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In a classroom, Wai talks to his friend Stacey. What is the context in this scenario?

In a classroom

Ann is elderly and often finds that younger people tend to talk to her using loud voices and simple language.

identity factors

If someone stereotypes, he or she is failing to


taking a public speaking class will make you a better speaker


the US needs a new health care plan


The process of using senses to acquire information about the environment is called


Mariana and her boyfriend, Thomas, were having a fight because Thomas doesn't call when he says he will. During the fight, Mariana described Thomas's behavior, suggested possible reasons why he didn't call, and asked for an explanation. Mariana was utilizing

perception checking

The study of language as it is used in a social context is known as


Min angrily yelled at James to "shut up!" Which aspect reflects the content dimension?

"Shut up!"

sometimes soldiers are injured by friendly fire


Which statement is an example of the brakelight function?

"as you can see cleans drinking water is important"

Which of the following statements is an example of someone gaining audience attention in the introduction?

"look around you. after graduation, at least six of you will be unemployed for more than a year"

communication ethics

A set of moral principles or values guided by the belief that people should be open, honest, and reliable

Which of the following is an observation?

CDs were introduced in the early 1980s.

social scientific method

Systematic observation of people communicating; a summary of that observation; and the drawing of a conclusion about how patterns can be generalized into a theory about communication

communication competence

The ability to effectively exchange meaning through a common system of symbols or behavior

interpersonal communication

The process of using messages to generate meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening is known as

public communication

The process of using messages to generate meaning within the self is ____________ , because it is the communication that occurs within one's own mind.

mass communication

The process of using messages to generate meanings in a mediated system, between a source and a large number of unseen receivers, is called

intrapersonal communication

The process of using messages to generate meanings in a situation in which a single source transmits a message to a number of receivers, who give nonverbal feedback, is known as

T/F: Mass communication is the process of sending messages to generate meaning to people through a mediator.


T/F: A positive first impression can be easily reversed, but a negative first impression can persist even when information contradicts it.


T/F: An effective communicator considers the needs and expectations of others when selecting messages to share.


T/F: An operational definition identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made, or what it consists of.


T/F: Dyadic communication allows for a great deal of feedback, and it occurs between two people.


T/F: If someone nods to indicate that he or she understands a message, he or she is providing feedback.


T/F: People attempt to present an idealized version of themselves by using impression management.


a transition is

a bridge between sections of a message that helps the presenter move from one idea to another.

Communication is best described as

a process

setting aside own views to accept those of others


Which of the following means that your mind selects, organizes, and interprets what you sense?

active perception

clothing and artificats

adornments such as jewelry and hats

Anisha cheered and jumped out of her chair. Which nonverbal movement is she displaying?

affect displays

Which of the following types of language can silence some members of a group while privileging other groups?


Natalie always wants her way, so she stands up for her rights at the expense of others. As a result, people avoid her. What behavior does Natalie exhibit?


Of the following types of supporting material, what type uses comparison for the purpose of illustration but cannot be used as proof because the comparison will inevitably break down?


All of the following types of communication are used to manage impressions

appearance, setting, manner

One of the assumptions of Muted Group Theory is that subordinate cultural groups:

are forced to express themselves within dominant modes of expression.

someone who is desirable to work with, in whom other show interest, and who is physically looks good are all way to describe


when someone says your name, you generally give/use

automatic attention

denying the existence of conflict


as a general rule, you should be

be sincere; do not appeal to base motives and prejudices

Kai has an annoying, loud laugh. Her friends know this, but Kai isn't aware of it. Into which quadrant of the Johari window would this characteristic fit?


an unconscious tic of completing others' sentences for them


information known to others but unknown to you


bright eyes and symmetrical features

bodily appearance

Standing with your arms crossed

bodily movement

Standing with your arms crossed is an example of what type of nonverbal communication?

bodily movement

Questions about skills, training, education, and personality are known as

bona fide occupational qualification questions

The phrase "You cannot un-ring a bell" relates to the communication principle that communication

cannot be reversed

Which of the following would tend to promote defensive behaviors?


Fill-in-the-Blank: " Marketers, advertisers, and PR people should all be held responsible for defining competitive [a], citing valid evidence, and clarifying the context for such comparisons."


no pain, no gain


you win some and you lose some


Therapeutic emplotment means:

clinical action itself is an ever-emerging story

Filling in missing information to complete an incomplete figure or statement is a perceptual organization process called


The tendency to fill in missing information to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement is known as


Thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise whereby both parties are in agreement that the best possible outcome has been reached


The process of using messages to generate meaning is referred to as


Jack and Roshanna talk to each other often. They are able to exchange messages efficiently and with little misunderstanding. They demonstrate

communication competence

viewing conflict as a battle to advance own interests over those of others


the idea that we sometimes bond with an individual whose strengths are our weaknesses


Reza and Asa are dating. Reza is quite shy, and he likes that Asa is involved in the university and introduces him to people. Asa is terrible at math, so Reza, a math major, often helps her with her homework. Which word best describes their motivation for initiating a relationship?


adds and expands meaning to both verbal and nonverbal codes


What occurs when targets of influence messages refuse to comply with requests?


negotiating away some of your position with he anticipation that the other party in the conflict will do the same


Someone who uses specific words rather than abstract words uses what kind of language?


There are three variables associated with Nonverbal Expectancy Violation Theory, among those are:

content variables

Jennifer was yelling at her brother, Tim. She asked him to turn the TV volume down. Tim was not offended by his sister's yelling. Which variable best explains why Tim was not offended?

context variable

when the verbal and nonverbal messages conflict


Which of the following types of listening would you employ if faced with the following scenario? Listening to the meteorologist describe the path of the storm to determine if you should cancel your outing that day.

critical listening

making judgments about the message being presented by analyzing the speaker, the situation, and the speakers ideas involves the use of

critical thinking

Multiple-Choice: Vallor claims that Facebook and other social media might be critical tools for saving such valuable friendships from _______.


if you do not meet your quota, you will be put on probation

downward communication

Katie interviewed Omid for a class project. What kind of communication was being utilized?


What type of orientation does an organization that manufactures products and offers services for consumers have?


Which behavior helps to reduce defensiveness?


the use of nonverbal cues to strengthen a message


Multiple-Choice: Which of the following philosophical perspectives do Cooper & Kelleher discuss the most.?

ends versus means

Sorin mumbles a lot and is hard to understand. What vocal cue does he not utilize well?


If you expose yourself to information that reinforces your beliefs, you are engaged in selective


Gary generally tells his friends everything, but he does keep some details about his romantic relationships to himsel


Jenna confides nearly everything to her best friend, but she doesn't think she should share everything about her relationship with her boyfriend.


Which of the following statements best reflects the use of nonverbal actions in America?

eye contacts is desirable and expected in america

sticking out your tongue

facial expression

T/F: "I drink pop, not soda" is an example of ageist language.


T/F: A formalized pattern of action, followed regularly, is known as compliance.


T/F: According to Schrier, those "who condemn rehtoric and rhetoricians fail frequently to realize is that speech is a tool, and that it may therefore be both used and celebrated; . . "


T/F: Communication quantity increases communication quality.


T/F: Directly copying only small chunks of information without citing the source is not considered plagiarism.


T/F: Ethical standards are the same in every discipline and culture.


T/F: Evaluation occurs when the first person treats the second as a person of lower status.


T/F: Hostile audiences, according to Schrier, must be rendered to a mood of compliance.


T/F: If Demetri only sees and believes what he wants to see and believe, he is engaged in selective exposure.


T/F: If you are listening, you cannot also be speaking.


T/F: In the Nestle case study, Cooper and Kelleher found that the campaign was ethically sound.


T/F: In the United States, emblems are for formal messages.


T/F: Indexing is a collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules.


T/F: John and Tom are both 21-years of age, from Columbus, and have the same major. According to Standpoint Theory, John and Tom will have the same standpoint from which they perceive the world around them.


T/F: Narrative frameworks that reflect a single-sensorial sense-making of individuals in health and illness provide voice to individuals who are disenfranchised or otherwise unable to verbally articulate their points of view.


T/F: Narratives can help to diminish identification among people experiencing similar health problems, thus building a sense of community in place of social collection.


T/F: Offering personal reactions or judgments is known as descriptiveness.


T/F: One way to improve language skills is to recognize that observations and inferences are the same.


T/F: People perform their roles as source and receiver independently.


T/F: Reflexivity should be avoided in order to improve intercultural communication skills.


T/F: The second stage of friendship development is when friends feel established in each other's lives.


T/F: Time is viewed the same in all cultures.


T/F: To indicate liking, we use bigger gestures and a rigid posture.


T/F: Translating your thoughts into words is referred to as decoding.


T/F: Using closed communication channels can improve your intercultural communication.


T/F: While nice to have, affection is not essential in interpersonal relationships.


T/F: to check your understanding of a statement, you should use "you statements"


T/F: we are able to accurately identify deceptive behaviors


The verbal and nonverbal responses to a message are known as


verbal and nonverbal responses to the speaker are referred to a


When organizing stimuli, the focal point of your attention is the


In his speech, Botan reported that he personally visited an office to see what they do there. What term best describes Botan's example?

first person observation

based on something that was personally sensed

first person observation

Five years ago, Rosa ate at a restaurant and did not like the food. She has not eaten there since, and she still says that the restaurant has terrible food. In what activity is she taking part?

frozen evaluation


functions to help with changing identity; sense making exert control

she's a hot a chick


Indexing can help you avoid


According to dependency theory, reliance on media

greater in time of social instability

Identity factors of perception can include

hair color and height

An ideograph _______

has a characteristic in which debate.discussion is not acceptable

The act of receiving sound is


police and ambulance sirens rushing to a faraway accident


rain falling not he roof overhead


water lightly dripping from the faucet


your neighbors dog barking


your roommates loud music


Under which Johari window pane should the following example be placed? a secret crush on someone


a secret crush for someone


information hat you know about yourself but others do not


If you wanted to search for the history of computers, but you did not want to include information about Bill Gates, which search terms would you use?

history of computers -"Bill Gates"

Morgan and Molly are both baristas at the coffee shop. What type of communication occurs when the two women talk to each other?


lets divide up how we would like to tackle this problem

horizontal communication

we can sere the commission not hat account

horizontal communication

Swetha is going to be interviewing people for a job opening. Which question is she legally allowed to ask?

how do you handle workplace conflict?

To check your understanding, you should

identify areas of confusion

Read the following and then identify the cause of the perceptual difference. Ann is elderly and often finds that younger people tend to talk to her using loud voices and simple language.

identity factors

What category of nonverbal movements are those that accompany or reinforce verbal messages?


What three interpersonal needs are satisfied through interactions with others?

inclusion, affection, control

It is easy to "go green"


brett is a terrific piano player


cassie is a better choice for this job than anna


i can tell by the look on Joe's face that he's angry


Conclusions drawn from observations are


Which vocal cue refers to the variety or changes in pitch?


Grapevine communication is a type of _____ communication.


Renaldo is able to use the library website to locate, evaluate, and use information for his class presentations. What term best describes this ability?

information literacy

dentify which of the following describes the dialectic tension stated below. Victor enjoys hanging out with his friends every day, but sometimes he feels the need to be by himself.

integration versus seperation

Victor enjoys hanging out with his friends every day, but sometimes he feels the need to be by himself.


Xiang likes being part of a couple, but she often feels like she's losing her individuality.


The process of using messages to generate meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening is known as

interpersonal communication

During perception, we assign meaning to stimuli. This is termed


Assigning meaning to stimuli is a part of the perceptual process called


Communication that includes our experiences, feelings, attitudes, and opinions is _____ communication.


What is one advantage of studying communication?

it can improve the way you see yourself

cover pages are needed not he front of all TPS reports


We introduced six assumptions related to Muted Group Theory. One assumption that if the subordinate culture continues to use their own language that this practice ________________.

keeps the subordinate group subordinate

According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, _______ shapes our reality.


Language can be ambiguous.

language is abstract

The ladder of abstraction indicates if a word is more concrete or abstract.

language is abstract

"Vacation" can mean many things to various people.

language is arbitrary

Communication in individualistic societies focuses on the individual person.

language is bound by context and culture

Language is affected by one's background (Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).

language is bound by context and culture

Language follows guidelines with respect to grammar.

language is governed by rules

Semantics play a part in how we talk or write.

language is governed by rules

Syntax rules affect how we use language.

language is governed by rules

There are particular ways to pronounce words.

language is governed by rules

"Chair" represents an item of furniture used for sitting.

language is symbolic

"Seven" represents a specific quantity of something.

language is symbolic

You refer to all ink-based writing utensils as "pens." You group similar individual objects under one label. What characteristic of language does this example correspond to most closely?

language organizes and classifies reality

What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis state?

language shapes our reality

Which phrase best describes profanity?

language that is disrespectful of sacred things

Which tip should you follow when constructing your résumé?

limit the document to one page

a babys cries int he middle of the night


after an all-night, you roommate tells you that the coffee is all gone


your advisor tells you that if you do not take a certain class, you will not graduate.


your boss tells you that she will be testing the fire alarms at 3


lecture listening includes

looking for how you can use the information

The verbal and nonverbal form of the thought that one person wishes to communicate to others is the


What is one way to be an ethical listener?

monitor and be aware of your own communication and listening behaviors

A group of individuals whose ideas are undervalued, underestimated, and sometimes unheard is known as a

muted group

In which stage of friendship do people think of themselves as friends and begin to establish their own private ways of interacting?

nascent frienship

Anything that interferes with receiving or interpreting a message is known as


Multiple Choice (1 correct answer): According to Schrier, emotional appeals are

not unethical

The study of the human use of clothing and other artifacts as nonverbal codes is known as


Standpoint theory maintains that in order to understand another person's standpoint in relation to your own, you must strive for strong __________.


CDs were introduced in the early 1980s


recent research shows that violence against women has increased over the last five years


the oprah winfrey show is award-winning


tiger woods took time away from gold in 2010 after sexual allegations were made against him


Hans is nearly seven feet tall, which is obvious to him and everyone around him. Into which quadrant of the Johari window would this characteristic fit?


height, weight, approx. age


that which is known to you and other people


Longer-term memory is

our permanent storage place for information

Chris is the shift supervisor at the local grocery store. His employees tend to communicate respectfully toward him and usually do not joke with him like they do with coworkers.

past experiences and roles

Considering your understanding of an ideograph, which of the following terms could be seen as an ideograph in today's American Society?

patriotism, marriage and socialized medicine

Which statement best reflects a characteristic of an On-time culture?

people compartmentalize time to meet personal needs

After a difficult test, Alonzo asked his friends if they found the test to be difficult as well. What mode of being descriptive was Alonzo using?

perception checking

Which of the following is a way in which you can be more descriptive?

perception-checking and defining terms

Organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society have a(n)

politcal orientation

Which strategy for improving intercultural communication involves using empathy and avoiding defensive behaviors?

practice supportive communication

Fill-in-the-Blank: Uses, gratifications, and dependency theories [a] that audiences rely on media to gratify specific needs and in the process develop certain dependencies on the media.


Every Monday Ulla and Kyle go bowling. Although Ulla likes having a schedule, she'd rather do something else on Mondays now and again.


Lola is growing bored with her weekly routine, so she decides to take a pottery class to try something new.


A negative attitude toward a group of people because they are who they are is referred to as


A preformed opinion based on insufficient knowledge or irrational feelings is termed


Just before going to her performance review at work, Jen learned that her uncle had died. Because she did not know about Jen's uncle, her supervisor thought that Jen took the constructive criticism too personally.

present feelings and circumstances

Fill-in-the-Blank: "In persuasion concerning future conduct, we must frankly deal in [a]."


Multiple-Answer: Professional persuaders are public accountable for what they say and do, which of the following should such practitioners consider according to Cooper and Kelleher?

provide clear definitions for the consumer, make it clear that product is better than a comparable brand or idea, persuaders out not to imply better in an objective sense unless there is objective data, persuaders are obligated to consider the nature of audiences -- their sensitivites

Wei saw a girl from his class standing very close to a man. He assumed they were dating because he organized the stimuli based on the two people's


the location, distance, or range between persons is known as


What is the correct order of the process of listening?

receive stimuli, attend to stimuli, interpret meaning, store information

Someone specially trained to help you locate sources of information is the

reference librarian

lets go grab a hoagie


when nonverbal codes are used to monitor and control interactions


Looking away when bored is an example of a(n)


When people begin establishing strategies for keeping their relationship together, they are involved in

relational maintenance

Justin was not offended by the sneer Larry directed toward him when he got out of the truck. Justin was not offended because of how well he knows Larry--Justin knows Larry's sense of humor. Which Nonverbal Variable, as described in the Nonverbal Expectancy Violation Theory, is most pertinent in this interaction.


In your conclusion, you should

remind the audience of the main points

Trevor gave a thumbs-up and said, "Good job," to his teammate Ricardo. How was Trevor using nonverbal communication in conjunction with verbal communication?


occurs when the same message is sent verbally and nonverbally


phrases such as "things like that" are called

repetitive phrases

Caroline believes everything she reads on the PBS website because it is a large organization with a recognizable name. Which heuristic is she using?


individuals that show positive interest in us are


Rashida remembers only the positive remarks that people make about her ideas, and she "forgets" the negative remarks. She is using selective


based on a report of what another person observed

second-person observation

Giving sustained focus to things that are important is also known as

selective attention

The tendency to focus on certain cues and ignore others

selective attention

The act of exposing yourself to information that reinforces, rather than contradicts, your beliefs or opinions

selective exposure

The tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you want to see, hear, and believe

selective perception

The tendency to better remember the things that reinforce your beliefs rather than those that oppose them

selective retention

Which of the following can increase your credibility during a presentation?

self disclosure

Multiple-Answer (2-4 correct answers): Vallor's analysis of social media is guided by four essential and interlinked themes stemming from Aristotle's account of friendship. Among those are:

self knowledge, empathy, shared life, reciprocity

The study of how we use language to evoke meaning in others is labeled


When someone sees several people carrying musical instruments, he or she often groups these people together into "a band" because they resemble one another. This means of organizing stimuli is also known as


buzz off!


What type of communication includes three to ten people and can be intimate or formal?

small group

If you are talking to your boss, what category of distance would you typically use?


When considering our nonverbal behaviors, there are two characteristics that explain what we would expect from others within our culture. These behaviors are:

social and idiosyncratic

An individual who has a thought that he or she wishes to communicate is a


the extent to which you perceive a speaker as competent and trustworthy is known as

source credibilty

To communicate liking, one should

stand face to face

Brea purposefully dodges questions about conflict within the company when an interviewee asks her about potential problems in the organization. What type of communication is Brea utilizing?

strategic ambiguity

Satisfying, long-term relationships are often characterized by


occurs when nonverbal codes are used instead of verbal codes


When nonverbal codes are used instead of verbal codes it is know as


The process of development of the self through messages and feedback from others is referred to as

symbolic interactionism

What rules govern the order of words within phrases and clauses?

syntactic rules

The consolidation of voice, data, video, audio, and other channels of communication in our digital lives is known as

technological convergence

In the library, students place their backpacks on desks and coats on chairs to indicate that the area is theirs. What concept does this illustrate?


Which of the following best describes communication competence?

the ability to effectively exchange meaning through a common system of symbols or behavior

Which of the following best describes parallel form?

the consistent use of complete sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.

gossip, obsession, and codependency are considered

the dark side of interpersonal relationships.

"aligning moments" is

the moment when genuine shared understanding must overcome formidable obstacles

Which statement best reflects why nonverbal codes are difficult to interpret?

the same nonverbal code can mean a variety of things

Which of the following best describes selective perception?

the tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you want to see, hear, and believe

What is one characteristic of monochronic people?

they appear isolated

Which statement reflects a component of interpersonal relationships?

they involve people who are interdependent

Which statement best reflects a characteristic of a Sometime culture?

time is a factor in a much larger and more complicated context

a pat on the head


T/F: A core concept of Nonverbal Expectancy Violation Theory is that violations of nonverbals from others toward us are perceived to be less offensive if the violator is seen as providing some form of reward.


T/F: According to Grunig (2000), cited by Cooper and Kelleher, decpetion can be justifiable.


T/F: According to Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, our thought process are limited by our language.


T/F: Action verbs are important to use on a rèsumè.


T/F: Based on a person's vocal cues, we form impressions of how he or she looks.


T/F: If someone feels torn between spending time with a significant other and being alone, he or she is experiencing a dialectic tension.


T/F: If someone paraphrases and provides feedback, he or she is utilizing active listening.


T/F: If two people are friends because both like sci-fi movies, their motivation for starting a friendship is due to similarity.


T/F: In order to be an ethical listener, you should adapt your listening behaviors to other people's unique communication styles.


T/F: In the realities of clinical interactions, patients' stories frequently fail to be fully articulated, let alone understood.


T/F: Interaction management allows a clear flow between topics and ideas.


T/F: Medicine is far from an unmediated representation of reality.


T/F: Nonverbal communication is ambiguous, in part, because people use the same code to communicate a variety of meanings.


T/F: One could argue that Vallor's claim is simply that social media "mirror" or interpersonal behaviors.


T/F: Paraphrasing can help improve your use of descriptive language.


T/F: Ryuya is from an uncertainty-rejecting culture, which is likely to reject outsiders and to prefer to have many rules.


T/F: Students should listen for lecture cues that stress points in a lesson.


T/F: The authors argue that it is incumbent upon narrative scholars engaged in health communication scholarship and practice to develop ways of extending their work beyond academic journals into actionable outcomes.


T/F: The conclusion's brakelight function warns the audience that the presentation is ending soon.


T/F: The organizational principle of proximity indicates that we perceive objects close to each other as related.


T/F: The turn toward a relational and coconstructive approach to narrative sense-making recognizes narrativity as an inherenly social and dialogic communicative process.


T/F: Usually, you should make your expectations for the audience clear in the introduction.


T/F: When receiving a poorly written text message, our working memory helps us interpret it and assign meaning.


T/F: short term memory is limited to about twenty seconds without rehersal


T/F: the first step of the listening process is awareness of a stimulus or sound


Diana is from a culture that accepts immigrants and is very tolerant of diversity. Diana is most likely from a(n)

uncertainty - accepting

Reading the job description helps you meet which goal when gathering information about a position?

understand the job

an undiagnosed terminal disease


information the is not known to you or to others


please explain the task we have been assigned

upward communication

please explain what i need to do for a promotion

upward communication

designated common desk area

use of space

waiting to see the doctor

use of time

Fill-in-the-Blank S: Vallor cautions us when stating that "new social media do not exist in a _____________ , nor do they _____________________ determine the uses to which they will be put; such media exist in a larger _____________ context."


phrases such as 'you know' are called

verbal fillers

a loud and high-pitched voice

vocal cues

using 'uh' or 'um' is relying upon

vocalized pauses

When presenting your introduction, you should

wait to start talking until you are in the front of the room

When dressing for a job interview, you should

wear dark or neutral colors

Which of the following describes an assimilation goal?

when the marginalized group try their best to fit in with he dominant group

Which statement about physical attractiveness is most accurate?

women desire a mate with strong earning prospects, while men ideally desire a physically attractive mate

Polychronic people tend to

work on several tasks at the same time

Interpreting and assigning meaning to things heard is known as

working memory

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