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2-52. What mobile identifier is associated with a user on a mobile network and can be moved between phones? A. PRL B. IMSI C. PRI D. NPA E. IMEI

Answer: B. IMSI The IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) is used to associate a mobile account with a device. You can use the SIM card to move the IMSI from one device to another.

2-13. Which of the following is used in Mac OS to securely store passwords, certificates, and notes? A. Password Manager B. Keychain C. Certificate Storage D. Digital Safe E. Lockbox

Answer: B. Keychain The Mac OS Keychain is used to store encrypted versions of your most important information.

2-63. Which of these would best describe WiFi calling? A. Make calls over a wireless network using a mobile phone B. Use Skype to make traditional phone calls C. Enable VoIP protocols in your Internet router D. Connect a traditional phone to a WiFi network E. Add a VoIP phone to an existing Ethernet network

Answer: A. Make calls over a wireless network using a mobile phone WiFi calling is a feature that allows mobile phones to make phone calls over a WiFi network. This is a useful feature when outside of your calling area or where the traditional mobile wireless signals are not optimal.

2-84. Which of these technologies provides a virtual machine with a shared IP address? A. NAT B. Bridging C. Load balancing D. Spanning tree E. Routing

Answer: A. NAT When configuring a shared IP address between a physical host and a virtual machine, network address translation (NAT) is used to convert the shared IP address to a private address used by the virtual machine.

2-32. Where are operating system updates managed in Mac OS? A. App Store B. System Information C. Mission Control D. System Preferences E. Spaces

Answer: A. App Store All application and operating system updates are managed through the Updates feature of the App Store utility.

2-65. Which of these utilities would be the best choice for dual-booting between the Mac OS and Windows operating systems? A. Boot Camp B. Hypervisor C. App Switcher D. Toggle OS E. Boot Manager

Answer: A. Boot Camp The Mac OS Boot Camp utility can be used to easily boot into Mac OS or Windows. Boot Camp is not a virtualization utility, but instead selects operating system when starting the computer.

2-80. You've built a cloud service that is used simultaneously by many different organizations. Which of the following would best describe this deployment model? A. Community B. Public C. Hybrid D. Shared E. Private

Answer: A. Community A community model for cloud computing allows several organizations to share the same resources in the cloud simultaneously.

2-68. Which of these would be the best way to modify the Mac OS search results? A. Define search categories in System Preferences / Spotlight B. Enable indexing in the System Utilities C. Clear the browser cache and stored data D. Update the search application signatures E. Move all personal files to an external drive

Answer: A. Define search categories in System Preferences / Spotlight The Mac OS Spotlight search provides integrated search for almost anything in the operating system, and online. You can modify the results by enabling or disabling search categories in the System Preferences.

2-43. Which of the following would be associated with a DNS server? A. Device names are converted to IP addresses B. IP addresses are automatically assigned to network devices C. Responses are provided to browser messages D. An intermediate device performs network requests in place of the requesting device E. Centralized authentication credentials are evaluated

Answer: A. Device names are converted to IP addresses One of the features of a DNS (Domain Name System) server is to convert the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a device into a networkable IP address.

2-56. Which of these would you use to synchronize your Android mobile device to the cloud? A. Google account B. iCloud C. Microsoft account D. iTunes E. Amazon Cloud Services

Answer: A. Google account An Android device uses your Google account information to configure and synchronize your Android phone to the cloud.

2-61. In virtualization software, which of these is responsible for managing guest operating system resources? A. Hypervisor B. Virtual System Administrator (VSM) C. Windows OS Manager D. Virtualization Technology (VT) E. Virtual Memory Manager

Answer: A. Hypervisor The hypervisor is responsible for managing the video, storage, input, output, and all other resources used between the physical computer and the virtual guest operating systems.

2-34. Which of the following identifies a physical mobile device? A. IMEI B. PRL C. IMSI D. PRI E. NPA-NSS

Answer: A. IMEI A unique IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) identifier is associated with a mobile device. No two devices share the same IMEI.

2-83. Which of these interface types would you use when synchronizing data on an iOS device? Pick two. A. Lightning B. 802.11 C. FireWire D. eSATA E. USB Micro-B

Answer: A. Lightning and B. 802.11 iOS devices can synchronize to a local computer using wireless networking over 802.11 networks and physical cabling over the proprietary Lightning interface.

2-22. Which of the following would be the most likely reason to run the Linux ls command? A. List the contents of a directory B. Find text in a file C. Change the ownership of a file D. View the wireless network configuration E. Perform a command with elevated rights

Answer: A. List the contents of a directory ls (list) is one of the most commonly used Linux commands. You can list everything on a file system with the ls command.

2-93. Which Mac OS feature displays all running applications into a single zoomed-out view on the desktop? A. Mission Control B. Spaces C. Spotlight D. Iconify E. Finder

Answer: A. Mission Control The Mission Control feature in Mac OS can be activated with the Mission Control hotkey or by pressing the Mission Control icon in the Apple Dock. The Spaces feature is used to create multiple independent desktop views.

2-29. Which of these would best describe the concept of using one large set of computing resources in one geographic location? A. Resource pooling B. High availability C. Caching D. Link aggregation E. Redundancy

Answer: A. Resource pooling One significant advantage of cloud computing is the ability to scale applications very quickly. To accomplish this, resources (CPU, storage, etc.) must be pooled together and made available for use by the applications. Since these resources require high very throughput rates, it's useful to pool all of the resources together in the same location.

2-73. You need to update the operating system and apps on your Linux machine. Which of these would be the best way to accomplish this? A. Run apt-get B. Check the App Store for updates C. Run Linux Update D. Check the Linux repository and application web pages for any updates E. Run update scripts from the original Linux installation media

Answer: A. Run apt-get Many Linux distributions use apt-get (Advanced Packaging Tool) to install and update the operating system and applications.

2-55. Which of the following protocols are used to send mail from a mobile device? A. SMTP B. POP3 C. S/MIME D. IMAP E. FTP

Answer: A. SMTP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used to send mail from a client device to a mail server. SMTP is commonly used on mobile devices, desktops, and any other device that send email messages.

2-74. Which of these data types would not commonly be synchronized between a mobile device and a standalone computer? A. Security PIN B. Contacts C. Calendar events D. eBooks E. Location data F. Social media data

Answer: A. Security PIN The data in a mobile device is often synchronized to a standalone computer. This might include email messages, contact list, calendar information, reminders, photos, and more. Screen lock credentials are not commonly synchronized.

2-54. Which of these would best describe an embedded system? A. Timecard system B. Mail server C. IPS D. Web server E. Authentication server

Answer: A. Timecard system An embedded system does not commonly allow access to the operating system of the devices. Systems such as alarm systems, door security, and timecard systems are common examples of embedded systems.

2-31. Which of these physical connectors would you expect to find on a cable used to synchronize information to an Android device? Pick two. A. USB Standard Type A B. USB Micro-B C. Lightning D. 30-pin E. Thunderbolt

Answer: A. USB Standard Type A and B. USB Micro-B Android devices tend to use the common USB interfaces. The USB Standard Type A is the interface that connects to the PC, and the smaller USB Micro-B interface is the connector on the mobile device.

2-39. You need to configure a Linux file attribute to be read-only. Which of the following commands would be the best choice? A. chmod B. attrib C. filemod D. chown E. filemod

Answer: A. chmod The chmod (change mode) command is used to modify the mode of a file system object. These modes can be used to configure a file as read-only, write access, execute access, and more.

2-99. Which of these Linux commands can be used to change your password? A. passwd B. ps C. mv D. pwd E. chown

Answer: A. passwd The passwd command is used to change the password associated with a Linux account.

2-30. Which of the following utilities are commonly used to backup information in Linux? Pick two. A. tar B. yum C. rsync D. filer E. apt-get F. ps

Answer: A. tar and C. rsync The Linux tar (tape archive) and rsync utilities are commonly used to perform data backups in the Linux operating system.

2-35. What kind of device uses an 8-pin Lightning connection as a wired synchronization connection? A. Samsung Galaxy B. Apple iPhone C. Amazon Kindle reader D. Microsoft Windows Phone E. Google Nexus

Answer: B. Apple iPhone Apple uses a proprietary 8-pin USB connection to provide physical connectivity for iOS device synchronization.

2-6. Which of these network types would you expect to find on an iOS or Android mobile device? Pick two. A. Gigabit Ethernet B. Bluetooth C. irDA D. DSL E. WiFi

Answer: B. Bluetooth and E. WiFi Mobile devices focus on communication over wireless networks, including WiFi and Bluetooth technologies.

2-79. Which of the following would be the best way to manage all login credentials from a centralized location? A. Use the NTFS file system on all volumes B. Configure an authentication server C. Require a proxy server between the users and network resources D. Use both passwords and a pseudo-random number code during login E. Use a single operating system across all devices

Answer: B. Configure an authentication server Many organizations use a centralized authentication server to simply the management and ongoing maintenance of their user credentials.

2-90. Which of the following would be the best way to share personal documents across multiple Mac OS and iOS systems? A. Synchronize all devices to a single computer B. Connect to iCloud in all of the operating systems C. Use OneDrive to synchronize all files D. Perform periodic backups of all devices E. Use the Apple App Store to manage all applications

Answer: B. Connect to iCloud in all of the operating systems iCloud is the best way to automatically share documents, pictures, music, and more across multiple iOS and Mac OS devices.

2-46. You need to erase and reformat a used USB flash drive. Which of these Mac OS utilities would be the best choice for this task? A. Storage Control B. Disk Utility C. USB Tools D. System Information E. Drive Center

Answer: B. Disk Utility The Mac OS Disk Utility can be used to verify and fix file systems, erase disks, modify partition details, manage RAID arrays, restore a disk image to a volume, and more.

2-100. Which of the following would be considered open-source? A. Windows Mobile B. Google Android C. Apple Mac OS D. Windows 8.1 E. Apple iOS

Answer: B. Google Android Android is an open-source operating system based on Linux.

2-50. What mobile device component detects pitch, roll, and yaw of the device? A. Capacitive touchscreen B. Gyroscope C. Accelerometer D. Stylus E. Global positioning system receiver

Answer: B. Gyroscope Gyroscopes provide a way to have multi-axis motion sensing on our mobile devices.

2-76. Which of these protocols are used when retrieving email from a commercial email provider such as Google Mail or A. FTP B. IMAP C. SNMP D. MAILPOP E. SMTP

Answer: B. IMAP IMAP is a common protocol for retrieving email messages, and the IMAP protocol is supported by Google Mail, Yahoo Mail,, and iCloud Mail.

2-71. Which of the following describes the process of closely tracking costs and utilization metrics? A. Cost accounting B. Measured service C. Budgeting D. SaaS E. Quality of service

Answer: B. Measured service A measured service is tracked and billed based on a granular set of criteria. For example, a cloud-based measured service might bill customers based on total usage, CPU activity, and network bandwidth.

2-37. What would you expect to receive during a PRL update? A. A list of available 802.11 wireless networks B. Mobile device connectivity information C. Operating system security patches D. A list of available network printers E. Updated device drivers

Answer: B. Mobile device connectivity information A PRL (Preferred Roaming List) update is provided over CDMA networks to update radio bands, sub-bands, and service provider IDs. The PRL updates are usually provided over the air (OTA).

2-94. Which of these would be the best choice for retrieving mail on a mobile device? Pick two. A. SMTP B. POP3 C. IMAP D. SNMP E. SMAIL

Answer: B. POP3 and C. IMAP The POP3 and IMAP protocols are used for retrieving and reading mail from a mail server. The SMTP protocol is used on a mobile device for sending (but not retrieving) emails.

2-49. Which of these would be most associated with NFC? A. Receive emergency messages on your mobile device B. Pay for groceries with your phone C. Get assistance by talking to your phone D. Make phone calls over a WiFi connection E. Get turn-by-turn directions

Answer: B. Pay for groceries with your phone NFC (Near Field Communication) is commonly used to pay for goods with a mobile phone.

2-40. What kind of server would use IPP? A. Web server B. Print server C. DHCP server D. Proxy server E. Mail server

Answer: B. Print server A print server would commonly use IPP, or the Internet Printing Protocol.

2-4. What is commonly used by Microsoft Outlook to encrypt and digitally sign email messages? A. POP3S B. S/MIME C. SSL D. IMAPS E. PGP

Answer: B. S/MIME Microsoft Outlook uses Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions to secure email messages using encryption and digital signatures.

2-15. Which of the following would be the most likely use of the Linux tar utility? A. Copy files from one directory to another B. Scheduled data backup C. Change the name of a directory D. Modify the default startup device E. Check a storage device for logical errors

Answer: B. Scheduled data backup The tar (tape archive) utility is a data management utility in the Linux operating system. Because it's easily scripted at the command line, it's a commonly used when scheduling ongoing backups.

2-58. Which of the following Mac OS features allows you to configure multiple independent desktops? A. Desktopper B. Spaces C. App Switcher D. Desktop Central E. Switchtop

Answer: B. Spaces The Spaces feature of Mac OS gives you a way to set up multiple desktops and easily switch from one to the other.

2-64. Which of the following would be the best way to view device driver information in Mac OS? A. Mission Control B. System Information C. System Preferences / General D. Driver Manager E. System Tools

Answer: B. System Information The System Information utility in Mac OS can provide you with detailed information about your hardware, network, and software.

2-69. Which of the following would be the best way to update a text-based configuration file in Linux? A. Run notepad B. Use vi C. Delete the configuration file and run the installation script D. Use FTP to transfer and edit the file on another computer E. Boot Linux into single user mode

Answer: B. Use vi The vi (Visual mode) editor is a commonly used text editor in most Linux distributions.

2-41. Which of the following would be the best use of a virtual assistant? A. Update the operating system on a mobile device B. Use voice commands to set a timer C. Write a weekly status report while you check emails D. Distribute an application update to your internal servers E. Sort all incoming mail shipments

Answer: B. Use voice commands to set a timer Virtual assistants are built into many mobile devices and operating systems, and they can perform tasks using voice commands instead of typing or pressing buttons.

2-72. Which of these CPU technologies provides hardware support for virtualization in the CPU hardware? A. Hyper-threading B. VT C. Multi-core D. DMA E. L1 cache

Answer: B. VT Intel VT (Virtualization Technology) provides hardware acceleration for key functions required to provide virtualization on the desktop.

2-62. Which of the following would be the best command to use to duplicate a file in Linux? A. mv B. cp C. tar D. dup E. mirror

Answer: B. cp The cp (copy) command can be used to duplicate files or directories in the Linux operating system.

2-3. Which of the following Linux commands would be the best choice to find a specific serial number inside of a group of files? A. find B. grep C. locate D. yum E. vi

Answer: B. grep The grep command can search through many files to find a specific piece of text.

2-82. Which of the following would be the best way to view IP address configuration information in Linux? A. ipinfo B. ifconfig C. addr D. ipconfig E. stackinfo

Answer: B. ifconfig The ifconfig command is used to view or configure a network interface and IP configuration in Linux.

2-98. How would you change the name of a file in Linux? A. ren B. mv C. chmod D. rename E. cp

Answer: B. mv The mv (move) command is used to "move" or rename a file from one name to another.

2-81. Which of these Linux commands would you use to execute a command with the credentials of a different user? A. ps B. sudo C. chmod D. dd E. apt-get

Answer: B. sudo The sudo command is used to execute a command with superuser credentials or with the credential of any other user.

2-11. Which of these commands would you be most likely to use in Linux to update your operating system and applications? A. tar B. yum C. grep D. update E. patchd

Answer: B. yum The yum command is commonly used in some Linux distributions to easily update the operating system and applications using a set of trusted data repositories.

2-87. Where is the most common place to download applications to an iOS device? A. Apple Play B. Google Play C. Apple App Store D. From the developer's web site

Answer: C. Apple App Store Apple centralizes all of the application deployment to the Apple App Store on iOS devices. Android devices can install software directly from a developer, on Google Play, or through any other 3rd-party distribution site.

2-20. Which of the following would you commonly block with an IPS? A. A URL category of "sports news" B. Virus infection C. Buffer overflow D. Social media posting E. Unknown malware downloads

Answer: C. Buffer overflow An IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) is designed to stop known vulnerabilities traversing the network. The vulnerabilities may be operating system exploits, buffer overflows, cross-site scripting attacks, SQL injections, and more. Virus, URLs, and applications are not commonly blocked with an IPS.

2-18. The screen on your mobile device is responding to your stylus, but the location you're tapping is slightly offset from the area that's actually registering. Which of the following would be the best way to correct this issue? A. Replace the display B. Use a capacitive stylus C. Calibrate the display D. Update the operating system E. Enable the GPS

Answer: C. Calibrate the display Older resistive touchscreens required periodic calibration through the software on the mobile device. The newer capacitive touchscreens do not require any ongoing calibration.

2-21. Which of the following shortcut keys can be used to launch the Force Quit dialog in Mac OS? A. Control-Alt-Delete B. Command-Q C. Command-Option-Escape D. Command-Start E. Option-F-Q

Answer: C. Command-Option-Escape The Command-Option-Escape keyboard combination launches the Force Quit dialog box. This allows you select from a list of the active applications and Force Quit the application with the press of a button.

2-14. Which of the following would provide services over SMB or AFP? A. Proxy server B. DNS server C. File server D. IPS E. Authentication server

Answer: C. File server A file server can communicate over SMB (Server Message Block), AFP (Apple Filing Protocol), or any other standard network file system protocol.

2-66. What feature is used in Mac OS to customize your trackpad? A. Practice Pad B. Clicker C. Gestures D. Mouse Trap E. Track Builder

Answer: C. Gestures The Gestures feature of the System Preferences can configure every click, swipe, and zoom of the built-in or external trackpad in Mac OS.

2-27. Which of these protocols would be exclusively used to retrieve mail on an Android device? A. HTTP B. SSL C. IMAP D. SNMP

Answer: C. IMAP IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is used to transfer and synchronize email between clients and a mail server.

2-8. Where are the core set of Linux device drivers located? A. In the system BIOS B. In the /etc directory C. In the Linux kernel D. On the boot sector of the system drive E. Linux doesn't use device drivers

Answer: C. In the Linux kernel Many device drivers are installed as part of the Linux kernel itself, and the drivers are updated when the kernel is updated.

2-67. To which of the following would you commonly connect when tethering your computer? A. WiFi network B. VoIP network C. Mobile phone D. Ethernet network E. Bluetooth

Answer: C. Mobile phone A tethered device connects to a mobile phone and uses the mobile provider's network as an Internet connection.

2-78. Which of these would best describe a provider that offers on-demand applications with no requirement of local installation or hardware costs? A. IaaS B. ISP C. SaaS D. WAN E. LEC

Answer: C. SaaS Software as a Service (SaaS) is a common way to take advantage of applications without the requirement of hardware costs or on-site software installations.

2-44. How are Android applications commonly packaged and distributed? A. Compressed and transferred using the TAR format B. Deployed using the Xcode application C. Using the Android Application Package format D. Using the Visual Studio app packager E. Through the Apple App Store

Answer: C. Using the Android Application Package format The APK (Android Application Package) format is commonly used to distribute apps for Android-based devices.

2-10. Which of these applications is compatible with Mac OS Screen Sharing? A. Microsoft Remote Desktop B. TeleCommute C. VNC D. iShare E. RDP

Answer: C. VNC Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, is compatible with the built-in Mac OS Screen Sharing feature.

2-92. Which of these commands would be the best choice for moving between directories in Linux? A. mv B. cp C. cd D. ls E. dir

Answer: C. cd The cd (change directory) command is used in both Linux and Windows to move between file system directories.

2-38. Which of the following commands would be the best choice for backing up an entire Linux partition? A. backupd B. Backup Manager C. dd D. Disk Manager E. Partitioner

Answer: C. dd The dd command in Linux is commonly used for creating disk images of files and partitions.

2-47. You need to delete a file from a Linux directory. Which of the following would be the best command to use? A. del B. mv C. rm D. erase E. delete

Answer: C. rm The rm (remove) command will delete files or directories from a Linux file system.

2-9. Which of these port numbers are commonly used when using IMAP over SSL? A. tcp/110 B. tcp/143 C. tcp/993 D. tcp/995 E. tcp/443

Answer: C. tcp/993 The default port for IMAPS is tcp/993. When configuring this protocol on a mobile device, you may need to specify the port number that the mail server uses for IMAPS.

2-85. Which Mac OS utility provides access to the operating system command line? A. cmd B. scripts C. terminal D. shell E. cmdlet

Answer: C. terminal The Terminal utility can be found in the Utilities folder of Mac OS.

2-48. Which of these best describes the extension of an Apple Disk Image file? A. .img B. .tar C. .zip D. .dmg E. .iso

Answer: D. .dmg An Apple Disk Image file is labeled with a .dmg file extension, and will mount in the operating system as a normal file system.

2-17. Which of these would best describe the component on a mobile device that can detect motion and determine which way is "up?" A. Calibrator B. Global positioning system C. 802.11 radio D. Accelerometer E. IR sensor

Answer: D. Accelerometer An accelerometer is used to detect the orientation of the device and recognize if the device has moved. One common use of an accelerometer is to identify when the phone has been rotated so the screen can be switched between portrait and landscape.

2-57. Which of the following would not be commonly seen in a UTM? A. URL filter B. Router C. CSU/DSU D. Application distribution E. Firewall F. Bandwidth shaper

Answer: D. Application distribution A UTM (Unified Threat Management) device is commonly given to all-in-one network and security devices. It's common to see a UTM with URL filtering, malware inspection, spam filtering, routing, firewall features, and more. A UTM does not manage the applications used on a desktop computer.

2-26. Which of the following best describes the function of an accelerometer in a mobile device? A. Provides multi-axis motion sensing B. Provides precise navigation based on longitude, latitude, and altitude C. Determines the amount of ambient light around the device D. Detects the orientation of the device

Answer: D. Detects the orientation of the device An accelerometer is a motion sensor that can measure acceleration, even when an object is at rest. By using these measurements, a mobile device can determine which way is "up" and properly display the screen in the correct orientation.

2-24. Which of the following would be the best way to repair problems with a Mac OS volume? A. Check Disk B. Drive View C. Partitioner D. Disk Utility E. Volume Manager

Answer: D. Disk Utility The Mac OS Disk Utility application can be used to manage volumes and perform First Aid checks.

2-28. Which of the following is not commonly used for geolocation tracking? A. GPS B. WiFi network C. Mobile phone tower D. FM radio

Answer: D. FM radio GPS, WiFi network locations, and mobile phone provider networks are commonly used together to provide geolocation services on our mobile devices.

2-70. Which of the following is the best utility to use when moving files from one volume to another in Mac OS? A. Filer B. File Manager C. Mac Explorer D. Finder E. File Wizard

Answer: D. Finder The Mac OS Finder utility is the integrated file management system in Mac OS.

2-42. Which of these cloud architectures would be most closely associated with a web hosting provider? A. SaaS B. PaaS C. Hybrid D. IaaS E. Community

Answer: D. IaaS Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is sometimes called Hardware as a Service (HaaS), and it's a model that provides hardware but not much else.

2-45. You're reading through a Linux script, and you see the command "mkdir." What function does this provide? A. Moves a directory of files B. Modifies a Linux directive C. Matches a set of files across directories D. Makes a directory E. Merges two directories together

Answer: D. Makes a directory The mkdir (make directory) command can be used in both Windows and Linux to create a new directory.

2-91. What email protocol uses TCP port 995 as the default communications port? A. POP3 B. IMAPS C. SMTP D. POP3S E. IMAP

Answer: D. POP3S POP3 over SSL (POP3S) uses TCP port 995 by default. When configuring this protocol on a mobile device, you may need to specify the port number that the mail server uses for POP3S.

2-53. You'd like to build your own applications without the time and expense of writing everything from scratch. Which of the following would be a good choice for this requirement? A. IaaS B. Object-oriented development C. Hybrid cloud services D. PaaS E. SaaS

Answer: D. PaaS Platform as a Service (PaaS) is commonly used to modularly build applications without needing to build the entire application yourself. PaaS allows providers to offer a framework that allows the customers to build and customize their own applications and services.

2-88. Which of these would be most associated with IPP or LPD? A. Web server B. IPS C. DHCP server D. Print server E. Mail server

Answer: D. Print server It's common to use standard protocols such as SMB (Server Message Block), IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), or LPD (Line Printer Daemon) to communicate to a print server.

2-60. Which of the following would best describe emulation? A. Running a Windows virtual machine on your Linux desktop B. Using Remote Desktop to connect to a Windows computer from Mac OS C. Running a Linux Live CD on your Windows computer D. Testing an iOS application on a Mac OS desktop E. Dual-booting between Windows and Linux

Answer: D. Testing an iOS application on a Mac OS desktop An emulator is a device that is running a process that was designed for a completely different architecture. For example, it's common for mobile device developers to run Android and iOS emulators on their computer desktops to test their applications without using the physical mobile device.

2-7. Which of these would be a common reason to receive a Wireless Emergency Alert? A. A traffic accident has caused a delay on the roadways B. Your office fire alarm has activated C. One of your family members is having a medical emergency D. The President of the United States has sent an important message E. There is a power outage in your area

Answer: D. The President of the United States has sent an important message The Wireless Emergency Alert is a standard communication structure that's part of all mobile carrier networks in the United States. Alerts that involve imminent threats to the safety of life and national security are broadcast to all mobile devices using this system.

2-36. Which of the following would be the best choice to check for file system problems in Linux? A. chkdsk B. diskcheck C. apt-check D. fsck E. rpmchk

Answer: D. fsck The fsck (file system consistency check) utility is the best choice for checking the file system in Linux.

2-51. Which of the following would be the best way to terminate a Linux process by name? A. kill B. halt C. taskkill D. killall E. net stop

Answer: D. killall The Linux killall command allows you to terminate a process by name instead of using the process ID (PID).

2-1. Which of the following would be the best way to view the list of current Linux processes? A. Task Manager B. sudo C. tasks D. ps E. cpustats

Answer: D. ps The Linux ps (process) command provides a list of the current processes.

2-86. Which of the following commands can restart a Linux computer from the command line? A. kernel B. halt C. load D. shutdown E. start

Answer: D. shutdown You can turn off a Linux computer with the shutdown command, and using the -r flag will also restart the computer.

2-25. Which of the following would be the easiest way to access frequently-used folders and applications in Mac OS? A. Use a third-party application manager B. Launch applications from the App Store utility C. Define separate hotkeys for all apps and folders D. Hold the Command key when starting the application E. Add applications and folders to the Dock

Answer: E. Add applications and folders to the Dock The integrated Mac OS Dock can be used to quickly access files, folders, and applications from your main desktop screen.

2-77. Which of the following tasks can be performed from the Linux terminal? A. Manage files B. Run scripts C. Update the operating system D. Configure application settings E. All of the above

Answer: E. All of the above The Linux command line provides complete access to the operating system. Unlike many other operating systems, Linux can be fully managed from the command line.

2-97. Which of the following would best describe rapid elasticity? A. Desktop computers are usable very quickly after power on B. Laptop CPUs can run at faster speeds when required C. A motherboard can be configured with additional storage options D. A link between network switches can trunk multiple VLANs E. Application resources can scale up and down very quickly

Answer: E. Application resources can scale up and down very quickly In cloud computing, rapid elasticity describes the ability to quickly scale up and scale down as resources are needed. This scalability happens very quickly and usually happens without the end user realizing that anything has changed.

2-2. Which of these would be the best use of the Linux command "dd"? A. Compress and decompress a list of files B. Force a file system check C. Administratively halt a running process D. Share a remote screen E. Create a drive image

Answer: E. Create a drive image The dd command can copy and convert files, and it's often used to copy the contents of a partition to an image file.

2-23. Which of the following would commonly be used to automatically assign IP addresses to your network devices? A. IP server B. Authentication server C. IPS D. Proxy server E. DHCP server

Answer: E. DHCP server A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server is used to assign IP addresses to network devices using a centralized pool of available addresses.

2-59. Which of the following utilities can you use in Mac OS to perform First Aid on a drive partition? A. Time Machine B. Disk Management C. System Information D. Check Disk E. Disk Utility

Answer: E. Disk Utility The Disk Utility in Mac OS can be used to manage drive partitions, get information, and perform first aid to storage drives.

2-95. Which of these would be the best way to communicate securely between your mobile phone and your corporate office? A. Tether the phone to your computer B. Connect to a WiFi network that uses WPA2 C. Use the phone with an external modem D. Disable the WiFi radio E. Enable the VPN on the phone

Answer: E. Enable the VPN on the phone Most phones can be configured to use a VPN tunnel to ensure encrypted communication between the phone and another device.

2-12. Which of the following Anti-virus applications is included with Mac OS? A. Security Control B. Anti-Virus Manager C. Innoculator D. Virus Firewall E. None of the above

Answer: E. None of the above Mac OS does not include an anti-virus or anti-malware application as part of the operating system distribution.

2-75. How are PRI updates usually distributed? A. During operating system updates B. Through the mobile device app store C. At an authorized service center D. On the manufacturer's web page E. Over the air

Answer: E. Over the air PRI (Product Release Instruction) updates include radio settings such as ID numbers, network codes, and country codes. These updates are usually distributed seamlessly through the existing mobile device network.

2-33. Which of the following would best describe a cloud deployment model that was hosted entirely in your own data center? A. Core cloud B. Collapsed cloud C. Hybrid cloud D. Internal cloud E. Private cloud

Answer: E. Private cloud A private cloud allows an organization to take advantage of cloud computing without the use of any external resources or services.

2-19. What's the best way to run an application with elevated permissions in the Linux operating system? A. Right-mouse click and select "Run as Administrator" B. Boot the system to single user mode C. Use chown to change the ownership to root D. Run in Safe Mode E. Run the program with the sudo command

Answer: E. Run the program with the sudo command The Linux sudo command allows you to execute a command as a super user, even when logged in with your normal user account.

2-96. Which of these is true of virtual machines? A. The hypervisor's memory requirements are similar to a standard workstation B. You must route between different virtual machines C. Virtualization renders anti-virus and anti-malware unnecessary D. Virtualization features are limited to Windows operating systems E. Some CPUs include virtualization capabilities in hardware

Answer: E. Some CPUs include virtualization capabilities in hardware Intel CPUs with VT (Virtualization Technology) and AMD CPUs with AMD-V are designed with specialized virtualization features in the CPU. Some virtualization software requires these features to work, while some other virtualization software packages will operate less efficiently without these features.

2-16. What is the maximum amount of data that is retained in Mac OS Time Machine? A. The past hour B. The past 24 hours C. The past week D. The past month E. Until the Time Machine volume is full

Answer: E. Until the Time Machine volume is full Time Machine will backup data until it fills up the Time Machine volume. The oldest backup information will be removed as newer data is written.

2-89. Which of the following Linux commands allows you to modify the group ownership of a file? A. groups B. modifygrp C. grouping D. grpown E. chown

Answer: E. chown The chown (change ownership) command in Linux is used to modify the user and group ownership for a file or directory.

2-5. Which of the following would be the best choice for synchronizing an Apple iPhone to a Windows desktop? A. Windows Phone app B. Terminal C. App Store D. iPhone Sync E. iTunes

Answer: E. iTunes Apple's iTunes application is used to synchronize an iPhone to a Mac OS or Windows computer.

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