Computer Science Essentials: QUIZ 3/1/18 Price Per Slice

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A technique or process that manages complexity in a program or computer system. It "hides" details or removes duplication, allowing the programmer to focus on high-level considerations and functions rather than the rules of a programming language


In programming, a named section of a program that performs a specific task. A function is a block of organized and reusable code that performs a single action. A function can be a procedure or a subroutine. In a sense, many of the blocks in MIT App Inventor can be thought of as functions. In Python there are many built-in functions, because all programmers need many of the same actions to be executed often.


The quality of how easy is it for a user to use an app without any explanation outside of the app.

More to know for: Procedures, Methods, and Functions

- A function returns a value, but a procedure does not have to. - A function accepts input values and returns one or more values. - A procedure is a small component of a computer program that may contain one or several specific algorithms to accomplish a certain task. - Methods are similar to functions in text-based programming languages like Python®.

How does abstraction in the programming language make code easier to understand?

- Abstraction hides complexity and removes duplications - that's the basis of it - Once the functionality is created, what is inside the procedure is no longer that important to us. It does what you want it to, and you can reuse it any time you need that function. In this way, programmers spend less time expanding and debugging programs.

How are details being hidden or removed by an abstraction?

- Through the process of abstraction, a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency. The details are being hidden/removed by giving a name to a piece of code, an example would be our procedures. These are abstractions because we create the code in one spot but when using it in other pieces of code we just pull over the name of the procedure. - When you create procedures or operations that are used over and over, you are applying the idea of abstraction to manage complexity in a program. You can use the same coding construct over and over without concern about what's inside it, just what it does.


A function that is a member of a class.

The difference between a global and local variable.

A global variable is used by the entire app while a local variable is only used where the creator puts it and uses it in the code in a specific area. (better wording?)


A mathematical operator that performs division, but returns the remainder.


A sequence of actions or instructions to follow in solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Also called subprogram, a procedure is a group of statements that may be used at one or more points in a computer program. In MIT App Inventor, many commonly used procedures (procedure blocks) are premade.


Conditional Statement: A programming statement that evaluates Boolean conditionals as being either true or false to the path and next steps in a program. These statements are often written as "if-then" or "if-else" statements

Procedural abstraction

The process of applying or using a procedure and only knowing what the procedure does, without knowing how it does it.


To break down a complex problem or system into smaller parts that are more manageable and easier to understand.

Extra word: Algorithms

a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

How are arithmetic and logical concepts integrated into algorithms?

do u know the difference between a logic statement to a mathematical statement? WHAT - Arithmetic is math - Logical are the or, true, false, = - Logical operators will provide input to the user by using them in If-Then statements by telling the app what to do if it is true, false, =, etc. - Add an actual explanation plz

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