theology, philosophy, or mythology?

bones, tendons, vessels, then nerves

Which of the following order of steps for replantation of a digit is CORRECT?


Which of the following organizations sets standards for electrical safety, sterilization, and use of medical devices?

rheumatoid arthritis

Which of the following pathologies is related to a specific autoimmune process that attacks the joints in the body?

pulse oximeters

Which of the following patient care items would be classified as noncritical?


Which of the following pharmacological agents provides muscle relaxation by preventing acetylcholine from stimulating muscle contraction?


Which of the following pioneers of medicine and surgery first developed techniques for surgical antisepsis?


HBV, HCV, and alcohol abuse are precursors to which of the following diseases?

great toe

Hallus valgus is a condition in which there is a turning outward from the midline found in the:

electrosurgical unit

Harvey Cushing, M.D., and William Bovie, Ph.D., collaborated in the 1926 to create the first:

1 minute or less

How long should a person performing disaster triage take to categorize patients for treatment?


How many craniofacial bones make up the orbit?


How many individuals are required to safely transfer a recently anesthetized patient from the OR table to the stretcher?


How many lobes are there in the right lung?


How many phases of surgical case management are there?


How many pulmonary veins are there?


How many ribs are considered "true" ribs with direct connection to the sternum with costal cartilage?


How many stages are involved in normal osteogenesis?


How many stages of labor and delivery does the patient go through?


How many suture ligatures or free ties should the surgical technologist have prepared for ligation of the renal artery and vein prior to transsection and removal?


How many vertebrae are there

1,000 megabytes

How much memory does a computer with a gigabyte (GB) capacity hold?

coiled loosely in perforated or mesh basket

How should air hoses of powered instruments or fiber-optic light cords be placed in rigid container trays for sterilization?

wiped with a micro-wipe sponge

How should micro ear instruments be cleaned intraoperatively?

pulmonary embolus

If a DVT from deep veins of the legs enters the cardiopulmonary system, what life-threatening condition will likely occur?

Re-prep, redrape patient; team changes gowns and gloves; and use new instruments.

If a mastectomy is scheduled to follow a breast biopsy and frozen section results indicate carcinoma, what is done?

Hand off the pack to the circulator who will bag, label as incorrect, and isolate off field until case completion.

If a pack of sponges is found to have an incorrect number during the count process and the patient is on the OR table, what should be done?


If a patient suffered a burn as a result of improper application of the ESU dispersive (grounding) pad, the individual team member responsible may be found guilty in a lawsuit of which of the following?

12 = superior; 3 = medial; 6 = inferior; 9 = lateral

If looking at the right eye of a patient and assigning clock positions of 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock to the rectus eye muscles, which of the following would be CORRECT?

- Ulcerative colitis,

Inflammatory bowel disease that causes erosions in the lining of the large intestine


Instruments should be handed to the surgeon in a functional manner that allows the surgeon to use it without repositioning.

- Incision,

Intentional cut through intact tissue for purposes of exposing underlying tissues


Internal chemical indicator/integrators should be placed in the center or most challenging portion of a tray for the sterilant to reach.

right lower quadrant

Into which anatomical area of the abdomen will a transplated donor kidney be implanted?


Into which classification of dressings would body and Minerva jackets and walking and spica casts fall?

right subclavian vein

Into which vessel is a double-lumen Groshong catheter routinely inserted?

radiolucent OR table

Intraoperative fluoroscopy for cholangiography would require which of the following?

CUSA Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator

Irrigation and aspiration instrument that uses ultrasonic energy to remove tumor


Irrigation and what other item is used anytime the dental drill is used during odontectomy?


first cervical vertebra (C-1)?


five (5) vertebrae?


five fused vertebrae in the average adult?

Shunts Clamps

Javid and Argyle are examples of which type of device used in select vascular procedures?


Kitners, Cottonoids, and laps are surgical:


Locker rooms, administrative offices, and the departmental main desk are examples of semirestricted areas in the OR suite.

- Flagella,

Long, thin structure attached to the outside of a cell; motility achieved by whipping motion


for scalp hemostasis and resembles a Crile or Kelly

- Beaver,

Name of line of miniscalpel blades used in ophthalmology and ENT


Neck contracture due to injury of the sternocleidomastoid muscle


PE tubes placed during myringotomy procedures must be removed following resolution of otitis media.

- Geiger counter

Particle detector that measures ionizing radiation levels


Patients with cleft palates may have difficulty sucking, swallowing, or forming sounds.


Patients with developmental delays may suffer cognitive disabilities, but may also exhibit normal intelligence.


Placement of a catheter or probe into a tubular structure to assess patency or treat an obstruction


Polymethyl methacrylate is a gas used to sterilize heat-sensitive surgical instruments, but must be aerated from items before use on the patient.


Professionalism is a lifelong commitment for a surgical technologist who has specific duties and responsibilities for providing the highest quality surgical patient care.


Radical nephrectomy is usually performed with the patient in which position?

- Palladium,

Radioactive seed implants used to treat aggressive prostate cancers in situ; stronger effect, so lower doses can be used


Radionuclide seeds are placed in infected Bartholin's gland cysts to treat the infected contents.

- Tachypnea,

Rapid breaths that rise with body temperature

- Fluoroscopy,

Real-time radiographic imaging that allows the actions of joints or organs to be viewed directly

- Battery

Source of direct current with opposite positive and negative terminals


Special attention must be taken during application and removal of the Mayfield cranial fixation device

220 V

Specialized equipment in the OR, such as portable x-ray units or laser generators, may require which type of wall outlet that can handle the increased load necessary to power the equipment?

- CAT scan,

Specialized radiographic machine that produces computer-generated images of the body in "slices"


Specimen loss, mislabeling, and improper preparation are examples of which of the following?

denuded areas of third-degree burns

Split-thickness skin grafts are used to cover which type of burned tissue?

- Rad,

Standard unit of measurement for the absorption of ionizing energy


Sterilization process monitors include mechanical, chemical, and biological methods to ensure all parameters were met.


Surgeons may call both Bennett and Hohmann retractors by which other name because of their shapes?


Surgical repair for recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation include all of the following EXCEPT:


Surgical team members who fail to monitor and protect a medicated patient from falling could be charged with:


Surgical technologists are not required to be proficient in endoscopic genitourinary procedures, only open cases because there are cystoscopy specialists who will do them.


Taking another's property without consent

torque pressure on screws

Tapping of bone is done in fixation procedures to reduce:


Teratogenic results fall into which category of medication effects?


Tetany is a serious potential post-op complication of which type of surgical intervention?

numb the surface of the eye and surrounding structures

Tetracaine drops are used in ophthalmologic procedures to:


The #12 blade is used almost exclusively for which surgical procedure?


Which of the following procedures could be done in either a male or female patient?


Which of the following represents the replacement device for the cataract lens in the eye?


Which of the following self-retaining retractors does NOT require attachment to the OR table?

implantable devices

Which of the following should NEVER be processed by immediate-use (flash) sterilization methods?

proper body mechanics

Which of the following should be used by surgical team members to prevent potential injury from tasks involving heavy lifting, moving of equipment or patients, and long periods of standing or sitting?

The condition mainly involves the carpal and metacarpal bones.

Which of the following statements describing variations of polydactyly is NOT correct?

Colostomy will exit on the left and ileostomy on the right side of the abdomen.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding anatomical changes following pelvic exenteration?

They are packaged wet

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding natural absorbable sutures?

They are thin, malleable bars with hooks facing up for maxilla and down for mandible.

Which of the following statements regarding arch bars is CORRECT?

lower extremity = 1 1/2 hours; upper extremity = 1 hour

Which of the following statements regarding generally safe continuous tourniquet inflation time is CORRECT?

The safety strap is secured tightly across patient's waist to prevent possible fall due to narrow OR table.

Which of the following statements regarding transfer of an awake, mobile patient from stretcher to OR table is INCORRECT?

Gerota's fascia

Which of the following structures encloses the kidneys and suprarenal glands?


Which of the following studies combines computed tomography with isotope scanning to highlight chemical or metabolic activity?

Remove paper bands around sponges; separate each sponge into separate piles while counting aloud with RN.

Which of the following techniques of counting sponges on the sterile field is an example of best practice?


Which of the following terms describes a civil wrong that may be intentional or unintentional?

heat stroke

Which of the following terms describes a life-threatening condition if not immediately treated?

life support

Which of the following terms describes a set of therapies that preserve a patient's life when body systems are not functioning sufficiently?

ejection fraction

Which of the following terms describes the percentage of blood pumped out of a filled ventricle with each heartbeat?


Which of the following terms describes the principles such as benevolence, trustworthiness, and honesty for the care and well-being of others in society?


Which of the following terms describes the system of principles that become standards of conduct for professionals?


Which of the following terms is defined as the extent to which a machine, microscope, human, or robot can differentiate between two objects?

degrees of freedom

Which of the following terms is defined as the number of ways that a robotic manipulator can move?


Which of the following terms is more commonly referred to as a full face lift?


Which of the following terms is used to describe surgical intervention that does not have to be performed immediately or within a short period of time, for example, a torn meniscus repair?


Which of the following terms meets the following definition: a voluntary and informed act in which one party gives permission to another party to "touch"?


Which of the following terms related to electricity defines electrical potential (electrical charge)?


Which of the following tunica is NOT part of the structure of an artery?

Allen low lithotomy

Which of the following types of stirrups would likely be used for a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH)?


Which of the following types of surgical sponges are prepackaged in units of five?

green colored for bile ducts

Which of the following types of vessel loops are NOT available for use?

medical errors

Which of the following was identified in the late 1990's as causing more deaths in the United States than car accidents, AIDS, and breast cancer combined?

chest tube attached to a Pleur-evac system

Which of the following will be required upon completion of any procedure in which the pleural cavity has been opened?

placement site of electrocardiogram (ECG) leads

Which of the following would MOST likely be the cause of a patient burn from alternate exit pathway of ESU current?


Which of the paranasal sinuses are numerous, small, and located on either side of the bridge of the nose, between the eyes?


Which one of the following is NOT one of the cardiac valves?


Which organ is MOST often injured in motor vehicle accidents?

pars tensa

Which part of the tympanic membrane is fibrous, largest, and where drainage tubes are inserted?


Which portion of the femur articulates with the acetabulum?

reverse Trendelenburg

Which position enhances a bariatric patient's total lung volume and aids in ventilation?


The federal governmental insurance programs under the general heading of CMS include all of the following EXCEPT:

box lock

The joint of a hemostat where one half of the instrument passes through the other is called the:


Which position requires anesthesia administration and intubation to be performed on the patient's stretcher prior to final positioning?

head elevated

Which position should facial procedure patients maintain postoperatively to minimize edema?


The name of the condition created when pus is not cleared from the pleural cavity and makes a fibrous constrictive layer is:

reverse Trendelenburg with slight tilt to the left

Which position would facilitate exposure of the operative area during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy?

fracture table

Which positioning device will be used for ORIF of intertrochanteric femoral fracture?


Which procedure may be done in conjunction with vitrectomy if the surgeon is unable to gain visualization of the posterior cavity of the eye?

6-0 or 7-0 polypropylene

Which suture is frequently used for anastomosis of the saphenous vein or internal mammary artery in CABG?

extracorporeal method

Which suture technique involves making a knot in the suture outside of the body and then pushing it inside through a cannula?


Which suturing technique maintains the aortic and venous cannulae?


Which suturing technique would be used to close the stump of the appendix in an open appendectomy?

padded footboard

Which table attachment is required to safely maintain a patient in the reverse Trendelenburg position?


Which teeth are located in the center front of the mouth?

3/8 circle spatula

Which type of needle is frequently used in ophthalmologic procedures?


Which type of needle is preferred for suturing skin?


The pinna, helix, crus, and tragus are all portions of the:

- Power

The rate at which work is done; measured in watts

- Ground,

The round, third prong of a three-prong plug, which captures excess leakage current to prevent shocks


The thin, compressed sponges used during neurosurgical procedures to protect delicate neural structures are called:

-Aortic bodies

receptors that function to control blood pressure, oxygen, and carbon dioxide concentrations

subdural hematoma

result of torn bridging veins between the cerebral cortex and venous sinuses?


retractor has a proximal hook and a distal hook for attachment of a weight or sandbag

epidural hematoma

skull trauma over the middle meningeal artery

nucleus pulposus

soft, gelatinous part of the intervertebral disc


surgical approach to a pituitary adenoma rather than a craniotomy?


tumor that arises from the protective coverings of the brain?


vascular instrumentation include DeBakey and Cooley, both of whom were cardiothoracic surgeons and pioneers of cardiothoracic and peripheral vascular surgery.

pituitary rongeur

instrument is used to extract pieces of the nucleus pulposus


largest part of the human brain?


neurosurgical retractors that has malleable brain spatulas and retractors?

- Insulator

Materials such as plastic, glass, wood, rubber that inhibit the flow of electrons

- Pharmacokinetics

Metabolic processing of a drug within the body; includes absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion

nose bleed

Epistaxis is more commonly known as an acute:

tympanic membrane

What is the name of the structure that separates the outer and middle ear canals from one another?


What is the name of the wax that is normally produced and found within the ear canal?


What is the preferred method of anesthesia for a cesarean section delivery?


Which anatomical structure regulates temperature by monitoring processes of heat production and loss in the human body?

rapid induction

Which anesthetic method helps reduce the anxiety and stress experienced by pediatric surgical patients?

CT scan

Which diagnostic study is best at delineating between soft tissue and bony structures for diagnosing sinus conditions?


Which diagnostic study is considered the gold standard for evaluation of vascular disease?

4.0 mm

Which diameter fixation screw would MOST likely be used for a fracture of the mandible?


Which dilating instrument is used to dilate the corpora for placement of penile prosthesis?


Which distention fluid is nonelectrolytic and will lyse malignant tumor cells because of cellular uptake?


Which incisional approach is used for access to the lower ureter and may be used for donor kidney implantation?

Davidson scapula retractor

Which instrument has the appearance of a misshapen pancake spatula?

carbon dioxide

Which of the following is used for creating pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopy?

double-J or pigtail stent

Which of the following is used to ensure patency of the ureters or allow for drainage of urine from the kidneys?

10 mL of sterile water

With what amount and which fluid is a 16 Fr., two-way Foley catheter with 5 cc balloon filled?

heavy gauge stainless steel wire

With what is the median sternotomy closed?


Within the OR suite, personnel should refer to patients by their planned procedure rather than by name to prevent HIPAA violations, for example, "the craniotomy in room 2," rather than "John Doe."


deep groove in the cerebrum


Breast ptosis is surgically corrected by:

- Molars,

Flat-topped teeth located posteriorly in the jaw, which break up food


Hemoglobin is measured in grams per deciliter, and hematocrit is measured in percentages.

Pre-op holding

Area of an operating room suite where patients have IV lines started, sign consents, interview with surgeons, anesthesia providers, and nurses prior to transfer to the OR for procedures

-External iliac

Arteries that become the femoral arteries

-Left common carotid

Artery that serves the head and neck

uterine/cervical carcinoma

Radionuclide seeds are used to treat:

electrosurgery burns to personnel

Resonant frequency capacitive coupling and dielectric breakdown are examples of:

front to back

Sterilely attired surgical team members should pass one another in any of the following ways EXCEPT:


Symptom of difficult or painful sexual intercourse in some females

superiorly and just above the clavicle

The apex of the lung is located:


The visual cortex of the brain is located in which region?


The visual representation of the components necessary to support a fire is which of the following geometric shapes?

- Digital subtraction,

Vascular imaging technique that removes the background structures from view


What is the name of the deep, round fossa of the hip joint?

hot dextrose water

What is used to achieve tissue destruction in an endometrial balloon ablation?

skin closure tapes

What is used to close the epidermal layer when a subcuticular wound closure has been done for good cosmesis?

ESU loop electrode

What is used to resect the prostate gland tissue through the resectoscope?


What kind of anesthetic block is used for a vitrectomy procedure?


Which acute infection appears in bony air cells after approximately 10 to 14 days following an otitis media infection, and if untreated, it may result in meningitis or encephalitis?

space suit or body exhaust suits

Which additional PPE is frequently worn by sterile team members during total joint procedures to prevent possible SSI?


Which additional pain control measure is taken for patients undergoing pectus excavatum repair by VATS?


Which agency requires the documentation and tracking of implantable orthopedic devices?


Which anatomical area is a TRAM flap used to reconstruct?

anterior colporrhaphy

Which gynecologic procedure is performed for treatment of urinary incontinence or cystocele?

Intentional Tort

Willful, intentional acts that violate the civil rights of a patient


Which of the following historical figures developed the first x-ray machine?

Endo Shears are used through laparoscopic trocar to separate tissue.

Which of the following is NOT an example of blunt dissection of tissue?


Which of the following is NOT an ossicle found in the middle ear?

They range from 1/2 circle curvature to 5/8 circle curvature.

Which of the following is NOT correct about the structure/design of suture needles?

bipolar wire/prongs

Which of the following is NOT part of a three-prong plug?


Which of the following is NOT used for visualization in ophthalmologic procedures?


Which of the following is a common response of pediatric patients to injury and may result in gastric dilation?


Which of the following is a commonly used method of preserving the heart by reducing its metabolic needs?


Which of the following is a commonly used self-retaining retractor used in total hip arthroplasty procedures?

Mayo stand

Which of the following is all that is necessary for instrument setup for bilateral myringotomy tube (BMT) placement?


Which of the following is an intraocular procedure?


Which of the following naming categories for pharmaceutical drugs would NOT be used in a health care setting?


Which of the following national agencies is an arm of the CDC and functions under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to research and establish permissible exposure limits for chemical vapors and gases?


Which type of ophthalmic medication constricts the pupil?


Which vessels are responsible for the exchange of oxygen and metabolic waste?


How many degree classifications of skin burns are there?


Which anatomical structure is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body?


surgical technology with a board of directors elected by a house of delegates?


Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of which body system?

nasal cavity

Into which structures do the lacrimal ducts drain tears?


Slander or libel that damages a person's reputation or good name

prevacuum air removal steam

The Bowie-Dick test is performed for which sterilization method?


Which scalpel handle would accommodate a #20 disposable knife blade?

filum terminale

distal-most area of the spinal cord

atherosclerotic thickening

Balloon angioplasty performed in the cardiac catheterization lab is used to treat:


A tuning fork is a useful tool during parotidectomy to safely identify branches of the seventh (VII) cranial nerve.

electrical nerve stimulation

All of the following are techniques for eliminating dead space in a wound EXCEPT:


A #11 blade and forward angle or reverse angle Potts-Smith scissors are frequently used for:


All of the following are articulating breakpoints or removable sections of an operating table EXCEPT:


Inability to move the lower part of the body


All of the following are components of the "heart-lung" machine EXCEPT:

surgeon's preference card

All of the following are components of the surgical patient's medical record EXCEPT:

positive air pressure maintained

All of the following are environmental specifications for the decontamination room in CSPD EXCEPT:

arteriovenous fistula and shunt

A newly diagnosed patient in need of vascular access long-term hemodialysis would undergo which procedure?

labrum (cartilage)

A Bankart avulsion lesion involves which anatomical structure(s)?

hemolytic transfusion reaction

A patient given an Rh-incompatible perfused organ or blood could suffer which potentially fatal result?

- Caldwell

AP projection x-ray that shows the hard palate, nasal septum, orbital floor, and zygoma


AST's mission "Enhancing the profession to ensure quality patient care."


Abdominoplasty procedures cannot be performed on patients who have undergone cesarean sections, due to excessive adhesions in the lower abdomen.

liver cirrhosis

Adenocarcinoma has a direct correlation to each of the following EXCEPT:


Adhesion formation is a normal physiologic inflammatory response to abdominal surgery that cannot be prevented or minimized.

Mayo stand cover

Amputated limbs may be placed in which of the following for transport to pathology?

front to back

An AP view on a radiograph is taken:


An act that causes another person to fear that he or she will be touched in an offensive, insulting, or physically injurious manner without consent or authority to do so

circumferential extremity

An assistant may be needed to properly perform which type of surgical skin prep?

prostate biopsy

An elevated serum PSA exam might prompt the additional investigation of a(n):


An emergency laparotomy would be the indicated treatment for all of the following postoperative bariatric surgery complications EXCEPT:


Contamination caused by passage of microorganisms through a sterilized package by way of moisture wicking is termed:


Contrast media are routinely introduced:


Coral would be classified as what type of graft material?


Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy procedures are performed in which position?

- Rebound pain

Discomfort or tenderness that occurs with sudden release of pressure; a clinical sign of appendicitis


Disease of the spinal nerve roots that results in pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness of the extremities

Atrial fibrillation,

Disorganized stimulation of the atria that prevents atrial contraction and does not allow for ventricular filling


Cultural and religious values of patients can conflict with the practice of modern medicine.

- Alternating

Current that requires a wall outlet and reverses direction periodically

Class V

Cough syrups containing codeine would be placed in which classification of controlled substances?


Delivery of the placenta is the conclusion of which stage of labor?


Denial, rationalization, regression, and repression are common forms of what type of mechanisms?

coping mechanisms

Denial, rationalization, regression, and repression are examples of:

weighted vaginal speculum, tenaculum, uterine sound, cervical dilators, endometrial curettes

For a dilation and curettage (D&C), which of the following orders of instrument use is CORRECT for endometrial biopsy?

five stages of grief

For what type of research was Elizabeth Kubler-Ross best known?


GI, chest, and airway are types of:

the Joint Commission (JC)

In 2004, which of the following agencies created the "Do Not Use" abbreviation list?

gram positive

In a Gram stain study, the bacteria that retains the blue coloration following staining, alcohol rinse, and restaining is:


In a common adage, what is the "best medicine" in health care?

intraluminal circular stapler

In a laparoscopic appendectomy, all of the following methods could be used for dissection of the appendix EXCEPT:

mirror reflectors

In a laser generator, what is found at both ends that allows for the amplification and stimulated emission of laser light?


In a robotically assisted hysterectomy, the surgical technologist may be responsible for removing the specimen from the vagina after the vaginal cuff closure has been completed.

keeping the patient's spine in alignment during changes in position

In a surgical procedure on a severely injured trauma patient, which of the following measures is of utmost importance?

Surgical assistant

Individual with training and credentials to help position, drape, and transfer patient as well as provide visualization of operative site and close body planes


Laparoscopic linear stapling devices are often used to ligate and cut the uterine ligaments and vessels during LAVH.

electromagnetic spectrum

Laser wavelengths determine the color and invisibility of the beam and are categorized from their place along the:


Lung reduction surgery is performed for patients with emphysema.


Lung tissue has what kind of consistency?


MRI scans require shielding of thyroid and gonads because of ionizing radiation emissions.


Magnesium, calcium, and zinc come from which drug source?

- Pulse oximeter,

Noninvasive device that measures optical density of blood; used on fingers, toes, or earlobes


Penfield #1 through #5 are:

Ejection fraction

Percentage of blood volume pumped out of the heart into the systemic circulation; indicator of ventricular function

keep pressure on the retina

Perfluoropropane and sulfur hexafluoride are used to:

*fascia lata

Peripheral vessel angioplasty stents may be made of all of the following EXCEPT:

pull it

Personnel in CSPD who must move instruments from the ethylene oxide sterilizer to an aeration room should do which of the following with the cart to reduce their exposure to vented gases?


Physical forces of deceleration, acceleration, compression, and shearing are factors in which type of injuries?

Criminal Negligence

Reckless disregard for the safety of another; willful indifference

- Apical

Referring to the apex of the heart; used as a method of reading a pulse rate


Roentgenography, named for the German physicist who discovered it, is better known today as:

- Pharmacodynamics

Study of the interaction of drug molecules with the target cells of living tissue

- Font

Style of letters chosen in a word-processing program to create a document


Submalar augmentation is performed to address structural deficiency in the:

- Auscultation

The act of listening to sounds within organs or areas of the body

electrosurgical unit

The spark-gap tube generator developed in the 1920s was the precursor of which piece of standard OR equipment?

- Electrons

The subatomic particles that orbit in shells around a nucleus and are responsible for creating electrical current


The ventricles of the heart have thicker myocardium than the atria.

- Tarsal plate,

Thick connective tissue structure that provides integrity to the shape of the eyelid: may be repositioned in entropian repair

- Alveolar process,

Thickened ridge of bone that contains the sockets that bear the teeth of the upper and lower jaw


What anatomical structure is the bladder attached to in males?

The correct answer is: 20-25 with 20% fresh outside air

What are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for OR air exchanges per hour?

> 80%

What are the operative mortality rates of patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and shock?


What kind of wound is a sacral decubitus ulcer?

cooling with Collins solution or ice slush

What measure is taken to reduce the metabolic needs and prevents tubular necrosis of a kidney removed for transplant?

aqueous humor

What passes through the canal of Schlemm?

nerve stimulator

Which device can be used sterilely by and ENT or neurosurgeon or unsterilely by an anesthesia provider to determine location, function or conduction of certain anatomical structures?

vacuum beanbag

Which device is sometimes used for achieving and maintaining the lateral position?


Which fine-tip scalpel blade could be used to incise a blood vessel or create a stab wound for drain placement?

anterior rectus

Which muscle is incised in transverse abdominal approaches for gynecologic procedures?


Which radiographic technique or view shows the alveolar processes, mandible, posterior maxillary sinuses, and the zygomas?


Which radiological study might be ordered preoperatively for a patient scheduled for tuboplasty?


Which retinal structure allows for perception of general shapes and shades of gray in dim light?


Which scissors are often called "suture scissors" and are typically straight and relatively blunt tipped?


Which self-retaining retractor has the shape of a figure-of-eight (8) when in the closed position?


Which self-retaining retractor is used for open suprapubic prostatectomy?

Place plate, drill one hole at a time, measure with depth gauge, tap, insert screw, and repeat steps for remaining holes.

Which sequence of steps for plate fixation is CORRECT?

leg jerking

Which signal should alert the surgical team that prostate capsule perforation is imminent and may conclude the procedure?

patent ductus arteriosus

Which singular congenital defect involves failure of closure of the connection between the pulmonary artery and aorta?

substance abuse

Which special patient population group has a 30% to 80% statistical likelihood of coexisting psychiatric illness in addition to the diagnosis for which they are coming to surgery?

Stage IV

Which stage of breast cancer is characterized by evidence of distal metastasis?

iliac crest

autologous bone graft for anterior cervical fusion procedure is donated from ?

dural guard with footplate

between burr holes, what attachment to the powered craniotome is necessary to prevent injury of underlying tissues?


bilateral paired nerves are the largest in the body

peritoneal cavity

distal catheter most often inserted in a V-P shunt procedure?

cauda equina

distal spinal cord at about L-2 in the average adult?

-Vena cava

largest vein in the body


layer that is the closest to the brain?


mixing powder and liquid to create polymethyl methacrylate creating a chemical reaction


outfolding (concave) convolutions of the brain

upper extremity

prepped for ulnar nerve decompression

Brain stem

primitive part of the CNS responsible for basic vital life functions


relationship between the certified surgical technologist (CST) and the OR?

carpal tunnel release

treats compression of the median nerve


A corneal abrasion would be assessed using a(n):

surgical site infection

"Bowel technique" refers to steps used by the surgical team to prevent postoperative:


"Captain of the ship" doctrine holds the surgeon accountable for all actions of the operating room team in lawsuits.

airway fire

A closed ventilation system and special endotracheal tube may be used in maxillofacial procedures to reduce risk of:

dynamic hip screw

A common system of instrumentation for open reduction of hip fractures is DHS, which stands for:


A full-thickness skin graft may be taken from the inner thigh or labial fold to re-create which anatomic area?


A gastrostomy can be created by all of the following methods EXCEPT:


A medical device or surgical piece of equipment that has failed would have to be taken out of service and any patient injury reported to which of the following agencies?


A needle-localization procedure may be performed in radiology for assistance in locating discrete masses in the:

seizure disorder

A neurologist might order an EEG for a patient with which suspected diagnosis?

12 inches

A nonsterile person should approach a sterile area face forward while maintaining a distance of:


A patient return electrode (ground pad) may be repositioned to another site if the gel is still "sticky."

12 months old

A patient scheduled for centralization of radial dysplasia would be about what age?

surgical procedure

A special consent form would be required for which of the following situations during a hospital admission?


A type of organism that dies quickly when exposed to air is called:

two-layer, interrupted technique for seromuscular approximation with silk; continuous for mucosa with absorbable suture

A typical end-to-end bowel anastomosis is accomplished with which of the following suturing techniques?

gastric ulcers

A vagotomy is a surgical treatment option for:


A vaultlike recess in the upper part of the vagina caused by the protrusion of the uterine cervix into the vagina


A way in which the surgical technologist can assist the surgeon by keeping the suture strand out of the way during a continuous running closure is by:


A widely accepted list of safety measures is entitled the Six ___________ of Medication Administration.

- Ipsilateral,

Being on or affecting the same side of the body

varicose veins

Dermal atrophy, hemorrhage, ulceration, and cellulitis are complications of:


Diabetes, vascular disorder, nerve damage, and trauma are all possible causes of:


Diagnosis of long-standing emotional, psychological, and social problems; experienced by war veterans and crime victims; may experience anxiety and flashbacks as a result of their experiences


Frozen section biopsies are sent to which hospital department for analysis?

- Zygomycosis,

Fungal infection caused by bread mold; sometimes seen in immune-suppressed organ transplant patients

- Corneal dystrophy,

Hereditary, progressive, noninflammatory disease of the anterior surface of the eye; diagnostic indication for keratoplasty

Organizational structure

Hierarchical layers of hospital administrative departments, services, directors, and trustees

evert the edges outward

How will the surgeon manipulate skin edges of a wound before the surgical technologist places an approximating skin staple?

surgical vitrectomy

How would a definitive diagnosis of detached retina be obtained if hemorrhage is present in the eye?

pedicle-flap graft

How would a transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap be classified?


If tissue is approximated too tightly, it can result in:


In general, a monofilament suture would require ____________ knot throws for security than a multifilament suture.


In general, a surgical procedure represents a physical, psychological, social, and spiritual event to the patient.

one hour

In general, after what length of continuous pneumatic tourniquet use should the extremity be allowed to reperfuse before reinflating the tourniquet?


In many cases, for all age populations, pulse oximetry has replaced arterial blood gases (ABGs) as the routine method of monitoring blood oxygenation, due to its low cost, ease, and decreased potential for infection.


In medical terminology, which suffix indicates an instrument as a cutting device?

pressure equalizing

In myringotomy procedures, what does "PE" stand for?

96% to100%

In normal blood gas ranges, arterial oxygen saturation should be at or near what percentage range of capacity?0


In or by which of the four components of communication would "decoding" take place?

segments of bilateral ureters

In radical cystectomy with ileal conduit on a male patient, what tissue will be sent for frozen section to verify clear margins?


In recognition of which religion's death rites would the operating room staff allow the deceased patient's son or other relative to close the eyes and mouth and wash the body after removal from the surgical suite?


In steam sterilization, thermal destruction of microbes is the result of the denaturation and coagulation of protein within the cells.


In what position is the patient placed for proximal pyelolithotomy?

Perform normal duties of preparation of the sterile field, keeping as quiet as possible for induction.

In what way can the surgical technologist who is setting up his or her back table and Mayo stand reduce an 18-month-old patient's anxiety prior to induction of anesthesia?


In which anatomical organ does biotransformation of drugs most often take place?

quadriceps tendon

In which anatomical structure is the patella contained?

amino amides

Lidocaine, bupivacaine, and ropivicaine are examples of which type of nerve conduction blocking agents?

occlude the lumen of a blood vessel

Ligatures are use to:

- Indications

Listing of common medical conditions that a particular medication is used to treat


Liston knife, Gigli saw, and Satterlee saw are examples of instruments used for which type of procedure?


Many hospitals allow use of only sterile gloves to set up the back table for cystoscopy procedures.


Method of biopsy of vulvar or cervical lesions by use of an electrified wire


Simple nephrectomy is routinely performed in which position?


What is the chemical name for a chemical or drug that causes birth defects?


The Hasson technique for establishing pneumoperitoneum requires the use of a Verres needle.


The Wilson frame is used for positioning a patient in which of the following surgical positions?


The ability to anticipate the needs of the surgeon is one of the most important skills for a surgical technologist to develop.

- Impervious

The ability to prevent penetration of fluid through material, resulting in contamination


The acromion process involved in the acromioclavicular joint is part of which of the following bones?


The acronym laser stands for light application by special electromagnetic radiation.

- Torsion

The act or process of being twisted or rotated around an axis

plantar flexion

The action of pointing and putting a toe in the water to check the temperature would be an example of which movement?

eliminate medical errors

The broad objectives of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) include all of the following EXCEPT:

ambulatory status of the patient post-op

The choice of wound dressing is dependent upon all of the following EXCEPT:


The clarity of a computer monitor screen image is its:

Medical Record

The combined account of the interaction between the patient and the health care providers during a given incidence of illness or treatment.

- Resistance

The component of electricity that causes a conductor to glow or heat up


The death of a patient from complications of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) would be categorized as which general category of cause of death?


The dermis and epidermis are components of which body system?


The drainage and collection device attached to chest tubes relies on a water seal to reestablish negative pressure in the pleural cavity.

- Drug actions

The effects of a pharmaceutical agent at the target site; includes theories of receptor, enzyme, and nonspecific interactions


The elbow is categorized as which type of joint?


The electromagnetic waves that create radio and television signals are measured in wave cycles per second termed:


The first scrub surgical technologist performs intraoperative tasks under the broad delegatory authority of the:


The first-line drug used in the treatment of severe anaphylactic reaction is:


The foramen magnum is the large opening at the base of the skull

medulla oblongata

The force and rate of contraction of the heart is controlled by which part of the central nervous system (CNS)?


The function accomplished by the cardiopulmonary bypass machine

roof of the mouth

The hard palate is the:


The hepatic and splenic flexures are located proximally and distally in which part of the large intestine?


Where are surgical instrument "booms" mounted in an operating room?


The individual who initiates a lawsuit

rotator cuff

The infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, and supraspinatus muscles collectively comprise the:


The lumens of veins are larger than the lumens of arteries.


The main bronchi, pulmonary arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels enter the lung on the medial surface through the:

reduce the microbial count on the skin to an irreducible minimum

The main purpose of the surgical skin prep is to:

glenoid fossa

The mandible articulates with which part of the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?


The mandibular symphysis is better known as the:


The manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are portions of the:


The opposite charged ends of a magnet are its:

patient return electrode

The part of the complete ESU circuit that delivers alternating current back from exposed tissue to the ESU generator is the:

- Perfusion

The passage of fluid through the lymphatic system or blood vessels to an organ or tissues


The surgical technologist (ST) and circulating RN verify a drug's name, strength, expiration, and amount together; then the ST labels any container holding it; and states the drug name and strength aloud to the surgeon as it is being passed.


The surgical technologist must develop the ability to transfer very small, delicate instruments into the surgeon's hand in a functional manner so that he or she does not have to look away from the microscope.


The suturing technique MOST appropriate for wounds likely to become infected or suffer potential stress is:


The tensile strength of suture material should equal the tensile strength of the tissue into which suture is placed.

fluoroscopic machine

The term C-arm refers to a(n):

trauma victims

The term golden hour refers to reduction of morbidity and mortality of which type of patient population?

internal iliac artery

The vesical arteries that supply the bladder arise from the:


There are limited choices of total joint systems available, making standardization routine and uncomplicated.


There are three separate setups in a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy procedure: nasal access, tumor excision, and fascial graft.

pleural space

Thoracentesis is removal of fluid from the:

medical staff

Through which hospital department or committee would the certified surgical first assistant (CSFA) submit a request for privileges to work in the operating room?


Thymomas, neurogenic tumors, and pleuropericardial cysts can be biopsied during which procedure?

carotid endarterectomy

Transient cerebral ischemic (blood loss) episodes are treated surgically by:

- Abrasion,

Traumatic injury from friction forces causing scraping of epidermal layer


Trendelenburg, reverse Trendelenburg, Fowler's, and lithotomy are variations of which basic position?

monitor central venous pressure changes

What do Broviac and Hickman catheters do?


What is the chemical name for Dermabond™ or Indermil™?

nonporous and waterproof

What are the preferred characteristics common to the walls, floors, cabinets, and doors in an operating room?

toes to groin circumferentially

What are the prep borders for a unilateral vein stripping procedure?


What are the serrations of DeBakey and Cooley vascular instruments considered to be?

lysis of embolus

What are urokinase and streptokinase used for in vascular pathology?


What are vessel loops and umbilical tapes commonly used for in vascular cases?

otitis media

What chronically occurring condition is often the reason for placement of myringotomy tubes in one or both ears?

no color change

What color is the abnormal tissue after staining with Lugol's solution in a cervical biopsy?


What color is the abnormal tissue after staining with acetic acid in a cervical biopsy?

basket stone forceps

What device is used through the ureteroscope to capture an intact calculus or fragments if fractured by laser?

1 cm

What distance from the impact site of a laser beam on tissue should the smoke evacuator be positioned to capture 98% of the plume?

6 feet

What distance from the portable x-ray unit should sterile members of the surgical team stand to reduce their exposure while the image is being taken?


What is a common component of many contrast media that may be a contraindication for use in allergic patients?

pseudomembranous enterocolitis

What is a common potential side effect of all forms of antibiotic therapy for major pediatric infections?


What is a commonly used rib self-retaining retractor available in adult and pediatric sizes?


What is a coping mechanism often seen in children reacting to trauma?

electrolytic conduction reaction

What is a potential risk of placing surgical instruments of dissimilar metallic type together in a washer sterilizer cycle?

when both kidneys are functioning at or below 10% of normal

When is a patient classified as being in end-stage renal failure?

400 mm

Which objective-power lens is MOST frequently used for microlaryngoscopy?


Which of the following accounts for up to 90% of contamination and should be removed as soon as possible after exposure to a radiological disaster?

They may be used in infected wounds

Which statement is CORRECT regarding monofilament sutures?

Polyps protrude inward, and diverticula protrude outward from the intestine.

Which statement is CORRECT regarding polyps and diverticula in the colon?

They should be counted while all still on back table.

Which statement regarding instrument counts is CORRECT?

It is positioned in the mediastinum with approximately 2/3 of the heart on the left side.

Which statement regarding the anatomical placement of the heart is CORRECT?

Doppler probe

Which sterile device will be used during TRAM flap reconstruction to verify the blood supply of the graft remains intact?


Which sterile irrigation fluid is used for ophthalmic procedures?

saturated steam

Which sterilization method is most commonly used, safest, least expensive, and appropriate for the majority of surgical instruments?

SA node

Which structure is considered the "pacemaker" of the heart?


be responsible for separating instruments and disassembling the sterile field


control nurse would report any suspicion of rare or mysterious infectious diseases to

2% to 3%

mortality rates of patients with unruptured AAA scheduled for elective repair?

surgical conscience

professional honesty, confidentiality, fair treatment, cost containment, and attention to the highest level of surgical patient care?


"A person who receives health services from a health care provider and who gives consent for the provider to provide those services."


A Maloney bougie dilator is used in which anatomical structure?

one of the 5 mm right port site incisions

A T-tube or wound drain left in place following laparoscopic cholecystectomy would MOST likely exit through:

lateral jaw

A TMJ decompression procedure is performed in which anatomical area?


A Whipple procedure is done for treatment of a tumor in which abdominal organ?


A bovine-derived enzyme used as a chemical method of hemostasis is:

subcuticular suture

A continuous suturing technique that places sutures in the endothelial layer of the skin in short, lateral throws is called a:


A drain dressing is cut into which letter shape to accommodate the drain tube exiting the patient's body:

mitral valve

A heart murmur is often heard with auscultation and indicative of involvement of which structure?

90 minutes

A patient may be considered a candidate for donation after cardiac death (DCD) if his or her heart is predicted to cease functioning within what period of time after removal from mechanical support?

place it under his tongue

A patient prescribed sublingual nitroglycerin for angina would:


A patient taking a medication for a long period may experience tolerance, resulting in the need to increase the dosage to achieve the same benefit as before.

adipose fat

A patient undergoing bariatric surgery may require extra time for general anesthetic reversal because anesthetic agents may be accumulated in and slowly eliminated from what type of tissue?

immunosuppressed status

A patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer might experience prolonged wound healing due to:

Montgomery straps

A patient with a major abdominal wound requiring frequent dressing changes might have which type of binding layer to prevent excoriation of the skin by constant removal of adhesive tape?


A patient with acquired immunodeficiency virus may have complications of multiple infections from diseases considered to be:

higher brain

A person in a persistent vegetative state (with only basic physiological functions of respiration, blood pressure, and heartbeat intact) is categorized as having suffered which kind of death?


A physician who is a contracted provider in a PPO or HMO will receive reimbursement for fees based on a capitated rate of payment.

surgeon or physician group

A private surgical technologist is usually employed by which of the following?

- Organs of Corti,

A series of hair cells that directly contact fibers of the cochlear nerve


A statement one expects to prove true


A strategy to avoid intraoperative sharps injuries is to establish and use which type of a zone?


A surgical technologist may "run" or operate the laparoscopic camera during minimally invasive procedures to free up the hands of the surgeon and surgical first assistant.


A surgical technologist working in a Veteran's Administration (VA) facility might frequently encounter patients with which of the following conditions?


A surgical technology student who photographs a patient and posts the image on the Internet could be sued for invasion of privacy and HIPAA violation.


A woman in her first pregnancy or who has delivered only once


A wound that is not sutured and that gradually fills in by granulation heals by which intention?

- Fistula

Abnormal connection between two epithelial surfaces, open at both ends

- Laceration,

Abnormal tract between two epithelial surfaces, open at one end only


Abnormally slow electrical impulses and heartbeat below 40 to 60 beats per minute

Primum non nocere

Above all, do no harm."

- Asystole,

Absence of a heartbeat; cardiac standstill

- Scanner

Accessory device that converts printed text or graphics into digital format

- Helicobacter pylori

Aerobic, gram-negative bacilli responsible for many gastric ulcers

World War II

After which of the following military conflicts did Great Britain and the United States begin to train and employ allied health professionals predominantly in the scrub role in surgery?


Aken, Chevron, McKeever, Keller, and McBride are techniques for which lower extremity procedure?

current convertor

All of the following are components of a three-prong electrical plug EXCEPT:


All of the following are configurations of fixation plates for maxillofacial fracture reduction EXCEPT:

Steinman pins

All of the following are examples of devices used to anchor both ends of the ACL graft EXCEPT:

body exhaust suit

All of the following are examples of equipment used postoperatively on the patient for pain reduction or stimulation of healing factors EXCEPT:


All of the following are examples of tissue interaction with laser light energy EXCEPT:


All of the following are examples of types of movement of powered surgical instrument EXCEPT:

moderate impingement syndrome

All of the following are indications for total shoulder arthroplasty EXCEPT:


All of the following are locations for incision in augmentation mammoplasty EXCEPT:

fan-folded through small incision

All of the following are methods of intraocular lens insertion EXCEPT:


All of the following are methods of performing a turbinectomy EXCEPT:


All of the following are paired ligaments that support the uterus in the lower abdomen and attach it to the pelvis, EXCEPT:

latex sheeting

All of the following are varieties of draping materials EXCEPT:


All of the following are ways to reduce personnel radiological exposure EXCEPT:

implementation of the neutral zone

All of the following carry the force of state or national legal enforcement EXCEPT:

- Clostridium perfringens,

Anaerobic gram-positive bacteria responsible for gas gangrene, cellulitis, and fasciitis


Ancef, Kefzol, and Keflex are brand names for which category of antibiotic/anti-infective agents?


Anchor-shaped incisions with joining of tissue envelope folds are performed in which procedure?

- Inhalation agents

Anesthetic agents delivered through the anesthesia circuit; pass into the bloodstream via the respiratory system to maintain unconsciousness

- Canthus

Angular junction of the eyelids at either corner of the eye


Anointing of the sick is a practice of Muslim tradition and includes facing the patient toward the holy city of Mecca.


Another name for a thyroid tenaculum is a:


Antibiotics and the anticoagulant heparin are frequently diluted with normal saline to achieve a more powerful dosage than the original strength.

- Malocclusion,

Any degree of irregular contact between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws; includes overbite or underbite

mineral oil

Any of the following may be used topically for hemostasis of the STSG donor site EXCEPT:

-Inferior mesenteric

Artery just above the bifurcation; supplies lower abdominal organs


Arthroscopic procedures require only one small incision through which all the instruments are passed.


Assessment of educational programs for quality and effectiveness and used as a criterion for eligibility to sit for a national certification examination

between ages 3 and 8 years

At approximately what age or period would a patient MOST likely be diagnosed with a Wilms' tumor?

-Vascular clamp

Atraumatic instrument designed to gently occlude blood flow

- Port

Attachment points for computer components: keyboard, speakers, printer


Auscultation involves use of a(n):


Baumrucker, Iglesias, Stern-McCarthy, and Nesbit are types of:


Benign uterine fibroid tumor that arises from the smooth muscle layer

Class IV

Benzodiazepines are classified by the Controlled Substances Act as which class?

surgical drapes

Best practice states that all of the following items remain sterile until the patient leaves the room, EXCEPT the:

prevent formation of hematoma and seroma

Bifurcated drains and fluffy pressure dressings are used following mastectomy primarily to:

suprapubic catheters

Bonanno, Malecot, and Pezzer are types of :


Bone wax is made of refined and sterilized wax produced by:


Bougie, Heaney, Hegar, and Van Buren are types of:


Cannulated instrument for distal catheter in V-P or V-A shunt procedures

guide pin

Cannulated screws and nails are designed to follow the path created by a:

- Capillarity,

Capability of suture material to retain tissue fluids and bacteria that can communicate along the length of a continuous suture line


Care must be taken during skin prepping for gangrenous lower extremities prior to amputation to prevent inadvertent dislodging of toes.

seventh (VII)

Care must be taken when preauricular and submandibular incisions are made to protect which cranial nerve?


Carpal and tarsal bones are classified as which type of bone?

incising the transverse carpal ligament to decompress the nerve

Carpal tunnel syndrome is treated by:


Cartesian coordinate geometry uses the system of graphing mathematical functions and moves the robotic manipulators along the x, y, and z axes.


Cataracts are categorized as a general condition of aging rather than a disease process.


Category of "sharp" that has a beveled point and hollow cannula and either should not be recapped or should involve using the one-handed scoop method if recapping is necessary -

- Benzodiazepines

Category of Class IV controlled drugs with sedative/tranquilizer effects: adjunct to general anesthesia; produces amnesic and muscle relaxation effects

- Histamine antagonists

Category of drugs used to alter pH of gastric secretions, reduce gastric volume, and promote pyloric emptying

prevent spontaneous abortion

Cervical cerclage is performed to:


Cidex™ is the trade name for which of the following methods of sterilization?


Clamp, clamp, cut, tie (CCCT) is a way to anticipate routine dissection steps during hysterectomy procedures.

- Over-the-counter

Class of medications that are available without physician authorization

Allied Health

Classification of cell saver, medical lab, radiology, EEG, and orthopedic technicians, and other hospital employees

- Helminths,

Classification of parasites such as cysticerci (pork tapeworms) that can create lesions in the brain and soft tissues, which require surgical removal


Classification of patients ranging from 13 to 18 years of age

- Contusion,

Closed traumatic wound; also called a bruise

- Epididymis,

Coiled segment of the spermatic ducts that stores sperm and is attached to the superior surface of the testis

- Hyperplasia,

Condition of abnormal increase in number of cells in tissues or organs

Suction outlets

Connection points for negative pressure lines that allow for removal of irrigation and body fluids from the surgical site or by the anesthesia provider for management of patient secretions


Conversion from a laparoscopic procedure to an open procedure is always a possibility that the surgical technologist should be prepared for.


Court-appointed protector for an individual incapable of making his or her own decisions


Craniofacial disjunction fractures are severe traumatic injuries categorized as Le Fort III fractures.

premature cranial suture closure

Craniosynostosis is a congenital defect involving:


Crescent, Benelli, and Benelli-lollipop lifts are techniques used during:


Cryotherapy uses which of the following to seal retinal tears and holes?

undescended testicles

Cryptorchidism is more commonly known as:


Dark green or black fecal material that may be present in amniotic fluid, putting neonate at risk of pneumonitis from aspiration

mouth gags

Davis and McIvor are names of which type of instrument?


Dead tissue that sloughs off of healthy skin


Device used to measure distance between two opposite sides

- Audiography,

Diagnostic method that assesses the amount of damage to the sound conduction system and determines course of treatment

- Electronystagmography

Diagnostic method that uses cool and warm water introduced into the ear canal to assess balance function

end-stage renal disease

Dialysis and kidney transplant are the only two treatments for which of the following?


Distinct individual tissue layer

- Mesentery,

Double-layer membrane of peritoneum attached to back wall of abdominal cavity that supports the small intestine

intestinal clamps

Doyen, Kocher, Dennis, and Allen are names of which type of instrument?

more pure

Drugs used for ophthalmological procedures are similar to those for systemic use but must be:


Drugs used for prophylaxis relieve pain or other symptoms of a disease process.


Due to the vascular and friable nature of the liver, a surgeon may choose to use suture on which type of needle?

gravid uterus

During a surgical procedure on a pregnant patient, the surgical technologist in the scrub role may be asked to palpate what area to detect possible contractions?

give the appearance of a stone on x-ray

During cholangiography, bubbles in the contrast media would likely:

12-15 mm Hg

During laparoscopic procedures where carbon dioxide gas is used for insufflation, the intra-abdominal pressure in the average healthy adult patient is kept at:

lukewarm water, detergent, and enzymatic cleaner with neutral pH

During manual cleaning of surgical instruments, what type of solution should be used?

sitting at the robotic console separate from the OR table

During routine robotic surgery procedures, where is the surgeon?

move items only once if possible

During the process of setting up the sterile field, efficiency and economy of motion recommend that the surgical technologist (ST):

be scrubbed separately or last

During the surgical skin prep, areas that are considered contaminated should:

second trimester

During which part of pregnancy would an abdominal surgery be considered safest for both mother and fetus?


During which phase of general anesthesia would the risk of aspiration be the greatest?

0.1-0.5 µm

Effective surgical smoke evacuator units suction and filter particles as small as


Elective surgery patients may be asked to discontinue use of which medication to prevent drug-therapy-induced platelet dysfunctions?

Heart block

Electrical conduction disorder requiring permanent pacemaker


Enlargement of the spleen, which may result in debilitating fevers

phacoemulsification probes

Equipment with the highest potential for serving as ignition sources in surgical fires include all of the following EXCEPT:


Excoriated tissue; loss of intact coverings


Exposure of the population to anthrax and smallpox would be a result of which of the following?

Pouch of Douglas

Extension of peritoneal cavity between the back wall of the uterus and the rectum, also called a cul-de-sac


Extreme caution should be exercised when using which of the following for localized anesthesia of fingers, toes, or the penis, or in neonates?

stereotactic guided-imagery biopsy

Fiducials (markers) placed on bony landmarks are used in which type of neurosurgical procedure?

operative approaches

Flank, Gibson, inguinal, and scrotal are examples of:

- Fresh frozen plasma

Fluid component of blood containing blood clotting factors removed from one unit of whole blood

adaptation model

For what type of research was Sister Callista Roy best known?


For which anatomic area is ultrasonography ineffective?

Down syndrome

For which condition would a patient coming to the operating room likely need an interpreter?

nerve root compression

For which of the following diagnoses would a myelogram MOST likely be ordered?

removal of foreign body in children

For which of the following procedures would the rigid bronchoscope be preferred?

risk management

For which of the following processes are identification and reporting of unsafe conditions and hazards MOST critical?


For which position would the head of the OR table be moved to the foot before the patient is placed on the table?

tubal reanastomosis

For which procedure would the gynecologist likely wear surgical loupes?

nipple reconstruction

For which procedure would the surgeon require a sterile tattoo machine and inks?

otoplasty for microtia

For which procedure would the surgical technologist possibly need a second setup for obtaining a costal cartilage graft?


For which procedure would the surgical technologist prepare a tumescent solution?

A&P repair

For which procedure would the surgical technologist want to be sure to have adequate numbers of Allis or Allis-Adair tissue forceps?

substance abuse

For which special patient population group would the help of a counselor or social worker who could communicate the current state of mind or mood of the patient to the OR staff be of benefit to all parties involved?


For which surgical procedure would an Ocutome be used?


For which surgical procedure would the Buie pile forceps be used?

McVay inguinal herniorrhaphy

For which type of hernia repair could a Penrose drain be used as a method of gentle traction of the spermatic cord?


For which type of transmission-based disease would health care workers need to be fitted for an N-95 respirator mask?


Gas injected into the posterior cavity of the eye following vitrectomy is more stable and requires fewer restrictions of a patient with regard to positioning and altitude than silicone oil.


General consent is obtained by patients admitted to the hospital and covers all routine services and medical treatment in broad terms but not invasive procedures such as surgery.

- Internet

Gigantic international network of millions of computer servers that in turn serve thousands of individual computers each


Glass syringes are preferred in drawing up contrast media for angiography because of less accumulation of bubbles.


Graduates of CAAHEP or ABHES programs are eligible to sit for the CST or CSFA examinations administered by:


Gravity displacement steam sterilizer cycles are much shorter than prevacuum cycles.

modified radical mastectomy

Great care is taken to identify and preserve the long thoracic and thoracodorsal nerves in which surgical procedure?


Health care workers can focus better on their job of patient care in disaster situations if they have done their own personal disaster planning in advance with their family members.


High- or low-velocity projectiles are factors in which type of injuries?

They should be mounted on a ring forceps as "sponge sticks"

How are Ray-Tec sponges used during laparotomy procedures when the peritoneum is open?

passive transport

How are most drugs absorbed by the body?

1-2 cm

How far beyond the atherosclerotic lesion should a balloon in angioplasty reach?

A flexible penile clamp is applied to the head of the penis.

How is the anesthetic jelly that is inserted into the male urethra prior to cystoscopy kept from leaking out?

24 hours

How long should the steam biological indicator be incubated before the reading is recorded?


How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?


How many tunics comprise the structure of the globe of the eye?

contrast media

Hypaque, Cystografin, and Renografin are:

- Ringer's solution

IV fluid that is a solution of water and serum electrolytes; similar to plasma

Static electricity,

Ignition source caused by friction between two surfaces and electron transfer; resulting in sparks or palpable shocks


Implantable devices made of different alloys can cause breakdown of the device and may cause wound infection.


Important goal of communication process when the sender knows message was understood by receiver; may be either verbal or nonverbal.

flat and irregular

In adults, red bone marrow that produces red blood cells is mainly found in which type(s) of bone?


In the event that a VATS procedure had to be converted to an open procedure, which open case would be performed?


In which degree of skin burn does the tissue appear as pearly white or charred and will likely require debridement of eschar?


In which instrument tray would you find a Ballenger swivel knife, Cottle elevator, Knight scissors, and Takahashi forceps?


In which joint would a bucket handle tear be found?

median vertical

In which of the following abdominal incisions would the linea alba be opened down to the peritoneum?

extracapsular cataract extraction

In which of the following procedures would sutures most likely NOT be necessary?


In which of the following procedures would the patient be left without a vagina or any of the female reproductive organs and have a permanent colostomy and ileostomy?


In which of the following procedures would the surgical technologist need to have a spreader and a hook ready for use?


In which part of the respiratory system does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?


In which pediatric age group would all of the craniofacial sinuses be fully developed?


In which procedure would an incision NOT be required for insertion of the endoscope?

endoscopic brow lift

In which procedure would the procerus and corrugator muscles be ablated, avulsed, resected, or separated?


In which procedure would the surgeon likely request 8-0 or 9-0 suture?

callus formation

In which stage of normal bone healing is there bridging of the fracture site, and cartilage and immature bone provide support?

subcostal flank

In which surgical approach would the latissimus dorsi, internal and external oblique muscles be transected for access to the operative site?

nuclear plant meltdown

In which type of disaster would hot, warm, and cold zone triage protocols be used?


Incisions made for endoscopic brow lifts and rhytidectomy are often placed within the hairline for camouflage.

Brain abscess

Infection of CNS tissue /direct injury /may require surgical excision


Infectious, blood-saturated and dripping, regulated medical waste should be contained and discarded in red bags with a biohazard symbol.

a normal protective response to tissue injury

Inflammation can BEST be described as:

- Balanitis,

Inflammation of the glans penis due to poor hygiene


Instrument used for cystoscopic or hysteroscopic ablation using wire loops or roller balls and electrical current

isolated as contaminated

Instruments used for closure of the vaginal cuff in total abdominal hysterectomy are:

Federal Law

Jurisdiction is given to courts in cases involving the interpretation and application of the U.S. Constitution, acts of Congress, and treaties

heparin and mannitol

Just before the surgeon clamps the renal vessels of the donor's kidney, what does the anesthesia provider put in the IV?


Kaposi's sarcoma is sometimes seen in combination with which of the following diseases?

absorbent intermediate layer

Kerlix fluffs, ABD pads, and plain 4X4 gauze sponges are exampled of which part of a three-layer dressing?


Kerrison is a


Legal principle, created by a court decision, that provides an example of authority for judges deciding similar issues later


Living will and durable power of attorney are examples of advance directives in health care

Intraoperative case management

Maintaining sterile field, passing instruments to surgeon, performing surgical counts, handling medications, preparing specimens and dressings

human progression

Maslow's research produced a hierarchical structure of ___________.

- Induction agents

Medications used to permit rapid transition from consciousness to unconsciousness by quickly bypassing the excitement phase of general anesthesia


Medtronic OCTOPUS® and Guidant Ultima OPCAB® are what type of devices for coronary artery bypass done off-pump?

CVP line

Method of continuous ECG monitoring via placement of catheter in the subclavian or internal jugular vessels; may require a cut-down


Metzenbaum, tenotomy, and Potts-Smith are examples of which type of instrument?

- Robotic,

Minimally invasive surgical approach for removal of prostate with fewest post-op complications and quickest recovery time


Minums, drams, and drops are volume measurements in which measurement system?


Misalignment or deviation from coordinated movement of the eyes is:


Monitoring procedure that records electrical activity of the heart

aqueducts and foramina

Monro, Sylvius, Magendie, and Luschka are:


Morbid obesity refers to patients whose body weight is greater than how many pounds over their ideal weight?

autoimmune diseases

Multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis are examples of:

- Billroth I,

Noninvasive electro-generated shock waves used to break up calculi in the urinary or biliary system


Noninvasive study used to diagnose mitral valve stenosis or other valvular disorders -Echocardiography,

- Viruses,

Nonliving obligate intracellular parasites; contain either DNA or RNA, but not both

- Prions,

Nonliving proteinaceous infectious particle; contains no DNA or RNA; responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are also known as:


Normal saline, antibiotic, and Dakin's solution are used to facilitate mechanical debridement in which type of dressing?

- Signs

Objective, observable evidence or manifestations of a pathological condition


Odontectomy procedures are given a wound classification of Class II.

contrast media

Omnipaque, Renografin, and Isovue are used in cystoscopy as:


Op-site, collodion, adhesive gels and Steri-strips are examples of which type of surgical dressing?

- Staphylococcus aureus,

Organism most commonly associated with surgical site infections

bony spurs

Osteophytes are:

Clostridium difficile

Overgrowth of which microorganism is most likely responsible for pediatric cases of enterocolitis following antibiotic therapy?


Overhead OR spotlights should be placed on highest setting to provide necessary illumination during intraocular procedures.


Overview of career objectives, qualifications, experience, education and skills; used as reference in employment search


Oxygen saturation is higher in the venous system than in the arterial system, making blood appear darker red.


Pancreaticoduodenectomy is also known as which of the following procedures?


Papaverine is used for aneurysm clipping to prevent:

- Palpation

Part of a physical examination in which touch is used externally or internally to determine size, shape, or abnormality

autografts for ACL repair

Patellar tendon, iliotibial band, and semitendinosus tendon are examples of:

Career ladder

Pathway or program of upward movement to positions of increased responsibility within an organization


Patients diagnosed with shoulder impingement syndrome would likely undergo:

over 65 years

Patients in which age group are MOST commonly candidates for total hip arthroplasty?


Patients treated for Le Fort type fractures may have extensive scarring and change in facial characteristics.


Pediatric patients require an enhanced team focus on the physiological needs in a more dramatic way than any other age group.

abdominal aorta and vena cava

Placement of a rolled sheet or pad to elevate a pregnant patient's right hip, tilting the operating room table to the left with slight Trendelenburg, or both will shift the weight of the gravid uterus and relieve pressure from the:


Plastic and reconstructive surgeries must be done only after an individual has stopped growing, due to potential changes in anatomy of younger patients.

- Trabecular meshwork,

Porous, circumferential band of tiny canals through which the aqueous humor drains


Portion of the aorta that descends but is above the diaphragm


Portion of the aorta that runs between level of diaphragm and bifurcation of iliac arteries

- Pulp

Portion of the tooth that contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue

- Hyperextension,

Position achieved by placement of a scapular roll to provide enhanced visualization of the oropharyngeal area

Laminar flow,

Positive pressure gradient that prevents airborne contaminants in the corridors from entering the OR when doors are opened -


Posterior fossa craniectomy

- Volatile agents

Potent liquids inhaled via a vaporizer to produce general anesthesia through CNS depression and decreased EEG activity and muscle tone


Powered equipment such as ear drills and irrigation and aspiration units should always be tested prior to use to prevent delay or possible patient injury.

side to side

Primary union wound healing occurs:


Prior to start of a procedure; all members of surgical team verify correct patient, procedure, site, and side.

air leakage from bronchial closure

Prior to the closure of a lobectomy procedure, the anesthesia provider performs a Valsalva maneuver to check for:

Problem-solving skills

Prioritizing, considering alternatives, evaluating abilities, working with others to address challenges to patient care


Procedures for female urinary incontinence may be performed by gynecologists, urologists, or urogynocologists.

- Hydrolysis,

Process of breaking down synthetic polymer chains by water from tissues

Malpractice Insurance

Professional liability coverage to cover discrepancy between hospital and individual policies in negligence lawsuits

Code of Conduct

Professional rules and standards of behavior that include principles such as impartiality, objectivity, duty of care, and confidentiality and disclosure

- Software

Programs that operate a computer system; includes Internet access and word processing

Diabetic retinopathy

Progressive blindness due to compromised vascularity of the eye

mechanisms of intraoperative heat loss

Radiation, convection, conduction, and evaporation are examples of:


Rapid serial film changers and pressure injectors are used in which diagnostic imaging study?


Rapid side-to-side movement used for sharp dissection


Real-time intraoperative radiography that emits large amounts of ionizing radiation and requires use of a C-arm image intensifier

- Enophthalmos,

Recession of the eyeball within the bony orbit; may be a result of orbital fracture


Relaxation and hypertrophy of the eyelid skin is also known as:

- Narcotic antagonists

Reversal agent for opioids that works by competing for CNS receptor sites preventing opioid binding; naloxone HCl (Narcan) is commonly used


Rhinoplasty procedures are often considered "plastic surgery" cases rather than otorhinolaryngological.


Robotic manipulators are not sterilized, but are covered with disposable drapes for surgical procedures.


Rush, Ender, Russell-Taylor, Trigen, and Kuntscher are examples of flexible, standard, or titanium femoral:


SIDS (formerly known as "crib death") is categorized as which general category of cause of death?


Seizures or coma in a pregnant patient secondary to precursor hypertension and rapid weight gain

- Modern

Sends computer information over phone or cable lines or satellite systems


Separate department with direct or indirect connections to OR suite where instrument decontamination, assembly, and sterilization takes place and may include hospital materials storage -

- Tunica vaginalis,

Serous sac that covers most of the testis, epididymis, and lower spermatic cord


Set of responsibilities or expected results associated with a job; descriptions are broad in scope


Severe blood and fluid loss, making it difficult for the heart to pump; post-op complication of aggressive liposuctioning


Severed digits should be kept tightly covered and warm to prevent clot formation and necrosis, preventing replantation.

- Cicatrix,

Small, white, mature surface scar seen in differentiation phase of healing

- Gingiva,

Soft, fibrous tissue that is continuous with the periodontal ligament and surrounds teeth; also known as the gums


Soiled sponges from the operative field are discarded into low-to-the-floor, rolling, lined kick buckets.

surgical laser media

Solids, gases, liquids, and semiconductor crystals are types of:

provides smooth passage through tissue

Some multifilament sutures are coated to:

10 mm

Strands of wire used to attach arch bars to the upper and lower jaw should be prestretched and cut to which length?


Suction tubing and ESU cords are attached to the sterile drape with perforating towel clips to prevent contamination.


Suprarenal glands are more commonly known as:


Surgical energy that uses intense focused light beams and is an ignition source for surgical fires if proper precautions not taken


Surgical method of using three-dimensional plotting for guidance

simple mastectomy

Surgical removal of the entire breast without any lymph nodes is a(n):


Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common postoperative complication in patients with diabetes due to the increased perfusion of affected tissues.


Surgical skin preps for breast procedures for carcinoma should be performed vigorously and thoroughly to prevent postoperative surgical site infections in immunocompromised patients.

director of nursing

Surgical technologists and other allied health professionals in perioperative services usually work under the direction of which hospital administrative director?


Surgical technologists may discuss details of their daily experiences as long as they are not in a public place.


Surgical treatment of which anatomical area might result in a postoperative complication of malocclusion?


Suture gauge can range from #5 (being the smallest) to 11-0 (being the heaviest) diameter.


Suture pledgets are used to bolster anastomosis sites when tissue is friable.


Sutures with memory, such as chromic, plain, nylon, or other monofilaments, should be stretched tightly to remove any kinks in the strand before being handed to the surgeon.

Patient Care Partnership

The American Hospital Association replaced its "Patient's Bill of Rights" with which of the following?

-#11 blade, -Potts-Smith scissors, -small bore suction, -insertion of Fogarty catheter

The CORRECT sequence of steps for an arteriotomy for embolectomy or thrombectomy is:


The CST and CSFA credentials are registered trademarks of which organization?

disaster triage

The Delayed, Immediate, Minimal, and Expectant (DIME) categories are used in:

Department of Homeland Security

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a division of which governmental group?

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

The Joint Commission requires health care facilities to twice yearly practice their:

- Eustachian tube,

The anatomic structure that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx


The anatomical structures excised during radical cystectomy are different between male and female patients.


The anesthesia provider would assign which physical status classification rating to a patient with severe systemic disease, massive obesity, poorly controlled hypertension, or status postmyocardial infarction?


The apothecary system of measurement based weight measurement on a grain of:

- Perineum

The area between the anus and scrotum in males or between the anus and vulva in females


The atheromatous core removed from the carotid artery during endarterectomy is more commonly known as:

surgical conscience

The best assurance of safe and individual professional behavior by the CST or CSFA is a well-developed, unyielding:

Geobacillus stearothermophilus

The biological indicator (BI) for the steam sterilization method is:


The bipolar mode of the ESU can be used only to cut tissue.


The connections between the large bones of the skull are categorized as which type of joint?

ascending aorta

The coronary arteries originate from the:

2 inches

The depth of compressions for adults should be:


The emergency shut-off valve for the supply of oxygen into an operating room is designated by which color?


The fallopian tubes are located bilaterally in the mesosalpinx of which uterine-pelvic ligaments?

scope of practice

The legal term that identifies the knowledge and skills required for a profession and describes a health care provider's core accountability, based on education, experience, and credentialing is:


The legs of a patient being placed in the lithotomy position should be raised and lowered slowly and simultaneously by two unsterile personnel.

unintentional torts

The most common types of patient-care errors committed by operating room personnel, including negligence and malpractice, are categorized as:

Aeger Primo

The motto used by AST, meaning "The Patient First"

transparent and biconvex

The normal condition of the lens of the eye is:

on the anterior thigh

The patient return electrode for a patient undergoing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy would MOST likely be placed:

from the incision site outward toward the periphery in a circular motion

The patient undergoing laparotomy should be prepped:


The phrase "departure from the standard of care" BEST describes which of the following legal terms?


The physical design of an OR suite is designed to control personnel, patient, and supply traffic and may be of a race track, hotel, or specialty grouping type.


The physical or chemical process by which all living microorganisms, including spores, are killed is:


The pinna of the ear is the visible external portion that collects sound waves and channels them into the middle and inner ear.

- Lateral recumbent

The position in which an individual is lying on his or her side; also called decubitus ,


The post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) was previously often referred to as:


The practice of applying cricoid pressure during endotracheal intubation was named for a British anesthesiologist named:

- Morcellatioin

The process of cutting up tissue into small pieces to extract it through a small opening


The proper sequence for performing intraoperative and closing counts is operative site, Mayo stand, back table, basins, kick bucket or off field.


The proximal end of the radius and C1 on C2 vertebrae are examples of which type of diarthrosis?

nail polish

The purpose of the preoperative skin prep is to sterilize the patient's skin to prevent surgical site infections.


The ratio of a solution's solute to solvent is its:

Bacillus atrophaeus

The recommended biological indicator (BI) for hydrogen peroxide gas plasma is:


The relative humidity in an ethylene oxide sterilizer should be below 30% to aid in the penetration of the gas through bacterial spores' protective coating.

body surface area burned

The rule of nines is used in burn patients to estimate:


The saphenous vein used for coronary artery grafting must be reversed before anastomosis due to the presence of valves in the vein.


The sitting position is a modification of which position?


The skin incision for a thyroidectomy will follow which anatomical lines?


The skull flap can be reattached to the cranium by small titanium plates and screws or with stainless steel wire.

sterile water

The surgeon may request which of the following for irrigation to aid in destroying any residual tumor cells after dissection?

fallopian tubes, ovaries, and infundibulum

The term adnexa refers to which gynecologic anatomical structures?

AST recommended clinical ladder levels

The terms entry-level, proficient, and expert practitioners are applied to which of the following?

continuous irrigation

The three lumens of a three-way Foley catheter are used for balloon inflation, urinary drainage, and:


The triangle of Calot is an anatomical space bounded by structures in which surgical procedure?


The upper-hand and Thompson retractors are complex self-retaining retractors frequently used in major abdominal procedures.

suture permanently swaged on an eyeless needle

Tissue trauma is minimized by using which type of suture-needle combination?


Title XI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 requires hospitals to establish protocols for organ procurement or risk losing funding by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Job description

Title, requirements for employment, nature of position, duties, accountability for actions

High tensile strength and small diameter

To achieve the goal of leaving as little foreign material in a wound, the ideal suture selected should have:

rigid holster

To prevent inadvertent activation of the ESU resulting in possible ignition of draping materials, the pencil should be placed in which of the following when NOT in use?

Step on one leg of the Mayo stand.

To secure the Mayo stand from moving during draping, what should be done?


Topical cocaine 4% is used in nasal surgery for:

Class II

Total abdominal hysterectomy is assigned which wound classification?


Total knee arthroplasty implant are categorized in all of the following EXCEPT:


Tourniquets provide permanent mechanical hemostasis and enhance visualization by creating a bloodless field.

- Laceration,

Traumatic cut or tearing of skin or soft tissues


Two members of the surgical team must perform the checks of identification information: patient armband, blood and Rh type, unit number, and expiration date prior to administration of any blood products to a patient.

- Split,

Type of drape sheet with "U" configuration and adhesive edged "legs"; used for procedures requiring broader access to extraocular areas

- Strangulated,

Type of hernia in which tissues are caught within a fascial defect; may become strangulated if not reduced

- Depolarizing agents

Type of neuromuscular blockade that can cause muscle fasciculations and cannot be pharmacologically reversed


Type of shock in which blood pressure is decreased and pulse rate is increased; patient may show signs of cool and clammy skin

- Retrograde,

Type of urography in which contrast media is injected directly into the bladder

- Panoramic,

Type of x-ray that shows on one film: alveolar processes, mandible, posterior maxillary sinuses, and zygomas

The correct answer is: 68°F and 73°F

Unless the patient is at risk of hypothermia, the temperature range in the OR should be between:

Langenbeck periosteal elevator

Used to strip and separate the galea and pericranium from the skull


Verification that educational programs meet minimum accreditation standards is done by:

- Diplopia

Visual defect in which one object is seen in duplicate; treated with adjustable suture technique of strabismus correction

professional traits

What do conscientiousness, problem solving, skills competency, teamwork, and commitment to continuing education represent for a CST?

blood calcium concentration

What do the parathyroid glands regulate in the body?


What does Sister Callista Roy define as "all conditions, circumstances, and influences that surround and affect the development and behavior of the person"?

totally extraperitoneal patch

What does TEP stand for in general surgery?

It expands the size of the skin graft

What does a mesh graft device do?


What does specialized tissue within the seminiferous tubules produce?

diagnosis related groups

What does the acronym DRG stand for in the hospital setting?


What does the adrenal medulla secrete?

The filters on the bottom of the container are intact and the container is dry.

What does the circulating nurse verify before the surgical technologist places the basket of instruments on the back table?

definitive treatment

What does the letter D stand for in reference to the chain-of-survival concept in cardiopulmonary resuscitation?


What is a normal human emotion that surgical team members may feel for their patients, but must not interfere with their abilities to maintain focus on their jobs, particularly in all-hazards situations?


What is a serious bone infection that may result from a compound fracture and become chronic later?

It has a mesh drain attachment.

What is a unique feature of the OR table in a cystoscopy suite?


What is achieved by insufflation of carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity?


What is achieved by wrapping an extremity with an Esmarch bandage prior to inflation of pneumatic tourniquet?


What is an alternate name for the bony nasal projections known as turbinates?

put hand piece on safety

What is an important step for the surgical technologist to remember to perform when changing burrs on a pneumatic drill?


What is another name for a cystic structure caused by an inflammatory response to material trapped in a meibomian gland?


What is another name for an acquired ventral hernia through the linea semilunaris?


What is another name for the innominate (nameless) artery?


What is another name for the traction sutures used to manipulate the globe of the eye?


What is another term for spinal anesthesia?

nuclear medicine

What is another term used for diagnostic isotope scanning?

head to tail

What is another way of saying "cephalad to caudad"?


What is done to an upper extremity with an Esmarch bandage prior to inflation of the double-cuffed tourniquet used in Bier block anesthesia?

anterior wall sutured over the proximal graft

What is done with the aneurysm sac in AAA repair?

The edges are everted and affixed to the skin.

What is done with the edge of the ilium that is brought out through the abdominal wall for stoma creation?

prevent sharps injuries during surgical procedures

What is establishing a neutral zone designed to do?

Dacron patch

What is frequently used to repair atrial and ventricular septal defects in pediatric patients?

restore the posterior urethrovesical angle

What is one of the main objectives of procedures for female stress incontinence?

bone cement

What is polymethyl methycrylate used for in orthopedic procedures?


What is the MOST common cause of bone fractures?

allergic rhinitis

What is the MOST common cause of nasal polyps?

supine with arms tucked in at sides

What is the MOST common position for patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial procedures?


What is the MOST common surgical intervention for a vaginal delivery?


What is the MOST common type of shock seen in infants and children?

surgical site infection

What is the MOST serious post-op complication of penile implant surgery?


What is the abbreviation for the sets of references that provide information about all potentially hazardous chemicals used in the perioperative setting and must be accessible to health care workers?


What is the acronym for the treatment administered to a surgical technologist within 2 hours following a needle stick during a procedure on a patient with HIV?

It is safe for heat- and moisture-sensitive items.

What is the advantage of using ethylene oxide gas sterilization?

Open package laterally and completely; gently toss item without touching glued edge or going over back table.

What is the appropriate method for delivering a sterile item to the back table from a peel package?

10 to 15 years

What is the average lifespan of biologic and mechanical heart valve replacements?


What is the chemical and physiological classification of insulin?


What is the chemical name of Gore-Tex suture?


What is the common name for the high-level disinfectant sodium hypochlorite?

vein avulsed and turned completely inside out

What is the configuration of the saphenous vein when stripped from the leg?

ground fault interrupter

What is the electrical engineering safety device required for all operating room electrical outlets?

injury to endothelial lining

What is the first step in the formation of an atheroma?


What is the general term for the treatment method that destroys genital condylomata with a carbon dioxide laser?


What is the geometric shape usually achieved by the placement of the first layer of sterile surgical drapes?

right subcostal

What is the incision routinely used for open cholecystectomy?

clear visibility

What is the main obstacle of performing angioscopy?

radial dysplasia

What is the medical term for the congenital deformity commonly called "club hand"?


What is the medical term for the free fold of skin that covers the glans penis?


What is the medical term for the procedure of connecting a donor ureter to a recipient bladder?


What is the medical term for visible changes in density on chest x-ray that indicates pulmonary pathology?

chopping the kidney and ureter into small pieces for suctioning

What is the morcellator used for in a laparoscopic simple nephrectomy?

ileal conduit

What is the more common name for ureteroileocutaneous diversion?


What is the name for the first lymph node in the axillary chain that is frequently biopsied in conjunction with a breast biopsy, lumpectomy, or mastectomy?


What is the name for the type of hernia in which both direct and indirect defects are present?

Koch pouch

What is the name of a continent urinary reservoir that may be performed following cystectomy?


What is the name of a gastric mass of indigestible vegetable fiber and hair that may require surgical excision?


What is the name of a small protuberance of a bone that is an attachment point for muscles or tendons?


What is the name of an air-filled sac that has the appearance of a blister on the surface of lung tissue?

Holter monitor

What is the name of the 24-hour monitoring device for cardiac dysrhythmias?

myocardial infarction

What is the name of the acute condition in which heart muscle dies from ischemia and may lead to sudden cardiac death?


What is the name of the anatomical area where the fallopian tubes are attached and enter the uterus?

pleural space

What is the name of the area between the visceral and parietal pleura that contains serous fluid to prevent friction?


What is the name of the common disposable surgical gown style?


What is the name of the device that has right and left buttons and a roller, and may be a wired or wireless part of a computer used to point and click to items on the monitor?

Lukens tube

What is the name of the device that is attached to suction for collection of mucous or bronchial washing specimens?

intra-aortic balloon pump

What is the name of the device used for patients who are unable to be weaned off of cardiopulmonary bypass?


What is the name of the device used to support or modify the curvature of an endotracheal tube during intubation?


What is the name of the device used to test the blood of patients with diabetes for metabolic status?


What is the name of the double-action, cupped, forward-angled forceps used to resect portions of the nasal septum?


What is the name of the fingerlike projections at the terminal end of the fallopian tube that guides oocytes into the lumen?


What is the name of the frequently used balloon embolectomy catheter?

vitreous humor

What is the name of the gelatin-like fluid that fills the posterior cavity of the eye?


What is the name of the heavy, right-angle scissors frequently used to dissect around the cervix during hysterectomy?


What is the name of the inert gas beam used with invisible light lasers to provide visual aiming to target tissue?


What is the name of the long, thin, cupped, pistol-grip type handled forceps used in many nasal procedures?


What is the name of the membrane that contains and encloses the vitreous humor in the posterior cavity?


What is the name of the narrow, double-angle retractor frequently used in oral procedures?


What is the name of the oil that is secreted from glands in the skin?


What is the name of the opening created in the outer tunic for insertion of the infusion cannula for excision of vitreous?

Council on Surgical and Perioperative Safety (CSPS)

What is the name of the organization whose focus is on patient and worker safety and is a unique coalition of surgeons (ACS), anesthesiologists (ASA), operating room (AORN) and perianesthesia (ASPAN) nurses, CRNAs (AANA), surgical physician assistants (AASPA), and surgical technologists (AST)?


What is the name of the outside area of an autoclave where steam is created before injection into the interior compartment?


What is the name of the paired parts of a hemostat that span between the box lock and the finger rings?

lung decortication

What is the name of the procedure performed to release constriction of the lungs by fibrin layers?


What is the name of the routine surgical treatment of infected Bartholin's gland cysts?


What is the name of the sharp-tipped, handheld retractor that can be either single or double and often is found in nasal trays?

central fovea

What is the name of the structure that is a small depression containing only cones and has the highest visual acuity?

sentinel event

What is the name of the type of report sent to risk management in an effort to decrease the chance of harm to patients or staff or damage to hospital property?


What is the name of the visual indicator represented by an arrow, blinking line, or hand that appears when the mouse is used to point to something on the screen?


What is the number one cause of death in children ages 1 to 15 in the United States?


What is the outside covering of bones that provides some nourishment and protection from infection?


What is the pharmacological agent administered specifically to treat malignant hyperthermia (MH)?

anterior chamber

What is the portion of the eye between the cornea and the iris in which aqueous fluid flows and nourishes tissues?

To prevent sutures cutting the skin

What is the primary reason bolsters are used with retention sutures?


What is the procedure name for the removal of fibroid tumors of the uterus with the preservation of fertility?

First flap is pulled and opened away from self and tucked into palm, side flaps are pulled and tucked into palm, and last flap is pulled toward self and secured before tossing item onto field.

What is the proper way to open a small, sterilely wrapped item for delivery to the sterile field?


What is the property of the gel portion of the patient return electrode (ground pad) that completes the ESU circuit?

The saline will test patency of the cystic duct prior to injecting the contrast.

What is the reason for injecting saline through the cholangiogram catheter prior to the contrast media?

Increased pressure increases temperature.

What is the relationship of steam pressure to temperature in a steam sterilizer?

Tap the chisel with the mallet lightly.

What is the surgical technologist often asked to do for the surgeon during septal procedures?


What is the symptom that a patient with myocardial ischemia would experience?


What is the technical name for a clamp?


What is the temporary position for a female patient for placement of urinary catheter prior to abdominal hysterectomy?


What is the term for a collapsed lung?


What is the term for a localized stricture of the aorta found in a pediatric patient?


What is the term for a single alternating current cycle?


What is the term for a spinal anesthetic solution that has the same specific gravity as cerebrospinal fluid?


What is the term for a type of suture that has the strand of suture material inserted into the hollowed-out needle end?


What is the term for an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid around the testis contained within the tunica vaginalis?


What is the term for bony overgrowth of the stapes?


What is the term for creating a surgical opening into the tympanic membrane?


What is the term for inanimate objects that harbor microorganisms that contribute to environmental contamination?


What is the term for removal of foreign material or contaminated debris from a wound?

joint mice

What is the term for small, loose bodies in the knee that are constant irritants and may cause excess synovial production, pain, and locking up?


What is the term for the blood products donated by another person?

surgically clean

What is the term for the condition of a surgical technologist's skin after performing a surgical scrub?


What is the term for the cut-in-lines in the jaws or hemostatic clamps and tissue forceps?


What is the term for the developing technology of performing a surgical procedure in real time but from a distant location?


What is the term for the mechanism of injury in a trauma patient that takes into account velocity of the injuring force, flexibility of the tissue, and shape of the injuring force?


What is the term for the portion of the endotracheal tube that is inflated to create a closed airway system?


What is the term for the precision of a laser beam and is based on the area exposed, the time activated, and the power setting?


What is the term for the process of lubricating stiffened stainless steel surgical instruments by immersion in a water-soluble solution?


What is the term for the process of removing necrotic tissue or eschar prior to skin grafting?


What is the term for the process of starting up when a computer is initially turned on?


What is the term for the six muscles that provide movement of the eye?


What is the term for the small graphic symbols displayed on a monitor screen that represent computer files or programs that a user "clicks" on to open?


What is the term for the softening of bone in children that is commonly called rickets?


What is the term for the tread or tape sewn into a countable sponge that makes it visible on x-rays to prevent a retained item?


What is the term for tissue that is easily torn or shredded?


What is the term for webbed digits of the hand or foot?


What is the term that describes a method of pretrial discovery in which a surgical team member might answer questions under oath?


What is the term that describes a nasal septum that typically causes obstructed breathing in older patients?

Tensile Strength

What is the term that describes the measure of how much a suture strand can be stretched before breaking?


What is the term used for the area beneath the fingernails that is cleaned with a pick during the surgical scrub?


What is the term used for the process of cleaning an OR after one procedure and preparing for a subsequent one?


What is the term used to describe the process of removing all soiled linen, waste, and instruments from the room and cleaning of furniture, floors, or other contaminated surfaces in preparation for opening new supplies for a subsequent case?

called in

What is the term used when a surgical team member who is on standby must return to the facility to do a case?


What is the thickest part of the heart?

papaverine HCl

What is the topical agent used by peripheral vascular and neurosurgeons to dilate blood vessels intraoperatively?


What is the type of process the ultrasonic cleaner uses to dislodge minute particles of soil and organic debris?

shoulder dystocia

What is the usual cause of a clavicular fracture of a neonate during a vaginal delivery?

25 pounds

What is the weight that AAMI has recommended instrument sets should NOT exceed?

woven stockinette

What might the donor kidney be placed into to reduce possibility of injury during handling and transplantation?


What other condition frequently suffered by obese patients and discovered intraoperatively may be treated surgically in conjunction with a bariatric procedure?


What other role is the surgical technologist often required to fill during oral and maxillofacial procedures?


What procedure is performed for penile carcinoma resistant to chemotherapy or radiation?


What procedure is performed to remove a calculus lodged in the area of the hilum?


What process does the human body use to achieve natural hemostasis?

Moisten it with saline.

What should the surgical technologist do before handing a retractor to the surgeon for use in orbital floor fracture?

Drip small amounts of irrigation onto blade to prevent overheating.

What should the surgical technologist do while the surgeon is using the oscillating saw during open acromioplasty?

Open gown wrapper on unsterile Mayo stand, and open and toss gloves onto gown.

What should the surgical technologist do with his or her gown and gloves in preparation for donning after scrubbing?

lap sponges

What should the surgical technologist have ready to clean bone or tissue from a rongeur?

morbid hallucinations

What side effects after the use of the dissociative agent ketamine HCl make it contraindicated for use on adults?


What structure is avascular, external, and its function is to refract light rays?


What structure of male anatomy is divided into three sections: prostatic, membranous, and spongy?

figure of eight

What suturing technique would the surgeon use to attach tendons in a toe-to-thumb transfer procedure?


What term describes a benign condition of breast enlargement in men?


What term describes an item that enhances or allows for the flow of alternating or direct electrical current?


What term describes and instrument, such as a retractor or uterine probe, that can be bent or modified to accommodate for variances in anatomy?


What term for legal right of an author or photographer over the reproduction of original work?


What term is used for surgical opening of the abdominal or peritoneal cavity?


What term is used for the smoke that is generated by use of a laser or electrosurgical unit pencil on tissue?


What term is used to describe the transferring of files and documents to a compact disc (CD)?


What term refers to a barrier, such as plastic-backed table cover, that does NOT allow for passage of liquid through it?


What tissue does the acetabular reamer remove?


What tissue type are the palatine tonsils?


What type of anesthesia nerve block involves injecting local anesthetics with Wydase around the optic nerves?


What type of bone is the patella?


What type of hernia protrudes through the transversalis fascia in the area of Hesselbach's triangle?


What type of hernia results from a failure of the deep internal ring to close during fetal development and allows intestinal protrusion into the scrotum?


What type of incision is made for excisional biopsy of a centrally located breast mass involving the lactiferous ducts?

heparinized saline

What type of irrigating solution is used during placement of synthetic grafts in cardiovascular surgery to prevent clotting?


What type of life-support treatment would be considered ultimately futile and its benefits far outweighed by the financial and emotional burden suffered by the family and health care system?


What type of light is used for illumination in endoscopic equipment?

urethral catheterization for urinary output

What type of physiological measurement method is rarely done in a neonatal patient due to risk of anatomical trauma?


What type of procedure or care provides a terminal patient with symptom relief or avoidance and improves quality of the remaining life expectancy?

open heart

What type of surgical specialty rooms would be most likely equipped with three or four overhead operating lights?

4 minutes

What would be the exposure phase time for an unwrapped instrument set with some lumens in a prevacuum/dynamic air removal steam autoclave?

brachial plexus hyperextension

What would be the likely result of positioning the patient's arms on armboards at a greater than 90° angle from the torso?

Protect the sterile field unless directed otherwise.

What would be the primary role of the surgical technologist in an intraoperative cardiac arrest?


What would be the type of suture placed temporarily in the tongue to hold it out of the way in a maxillofacial procedure?

blood loss

What would the circulating RN assess by weighing soiled sponges after use in a surgical procedure on a neonate?


When a patient undergoes induced hypothermia to a level of 68°F or below, it is termed to be:

toward him- or herself first

When a sterilely attired surgical technologist drapes an unsterile table, he or she opens the drape:


When a vessel cannot be accessed percutaneously for angiography, how else could it be done?


When an ARC/STSA site visitor is sent to a surgical technology program to verify and clarify records and annual reporting information, to whom does he or she submit the findings?

when the first suture is given for closure of the uterus

When is the first closing count performed in a cesarean section?

fold side down with a towel used to separate them

When nested basin sets are being sterilized, how should they be placed in the steam sterilizer?

1 inch from the edge

When opening a wrapped item such as a gown on a Mayo stand, the contents and wrapper are considered sterile up to what distance from the edge of the wrapper?

Push the stretcher with the patient facing feet first in the position most comfortable for the patient.

When transporting a patient on a stretcher through the OR suite corridors, which method should be followed?

gown tab or card

When turning the sterile gown, what is handed to the circulator that completes the gowning process?

one side of the forceps collects and returns the current to the generator

When using a bayonet bipolar forceps:

first trimester

When would a congenital facial deformity likely occur?

right atrium and ascending aorta

Where are the cannulae MOST commonly placed for cardiopulmonary bypass procedures?


Where in the genitourinary system do calculi originate?

pulmonary artery

Where is a Swan-Ganz catheter placed?

inferiorly on the left side

Where is the apex of the heart located within the mediastinum?

epiphyseal plate

Where is the area of active bone growth?

femoral artery

Where is the balloon dilator inserted percutaneously in coronary artery angioplasty?

inferior surface of the right lobe

Where is the gallbladder located in relation to the liver?

medial midsection

Where is the hilum of the kidney located?

suprasternal notch

Where is the insertion point for the mediastinoscope?

upper lid, outer angle of the orbit

Where is the lacrimal gland located?

2 inches proximal to the knees

Where is the safety belt or strap placed on a patient in supine position on the OR table?

posterior and inferior

Where is the soft palate located in relation to the nasal cavity?

bottom rack, front of sterilizer, over the drain

Where should the biological test pack be placed on the steam sterilization cart for the first run of the day?


Where would a Veirs rod be placed to relieve or prevent obstruction?

PDS Plus

Which absorbable suture provides for the MOST extended wound support?


Which acronym represents an organization that serves as both an insurer and provider of medical services?


Which anatomical area is located between the posterior vaginal opening and the anus?

mons pubis

Which anatomical structure is located anterior to the symphysis pubis and superior to the vaginal opening?

bispectral index

Which anesthetic monitoring device registers the brain wave activity of the patient and enables anesthetic titration for optimal level of consciousness during surgical intervention?

body image

Which area of concern or fear would MOST likely be the main focus for a teenage patient having surgery?


Which area of concern or fear would most likely be the main focus for a toddler scheduled for surgery?


Which arterial aneurysm is more likely to rupture due to lack of detection over time?

left anterior descending

Which artery accounts for approximately 50% of occlusive coronary lesions?


Which artery is MOST commonly accessed with the Seldinger technique during cardiac catheterization?


Which blood type is considered the universal recipient?


Which body system is highly susceptible to injury during positioning of bariatric and geriatric patients?


Which bone contributes to the posterior and inferior portion of the nasal septum?


Which bone is commonly referred to as the collarbone?


Which bone is involved in a Colles' fracture?


Which bone is the largest found in the foot and is commonly called the heel?


Which bone of the lower extremity is commonly known as the shin bone?


Which bones of the face form the prominences of the cheeks?

common vehicle

Which broad category of routes of transmission of microorganisms includes food, water, and medical devices and equipment?

contrast media

Which category of drug is used to outline hollow or tubular anatomical structures for radiographic visualization?

right ventricle

Which chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping blood into the pulmonary artery?

lightbulbs that approximate sunlight

Which characteristic of surgical overhead lights allows the surgeon to differentiate between the colors of arterial and venous blood or subtle color changes in tissues?


Which classification of antibiotics is contraindicated for use in neonates due to increased incidence of kernicterus?


Which classification of drugs is used to induce uterine contractions and reduce bleeding after vaginal or cesarean section delivery?

grasping and holding

Which classification of instruments can be of a tweezer-like or ringed and ratcheted configuration?

powered shaving system

Which component of an arthroscopy system is specific to orthopedics and differs from most laparoscopy/MIS systems?

double gloving

Which component of personal protective equipment (PPE) has shown the ability to decrease disease transmission from needle punctures?


Which component of the rigid endoscopic system for cystoscopy is blunt ended and minimizes mucosal trauma during insertion?


Which components of blood adhere to vessel walls and release epinephrine, serotonin, and ADP in response to an injury?

genu varum

Which condition is commonly known as "bowlegged"?

pleural effusion

Which condition of excess fluid is analyzed by thoracentesis?

tetralogy of Fallot

Which congenital defect has four components and is characterized by cyanosis causing appearance of "blue babies"?


Which cosmetic procedure is performed for micrognathia?

throat pack

Which countable sponge is used in oral procedures to prevent bone or tooth fragments and other foreign matter from becoming lodged in the pharynx?

eighth (VIII)

Which cranial nerve carries information related to equilibrium to the cerebral cortex?

seventh (VII)

Which cranial nerve may be damaged by growth of a cholesteatoma?

VII cranial nerve

Which cranial nerve must NOT be compromised by retractor placement during rhytidectomy?

#11 blade and 45° angle Potts scissors

Which cutting instruments should the surgical technologist have ready for anastomosis of the renal vessels into the recipient?

biomedical engineering

Which department would provide services for repair of broken equipment or to do routine preventive checks?

ventricular assist device

Which device is used for patients awaiting heart transplant that allows them to be ambulatory and has both internal and external components to the system?

sequential compression device

Which device is used unsterilely in surgery for deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis?

human immunodeficiency virus

Which diagnosis could create a social stigma and possible overdramatization of exposure risk by health care workers?

cardiac catheterization

Which diagnostic method provides the MOST extensive details regarding valvular disorders?


Which diagnostic method requires use of an image intensifier?

CT scan

Which diagnostic study is MOST useful for verification of thoracic aortic dissection?

naloxone HCl

Which drug is administered intravenously to treat life-threatening cardiac ventricular arrhythmias?

protamine sulfate

Which drug is an anticoagulant antagonist used to reverse the effects of heparin?


Which epidermal stratum is present only on the palms of hands and soles of feet?


Which epidermal stratum is the outermost layer?

tightly folded arms

Which example of nonverbal body language might a patient perceive as a negative attitude from a team member?


Which fascial sheet is attached to the iliac crest, linea alba, and pubis?


Which federal regulatory agency is dedicated to enforcing workplace safety and preventing worker injuries?

nitrous oxide

Which gas can cause expansion of the middle and therefore is contraindicated in tympanic graft cases?


Which generation of robots does NOT have any degree of artificial intelligence (AI) and requires consistent oversight?


Which glands are found only in the external genitalia and axillae?

closed gloving

Which gloving method should be performed by the surgical technologist after donning a sterile gown and before setting up the back table?


Which governmental agency has authority as outlined in the Safe Medical Device Act?


Which governmental agency mandates that operating rooms have a biohazard exposure control plan and make personal protective equipment available for personnel at risk?


Which governmental regulatory agency has oversight of pharmaceutical companies?


Which gynecologic procedure is used for visualization of the endometrium and may be used to treat polyps or myomas?


Which handheld retractor is specifically designed for use in open cholecystectomy to elevate the liver?


Which handheld retractors are frequently used to retract tissues during thyroidectomy?


Which heart valve is also known as the bicuspid valve?


Which hemostatic agent is used during oral and maxillofacial procedures that requires advising the anesthesia provider of its use?


Which historic figure in medicine is credited with creating principles of proper tissue handling and suturing?


Which hormone stimulates osteoclasts to break down bone and increase reabsorption of calcium when serum levels are low?


Which incision is MOST frequently used for cesarean sections?


Which incision is traditionally used for open appendectomy?


Which instrument is a lung-grasping forceps that resembles a very large Pennington?


Which instrument is a rib shear?

blunt probe

Which instrument is used frequently in arthroscopies to examine and manipulate internal structures?


Which instrument is used in TURP or TURBT and includes the sheath, obturator, working element, and ESU loops?

single-tooth tenaculum

Which instrument is used to grasp the cervix and provide traction during cervical dilation?

aortic punch

Which instrument is used to make a small opening into the ascending aorta after the Satinsky partial occlusion clamp is placed?

Babcock tissue forceps

Which instrument is used to manipulate the fallopian tubes without compression or damage?

depth gauge

Which instrument is used to measure the distance from incus to stapes footplate for selection of a prosthesis in stapedectomy?

intramedullary reamer

Which instrument is used to remove marrow from the canal of long bones for placement of prostheses?

phacoemulsification hand piece

Which instrument is used to remove the cataract lens in preparation for intraocular lens placement?

lacrimal probe

Which instrument is used to test the patency of the fallopian tube during tuboplasty?

bladder blade

Which instrument should the surgical technologist have ready to provide exposure during cesarean section procedures when the uterine incision is made?

Intralumenial Stapler

Which internal stapling device fires a circular double row of staples to reanastomose the colon?


Which irrigation or distention fluid would be contraindicated during cystoscopy for fulguration of bladder tumor?


Which is the largest artery in the body?


Which joint is an example of a ball-and-socket joint?


Which joint is an example of a condyloid joint?

chemical indicator

Which kind of quality control device consists of a paper that has been impregnated with a dye that changes color in the presence of a specified temperature and sterilant?

type and crossmatch

Which laboratory study is done to determine compatibility of blood or perfused organs from donors to recipients?


Which laryngeal cartilage is commonly known as the "Adam's apple"?


Which laser unit has articulated joints with mirrors at the bend points and requires that care must be taken not to disrupt the alignment of those mirrors during transport, because that could result in an unpredictable beam trajectory?


Which layer of the abdominal wall must be approximated securely, even if the other layers are not?

doctrine of borrowed servant

Which legal doctrine would be MOST applicable in a case involving failure by the RN and CST to do proper surgical counts resulting in retention of a foreign object and the surgeon being found not liable?

doctrine of corporate negligence

Which legal doctrine would be MOST applicable in a case involving injury to a patient as a result of a hospital employee's lack of proper training or credentialing?

Level I

Which level of trauma center designation can meet all the needs required for treating patients on a 24-hour basis?

anterior cruciate

Which ligament of the knee keeps the femur from sliding posteriorly on the tibia and prevents hyperextension of the knee?

application of external pressure over the fundus of the uterus

Which maneuver might be performed by the surgical technologist during a cesarean section to aid in the delivery as the surgeon gently manipulates the head of the fetus out of the uterus?

hydrogen peroxide gas plasma

Which method of chemical sterilization has limitations based on the challenge of diffusion into narrow lumens?

open gloving

Which method of gloving is appropriate for placement of a urinary catheter as part of the skin prep?

open reduction, internal fixation for compound comminuted fracture

Which method of reducing a fracture carries the highest potential for surgical site infection?

ionizing radiation

Which method of sterilization uses gamma rays or beta particles and is chiefly used by large manufacturing companies?


Which method of tubal ligation is less frequently performed and requires use of long instruments, but may pose a higher risk of postoperative surgical site infection due to the approach?


Which mineral is stored in the bones and constantly being removed to maintain necessary blood levels?


Which muscle attaches to the coronoid process of the ramus?

rectus abdominis

Which muscles are tightened in an abdominoplasty procedure?


Which name is common to knives, needles, picks, and suction tips used in otologic procedures?


Which national membership organization's House of Delegates proposed the creation of the Association of Operating Room Technicians (AORT) in 1969?


Which natural disasters are classified numerically 1 through 5?


Which needle has the cutting edge on the outside curvature of the needle body?

phrenic nerve

Which nerve could be damaged during lung decortication resulting in paralysis or partial paralysis of the diaphragm?


Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel?


Which noninvasive study assesses the amount of carbon dioxide in the arterial system of a patient on mechanical ventilation?


Which of the following acronyms refers to the immunoassay used to diagnose latex allergy?

conversation in close proximity

Which of the following activities would present no risk of contracting HIV from an infected individual?


Which of the following are NOT considered countable items for potential of retained foreign objects?


Which of the following are classified as tonsils but are routinely referred to as adenoids and tend to atrophy with age?

islets of Langerhans

Which of the following are endocrine-secreting glands of the pancreas that make up only 1% of the organ?

Van Buren

Which of the following are male urethral dilators or sounds?


Which of the following are oil-producing glands?


Which of the following are the final branchings of the respiratory tree?

suture boots

Which of the following are used on tips of hemostats to prevent breaking of fine gauge monofilament suture when tagged?

yielding to the other's viewpoint

Which of the following behaviors would NOT be considered an example of "workplace violence"?


Which of the following bones make up the palm of the hand?


Which of the following catheters is used to drain the kidney and is placed with the aid of a cystoscope?


Which of the following chemicals is a high-level disinfectant when items are immersed for 20 to 30 minutes and a sterilant if items remain immersed for 10 hours?

ultrasonic cleaner

Which of the following cleaning methods for surgical instrumentation relies on bubbles imploding, creating a vacuum that dislodges minute particles in crevices of instruments?

The left kidney is larger and slightly higher than the right.

Which of the following comparisons of normal or typical kidney anatomy is CORRECT?

event related

Which of the following concepts has replaced the previous system of assessing storage conditions and package integrity based on an arbitrary expiration designation?

whole-brain death

Which of the following conditions was defined by the Harvard School of Medicine and include the following physical signs: flat EEG, unresponsiveness, lowered body temperature, and absent pupil reflexes?

reamer, rasp, pulse lavage, implant trial

Which of the following demonstrates the correct order of steps for femoral canal preparation during total hip arthroplasty?

asterisk ( * )

Which of the following describes the appearance of a stellate bone fracture?


Which of the following describes the configuration of a Mayo stand cover?

individual and elastic

Which of the following descriptions and classification of laryngeal cartilage pertains to the epiglottis?

Hold the bottle 12 inches above and with only the lip of the bottle over the basin.

Which of the following descriptions of how to pour liquids into a container on the sterile field is correct?

Doppler probe

Which of the following devices would be used within the sterile field to determine the patency of an arterial anastomosis?

whole brain death

Which of the following diagnoses is currently used in most jurisdictions of the world to define a state of irreversible death?

MRI scan

Which of the following diagnostic procedures does NOT use ionizing radiation?


Which of the following diagnostic studies emits ionizing radiation?

Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT)

Which of the following disaster response units would include surgical technologist volunteer members?

toxic shock

Which of the following diseases is NOT a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy?


Which of the following drains works by passive action?


Which of the following facial bones is the largest and strongest?


Which of the following factors related to bone growth and maintenance is responsible for mineral storage and utilization?


Which of the following forms of consent is defined by the Joint Commission as "agreement or permission accompanied by full notice about what is being consented to"?


Which of the following historical figures is considered the father of modern anatomy and changed the traditional approach to anatomical studies?


Which of the following interweaves its fibers during the maturation phase of wound healing and increases its tensile strength?

Le Fort III

Which of the following involves the highest portion of the midface and presents the most extensive damage?


Which of the following is (are) stained in a Gram stain test?


Which of the following is NOT a bone of the pelvis?


Which of the following is NOT a category of hazard for OR personnel or surgical patients?


Which of the following is NOT a category of tonsil tissue?


Which of the following is NOT a classification of patient care items?

sphenoid sinus

Which of the following is NOT a compartment of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear?


Which of the following is NOT a drug administration route?

document of self-actualization

Which of the following is NOT a form of advance directive?

radiopaque vaginal packing

Which of the following is NOT a type of pubovaginal or suburethral sling?


Which of the following is NOT one of the "Five Stages of Grief"?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three regions of a tooth?


Which of the following is a crushing clamp with sharp spikes in the jaw used on the bronchus?


Which of the following is a curved, serrated tonsil knife?


Which of the following is a display and recording of the electrical activity of skeletal muscle?

crystal violet

Which of the following is a dye used for staining tissue for diagnosis?


Which of the following is a flexible, atraumatic device used to facilitate proper placement of catheters into lumens of vessels, ducts, or ureters?


Which of the following is a genetic clotting deficiency?


Which of the following is a glass or plastic evacuator used to remove tissue and debris during TURP?


Which of the following is a long bone that is the largest in the human body?

surgical silk

Which of the following is a natural, multifilament suture classified as nonabsorbable but loses much of its tensile strength in a year and is undetectable in tissues after 2 years?


Which of the following is a pharmacologic agent that constricts the pupil of the eye?

audible tone

Which of the following is a safety mechanism engineered into the ESU that alerts the surgical team that the device is being activated?


Which of the following is a serum analysis done to detect ovarian carcinoma?


Which of the following is a substance that is derived from tropical trees and that patients and health care workers may be highly allergic to?


Which of the following is an Internet address within a document or e-mail that is bolded or underlined and will open a Web page when it is clicked on?

clasped together in front at waist level

Which of the following is an acceptable position for placement of a scrubbed, gowned, and gloved surgical technologist's hands?

compartmental syndrome

Which of the following is an acute, emergent condition of compression of neural and vascular structures, usually occurring in the upper and lower extremities following traumatic fractures?

disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

Which of the following is an emergent pathological process that creates systemic hypercoagulation followed by hypocoagulability and internal hemorrhaging?

blood collected from sponges into a basin of sterile saline during repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

Which of the following is an example of acceptable and safe intraoperative autotransfusion blood collection?

Restraints are used on a patient who threatens to leave.

Which of the following is an example of an intentional tort pertaining to surgical patient care?

bone scan

Which of the following is an example of an isotope scan that may show "hot spots" indicating possible pathology?

the Joint Commission

Which of the following is an independent, nonprofit national organization that develops standards for and accredits health care organizations in the United States?


Which of the following is an inward turning of the eyelid with resulting corneal irritation?


Which of the following is commonly used as a tissue fixative and preservative for surgical specimens sent to pathology?


Which of the following is found only in veins?


Which of the following is frequently used as an autograft to replace the mandible in a radical neck dissection?

protamine sulfate

Which of the following is given IV after the donor kidney is removed to reverse the heparinization?

detrusor muscle

Which of the following is responsible for emptying of the bladder and closure of the bladder orifice?

insertion of uterine manipulator

Which of the following is routinely done first in a basic gynecologic laparoscopy that may require a small separate setup and glove change before proceeding?


Which of the following is the mnemonic used to remember the steps for operating a fire extinguisher?


Which of the following is the mnemonic used to remember the steps to take in the event of a surgical fire?

chest tube with drainage system

Which of the following items would likely be needed if the pleural cavity is unintentionally entered during nephrectomy?


Which of the following joints has the greatest range of motion?


Which of the following laser beams cannot transmit through clear fluid or glass?


Which of the following lasers falls into the invisible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, is absorbed by cellular fluid, and is not dependent on tissue color?


Which of the following levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the pinnacle and can be accomplished only when all other needs are met?


Which of the following needs identified by Maslow would likely be MOST prominent in a surgical patient's mind?


Which of the following needs of the surgical patient is related to anatomy and physiology, genetics, and pathology?

advance directive

Which of the following pertains to a patient's wishes about medical treatment and self-determination in the event of incapacitation or inability to communicate?


Which of the following procedures does NOT require an incision, use of trocars, or distention with gas or fluid?

blepharoplasty and rhytidectomy

Which of the following procedures would be surgical treatment for an elderly patient's psychological dissatisfaction with his or her appearance?

marsupialization of Bartholin's cyst

Which of the following procedures would likely be assigned a Class III or Class IV wound and may require aerobic and anaerobic culture tubes?


Which of the following procedures would require use of an operating microscope?

right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary vein, left atrium

Which of the following regarding blood flow is correct?


Which of the following religions believes in reincarnation and that the rebirth is influenced by the previous death experience?

Jehovah's Witness

Which of the following religions typically prohibits its followers from receiving blood transfusions?

surgical first assistant

Which of the following roles is defined by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) as providing aid in exposure, hemostasis, and other technical functions that help the surgeon carry out a safe operation with optimal results for the patient?


Which of the following scissors would NOT be used for ophthalmologic procedures?

The lower leg is straight and the upper leg is flexed, with a pillow under the lower leg.

Which of the following statements about lateral kidney positioning is INCORRECT?

Bronchoscopes are longer than laryngoscopes, and the distal end is straight.

Which of the following statements comparing rigid bronchoscopes and esophagoscopes to rigid laryngoscopes is correct?

Hair must be shaved from every incisional and ECG lead site.

Which of the following statements regarding hair removal is INCORRECT?

Cassettes are not sealed, due to liquid immersion during the process, so they cannot be stored.

Which of the following statements regarding peracetic acid sterilized items is CORRECT?

Donor site is prepped first and considered clean

Which of the following statements regarding routine prepping for skin graft procedures is CORRECT?


Which of the following structures is NOT part of the anatomy of the vulva?

retrograde urogram

Which of the following studies is a radiologic procedure in which contrast media is injected through a cystoscope?


Which of the following surgical needles is a solid bore (not hollow) type of needle?

an emancipated 16-year-old minor

Which of the following surgical patients would be legally authorized to sign an informed surgical consent, based on medical practice acts and state law?

circulating RN

Which of the following surgical team members would be primarily responsible for maintaining the patient's operative record and transporting the patient to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)?

plain surgical gut

Which of the following sutures has comparatively inconsistent tensile strength and rapid absorption rate in vivo with moderate tissue reaction?

plain gut

Which of the following sutures would be contraindicated in a chronic infected wound of an immunosuppressed patient?

filled circle

Which of the following symbols on the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) logo represents the surgical technologist performing various roles in surgery?


Which of the following terms means surgical fixation of joint, eventually resulting in intentional bone fusion?


Which of the following terms relates to the potential impact on personnel from the duties of the job description or the handling and use of equipment and supplies encountered within the perioperative environment?


Which of the following terms represents a positive physical and psychological state of a patient?

pulmonary thromboendarterectomy

Which of the following thoracic procedures would require the patient to be put on cardiopulmonary bypass?


Which of the following tissues is NOT part of the abdominal wall closure when retention sutures are placed?

ethyl chloride

Which of the following topical anesthetics is used as a "freezing" method to block pain receptors in skin?

medical hand wash

Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate method of performing a surgical scrub/skin preparation?

patient privacy

Which of the following would NOT be considered an example of a potential ethical dilemma?

sterile water

Which of the following would be appropriate for soaking instruments covered with bioburden during a surgical procedure?


Which of the following would be appropriate for use on animate surfaces?

Bence Jones protein

Which of the following would be increased on a serum analysis and indicative of a malignant neoplasm of bone marrow?

Class D halon extinguisher sprayed on unit

Which of the following would be least damaging to and most effective on a fire involving a laser generator or electrosurgical unit?

running 5-0 or 6-0 nonabsorbable suture

Which of the following would be the suture technique and type used to anastomose a bifurcated graft limb to an artery?

inguinal hernia repair with no breaks in technique

Which of the following wounds would be assigned a Class I?


Which of the paranasal sinuses are MOST superior and can be singular or divided?

ultrasonic scalpel

Which of the thermal methods of hemostasis converts electrical energy into mechanical friction and does not produce plume?


Which organ is responsible for the failure to produce insulin in a patient with type I diabetes?


Which organization develops national certification exams for surgical technologists and surgical first assistants and confers the appropriate credential to eligible certificants?

U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP)

Which organization specifies diameter ranges for sutures?


Which organization would employees of the central sterile processing department likely join as members?


Which organs or tissues can be recovered after death or after a patient has already been removed from life support?

Lowman bone holder

Which orthopedic instrument has the appearance of a turkey foot or eagle's talon?


Which paired ligaments are encountered and ligated last in an abdominal hysterectomy and first in a vaginal hysterectomy?

tunica media

Which part of the artery is responsible for vasoconstriction and vasodilation?

wiping with sterile water

Which part of the instrument reprocessing cycle is performed intraoperatively?

renal pelvis

Which part of the kidney becomes the proximal ureter?

objective lens

Which part of the operating microscope is most proximal to the target tissue?

intraoperative record

Which part of the patient's medical record documentation would contain pre-op and post-op diagnoses, positioning, skin prep, start and stop times, counts, and dressings?

Down syndrome

Which patient condition might be characterized by physical appearance of flat nasal bridge and short neck with some impairment of cognitive ability and growth, slower speech, and an affectionate to clingy persona?


Which phase of healing for wounds closed by first intention begins within minutes of the incision or injury?


Which physiological response to environmental temperature changes is missing or undeveloped in an infant of less than 6 months of age?

Mayo stand

Which piece of OR furniture is usually the MOST proximal to the operative site?

powered shaver

Which piece of equipment is NOT attached to the arthroscope?

Mayo stand

Which piece of operating room furniture would likely be unnecessary for many vaginal surgical procedures?


Which pistol-grip type of instrument might be found in a D&C tray for cervical biopsy?

left ventricle

Which portion of the heart is responsible for pumping blood into the ascending aorta?


Which position is routinely used for flexible colonoscopy procedures and may be performed on the patient's stretcher?

fracture table

Which positioning device is frequently used for femoral nailing with leg traction and allows for placement of the C-arm?


Which postoperative wound complication would require immediate surgical treatment?

thyroid storm

Which potentially life-threatening disease or condition can result from untreated thyrotoxicosis?


Which procedure done on an eye with internal malfunction or loss of contents and no possible recovery of sight provides better mobility and cosmetic result with a prosthetic eye?


Which procedure involves adjusting sutures after the patient has recovered completely from anesthesia, but within 24 hours?

radical hysterectomy

Which procedure involves an en bloc removal of the uterus, bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes, supporting ligaments, upper third of the vagina, and pelvic lymph nodes?


Which procedure is performed for dermachalasis?


Which procedure is performed for testicular cancer, trauma, or necrosis secondary to torsion?


Which procedure is performed for treatment of sleep apnea?


Which procedure surgically treats glaucoma?


Which procedure would require 4 mm or 5 mm, 0°, or angled lenses and a navigation system for intraoperative guidance?


Which special patient populations would likely require diagnostic biopsies for verification of cryptosporidiosis, candidiasis, or cytomegalovirus infections?

general surgeon

Which specialist would likely have privileges to surgically treat diseases of the breast, hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal systems, and thyroid gland?

ethylene oxide

Which sterilization method presents the greatest exposure risk to CSPD personnel, is expensive, and requires the longest total cycle time?


Which structure has four layers: epithelial cells, substantia propria, elastic lamina, and endothelial cells?

renal artery

Which structure is ligated and transsected first in a radical nephrectomy or laparoscopic simple nephrectomy, following isolation of the vessels and ureter?

Steno's duct

Which structure is often blocked with stones in the parotid gland, possibly necessitating surgical removal of the gland?


Which structure of the eye is colored and its muscles constrict or relax to control the amount of light entering the pupil?


Which structure of the eye is the thin, transparent lining of the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the sclera?


Which structure within the respiratory tract is the proximal and superior?

culture and sensitivity

Which study assists a surgeon with determining the MOST effective antibiotic therapy for treatment of an SSI?


Which study uses frequencies of 1 to 10 million Hertz through human tissue for diagnostic purposes?

silicone oil

Which substance is used following vitrectomy for long-term support of the retina with fewer restrictions on position?


Which suction tip is designed with multiple rows of perforations to prevent occlusion by the intestines in a laparotomy?


Which suction tip is indicated for use in the nasopharynx and often called a "tonsil" or "oral" suction?


Which surgical approach is used for repair of coarctation of the aorta and patent ductus arteriosus?


Which surgical position is used exclusively for anorectal surgical procedures?


Which surgical procedure would be performed for excision of a cholesteatoma?

fine, nonabsorbable, double-armed

Which suture configuration is used to anastomose vessels in transplants?


Which suture gauge would be MOST appropriate for ophthalmic surgery?

stainless steel

Which suture is MOST inert in tissue?


Which suturing technique is often used on the appendiceal stump?


Which tendon is the thickest and strongest in the body?


Which term BEST describes the broad response plans in place applicable to any area of the country or any category of disaster?


Which term describes a physician-group-owned hospital?

surgically clean

Which term describes the condition of a surgical technologist's skin following skin prep?


Which term describes the palmar surface of the hand?


Which term describes the relationship between the CST and the patient or the patient's family?


Which term describes the right and left movements of a robotic manipulator that has 3-D capability?


Which term describes the thumb side of the hand?


Which term means the number of microbes or amount of organic debris on an object at any given time?


Which term means the number of times a woman has been pregnant?

spinal tap

Which test involves a lumbar puncture for collection and analysis of CSF?


Which tissue layer of the abdominal wall provides the greatest strength and support of the wound?

same side as person applying towels

Which towel is placed first when squaring off the operative site?

circulator and surgical technologist

Which two members of the surgical team are responsible for performing the counts to prevent retained items?

cornea and sclera

Which two structures form the outer tunic of the globe of the eye?


Which type of anesthesia would be considered nontraditional in the United States?


Which type of cast is applied often to children and immobilizes unilateral or bilateral hips and femurs?

3-way 22 Fr. Foley with 30 mL balloon

Which type of catheter is placed postoperatively following TURP?


Which type of chemical solution is made of catalysts that aid in breaking down proteinaceous debris such as blood and fat?


Which type of consent applies when emergency circumstances exist when reasonable providers believe that a patient would agree to treatment, even if no form was signed or verbal permission given?


Which type of drug is used to treat possible postoperative nausea and vomiting?


Which type of drug preparation both is sweetened and contains alcohol?


Which type of electricity is generated primarily by friction between two surfaces?

flexible ureteroscope

Which type of endoscope would be appropriate for examination of the renal pelvis via a natural body orifice?


Which type of fracture is characterized as partial and may result from activities such as jumping or jogging?


Which type of gas is used to enhance the effectiveness of the electrosurgical unit active electrode pencil?


Which type of general category of death would most likely generate high emotional trauma for family members and a need to follow protocols for preservation of evidence in the perioperative period?


Which type of gland is found only in the ear canal and is responsible for creation of ear wax?

pedicle flap

Which type of grafted tissue would have skin sensation preserved?

first intention

Which type of healing occurs in an aseptic wound with good approximation and ideal surgical conditions?


Which type of hernia occurs below the abdominocrural crease and more frequently in females?


Which type of incision is MOST frequently used to excise excess skin in a blepharoplasty procedure?


Which type of incision is made for a pneumonectomy?


Which type of instrument alloy is lightweight, durable, and nonmagnetizing?

needle holder

Which type of instrument often has a tungsten carbide insert and crosshatch serrations for stabilization?


Which type of intestinal obstruction involves a telescoping of a portion of the intestine into another portion?


Which type of laser has a wavelength that creates a bright blue-green visible light within a plasma tube?


Which type of laser is useful for procedures involving the stapes and middle ear?


Which type of laser uses gases that are toxic and potentially fatal, and therefore rarely used in the OR setting?


Which type of legal action is MOST likely in cases involving tort law and operating room personnel?

factory explosion

Which type of man-made disaster would cause the most varied physical trauma requiring surgical treatment?


Which type of mechanical action of a drill attachment is MOST commonly used in otologic procedures?


Which type of medication container would pose the highest risk of injury to the handler and contamination of the medication by glass particles?


Which type of natural disaster is the traveling of seismic waves outward from an epicenter and is measured by the Richter scale?


Which type of natural immunoglobulins are responsible for the type I serious allergic reactions to rubber-containing items?


Which type of needle holder is curved and frequently used for hysterectomy procedures?


Which type of nonabsorbable maxillofacial implant used in fracture fixation is lightweight, noncorrosive, and strong?

rigid containers

Which type of packaging system has filters and removable locking devices?


Which type of pharmaceutical agent binds to another agent's receptor site, preventing the other agent from binding there and causing its desired effect?


Which type of procedure would require an operating table with a fluid drain pan attachment?


Which type of reaction occurs when a drug potentiates or enhances the effect of another substance?


Which type of scissors would most likely be used to trim a full-thickness skin graft (FTSG) to size?


Which type of specialized retractor enhances visualization in many breast and abdominoplasty procedures?


Which type of sterile drape is commonly used for oral and maxillofacial procedures?

disposable fluid resistant

Which type of sterile gown uses battery-powered ventilation for the wearer?


Which type of study would be used to diagnose sleep apnea?

pneumatic tourniquet

Which type of surgical device provides a bloodless surgical field by way of extremity compression?


Which type of surgical drape is designed to expose small anatomical structures such as the eyes and ears?


Which type of surgical instrument must NEVER be immersed in any type of mechanical decontaminating equipment?

lysis of adhesions

Which type of surgical procedure is used to release abnormal tissue connections in the abdominal viscera and layers?

radiopaque surgical sponges

Which type of surgical supply does NOT come with and option for being impregnated with iodine or other antimicrobial agent?

synthetic, nonabsorbable, monofilament with double-armed taper needles

Which type of suture is often used to create a vascular anastomosis?


Which type of suture needle is used on friable tissue such as liver or kidney?

suture ligature

Which type of suture ties has an attached needle?

fine absorbable

Which type of suture would MOST likely be used during a cleft lip repair?

polyglactin 910 (Vicryl)

Which type of suture would be contraindicated for attaching tendon to bone?

Polyglactin 910

Which type of synthetic mesh is absorbable?


Which type of syringe has no calibrations?


Which type of urinary drainage catheter requires and incision and anchoring to the skin to prevent dislodgement:

positive, unidirectional

Which type of ventilation system provides a supply of clean air and reduces contaminants and fumes from the OR?


Which type of viewing instrument would be used for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids?


Which type of wrapper material is compatible with the hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization method?

suction tip lumens

Which types of instruments must be cleaned with bristle-brushes on wires, pipe cleaners, or handheld pressure guns?


Which vascular device is double-lumened for administration of chemotherapy, antibiotic therapy, and IV fluids?


Which vitamin is required for activation of the body's natural clotting mechanism?


Which wave of the cardiac cycle in an electrocardiogram indicates the ventricular repolarization phase?

Class II

Which wound classification would be assigned to a vaginal hysterectomy with anterior and posterior colporrhaphy?

facility's gift of life coordinator

Who would be responsible for seeking consent from family members for organ donation after a patient is determined to have suffered whole-brain death?


Whose instructions for cleaning, lubricating, and sterilizing powered orthopedic instrumentation must be followed?

penetration of sterilant

Why are instruments placed in perforated or mesh-bottom trays for sterilization?

Moisture will eventually dilute the concentration to ineffective levels.

Why are items disinfected or sterilized in activated glutaraldehyde dried prior to submersion?

It allows adequate circulation and penetration of steam to all surfaces.

Why are large steam sterilizers loaded with space between wrapped items or trays?

tilt head to increase exposure

Why is a scapular or shoulder roll used in procedures involving the oropharynx?

To keep air from reentering thoracic space to reestablish negative pressure for respiration.

Why must chest tubes be attached to a water-seal drainage system?

decrease intracranial pressure

Why would a neurosurgeon order mannitol for a patient during a craniotomy for excision of tumor?

reduces air turbulence

Why would surface-mounted sliding doors be preferred over swinging doors in an operating room?

to prevent seeding of cancer cells if same instruments are used for both

Why would two separate setups be required for an immediate reconstruction following mastectomy?

lumbar hemilaminotomy

Wilson, Andrews, and Hall frames are used in a


Wound healing in bariatric surgery patients is enhanced due to the increased vascularity of adipose tissue.

- Jaundice,

Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to buildup of bilirubin; visible sign of certain cancers and diseases of the organs of the biliary system

-Superior mesenteric

artery just below celiac trunk; supplies upper abdominal organs

network of connected arteries at the base of the brain

circle of Willis is a:

falx cerebri

dural fold that separates the right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum?


frequently used for thermal hemostasis in and around delicate neural structures


position used for microdecompression endoscopic diskectomy?

anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion

procedure the esophagus, carotid artery, and trachea are retracted medially

transsphenoidal hypophysectomy

procedure would petroleum gauze nasal packing be used

choroid plexus

produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?


set of instruments used for anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion that includes retractors, spreaders, bone dowel cutters, impactors, and others?

Collateral flow

supplying of oxygen to an area of an organ when the normal perfusion has been interrupted; example is circle of Willis


syringes can be made of plastic, glass, metal, rubber, or a combination of any of these.

annulus fibrosis

tough band that encases the intervertebral disc material?

anterior medial

treatment of herniated cervical disc with subsequent intervertebral fusion?

Hudson brace

used for burr-hole cranial perforation with no power

sella turcica

where the pituitary gland sits?

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