Concept 4 - Quiz 2 (2/27/17)

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Key Concept: 30 years War

- 3 different phases of the War - During... it starts at Protestants vs. Catholic Habsburg are Catholic - Nationally France supports the Protestants even though they are Catholic THIS WAR DESTROYED THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE


- Born in the New World (Mexico, Texas, Central America - This is why they are looked down upon by the others - They can NEVER be peninsulares because they weren't born in Spain

Consolidation of Russia - Peter the Great and Catherine the Great

- Consolidated under Mongols - They tried to catch Russia up to the Western World but they were unsuccessful as they did not have access to warm water ports year round

How the Ottomans expanded

- Expand through the Middle East rename Constantinople to Istanbul and then spread West - Start conquering Eastern Europe and got all the way to Vienna - They expand drastically untouched un stopped

How rulers legitimize their power and rule

- Luxurious things, art, architecture - Religion


- Power is taken away from the Emperor (he cannot be overtaken because he is the emperor = holy connection) - Shogunate also takes power from other Japanese nobility And create rigid social caste - Move capital to Edo - Prohibit Japanese from traveling abroad And foreign travelers


- Take Constantinople → Istanbul = and creates the end of the Byzantine Empire - Eastern Orthodoxy go to Moscow

After 30 year war: Empire is fragmented

- Two must dominate city states emerge -Austria -Prussia - Areas around Prussia join together and become Germany

How they got the indigenous people of Africa.

- because the Europeans couldn't get into the heart of Africa (mosquitos) they hired other indengious coastal people to go capture other African people

Elizabethan Age

- commercial expansion began - Elizabeth is Protestants but puts up with Catholics


- select group of Spanish officials sent to govern the colonies - Born in Spain - This was a chance for the lower ish people to go to the new world and get more wealth than they could have ever dreamed of - Peninsulares were given land in exchange to watch over the colonies (non - Spanish born people)

After Cromwell

- son Charles II is made king (closet catholic)

Spanish Inquisition

- the destruction (persecution of) of the Jews and Muslims in order to avoid a reformation in Spain -The king and queen of Spain made sure that anyone who went against Catholicism was dealt with, unlike Italy, etc.

Malay system

- way the Ottoman Empire used to rule their conquered land Ruling by local religious leaders → they people didn't care that they were being run by the Ottoman because daily life did not change Ottoman = Sick Man of Europe, Eastern Question This is how Britain, France and the rest of Europe refers to the Ottoman because as long as the Ottoman survive Russia can't get the warm water ports

Why were the Africans from the Niger Delta Region targeted for slavery?

Africans from the Niger Delta Region were targeted due to their special skill set of tropic farming, as the Portuguese were not used to this type of farming.

Capitalism vs. Mercantilism

BOTH about making money, role of government plays is different Capitalism: government has NO place Mercantilism: Gov, I can make as much money as possible but the government should make laws in order to protect the merchants companies Expect the government to basically make laws so they can set up monopolies

Both Cardinals in France ...

Both (cardinals) bully the kid king → once the kid kings become of age they have absolute power

Cardinal Richelieu

Chief advisor to Bourbons - strengthened the French crown by any means necessary


Child of European (creole) man and native american women = Mestizos


Child of European man and African background = Mulattos


Christine born man taken and were taken by the Ottoman as a tax, technically they were enslaved however, they were going to have better lives and be well respected but they had to fight for the Ottomans → they will be rewarded for fighting for Sultan → this is because the Muslim people believed it was beneath them to use gunpowder weapons

Columbian Exchange

Connection of Western and Eastern Worlds

English Commonwealth

Cromwell - military dictatorship but everyone loves him so no one protests

Spanish Systems of government/rule in New World

Encomienda System: Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattos, Native Americans, Slaves

Who supported the Ottoman's during their downfall, and why?

Europe supports the Ottoman empire during their downfall so that Russia can't get the warm water seaports If Russia wasn't shut off from the rest of the world with their population and resources they would have become as powerful as England

James II - Charles II bro

Full out Catholic - Divine Rights of King - Parliament ask William and Mary to come in and take control of England

Atlantic Slave Trade

Gold is a finite resource and eventually it will run out Trans-Saharan gold for salt trade has dried up Also, Spain now gets their gold from the New World and not longer needs it from Africa

Where was the highest percent of slaves?


Charles was elected Holy Roman Emperor by German princes

He now controlled land in France, Netherlands, Austria & Germany Spain fought France for control of Italy Spain fought Ottoman Empire for control of Hungary Defended Catholicism in Germany from Protestants Retired in 1556 - abdicated the throne

Cardinal Mazarin

Increased the new bureaucratic class and power of the crown

How did Russia unify and expand into Siberia?

Ivan III declares independence and is able to defeat the Mongols, and rids them from all of Russia. Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) then solidifies Russia using brutal tactics and eliminates feudalism by ordering the peasants of Russia to go to Siberia and if they can conquer the people and the land it will be theirs

Glorious Revolution

Mary and William of Netherlands come and invade England with the permission of Parliament taking title of King and Queen from James II

Define mercantilism and why it arose in 16th century Europe

Mercantilism is very similar to capitalism in respect to money making. However, they have differing views of how government should participate in regulation and protection. In mercantilism it is believed that trade creates wealth and is started by the accumulation of profitable balances, which the government should allows and create laws in order to protect companies that participate in this system.

Age of Exploration of Discovery

Portuguese and Spain, Chris Colum. accidentally found the Americas on his way to India and the China - brought wealth to Europe and they no longer needed to trade with China to get luxury goods

What components allowed for transoceanic voyages in the Western Hemisphere by the late 15th century?

Portuguese development of a school for navigation led to increased travel to and trade with West Africa, and resulted in the construction of a global trading-post empire. Developments in cartography and navigation also lead to the exploration and discovery of the Western Hemisphere. As well as, the Spanish sponsorship of the first Colombian and subsequent voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade.

Japan - Tokugawa Shogunate

Ruled by the Shogun - emperor still just a figurehead -Power is taken away from the Emperor (he cannot be overtaken because he is the emperor = holy connection) - Shogunate also takes power from other Japanese nobility - And create rigid social caste - Move capital to Edo - Prohibit Japanese from traveling abroad And foreign travelers

What is a European Empire that did not establish a maritime empire in the Americas?

Russia -> didnt have access to warm water ports

Islamic Gunpowder Empires

Safavid, Ottoman, Mughal

Charles I (son of James I)

Signs Petition of Rights - was so desperate for money, if parliament gives him the money he says he will limit taxes, and stop unlawful imprisonment, and limit his power BUT after he receives the money he ignore sit - disbands parliament for 11 years

What geographic impact did the mining of silver by the Spanish in America have on the region?

Silver mining in the Americas devastated the lives of the natives as they were forced to work under terrible conditions. However, for the European economy silver mining gave them the upper hand over China as they no longer needed to trade with them in order to get various luxury items. → by mining for silver you are destroying what is on the land → destroying natural land → because you are using that land you can no longer farm on that land, use it for agricultural people

Who began to increasingly control international trade after 1450?

Spain and Portugal began increasing international trade with the support of elite society members who funded various expeditions.

Reason slaves were brought to the new world

Sugar plantations → in the Americas (mostly in the South, mostly tropics) First Cash Crop in America was Tobacco and then cotton

Who are considered the Gunpowder Empires and why?

The "Gunpowder Empires" are the Mughal, Ottoman, and Safavid. They are called the "Gunpowder Empires" because they utilized gunpowder and other modern technologies in order to take over vast amounts of land, and control that land after conquering it.

Define the Columbian Exchange and give examples of its impact in terms of products found throughout the world.

The Columbian Exchange was the European colonization of the Americas that led to the spread of diseases from the Eastern Hemisphere such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. As well as the transfer of vermin. It also spread the crops of the Americas such as maize, potatoes, and manioc, which then became staple crops in Europe.

Describe, in detail, the encomienda system of rule

The encomienda system was the Spanish organization of hierarchical society and how they were to govern the New World. It was comprised of 1) the Peninsulares who were born in Spain and sent to govern the colonies and had the most power, 2) the Creoles who were born in the colonies but children of the Peninsulares and had some rights, 3) the Mestizos who were people with both Native American and European ancestry and had few rights, 4) the Mulattos people with African and European ancestry who had very minimal rights, and finally the Native Americans and Slaves has not rights at all.

Select one early and vital trade route that went into decline by the mid 18th century and why?

Trans Saharan Gold for Salt Trade "drys up" because the gold in Africa had "dried up" and there are new places such as the Americas, to get gold. Sea trade is a new big deal → no longer need land routes Your can move more on cargo ships then on road

What was the treaty that the Pope created to stop Spain and Portugal to not fighting?

Treaty of Tordesillas Line of demarcation East → Portugal West → Spain

Triangular Trade

Western society, China, Europe

30 Years War - Treaty of Westphalia

a religious war that turned into a major war - devastated the region and significantly weakened the role of the Holy roman emperors and bring the rise of hundreds of small nation-states in the region

Louis XIV "sun king"

bad wars = need money= france in bad economic situation = his beheading

King Ferdinand and Isabella

consolidate authority, support exploration, CATHOLICISM, SPANISH ARMADA

Henry IV

converts to Catholicism to ensure france remains catholic,

England: King Henry

creates his own church

what did the Colombian exchange, exchange?

disease, silver ,gold, crops (maize, potatoes, manioc), vermin, horses, pigs, cattle, etc., religion

Holy Roman system

feudal system - while rest of europe centralized = weak

Jame I: Jamestown

he begins the fighting between catholics and protestants - why the puritans flee to the US - first king to set up colony in America

Charles believes in King's divines right

he takes it a step further and believes no one is above him

Empire grew considerably under Charles V (Habsburg fam)

originated in Austria, marriage between Austria and Spain (Isabella and Ferdinand)

Millet System

pockets of people, they tell them, "pay your taxes and elect one of your local people and they can run local government" → your daily life remains exactly the same

German Areas (Holy Roman Empire)

present day Austria and Germany

Defeat of the Spanish Armada by England

results in the beginning of Spain's downfall

Edict of Nantes

shows tolerance to the French Protestants (Huguenots)

Spain's best exports from the new World

silver and gold


the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism.

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great

tried to catch Russia up to the Western World

Spanish Inquisition

wanted Spain to be all Catholic - Force conversion - Brutal tactics

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