CompTIA A+ 220-1002: Microsoft Command Line Tools
- Net user
Which command do you run to create a local user account?
- Cd .\ then run dir
Which commands can you run from the Command line to navigate to the root from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests and list the directories and files on the root drive?
- Xcopy
Which of the following Command line tools would you run to script the copy of all files (including hidden and system) from one directory to another?
- Notepad
Which of the following can you use to strip all the formatting away from data to make it nearly universally portable?
- net use x: \\SRV01\data /persistent:yes /savecred
Which of the following commands will map the network drive x: to the share "DATA" on the fileserver "SRV01" each time someone logs into the machine, but using the currently logged on user's credentials?
- dism /mount-wim /wimfile:E:\wims\install.wim /index 2 /mountdir:e:\mount
Which of the following commands will mount the wim file E:\wims\install.wim to the mount directory E:\mount?
- sfc
Which of the following commands would you run to check and fix protected operating system files?
- Ipconfig
Which of the following commands would you use to determine if a client's IP address is statically or DHCP assigned?
- Regedit
Which of the following tools do you use on Windows 10 machine when the Microsoft guidance directs you to edit a registry key?
- Services
Which of the following tools would you use to determine service dependencies?
- gpupdate /force
Which of the following would you use after rejoining a client machine that had lost its trust relationship to the domain?