concept quiz 6.1

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Reflex What distinguishes a reflex from an instinct?

An instinct is a more complex behavior than a reflex.

Nonassociative Which of the following is an example of nonassociative learning?

Andrea recently learned how to drive a car. At first she found merging into highway traffic very stressful, but now she can do it with ease.

Stimuli The formation of associations between two stimuli that occur sequentially in time is referred to as ____.

Classical conditioning

Key What is a key distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

Classical conditioning generally works best with involuntary, reflexive behaviors; operant conditioning involves voluntary behaviors.

Sensitization Why is the process of sensitization advantageous?

It improves reaction time.

Experience Which process below is defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience?


Learning Learning is traditionally divided into three categories: associative, nonassociative, and ____.


Associative Why does associative learning provide an enormous survival advantage?

Organisms are able to predict the future and thus are given time to prepare for future events.

Angel As Angel speeds down Elm Avenue, he suddenly slams on his brakes to avoid a collision with another car. Angel's response is an example of ____.

a learned behavior

Dog Sara allows her dog, Isabel, to run freely at a local park. When a truck drives by and its engine backfires loudly, Isabel quickly jumps up on her hind legs and barks loudly. Isabel's response illustrates ____.

a reflex

Jim Jim and his father are watching the ball game on television. Jim's father starts to yawn and Jim soon follows. This is an example of ____.

an instinct

Unchanging If people are continuously exposed to an unchanging stimulus that they know will not cause them harm, they will most likely ____.

habituate to the stimulus

Learning Learning that involves changes in the magnitude of responses to a specific stimulus is referred to as ____ learning. This type of learning does not involve the formation of connections between stimuli.


Modeling _____ is also known as social learning or modeling and occurs when one organism learns by watching the actions of another organism.

observational learning

Consequences The process of associating a behavior with its consequences is known as ____.

operant conditioning

Inevitable Inevitable, involuntary responses to stimuli that are primarily controlled by circuits located in the spinal cord and brainstem are referred to as ____.


Devastating After a devastating fire that destroyed her home, Lisbeth finds that she is startled by the sound of car horns and sirens, the smell of smoke, and loud noises. This is an example of ____.


Nervous In humans, most reflexes are controlled by nervous system circuits located in the ____.

spinal cord and brainstem

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