Components of Culture

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What are example of culture patterns

American athletics Agriculture Education Religion Manufacturing

Non material

Beliefs, morals, ideas, family traditions, language, rules, skills, work practices


Cars, books, clothes, building, computer

What are culture complexes

Cluster of culture traits explaining the culture pattern


Combination of having physical object and know how to use it

What is an example of mores

Dishonesty Fraud Murder

What is the most important cultural universal?

FAMILY Also funerals, greetings, language, music, myths, sports, cooking and tool making

What are the 3 norms

Folkways Mores Laws


Groups that reject the major values, norms of the larger society


Have a great deal of moral significance

What are culture traits

Individual tool, act or belief that describes the culture complex

Cultural relativism

Judge culture by their own standards rather than by applying the standard of another culture


Norms that describe socially acceptable behavior but do not have a moral significance attached to them


Organization of written or spoken symbols in a standardized system

What is an example of folkways

Shaking hands eat with mouth closed Cover mouth when cough


Shared beliefs about what is good/bad or right/wrong or desirable/undesirable


Shared products of himan groups Both material and nonmaterial

What are the norms

Shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in certain situations

What are the two variations in society

Subculture Counterculture


Tendency to view ones own culture and group as superior


The basis of human culture to communicate

What are cultural universals

Things all humans have in common Basic feature that need to be developed for society to function


Unique cultural characteristics that are not shared by entire population


Written rules of conduct by the government

What are the 4 components of culture

technology Symbols Language Values

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