Computer Applications midterm

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Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price. How would you refer to that price in the formulas?


A workbook template has which of the following file extensions?


How many actions does the Undo button let you reverse?


The default worksheet text is _____-point Calibri.


With a _____, you can emphasize one data point by exploding it.

3-D pie chart

The value in cell B2 cell is 65. In cell C2, the value is 75. Which of the following formulas returns FALSE if any of the conditions are false for the values in cells B2 and C2?

=AND(B2>=70, C2>=80)

Sam wants to count the number of cells in the range B1: B20 that contain numbers. Which of the following formulas should he use?


Liam needs to count the cells in the range B1:B20 that contain numbers, dates, or text. Which of the following formulas should he use?


What is the correct formula to insert the date January 12, 1998 into a cell?


Which of the following formulas can you use to find the serial number of the date January 1, 2017?


Ian needs to extract the day of the month from the date entered as a serial number in cell A1. Which formula can he use to do this?


Sheila wants to extract the hour from the time, 12:00:56, in cell A1. Which formula can she use to do this?


Jason wants to display the text "Poor" if the value in cell A3 is less than 25. If the value in cell A3 is less than 50, Jason wants to display "Average"; otherwise, he wants to display "Good". Which of the following formulas should he use?

=IF(A4<25, "Poor", IF(A3<50, "Average", "Good"))

The score of a student is inserted in cell B2. The passing score for the subject is 60. Which of the following functions should you insert in cell C2 to check whether the student has passed or failed?

=IF(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail")

Which of the following formulas can you use to extract the minute from the time in cell G5: 10:00:56?


Which formula can you use to extract the month number from the date entered in cell F5 as July 8, 2016?


The score of a student in two subjects are inserted in B2 and C2 cell and the passing score for each subject is 60. which of these functions will you insert in D2 cell to get FALSE as the result if the student has passed and TRUE as the result if the student has failed?

=NOT(ORB2>=60, C2>=60))

A student's scores in two subjects are inserted in cells B2 and C2. The passing score for each subject is 60. Which of the following formulas returns FALSE if the student has passed and TRUE if the student has failed?

=OR(B2>=60, C2>=60)

Cell A5 contains the number 24.7835. In another cell, Ariane wants to enter the number from cell A5 but rounded to two decimal places. Which of these formulas can she use to do so?


To select nonadjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you can press and hold _____ while selecting each one.


Which of the following keys should you press to have Excel calculate all open workbooks manually?


Nathan wants a formula to return "Yes" if the value in cell A1 is less than the value in cell B1, and to return "No" otherwise. Which of the following functions should he use?


To have Excel enter the lowest price from a range of prices, which of the following would you use?

MIN function

Which of the following functions inserts the total of a range?


If cell A5 displays a time in hours, minutes, and seconds, which of the following functions can you use to display the time as a serial number?


You need to add another product to your inventory worksheet, which shows product names in row A. Which of the following should you add?

a column

A worksheet named Income (2) is most likely which of the following?

a copy of another worksheet named income

When you underline cell content, you are using _____.

a font style

In the formula =B6*$B$2, which of the following describes $B$2?

absolute cell reference

Julia noticed that she accidentally used the word "then" instead of "than" in a sentence. Word identified the grammar error with a blue double underline. To correct the error, she can do which of the following?

accept the suggested grammar change

The _____ number format adds dollar signs and two decimal places to numeric data.


Marianna wants to make the legend stand out on a chart. Which of the following can she do?

add a border

Sydney has created a table with two columns to store the name and address of clients. She needs to add additional information about phone numbers. She should do which of the following?

add a column

Cameron needs to insert a citation, but he does not have the source information. Which of the following should he do?

add a new citation placeholder

Which of the following is a way to enhance the look of a document?

add a page border

Tiana wants a line to appear around a paragraph. She should do which of the following?

add a paragraph border

Nathan is creating a document that needs to be accessible to people with visual impairment. He should do what to the pictures in the document?

add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures

Alyssa needs a paragraph to have a dotted border. She should do which of the following?

apply a paragraph border and change the line style of the border

How can you add a drop shadow to a picture?

apply a picture effect

Sarah wants to apply a set of effects such as shading, borders, and shadows to a picture. Which of the following can she use to do this?

apply a picture stylee

To quickly change the fill, outline, and effect of a shape, which of the following should be done?

apply a shape style

To quickly change the shading, borders, and font colors of a table, which of the following should be done?

apply a table style

Brianna needs the rows in a table to alternate colors. She should do which of the following?

apply a table style that includes banded rows

A document contains a list of items that appear in no particular order. Which of the following is the best way to format the list?

apply bullets to the list

In the formula =SUM(A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6:A9?


Which of the following lets you fill a cell with only specific elements of a copied cell?

auto fill options button

When you double-click the right border of a column heading, which of the following occurs ?

autofit resizes the column to the wides cell entry

Which of the following options should you select to have Excel update all formulas as you edit a worksheet?

automatic calculation

What feature inserts a function that totals the cells above or to the left of the selected cell?

autosum button

Which of the following inserts a function into a cell?

autosum button

Where can you adjust page layout settings and see how they affect a preview of the printed worksheet?

backstage view

Which of the following would you use to print only one page of a multipage worksheet?

backstage view

When you cut or copy a cell, it is cut or copied to which of the following?

both the windows and office clipboard

One of the pictures in Destiny's document is covered up by another picture. To make the obscured picture visible, she should do which of the following?

bring the obscured picture to the front

To accept a suggested spelling for that instance only, which of the following would you click?


Silvio inserted an inline picture and wants to move it to the upper-right corner of the page. What must he do before moving it?

change it to a floating picture

Dawn wants to make a column chart look three dimensional. How can she do so?

change the chart type

Aliya needs her footnotes to be listed as I, II, III... instead of as 1,2,3... She should do which of the following to achieve this?

change the number format in the footnote and endnote dialogue box

Maria has a line chart that shows expense amounts on the vertical axis. What can she do to display the values as dollar amounts?

change the number format of the vertical axis

Charlie created a pie chart that displays number values in data labels. How can he change the values to show dollar amounts?

change the number of the date tabes to currency

Your worksheet is too wide to fit on one page in portrait orientation. What is the best way to fix this problem?

change the page orientation to landscape

How can you apply a set of effects, such as a Subtle effect or Polished effect, to SmartArt?

change the smartart style

Kayla wants to apply a shadow to a paragraph border. She should do which of the following?

change the type of paragraph border in the borders and shading dialogue box

Nevaeh needs a paragraph border to be very thick. He should do which of the following?

change the width of the border in the borders and shading dialogue box

Which of the following buttons lets you remove chart elements?

chart elements butotn

Which of the following chart elements identifies the purpose of a chart?

chart title

To ensure that a document can be read by people with visual impairment, which of the following should be done?

check the document for accessibilty

To ensure a document is free of typos, always do which of the following before publishing the document.

check the document for spelling and grammar errors by clicking the spelling and grammar button

Jasmine is working on a research paper that needs to be in MLA format. To ensure her bibliography is formatted properly, she should do which of the following?

check to ensure the bibliography style is MLA in the citations and bibliography group of the references tab

Gabrielle opened a document that has a large number of tab stops in undesired locations. She wants the tab stops removed. She should do which of the following?

clear all tab stops from the document

To return cell contents to its default font and style, you can use the _____ command.

clear formats

To resize a shape nonproportionally, which of the following should be done?

click and drag a middle sizing handle

Which of the following do you do to select text?

click and drag across the desired text

Imani needs to rearrange a picture in her document. The picture has Square text wrapping. She should do which of the following?

click and drag the picture to the desired location

To clear all formatting from a picture, which of the following should be done?

click reset picture

To create a horizontal mirror reflection of a picture, which of the following should be done?

click rotate and select flip horozontal

To select a single worksheet cell so you can work with it, which of the following would you do?

click the cell

Alyssa needs to center the text of a paragraph on the page. Which of the following can she do?

click the center button in the paragraph group

Terri needs each word in a paragraph to be capitalized. Which of the following is the simplest method to achieve this?

click the change case button and select capitalize each word

Jordan wants a warm color palette for his SmartArt. He should do which of the following?

click the change colors button and select the desired option

Joshua needs stylized text in his document to be normal, unformatted text. He should do which of the following?

click the clear all formatting button

To recolor a picture with a green tint, which of the following should be done?

click the color button and select the desired options

To delete a worksheet column, you can first select it by _____.

click the columns heading

Cameron needs to brighten and increase the contrast of a picture. He should do which of the following?

click the corrections button and select the desired option

Aniyah needs to insert the date and time in her document. She should do which of the following?

click the insert date and time button and select the desired option

To remove space after a paragraph, do which of the following?

click the line and paragraph spacing button and then select remove space after paragraph

Jared wants to add space between each line of text in a paragraph. Which of the following is the best method to use for this action?

click the line and paragraph spacing button in the paragraph group, then select the desired amount of spacing

What is the simplest and most efficient way to locate the next comment in a document?

click the next button in the comments group of the review tab

To zoom a document so that you can see the left and right margins, which of the following should you do on the View tab?

click the page width button in the zoom group

To have a shape appear at the top and center of a page, which of the following should be done?

click the postion button and select position in top and center with square text wrapping

Hannah wants to position a picture in the middle and center of a page and let the text wrap around the picture. She should do which of the following?

click the postion button and select postion in middle center with square text wrapping

If you mistakenly undo an action, how do you correct your mistake?

click the redo button on the quick access toolbar

Kate needs to insert 10 text boxes in a document. After inserting the first text box, how can she easily repeat the action nine more times?

click the repeat button nine time

Jeremy is reading a document about geology when he encounters the word Paleolithic. To conduct research about the Paleolithic era, he should do which of the following?

click the researcher button

Alexis is having trouble clicking the right part of a table to select a row. After selecting a cell, what should she do instead?

click the select button and then click select row

David needs an oval to appear in his document. He should do which of the following?

click the shapes and select the desired option

To hide the comments in a document, do which of the following?

click the show comments button

To create a cycle diagram in a document, which of the following should be done?

click the smartart and select the desired option

To create a hierarchy diagram, which of the following should be done?

click the smartart button and select the desired option

To create two simultaneous views of a document, do which of the following?

click the split button

To quickly change the colors, fonts, and effects in a document, which of the following should be done?

click the themes button and select the desired option

After editing sources using the Source Manager, do which of the following to ensure the bibliography reflects the changes?

click the update citations and bibliography button in the content control tab for the bibliography

To calculate the number of words in a document, do which of the following?

click the word count button

Which of the following is the temporary storage area that holds selections you copy or cut?


To help you easily identify sheets in a workbook, you can add _____ to the sheet tab.


What type of chart is a Clustered Column - Line chart?

combo chart

To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear in red, which of the following can you use?

conditional formatting

Imani needs to duplicate a picture in her document. She should do which of the following?

copy and paste the picture

Which of the following would you use to create a duplicate of the selected cell when the CTRL key is pressed?

copy pointer

To indent the first line of every paragraph in a document, do which of the following?

create a first line indent

Tiana needs each line after the first line in a paragraph to be indented. She should do which of the following?

create a hanging indent

Betty wants to display negative percentages in red text with parentheses. What type of number format should she apply?


If a worksheet contains cells with blue fills of varying lengths representing the values, the cells most likely have ________ applied to them .

data bars

Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. Which option can she click on after clicking on the arrow next to Data labels under Chart Elements?

data labels

Which of the following keys will you press after clicking on a chart to remove it from an Excel sheet but keep the data intact?


When a comment is no longer useful, you should do which of the following?

delete the comment

Joan has a redundant source in her bibliography. What is the best way for her to remove this redundant source from the bibliography?

delete the redundant source in the source manager, then update the bibliography

File details such as the document title and author name are called _____.

document properties

What are user-defined details about a file that describe its content and origin called?

document properties

Which of the following lets you edit the contents of a cell?

double-click the cell or click in the formula bar

To have text appear at the bottom of each page in a document, do which of the following?

double-click the footer region of the page and enter the desired text

To resize a picture proportionally, which of the following should you do?

drag a corner sizing handle

Which of the following lets you resize a selected picture on your worksheet?

drag any corner handle

Which of the following do you do to better view small, difficult-to-read text in a document?

drag the zoom slider to enlarge the document

To correct an error in a comment, do which of the following?

edit the comment

To change conditional formatting that applies a red fill color to one that applies a green fill color, which of the following can you do?

edit the conditional formatting rule

Kyle needs the same text to appear at the top of each page in a document. Which of the following is the best method to achieve this?

edit the document header

Elise is preparing to print a worksheet that displays the worksheet name centered at the bottom of every page. She also wants to display the current date next to the worksheet name. Which of the following should she do?

edit the footer to add the date

Brianna needs to correct the year of publication in one of her sources. She should do which of the following?

edit the source to correct the error in the source manager

Anna needs to leave a message for a collaborator about a specific paragraph in a document. Which of the following methods is the best way for her to communicate with her collaborator?

enter the desired message in a comment attached to the paragraph

Sydney wants to resize a picture to exact dimensions. She should do which of the following?

enter the height in the shape height text box and enter the width in the shape width text box

To specify the exact dimensions of a shape, which of the following should be done?

enter the height in the shape height text box and enter the width in the shape width text box

Which of the following is true about inserting cells in a worksheet?

excel automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations

To print more than one copy of your worksheet, which tab would you go to?


Juana needs to open a document. To access the Open dialog box, which tab should she use?

file tab

You have selected a cell with a formula. Which of the following can you use to copy that formula to an adjacent cell?

fill handle

A _____ is the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.


To change the color of cell content, you use the ________ color list arrow.


To change the starting and ending values on a chart axis, use the _____ pane.

format axis

To copy a cell's formatting to another cell, which of the following can you use?

format painter

Which of the following is a predefined procedure that returns a value?


To move to a specific page, section, line, or graphic, you can use the _____.

go to tab in the find and replace dialogue box

To view a worksheet without gridlines showing on the screen, which of the following would you uncheck?

gridlines view

You receive a worksheet in which the row numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. This means that row 4 is _____.


Your worksheet contains confidential information in column C; to prevent others who use your worksheet from seeing the data, you can _____ column C.


To format a cell range so that values between 100 and 500 appear in red, which of the following can you use?

highlight cell rules

Which of the following chart types shows the distribution of data grouped in bins?

histogram chart

Which of the following is not a way to move cell contents?

holding the CTRL key while dragging the selected cells

To apply a cell style, you would use the Cell Styles command on the _____ tab.


Which of the following window elements displays the left and right document margins?

horizontal ruler

Which of the following conditional formats can you apply to display small graphics in a cell that vary based on the cell's value?

icon sets

You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and the results in the copied cells are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula?

if it needs an absolute cell reference

The spell checker flags your company's name as a misspelling. Which of the following will stop the spell checker from flagging later occurrences in the document?

ignore all

Ben moved a chart to a chart sheet, but now the axis labels are too small. What can he do to make them easier to read?

increase the font size

Aamir is preparing a research paper. He needs to insert a parenthetical reference that gives credit to the source of a quotation. What is the best way for him to achieve this?

insert a citation

Jada needs to create a note at the bottom of a page that references text in the body of the document. She should do which of the following?

insert a footnote

To start entering text on a new page, do which of the following?

insert a page break

Isaiah needs to insert a copyright symbol (©). He should do which of the following?

insert a symbol from the symbol gallery

Where can you see a brief description of a selected function?

insert function dialogue box

Which of the following lets you search for a function or select one from a category?

insert function dialogue box

In a complex formula, how does Excel determine which calculation to perform first?

it follows the order of opertations

Why is it necessary to use care when inserting worksheet cells?

it may disturb row or column alignment, which can effect worksheet accuracy

Which of the following should Tim use to italicize text?

italic button on the mini toolbar

In a formal, professional document, which of the following can you apply to make a word stand out?

italic formatting

Caleb needs to copy a picture from one document and paste it in another document in such a way that it retains the original appearance. He should use which of the following paste options?

keep source formatting

Which of the following elements uses colors to identify how the data is represented in a chart?


Amanda wants to calculate formulas only when she saves or opens a workbook. Which of the following calculation options should she select?


To combine multiple cells into one combined cell, which of the following do you use?

merge and center button

Angel wants all Subtitle text to be green. She can right-click the Subtitle style in the Styles pane and then click _____.


Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to apply a shape style: Shape > Format tab > Shape Styles > X > Style (of your choice)?

more button

Alexis needs the text after a tab character to be moved further to the right. She should do which of the following?

move the appropriate tab stop to the right

You can use the _____ to quickly move to a specific page in the document.

navigation pane

As you change the number format of a chart axis using the Format Axis pane, which of the following axis options can you also add?

number format code

Karen has a document with a list of five priorities in separate paragraphs. The priorities are listed in order from most important to least important. Which of the following options is the best way to format this list?

numbered list

The Clipboard task pane shows the contents of the _____.

office clipboard

Jacki needs all Heading 1 text to appear green. Which of the following methods is the best way to achieve this?

open the modify style dialogue box for heading 1 and change the font color to green

Which of the following methods is the best way to find a word in a document?

open the navigation pane and then enter the search text

To preserve the original version of a workbook so you can make changes to a copy of it, which of the following would you do?

open the workbook, make changes, and then save it using a different name

To rotate cell contents to an exact value, you change its _____.


Which of the following is a text effect you can select from the Text Effects and Typography gallery?


Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in?

page break preview

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11", which Excel tab would you use?

page layout

Which of the following tabs lets you set worksheet print options?

page layout

Which of the following views shows how a worksheet will appear when printed?

page layout view

Which worksheet view shows headers, footers, and rulers?

page layout view

You double-click the Format Painter button when you want to _____.

paste the same format multiple times

Which type of chart would you create to compare expenses in each department as a percentage of all expenses?

pie chart

To switch between two open windows, do which of the following?

point to the word icon on the taskbar and then click a document

Jeremiah inserted a table and needs to fill it with data. After entering a value, he should do which of the following to move the insertion point to the next cell in the row?

press TAB

Which of the following methods copies an existing worksheet within the same workbook?

press and hold CTRL and drag its sheet tab to a new location

Dan needs to view his document as it will appear after being printed. Which view should he use?

print layout

Which view most closely resembles how your document will look when printed?

print layout

After selecting a range of data, what can you click to display common chart types based on the range you selected?

quick analysis button

You can create conditional cell formats using either the Home tab or the _____.

quick analysis tool

Eric wants to rearrange the legend, title, gridlines, and other elements in a bar chart. Which of the following tools can he use to change many chart elements at the same time?

quick layout button

Rihanna wants to display document text so that it is easy to read on screen. Which of the following views should she use?

read mode

Walter selected data on a worksheet to show in a chart. Which button on the Insert tab can he click to display charts appropriate for the selected data?

recommended charts button

Gabrielle accidentally deleted several paragraphs in her document. To restore her work, she should do which of the following?

recover unsaved changes using the info screen on the file tab

To view the entire page of a document, which of the following should you do?

reduce the zoom level

Which of the following options is included in the Bibliography gallery?


In the formula =A8*$A$1, which of the following describes A8?

relative cell reference

Chloe notices that when she inserts a tab character, her insertion point moves to the right side of the page and the text she enters is right-justified. She does not want tab characters to behave this way. She should do which of the following?

remove the tab stop

If you want to change all occurrences of "Radio" to "TV" in a worksheet, you can use the _____ command.


Shane is reading through a document that has comments from his editor. He needs to respond to one of the comments. He should do which of the following?

reply to the comment

What is a simple way to signify that a concern raised in a comment has been addressed?

resolve the comment

When a red wavy line appears below a word, which of the following methods do you use to accept a spelling change?

right-click the misspelled word, then select a correction option

Jessica encounters text in a document that appears blue and underlined. When she presses CTRL and clicks the text, she is taken to a website. She wants the text to appear and behave like normal text. Which of the following should she do?

right-click the text and remove hyperlink

Andrew accidentally misspelled a word. To correct the error, he can do which of the following?

right-click the word and select the desire suggested spelling

Kennedy needs to rotate a horizontal picture so it appears in a vertical orientation. She should click the Rotate button then select which of the following options?

rotate left 90 degress

Tom clicked and dragged the rotation handle above a picture. This resulted in which of the following?

rotated the shape to an approximate value

The _____ show the document margins.


Where do you rename a workbook and adjust its save location?

save as dialog box

Jane has created a new document and entered some text. What should she do to ensure she does not lose her work?

save the document

Which of the following options can you set to make sure a worksheet will print on one page?


Which of the following helps you move around a worksheet that is too large to fit on the screen at once?

scroll bars

Derek needs to change all green text in a document to purple text. Which of the following methods is the most efficient way to locate green text in the document?

search for text based on font color

Laura is changing data in a worksheet, but the worksheet is not updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

select the automatic except for data tables option

Dana created a column chart showing four quarters of data, but she no longer wants to display the Quarter 1 data series. How can she quickly remove it?

select the date series then press DEL

To change the shading of a cell in a table, which of the following should be done first?

select the desired cell

Jasmine needs to select the first sentence of a paragraph and the last sentence of a paragraph simultaneously. The text is nonadjacent. Which of the following should she do?

select the first sentence, then press and hold CTRL while selecting the second sentence

Jenna changed the font color of a heading with the Heading 1 style to green. She wants all headings with the Heading 1 style in the document to be green. Which of the following is the best way to achieve this?

select the green heading 1 header, then update the heading 1 style to match the selection

Hailey wants to resize a picture using percentages of its original size. She should do which of the following?

select the lock aspect ratio check box before entering percentages

Patrick is editing a worksheet with many formulas and functions, making the worksheet slow to update when he changes data. How can he work more efficiently?

select the manual calculation option

To enter your name in the lower right corner of a worksheet page, you can _____.

select the right footer text box and type your name

Brian needs to view the paragraph marks in a document. Which of the following should he do?

select the show/hide button

Laila needs to change the formatting of a table. To do so, which of the following does she need to do first?

select the table

Joseph needs to remove the formatting from a selection of text. He should do which of the following?

select the text and click all formatting

Susan typed a long title using lowercase text, but needs to change the title to uppercase text. Which of the following is the best way to change the title?

select the text, click the change case button in the font group, then select UPPERCASE

Before you can align pictures with each other, what do you need to do?

select two or more pictures

Ashley needs to find an underlined word in a 100-page document. Which of the following is the most efficient way to find the word?

serach for underline formatting

Which of the following formatting enhancements can you apply to paragraphs?


Which of the following is a way to format a paragraph?


You can change the color of a data series by selecting the series and then clicking the _____ button.

shape fill

Which of the following can you apply to a data series to change its appearance?

shape style

To rename a worksheet, you change the text on the _____.

sheet tab

Which of the following can you use to change the amount of space set before the active paragraph?

spacing before box on the layout tab

Alexandra wants text to appear within a circle shape in her document. After selecting the shape, she should do which of the following?

start typing the desired text

Kathy wants to add the numbers entered in a range of selected cells. To do this, which tab will she click on the menu that appears after clicking on Totals in the Quick Analysis option?


A _____ is a point on the horizontal ruler that indicates where to align text.

tab stop

To create a workbook containing text, formulas, macros, and formatting that you use repeatedly, you create a _____.


Makayla inserted a shape and wants to change the way text flows around it. What should she change

text wrapping

Which of the following statements is true about COUNT functions?

the COUNT function returns the number of cells in a range that contain number date

Which of the following is true when you copy and paste formulas using the fill handle?

the autofill options button lets you fill cells with specific elements of the copied cel

After you delete a worksheet column, _____.

the column to its right shift left

Ben has added a source for a quotation. To insert a citation using this source, he can click the Insert Citation button and then click which option?

the desired source in the list of sources

Which of the following formulas totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently?

the formula =SUM(B6:B10)

When you paste formula cells using the Paste button in the Clipboard group, which of the following is true?

the paste option button then lets you paste specific elements of the copied cells

Austin needs to emphasize text by applying a transparent color to the text. Which of the following tools should he use?

the text highlight color button

If you discover an error immediately after you have confirmed a cell entry, what of the following would you use next?

the undo button on the quick access toolbar

A _____ is a set of unified design elements for a document, including colors, fonts, and effects.


Why would you use the Line and Paragraph Spacing arrow on the Home tab?

to add or remove space b/w paragraphs

Which of the following is true about deleting a worksheet row?

to delete a row, you can select the row, then use the delete button in the cells group

When would you explode a slice in a pie chart?

to emphasize one date point

For which of the following would you use the Paste list arrow on the Ribbon when pasting a copied cell?

to paste the value's number formatting only

To paste a data range so that column data appears in rows and row data appears in columns, you can _____ the data using the Paste list arrow.


Which of the following elements can you add to a chart to display a line representing the general direction in a data series?


To select a paragraph, do which of the following?

triple click the paragraph

Clicking the Percentage style in the Number Format list applies _____ decimal places by default.


Joe accidentally deleted a paragraph. Which of the following is the fastest way to restore the paragraph?

undo the action

Madison bolded text formatted using the Subtitle style, and now wants all Subtitle text to be bold. She can right-click the Subtitle style in the Styles pane and then click _____.

update subtitle to match selection

To ensure your bibliography accurately reflects the sources in your source list, do which of the following?

update the bibliography

Katlyn needs to remove all tab characters from a document. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

use the find and replace dialogue box to locate the tab characters

Jaylen needs a shape in her document to have the same formatting as another shape in her document. She should do which of the following?

use the format painter

Which of the following do you use to change the document margins?

use the margins button in the page setup group of the layout tab to select the desired option

Joanne needs each page in her document to be numbered. She should do which of the following?

use the page number button

Caleb created a column chart that lists numbers from $50,000 to $0 on the left. What can he add to the chart to indicate that these are monthly revenue amounts?

vertical axis title

Which of the following is a document view you an select using a button on the status bar?

web layout view

Which of the following is true when you delete a cell?

when you delete cells using the delete list arrow, you can choose which way to move adjacent cells

When should you use relative cell references?

when you want to preserve the relationship to the formula location

To create a list of sources cited in your document, insert which of the following?

works cited

Which of the following is true about adding cell borders?

you can add a border to the left, top, right, or bottom edge of a cell

Which of the following is true of the Excel spell checker?

you can change all instances of a flagged work to a selected sugestion

Which of the following is not true about setting column width?

you can change the width of only one column at a time

Which of the following is true about moving cell contents?

you can move cells using the drag-and-drop feature

What can you use to enlarge the document in the document window so you can focus on a detail?

zoom slider

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