Computer Science6

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337) (Vocab) a popular GUI operating system for personal computers

Microsoft Windows

361) Suppose you have a word processing application on your smartphone, your tablet, and your laptop. You are at home, and you need to write a paper for a class. A _____ would be easiest to use for writing your paper.


339) (Vocab) a small startup program stored on a chip on the computer's main circuit board

system BIOS

88) (Vocab) a system used to outline the program flow using shapes and arrows


457) (Vocab) pauses the program until the user enters a response, which can be saved in a variable


30) (Vocab) known as the computer chip, created by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce in 1958

integrated circuit

148) (Vocab) a career discipline that focuses on developing and maintaining large software systems

software engineering

166) Most users expect a web page to load in _____ seconds or less.


185) Comments are used to write pseudocode outlines. How do you indicate that a line is a comment? You start the line with a _____.


455) What is the value of the variable result after these lines of code are executed? >>> a = 2 >>> b = -3 >>> c = 4 >>> result = (a - b) * c The value of result is


429) What is the result of the arithmetic operation? 3**4 =


118) (Vocab) first widely used programming language, mostly used in business and finance


128) _____ _____ worked with Ada Lovelace to develop the first general-use mechanical computer, called the Analytical Engine.

Charles Babbage

149) _____ _____ is the most theoretical computing discipline, focusing mostly on finding new and better ways for computers to work.

Computer science

412) (/) (Pattern recognition/ Decomposition) is a technique for breaking a problem down into smaller, less complex parts.


221) (Vocab) a service on the internet that translates back and forth between IP addresses and domain names (DNS)

Domain Name System

121) (Vocab) a command line operating system for a single user, developed by Microsoft


32) (Vocab) internal component of a computer or device that stores programs and data, either temporarily or permanently, and is directly accessed by the CPU


17) (Vocab) embedded device in accessories, clothing, and even the user's body that have the ability to communicate over the Internet

wearable technology

44) (/) (second generation/ third generation/ first generation): a set of computers that uses transistors instead of vacuum tubes

second generation

61) Primary memory is _____ and _____ _____

volatile, not permanent

278) A data _____ is the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one computer to another.


195) (Vocab) a device that uses voice recognition to provide a service

voice assistant

297) (Vocab) a conceptual model that describes how data travel from one networked device to another by traveling through a series of layers, each with its own protocols and methods

TCP/IP model

367) (/) (Servers/ Laptops/ Tablets/ Desktops) use only apps acquired from app stores.


340) (Vocab) A version of Microsoft Windows designed for servers

Windows Server

472) (Vocab) converts data to boolean


12) (Vocab) human thinking and problem solving by a machine, including learning, reasoning, and self-correction (AI)

artificial intelligence

52) (Vocab) raw data that are entered into a computer for processing, can be images, text, sound, etc.


424) Which number is equivalent to 72.5e-2? A - 0.725 B - 7.25 C - 7250 D - 72.5

A - 0.725

384) Which of these file formats would you choose if you had to create a vector graphic? A - Adobe Illustrator (ai) B - Portable Network Graphic (png) C - Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx) D - Graphic Interchange Format (gif)

A - Adobe Illustrator (ai)

42) Who was the British scientist that broke the German Enigma Code in WWII? A - Alan Turing B - Bill Gates C - Charles Babbage D - Ada Lovelace

A - Alan Turing

276) Which term describes a protocol to manage a network, able to configure a network, monitor activity, and control devices? A - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) B - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) C - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) D - Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP 3)

A - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

280) (Vocab) a network access layer protocol that translates between IP addresses and MAC address (ARP)

Address Resolution Protocol

270) Which statement is most likely to be true about a computer network? A - A network has to have physical cables connecting the devices in the network. B - A network can consist of a single computer with no other devices in communication with that computer. C - A network can have several client computers and only one server. D - A network can have several servers and only one client.

C - A network can have several client computers and only one server.

301) What type of address is used at the network access layer to uniquely identify a piece of network hardware? A - datagram B - IP address C - MAC address D - frame

C - MAC address

441) What will you see after on the next line? >>> int("3.9") A - 4 B - 3 C - an error statement D - 3.9

C - an error statement

167) _____ is the ability of a system to grow as the volume of users increases.


227) (Vocab) a secure version of HTTP (HTTPS)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

204) (Vocab) an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a numerical reference to a particular device in a network

IP address

438) (Multiple Answers; /) What type of data is the result of each of the following lines of code (int/ float/ string)? 1 - str(2.34) 2 - int('2') 3 - float(2)

1 - string 2 - int 3 - float

323) (Multiple Answers; /) 1 - (wireless/ wired) connections tend to be more reliable, secure, and faster than (wireless/ wired) connections. 2 - (wireless/ wired) connections tend to be more convenient than (wireless/ wired), allowing users to be more mobile.

1 - wired, wireless 2 - wireless, wired

446) (Vocab) A statement that assigns a value to a variable

assignment statement

418) (Vocab) integers such as 3, -2400, and 0


365) (/) You can buy new applications at a retail store on DVD for (tablets/ smartphones/ laptops).


357) (Vocab) an application designed to run on a tablet or a smartphone

mobile application

259) (Vocab) rules used by computers in a network

network protocol

126) (Vocab) computer first developed by IBM, that provides functionality to users, that can be operated in their home, without a programmer or technician, offered at a size and price that appealed to the masses

personal computer

231) (Vocab) a web-based tool that enables users to find websites based on keyword searches

search engine

359) (Vocab) an application designed to be run in a web browser using data from a web server; requires an internet connection to run

web application

239) (Vocab) a collection of related web pages, usually with a common domain name


341) (Vocab) a 64-bit operating system or processor


103) (Vocab) software or service available to help people cooperate on projects and accomplish tasks together

collaboration tool

371) (Vocab) a file containing the code needed to run a program

executable file

69) (Vocab) step in the fetch-execute cycle where the instruction is processed or carried out


70) (Vocab) step in the fetch-execute cycle where the CPU gets the next program instruction from memory


417) (Vocab) a number with decimal places such as 2.3 and -8.78


5) This lesson discussed some changes seen in very young children using computers. Which of these was mentioned in the lesson as being associated with increased screen time? A - improved development of mental abilities B - poorer development of mental abilities C - more hours of sleep at night D - less hours of sleep at night

B - poorer development of mental abilities

183) What is the output when you run the following program? print(3 + 7) print("2 + 3") A - 10 2 + 3 B - 3 + 7 2 + 3 C - 3 + 7 5 D - 10 5

A - 10 2 + 3

426) What is the result for the following line of code? >>> print("one" + "day") A - oneday B - one day C - one + day D - one day

A - oneday

328) (Vocab) a free Linux-based operating system for mobile devices


40) Who invented the mouse? A - Alan Turing B - Douglas Engelbart C - Bill Gates D - Tim Berners-Lee

B - Douglas Engelbart

134) (/) (Charles Babbage/ Grace Hopper/ William Shockley/ Bill Gates) developed the first compiler and conducted work that led to the development of COBOL.

Grace Hopper

253) (Vocab) a protocol that controls how data is transmitted for the World Wide Web (HTTP)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

156) (Vocab) process that monitors system traffic and adds resources as needed, within set limits


157) (Vocab) a process to determine what volume a system can handle by comparing its performance to standards in the industry


379)A file with a com extension is most likely to be a(n) _____ file.


202) (Vocab) the degree to which a network can continue to function despite one or more of its processes or components breaking or being unavailable


372) (Vocab) a collection of computer bits that are stored together under a common name


203) (Vocab) ability to prevent a file from being accidentally deleted or damaged

file protection

27) a system that offers users icons and images instead of only text commands (GUI)

graphical user interface

120) (Vocab) permanently connecting physical circuits, cannot be changed by software


107) (Vocab) relates to the design of technologies to improve how people communicate with devices and applications (HCI)

human computer interaction

287) (Vocab) the network model layer that is concerned with the IP addresses of the sender and receiver

internet layer

73) (Vocab) word that cannot be used in a Python program, except for its intended purpose


180) A _____-level language uses zeros and ones.


230) (Vocab) a network design in which there are multiple possible paths between any two locations


123) (Vocab) a central processing unit on a single chip


476) (/) You can join the Army if you are over 17 and healthy. Have you met those requirements if you are 16 and healthy (yes/no)?


474) (Vocab) a boolean operator that returns false only when both conditions are false


460) Telling the user the average is an example of


403) (Vocab) technique of looking for similarities between problems or objects

pattern recognition

56) (Vocab) external device that connects to the computer to add functionality, can be an input device, output device, or both


374) (Vocab) a file containing only text, without formatting

plain text file

16) (Vocab) computer technology based on quantum mechanics, where data is stored using the quantum properties of particles, dramatically increasing computing capabilities

quantum computing

405) (Vocab) adding details to a model to make it less abstract, the inverse process to abstraction


475) (Vocab) an operator used to compare two values

relational operator

435) (Vocab) converts numeric data to string


447) (Vocab) Identifier used to store a value


377) (Vocab) a line drawing stored using math formulas

vector graphic

477) (/) You can earn a scholarship if you have an ACT over 30 or you are valedictorian of your high school. Have you earned a scholarship if you have an ACT of 34 but are not the valedictorian (yes/no)?


274) _____ _____ rules used by a computer network.

Network protocol

98) What is the purpose of this rectangular shape in a flowchart? A - process B - input or output C - start or end D - decision

A - process

184) (Multiple Answers) Complete the sentences describing a cycle. 1 - During the _____ step, the CPU gets the instruction from memory. 2 - Next, during the _____ step, the CPU deciphers or interprets the instruction. 3 - In the _____ step, the CPU then carries out the instruction. 4 - The final step, _____, is to save the result.

1 - fetch 2 - decode 3 - execute 4 - store

79) (/) Choose the type of error that matches the described situation. 1 - Results of program are returned but they are not correct because the computation was designed incorrectly. (exception/ logical error/ syntax error) 2 - Error caused by incorrect indentation of a line. (exception/ logical error/ syntax error) 3Error caused by trying to open a file that cannot be found. (exception/ logical error/ syntax error)

1 - logical error 2 - syntax error 3 - exception

450) What is the value of the variable result after this code is executed? >>> a = 7 >>> b = 2 >>> c = 0 >>> result = a * b - b / (c + b) >>> result Output:


453) What is the value of the variable result after these lines of code are executed? >>> a = 10 >>> b = 2 >>> c = 5 >>> result = a * b - a / c The value of the variable is


448) What is the value of the variable moneyDue after these lines of code are executed? >>> numSodas = 2 >> costSodas = 1.50 >>> moneyDue = numSodas * costSodas The value of moneyDue is


454) What is the value of the variable result after these lines of code are executed? >>> a = 3 >>> b = 2 >>> c = 0 >>> result = a * b - c * b The value of result is


82) Which of the programs below will result in the following output? Hours 8 8.5 10 Total 26.5 A - print("Hours") print(8) print(8.5) print(10) print("Total") print(8 + 8.5 + 10) B - print("Hours") print("8") print("8.5") print("10") print("Total") print("8" + "8.5" + "10") C - print(Hours) print(8) print(8.5) print(10) print(Total) print(8 + 8.5 + 10) D - print("Hours") print("8") print("8.5") print("10") print("Total") print("8 + 8.5 + 10")

A - print("Hours") print(8) print(8.5) print(10) print("Total") print(8 + 8.5 + 10)

430) Which data type is 2.5? A - float B - single C - string D - int

A - float

190) Which discipline would you study to help a company have better tech support? A - information technology B - computer science C - computer engineering D - information systems

A - information technology

465) What can you change, if anything, in this line so that there will not be a space between the dollar sign and the amount of money due? print("You owe $", moneyDue) A - print("You owe $" + str(moneyDue)) B - The space cannot be removed. C - print("You owe $" , str(moneyDue)) D - You do not need to change anything. There is no space.

A - print("You owe $" + str(moneyDue))

7) Which economic impact of computers was mentioned in this lesson? A - the rising cost of personal computers B - the improvement in quality of life C - the prevalence of computers used in the workplace D - the decreasing size of computer screens

C - the prevalence of computers used in the workplace

91) (Vocab) simplified programming language used to outline an algorithm during planning


208) (Vocab) connects computers within a network and controls the flow of information between them


315) (Vocab) type of network that provides a private point-to-point connection across the internet (VPN)

virtual private network

317) a type of local area network that provides wireless connectivity (WLAN)

wireless LAN

388) Which of these is a possible drawback of buying computer hardware or software in person from a local retail store? A - paying too much B - merchandise not as described C - inability to return the product D - having to wait for delivery

A - paying too much

411) (/) (Programming/ Computational thinking) allows you to break down a complex problem into understandable parts so that step-by-step solutions can be found. It includes four techniques.

Computational thinking

20) With _____, devices are embedded in accessories, clothing, or the user's body and connect to the Internet of Things to process and store data. A - Moore's Law B - artificial intelligence C - quantum computers D - wearable technologies

D - wearable technologies

392) One day you tap your smartphone screen to turn it on, and nothing happens. It appears to be turned off and will not turn on. What should you try first to fix it? A - plug it into a charger for an hour B - submerge it in a bag of rice for 24 hours C - perform a hard reset D - perform a soft reset

A - plug it into a charger for an hour

277) Computer networks allow computers to send information to each other. What is the term used to describe the basic unit of data passed from one computer to another? A - package B - message C - packet D - transmission

C - packet

65) The concept of "space" on a computer usually refers to the _____. A - number of slots open on the motherboard B - amount of total primary memory C - storage available on the hard drive D - amount of software loaded

C - storage available on the hard drive

414) (/) (Refinement/ Abstraction) is a technique where the general characteristics are kept and the details are hidden.


101) What is the function of the following shape (diamond)? A - display result to user B - get input from user C - process information D - make a decision

D - make a decision

360) _____ devices are best suited for complex activities such as video editing.


255) (Vocab) an email protocol which retrieves email without deleting the email and its attachments from the server (IMAP)

Internet Message Access Protocol

129) _____ _____ invented the transistor and started a company that led to the growth of Silicon Valley as a technology hub.

William Shockley

197) (Multiple Answers) Which communication device uses wireless data transmission? Select 4 options. a - satellite internet providers b - smart speakers c - Ethernet cables d - smartphones e - Bluetooth headphones

a - satellite internet providers b - smart speakers d - smartphones e - Bluetooth headphones

187) (Multiple Answers) A website allows doctors to share ideas on how to treat a particular kind of rare cancer. As the number of doctors using the website increases, all the doctors benefit from the greater pool of knowledge. This is an example of _____. Select 2 options. a - the network effect b - augmented reality c - a collaboration tool d - cloud computing e - virtual reality

a - the network effect c - a collaboration tool

400) (Vocab) technique where important general characteristics are kept, while details are ignored


281) (Vocab) the network model layer concerned with the sending and receiving applications and their requirements

application layer

47) (Vocab) software that allows users to complete a specific task

application software

218) (Vocab) the high-speed fiberoptic pathways that carry large amounts of data between key strategic locations on the internet


368) (Vocab) a plain text file containing a list of executable commands that should run in sequential order

batch file

353) (Vocab) an application that helps the user make creative work such as a picture, sound, or video

creativity application

140) (Vocab) a collection of data stored in a structured format


284) (Vocab) a quantity of data that is transmitted on a network without concern for whether it is accurate or whether it arrives at its destination


67) (Vocab) identify the expected output of a program


402) (Vocab) technique where a problem is broken down into smaller, less complex parts


159) (Vocab) interrupted access to a system or website, caused by too many simultaneous requests, can be accidental or intentional attacks

denial of service

172) (/) After a system is released and the user base grows, the demands on the development and support team will (decrease/ increase). The development team can scale (horizontally/ vertically) by adding new people to the team.

increase, horizontally

458) Asking the user for four numbers is an example of


89) (Vocab) data provided to a program


84) A _____ is a reserved word and can only be used for its intended purpose within a Python program.


288) (Vocab) a measurement of the amount of delay in data reaching their destination on a network


72) (Vocab) does not prevent the program from running but yields an incorrect result, sometimes called a semantic error

logical error

31) (Vocab) a language written for computers, usually specific to the computer's hardware, which is closer to machine language

low-level programming language

147) (Vocab) very small technology, sometimes using units as small as molecules


109) (Vocab) as communities or networks of people grow, the value of the network increases

network effect

74) (Vocab) set of instructions for a computer to perform


263) (Vocab) a collection of rules


163) (Vocab) a computer that handles requests from and returns data to other computers in a network


421) (Vocab) a function used to determine the data type


37) (Vocab) a glass tube containing electrodes used as a switch to produce on or off signals for the computer, 1904 (first generation of computing)

vacuum tube

378) (Vocab) a file containing a video clip, with or without sound

video file

112) (Vocab) real-life settings recreated in a virtual device, like a headset; the real world is blocked out and the experience is fully immersive

virtual reality

381) Use the _____ file format if you need to create macros in an Excel file.


318) Which of the following statements is true regarding local area networks? Select 3 options. a - traditionally used Ethernet cables to connect devices b - can include wired and wireless connections c - uses satellite technology for connections d - connects devices in a large geographic area e - often used in homes and small businesses

a - traditionally used Ethernet cables to connect devices b - can include wired and wireless connections e - often used in homes and small businesses

23) (Vocab) a precise set of instructions used to solve a problem or perform a calculation


470) (Vocab) a boolean operator that returns true only when both conditions are true


102) (Vocab) when a digital layer is applied to the real world, enhancing it; the real world is the foundation with added digital elements

augmented reality

173) (/) (load balancing/ autoscaling/ benchmarking): process that monitors system traffic and adds resources as needed, within set limits


169) By using the cloud to support their application or website, developers have access to services like _____ that increases the capacity of the system automatically, with preset limits. Cloud solutions also offer _____ _____, which divides the tasks between network resources based on traffic and their individual capacities.

autoscaling, load balancing

3) (Multiple Answers) Which devices are likely to include a computer? Select 3 options. a - toaster b - ATM cash machine at the bank c - cell phone d - GPS mapping device e - lawnmower

b - ATM cash machine at the bank c - cell phone d - GPS mapping device

104) (Vocab) the increasing accessibility of technology, allowing more people to access and create content and applications

democratization of technology

171) (/) A (timeout/ denial of service) occurs when access to a website is interrupted because there are too many simultaneous requests, and may result in a (timeout/ denial of service) when the time limit for accessing the resource is reached.

denial of service, timeout

223) (Vocab) an application that sends and receives email addresses on an individual computer

email client

311) (Vocab) wire traditionally used to connect devices on a local area network

ethernet cable

122) (Vocab) commands that the computer can understand


314) (Vocab) type of network that provides connectivity for one person's devices, within one building (PAN)

personal area network

196) (Vocab) the push that makes electrons move in a wire; the greater the voltage, the stronger the push


198) Digital signals transmit zeros and ones through changes in _____


236) (Vocab) software that enables users to view web pages

web browser

238) (Vocab) an internet server that stores websites and delivers their content to web browsers as requested

web server

316) (Vocab) connects devices across a broad area like a city, country, or globally (WAN)

wide area network

326) (/) Connecting to a (wide area network (WAN)/ wireless local area network (WLAN)/ local area network (LAN)) usually involves using a public network with phone lines or satellite signals to relay the messages.

wide area network (WAN)

342) (Vocab) a 32-bit operating system or processor


345) _____: a non-Apple operating system used on mobile devices such as tablets.


182) Which is an input device? A - printer B - mouse C - speaker D - monitor

B - mouse

38) Who designed the Analytical Engine in the 1930s? A - Steve Wozniak B - Bill Gates C - Charles Babbage D - Alan Turing

C - Charles Babbage

26) a machine designed in 1822 by Charles Babbage to evaluate polynomials for given values to eight decimal places

Difference Engine

468) (/) The (print()/ display()/ input()) function is used to display the program's output.


254) (Vocab) a secure version of HTTP (HTTPS)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS

124) (Vocab) a productivity suite that includes applications like Word, Excel, and Outlook

Microsoft Office

235) (Vocab) the address of a web page or website, such as (URL)

Uniform Resource Locator

309) (Vocab) the amount of data that can be sent over a network connection; its capacity


205) (Vocab) a number used within a computer to identify a specific process


39) (Multiple Answers; /) Choose the appropriate computing generation. (1st Generation/ 2nd Generation/ 3rd Generation/ 4th Generation/ 5th Generation) 1 - artificial intelligence 2- integrated circuits 3 - microprocessors 4 - parallel processing

1 - 5th Generation 2 - 3rd Generation 3 - 4th Generation 4 - 5th Generation

191) (Multiple Answers) What type of scaling is each of these? Vertical or horizontal? 1 - adding a server: _____ 2 - adding memory to a server: _____

1 - horizontal 2 - vertical

115) Lifelong learning _____. A - stops when your career is over B - can be formal or informal C - is only important for professionals with advanced degrees D - includes formal classroom training only

B - can be formal or informal

213) A _____ is a device that sends data from one network to another. A - shared resource B - switch C - router D - switch

C - router

81) What will be the result from running the following program? print("Grades") print("92") print("80") print("Total") print("92 + 80") A - SyntaxError: unexpected data type B - Grades 92 80 Total 172 C - Grades 92 80 Total 9280 D - Grades 92 80 Total 92 + 80

D - Grades 92 80 Total 92 + 80

229) (Vocab) a company that provides internet access to customers for a fee (ISP)

Internet Service Provider

410) Taking a recipe and breaking it down into its individual sections, like ingredients, preparation, cooking instructions, and nutritional information, is an example of _____. a - pattern recognition b - refinement c - decomposition d - abstraction

c - decomposition

335) (Vocab) software that acts as an interface between the operating system and a specific hardware device


356) (Vocab) an application that entertains the user, such as a game

entertainment application

312) (Vocab) type of network that connects devices in a smaller area, like a home or building (LAN)

local area network

290) (Vocab) the network model layer that is concerned with the physical transportation and delivery of network data

network access layer

291) (Vocab) a backlog of network traffic, resulting in data being delayed in reaching their destination

network congestion

419) (Vocab) a data type consisting of integers or decimal numbers


294) (Vocab) the resending of a packet that has gotten lost on the way to its network destination


55) (Vocab) hardware that is used to convey information from the computer, such as a monitor, speakers, or a printer

output device

95) Which shape is used for input and output? _____


58) (Vocab) sets of instructions for a computer or device, provides a way to interact with the computer hardware


427) What is the result of the arithmetic operation? 5**2 =


350) Which operating system comes on an iPad? A - iOS B - Linux C - Android D - macOS

A - iOS

246) What aspect of the internet makes it fault-tolerant? A - mesh design B - fiber-optic cable C - email servers D - web servers

A - mesh design

307) What data unit is addressed based on the IP address of the recipient? A - packet B - frame C - section D - segment

A - packet

330) (Vocab) a GUI operating system that runs only on Apple desktop and laptop computers

Apple macOS

463) What will be the output of the following program? Assume the user responds with a 5 for the first number and a 4 for the second number. answerA = input("Enter a number. ") answerB = input("Enter a second number. ") numberA = int(answerA) numberB = int(answerB) result = numberA + numberB / 2 print ("The result is" , result) A - The result is4.5 B - The result is 7.0 C - The result is7.0 D - The result is 4.5

B - The result is 7.0

393) Suppose you are purchasing a game at a local retail store that comes on DVD. In order to install it on your laptop, what must the laptop have? A - an external monitor B - an optical drive C - an internet connection D - a keyboard with a separate keypad for the arrow keys

B - an optical drive

211) The IP address and the port are both numbers. Which statement is true? A - A computer has many IP addresses and one port. B - A computer has many IP addresses and many ports. C - A computer has one IP address and many ports. D - A computer has one IP address and one port.

C - A computer has one IP address and many ports.

226) (Vocab) a protocol (a set of rules) for how web content should be sent and received by a web browser (HTTP)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

43) Tim Berners-Lee invented the _____ _____ _____

World Wide Web

370) (Vocab) a file containing text and text formatting instructions

document file

220) (Vocab) the part of a URL that corresponds to the web server's address, such as

domain name

473) (Vocab) a boolean operator that returns the opposite of the condition's truth value


127) (Vocab) Microsoft's line of GUI operating systems


119) (Vocab) a computer program that translates higher level programming languages into machine-code


139) (Vocab) a career discipline that focuses on computing theory and developing new computing technologies and techniques

computer science

416) (Vocab) the process of connecting two or more strings together using the + sign


145) (Vocab) a career discipline that focuses on helping businesses manage their data

information systems

466) (/) The (input()/ display()/ print()) function is used to acquire data from the user.


257) (Vocab) a conceptual model used by devices that are part of the internet which enables the internet to function, also called the TCP/IP protocol suite

internet protocol suite

445) What will you see on the next line? >>> round(9.6)


433) (Vocab) a function that converts a number or a string of digits into a float


53) (Vocab) hardware that is used to enter data into a computer, such as a keyboard, mouse, or microphone

input device

331) (Vocab) to start a computer


456) What is the value of the variable result after these lines of code are executed? >>> a = 6 >>> b = 2 >>> c = 3 >>> result = a * b - a / c The value of the variable is


444) What will you see on the next line? >>> int(5.6)


93) What is the purpose of this parallelogram shape in a flowchart? A - process B - start or end C - decision D - input or output

D - input or output

347) Which operating system comes on many non-Apple smartphones? A - iOS B - Android C - macOS D - UNIX

B - Android

113) (Vocab) When an online auction site increases its number of users, then the value of the site increases for everyone. This is an example of the _____. A - gig economy B - democratization of technology C - Internet of Things D - network effect

D - network effect

217) Which device contains or manages shared resources in a network? A - the switch B - the router C - the client D - the server

D - the server

136) (/) (Grace Hopper/ Charles Babbage/ Bill Gates/ William Shockley), a British mathematician, developed the concept of a programmable digital computer and worked with Ada Lovelace to design the first mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine.

Charles Babbage

332) (Vocab) a free operating system created by Google

Chrome OS

260) (Vocab) data packet is the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one computer to another (also referred to as a data packet)


289) (Vocab) the address of a physical network device such as a network interface card, expressed as a hexadecimal number (MAC)

Media Access Control address

413) (/) (Pattern recognition/ Decomposition) involves looking for similarities.

Pattern recognition

262) (Vocab) a protocol used to retrieve email, deleting the email and its attachments from the server after the email is retrieved (POP 3)

Post Office Protocol version 3

293) (Vocab) 1) a measurement of the network's ability to deliver packets accurately and quickly; 2) a feature of some network hardware, such as routers, that determines what traffic is the most important and prioritizes its delivery (QoS)

Quality of Service

265) (Vocab) a cryptographic protocol used to manage network devices securely when they are used with a network that is not secure, such as when remotely accessing a computer (SSH)

Secure Shell

269) (Vocab) defines how to begin and maintain a connection between two computers to exchange data (TCP)

Transmission Control Protocol

325) (/) A (campus area network/ virtual private network/ personal area network/ metropolitan area network) is the smallest of the network types and provides connectivity for one person's devices.

personal area network

310) (Vocab) type of network found in schools and businesses that covers several adjacent buildings (CAN)

campus area network

24) (Vocab) a piece of silicon with an electronic circuit embedded in it


401) (Vocab) removes the details of data and keeps its general characteristics, as with a data type

data abstraction

420) (Vocab) a data type consisting of characters


234) (Vocab) a cookie placed on a user's computer by a third-party, such as an advertiser

third-party cookie

21) With _____, human thinking and problem-solving is performed by a machine, including learning, reasoning, and self-correction. A - artificial intelligence B - quantum computers C - wearable technologies D - Moore's Law

A - artificial intelligence

209) Which term describes the degree to which a network can continue to function despite one or more of its processes or components breaking or being unavailable? A - fault-tolerance B - file tolerance C - file protection D - fault-line

A - fault-tolerance

382) Which graphic file format would you choose if you needed to make an animated graphic for a website? A - gif B - png C - ai D - py

A - gif

152) Which of these jobs would be most appropriate for someone who majors in information technology? A - managing the computer network for a large department store B - developing new computing technology that will someday improve network speeds C - designing the hardware for a military helicopter's on-board computer D - managing a database for a large department store

A - managing the computer network for a large department store

305) Suppose you have one particular application that is trying to send data on the Internet but none of the data is making it to the destination. Other applications work fine. What might you suspect is happening? A - The network connection is broken. B - Data loss is occurring due to network congestion. C - The network is experiencing latency. D - Firewall is blocking that application.

D - Firewall is blocking that application.

66) (Multiple Answers) A printer would be considered _____. Select 2 options. a - hardware b - an input device c - an output device d - software e - storage

a - hardware c - an output device

327) (Multiple Answers; /) 1 - (WAN/ LAN): You connect your phone to the wireless router in your home. 2 - (WAN/ LAN): An undersea cable connects the United States network to the European network.

1 - LAN 2 - WAN

440) What will you see after on the next line? >>> round(3.9)


329) (Vocab) an operating system for Apple mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad

Apple iOS

78) What will the output be from the following program? print("hi") print(3 + 4) print("bye") A - "hi" 7 "bye" B - hi 7 bye C - hi, 7, bye D - hi 3 + 4 bye

B - hi 7 bye

480) What is the output of the following program? Assume numA is 4, numB is 2, and numC is 6. if numA < numB and numB < numC: print(numA)elif numB < numA and numB < numC: print(numB) else: print(numC) A - numA B - 2.0 C - numB D - 4.0

B - 2.0

272) Which term means a cryptographic protocol used to manage network devices securely when they are used with a network that is not secure, such as when remotely accessing a computer? A - Telnet B - Secure Shell (SSH) C - Internet Protocol (IP) D - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

B - Secure Shell (SSH)

178) Which describes cloud computing? A - Information is stored on the user's computer. B - A social network allows users to get to know people all over the globe. C - Small businesses can grow by storing data on a remote server. D - All devices are connected to each other through the internet.

C - Small businesses can grow by storing data on a remote server.

248) Another name for a web page's address is _____. A - HTTP B - web server C - URL D - ISP


364) Xcode, Swift, and Appy Pie are all tools for doing what? A - writing code in C# B - creating apps to run on a desktop or laptop C - creating smartphone apps D - writing code in Java

C - creating smartphone apps

132) Grace Hopper's idea that a programming language should run on different machines, led to the development of _____, which was the first widely used programming language.


366) Which of these is a tool for creating mobile apps? A - C++ B - C# C - Apple Pie D - Appy Pie

D - Appy Pie

243) Which of these is not a way of avoiding email fraud and scams? A - Use an antivirus suite that includes an email scanning tool. B - Look for typos and grammatical errors in a suspicious email. C - Don't open attachments from unknown sender. D - If you aren't sure if a link is legitimate, click it to see where it goes.

D - If you aren't sure if a link is legitimate, click it to see where it goes.

279) Which is an email protocol that retrieves email without deleting the email and its attachments from the server? A - Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP 3) B - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) C - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) D - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

D - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

302) If you want to ensure that a particular application receives priority access to the network, you should configure what feature on the router? A - ARP B - UDP C - DHCP D - QoS

D - QoS

86) Which one of the following statements is true regarding the fetch-execute cycle? A - Each step of the fetch-execute cycle is performed once per minute. B - The order of steps in the fetch-execute cycle is fetch-execute-store-decode. C - The fetch-execute cycle is only carried out when a user types in input. D - The device responsible for performing the fetch-execute cycle is the CPU.

D - The device responsible for performing the fetch-execute cycle is the CPU.

154) (/) (Database technology/ Embedded technology/ Nanotechnology/ Help desk technology) is a technology that exists inside another device.

Embedded technology

131) _____, developed by the National Science Foundation, evolved into the modern Internet backbone structure.


125) (Vocab) concept of programs being stored in memory with the data, is used in almost all modern computers

Neumann architecture

471) (Vocab) a data type that is used to represent true and false


175) (/) (load balancing/ autoscaling/ benchmarking): process to determine what volume a system can handle by comparing its performance to standards in the industry


461) (Multiple Answers) Which statements will ask the user for a number? Select 2 options. a - answer = in("How many sodas do you want? ") b - answer = input(How many sodas do you want? ) c - answer = input('How many sodas do you want? ') d - answer = in(How many sodas do you want? ) e - answer = input("How many sodas do you want? ")

c - answer = input('How many sodas do you want? ') e - answer = input("How many sodas do you want? ")

283) (Vocab) the introduction of errors into data as they are being stored or transmitted

data corruption

369) (Vocab) a file that contains a data object such as a document, picture, sound, or video clip

data file

15) (Vocab) an innovation that drastically changes businesses, industries, or consumer markets

disruptive technology

334) (Vocab) short for distribution; a customized version of Linux designed for a specific purpose


286) (Vocab) a data unit used at the network access layer of the TCP/IP model, sending data based on MAC addresses


144) (Vocab) an information technology professional who helps users fix problems with their computer hardware or software

help desk specialist

375) (Vocab) a digital photo or drawing made with a grid of colored dots

raster graphic

164) (Vocab) occurs when a time limit for accessing a resource, like a web page, is reached; can be caused by overloaded systems


63) (Multiple Answers) A keyboard would be considered _____. Select 2 options. a - hardware b - storage c - an output device d - an input device e - software

a - hardware d - an input device

14) (Vocab) computing resources available on-demand over the Internet, providing users with off-site data are storage, management, and processing services

cloud computing

35) (Vocab) the process of distributing program instructions to be executed across multiple processors working at the same time, making processing speed faster and more efficient

parallel processing

57) (Vocab) activity performed by the CPU that converts input into output, or data into usable results


41) Which computer was part of the first generation of computers? A - Apple II B - ENIAC C - UNIVAC D - TRADIC


99) Which shape is used for input or output? A - a diamond B - a parallelogram C - a rectangle D - a rounded rectangle

B - a parallelogram

77) (Vocab) error that prevents the execution of the program, is caused by not following the specific rules of the programming language, such as indentation and punctuation

syntax error

62) Fill in the blank with the type of device. Possible answers: input, output, both 1 - Mouse 2 - Printer 3 - Keyboard 4 - Speakers 5 - Headset with speaker and microphone

1 - input 2 - output 3 - input 4 - output 5 - both

60) (Vocab) software that allows the user to interact with a device and control the hardware, includes operating systems and other utilities

system software

36) (Vocab) an electrical switch with solid materials, invented in 1947 to replace the vacuum tubes (second generation of computing)


92) (Multiple Answers) Before you write a computer program, what can you use for planning? Select 2 options. a - pseudocode b - flowcode c - flowplan d - flowchart e - pseudochart

a - pseudocode d - flowchart

33) (Vocab) a prediction that processing speed would double every 2 years

Moore's Law

94) The task is to ask the user for three numbers and find the average. Which pseudocode gives you the comment outline for the task? A - ask the user for three numbers add the numbers divide by 3 print the average B - # ask the user for three numbers # divide by 3 # print the average C - ask the user for three numbers divide by 3 print the average D - # ask the user for three numbers # add the numbers # divide by 3 # print the average

D - # ask the user for three numbers # add the numbers # divide by 3 # print the average

96) Which statement is true? A - You only use comments for pseudocode. B - A flowchart uses comments that can be kept as a permanent part of a program. C - Pseudocode uses shapes such as rectangles and diamonds to plan a program. D - A comment line begins with #.

D - A comment line begins with #.

83) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true regarding the fetch-execute cycle? Select 3 options. a - The fetch-execute cycle is only carried out when a user types in input. b - The order of steps in the fetch-execute cycle is fetch-decode-execute-store. c - The device responsible for performing the fetch-execute cycle is the CPU. d - Fetch refers to saving output to the hard drive. e - Each step of the fetch-execute cycle is performed for each instruction.

b - The order of steps in the fetch-execute cycle is fetch-decode-execute-store. c - The device responsible for performing the fetch-execute cycle is the CPU. e - Each step of the fetch-execute cycle is performed for each instruction.

25) (Vocab) a chip that executes the instructions within a device, sometimes referred to as the brains of the computer (CPU)

central processing unit

19) _____ states that processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers, will double every 2 years. A - Turing's Law B - Microsoft's Law C - Babbage's Law D - Moore's Law

D - Moore's Law

85) A Python keyword ______________. A - can only be used in the comments section B - can be user defined C - can be used anywhere in a Python program D - cannot be used outside of its intended purpose

D - cannot be used outside of its intended purpose

46) (Multiple Answers) Who invented the ENIAC? More than one answer may apply. a - Ada Lovelace b - Bill Gates c - J. Presper Eckert d - John Mauchly e - Steve Jobs

c - J. Presper Eckert d - John Mauchly

34) (Vocab) software that manages hardware resources and memory of a computing device, such as Windows, iOS, Android, and Ubuntu

operating system

2) (Vocab) the practice of using the internet to provide healthcare without going to a doctor's office or hospital


425) (Multiple Answers; /) Choose the correct data type (string/int/float). 1 - type(3) tells you the type is 2 - type("35") tells you the type is 3 - type(3.5) tells you the type is

1 - int 2 - string 3 - float

479) What is the value of numX when this program is executed? conditionA = False conditionB = True if conditionA or conditionB: numX = 5 else: numX = 10 numX is


443) What will you see on the next line? >>> round(5.7)


464) What will be the output of the following program? Assume the user responds with a 2. answer = input ("How many books would you like? ") priceBook = 3.20 intNumberBooks = float(answer) moneyDue = intNumberBooks * priceBook print ("You owe $", moneyDue) A - You owe $ 6.40 B - You owe $6.40 C - An error occurs. D - You owe $moneyDue

A - You owe $ 6.40

97) What is the purpose of this diamond shape in a flowchart? A - decision B - input or output C - process D - start or end

A - decision

383) What type of file is MyFile.exe? A - executable file B - data file C - helper file D - batch file

A - executable file

349) Which of these is one of the core functions of an operating system? A - running applications B - sending and receiving email C - monitoring for malware D - browsing the web

A - running applications

212) A _____ handles requests and returns data to other computers in a network. A - server B - router C - shared resource D - file protection

A - server

247) A _____ server translates back and forth between domain names and IP addresses. A - wWeb B - DNS C - mesh D - email


45) Select the Navy Admiral who invented a high-level programming language FLOW-MATIC in 1953. A - Douglas Engelbart B - Grace Hopper C - Ada Lovelace D - Bill Gates

B - Grace Hopper

304) Which term means a session-level protocol that is fast and efficient but has no means for error control or acknowledgment? A - QoS B - UDP C - TCP/IP D - frame


387) Suppose your employer wants you to purchase a tablet device that you will use to run the company's custom sales software. The company will reimburse you for the purchase. What is the most important question to ask before making the purchase? A - What peripherals should I buy? B - What platform should I get? C - What size screen should it have? D - Where should I buy it?

B - What platform should I get?

100) Which shape is used as a start or end? A - a diamond B - a rounded rectangle C - a rectangle D - a paralleogram

B - a rounded rectangle

214) Which term best describes the role of a printer in a network? A - router B - server C - shared resource D - port

C - shared resource

395) Suppose you need a spreadsheet application. When shopping for the right one, what is the most important factor to consider? A - the type of pointing device you use B - the monitor size C - the operating system platform D - the keyboard layout

C - the operating system platform

308) Which of these is not a potential cause of data loss? A - firewall B - human error C - using the ARP protocol D - network congestion

C - using the ARP protocol

199) Which term means the push that makes electrons move in a wire? A - current B - digital signal C - voltage D - adapter

C - voltage

10) A high school in the United States has a relationship with a high school in Japan. All the students in each school are assigned to a student at the other school. The students write messages to each other each week, describing what they did in school that week. This program is most strongly related to which aspect of life? A - society B - economy C - ethics D - culture

D - culture

394) Even after charging your smartphone for several hours, it still appears completely turned off and will not turn on. What should you try next to restore it to health? A - perform a hard reset B - plug it into a charger for another hour C - submerge it in a bag of rice for 24 hours D - perform a soft reset

D - perform a soft reset

241) The internet's data pathways rely on what kind of hardware device to route data to its destination? A - servers B - ISPs C - IP addresses D - routers

D - routers

244) Which of these is a network of servers that store and deliver web content? A - HTML B - DNS C - the internet D - the World Wide Web

D - the World Wide Web

251) (Vocab) a protocol to control domain names (DNS)

Domain Name System

252) (Vocab) a protocol used for file transfer for the internet and within a private network (FTP)

File Transfer Protocol

336) (Vocab) a flexible, open-source operating system for personal computers that can run on personal computers and servers


176) (/) (Autoscaling/ Load balancing/ Benchmarking/ Scalability) is a service that allocates tasks to different system resources based on the amount of traffic and their capacity.

Load balancing

299) (Vocab) a session-level protocol that is fast and efficient but has no means for error control or acknowledgment (UDP)

User Datagram Protocol

406) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements about computational thinking are true? Select 3 options. a - Computational thinking involves the techniques of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm development. b - Understanding all of the minor details about a problem is critical in computational thinking. c - The result of computational thinking is a problem broken down into its parts to create a generalized model and possible solutions. d - Computational thinking is a set of techniques used to help solve complex problems or understand complex systems. e - Computational thinking is basically synonymous with programming.

a - Computational thinking involves the techniques of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm development. c - The result of computational thinking is a problem broken down into its parts to create a generalized model and possible solutions. d - Computational thinking is a set of techniques used to help solve complex problems or understand complex systems.

348) (Multiple Answers) Which of these are among the core functions of an operating system? Select 3 options. a - booting the device b - managing devices c - managing file operations d - sending and receiving email e - browsing the web

a - booting the device b - managing devices c - managing file operations

351) (Vocab) software that helps a user do something they want to do


407) Which of the following statements are true regarding models? Select 3 options. a - Models help you understand a complex situation by including all of the details. b - In a model, the general characteristics are separated from the details. c - Models help predict how a specific solution will respond. d - Models help communicate a design. e - Models represent the system or problem at a detailed implementation level.

b - In a model, the general characteristics are separated from the details. c - Models help predict how a specific solution will respond. d - Models help communicate a design.

135) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true regarding Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak? Select 3 options. a - Steve Job founded Apple and managed the company from its inception until his death. b - Steve Wozniak worked for Hewlett Packard designing calculators before starting Apple. c - The two met in college at Princeton. d - Both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak raised $1000 by selling personal items, so that they could start Apple. e - Steve Jobs never learned to code and primarily focused on design.

b - Steve Wozniak worked for Hewlett Packard designing calculators before starting Apple. d - Both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak raised $1000 by selling personal items, so that they could start Apple. e - Steve Jobs never learned to code and primarily focused on design.

324) (/) A (personal area network/ campus area network/ metropolitan area network/ virtual private network) covers several adjacent buildings of a school and business.

campus area network

87) (Vocab) text in your programs that is not executed


352) (Vocab) an application that helps the user communicate with other people

communication application

137) (/) First developed by Grace Hopper, a (assembly language/ digital circuit/ compiler/ COBOL) is a computer program that translates higher level programming languages into machine-code.


431) (Vocab) complex(real, imaginary) creates a complex number with the specified real and imaginary parts


138) (Vocab) a career discipline that focuses on designing and building computers and computer-based systems

computer engineering

285) (Vocab) placing something inside something else to hide its details, such as placing data inside a segment or placing a segment inside a packet


68) (Vocab) an error that occurs during the execution of a program and is caused by a condition that disrupts the execution of the code, such as a missing input value or file


71) (Vocab) the process carried out over and over by the CPU, whenever the computer is powered on, to fetch the next instruction, decode it, execute it, and store the result

fetch-execute cycle

225) (Vocab) a cookie placed on a user's computer by the website being visited

first-party cookie

105) (Vocab) acquiring knowledge through competitive challenges

game-based learning

106) (Vocab) labor market involving more temporary workers and positions that tend to be short-term and project-based

gig economy

373) (Vocab) a file containing an image or other graphic

graphics file

50) (Vocab) the tangible parts of a computer that you can touch; the physical components of the computer or device


28) (Vocab) a programming language that uses instructions that are close to everyday English

high-level programming language

160) (Vocab) increasing capacity by adding more nodes or units to the system

horizontal scaling

415) (/) Through the use of computational thinking techniques, models and algorithms can be created. A(n) (algorithm/ model) can be created that represents the generalized problem. A(n) (algorithm/ model), or set of step-by-step instructions, can be developed to solve the problem.

model, algorithm

258) (Vocab) a repository that has pairs of entries to translate a domain name to an IP address for every single IP address within their zone

name server

292) (Vocab) a condition where a network packet does not reach its destination

packet loss

261) (Vocab) each computer in a network can act as a server for all the other computers, sharing files and access to devices


271) In the _____ - _____ - _____ model, each computer in a network can act as a server for all the other computers, sharing files and access to devices.


459) Finding the average of the four numbers is an example of


264) (Vocab) makes a request to a name server, giving a domain name and receiving an IP address


206) (Vocab) a device that connects one network to another


170) A _____ handles requests from and returns data to other computers in a _____.

server, network

296) (Vocab) an exchange of information between two or more network devices


237) (Vocab) an individual page of web content

web page

11) (Multiple Answers) Which situations are the most likely to use telehealth? Select 4 options. a - You use your health app to request a refill on a prescription. b - You go online to see test results. c - Your doctor emails you because of your heart monitor readings. d - You use a smartphone to upload your diet and exercise log. e - You cut your hand badly when you broke a glass.

a - You use your health app to request a refill on a prescription. b - You go online to see test results. c - Your doctor emails you because of your heart monitor readings. d - You use a smartphone to upload your diet and exercise log.

54) (Vocab) result of computer processing, how the computer communicates results to a user, can be images, text, sound, etc.


90) (Vocab) data exported from a program


422) (Multiple Answers) 1 - 2 * 5 = 10 2 - 4 ** 3 = 64 3 - 7 / 2 = 3.5 4 - 17 % 3 = 2

1 - 10 2 - 64 3 - 3.5 4 - 2

188) (/)Choose the person responsible for each innovation (Bill Gates/ William Shockley/ Robert Noyce/ Steve Jobs). 1 - transistor 2 - co-founder of Microsoft 3 - co-founder of Apple 4 - co-developer of first microprocessor

1 - William Shockley 2 - Bill Gates 3 - Steve Jobs 4 - Robert Noyce

423) (Multiple Answers) Select the data type for each example below. 1 - 2.5 2 - '2.5' 3 - 3 a - int b - float c - string

1 - b - float 2 - c - string 3 - a - int

436) (Multiple Answers; /) Identify the type of data for each value below (string/ float/ int). 1 - 12.023 2 - 'Hello World' 3 - 52

1 - float 2 - string 3 - int

439) What will you see on the next line? >>>int(3.9)


442) What will you see on the next line? >>> int(6.5)


80) What will be the results from running the following code? print("Grades") print(92) print(80) print("Total") print(92 + 80) A - SyntaxError: unexpected indent Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> B - 9 / 0 ZeroDivisionError: division by zero C - Grades 92 80 Total 172 D - Grades 92 80 Total 9280

A - SyntaxError: unexpected indent Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>

216) A _____ describes two or more computers connected to each other. A - computer network B - server C - switch D - client

A - computer network

398) A data unit created at the transport layer by UDP is a _____. A - datagram B - segment C - frame D - packet

A - datagram

437) What is the output for the following line of code? >>>int(2.8) A - 2.8 B - 2 C - 3 D - '2.8'

B - 2

322) Bandwidth represents the _____ of a connection.


151) Which of these jobs would be most appropriate for someone who majors in information systems? A - managing a group of programmers B - designing a database for an online retailer C - creating a cloud-based customer service application D - providing telephone tech support

B - designing a database for an online retailer

363) A computer-aided drafting application would be best run on which type of device? A - smartphone B - desktop C - laptop D - tablet

B - desktop

344) Which operating system does a driver assist with? A - running applications B - hardware management C - booting D - file management

B - hardware management

150) Which career would be most likely to work directly with end-users? A - video game developer B - help desk specialist C - computer science research assistant D - embedded software programmer

B - help desk specialist

210) Which part of a network controls the flow of information among computers within a network? A - server B - switch C - router D - client

B - switch

4) Which situation is the best choice for using telehealth? A - Your leg is broken. B - My aunt is having a baby and is in labor. C - You have a rash on your cheek that is itchy and want some relief. D - Your friend is having chest pains.

C - You have a rash on your cheek that is itchy and want some relief.

469) What will be the output of the following program? Assume the user responds with a 3. answer = input ("How many shirts would you like? ") priceShirt = 4.00 intNumberShirt = float(answer) moneyDue = intNumberShirt * priceShirt print ("You owe $" + str(moneyDue)) A - An error occurs. B - You owe $ moneyDue C - You owe $12.0 D - You owe $ 12.0

C - You owe $12.0

380) Which of these files is most likely to be a helper file for an application? A - library.mp3 B - C - library.dll D - library.png

C - library.dll

397) Which of these protocol retrieves email and then deletes the email and its attachments? A - IMAP B - HTTP C - SMTP D - POP 3

D - POP 3

275) Which term describes a protocol used to retrieve email, deleting the email and its attachments from the server after the email is retrieved? A - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) B - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) C - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) D - Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP 3)

D - Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP 3)

346) Which OS function does a CLI fulfill? A - Running applications B - Booting C - Hardware interface D - User interface

D - User interface

245) What are the main routes on the Internet called? A - ISP B - DNS C - clients D - backbone

D - backbone

192) The process of _____ determines what volume a system can handle by comparing its performance to standards in the industry. A - vertical scaling B - horizontal scaling C - autoscaling D - benchmarking

D - benchmarking

396) Which process converts a high-level language such as Python into machine language? A - analyzing B - debugging C - processing D - compiling

D - compiling

242) Which term describes a web address such as A - IP address B - ISP C - DNS D - domain name

D - domain name

386) What type of file is MyFile.dll? A - executable file B - batch file C - data file D - helper file

D - helper file

155) Which of these would a software engineer study, in addition to engineering? A - biology B - marketing C - architecture D - programming

D - programming

29) (Vocab) a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages (HTML)

hypertext markup language

108) (Vocab) too much information about an issue is available, making it difficult to understand the issue and make decisions

information overload

146) (Vocab) a career discipline that focuses on helping users and companies use computer technology effectively

information technology

462) Fill in the blank in order to convert the user's response to a number without a decimal point. >>> answer = input("How many sodas do you want? ") How many sodas do you want? 5 >>> numberAnswer = _____(answer)


432) (Vocab) a function that converts a number or a string of digits into an int by truncating the decimal part


228) (Vocab) a huge network of networks, enabling people to communicate with one another and share information worldwide


256) (Vocab) a protocol that defines the format and routing of the data packet (IP)

internet protocol

51) (Vocab) the result after data is processed, is meaningful and used for making decisions


478) What is the output of this program? age = 4 if age > 5: print("more") else: print("less") Output:


161) (Vocab) process that allocates tasks to resources to increase efficiency and to avoid overloading any one resource

load balancing

174) (/) (load balancing/ autoscaling/ benchmarking): process that allocates tasks to resources to increase efficiency and to avoid overloading any one resource

load balancing

266) (Vocab) a protocol used to transfer email from one computer to another (SMTP)

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

267) (Vocab) a protocol to manage network, able to configure a network, monitor activity, and control devices (SMNP)

Simple Network Management Protocol

362) _____ apps can be created using a mobile app creation tool.


177) _____ is the practice of using the internet to provide healthcare without going to a doctor's office or hospital.


268) (Vocab) a protocol used for remote access to another computer that is not secure


240) (Vocab) the network of interconnected web servers on the internet that store and deliver websites as requested (WWW)

World Wide Web

116) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true regarding technology and learning? Select 3 options. a - Changes in technology both enable and require lifelong learning. b - Game-based learning tools are used for children only. c - Virtual reality simulations are being used for training in industries like healthcare and the armed forces. d - Lifelong learning involves formal learning activities only. e - Knowledge can be acquired throughout your life, through both formal and informal methods.

a - Changes in technology both enable and require lifelong learning. c - Virtual reality simulations are being used for training in industries like healthcare and the armed forces. e - Knowledge can be acquired throughout your life, through both formal and informal methods.

193) (Vocab) a device that converts one voltage to another


338) (Vocab) a hardware check performed by the system BIOS at boot time (POST)

power-on self-test

404) (Vocab) removes the details of a process, as with a function

procedural abstraction

358) (Vocab) an application that helps the user be more productive in business or school tasks

productivity application

273) When you enter "" into the URL, the _____ acquires the IP address which is


434) (Vocab) rounds a float to an integer to the nearest integer; when the decimal part is 0.5, it rounds even; round(number, places) rounds to the specified number of decimal places


162) (Vocab) how well a system maintains high performance and access levels, as the demands on it grow


295) (Vocab) a section of data that TCP creates by breaking up a larger message into numbered pieces so its transmission can be monitored and verified


207) (Vocab) file or other resource accessible by computers within a network

shared resource

110) (Vocab) technologies that support virtual communities and the sharing of content

social media

389) A _____ _____ occurs when you reset a mobile device but retain your installed applications and personal settings.

soft reset

18) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true regarding Moore's Law? Select 3 options. a - Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel, described Moore's Law in 1965. b - Moore's Law can be applied to processing advances in general and not just the miniaturization of transistors and chips. c - Moore's Law is expected to continue at the same rate, even with the introduction of quantum computers. d - Moore's Law was accurate until about 1998, when computing advances slowed drastically. e -The accuracy of Moore's Law is being affected by the difficulty of making increasingly smaller components at the same rate.

a - Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel, described Moore's Law in 1965. b - Moore's Law can be applied to processing advances in general and not just the miniaturization of transistors and chips. e -The accuracy of Moore's Law is being affected by the difficulty of making increasingly smaller components at the same rate.

449) The formula to convert Fahrenheit (F) temperature to Celsius (C) is C=F−321.8 Which line of code will accomplish this conversion? A - celsius = Fahrenheit - 32 * 1.8 B - celsius = Fahrenheit - 32 /* 1.8 C - celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 D - celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 1.8

C - celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8

153) Which of these jobs would be most appropriate for someone who majors in computer engineering? A - helping computer users remove malware B - writing the software for an embedded system C - designing a CPU for an embedded system D - writing database queries

C - designing a CPU for an embedded system

428) Which data type is -7? A - float B - string C - int D - single

C - int

303) Which layer of the TCP/IP model is concerned with the physical transportation and delivery of network data? A - internet B - transport C - network access D - application

C - network access

385) Which of these file formats would you choose if you had to create a very small and compact raster image for a website? A - Tagged Image File Format (tif) B - Portable Network Graphic (png) C - Graphic Interchange Format (gif) D - Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpg)

D - Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpg)

200) Which term means a device that converts one voltage to another? A - current B - digital signal C - voltmeter D - adapter

D - adapter

8) A high school in a low-income area offers special programs to help students acquire the technical skills needed to find jobs as computer technicians. This program is most strongly related to which aspect of life? A - culture B - society C - ethics D - economy

D - economy

399) Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of a(n) _____ application. A - education B - utility C - entertainment D - productivity

D - productivity

1) (Vocab) a system where almost everything communicates over the Internet (IoT)

Internet of Things

130) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements is true regarding ARPANET? Select 3 options. a - It led to the development of the Internet. b - It was a product of Bell Laboratories and was introduced to the general public in 1966. c - It was managed by three large corporations throughout its existence. d - It was created to connect geographically dispersed researchers with high powered research computers. e - The first message was sent through ARPANET in 1969 and it was decommissioned in 1990.

a - It led to the development of the Internet. d - It was created to connect geographically dispersed researchers with high powered research computers. e - The first message was sent through ARPANET in 1969 and it was decommissioned in 1990.

390) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following describes a hardware error? Select 3 options. a - Nothing happens when you press the spacebar on your keyboard, but the other keys are working. b - Every time you try to run your new game, it crashes after displaying the opening screen. c - After a recent Windows update, you can no longer access the internet on your laptop. d - Nothing happens when you press the Power button on your desktop PC. e - The mouse pointer on-screen only moves horizontally, not vertically.

a - Nothing happens when you press the spacebar on your keyboard, but the other keys are working. d - Nothing happens when you press the Power button on your desktop PC. e - The mouse pointer on-screen only moves horizontally, not vertically.

408) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true regarding abstraction? Select 3 options. a - Refinement is the opposite of abstraction. b - Abstraction is a process where details are added to further define the problem. c - Abstraction provides a way to see a complex situation more clearly. d - Creating a model must occur before abstraction. e - The level of abstraction needed depends on the situation and your goals.

a - Refinement is the opposite of abstraction. c - Abstraction provides a way to see a complex situation more clearly. e - The level of abstraction needed depends on the situation and your goals.

181) (Multiple Answers) Which are examples of hardware? Select 3 options. a - a printer b - a mouse c - operating system d - the program you use to view email e - central processing unit (CPU)

a - a printer b - a mouse e - central processing unit (CPU)

320) Which of the following are advantages of a local area network, as opposed to a wide area network? Select 3 options. a - lower cost b - more secure c - greater geographic reach d - provides access to more networks e - higher speeds

a - lower cost b - more secure e - higher speeds

409) Taking a group of recipes and identifying the similarities is an example of _____. a - pattern recognition b - decomposition c - abstraction d - refinement

a - pattern recognition

452) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following are valid variable names? Select 3 options. a - player_score b - 2nd_num c - playerScore d - num1 e - player@

a - player_score c - playerScore d - num1

321) Which of the following are advantages of a wide area network, as opposed to a local area network? Select 2 options. a - provides access to other networks b - higher speeds c - lower cost d - greater geographic reach e - more secure

a - provides access to other networks d - greater geographic reach

133) The original ARPANET had four nodes and connected groups at _____ _____ to research computers that were geographically dispersed.

academic institutions

158) (Vocab) two or more computers connected to each other

computer network

300) TCP is a more dependable protocol than UDP because TCP is _____-_____


282) (Vocab) a protocol that requires two-way communication between the sender and receiver to ensure accurate transmission

connection-oriented protocol

219) (Vocab) a small text file stored on a user's local computer that remembers settings for a website


451) (Multiple Answers) Assume you previously entered these lines of code. >>> a = 3 >>> b = 2 >>> c = 0 Which lines of code below generate errors? Select 2 options. a - result = a * b - b / (c + b) b - result = a * b - c / (a + c) c - result = a * b - c / b d - result = a * b - b / c e - result = ab + bc

d - result = a * b - b / c e - result = ab + bc

249) (Vocab) the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one computer to another (also referred to as a packet)

data packet

141) (Vocab) a person who designs, modifies, or maintains a database

database manager

111) (Vocab) transmitting and receiving data in a continuous, steady flow; used frequently for video and sound data


354) (Vocab) an application designed to run on a full-size desktop or laptop computer that runs a full-featured operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS

desktop application

49) (Vocab) software that provides tools for creating other software

development software

194) (Vocab) communication of the binary data via the voltage level for each time interval

digital signal

142) (Vocab) a field of study


250) (Vocab) a string designation that is tied to a particular IP address

domain name

22) (/) Moore's Law states that processing speed and computing capabilities will (double/ triple/ quadruple) every (2/ 5/ 10) years.

double 2

179) (Multiple Answers) According to Moore's Law, the processing power of computers will _____ every _____ years.

double, two

222) (Vocab) a web page that contains elements that change

dynamic web page

355) (Vocab) an application that helps the user learn new information or skills

education application

224) (Vocab) a server that manages the sending and receiving of email messages

email server

143) (Vocab) computer technology built into some other device

embedded technology

313) (Vocab) type of network that spans a geographic area like a city, combines aspects of LANs and WANs (MAN)

metropolitan area network

376) (Vocab) a file containing a sound or music clip

sound file

232) (Vocab) unwanted commercial email messages


233) (Vocab) a web page that does not contain elements that change

static web page

59) (Vocab) internal and external devices that allow data to be saved and retrieved by the computer


75) (Vocab) step in the fetch-execute cycle where the CPU saves the result of the instruction that was executed


298) (Vocab) the network model layer concerned with the manner in which the data is transmitted

transport layer

343) (/) GUI and CLI are two types of _____ _____

user interfaces

165) (Vocab) increasing capacity by upgrading existing resources to be more powerful

vertical scaling

467) What will be the output of the following program? Assume the user responds with a 5. answer = input ("How many hamburgers would you like? ") priceBurger = 3.00 intNumberBurgers = float(answer) moneyDue = intNumberBurgers * priceBurger print ("You owe $", moneyDue) A - An error occurs. B - You owe $ 15.0 C - You owe $ moneyDue D - You owe $15.0

B - You owe $ 15.0

189) Which discipline focuses on the design of computer hardware? A - information systems B - computer engineering C - information technology D - computer science

B - computer engineering

215) A _____ is a device that sends data from one network to another. A - switch B - router C - server D - client

B - router

306) What data unit is encapsulated inside a packet? A - frame B - segment C - datagram D - session

B - segment

391) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following describes an application error? Select 2 options. a - Nothing happens when you press the Power button on your desktop PC. b - Every time you try to run your new game, it crashes after displaying the opening screen. c - You see a message that the active application has stopped responding to input. d - After a recent Windows update, you can no longer access the internet on your laptop. e - Nothing happens when you press the space bar on your keyboard, but the other keys are working.

b - Every time you try to run your new game, it crashes after displaying the opening screen. c - You see a message that the active application has stopped responding to input.

114) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true about how technology has changed work? Select 3 options. a - Technology has not really changed how businesses operate in the last fifty years. b - In a gig economy, workers are only hired when they are needed for as long as they are needed. c - With the spread of technology and the Internet, smaller businesses are not able to compete as effectively as before. d - Through the use of the Internet and collaboration tools more workers are able to perform their jobs remotely. e - Businesses can be more profitable by using communication technology to reduce the costs of travel.

b - In a gig economy, workers are only hired when they are needed for as long as they are needed. d - Through the use of the Internet and collaboration tools more workers are able to perform their jobs remotely. e - Businesses can be more profitable by using communication technology to reduce the costs of travel.

168) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements is true about scalability? Choose 3 options. a - An example of vertical scaling is adding a new server to the network. b - The cloud offers services to automatically scale your system and balance the workload between components. c - Scalability should be considered very early in the project. d - Horizontal scaling has fewer limits than vertical scaling. e - Scalability refers to the ability of hardware components to increase their capacity.

b - The cloud offers services to automatically scale your system and balance the workload between components. c - Scalability should be considered very early in the project. d - Horizontal scaling has fewer limits than vertical scaling.

117) (Multiple Answers) Which of the following statements are true about the growth of technology? Select 3 options. a - Individuals in the United States currently own an average of three connected devices. b - The number of devices connected to the Internet of c Things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023. c - Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device. d - By 1995, almost half of the world's population was connected to the Internet. e - The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991.

b - The number of devices connected to the Internet of c Things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023. c - Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device. e - The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991.

6) (Multiple Answers) Which situations are a good fit for using telehealth? Select 4 options. a - You had a car wreck. b - You doctor sends you an email to remind you about an appointment. c - You need an appointment to get tested for allergies. d - You need a referral to a skin doctor. e - Your doctor emails you because your heart monitor shows an abnormality.

b - You doctor sends you an email to remind you about an appointment. c - You need an appointment to get tested for allergies. d - You need a referral to a skin doctor. e - Your doctor emails you because your heart monitor shows an abnormality.

319) Which of the following statements about wide area networks are true? Select 3 options. a - is usually managed by a single business b - connections usually occur through a public network c - connects devices in a large geographic area d - typically uses Eethernet and wireless routers to connect devices e - may be controlled by multiple entities

b - connections usually occur through a public network c - connects devices in a large geographic area e - may be controlled by multiple entities

13) (Vocab) computer technology that uses biological components to retrieve, process, and store data, or devices that are used to study biological organisms


201) (Vocab) one of the computers on a network that is not the server computer network; two or more computers connected to each other


186) Complete the sentences describing a computer innovation. Software and technology that allow people to work together on a task are known as _____ _____.

collaboration tools

333) (Vocab) a text-based computer interface in which the user types commands (CLI)

command-line interface

76) (Vocab) rules of a language, a definition of the language that specifies structure, punctuation, and reserved words; if not followed, then the program will not execute


64) When someone refers to "space" on a computer or device, they are usually referring to _____, which allows the user to save a file for future use, even after the computer has been turned off. A - software B - primary memory C - secondary storage D - the central processing unit (CPU)

C - secondary storage

9) (Multiple Answers) Which situations are the most likely to use telehealth? Select 3 options. a - You broke your arm and need a cast b - Your brother was tested for strep throat and now you think you have it. c - You request an appointment to see your doctor using your health app. d - Your doctor invites you to use the patient portal to view test results. e - Your doctor emails a suggested diet plan.

c - You request an appointment to see your doctor using your health app. d - Your doctor invites you to use the patient portal to view test results. e - Your doctor emails a suggested diet plan.

48) (Vocab) raw facts and figures that are entered into or collected by a computer for future use


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