Concepts of DC Final 4-6

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Resistors of 10,40,and 8 ohms are in parallel what's the total conductance?


With power removed from a shorted parallel circuit an ohmmeter will measure what across all branches

0 ohms

How much is the voltage across a shorted component in a series circuit


V1 of 25V is series opposing with V2 of 25V what's the total voltage?


10V/10k ohms is equal to:


A series circuit with an applied voltage of 12V contains a 10 ohm resistor and a 50 ohm resistor, what will the current value be:


A 12ohm and an 18ohm resistor are in series. The current flow is 150mA how much voltage exists


V1 of 25V is series aiding with V2 of 25V what is the total voltage


Three 18ohm resistors are in parallel what's the Req?

6 ohms

80v is applied over 2 resistors in series of V1=20V how much is V2


A series circuit containing resistance values of 10, 20, and 30 ohms has a total resistance value of:

60ohms 10+20+30

A 56ohm and 82ohm resistor are in series with an unknown resistor if Rt is 200ohms what is the value of the unknown resistor


A 120k ohm resistor and a 180k ohm are in parallel what's the Req?

72k ohms

Series circuit has voltage drops of 20V, 25V, and 30V. How much is the total applied voltage?


Series circuit has applied voltage of 10v, R1=3 ohms R2= 7ohms and total current of 1 amp. What is the voltage drop across R2?


Two 2.2k resistors are in parallel what's the Voltage applied of the current is 7.5mA

8.25 volts

In series circuits with the same current through all resistors the largest resistance must have the:

Largest IR voltage drop across it

What's the equation for total power in a series circuit.

Pt=P1+P2+P3 Vt x I I squared x Rt

A 2k ohm and 30k ohm resistor are in series with a 60v source which dissipates less power?


In a series parallel circuit if Rt is to be determined which of the following formulas should be used


How many parallel strings can be in a series parallel circuit:

any number

There can be more than two parallel resistances in a bank and:

any number of banks in a series

Each path for current is a parallel circuit is called a


To find the resistance of an entire series parallel circuit:

combine parallel resistances in each bank and add the series resistances

The reciprocal of resistance is


What would happen to the branch currents in a parallel circuit if one of the branches became shorted

currents decrease to zero

The term trouble shoot means to:

diagnose or analyze

The power in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the power________by the individual resistance of the parallel branches.


Branch current equals the voltage applied across the branch

divided by total resistance in the branch

The Req of a parallel circuit may be found by _______ the common voltage across all resistances (by, to, from) the total current of the branches.


A short circuit has an extremely high resistance path for current flow


A short circuit has infinite resistance


Components to be connected in parallel are not usually wired directly across each other, With the entire parallel combination connected to the voltage source.


Current is the same in all parts of a series circuit except when more than one resistor is used.


If resistance is not equal in all branches the combined equivalent resistance equals the value of one branch resistance divided by the number of branches


In a parallel circuit the branch with the lowest resistance always has the least current


Kirchhoffs current law states total current in the main line in a parallel circuit equals the product of the individual branch currents.


Removing one branch from a parallel circuit causes the total current to increase because there is less resistance in the circuit


The total current in a series circuit must equal the sum of all individual branch currents


There can be only two parallel strings and only one series resistance in a string


There cannot be more than two parallel resistances in a bank and any number of banks in series


Total current is equal to total voltage multiplied by total resistance:


Electron flow

flows from negative to positive

If one branch of a parallel circuit is shorted

fusee will blow and all other lines are shorted

When a parallel path contains series resistors both resistors :

have the same current

The total power needed to produce current in each series resistor in a series circuit is used up in the form of


The measurement of a resistance in an open circuit is:


In a parallel circuit the branch with the highest resistance always has the:

least current

The equivalent resistance of a parallel circuit must be _____ than the smallest branch resistance.


Putting more resistance into a parallel circuit

lowers equivalent resistance

The pair of leads connecting all the branches to a voltage source is the

main line

The pair of leads connecting all the branches to the terminals of the voltage source is the

main line

In electron flow what is the polarity of a voltage drop across a resistor?

negative where electrons enter and positive where they exit

If one branch in a parallel circuit opens the:

other branch currents remain the same

Components that are in one current path without any branch points are in:


Any circuit that combines both series and parallel connections is a

series parallel circuit

What type circuit is used when it is necessary to obtain different voltage and current values from a single supply voltage


The base unit for conductance is the


When series resistors are connected in parallel the series resistors form a


For any one resistance in a string the current in the string multiplied by the resistance equals the

the IR drop across that particular resistance

The voltage across an open in a series circuit equals

the applied voltage

Electrically isolates means:

the resistance between each ground is infinite ohms

Series components can be defined as those in:

the same current path

Kirchhoffs voltage law states that:

the sum of all voltage drops in a series equals applied voltage

The sum of the branch currents for all parallel strings equals the:

total current

As more branches are added to a parallel circuit

total current increases

A combination of parallel branches is often called a bank


A short within a series parallel circuit does not necessarily mean that the circuit will draw excessive current from the voltage source.


Adding parallel resistances decreases the total equivalent resistances


Components can be connected in parallel even if they are not connected to a voltage source


Current is the movement of electric charge between two points produced by the applied voltage.


In parallel circuit the pair of leads connecting all the branches to the terminals of the voltage source is the main line


Series aiding voltages are added


Series opposing voltages are subtracted


The current in an open circuit is zero in all components


The sum of the series IR drops in the string equals the voltage across the entire string


Voltage polarity describes the positive and negative ends of a potential difference across a component such as a resistor


When parallel bank exists in a series path, both resistors have the same voltage but the individual branch currents are less than the series current


When a parallel bank exists in a series path both resistors have the same


If the fuse in the main line of a parallel circuit opens

voltage and currents will be zero

The current in an open branch of a parallel circuit is


A short circuit in a branch of a parallel circuit has

zero resistance

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